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© Ish to Cl Send P >Lane, Cr< 2 = T= Rewmei IK Ji Mbers Tl Ly Date^ Home V vvvvw.rii^gicvavalley.coni 5 . 30632 12/l6/2( VAimBncopy~: ^ ■■ ' '■ T " ■ • ^ ^ - • . J I MM ;PARKEr - '• . • ■ ?6a7^2.7-E^VANDEUL;-^- • ,::v ....■':r= = Etp-P s A S B ' > ; - 7 ^ 9 0 3 r - ; ■:;■■■■■■ m S ;... [daho/96th year. Noj t ^ 4 -■ 5Hne.sday, A p d L 4 ^ - ■ SQ-ce itci,—------ C o o i j M QDRNING t ::;" WtcA'iHER ■ U o c k ^ ^ Todaysly^Partly— ^ ■/ c w i r IS nco d frp r s f e l e a t ^ ;-V Tr?w -;fc dy.foasiy " ' o p v . , I K J i ’ '. ^Saiilh,. and.to] stricr p a n e l’ss 1 r e c o m m e n c . .h i g h 4 ( ddtion headsis t o g o v e r n oor rjjih .'■ chance, ofrshowers; totoday. i^.Mlcha«haelJoume^.-', .‘V; 7. • bers of legislidvie 1)l)istrici ,23V cen-'. cahdiiididates.- : p age A2 .IlniSli®!!<aw»¥^er ■ . ?■■■ .. ;.•. tral com.mittee .as thtl e lo c a l.p a rty ’s' - BiolUock’s position a f tiie top ofbl the ’ : “ T' firs t: c h o ic e to rej:epiace tne late pnonoritized slate aU b ut enstire;u*es irh. George Swan injh^l --------- ^ l A G I « A ^. h b i c v j : seidomi^— — Esday night shunned,experi-iri- ^ Block’s name,, a lo n g w i t h ' ,^ ®iver,'chooses v e someong otherler th a n ' iiillarman: law m akers i o ^ ie _ a longtimm e . K im b erly ra n c h e r,. aand pig farmer “ e locallo committee’s top choio Jican Party worker the, top ^eoddreM ., ^ op. - Dave Roj)er,and fonjrm e r T w in-F alls • “ »0P1appoinunent. .... a seat ih the Idaho House. Mayor Gale Kleinkoj(opf, will b£ pre- toper-was named as the con:om m it- J®;? Sharon•on Block, presrdent of thehe sented.to.Gov. Dirk* ]K em p th o rn e a s , '.te e’s ssecond dioice, w hile K leineinkopf' I^H acCarty.one, Twin.Fa (\ . ¥ c < Falls County Republicanah a nominee for the po^sitibn. The rto- wasuiithetliirdsdection. iLtheJcey:___ ^W omeh,.n,.was-seIected-by-J5-mem~ m— —1vas•8dected•oBt-o^J ’ Rlease see:SEATrPafPageA2 - — - — Sharon Btodich , ■ Davcrilopsr^,'^ igure s in th e • __ ' "~~WKtelnK^ •.... 7 lev^opment ’ * ofjth f t ] e d e c - ■... '' ' tricguiiar.diea'inala l S ^ F ^ ' — S g h cD0LGRG r e d r e m e n t c e n t e r o n “" M i : r a M o n k y . DjBilnquent assessmem ents: . Historic Old Town^T^IVvinFalls ^ leaders voted to-procitjcee d m th ly date^ a.coUe^bn'actibn th)thatcbuld • . J a n d d e b to R i n c o u r t. can pull permTcs P a g e E l lers don’t have . gem ent plans: ' , J,- :Bush still wins, sort 0 lyanDumas. \ '■ Newspaper reviews pi th e J-- . , TImet-Newswiw w riter- ■ mixed results. ■ ^ T W IN FAlFALLS-Idaho-and. Page'AiZ particularlyirly the Magic Valley, .' which produc»duces_at)out,.67J percen t . of the'state'ate’s milk >■ might :be , - ^ F 0 Q D & - H o:in ) M H " ^ . headed forJt a nide awakening if . > d a iry m e nI failfo: to-meet a July 1 ^^^^■^r~regulatbryde;rdeadiiner"^-------- ^— ;— " That’s the date nutrient-man- . agement planspit are due at the... •' ture. It’s1 alsoal; the day the Ag . :~^state Legislatislanu-e'to Stan pulling . iTiilkperiniBlies oh dairies that have • ' ' i . ■ hotcompliediled: . i. teacher ChdttlneCela:(elaya discuuas'a story she it t wadingi to her class. The QwaoodlneJlttrictliaimorefiHh-ilh -p a‘Je't» than any otlier m i l l — —Therimpltiplicatipirj'io Idaho'? -■------ ^ ■ economy are:arehuge, especially con- | - Balkan cooking Se^^i tostrcjdcCDTS~riT ^ Q ' ■ - 937®dai^Lis h a v e f f l ^ so fae. ‘ . p ie f ro m t h e B a lk a n s I ^ O im rte - Revokingnr i g m ilk perm its u d p r ^ : : ' - •? tor Saiidmann ' ' hibitiog saleslies H*ouIdhave subsian- . their cooking skills ^Leto ~ • th e p a st 10 y e a rs in Goododing as it dal effects Ir is i^ d p e s . TlmefrW6vwiwswriter . v , IS In the ag community • u n iq u e d e l i d o u s i ■■■ ^Iftenif^'grow l —h a s b e e n in -o th e ra re a sclschool dis- ' • and,beyond;;id; accoraifi^tSTVilsori ■■ ’ ' tricts.' . P ago C l GOODIN)ING - G ooding’s pop'ula- tO<year growth Gray,- an agriculturalagri economist : tibn grew!W byfabout 20 percent • Rerantly rdeased U.S.S. Census with the UniversityUn ot Idaho ' . population data don’t sh . during the:he 1990s, and the same WBPOO. • chanw - FallFi 1990 change i sh ed n ew E x ten sio n System,Sy; in T\vin Falls. ' "Biabe ■light.on the enrollment Sl’OR'I'S ■ picture ho;holds true for its school ■ 2,350 28.2% It picture. The dairy-ind■indust^ creates more '.-2.3% '-:. - 188 , -10.1% Ifor schools, said Lindaia Baird, than 15,000.0 0 jobs in rdaho and ' I Early re tu r n s : With th( )«;>: 1.438*.:- , t',697 : -9.9% school{ and community ren la d o n s . a d d s iriore! ththi an $ 2 billion to the ' ne of the few Magic ' '!M 7 9 - s u r e o f t h e r ic h e s t c oon^ct n m Valley co -1 8 2 •.•.■■.;...U% ■■ .( coordinator for the Twiwin Falls. ’ state’s economlomy.hesaid.. communities that hias • Siiae.^:.' ■i0.3%-'v ' 5,326 .3 .8% School< District. C^sus.d . M ajor League basebalball on h as. seen ,• iit! t s : ■saass' •'•s.;••^:--.V."'354...-- -8.1% ' ^datayet .. Nonedidessless, said Marv Patten, . 320 10.8% . tot be released could he shoulders; Alex RodriiInguezhas schoors s< M&1-: : ,i3.s% ■; the Ag. DepD e p a rtm e n t’s' D a ir y 171 -11.7% • point-• the number of cl s t a r t e d slo w ly ; ■ far hold or •••.■."1,316 V ::r3.4% '..'- . 1,148 14.9% \ children Bureau chief,ief, the law is dean No .:K''re28 ■. ■■-:,^.eS7r^rr— .0.2% - • • : -J.J— 667— re.0%-:------------‘_being. taught_aL home, sl : pla^no.mUkpi l k p e ^ t . PageDl * to enroll ..>'■•.1,313- ,• .^1% '' •• Data still to come frc , J.', •• .u y 2 ---.7 " i:B V ^ “ — C en su s B ureau tndiide. did ie n u m - BS-would-undoubtedly , g r 0 w tt.h ,l] ■ • ■ 420-:. 0.7% . • . *384 18.8% ; t ber of children per hou;pusahold, lucers, b u t losses w ould •' .. from thes Fpast decade, but this Jwwntl,;. 3,061 ;;;''.*3,082... 0.7% . ■8,781 . 10.8%'. Vwliidi would allow the. di:district to reverbenberate through the ag . year Gooclodiixg too, like, m any. ' O p in io n ' 1,237-.‘, ■.•a.1%'.-' ■ - 1,087 13.8% cco m p are th a t n u m b er w itlith p u b lic c o m m u m tyr -w - v ith dairy suppliers .school dis: •- 4.476 .5 .4 % ' listricts'in the region, • 6557 : . ,.14.9%: aa n d priv ate school enrollmm»«Vc c a u g h t in ththat a first wave - and .■Enrichment; TheCpUeiU ege of experienci •MtW«lBh;->'^-. 277, 276 -0.7% . 313 ; .12.1% need a drop in enroll-'' ..Like Gooding, Twinin Fails' outipto.tito th e b ro ad er com m u- W W le k i - . , , 190- 200 . • 5.3% r .191 . 4.7%, c - S p u p h e m I d a h o i s a ggreat n first ' . School District .has seen1 stu: d e n t iigh'est w aterm ark in o u r .' . " " ' 4 8 3 : . '480 ' '6.0% \ 401 19.7% - :: cash recelpK for niilk • ■ Seponthepathtow is , '.IW ii Falls ;; : 7,048 6.B36 — 3.0% ' n u m b ers e b b a n d flow dur n e v ,° S .Slol ,f w as a b o u t-th re e y e a rs . 6,791 ' - . .7% , 5 • to da/s editorial says.. 603 • 1.8% decade. But recently TwiwinFaUs VSI .OS miUion ih:idaho in ' > . id Richard Thompson, •, i 817 , 12.3% ^ ■ iSlSiii.f ' ! ■: .1,011 . ’ -6.0% 9 3 7 7.9% hhas been cau^t in a dov iding about'SSSO mil- •.'..I il of- Gooding Middle ^ 3 >32328 *1.6% - 32,0673 2.3%. e “ S p - i r Mlagic a e Valley alone,, School. enrollm ent cycle despi 37 246,069 0% 22034022 I t s . ccity's overall population. to the Idaho Agricul- Thescho<rtool sees an o th er enroll- IS ■ , ;.8ouilurea: Data'to from the ldaH9.De.Oepailmeni of Education ,. 0of nearly 25 percent duri~ 3 l ‘a"lsli°cs'itics Service. U sin g -th e , ■ bble headed its way, as ' I Jer factor-supplied by . : ECXION^ -partiunlnrlEirly-largB*foOTth:T[Sa~' ilmsntirTrom ms'cdflinrtirtdrsiN^em 6*1 lierrtlio- ----------d Jaiiymen’s Assodatton,: . j. fifth.grade dropped by about 2 0 0 st ie dasses move toward' ' ^Tfiy^ewspublishedsdschool district's aelf-re^rted9d enrollments In eeach year fprthe past twcLOft VAnre *0*® SOlcS reprepresent almost $1;7S *- ■ Section A . 'Sect!Stlon'D the sixth,1- tthrough eighth-^ade .'.Nqtfember.-The InformaUoUon now la iavallable from theIhe ^ t e , along wHh; and.ita looks like the pnanlS billion to IdalIdaho’s economy and .
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