Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1997 No. 49 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. fer, or use of any chemical weapon or bio- ONE HUNDRED DAYS UNTIL EL- The Chaplain, Rev. James David logical weapon, and to reduce the threat of DERLY AND DISABLED LEGAL Ford, D.D., offered the following acts of terrorism or armed aggression involv- IMMIGRANTS LOSE SSI BENE- prayer: ing the use of any such weapon against the FITS United States, its citizens, or Armed Forces, Since You have created each person, or those of any allied country, and for other (Mr. LEVIN asked and was given per- O God, and have breathed into all peo- purposes. mission to address the House for 1 ple the very breath of life, we offer The message also announced that minute and to revise and extend his re- these words of prayer and thanksgiving pursuant to Public Law 104±201, the marks.) for the mighty gifts of life that we cel- Chair, on behalf of the majority leader, Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, in exactly ebrate each day. after consultation with the Democratic 100 days many thousands of elderly and When we contemplate our blessings leader, appoints the following individ- disabled legal immigrants in our coun- and as we meditate on our responsibil- uals as members of the Commission on try will lose their only source of finan- ities, we become more aware of the Maintaining United States Nuclear cial support, SSI, unless this Congress grandeur of Your creation and the maj- Weapons Expertise: Henry G. Chiles, acts. esty of Your gifts to us. May we use Jr. of Virginia; and Robert A. Hoover This is not about welfare reform, it is these gifts wisely and courageously as of Idaho. about community responsibility. It is we seek to be Your people, doing the f not about moving a young parent from works of faith and hope and love. This welfare to work, but about elderly peo- is our earnest prayer. Amen. THE REPUBLICAN AGENDA ple who cannot work. It is not about f (Mr. EWING asked and was given per- people who came here illegally, but mission to address the House for 1 THE JOURNAL people who came here under our laws, minute and to revise and extend his re- who now find themselves disabled, The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- marks.) most often because of age and illness: ined the Journal of the last day's pro- Mr. EWING. Mr. Speaker, I come Asian-Americans caught up in the ceedings and announces to the House here today to talk about the Repub- Vietnam war, often fighting on our his approval thereof. lican agenda. I think that it is fitting side; Arab-Americans, many of whom Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- and proper that we start to con- fled the land of Saddam Hussein; peo- nal stands approved. centrate on those important areas of ple who, despite in numerous cases f business left to this body and to this having defended their native land Congress. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE against Nazi invaders, left because of Crime is and remains an important Soviet persecution against Jewish fam- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman issue in the 15th District of Illinois and ilies; Hispanic-Americans dislocated by from Ohio [Mr. TRAFICANT] come for- is an important part of our agenda. Se- war or in pursuit of family reunifica- ward and lead the House in the Pledge curing our borders from threats of ille- tion. of Allegiance. gal entry by those trafficking drugs is When the President signed the Per- Mr. TRAFICANT led the Pledge of very important in our battle to win the sonal Responsibility Work Opportunity Allegiance as follows: war on crime and drugs. Reconciliation Act, he made it com- As recently as last Sunday, a Sunday I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the pletely clear he would propose legisla- evening news program, an expose as United States of America, and to the Repub- tion this year to correct the provisions you would have it, talked about the op- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, on legal immigrants. Today I am intro- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. eration of our border patrols as we deal ducing the bill that the President has with those coming into our country f proposed. who may be bringing drugs into this MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE country. I think it was shocking to the f A message from the Senate by Mr. American people. It was to me. If the Lundregan, one of its clerk, announced evidence put forth in this television WORLD BANK GIVING AMERICAN that the Senate had passed a bill of the program were even partially true, we DOLLARS AWAY following title in which the concur- have a serious problem with our own (Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was rence of the House is requested: enforcement. given permission to address the House S. 495. An act to provide criminal and civil Mr. Speaker, it is time to move on for 1 minute and to revise and extend penalties for the unlawful acquisition, trans- and to check this out. his remarks.) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1717 H1718 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE April 23, 1997 Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, the nology Week is an informal public edu- America should be proud of its immi- World Bank, funded by American dol- cation outreach program of the Na- grants and ashamed of the new welfare lars, just gave another $250 million to tional Science Foundation. law. Russian coal miners. The problem is no National Science and Technology f one knows what happened to the first Week is celebrated across the country, $250 million. That is right, bye-bye, providing special opportunities in com- H.R. 400 IS THE STEAL AMERICAN $250 million. munities throughout the Nation to no- TECHNOLOGIES ACT Now, if that is not enough to massage tice the major impact and importance (Mr. ROHRABACHER asked and was your chapter 11, check this out: Rus- that science and technology have on all given permission to address the House sian officials say the $250 million is aspects of our daily lives. for 1 minute and to revise and extend lost. Where is the money, Mr. Speaker? This year's theme is ``Webs, Wires his remarks.) Since 1992, $7 billion of American and Waves: The Science and Tech- Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, money going to the World Bank ends nology of Communication.'' This theme today, H.R. 400 comes before the House up in Russia. Where is the money? recognizes the impact that tele- of Representatives for amendment and I say, while the World Bank, with communications has had in shrinking for an up and down vote. I call H.R. 400 American dollars, is providing jobs for the world and bringing people world- the Steal American Technologies Act, Soviet and old Soviet Russian coal wide closer together. so it is a good thing that we have dis- miners, American coal workers are get- Today, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., the Na- cussed this bill on Science and Tech- ting pink slips and black lung. tional Science Foundation will again nology Week. Beam me up. I say somebody at the offer its ``Ask a Scientist or Engineer'' The fact is H.R. 400 would change the World Bank is smoking dope and they hotline by telephone and the Internet. fundamental protections that have are inhaling. I think we need some The toll-free number for this public been in place guarding America's tech- common sense here. Yield back the bal- service is 1±800±682±2716. Online access nological secrets and our innovation ance of our carcinogens involved with will be provided throughout the week since the founding of our Republic. this. at [email protected]. b 1415 I encourage my fellow Members to f It changes these fundamental protec- strongly support this program and join tions. It guts the patent system. H.R. PRESENT TO AMERICAN PEOPLE with me in celebrating National 400 would mandate that all of our tech- AN HONEST AND RESPONSIBLE Science and Technology Week, and if nological secrets be published so our BALANCED BUDGET PLAN my colleagues did not catch the tele- worst enemies will be able to use our phone numbers or the Internet address, (Mr. GUTKNECHT asked and was innovations and technologies against feel free to call my office and get the given permission to address the House us even before our patents are issued. correct numbers. for 1 minute.) I ask my colleagues to join me in de- Mr. GUTKNECHT. Mr. Speaker, we f feating H.R. 400, which is a Pearl Har- talk about the 104th Congress as being NEW WELFARE REFORM LAW UN- bor attack on America's technological a historic Congress. Well, we have an lead. Future generations of Americans opportunity in this Congress to do JUST, UNNECESSARY, AND UN- AMERICAN will suffer if we let this dismal, this something historic as well: to present terrible bill through. I would ask my the American people with an honest (Mr. GUTIERREZ asked and was colleagues to join me in defeating H.R.
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