The Turbulent Mason Products, Please Visit

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The Turbulent Mason Products, Please Visit C&C Musters are small self-contained CREDITS additions to the Convicts & Cthulhu setting for Lovecraftian roleplaying in C&C Muster #1 is written by the early penal colonies of Australia. Geoff Gillan and Dean Engelhardt. The series looks at real-life historical Copyright © 2018. Published by characters from the convict era in Cthulhu Reborn Publishing . New South Wales and Van Diemen’s (WWW . CTHULHUREBORN . COM ) Land, through the lens of the Cthulhu Mythos. Each considers a The Convicts & Cthulhu setting historical personage in terms useful is published by Cthulhu Reborn in a Convicts & Cthulhu campaign, Publishing and is available via either as an NPC ally, enemy, or RPGNow and DrivethruRPG as a patron–or even as a player character “Pay-What-You-Want” title. investigator. Evocative and fleshed- out characters assist Gamemasters This PDF uses trademarks and/or copyrights by triggering possible story seeds, or owned by Chaosium Inc/Moon Design act as a focal point for connections Publications LLC, which are used under with other characters such as family 1 Chaosium Inc’s Fan Material Policy. We are or business associates. expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. This PDF is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Chaosium Inc. For more information about Chaosium Inc’s The Turbulent Mason products, please visit Anthony Fenn Kemp (1773—1868): The Turbulent Mason “...without fear of contradiction from anyone with “We are gratified in being able to announce that whom Mr Kemp has come into contact, that his the Father of the people, the Washington of Van conceit and credulity, envy and malice, turbulence Diemen's Land, has recovered from his recent severe and arrogance, have been at all times equal, to which indisposition and that, in his mental energies, he is may now be added an utter disregard for the truth.” as strong as ever.” — The Hobart newspaper Brittania, on Kemp's — Lt Governor George Sorrell (later Kemp's recent illness, July 6, 1848. in-law) offering a character testimonial on Anthony Fenn Kemp. 1 Introduction Anthony Fenn Kemp was an intriguing individual who had a close association with many of the key events in the Convicts & Cthulhu era. In his long life he spent time defending the colony, attacking some of its political leaders, supporting a military rebellion, and ultimately achieving both wealth (as a powerful merchant) and influence (as magistrate and administrator). What is not as clearly documented in the history books is Kemp’s close ties with Freemasonry … and as any good Lovecraftian Gamemaster knows, it’s only a small step between membership of one secret society and an affinity with other, more potent, secrets. In your Convicts & Cthulhu game, Anthony Fenn Kemp may be the bearer of such forbidden knowledge — or alternatively, be an innocent but handy ally, patron, or adversary for the investigators. Included below are some handy notes designed to give the Gamemaster a wide variety of options for using this interesting historical person in games of • Paymaster: Kemp became paymaster for investigative Lovecraftian horror. his company and later for the entire NSW Corps. This put him in a strong position to Character Origins and further his interest in trade, a position he was accused of exploiting ruthlessly. Life Before Australia • Merchant: Six years after arriving in the Anthony Fenn Kemp was born in Aldgate in Eng- Colonies and two years after his return land, the son of merchant Anthony Fader Kemp and from Norfolk Island to Sydney, Kemp his wife Susannah Fenn. He was educated privately opened a shop on the corner of King and and, in his youth, travelled to America and France. George Streets. The land was leased from He was commissioned an Ensign in the recently the Government. (Kemp’s activities as formed NSW Corps in 1793 at age 20 and arrived storekeeper and Paymaster are detailed in in Sydney two years later in 1795. the main Convicts & Cthulhu book). • Political Agitator: Kemp was one of the prime movers in a pamphlet war against Roles in the Penal Governor King, prompted largely by King's Settlements attempts to control the rum trade. A pamphlet with unflattering drawings of King and Kemp had a variety of roles in the Australian penal descriptions of him as, among other things, Colonies and provides an interesting example of “a wretch,” was found at Kemp's barracks. how different opportunities can arise in the setting. Kemp was arrested but thanks to the court These roles included (in rough chronological order): being made up of his NSW Corps cronies, the charge against him was dismissed. • Soldier: Kemp arrived in NSW as a soldier, an Ensign in the NSW Corps. Within two years • Administrator of Van Diemen's Land: he was promoted to Lieutenant. By 1802, four Kemp was instrumental in starting the years after that, he was promoted to Captain. rumours that the French were interested His experience shows how Colonial service in Van Diemen's Land. This led to him can offer rapid rise in rank. becoming second-in-command to one of 2 the two competing expeditions to the island He testified to the Bigge Commission that (Colonel Paterson's) which was to settle the Sorell was a drunk but after Kemp's daughter north coast at Port Dalrymple. It is imagined married Sorell's son, Kemp became a staunch Governor King was happy to be rid of Kemp advocate of the Lt-Governor. Kemp also fought after the abortive trial. Kemp arrived in 1804 with Sorell's replacement George Arthur and and in Paterson's absence administered the perhaps these feuds fuelled his republican settlement himself between 1806 and 1807. sympathies. It was in this role he became known Provisions were low under his command and as “Father of Tasmania” as he was tireless Kemp sent a group to cross the islands and in seeking independence for Van Diemen's seek help from Hobart Town, the southern Land (as a separate colony). His efforts were settlement, only to find them starving also. instrumental in seeing Van Diemen's Land gain He gave guns to the convicts and sent them independence from NSW and in addition to self- out to hunt food, but many of them stayed government he agitated fearlessly for the end of out and turned bushranger, harassing the transportation, the establishment of trial by jury, settlement. Kemp did manage to make a profit and a legislative assembly in Hobart. He died at selling kangaroo skins at exorbitant prices to age 95, a celebrated and well-loved individual. the Government store but had had enough of Van Diemen's Land by the time of Paterson's return, and requested a return to NSW. Family Connections • Deputy Judge Advocate: Within six months Kemp's example shows how characters in colonial of his return to NSW Kemp was involved New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land may be in the Rum Rebellion and could be found inter-related. among those rebels leading the march into • Kemp's wife was Elizabeth Riley, daughter of Government House to overthrow Bligh. For George Riley and Margaret Raby. his loyalty to the Rebels, Kemp was appointed Acting Deputy Judge Advocate by the Rebel • Elizabeth's sister Margaret married Captain Administration. Kemp was involved in at Ralph Wilson of the NSW Corps. least one notorious trial, of former provost- Marshall and Bligh stalwart William Gore. • Elizabeth's brother Alexander was inspired Kemp both sat on the court and was one of by the example of his brothers-in-law and Gore's accusers. Unsurprisingly, Gore was came to NSW. found guilty and transported to Coal River — He worked in Government service in Van where he was to remain until Macquarie Diemen's Land under Colonel William rescinded all Rebel Court findings. Paterson and established himself as a grazier after Bligh's downfall. • Commandant at Parramatta: By the end of — He established a trading company with 1808 Kemp relinquished his role as Deputy Richard Jones in NSW and established trade Judge Advocate to become Commandant at relations with his younger brother Edward Parramatta. who had connections in Calcutta and Walter Davidson, who was in Canton. • Rebel in Exile: Kemp returned to England when the NSW Corps was sent home in 1810. — Alexander Riley established the practice of He sold his commission and become a trader marine insurance in NSW and became one of but did not prosper. In 1815 he returned to the founders of the Bank of NSW in 1816. Van Diemen's Land. Margaret George A London RILEY m. RILEY Bookseller • “Father” of Tasmania: Kemp prospered in Van Diemen's Land as a grazier and Edward Alexander Margaret Ralph Elizabeth Anthony Fenn merchant. He was appointed a magistrate in m. m. 1817 but typically this ended in quarrelling RILEY RILEY RILEY WILSON RILEY KEMP { and began a disputatious relationship with Founded successful ship Capt. Paymaster, then Lieutenant-Governor William Sorrell. trading Coy in NSW, of Judge, w Richard JONES NSW Corps Administrator 3 Using Anthony Fenn Kemp Masonic Connections in Convicts & Cthulhu Anthony Fenn Kemp was one of the founders of the Freemasons in New South Wales. In 1802, There are many different ways of using Kemp in a the same year he was promoted to Captain, he Convicts & Cthulhu game … or just picking pieces became a Master Mason on board the French ship out of his background to help inspire backstories "la Naturaliste." Two fellow members were French for other characters. Included below are several officers from Baudin's expedition (seeConvicts & ideas for weaving the evocative real-world history of Kemp and the colonies into your own game Cthulhu Ticket of Leave #3).
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