
^ RFCLIVEO FEC MAIL OPEI>ATiO??S CENTER 700] HAY 30 nACUi ? S THE AHeMCAN CONSBIItfATIVE UNION 1007 Cameron' Street May30,Sbo^3lp5 Aleniulria,VA 22314 tekjihona Ms. Ellen Weintraub, Chaiiman ^ ^ f ( (703) 836-8602 Federal Election Commission MUR #,O.^J2i2. ftuaiinOe 999 E Stieet, NW ro <703) 836-8606 Washington, D.C 20463

tfl OFRCER8 RE: Foimal Complaint Against Edwaids fbr Piesident cominittoe, rsi JuUus C3ianiben, Treasurer, John Edwards, candidate for President; and DwUA.KeeM individual Respondents Tab Ttamer, Don Howaiih; Suzell Smith; Stacy Fbit ViGfChaiman Kem; Robert Kem; Elaine Reeves; Else Latinovic; Anita Latinovic; Vildd TlMnnS.Wiiiler Sanchez; Donna Hosea; Linda Moen, John Doe and Jane Doe, otfaer to ,,^ieand Vto«

^lONMn CBmpripiet Jr*

! Ea RouciimB Dear Chaiiman Weintraub: C^JOffiCIOItS (ftahJcHcHdni ^Rtpi Diucn Homer This is a formal conqslaint against the Edwards for President' Committee, John Edwards, and certain named and unnamed individual BOARD OF DIRECTORS donors to fhe Edwards for President campaign for violation of the Federal JtSktif BcU Chukt Black Electioa Campaign Act of 1971, as amended CTECA**) and tfae Bipaitisan MocttmBkdKwdl Campaign Reform Act of2003 C'BCRA*') ^Complaint"). BcMiBouhcr L.BicBtBofdl|III Ebyd BMWB The Complaint is filed pursuant to 2 U.S.C. §437g(aXl) and 11 MuiidColann B«cky NononDunlop CFJL §111.4 by tfae American Conservative Union, Inc. C'ACIPO. The M. Samoa Bwu undeisigned serves as Chairman of ACU, a S01(cX4) non-profit Alan Gottlieb jMDMV.Uey coiporation and Ifae nation's oldest and laigest conservative grassroots Wsyns LiPiciic lobbying oiganization. MicliMlR.Loi« Robert Luddy 8ni> 8wffpfchi MiliMc This complaint is ba^ upon numeious media rqioits Oeta Mitchell documenting iU^al fimdraising activities by and illegal coniributions to Jotaph A. Motifa Edwards for President, several of which are referenced herein and/or Graver CNoiqidit " attached as exhibits to tfais Conaplaint This Complaint is based on tfae TomPfeuken JuMS Aithur Pope published leports tfaat Edwards for President Committee and John ROB RflbsMB Edwards and numerous donors and fimdraisers have violated tfae AOnRodi Craig Sldrlcy provisions of federal law related to fimdraising finran d contributions to U«liK.Uhlcr presidential campaign committees. KiffayWilbar EXECUnVB DIRECraR W. Stephen Tluiycr

amhitot 1964... The HhSanH CUat and iMfUt Qraunof Conmmikm Ckiwnfufinii ACU hereby requests the Federal Eleclion Commission to conduct an audit of ^ contributions to the Edwards finr Piesident committee and tfaat no federal matchingfimds be audiorized for or paid to tfae Edwards fixr President committee until each contribution submitted for fisderal matching fimds has been specifically audited, the donors interviewed and tfae fiinds deemed to be contributions given fipeely and voluntarily torn tfae donora' own resources and otfaerwise not in violation of fisderalcampaig n finance laws.

According to numerous rq>ozts, donors to the Edwards for President Committee 99 were pronused tfaey would be reii^ursed by tfaeir emptoyer(8) fiir contributii ^ the Edwards campaign. Other reports and investigations reveal that maximum level donora appear myt to have tfae finandal resources available to have made tfae reported contributions fixmi theur own fimds. Clearly, a pattem has emerged of illegal fimdraisiiig lfl and contributions mvolving the Edwards fin President canpaign wfaicfa demands action ^ by die Commisrion prior to tfae paymem of fisderal primaiy matching fimds and fiuther ^ whidi requires fhe imposition of penalties for violation of the law by tfaose guilty of sudi ^ violations.

However, tfae retum of $10,000 does SQt begm to address tfae pattem of illegal activity ui wfaidi die Edwards campdgn faas engaged. Pd)lidied repoits finom tfae Center for Individud Fkeedom's wd>dte state diat twenty (20) peisons identified as paralegals and mne (9) listed as legal assistants employed by Turner & Associates PA in Littie Rock, Aikansas, contributed $2,000 eadi to tfae Edwaids campdgn afier recdving assurances tfaat tfaeir contributions would be reimbursed. From fhis law firm done, more than $58,000 in suspicious contributions to the Edwards campdgn were recdved,* yet only $10,000 was reported by the Edwards campdgn as bdng retumed to the donora fix>m tfaat fiim. See www.cfi£oig, John Edwards: An Oops for ihe Trial Lawyers* PreMentUd Candidate^ posted ^ril 24,2003. See dso **What John Edwards Money Said" by John Samples, www.cato.org, posted on die webdte of fhe Cato InstiUite on May 9,2003. Mr. Td> Tumer, prindpd in die faiw firaiCr^ ^ ^ employs fhe ^iiqiiidousUttle Rode donora was a major donor to Sen. Edw action committee during the 2002 dection cycle, haviqg contributed $189,000 to fhe New American Optimists PAC, according to die public records filed witii die Conunisdon. See Center for Respondve Politics, www.cip.oig.

Mr. Tumer has been intimatdy involved in contributing to and fimdraisiiig for politicd committees assodated with John Edwards, indudhig but not lunited to die Edwards for Preddent Committee accordmg to fhe public records filed with the Commisdcm. Otfaer newspiyers faave sq>aratdy undertaken to investigate donors to the i 1^ Edwards fiir Preddent cainpaign and faave finmd similar illegd activities. (M Nl The Hill newspaper rqported on May 7,2003 that Edwards finr Preddent ^ campdgn documents filed of record witfa tfae FEC reved a pattem of illegd contributions ; ^ by low-level employees of law firms wfaose principals are engaged in contributing to and S fimdrdsing for ffae Edwards for President committee. 2^ According to The Hdl, "Donations to Edwards Questioned", by Sam Dedy, tfae H contributions fixmi low-level employees contributing at the maximum $2,000 level ^ arrived on tfae same day dong witfa contributions fimn tfae paitnera and attorneys of fhe ^ firms employing the individud donora. Further, die FEC records reflect tfaat ^ contiibutions fixmi spouses and other fiunily monben were also made on fhe sm 0 as those fixmi the low-level emptoyees ofthe law films. No conduit reports were filed by (0 fhe law firmswhid i employ fhe donor-employees. fM According to The Hdl, questionable contributiqog.wsre recdved fiom Respondents Stacy Kem; Robert Kem; Elame Reeves;; Vikki Sandiez; Donna Hosea; Lmda Moen. Odier individud donors, based on public repoits, have also violated federd law witfa diam contributions to Edwards fiir Preddent committee. Piindpds of law fiimswh o may have engaged in illegd fimdraising practices include Respondents Td> Tbmer, Don Howartfa, Suzell Smitfa and otfaer trid lawyera may have engaged in coerdng or fiwilitating contributions fixmi or through their employees to fhe Edwards for Preddent campaign. Clearly, fhe Edwards fi>r Piesident committee's retum of a mere $10,000 does not begin to remedy a pattem of dear violation of FECA by tfae campdgn and its donora and fimdrdsing persoimeL The Respondents have violated numerous provinons of federd law, inchidmg but not limited to:

2U.S.C.§441a(a) Mddng excessive campdgn contributions 2U.S.C.§441a(f) Acceptmg excesdve campdgn contributions 2U.S.C.§441f Prohibitions on contributions in the name of anodier 2U.S.C.§441a(a)(8) Failure to report earmaiked contributions / fiiilure to report donor(s) as conduit(s) finr earmaiked contributions

ACU deniands a filUan d diorougfa investigation and audit of each donor and each rsl contribution to the Edwards finr Preddent committee and moves to enjoin fhe payment to Kl the Edwards finr Preddent campdgn of any fiderd primaiy matching fimds until eadi ST donor's contribution has been reviewed to msure its compliance with applicdile federd ST law. o [See 26 U. S. C. §9034, Umiting eligibility of prinuoy matdimg fiinds to lawfiil Kl o contributions]. H H Please contact me if you have fiirdier questions regarding tfais Coniplaint sr o

American Co: Union

AFFIDAVIT I hereby swear upon pendty of peijury that due above and foregoing Complaint is true and correct to die best ofmy Imowledge and bm£ based ufion diflinfoimation fix>m fhe public sources referenced herein.

David A. Keene

Swom and subscribed befine me this " mCT OF INBIA NOTARY SEAL

My Omunismim EqriieK QscA .J*/^ 1^ ^ Copyright 2003 The Washington Post The Washington Post April 24, 2003, Thursday, Final Edition SECTION: A SECTION; Fg. A04 i V LENGTH: 585 words .HEADLINE: Law Firm's Donations To Edwards Probed; Justice Dept. ? 2J Reviewing Contributions Kl ^ BYLINE: Thomas B. Edsall, Washington Post Staff Writer Kl BODY: ^ The Justice Department's Criminal Division has Initiated an O Investigation Into contributions made by employees of a ^ ^ prominent Little Rock law firm to the presidential campaign of Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C). ^ The Investigation was prompted by news reports about $ 2,000 ^ contributions to the Edwards campaign made by four legal ^ assistants at the Tumer & Associates firm. One donor, Michelle O D. Abu-Halmeh, told The Washington Post that Tab Tumer, the (0 firm's principal lawyer, said he would reimburse her for her donation. Tumer said last week she would not be reimbursed. By law, a person can give no more than $ 2,000 to a federal candidate. It is Illegal to funnel donations through another person, which could be a means of circumventing the limit. Law enforcement sources in Little Rock familiar with the inquiry said it is being handled from Washington, not by the local U.S. attorney's office. It could not be determined whether the investigation might extend beyond the Tumer firm's contributions. The Edwards for President Committee reported raising $ 7.4 million through March 31, more than any of the senator's eight competitors for next year's Democratic nomination. About $ 4.5 million came from lawyers, most of them membera of the plaintiffs' bar, and from people employed by or related to members of law firms. Twenty $ 2,000 donors were identified on Edwards's disclosure report as "paralegals," and nine $ 2,000 donors were listed as "legal assistants."

EXHIBIT A [ Sources said the investigation is being conducted by Craig Donsanto, director of the election crimes division in the Justice Department's Public Integrity Section. His office referred inquiries to the public relations office, which refused to discuss ongoing Inquiries. Jennifer Palmieri, spokeswoman for the Edwards campaign, said: "We are glad to leam that the appropriate law enforcement authorities are following up on the matter." She added, "We have no reason to suspect political motivation" by the Republican-run i' ^ Justice Department. The Edwards campaign last week retumed all contributions from • ^ employees of Turner's firm, and said it was unaware of any . lfl improprieties when the contributions were received. sr ^ "The Edwards campaign is committed to abiding by the highest ^ ethical standards," Palmieri said. She said it would be esqpected ^ g that the inquiry is being conducted by the Washington election S crimes division, and "does not raise any red flags." ^ The investigation has just begun, and decisions about the scope ^ and targets have not been made, according to sources. ST O Efforts to contact Tumer by phone and by e-mall yesterday were (0 unsuccessful. N In 2002, before large "soft money" contributions were banned, Tumer and his firm gave $ 200,000 to Edwards's "New American Optimists" political committee. Edwards was a prominent plaintiffs' lawyer before he won office in 1998. i Like many of the attomeys supporting him, he generally represented people suing for alleged injuries, illness or the wrongful death of loved ones. f Tumer has won national attention for his successful suits against the makers of cars prone to rolling over. His firm's Web site says his "practice is nationwide and he has handled over 100 single-vehicle accident rollover cases" involving many SUV models. The Web site mentions court cases in which Tumer won f verdicts or settlements of $ 7.2 million, $ 25 million, $ 20.1 million and $ 26 million. Staff writer Dan Balz contributed to this report. John Edwards: An Oop^o>^p^r th thee Tria Trial lLawyers Lawyers' ' President!PresldentlaLCandidat^ e Page 1 of 2

CFIF.ORG MemenP FnatMUn Lo^tejo* LstMNbslMMi ^TkaPoafito Uaaeta lima BsoRft HaftAtiZjerm NflMMtOiOlit IMS CMIMkU» Freedom Line John Edwards: An Oopsfor the Trial Lawyers' Presidential Candidata

^^^^^^^^ It is no secret thd John Edwards, the Democratic U.S. Senator lirom I MI^^I^^K , IS the tnd lawyera'anointed candidate Ibr president ^ l^T^^ll^^^BI ^ ^ 'B^'' himsdf before muNlmDIion dollar verdicts and ^ V»tiL'^i!^BPfflHr audiences of only 12 people d a tme no longer satisfied hn ^Z_ compulsion to serve humanity. Kl eM -'ttmt^ Trial lawyera have lots of money They want lots more, which is why _ . ..-^..^ "oroedy IS the adjectivefrequently used to describe them Never toSSn^forE^^ accu8edorbelngshortsiohtedunderechlevera.th6yarewiilingto ^ prasidental bid may rapresem the Inved tO gd lots more. flfM tme meir deep poGkeii get ^ Of the $7/4 million that John Edwards daimed as contributions in his *^ 2 quarter of presidentid campaignreporting, $4. 5 million came » ^ firom lawyers, lawyers' families and employees. sr ^ in Senator Edwards'report, 20 people listed as '^raiegdar and nine sr listed as legd assistantsT each gave $2,000, the maximum sr contnbution allowed per individud per dection. Two WMhgton ;* Q Posfreportere - Thomas Edsdl and Dan Balz - who can smdl a i0 story in a swamp, deeded toring up some of those large contributon N and see what's up. They rang up MIchdIe D. Abu-Hdmeh, "a law deric at the LitUe Rock lArimnsas] firm T\imer & Assodatea PA ^o] said she had nd found \ tt difficult to aend $2,000 to the Edwards campaign. Sheaaidher boss. Tab Tumer, 'aslcedffor peopl e to support Edwards,' assunng them that 'he wouldreimburse us. "

Ljnivyer Tumer, who spends a great deal of his time suing automobile and tire manufacturers, doesnt seemto like tdephones very much dther and respondedto thereportere only by e-mail. "He replied. The answerto your dired question is no, she is nd goingto be reimbursed. She apparently cannd be reimbursed under some mie relatingto campaign flnanoe."

* Appamntty? Some ml»? Weil, that'sright, Mr . Lawyer Turner, Esquire, Sir. There Is apparentiy some mierelating to campaign finance thd prohlbila asking peopleto make campaign oontnbutiona under the condition thd those contnbutions will be reimbureed f In practice, the /aw is probably aa effocbve as "some mie" thd prohibits fnvokNJ8lawsult8,tHJt It IS neither new nor arcane. Even laymen and 'homemakerS" (a large political donor base), not schooled in the law, understand it

Hs purpose Isto prohlbtt atizens, even tnd lawyera, from exceeding EXHraiTB

http://www.cflf.org/htdocs/freedomllne/current/ln_our_opinlon/Johr... 05/25/2003 John Edwards: An Oop^p^ the Trial Lawyers' Presldent^^andldate Page 2 of 2

contribution limtts through deception. Its purpose »to prohibit smdl groups d the well-heded firom exerdsing excesdve influence over elected officids, dthough, again, in practice, it may be as dfiBctlve as "some mie* that prohibitsfinvoleus lawsuits.

Does anyone bdieve that "PresMenr John Edwards wouM sign any legislatton tryingto rein birampant abuses dour legd system? Of course nd. As a distmguished (meaningrich) fonne r tnd V lawyer, he understands much bettor than the red of us thd shopping ffor aggneved dientoto sue deep pocketed pigeons for phantasmagoncal verdida mud 6e exactly whd the Founding Fathere intended.

^ Those lawsuits are estimatadto ood every man, woman and child in ^ this country $650 a year, but in the worid d John Edwards and his *^ . cronies at the trough. It Is infinitely betterffor usto giv e that money to trial lawyera than spend It on SUVs, which mayroll over on ua, or Big , M Macs, which msy make uaffd ' Kl ^ Senator Edwards'campaign has sad It willretum the entire $10,000 ST contributed by employeea d Tumer & Assodates PA Whd the hdl, Q $7,390,000 Is still the largedtake amon g presklentid candidates. An Kl ce Edwards spokesperson dso said the "tempaign has no plana to I fH O examine the iegdity d other contributions,'' but wouM surety ad "If f H presented with infformation about thd.* •• H 3 That's okay, because The New York Timea n reportmg that the 2 "Justice Department's public Integnty sectton has opened a crimind 2 Investigation" into the donations madeto Edwards by employees d \ 3 the Tumer law firm. Somehow, we have thefeding, and it's jud a }j ffaeling. that this investigation wlO be more vigoroudypureued than ^ aome d recent memory.

Cynics might venture that dl that trial lawyer moneyffor Edwards' I presdenUdbM may represent the fird time their deep pocketogd dipped. Pdls In North Carolina steadily show Edwardatosing his own dato by a landslide in a head-to-head match with Preadent Bush, should the president decMeto mnfor re-dection.

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http://www.cfif.org/htdocs/freedomline/current/ln_our_oplnion/Johr... 05/25/2003 What John Edwards' Said Page 1 of 2

May 9, 2003 What John Edwards' Money Said by John Samples John S9mp.lejs is director ofthe QeoterfyrReQg:^eat9tive Qoy^mmeDt Bt the Cato Institute, People are fond of saying that "money talks" In politics no less than In life. In LO presidential elections, money has something to say, but you have to listen closely. «H Take the case of Sen. John Edwards (D-NC), who wants to be the Democratic ^ presidential candidate. r\i I Kl ^ ^ Recently we learned Edwards had raised over $7 mlilion for his campaign, second CT only to front-runner Sen. (D-Mass.). This success gave Edwards O credibility with Journalists and party leaders. On the bad side, he had to give back Q some of the money when it tumed out the donations violated federal law. Now the r4 Department of Justice fs looking Into the case. ^ Having to retum the donations surely says little about Edwards' personal Integrity, sr Some employees of a law firm In Uttle l^ck, Arkansas, apparently gave the ^ Edwards campaign the maximum legal donation of $2,000 believing their § employer, a friend and supporter of the senator, would reimburse them. That's N Illegal under federal law, and once the violation became known, the Edwards campaign promptly returned the money. The rest of us can take some comfort in knowing that Edwards did the rightthing , at least once the Washington Post found out his fundraisers had done the wrong thing. Edwards' mini-scandal grew out of the intense competition for the Democratic presidential nomination. He faces an uphill battle to become the Democratic candidate In 2004. The media have already crowned Sen. John Kerry as the front- runner. Faced with Kerry and other tough rivals, Edwards desperately needed to prove his candidacy was serious. Fundraising aside, Edwards' appeal to the Democratic faithful lies elsewhere. He Is putting himself fbrward as a political moderate from the South. He offers the prospect of a retum to the 1990s when another Southem moderate. , won two terms In the . Edwards hopes Democrats will recall the electoral disasters brought on the party by a Northeastemer () In 1988 and a Midwesterner () In 1984. Edwards has a point. No one should doubt the power of regionalism in American politics. Ail presidents since 1972 have been from the South or the West. Edwards has one essential trait for winning the presidency.


http://www.cato.org/cgl-bln/scripts/printtech.cgl/dallys/05-09-03.hl... 05/25/2003 What John Edwards' Moagy Said ^ Page 2 of 2

But John Edwards Is not Jimmy Cariier or Biil Clinton (not to mention Ronaid Reagan or George W. Bush). He's not a former govemor. Aii presidents since 1972 (save for George H.W. Bush) have held the highest office in a state far from Washington, DC. That's not surprising. Americans regulariy tell pollsters they don't trust the federai government. Their faith in D.C. has improved ever so slightly of late but probably not enough to elect a Washington insider (or someone from ).

Edwards is a senator (and hence, an Insider) but only recently arrived (elected In 1998). He might hope to run a populist campaign and hope his Southem charm ^ carries him the rest of the way. rH Yet Edwards became rich as a trial lawyer and gets most of his campaign funds <^ from his fellow plaintiffs of the bar. He has gotten about 60 percent of his funding for the presidential campaign from other lawyers. There's nothing illegal or ^ immoral about that. Lawyers also have a rightt o participate in politics. O. Having trial lawyers for friends and supporters, however, contravenes the Image ^ Edwards hopes to cultivate as an outsider who will stand up to the special Interests ^ In D.C. Falriy or not, trial lawyers seem to have fbund their own presidential ^ candidate In John Edwards. ST •H ^ Edwards will say trial lawyers fight for the littie guy against big corporations who ^ have done them wrong. His opponents will surely point out that two thirds of § Edwards' money comes from donors giving the legal maximum of $2,000. That fM may make his populist rhetoric sound hollow. We should.not be concemed that John Edwards' campaign broke sortie campaign finance mles. We should wonder why he has not attracted broad support from Democratic donors. Americans hope to elect a president who seeks, to the best of his ability, the good of the nation as a whole. For now, John Edwards seems more of a lobbyist than a leader.

http://www.cato.org/cgl-bln/scripts/printtech.cgi/dailys/05-09-03.hi... 05/25/2003 Donations to Sen. Edwacds questioned =TheHlll.com= Page 1 of 4 TheHill IN THIS ISSUE Sunday May 25,2003

MAYTiaoos = SEM Donations to Sen. Edwards questioned BySamDeaby Sen. John Edwards' presidoitial cainpaign finance dociunents show a pattern of giving rsl by low4eveI employieeB at law finna, a number of whom appear to faave Umited financial Riouroes aid no idor record dpotttical dowrtfams. Kl Records submitted to tfae Federal Elecdon Commission (FEQ show tfaese indhdduals Kl hsve often ghwn $2,000 to the Nortfa Carolina Democrat, tfae maxbmmi pennitted by law.

bl mai^ fautanees, aO die diedts ftom a given firm arrived on tiie same day » fimn Kl partners, attorneys, and other suppoit ataS. Some of these support staff have not voted in the past, and those who have voted indude registered RapidMicana, aoonding to puUie reoorda on file wiA varhras county re^^ voting. H Edwards' campaign records also reveal that many of these individuals' spouses and relatives sr oontiilrated tiiemaximu m on tiie same dw. The HiU fbund many d tiiem to be fint-^fane givers. Some faave no previous demonatn&e faiterest in politics, wiiite Q active Repiiblicaiis. N Stacy and Robert Kem of Los Angeles, fbr example, are among those wlio contributed to Edwards'omdidhMy. Sta^ Kern is liirtied as a^ SmldL The firm parddpam fal tin dass-action sdts agsfaiat tfae tohaon

On March 6, Stacy Kem contributed $2,000 to the Edwarda campaign. Two associate attomeya and fivedth e firm's six partners abo oontribated the maxfanum amount Loa Angdes County reooids show Aat Stacy Kem if not a registered voter and haa not previously voted or contributed to a federd campaign. Her husband Robert, a adf^ployed travd agent, abo gave $2,000 on tlie same day. Itobert Kem was at one pdnt registered to vote falI M il^elea, liut after numerous unanswered letters slooe 1996 from tiie coimty registrar voters, he waa dr^ voter raOs faut year. As witii hb wift^ Itobert Kem faas no record of faanriog voted and made no previous fedmlcampaig n donations.

In 199B, Stacy Kem dedared Cfaapter 7 banbuptcv fai Galifiimia, witfa assets d $7*935 and lidiilities d $126,769. In 1994, Cuilbmfai assessed her husband witii a $33ia54 state tax lien, active until 2004 The Kerns are not listed aapropeity holders.

Stacy Kem sdd tfaere waa no coordbudon at tfae firm d donations to Edwards. But sfae added: "I mean, ifs not cofaiddence. I mean, we tdlwd about fafan [around tfae firm]."

She add die does oot remendier tlie nature or specifics dtiioae talks. Her faudiand Itebeit did not retum severd cdbfi»mThe HUL

A 2002 siuvey conducted fay tiie Legd Aaaistaiit Manageinent Association (LAMA) found that parali^ab earn an average pre-tax adaiy d $44>4i6. Cleiks nuke Saoa4s on average. EXHiBrrD http://www.hlllnews.com/news/050703/edwards.aspx TJ572572DD 3 ^ Donations to Sen. Edw^j^ questioned sTheHlil.com» Page 2 of 4

and managers receive $81,151. LAMA noted tfaat aalaries for legd assistants fal San FrandaoOb San Jose and IM Angdes tend to be u*a9 percent higher tiian tiiose nationvvide.

Jennifor Fafanieti, a spokeswoman forEdwards * tdd Tfae Hfl] that tfae pattern diow-levd employee contiilmtiona "doesnt concem us" and tfaat tiie Edmwds campdgn ia "proud d our compliance record."

Severd newspapers faave reported tfaat tfae Oenaitment d Justiee (DOJ) faas begun a crfaBifaul faivestlgMion into donations to tiieEdward a campaign to fa^uiy law firm. Mididle Abu-Hdmefa, a l^gd assistant at T^mer ft Aasodates, told Tlie Wasfauiglon Post laat numtfa tiiat sfae eiq^eeted to be rdndiuned contribution.

According to the Federd Election Campaign Act, contributions hy an indWidud or entity to a political campa^ in tiie name of another person are prohibited. Both the named and conceded donors are Usible. The campaign b abo lidde if it knowindx accepts conddt *K1 fonds. fM Kl Ttiere b no direct evidence that tiie pattem dgbing in tiib artide constitutes improper or Olegd activity on tiie part of aoy in wvidualt, law fimis, or tiie Edwarda campaign. I^pd support stafifers who spoke to The HiO add tiiey ndtiier eiqpeeted nor were promised rdmhursement for tfadr contributions. The law flans did not retum caUs seeking comment Nl A DOJ spokesman, dting departmentd policy, dedined to confirm or deny Aether an investigation b underway.

Palmieri sdd tiie campaign haa not been contacted by DOJ regarding that matter. She added that the campaign now advises donors of the lawa govmiing third-parly sr contributions. o In the three-month finandal reporting period ended Mardi 31, tiie Edwarda campaign reported rdafaig more than $74 mfllion, tfae vast majority fimn faidividnd contributors. Recoids sfaow uat neatly twD-tiifapds d tfaese conbibi^ wittl law fixma.

The large amount d donationa to Edwarda, a first-4emi senator witii no prior politicd experience, b notewoiti^ because he heated hb more aeaaoned Democrimc presidentid bopefiib in tiie race fin* eariy money—itsctf an impoitant faidicator d politicd visbQily.

Edwanb'a EEC fiUnn show much d tfae presidentid contender's tanpressive fimdraisbig came from wen-heeled attorneys at fuccanfnl trid law finns.

Nevertfadess, tfae seoning pattem of contributions hy many low-levd employees has raised concerns among severd campaign finance watdidoga.

"It aeema on the aurftce veiy auspidoua," aaid Bfll ADison dthe non-^paxtisan Center for mblie Integrity. "I tfabik it b somewfaat questiondile tiiat people wfao have never donsted before wowl suddedy donate $2,000," he said.

Lany Noble, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, also said the pattem of donatfons b surprising. "When you see grouptogs d oontributions befaig ghren by ofiioe workers who are not among tiie highast-pdd, and you aee tiiemmaxed-ou t md ti^ apouses maxed-out, tiien tpiestions get raised," lie sdd.

The Hfll exandned tfaouaanda dpages dpubUc records.

Among tfaose wfao gave b Efadne Iteeves, an oflto mansger at Wflkes ft BleHugh, a Tsmpft- baaed trid firm apedalixes famursfaig faome diuse litigation.

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On Mardi 26, Eldne Reeves gave $2,000 toEdwarda . Four otiier employeea d tlie fixm also gave tfae maxirmmt tfaat day, and anotiier five gave $2,000 a montii before.

In Septeidier 1995, FEC records diow an fadhrfdud vritii tiie aame name residing at a known address of Elafaie Reeves's gave $1,000 to tlie ClfaMon-Gore '96 Fifanaiy Committee. One year teter, to Septeniber 1996, Paseo County leoords sfaow Elaine Reeves r^gbtered aa a Repiiblican. She faas not voted, acoordfaoig to county reeorda.

Elafaie'ahudNmd, Tfaomas Reeves, dso gave $2,000 totheEdward s canmaign on March 26. He b identified on campaign filtogs as a sdf-empkiyed drhrer. In 1996, Thomas rog^ a Republican and voted to tin 2000 generd eleaion. FEC reoorda ahow fae faas not previously been a pditicd contiibutor.

In 1996^ the Reeves bought tiiefar Lutz, Fla., home for $99,000, with a mortgage of $94,000. rsl Ja 2001, tiiehom e waa assessed at $95,362. Ebine Reeves declined to comment finr this article aod Thomas Reeves oould notbe readied. = Kl fM Wfafle atanflar donationa fotmd by The Hfll occurxed across tiie nation, a diapnqiortionatdy » Kl large number dtiiem came firom CaUfomia. Else Latinovic, an admfaiistrator at Los Angeles-based O'Donnell ft Shaefier, contributed $2,000 toEdward s on March 31. ODonndl ft ShaeSei'a website slates: "Our phflosophy b Kl tfaat we do best wfaat we know best - litigation and trid woik." b addition to Elae's maxfamim contribution, niiw otfaer empk^ees at tiie firm oontributed vaiying amminta on tite same dsy, indlH'wg ftwir ^oiiiBrJaMri gmplnyeea who maxed out.

H Los Angdes County records show Else Latinovic has not voted and b not registered to vote. sr Sfae faas no prior record of federd campaign donationa. In 1996, Cdifomia assessed Ebe Latinovic witii a state tax lien of $2,465- la sooo, sfae o declaxed Cfaapter ybankraptiy, witii no assets for distributfon. Ill 2001, sfae purcli^^ tiD Sbd Val^y, Cdifcondondnium fat an undbdosed ainount from rdatives Vld and Anite Latfaravic. Anite Latfaiovic^ wfao b listed aa retfared, dso gave $2,000 on March 31* Sfae faas no previous faistoiy dpoliticd dtmations. IM Angdes aid Kdn counties residcnoes, hawe no record tlwt she regis^^ VlkU Sandiei b a pardegd at ShernofiFltidart ft Oarraa, a law firm in Clarenumt, Cdif., tiirt fmfiMmmm gii faiifiM- llaKnity iiwiA, fadwHfagHM O llrigatian end HdaeeiMt deima.

On March 10, Vikki Sandiez oontribated $2,000, tiieaam e day and tiie aame amount aa five other fom members. TVvo otiier Shemoff Bidart employees oontributed tfae maxfanum amount on diffierent days. All four of ^ firm's paitoers oontributed $2,doo.

In 1992 ^^kld Sanchez registered fai Los Angdes County as a Republican. She haa oondstenti^ voted to fedod elections, todudfaig Cdifomia's priinary.

Cdifomia utilizes a dosed-prunaiy process. Individuak registered with a party may only vote for tiM paxt/a candidates to piimaiy dections. Vikld Sanchez did not recall previously donating to a federd campaign. Federd dection reeords show tfaat to 2000 die eontriouted $1/100, tfae maxfanum amount peimltlBd at tfae tfane, toRq> . Adam SAW (D-Cdil). The douttion occurred on tiie same d^ Shmioff Bidart employee ocmtifbutions.

"Eveiyiiody in the firm was aware that there was monqr raised," aaid VOdd Sanchez oftte Edwaids donations. "We were Just asked if we'd like to contribute." Sfae ssys she was not

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promised rdmbursement fiir her donation. "Ifae attorney I woifc witfa mentioned that tfaey were giving some money and tiiqr were speddng to othos," Vikki Sanchez said. On March lo, Vikki's huaband Thomas Sanchez also contributed $2,000. Listed as a focflitiea nianager at Metro Water District he registered as a Repiiblican to 1992. Thonias Sanches has consistentiy voted fa elections, indndlng the state's closed pifanaiy. He faaa no record d pxior politicd donations.

Tliomas Sandiez sdd he was not aware that he had donated to tiieEdward s campaign. "Wasnt me^" he said. "YouVe got the wrong gigr." Hta nvlfe aaid ahe gave one diedc to tihe Edwards campaign far $4,000 fiwm both herself and her husband. ^

Tfae Sanchei'a Watout Cdif., house was assessed to 2002 at $266,700, neaify $20^000 less o than what it waa boudit for to 1987. H Kl Lower-levd employees at tiie pbintifGir firm Robinson Cdcagnie ftRobfaiso n also •H contrflnited faewify. FEC xeoords diow tfaree paralegab and an offioe manager maxed-out to Kl tiie Nortii CaroUnfaoi on Mardi 7. Eleven d tiie Newport Beacfa fixm'a 14 tXtanuyt also fM eontxflrated $2,000 on tiie same day. Kl Donna Hosea, a paralegd at Rbbhison Calcagnie and incorrectiy identified on Edwarda' sr filings aa "Donna Hbsen," abo gave $2,000 on BCavdi 7. Sfae lias no previoua histoiy d 0 donating to a fedod campaipi. Donna Hosea regiateced to vote in Orange County in 1984 Kl H as an faid^cndent and fiiequent^y participates to dections. H H Donna's huaband Midiad Hosea, a sdf-empbyed contractor, also gave $2,000 on the same diy aa Robfaison Calogde empkjyees. He xegirtexed witii Oruige County to 1982 aa a 'sr RepubUam aid regidari|y votes in federd dections, faidudfaig me Califomia primaiy. H iddiad Hosea faas no previoua Ustoiy ddonating to a fedenl campaigq.

The Hoaeaa' (^press, Cdl£, house was purchased in 1971 for $2S,ooo. Lfst year it waa aaseased at $U7,597. Tfae couple dso purcfaased property to Arizona to 1989 finr$84iOOO , fM and service a mortf^e of neuly $140,000. j Donna Hbsea said tiie $4,000 donation fimn faer and faer faudund was fnr adndttance to the Edwarda fimdraiser. Neitiier of them atlmded, die aaid.

Donna Hosea said sfae waa not aware dtiie otiier 14 Rflbtoson Cdcagnie.donatfons recorded on the aame day. "I know notiifaig diout %vfaat anyone else did," ahe Mid.

Unda Moen, an office manager at tiie firmwfa o oontributed tiie maximiim pennitted, faas no prior histoiy of fecteidpditic d donations. Orange County records afaow dw Republican to 19S7 and consbtendy votes, Induding to Callfiimia'a doseji prinwries.

FrankUn Moen, Unda'a faudiand and a adf-empkyed attomcy/oonsdtaiit also gave $2,000 on March 7. ft was fab fiist recorded donation to a federd campaign. County records diow Ftaddto Moen regbtered to 1994 as a Republican and regiilaiv partidpalea to primaiy, generd and apedd dectiona.

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(>k i^r iu V 1 i CRi i ^

iCOlJlG Jf.O PuDli- j ICU 1 Atvoi.t th.e Contc;r | OontnlMjIa FeedBaek Silan

The Money Race: After First Quarter, Kenry Leads Bff Daniel i.athrop DespRe htorth Caroima Son. John Edwarda' quick-ftDm-theiyato start reWng$7 4 million in csmpaign cash since Jan 1, Sen. John Karrv nanowly remsins the topfundraise r amongst Democrelic presidential oontsnders. tSusx. hss raised more than $7.5 miiflon in hia bM tobe i his party's standard-bearer againat Preaident Qaon^a w. Buah. mdudkig more than $7 mHlbnWhafeNo w t ainoe Jan 1 QSfiay aterted raldng money lato lest yeer) Rep Rleherd Qanhaw* of Mtosourl. 5^/2009ie 3 Kerry Came fonner House Democrelic leader, ie thud with $3.6 mdllan. Donor |KI 4/24/2003 Th9 Money According to e Center of Pubic Integrity anelyato, the early acramble fbr money hes sgein the poorer of donora who cen aflbrd townt o iHg checks. More then heir d conlnbut^ Quarter. Ka 1*1 3/1^2003 gQfPSPWlt donora who gsve $1,000 or mora, and $13 niillhin d the $30 mUton rdsed by the dedaijsd In Pnmary S Oemocrstic candMsles came ftom those who wioto a check forth e $2,000 maximum 'Kl Bowing Out 1/27/2003 • T The Center's enalysis shows thst attorneys dominated Democratic ftjndraising, with more thbn Ifa fl Million sr $6 5 million of the fiekTS $30 mllRon coming from attomoys In fsct, every one of the candtdafo12M/200s 2 Tha Cantar' haa raned more monsy ftom attorneys than ftom eny olher prefosdon. WSrahouaa IO Ul conteinahnl H Most noboesUe to thst totd to EdSBSda. himself e prornlnent trid tawyer before he M fidtafitodi H Seneto in 1988. Close to6 0 percent d the contobubons he received ceme ftom the legd sector. H So far, Edwards' campaign has not raised fiinda ftom any other apectfic mduatjy, Databaae Seereh elthough he did receive $50,750 ftom bivestment at GoUman Sebha, possibly e aignaolf Enter ePhraae to ftrture support ftom Wan street dndosuradslsbsse sr Phrase; Q Lawyera dao provided $1 minon of KaCDC^ $7.5 miHion end more than $527,000 d SfiDbaOva W $3.6 mHlton. (M Lee Sigebnan, a piofsaaor of poMlcd adenoe at George Weshington UravereHy, sdd that supp{>rDocument t Warehouse mey come in pert beceuse of the Demoostic Purt/a common cause with trid lawyers Vlaw lha Canter's Doeun ftopubncen-backed cepe on Jury awarda. ol eandidate financid rec

But there'a mora to it then thet he add. "Lawyera tend to be pditicdiy ambrfbiua. They tentod make fong-tonndDence a wKh high levd electoral polltldana." ^ Arttete TertSesrch Enter a Phrase to While moat of the Democratic fleklatarla d rewng money thia year, iSsoy end Qaphardt to ikrelate d erti Bdventege d fisderal eiecbon lawe—which allow virtually unrestnded use d money raised dun ig peat eledbms—to trendler more thsn $2 mlllton eeeh eecnied during their lengttiy congresdofjPhrssed : ^ cereere into thdr preakienlid cempeigns

WHh the edddon d those fonds.KflO ^ told cempdgn eocount Jumped to more then $10 mllidn, lockmg in hto lead toth e DemoonsHc money race. Indeed, despHe outspending EdttBDlft so Cendldetfi ur, o toformatlon Kacoe hss more thsn $8 rdllon in the bsnk. EdMQUdft' csmpevn hes $5.7 mdnn end GanhardBuahGaoryt h^ a neerly $5 mlllton, puttang him to striking dtolence d second ptace. Chwwy.DIcK Dm Howard Three other Democrata have brought to more than $1 mlllon:Sen. JoaJjatnanaadConneclidit, the 2000 vice presidentid nominee, raised $3 mdlion: fbrmer Vermont Govemor Howard Pai IQEdwards . JQtm rened $2.0 mllHon; end Sen. Boh Graham of Ftonde, the rankmg member on the SenaftoGaphardtPhi k intelligence committee, rdsed about $1 mdlion. Graham. Bob Karry.JQhn Rep. Denma Kucinich d Ohn ($180,080), fonner Sen Carol Moeeley*BrBun d Illinois ($72,4S|)KufloidiiJDaPD) h and the Rev AI Shamtnn of New York roundou t the Democratic fidd. Sharpttm hea not filed report of fondraising for hto presidential exptoretory committoe, which is requked d all candktatUabertnan^ . Joseph who have raised or spent more than $5,000. Mogelfly-BmflLXtol EXHmrrE http://www.bop2004.org/dtaweb/bop2004/default.aspx7Section =AF.., 05/25/2003 Buying of The Preslden^200i^^( 4 Page 2 of 2

So fer combtoed ependmg by the Democrabc ftdd tops $7 mdlnn. wHh the bulk of that goir« fundrassers, Washington etaffo end conauHents. Leas then $1 mOlkm hes been sBoceted SharptefliAl spending in pnmary atatas, deeplto a primary acheduta that la more ftont-ioaded then enylh dnce e —— pnmary system begen m the leto lOlh century.

Kdl/s $2 miinon in cempeign spendtog hes gone mostiy totravd , staff expenses and fondrsissig coste. AoooRfang toth e cempeijsjn'e reports to the i=EC, $344,585.84 went directly to elforf4ln pnmary states.

About 20 percent d fiadiadt'e $1 millkxi n spendkig want to dforta in prbnery slalea. wNh ifto laigest other expandKurss on staff, fundraidng and travd.

EdiaaBta hss spent only $47,000 on direct primary dforts Hto $1.7 mliHon m csmpaign spendk) haa gone largely to staflF, trsvd and fondrddng expensss. (The Edttaola campaign has a so fM announced Ihet it will relisKi $10,000 to the emptoyees d sn Arionsss law Iton whoae pnndpd Kl had egreed to reinnburse ennpioyees, accoRlIng to an Apd 18 MMingtan Posf e •H The spendbig patterns are understandabto, saye Sigdmen. It merdy shows thst the Jenuery TdpA rsj begmnmg of the caucus snd primary season to stall a tong way off IKI The/re puttang together their orgenbsettons, snd putting together thdr cempsigns rsther thbn flgunng out what theyVe going to spend in New HempShire (or) what they're going to spend in ," he aakL Sf Q t-l Preddent Qaarpa W. Buah has yet toformall y snnounce hto rs-dedton cemptogn, and haa ijot >K1 H begun raldng money. In the flrd three months of 1899, fiuab raised $7.8 milhon, by fisr the rm «t emong the RepuUicen primery cendMetes. Since J3util wU mod hkdy nm unopixwed fbr t le Republican nominatton, money he retoea ftirth e primaries cen be used to ftidhi s November 20|)4 re-decbon bid. H Sf sr The Money Race: Alter Flrat Qinrtof.KSiiyLaede (Pege lot Neiil^ o •^Pradous to

http://www.bop2004.org/dtaweb/bop2004/defauit.aspx7Sectlon =AF... 05/25/2003 John Edwards-Campaigjj^lnancel^l^li s Page 1 of 4 John Edwards-Campaign Finances

Edwards for President, ine. On January 2, 2003, Sen. Edwards announced formation of a pijesidential exploratory committee. Edwards fbr President, Inc. is headquai tared in Raleigh, North Carolina. Nick Baldick, a former top Gore operative, is th s campaign manager. Key finance people are national finance chair Eileen ICoteckl, who was national finance director of 's 2000 campaign, and co-nadonai finance directors Brian Screnar and Scott Darling, who previously se|rved a similar role with Edwards* leadership PAC, New American Optimists. ; Kl Kl H Kl Edwardsfor President , Inc. Finances Kl PEG Filings Total Receipts TPtal Casl onHandPfibteJDd (st end off) iportwiBperad)' .|G? M(Ct2QQa(Jan.1-March3l) $7,418,568.16 $1,679,829.39 $5.7^8,738.77 Kl £iS!!l 1ctQ2003 The oomnntiee hew lisftiet fimdraiser on Swovsnino or Jan 4.2003atGraen8hnkfBmdOMmtoMiRatanm h The Edwerde oempevi ^MS flfil to aiinouriee lis firel quarter iwRfeers on Meieh 31. Sietoin d $7 4 na^ ihvheetoTenyoftt icendidBlae. eurpraing obeerven and OMng a booat to the cempeign However,ttw fee t wee tamnhedeomewhat a eoupleorweekelafer whenM ttietoftwgtewffMr leported EdwenV eempaign wasralumng $10,M0 n oontnbulnns to employeea d B USto Rode ^ I repoftefshi rlioshas d sad he would sr Fimfi Donations* MtatangftM H lemiiMirseheriiDroontnlNitanotoEdwardirGampaiBn See Themes B Ediel and Dan Bob "Edwento Relume Lai' sr ffOBl Apnl IS, 2003, page Al See aleo JiLQDisburBements o New American Optimists w In August 2001 Sen. Edwards formed a leadership PAC, the Ne^ American Optimists. The "Optimists" brought on Steve Jarding IS Its director starting January 2002. Jarding, a top-notch operative, iad recently managed 's successful Campaign for goverporo f Virginia in 2001; previousiy, he worked for Sen. Bob Kerrey CD- ^E) for many years through to 1998, when Kerrey left the Senate. JarrinIngg brought with him to the Optimists some of the people who had worked on the Warner campaign, including the colorful David "Mudcat" Saunders to work on rural outreach.

A number of people from Al Gore's 2000 campaign appeared In various consulting roles. Nick Baldick, a former Gore operative, helped organize Edwards* first trip to in February 2002 as well as subsequent New Hampshire trips. David Ginsberg (Ginsberg Lahey LLC, Washington, DC) who directed research for the Gore campaign, pegan doing research consulting fbr the Optimists fairly early In 2002. (Although he is not a Gore campaign alumnus, Jonathan Prince, a fbrmer Clinton speechwrlter and advisor now of Isay, Klores, Prince In ^ ew York, started about the same time). The Washington, DC consulting f rm of Shrum, Devine 8L Donilon, Inc., the folks who oversaw media for the Gore campaign, produced almost $2 million soft-sell, get-out-the-vot^ media campaign focused primarily on North Carolina In fall 2002. [11^ fornp EXmBITF

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8872 filings for the 3rd Quarter, Pre-General and Post-General Showed expenditures to the firm totaling $1,948,139.63].

The Optimists was by far the most aggressive among the Demojcratic '04 prospects' leadership PACs In soliciting major contributtons, and most of its money came from trial lawyers. Los Angeles producer Stevejn Bing was the biggest donor, contributing a total of $900,000. All tok there were 30 contributions of $50,000 or more, 28 from attx>meys oila w firms.

With its ample resources, the Optimists engaged In many creatli^e effbrts i. Ml to curry support and boost Democratic candidates In key states In April 2002, the Optimists sent 123 computers to Iowa and 53 compu lers to Kl rsl New Hampshire, on loan, fbr Democrats to use on their 2002 ca mpaign Kl efforts. Optimists purchased the voter files In Iowa and New Hi mpshlre.

In addition to putting money In key presidential primary states, the Optimists Invested substantial resources In Edwards' home stateso f North i ^ Carolina. The IRS second quarterly report showed $500 contrib Jtlons to 25 North Carolina State House candidates and $1,000 contribut ons to 21 State Senate candidates fbr a total of $33,500; In the third quariter sr and H Optimists sent a totai of $66,500 to State House, State Senate, Judicial candidates In North Carolina and $15,000 to the state pnrty ; and o the IRS post-general report (Oct. 17-Nov. 25, 2002) showed a contribution of $50,000 to the state party. However, the blgge^ Investment went to produce and run those get-out-the-vote TV »P.Pt$ featuring Edwards.

IIBI—-HfM I Mk New American Optimists Finances Total iQlal ClffitLQiLtlaiKi Reoeipts Disbursements (et end of leporl fig penod) EEC Filings 2001-02 $3,001,908.63 $2,616,338.91 $36t>,569.72 IRS (Non-FedorsO Filings 2001- 02 Post-ElBchon Non-Federal $385,42500 $1,075,091 71 Pp^trQ^neral (OcL 17-Nov. 25) $461,213.27 $578,08326 $36( ,569.72 Pl»:Ele{!tioQjsiQChFfi(Jeral $632,13500 $799,099 71 gjOS-QonerpI (OcL 1-Oct 16) $130,179.37 $502,4397 3 $280,85547 3rd Q 2002 Npr^F6Cte^Bl $1,268,243.50 $2,016,514 20 .Qfil..'Q^.MQiitbly (SepL 1-8ept 30) $54,292.57 $380,81403 $351 ,76363 ."02 Mpnttily (Aug 1-Aug. 31) $314,839.57 $362,553.83 $67{,285L0 9 AuQ "02 Monthly (July l-Juiy 31) $439,596.52 ,999 35 $371,235.91 $72! 2ndQ2Qp2LNon-F9d.er«il $1,890,350.00 $553,662.51 Juiy xa Quartarly (Apnl l^une 30) $453,759.45 $449,413.56 $79^ ,359.96

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1.s|Q20C^J|^gp:FedQrai $471,000. $236,933. Aoni '02 Quarteriy (Jan. l-MarOh $333,862.39 $236,933.35 $79)1,014.0, 9 30) Yr.&Kt 200t (July 1-Dec. 31) $731.65000 $38,764.95 $691,1,065.0 5

Tlie first check to Edwards' Optimists, a $2,500 contribution from Louto B. Si isman, a vice chair at Salomon Smith Bamey In Chicago, was recorded on Nov. 2,20( )1.

Top Donors (Total Contributions through Nov. 25,2002): Over $100,000 - $900,000-Steven Bing, Producer {los Angeles, CA). $20( i,000- IJTI Ronald L. Motley, Attorney (Charleston, SC). $189,000-Tab Tumer, Attome r (North • Kl Uttle Rode, AR). $125,000Oohn E. WIIHams, Jr., Attomey (Houston, TX). [! ;l.414,000] Kl irsi $100,000 - Frederick M. Baron, Attorney (Dallas, TX); Wade E. Byrd, Attorr ey 'Kl (Fayetteville, NC); Fbster & Sear (Arilngton, TX); GirardI and Keese (l.os Anc eles, CA); ST iBVi Offices of Reagan SWber & Trevor Pearlman, HP (Dallas, TX); Wayne A leaud, ?T Attomey (Beaumont, TX); Steven B. Sandler, Developer (Virginia Beach, VA ; l^aw O Offices of Shemoff, Bidart 8i Darras (Claremont, CA); Wilkes 8i McHugh PA C ampa, FL). ffl 9 [$900,000] H H $50,000-$100,000 $95,000-Shepard A. Hoffman, Attomey (Dallas, TX). $75,000- H Joseph W. COtohett, Attomey (Burilngame, CA); Waters a Kraus (Dallas, TX]; Lisa A. H Baron, Attorney (Dallas, TX). $58,000-James R. Duffy, Attomey (Unlondak, NY); Lopez, Hodes, Restoino, Mllman, Sklkos 8i Polos (Newport Beach, CA). [$43e ,000] sr o $50,000 Bruce A. Broillet, Attomey (Los Angeles, CA); Russell Budd, Attorney (Dallas, CO TX); Cliffbrd Law Offices, P.C. (Chicago, IL); Cooney and Cooney (Chicago, IL); Fisher, M Boyd, Brown, Boubreaux 8i Hugeunard (Houston, TX); Wayne Hogan, Attom sy (Jacksonville, FL); Thomas A. Moore, Attomey (New Yoric, NY); John M. O'Qiiinn, Attomey (Houston, TX); Power Rogersft Smith, P.A. (Chicago, IL); Paul S. If Inor, Attomey (Blloxl, MS); Weitz & Luxenburg (New Yoric, NY). [$550,000]

See also: Psotfir.fpr BfiSP.ppsiyQ F^MQS

Edwards for Senate ('04 re-election) Indications are that Sen. Edwards could face a tough re-electlor campaign in 2004. Edwards forSenat e Finances Total Totai Op. Cash Ol Hand Contributions Expends ^ end of repomng penod) $2,782,357.63 $1,198,299.14 $2,001,801.23 Eiection Cycle to Date not not $2,776,807.63 $1,160,457.15 $6,15P,00000 Mid-Year X)2 (Jan 1^une30, $828,78900 $164,693.22 $2,1,00 1,60 1 23 2002) net $625,539.00 net $164,693.22 $6,15 )1.000.0 0 Year End "Ol (July 1-Dec. 31, $283,288.12 $163,732.96 $1.327 ,,73 8 72 2002) net $282,088.12 net $183,732.96 $6,15) 1.000.0, 0

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Mid-Year Dl (Jan. 1-June30, $615,460.00 $109,487.76 $1,20M04.43 2001) net $615,360.00 net $109,487.76 S6,1S),000.00

l!|gt£: Figures under cash on hand are del)ts and obligations owed to/by the commjttee (In red If debts owed by Is greater than debts owed to).

Copynght02002,2003 EnoM ApplemenA>einoGrBcyinAction

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