The Hilltop 4-6-2001

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The Hilltop 4-6-2001 Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 4-6-2001 The iH lltop 4-6-2001 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 4-6-2001" (2001). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 28. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ILLTOP The Student Voice of Howard University VOLUME 84, NO. 32 FRIDAY, APRlL 6, 2001 Wright Talk of Buildings Lead Town Hall Discussion Wins in Swygert Outlines Next Special Phase ofPlan for Election Students By J OI C. RIDLEY Hilltop Staff Wriler By JOI C. RIDLEY Hilltop Staff Writer Presideol H. Patrick Swygert addressed Genia Wrigh1 and running mate issues concerning new buildings across Ashley Mcfarlin were elected pres­ campus in a Town Hall meeting on Wednes­ ident and vice president of the day evening. Swygert spoke ofthe plans for School of a new School ofCommunications, a science Communi­ campus, and a student union. The plans are included in his S1ra1egic Framework for cat i o o s S1uden1 Action II. Council in The firsl in the three-pronged Capital a contro­ Plan is lhe rebuilding of the School of v er s i a I Communications. The school, currently specia l housed in the former Freedmen's' Hospilal, election will be moved wilhin 6-12 months accord­ Thursday. ing to Presidem Swygert. The building will The si- be built "from the ground up" and modeled 78 victory after the new School of Law and Allied pm an end Hea.llh Sciences Libraries. The building to one of will cosl around 35 million dollars, Swygert the mosl Geni.1 \Vrlght, said. "(The currenl building) is inadequate holly con- Communlc:ntions and we must build in earnest loward a new Presldent.. e1ect School of Communications. We will have 1 es I e d races for broken ground within twelve months," office lhis year. Wrighl and Hen­ Swygert said. derson were previously on the Swygert also discussed the creation of a same slale un1il 1hey decided to science campus, lo be buill across from the separale. University bookstore. This building will School of Communicalions Elec­ l'tio<o b) Shala Wil,on become the new home of the School of tion Chair Monchell Johnson President H. Patrick Swygert ans,.c.-.d a "ide runi:, of questions at the To,u, lfall Metting Wednesday in the School orBuslness auditoriunL Engineering as well as the biology, chem­ announced Wrighl 's victory over istry, and malh departments. However, this candida1es Nubia Henderson and endeavor has been labeled a multi-year Cornell Williamson. Voler turnout task. was 160. Las1ly, Presidenl Swygert discussed the After hearing news of her victo­ Provost Has Final Say in Interim, Acting Debate creation ofa University student union. The ry, School of Communica1ions Sm­ facility is ex peeled to total I 0,000 square ft. dent Council president-elect Genia By D~;RRtCK K. NAVO ed a quiet lener writing campaign 10 sway inlerim positions held are in Smdent Affairs, ll ,vould replace the now 40-year-old Burr Wright said she was "very e.~ci1ed." Hilltop Staff Wriler Swygert 10 address lhe matter. Student Activities, Residence Life, Financial Gymnasium. "All are overdue and needed," "I immediately thanked God and Many of the Sludent leaders have focused Aid. Physical Facilities Mainlenance, Health Swygert said of all three facilities. said thal 1his (presidency) was his," For 1he first tune 1h1s year. Presidenl H. 1hei1 et forts on lhc Utfice of Studenl Life and Affairs. and the Department of Athlcucs. Wilh the development ofthe new build­ Wright. a sophomore public rela­ Pmrick Swygert assured studenls 1hat lhe num­ Ac1ivities, which is lead by an mtenm Dean, Simmons said be was confident in 1he ings, parking spaces will pose a problem. tions major said. ber of inlerim/acting positions in his adminis­ Interim Assistant Dean, and lnlerim Aclivities provost's ability to recognize qualified adrnin­ President Swygert·s plan calls for the cre­ Wright then commenled on her lralion will decrease now 1ha1 he has selec1ed Director. An Interim Vice President for Srudem istralors and appoinl lhem to their respective ation ofan addi1ional I 000 parking spaces. paramouo1 duties when she tal<es a Provost to handle 1he matter. Affairs also heads the depa.rtmenl. positions. The University is considering integrating over from current president, Tomika "Now lhat we have the proVOSl, I think we Coleman participaled in lhe Town Hall meel­ "I think she needs 10 es1ablish an evaluative the parking garage al the University Hos­ Hawkins. Wrighl poinled OUl thal will see an accelern1ed amounl of appoint­ ing and said he was pleased with Swygerl's method, and she will definilely do very well in pilal as well possibly building new parking 1here are still various positions with­ ments," Swygert said. "She now lias the respon­ response to 1he inlerim question. doing so," Simmons said. "She will nol pro­ garages, above and below ground. in 1he council thal need 10 be filled. sibilily 10 appoim permanenl administrators or "Well, I anticipaled dial part of lhe issue was crastinate in whal she needs lo do:· Those in attendance were concerned with Filling these positions and uni1ing remove 1he presem in1erim officials." the appoin1men1 of a new provos1:· Coleman Swygert aJro commenled on 1he approach Cald­ 1he funding of the new projects. President the council is one of her l0p priori­ In recenl months. HUSA President Sellano said. "I feel (Presidenl Swygert) was very hon­ well-Colbert might take in hiring future staff. Swygert poin1ed to three primary sources: lies, Wrighl said. ''Our main pur• Simmons, Undergradua1e Tru;tee Charles esl and dirccl. We will be wailing to see whal "I'm sure Dr. Caldwell-Colbert will get al i1 tuilion increases. alumni support, and a pose will be growth and unifica1ion Coleman, and College of Engineering, Archi­ Dr. Caldwell-Colbert does:· as soon as possible," Swygert said. "I 1hink fundraising campaign. within lhe Council," Wrigh1 said. tecture and Compuler Science S1udent Coun­ There are al least 15 inlerim posi1ions we'll find her to be very decisive and aggres­ "We also need 10 bring visibility lo cil Presidem Russell M. Oralee have conducl· lhroughout 1he adminislration. Some of lhe sive in 1his kind of posilion." Plea.fe see To\\11 Hall, AJ lhe School wi1h even1s sponsored solely by the School of Communi­ cations, 1hen we can parlner with 01her schools." Wrigln said thal she has already Pink, Green Blossoms on the Yard Suicide Raises consulled with current members lO aid in her transition inlo lhe role of presidem. Concern About "I've been lalking 10 current exec­ utive board members abou1 having Depression a transitional mee1ing. Even 1hough lhey will nol bee-boa.rd members, By SIIAIUA D AVIS & Y USUF KHAN lhey will sti ll be in lhe School of The rncn1ber.; oflhe Communications and I look forward Alpha Chapter of Alpha HilllOp Slllff Wrilers lO working wilh them," Wright said. Kappa Alp!1a s«ority. As for her opposition. Wrighl said Inc., congratulated their The death of sophomore Sidney Harris has she has spoken to Henderson in a nc-w~t members witl1 a prompted concern among studen1s and Univer­ "brief conversation" since lhe elec­ , chapter C\'C1H in cele• si1y officials across campus. Harris' death has bmtion of the Spring officially been ruled as a suicide, according to tion's end. Black Arts Festival. "I hope lo talk lO her (Henderson) Wodne~day. More than 3"' District offic-er, Kenne1h Bryson. Harris' sui­ more soon," Wright said. I 00 member,, or 1hc cide was the first at Howard in 25 years. "I'm slill going lo be aclive in 1he organl.r..ation t()Ok part The Universily S1udent Counseling Cemer School of Communications. I have 10 in \ICp-'-, ch3nh. and has the responsibilily of helping studenls wi1h move on, reevaluale my focus, and musical grcctini-... At left, new member:, of problems concerning stress and depression. pul whal I want 10 do in perspective;· the organit.-ition po!it Dr. Thomas Wessel, a counselor at lhe Coun­ Henderson said. "I'm still going to during the celebc:uion. seling Ccn1er, specializes in helping young peo­ do lhings lhat were on my perspec­ ple with !heir problems of depression and stress. tive," Henderson, a sophomore He wishes he could have lnlked to Sidney broadcas1 journalism major said. Harris before his death, but he didn't. Harris The Wright/McFarlin viclory never made an appointmenl to see him or any comes after a strong campaign from Photo by Shala Wilson 01her counselor. both ca.odidales. ·'Ou1 of all the years I have been here. this has been 1he first accomplished suicide. But we do gel a 101 of suicidal attempts," Wessel said. Some professionals feel thal Harris may have had a problem reaching out because males sta- 1istically do not receive help when lhey have The Hilltop Friday problems. "Many young males may feel lhat seeking help is a sign of weakness and may attempl to Sports Week Life & Style handle it themselves," said Or. Nicole Scott Connerly. a psychiatric expert al lhe Cen1er. -=:::--·. .... She said tlial oflen those who suffer from India.Arie is not depression have no idea what it is they being Howard track star affected by.
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    V vvvvw.rii^gicvavalley.coni 5 . 30632 12/l6/2( VAimBncopy~: ^ ■■ ' '■ T " ■ • ^ ^ - • . J I MM ;PARKEr - '• . • ■ ?6a7^2.7-E^VANDEUL;-^- • ,::v ....■':r= = Etp-P s A S B ' > ; - 7 ^ 9 0 3 r - ; ■:;■■■■■■ m S ;... [daho/96th year. Noj t ^ 4 -■ 5Hne.sday, A p d L 4 ^ - ■ SQ-ce itci,—------ C o o i j M QDRNING t ::;" WtcA'iHER ■ U o c k ^ ^ Todaysly^Partly— ^ ■/ c w i r IS nco d frp r s f e l e a t ^ ;-V Tr?w -;fc dy.foasiy " ' o p v . , I K J i ’ '. ^Saiilh,.] stricr p a n e l’ss 1 r e c o m m e n c . .h i g h 4 ( ddtion headsis t o g o v e r n oor rjjih .'■ chance, ofrshowers; totoday. i^.Mlcha«haelJoume^.-', .‘V; 7. • bers of legislidvie 1)l)istrici ,23V cen-'. cahdiiididates.- : p age A2 .IlniSli®!!<aw»¥^er ■ . ?■■■ .. ;.•. tral com.mittee .as thtl e lo c a l.p a rty ’s' - BiolUock’s position a f tiie top ofbl the ’ : “ T' firs t: c h o ic e to rej:epiace tne late pnonoritized slate aU b ut enstire;u*es irh. George Swan injh^l --------- ^ l A G I « A ^. h b i c v j : seidomi^— — Esday night shunned,experi-iri- ^ Block’s name,, a lo n g w i t h ' ,^ ®iver,'chooses v e someong otherler th a n ' iiillarman: law m akers i o ^ ie _ a longtimm e . K im b erly ra n c h e r,.
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