The Specification Carlton and Granville Centres Site

Procurement of Contract for the South Kilburn Regeneration Programme Architecturally-led Multidisciplinary Design Team for the Carlton and Granville Centres Site, South Kilburn, Borough of Brent

(Procurement by Electronic Tender)


The redevelopment of the Carlton and Granville Centres site as part of the South Kilburn regeneration programme, will continue the transformation of South Kilburn by providing a high quality mixed use development. The delivery of much needed new and improved facilities for enterprise and the community along with new high quality homes both affordable and private will provide a new mixed use development for the existing and future community.


1.1 The Carlton and Granville Centres redevelopment site (please refer to Appendix 2 – Carlton and Granville Centres Site Boundary) sits within the South Kilburn Masterplan area and forms part of phase 4 of the South Kilburn Regeneration Programme (within the new South Kilburn Supplementary Planning Document which was adopted by Cabinet in June 2017 appendix 10).

1.2 Having generated a real momentum through the delivery of phases 1 and 2a of the South Kilburn regeneration programme, the Council is keen to bring forward the delivery of this Project which will deliver enterprise and community facilities, and new homes. Authority to progress the Project to the next stage was given by the Council’s Cabinet in November 2016 (please refer to appendix 3 – Item 9)

1.3 The Council is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced, commercially-grounded architecturally-led design team to:

1.3.1 Lead a full design team to prepare, submit and ensure the validation of a full planning application for the comprehensive redevelopment of the Carlton and Granville Centres Site:

a full planning application (detailed design to RIBA Stage 3) for (i) an Enterprise Hub (ii) Nursery School (iii) Community Facilities (iv) Housing and (v) Outdoor soft and hard landscaping and play (with separate space for the Nursery School)

The Client requires that the Full Planning Application will be to the quality and standard as required by the Council and will contain all necessary planning application documentation (and associated documentation) that will allow the Full Planning Application to be validly determined by the Local Planning Authority.

1.3.2 Use reasonable endeavours to obtain a planning permission and any associated or required statutory consents for the comprehensive redevelopment of the Carlton and Granville Centres site.

1.3.3 Produce a RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design and prepare a full RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design tender pack of information for the development. The RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design tender pack of information will include plans and drawings to support the procurement process to appoint a delivery partner and respond to all design related clarifications, parts will require detailed specifications and this is outlined in more detail.

1.3.4 Lead on all aspects of consultation with all key stakeholders. The Preferred Tenderer will be required to plan, run, facilitate and manage consultation with all key stakeholders, both statutory and non-statutory, on the redevelopment proposals. This will include, but not be limited to, consulting with all current users/future users of the Centres and running design groups with the stakeholders, liaising with the Authority (GLA) (as appropriate as the GLA are currently funding an interim Enterprise Hub in the Granville Centre), leading on the delivery of public consultations and exhibitions on the design

proposals, leading on the establishment and delivery of a resident’s design group to review the design proposals for the new homes, producing all consultation materials and keeping a record of responses received which will feed into the Statement of Community Involvement, to be submitted with the Full Planning Application. The Preferred Tenderer will be required to plan, run, facilitate and manage specialist consultation events in relation to the proposed uses to ensure the proposals are fit for purposes for the proposed uses.

1.3.5 Work with the Council’s cost consultant and other consultants as required (once appointed) to evolve the design in line with financial and viability testing to ensure a viable redevelopment scheme. The Council envisages design variations and changes in unit numbers, space requirements and design at each design stage in response to financial and viability testing and feedback from the market on efficiencies.


2.1 The South Kilburn estate (“the Estate”) is located in the south of the borough of Brent and sits between Kilburn to the east; Queen’s Park to the north-west and extends towards Maida Vale in the south. The Estate has long been in need of major capital investment. The Estate was predominantly built during the 1960s and 1970s following slum clearance and shows symptoms of some of the worst forms of experimental urban planning of those years: brutal tall buildings, deck access, dead ends, raised walkways and cul-de-sacs. Many of the homes are of very poor quality (particularly those that were of the Bison system of construction) and have fundamentally flawed designs resulting in poorly defined and oppressive areas between buildings that are low quality, disparate and poorly defined open and public and private spaces. Over time, these inherent flaws have combined with ageing facilities, and the increased costs of management and maintenance are such that the Council considered there is a need for comprehensive redevelopment of the Estate. The costs of repair and refurbishment of the Estate to decent homes programme standards would be significant and would not address the fundamental inadequacies of the homes within the Estate as a whole.

2.2 A masterplan for the regeneration of South Kilburn was produced in 2004 to set a framework for radical change to the physical form of the Estate. The South Kilburn Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted in 2005, and provides planning policy support for the masterplan. A South Kilburn Masterplan Review was carried out in 2016 and a South Kilburn SPD has completed consultation and went to the Council’s Cabinet in June 2017 where the adoption of the South Kilburn SPD was approved. The SPD is available at appendix 10. The SPD will be an important document in determining how South Kilburn transforms over the next 10-15 years. It will include key planning objectives and policies, providing guidance for the development of a number of sites within the South Kilburn area.

Vision for South Kilburn (South Kilburn SPD 2017)

 New high quality, well designed sustainable urban homes;  A safe and secure neighbourhood, with a sense of place and belonging;  An integrated population of new and established residents;  An enhanced and improved change in the quality of the public realm;

 Enhanced local training and employment opportunities;  Increased quality of education, retail, health and community facilities;  Full integration of the South Kilburn estate into the local surrounding neighbourhood.

2.3 The Council currently acts as master developer in South Kilburn, led by the Regeneration Board. The Council is committed to transforming the area and is willing to take direct responsibility for delivery. A bespoke funding and delivery model has been established which ensures that the Council’s absolute commitment to quality is not compromised. The masterplan area (please refer to Appendix 4 page 20) has been parcelled up into a series of development sites within phases. In order to ensure that quality is not comprised at any point, the Council has thus far undertaken design to RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design (or equivalent), secured planning permission, cleaned up the title and secured vacant possession of the sites that have been delivered. These de-risked sites have then been disposed. The land receipts have then been recycled back into the South Kilburn regeneration programme.

2.4 In addition to the Estates Regeneration Board, for this particular project, the Council has established a Key Stakeholder Project Board. Although the Council will remain the client, the Lead Consultant will also be required to engage and report to this Project Board. This is considered essential to fulfil the Council’s commitment to consultation and collaboration with Key Stakeholders.

2.5 The new South Kilburn regeneration programme phasing comprises of eight phases. In summary, the first two phases of the South Kilburn regeneration programme are complete. These two phases have delivered 639 affordable units and 434 private units. There are a further four sites with planning in place which will deliver 205 affordable units and 446 private units. Brent Council has just agreed to appoint Telford Homes Plc., with Notting Housing Group as the nominated registered provider for the Gloucester House and Durham Court site which is due to deliver a total of 236 homes, public open space and space for the South Kilburn District Energy Centre, where work is due to start on site in late 2017. The “Peel” site includes housing, a health centre with flexible first floorspace, retail units and new public space, this site is adjacent to the Carlton and Granville Centres site, the procurement process for this site has begun. To date the programme has delivered a number of award winning developments, and the Council aims to continue to deliver award winning developments.

2.6 A project management approach will be adopted to manage risks and for decision making, the Preferred Tenderer will be expected to work within this framework. However, the Preferred Tenderer will also need to be prepared to be flexible on occasion and adapt to issues that arise through the design process. This could include, but not be limited to, viability, phasing requirements, ground condition and services issues that will need to be worked through the project lifecycle. The Preferred Tenderer will work under the direction of a project manager or other consultants or officers appointed by the Council. The Preferred Tenderer shall direct all communications with the Council through the project manager who will manage the Project from the Client side to ensure it is delivered on time and on budget. A Key Stakeholders Project Board has been established for this project which brings together Councillors, Council officers and representatives from the users/future users of the Carlton and Granville Centres. The Design Team will provide updates to this Board.

2.7 Since a delivery partner has not yet been selected for the Carlton and Granville Centres sites it is not possible to guarantee use of the design team beyond RIBA Stage 3, although this has been secured in the past.

2.8 Monitoring of performance will be undertaken in design team meetings guided by a project programme agreed between the Council and the Preferred Tenderer at inception. The Preferred Tenderer will be required to meet all major milestones. Payment will be dependant upon achieving these milestones and on delivering quality work that meets the Council’s requirements as outlined in this Specification.


The following expressions shall have the following meaning in this Specification:

3.1 The “Client” refers to the London Borough of Brent, as represented by authorised officers of the London Borough of Brent;

3.2 The “Council” or “Brent Council” refers to the Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Brent;

3.3 “Carlton and Granville Centres site” refers to the Carlton Centre, Granville Rd, London NW6 5RA and the Granville (Plus) Centre, 80 Granville Rd, London NW6 5RA and all those uses located within these buildings and the wider site these buildings sit on.

3.4 “Preferred Tenderer” means the means the Tenderer that is commissioned to lead a full design team to undertake the Services outlined in this document, The Specification;

3.5 “RIBA Stage 1” refers to Stage 1 (preparation and brief) of the RIBA Plan of Work 2013

3.6 “RIBA Stage 2” refers to Stage 2 (concept design) of the RIBA Plan of Work 2013

3.7 “RIBA Stage 3” refers to Stage 3 (developed design) of the RIBA Plan of Work 2013

3.8 “Tenderers” means the organisations being invited to respond to this Specification.

3.9 “Key Stakeholder” means the following who comprise the Key Stakeholders Project Board: - Barnardo’s - Granville Plus Children’s Centre, Concord Café, Granville Community Kitchen and Otherwise Club (joint representation), Granville Plus Nursery School, South Kilburn Trust, Brent Council Lead Member and Ward Councillors and Brent Officers, along with those others identified in the terms of reference for the Key Stakeholders Project Board (see section 7.18). As well as those statutory stakeholders for planning purposes.

3.10 “Key Stakeholder Project Board” means the Project Board of the Key Stakeholders

3.11 “Stakeholder” an individual or organisation with an interest or concern in the project who is not a key stakeholder

3.12 “Enterprise Hub” –refers to an Enterprise Hub and Community Space. In terms of the Enterprise Hub, this is shared workspace for start-ups and for established small to medium sized businesses and organisations. The space will offer a mix of hot-desking and dedicated desks in open spaces, and studio spaces/offices, plus access to meeting and event rooms, a café, and other services to support growing businesses and organisations.


4.1 The Council’s Client team will include a project manager, cost consultants and other consultants and Council officers as required who are not identified in the Design Team.

4.2 The Key Stakeholders Project Board is to be a key consultee on this project and will receive updates from the Design Team.


5.1 Background briefs of the current and future users of the Carlton and Granville Centres (Appendix 1);

5.2 Carlton and Granville Centres site Boundary and Site Plan (Appendix 2). Note on the plan where there is a nursery section on the ground floor in the Granville Centre (0/062), this is used by Barnardo’s Children Centre

5.3 Council Cabinet Report November 2016 (including consultation report)(Appendix 3); Item 9

5.4 South Kilburn Masterplan (Appendix 4) Final Proposal Highlights document

5.5 South Kilburn SPD 2017 (Appendix 5); residents/planning-and-building-control/planning-guides/supplementary-planning-guides/

5.6 Phase 1 Design Brief (for the interim Enterprise Hub) (Appendix 6);

5.7 Site surveys completed to date for the Carlton and Granville Centres Site (Appendix 7) available at ITT stage

5.8 RCKa Feasibility and Vision (these are early works completed for information and do not indicate final aspirations) (Appendix 8)

5.9 RCKa Phase 1 work (Appendix 9) Consultation Boards, and Planning Application - Reference Number 17/2914 applications/

5.10 Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG17) Design Guide for New Development, London Borough of Brent (Appendix 10);

5.11 Design and Sustainability Standards (Appendix 11); available at ITT stage

5.12 Draft Project Programme Overview (Appendix 12);

5.13 Planning Requirements Checklist (Appendix 13); available at ITT stage

5.14 Heritage Assessment report (Appendix 14)

5.15 Consultation Strategy (Appendix 15)

5.16 Communication Strategy (Appendix 16) this document is not available but will be provided to the preferred tenderer when available

5.17 Adopted Statement of Community Involvement (Appendix 17)


6.1 The Carlton and Granville Centres are located within the heart of South Kilburn, with a frontage onto Carlton Vale to the south. It has excellent existing pedestrian links to Queen’s Park and Kilburn Park Underground stations, as well as being within walking distance of the amenities of Queen’s Park to the north-west, Maida Vale to the south- east and Kilburn to the north-east. The site is bounded by the “Peel” site which Brent Planning Committee resolved to grant planning permission for 226 units, a health centre with flexible first floorsapce, retail units and new public space and the completed Merle Court to the West. To the North is Granville Road and the Granville New Homes development, completed in 2009, beyond which is the South Kilburn conservation area. To the East is the Educational and Cultural Centre IR Iran and to the South across Carlton Vale is predominantly South Kilburn Open Space and partly housing to the West. The redevelopment proposals for Carlton and Granville Centres site must have regard for its relationship with neighbouring development sites, buildings to be retained and sites to be redeveloped in subsequent phases of the South Kilburn regeneration programme.

6.2 The Carlton and Granville Centres site is approximately 0.4 hectares in area. The Carlton and Granville Centres house a number of different community uses. These include:  Barnardo’s Granville Plus Children Centre  Concord Café  Granville Community Kitchen  Granville Plus Nursery School  The Otherwise Club  There is no housing on the site at present  Brent Start has recently ceased its use of the Carlton Centre (the last class finished in July 2017)

6.3 The proposed use of the Carlton and Granville Centres is for an Enterprise Hub, education (Nursery School), community space and residential development. With the priorities being: to secure a permanent Enterprise Hub, to secure the future of the Nursery School, to secure the future of the Barnardo’s operated Children’s Centre (within the South Kilburn area although not necessarily on this site) and to secure the future of the Granville Community Kitchen and Otherwise Club as being incorporated into the Enterprise Hub space. The proposal is also to include the Concord café community aspects, though not necessary with its café function. The South Kilburn Trust would also be a permanent user of the Enterprise Hub.

6.4 An interim Enterprise Hub is being developed in the Granville Centre to be completed by the end of 2017. RCKa is leading the Design Team for the interim Enterprise Hub and the brief given is at appendix 6. GLA funding has been awarded for this interim

Enterprise Hub. This is to design a purpose built Enterprise Hub and Community Space for start-up businesses and provide a community space, it will result in the move of the South Kilburn Trust and South Kilburn Studios into the Granville Centre in 2017, this is due to run for 5 years or until phase 2 is developed.

6.5 The following site surveys have been carried out and are available in the appendices:

 UK Power Networks  National Grid Gas  Thames Water  Virgin Media  Utilities  A topographic survey and an aboricultural report have been completed for the Granville Centre as part of the interim Enterprise Hub, the Council will commission a topographical survey and aboricultural report for the remainder of the site, along with a ground conditions survey.


7.1 RCKa have completed feasibility/vision work to look at how the Carlton and Granville Centres sites can be developed. These are attached at appendix 8. These are for information and should not be taken as the final ambition for the site, but as work carried out to date. A report was taken to the Cabinet in July 2016 with a subsequent Cabinet report taken to the November 2016 Cabinet. Prior to the November 2016 Cabinet, consultation was carried out with the community and the centre users, full details are available in the November Cabinet report.

Public Consultation  Public Consultation Event held on 1 September 2016 for the Proposed Redevelopment of the Carlton and Granville Centres site. This event was widely leafleted to the local community. A feedback form was available at the event.  South Kilburn Masterplan Review 2nd Public Exhibition – included the Proposed Redevelopment of the Carlton and Granville Centres site. This event was widely leafleted to the local community. A feedback form was available at the event.  The public consultation for the Carlton and Granville Centres site ran from 1- 27 September. Information was available on the Council website along with an online feedback form.

One to One meetings with Occupiers of the two Centres were held, the consultation response for occupiers was extended beyond the public consultation date to give them time to have a one to one meeting and respond:  Brent Start – 6 September 2016  Granville Plus Nursery School – 8 September 2016 (meeting with Headteacher). 23 September 2016 (meeting with parents). 3 October 2016 (Governors meeting)  Barnardo’s Children Centre – 15 September 2016  Granville Community Kitchen and Otherwise Club – 21 September 2016  Concord Café – 5 October 2016

7.2 The November Cabinet paper was subject to a call in by the Councils Resources and Public Realm Scrutiny Committee in November 2016. The proposed redevelopment is high profile and the consultations findings are to be reviewed to understand views on the current buildings.

7.3 The Council would envisage that the site would deliver an Enterprise Hub, Education/Community Space and Housing, with the priorities being: to secure a permanent enterprise hub, to secure the future of the Nursery School, to secure the future of the Barnardo’s operated Children’s Centre (within the South Kilburn area although not necessarily on this site) and to secure the future of the Granville Community Kitchen and Otherwise Club as being incorporated into the Enterprise Hub space. The South Kilburn Trust would also be a permanent user of the Enterprise Hub. The buildings are one of the few original ones in the area and incorporate good quality architecture from that time, so currently provide some value to the streetscene. Within South Kilburn the intention is to create a workspace hub where rents are affordable to assist new business start-up or existing businesses in their early development. This would allow for local residents setting up businesses themselves, or such businesses employing local people. The background information on the current and future occupiers is to be reviewed (appendix 1)

7.4 The Council would seek that a Nursery School would remain on site, though the location within the site may change as part of a redevelopment. One important aspect to note in regard to the Nursery School is the importance placed on the external area which, in an urban area such as South Kilburn where a number of the children can be expected to live in flats with no external play area, provides a safe environment for them to explore; it is also an integral part of the educational aspect of the Nursery School. Therefore the reprovision of suitable external space is key to be delivered as part of any redevelopment and also to ensure space is maintained during any delivery phase.

7.5 The Council would anticipate that the Granville Community Kitchen and the Otherwise Club would integrate within the Enterprise Hub space.

7.6 The Council would envisage that a Children’s Centre would continue to be operated within the South Kilburn area, but that this may not necessarily be from the Carlton and Granville Centres Site, though the intention at this time is that it would stay on this site until more detailed options are examined.

7.7 Brent Start left the Carlton Centre in 2017 as they are developing their own property strategy which will see them reduce their permanent physical presence. As a result there is now vacant space within the Carlton Centre, Brent’s Property Team are currently looking at interim options for this space until the site is developed

7.8 The Concord Café wishes to continue to have a presence within the redevelopment and provision for their functions is to be included. The Concord Café has a wider remit than solely a cafe, it is a safe place for people with learning difficulties and training place for 16-25 year olds, it is also a community meeting place. The Design Team along with the Council would need to consider if a café function is appropriate on this site in the longer term, especially as a new café is proposed as part of the “Peel” site. The community delivery aspect of the Concord Café would look to being retained, if the café is not.

7.9 The Design Team would need to review the requirements of the users for the Carlton and Granville Centre site (see appendix 1) and consider:  Can all functions be housed within a redeveloped site

 Identify what functions such as reception space, kitchens, storage, back office rooms could be shared between services, taking into account security and health and safety  Create an efficient site where the amount of time spaces are not utilised are minimised  Whilst some users/services may wish to expand their service recognise that this may not be possible  Ensure that any space being developed (working with the cost consultant) for a user will be financially viable for the user to afford to deliver their service

7.10 The Council has commissioned a heritage consultant to provide advice in regards to the buildings. Whilst the Council is keen to ensure the site is designed in order to produce the most appropriate and viable scheme and thus maximise the residential element, it is mindful of the role of the Council as a Local Authority tasked with protecting buildings of local heritage and the role these buildings play in the richness of the physical fabric of South Kilburn. Thus any proposal to develop this site must be mindful of this aspect and any replacement facility will be measured against the current buildings. The Design Team working with the cost consultants and reviewing all reports are to design a scheme which is viable and maximises delivery for the community and the Council. This will result in the Design Team making a recommendation as to whether there is to be a complete demolition of the current buildings or retaining all/parts of the current buildings. The Heritage Assessment report is provided (appendix 14)

Interim Enterprise Hub

7.11 There has been ongoing dialogue with the (GLA) in respect of the funding for the Enterprise Hub, who initially were to provide £1.8m towards an Enterprise Hub, however, this came with a tight timescale of delivery of March 2018. Officers reviewed the timescale to determine what could be delivered with the GLA’s March 2018 timescale. It was evident that a new build could not be achieved, and as a result officers, working with the South Kilburn Trust, whom will manage and operate the Enterprise Hub, terms have been agreed by Brent’s Property Services, looked at delivering a Phase 1 option of refurbishing the Granville Centre in the immediate term to provide for a location for the Enterprise Hub which would meet the GLA timetable. With a Phase 2 option (this specification) which looks at the wider redevelopment of the Carlton and Granville Centres being developed in due course. The delivery of Phase 1 will allow for the Nursery School and Barnardo’s Children Centre to stay on site in their current locations. The South Kilburn Trust will relocate their offices to the Granville Centre and the Enterprise Hub (which included community space) will be developed. The Granville Community Kitchen and Otherwise Club are due to have space within the new interim Enterprise Hub, along with the South Kilburn Studios.

Future Management of a Redeveloped Carlton and Granville Centres site

7.12 The Council will need to identify how and who will manage the future site. The Design Team will be required to work with the Council, the Key Stakeholders and the wider Project Team to identify the future operation and management of the site. Financial viability will be key.

Delivery of a high quality residential development

7.13 The Council’s vision for the Carlton and Granville Centres site redevelopment includes to create a residential development that demonstrates an exceptional quality in overall composition, detail and the accommodation that it will provide. The Council through the

revised Masterplan and SPD work anticipates that the following amount of accommodation can be provided on the site alongside the Enterprise and Community facilities which are proposed, this was developed through the Masterplan Review 2016 work. The affordable unit numbers are required to be delivered as part of the overall Masterplan Decant Strategy. 7.14 Size of property Affordable Private

1 Bedroom 6 6

2 Bedrooms 6 7

3 Bedrooms 8 5

4 Bedrooms 2

Total 20 20

7.15 The design of the new homes and the Enterprise Hub and Community Space will need to accord with the Council’s SPG 17 Design Guide for New Development and the Council’s design and sustainability standards (please refer to Appendix 10 - Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG17) Design Guide for New Development and Appendix 11 – Design and Sustainability Standards).

Meaningful and Innovative Consultation with Stakeholders

7.16 With a number of existing and proposed uses within the Carlton and Granville Centres, it is vital that the Council meaningfully consults all stakeholders, in particular (but without limitation) with the following

 All current users of the Carlton and Granville Centres and those who are proposed to occupy the Granville Centre as part of the interim Enterprise Hub

 Secure tenants, as identified by the Council who could become future residents of the affordable housing

 residents of the wider neighbourhood, particularly those who utilise or will utilise the Carlton and Granville Centres

 internal Council stakeholders including Lead Member/ward Councillors, highways, planning (including the Council’s Major Cases Review Panel), public realm, estate regeneration housing team, employment and skills, education and property

 external statutory stakeholders, in particular (but without limitation) the GLA

7.17 The work of the design team will also include proactive consultation and engagement with affected stakeholders, service users and residents with protected characteristics such as:

 the diverse group of children, the majority of whom are from BAME (Black, Asian, and minority ethnic) backgrounds and with English as a second language, attending the Nursery School and Barnardo’s operated Children’s Centre and their parents/families

 SEND (special educational needs and disability) children and service users with disabilities

 Residents, elderly and economically disadvantaged groups who use the Granville Kitchen and Otherwise Club.

7.18 A Key Stakeholders Project Board has already been established for this project which includes:

Barnardo’s - Granville Plus Children’s Centre Concord Café Granville Community Kitchen and Otherwise Club (joint representation) Granville Plus Nursery School South Kilburn Trust London Borough of Brent Lead Member London Borough of Brent – Kilburn Ward Councillors Brent Council Officers – Representatives from:  Estates Regeneration  Property  Communications

The secretariat is provided by London Borough of Brent Estates Regeneration.

To attend as required and to be circulated minutes and papers: Brent Council Officers – Representatives from:  Capital Programme Team  Planning  Brent Start  Procurement  Legal

Business Representative once the Enterprise Hub is established GLA Project Champion – Amar Dave, Strategic Director Regeneration and Environment– non-attending 7.19 A consultation strategy appendix 15 has been developed and in response to this Specification, prospective Tenderers are being asked to submit a strategy which sets out how they propose to lead on all aspects of the consultation with key stakeholders in a meaningful and innovative way. This strategy should set out how prospective Tenderers propose to plan, run, facilitate and manage the consultation sessions including with all key stakeholders, both statutory and non-statutory as follows:

 20 hours is to be provided for engagement with the public which will feed into the Statement of Community Involvement, to be submitted with the Planning Application. Events will need to provide feedback. The approach of this is to be agreed.

 A further 67 hours of consultation with the Key Stakeholders (and their clients) and internal Council Officers will be required. The nature of the contact is to be agreed in advance. This has been developed based on the below, but contact hours will be re-programmed based on needs of the project and the consultation approach.

Draft Consultation Programme

- To attend the Key Stakeholders Project Board, assume to attend up to Eight (8) meetings lasting 2 hours

- To also present to internal Council meetings, assume 3 meetings lasting 1 hour

- Two one to one meetings with all Key Stakeholder organisations (excluding Brent Council), for the avoidance of doubt this is: o Barnardo’s - Granville Plus Children’s Centre o Concord Café o Granville Community Kitchen and Otherwise Club (joint representation) o Granville Plus Nursery School o South Kilburn Trust

- One to one meetings to be two (2) hours in duration.

- Twelve (12) meetings with internal Council Stakeholders. To be two (2) hours in duration. These would not be in additional to pre-planning advice meetings

- Two (2) meetings with secure tenants. To be two (2) hours

- Plus preparation and drafting minutes of all meetings which will feed into the Statement of Community Involvement, to be submitted with the Planning Application.

7.20 Once appointed, the Council will agree a final consultation strategy with the Preferred Tenderer who will consult all Key Stakeholders in accordance with the agreed consultation strategy. The Council will support the Preferred Tenderer in delivering the consultation strategy by attending consultation events (as required).

7.21 The Preferred Tenderer will be responsible for producing and paying for all consultation materials (for the Council’s approval), which will include but not be limited to consultation posters, flyers and exhibition boards. The Preferred Tenderer will also be responsible for keeping a record of responses received which will feed into the Statement of Community Involvement, to be submitted with the Full Planning Application. The project will require an internet page and feedback will be capable of being provided through hand written and electronic means. The Council also requires the collection and collation of equalities data.

7.22 The Council will book and pay for venues for consultation events and pay for leaflet and poster delivery. Therefore, Tenderers do not need to include venue costs and leaflet and poster delivery costs within their overall fee, in the Pricing and Resourcing Document.

7.23 The Council has recently adopted an update Statement of Community Involvement which sets out recommended standards for community engagement, details of which are available here


7.24 The Council requires that a Full Planning Application for the redevelopment of the Carlton and Granville Centres site is submitted no later than September 2018 and that the tender information is completed in time for the planning decision, and updated as required following the planning decision (draft project programme overview appendix 12). This will include reporting to Cabinet prior to Planning Submission. The Council requires that the development is completed by November 2022, to ensure that the overall phasing and decant programme for South Kilburn can be met. The Council would therefore anticipate to be on site by September 2019, but the Design Team will need to ensure that the Design allows for the site to be completed by November 2022 taking into account planning, phasing and build requirements of the site.

7.25 Once appointed, the Council will agree a final project programme with the Preferred Tenderer which will be used by the Client to monitor performance.


8.1 The Preferred Tenderer shall provide multidisciplinary design team services which includes the following core disciplines/services, specialist site surveys and advice:

8.1.1 lead consultant role (architecturally-led);

8.1.2 architectural design services (residential, enterprise, education, community, landscape);

8.1.3 principal designer under CDM

8.1.4 structural engineering services;

8.1.5 mechanical and electrical engineering services;

8.1.6 civil engineering services;

8.1.7 fire engineering services;

8.1.8 planning consultant;

8.1.9 transport consultant;

8.1.10 acoustic/noise consultant;

8.1.11 ecology consultant;

8.1.12 archaeological/heritage assessment (if required in addition to that provided by the Council);

8.1.13 daylight and sunlight assessment;

8.1.14 flood risk assessment (including drainage assessment);

8.1.15 wind microclimate assessment;

8.1.16 air quality assessment;

8.1.17 ventilation and extract statement; and

8.1.18 rights of light risk assessment.

8.1.19 All documents required for planning are to be produced (appendix 13)

8.2 Tenderers must price all the services listed above within their fixed fee. Where appendix 13 states that a requirement is “potential” or “to be confirmed” this cost will set out with the fixed fee, a fixed cost is to be identified should this be required. Tenderers do not need to include statutory planning fees.

8.3 Tenderers do not need to price for Building Control. The Local Authority’s Building Control team will be utilised.

8.4 In addition to the services listed above, Tenderers are also required to provide a fixed fee for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Consultant to undertake an EIA, if required. This will not form part of the fixed fee and will not form part of the commercial scoring.

8.5 A facilities management plan will not form part of the scope of works, but the Design Team will be required to work with the Council, the Key Stakeholders and the wider Project Team to identify the future operation and management of the site.

8.6 If any further services and/or specialist site surveys and/or advice is required in addition to the services listed above post appointment, the Preferred Tenderer shall, on instruction by the Council, obtain a minimum of three quotations for any such service from organisations to be agreed/ approved by the Council and shall provide details of quotations obtained to the Council. This will form a further sub consultant for the Design Team and will not be directly instructed by the Council. The Council reserves the right not to use the quotes provided or to request alternatives.

8.7 If the tenderer at the tender stage identifies any survey or work which they deem would be required, they are to raise this through the clarifications process and the Council will confirm if this is to be included in the bid.

8.8 In regards to BIM, tenderers are asked to provide a fee for providing BIM Level 2. Note that the Specification must be capable of being delivered without this additional fee, if any work would be carried out in BIM as standard, this should not be included in the separate fee.

8.9 The consultant can seek stage payments or monthly payments however the following will apply

RIBA Stage 1 remaining 10% to be held until the stage is signed off to the standard and quality as requested by the employer

RIBA Stage 2 remaining 10% to be held until the stage is signed off to the standard and quality as requested by the employer

RIBA Stage 3:

Up to 50% will be paid up to the point of submission of Planning Application

Up to a further 30% will be paid up to the Planning Committee Approval

The remaining 20% will be paid as follows:

Sign off to the standard and quality as requested by the employer 10% Conclusion of the procurement process for a Delivery Partner 10%

Lead consultant services

8.10 Manage, lead and coordinate all members of the wider design team.

8.11 Collate and review all documents produced by each sub-consultant at each RIBA design stage, in advance of submission to the Client for sign off and in advance of submission of the Full Planning Application. Ensure all planning application documentation is produced in particular (but without limitation) those listed within the planning validation checklist (please refer to Appendix 13).

8.12 Develop a project risk and issues register and update it in advance of every project and design team meeting. The Lead consultant will be expected to attend each Key Stakeholder Project Board which takes place approximately every four to six (4 -6) weeks.

8.13 Organise, resource, coordinate, chair and minute all design team meetings, to be held fortnightly. Hosting of meetings may rotate between the Preferred Tenderer, the Council and possibly members of the wider design team.

8.14 Provide the Council within five (5) working days of any meeting the minutes and/or action points arising from that meeting.

8.15 To maintain a project plan, updated in advance of each project and design team meeting.

Full Planning Application services

8.16 Develop and submit RIBA Stage 1 report. Present Stage 1 to the Key Stakeholders and Regeneration Board for approval.

8.17 Amend/refine report in response to Client comments, consultation and viability.

8.18 Develop RIBA Stage 2 design proposals.

8.19 Present Stage 2 design proposals to the Key Stakeholders and Regeneration Board for approval.

8.20 Submit RIBA Stage 2 report. Amend/refine report in response to Client comments, consultation, viability

8.21 Develop RIBA Stage 3 design proposals.

8.22 Present RIBA Stage 3 design proposals to the Key Stakeholders and Regeneration Board for approval.

8.23 Submit RIBA Stage 3 report. Amend/refine report in response to Client comments, consultation and viability

8.24 Develop 8no. CGIs for approval by the Client to accompany the Full Planning Application.

8.25 Prepare and present a pre-planning application report/presentation to the Planning Committee if required

8.26 Prepare a high quality Full Planning Application to the standard and quality as required by the Council that contains (but without limitation to) those listed within the planning validation checklist (please refer to Appendix 13).

8.27 Submit the Full Planning Application electronically via the Planning Portal and two (2) sets in hardcopy to the Local Planning Authority by registered post, recorded delivery or delivered by hand (or as required by the Local Planning Authority).

8.28 Ensure the Full Planning Application for the Carlton and Granville Centres site contains all the necessary planning application documentation (and associated documentation) that will allow the planning application to be validly determined by the Local Planning Authority.

8.29 Monitor the planning application, including responding to queries from the Local Planning Authority and/or consultees raised during the planning determination period.

8.30 Attend a site walkabout with planning committee members in advance of planning committee.

8.31 Present proposed development at planning committee.

8.32 Produce a detailed site layout.

8.33 Develop detailed floor plans incorporating furniture layouts, refuse strategy, fire strategy, service risers, staircases and lifts, environmental elements and all relevant agreed housing standards.

8.34 Development of all elevations, indicating the agreed materials.

8.35 Submit drawings and specifications to Building Control for approval. Upon appointment, the Preferred Tenderer will need to agree with Building Control a programme for submission of drawings and specifications.

8.36 Work with the Council’s appointed quantity surveyor to ensure a viable scheme is developed.

8.37 All designs must meet the minimum requirements and standards for the use for a site based in Brent and London.

8.38 All designs to meet the minimum requirements as set for the specific use and any appropriate bodies.

Environmental Impact Assessment services

8.39 Prepare and submit an EIA Screening and Scoping Opinion, in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (EIA) ( and Wales) Regulations 1999, to the Local Planning Authority.

8.40 If an EIA is required to be undertaken, appoint and manage the EIA Consultant included within the Tender response as part of the design team.

Stakeholder consultation services

8.41 Plan, run, facilitate and manage consultation with all stakeholders in accordance with the agreed consultation strategy.

8.42 Prepare all consultation material no later than five (5) working days in advance of consultation events, for Council approval.

8.43 Liaise with relevant stakeholders

8.44 Provide to the Council within five (5) working days of all consultation events the minutes/feedback detailing all responses received and recorded which will feed into the Statement of Community Involvement, to be submitted with the Full Planning Application.

RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design services

8.45 Develop and submit a RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design. The RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design stage will include the following:

. specification, scopes and key details of external fabric elements. To include brickwork, mortar type and quality, cladding, key interface details including windows and doors, balconies and balcony drainage, openings, top of parapets, guttering, rainwater goods, waste and bin enclosures. All visible materials should be detailed and materials specified (product and supplier, if applicable);

. specification, scopes and key details of roofs (product and supplier, if applicable);

. specification, scopes and key interface details of feature elements (product and supplier, if applicable);

. specification, scopes and key details of entrances, including threshold details. All visible materials are required to be detailed and materials specified (product and supplier, if applicable);

. specification, scopes and key details of communal internal areas - lobbies and stairways. All visible materials are required to be detailed and materials specified (product and supplier, if applicable); and

. specification, scope and key details of door furniture: numbering, naming and way-finding (product and supplier, if applicable).

. Specification, scope and key details of external space (product and supplier, if applicable).

. For the affordable housing units internal requirements will be required along with specifications of internal details.

. For the non-housing spaces it is key that the plans identify how the space will be used and includes what equipment is required in the space, detailed specifications will be required for these spaces.

8.46 Manage and collate the design aspect of the tender information to ensure that all agreed aspects of quality are enshrined within the tender package.

8.47 To update designs where required, following planning committees decision.

8.48 Prepare plans confirming the development and planning boundaries to inform the tender process.

8.49 Respond to all design related tender clarifications, post submission of the RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design.

8.50 Issue all RIBA Stage 3 Developed Design and Specification drawings in .DWG, Shapefiles and PDF format to inform procurement process.

9 RIBA Stage 4 Technical Design

To include a cost for preparing stage 4 technical design excluding the work already completed under stage 3. Note the stage 4 costs will not form part of the financial scoring, and may be progressed by the Council should it be deemed required.