TI'1rGr TATA TCS/PR/SE-48t2019-20 June 28,2019 National Stock Exchange of India Limited BSE Limited Exchange Plaza, P..I. Towers, Dalal Street Bandra Kurla Complex Mumbai 400001 lVlumbai Scrip Code No.532540 (BSE) Symbol: TCS Dear Sirs, We are sending herewith copy of the Press Release titled "TCS Pace PortrM New York Launch to Set the Pace of Business 4.0rM Innovation" which will be disseminated shortly. Thc Prcss rclcase is self-explanatory Thanking you, Yours faithfully, For Tata Consultancy Services Limited Secretary TATA CO NSU LTANCY SE RVICES Tata Consultancy Services Limited 9th Floor Nirmal Building Nariman point Mumbai 4OOO2L Te!912267789595 Fax912267789660 e-mail
[email protected] website www.tcs.com Registered Office 9th Floor Nirmal Building Nariman point Mumbai 400 021. Corporate ldentif ication N o. (Cl N ) : L222I0MHI995 p 1C084781 TATA CON 5U LTANCY SERVICES qt,a TATN For immediate,'" PRESS RELEASE TCS Pace Port" New York Launch to Set the Pace of Business 4.0r' lnnovation Co-Creotion Center on Cornell Tech Compus Unifies the Best of Tata Consultancy Services' Gtobat Research, lnnovation and Business Tronsformation Services NEW YORK I MUMBAI, June 28, 2019: Tata Consultancv Services (TCS) (BSE: 532540, NSE: TCS), a leading global lT services, consulting and business solutions organization, has launched TCS Pace Port" New york, a new co-innovation and advanced research center designed to help customers successfully navigate their Business 4.0'" transformation journeys. The creative hub, located in the Tata lnnovation Center on the Cornell Tech campus. is a catalyst for multidisciplinary collaboration between TCS, its customers, Cornell Tech students and faculty, and local startups, for rapid prototyping, research and commercializing of cutting-edge technologies.