The Legend Of Robin Hood Week 6 In our distance learning English work this term, we would really like to encourage KS2 students to be completing some writing for 20-30 minutes on most days. Below are five tasks that you are welcome to use. These are suggested steps and we will be pleased to continue to receive ANY writing that you are completing at home. By the end of this week, you will have created an opinion piece of writing to explain your stance on the legend of Robin Hood. This means you will explain what you believe about him. Whether the legends are all true, that they are partly based in truth or if he is just a made up character. Remember, you can share any of the work you produce with Mrs Cleal and Mrs Hague by emailing
[email protected] Term 6 Where did There is huge speculation around everything to do with Robin Hood, the most basic being if he was a fiction or non-fiction character. Part of Week 6 Robin Hood that debate is around where Robin Hood lived. 6.7.2020 live? Writing Task Task 1 Look at the information sources on pages 2 and 3. Think very carefully about how much you can trust them i.e. if it is the opinion of someone, is it true? What is a trusted source? Records written down by the church or judges could be trusted, however these men who were in power during the Middle Ages could also write down whatever they wanted as the majority of the population could not read or write.