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Entire Issue (PDF) E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2011 No. 1 House of Representatives This being the day fixed by Public The Clerk led the Pledge of Alle- CALIFORNIA Law 111–289, pursuant to the 20th giance as follows: Baca Garamendi Nunes Bass Harman Pelosi amendment to the Constitution of the I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States, for the meeting of the Bilbray Herger Richardson United States of America, and to the Repub- Becerra Honda Rohrabacher 112th Congress of the United States, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Berman Hunter Roybal-Allard the Representatives-elect met in their indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Bono Mack Issa Royce Hall, and at noon were called to order Calvert Lee Sa´ nchez, Linda The CLERK. As directed by law, the Campbell Lewis T. by the Clerk of the House of Represent- Capps Lofgren, Zoe Clerk of the House has prepared the of- Sanchez, Loretta atives, Hon. Lorraine C. Miller. Cardoza Lungren, Daniel Schiff ficial roll of the Representatives-elect. Chu E. The Reverend Daniel P. Coughlin of- Sherman Costa Matsui fered the following prayer: Certificates of election covering 435 Speier seats in the 112th Congress have been Davis McCarthy Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Denham McClintock Stark Your faithful believers. Enkindle with- received by the Clerk of the House, and Dreier McKeon Thompson in them the fire of Divine Love; that the names of those persons whose cre- Eshoo McNerney Waters dentials show that they were regularly Farr Miller, Gary Waxman they may be truly open to respond to Filner Miller, George Woolsey Your Word and the needs of Your peo- elected as Representatives in accord Gallegly Napolitano ple. with the laws of their respective States COLORADO Lord, send forth Your spirit and or of the United States will be called. renew the face of the Earth. May the Coffman Lamborn Tipton The Representatives-elect will record DeGette Perlmutter spirit of the living God descend upon their presence by electronic device and Gardner Polis this Chamber; that from here may their names will be reported in alpha- CONNECTICUT come forth good news for the poor, betical order by State, beginning with healing for the broken-hearted, and re- Courtney Himes Murphy the State of Alabama, to determine DeLauro Larson newed hope in the Nation. Let there go whether a quorum is present. DELAWARE forth a proclamation to the people that Representatives-elect will have a Carney captivity is ended, and the action of minimum of 15 minutes to record their true politics will set this Nation free. presence by electronic device. FLORIDA By setting single-minded self-inter- Representatives-elect who have not Adams Mack Southerland est aside in the search for the common Bilirakis Mica Stearns good, may a just society flourish with obtained their voting ID cards may do Brown Miller Wasserman the gifts of Your spirit and be recog- so now in the Speaker’s lobby. Buchanan Nugent Schultz Castor Posey nized by others for its equal justice, The call was taken by electronic de- Webster Crenshaw Rivera West unity, and peace. vice, and the following Representa- Deutch Rooney Wilson Lord, may the 112th Congress of the tives-elect responded to their names: Diaz-Balart Ros-Lehtinen Young Hastings Ross United States of America be an instru- [Roll No. 1] ment of Your goodness with abiding GEORGIA ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—434 laws embraced and clarity in policy Barrow Johnson Scott, David statements, reaching beyond institu- ALABAMA Bishop Kingston Westmoreland tional thinking and public opinion Broun Lewis Woodall Aderholt Brooks Sewell Gingrey Price polls. May every human life in this Bachus Roby Graves Scott, Austin country be renewed with dignity and Bonner Rogers HAWAII purpose so we may truly glory in Your ALASKA Hanabusa Hirono name as the free children of God made Young in Your image and conformed to Your IDAHO saving grace, both now and forever. ARIZONA Labrador Simpson Amen. Flake Gosar Quayle ILLINOIS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Franks Grijalva Schweikert Giffords Pastor Biggert Hultgren Manzullo The CLERK. The Representatives- Costello Jackson Quigley elect and their guests will please re- ARKANSAS Davis Johnson Roskam Dold Kinzinger main standing and join in the Pledge of Crawford Ross Gutierrez Lipinski Allegiance. Griffin Womack b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:45 Aug 19, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD11\RECFILES\H05JA1.REC H05JA1 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 5, 2011 Rush Schilling Shimkus NORTH CAROLINA ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CLERK Schakowsky Schock Walsh Butterfield Kissell Price The CLERK. Credentials, regular in INDIANA Coble McHenry Shuler Ellmers McIntyre Watt form, have been received showing the Bucshon Donnelly Stutzman Foxx Miller election of: Burton Pence Visclosky Jones Myrick The Honorable PEDRO R. PIERLUISI as Carson Rokita Young NORTH DAKOTA Resident Commissioner from the Com- IOWA Berg monwealth of Puerto Rico for a term of 4 years beginning January 3, 2009; Boswell King Loebsack OHIO Braley Latham The Honorable ELEANOR HOLMES Austria Jordan Ryan NORTON as Delegate from the District KANSAS Boehner Kaptur Schmidt of Columbia; Huelskamp Pompeo Chabot Kucinich Stivers ADELEINE Jenkins Yoder Fudge LaTourette Sutton The Honorable M Z. Gibbs Latta Tiberi BORDALLO as Delegate from Guam; KENTUCKY Johnson Renacci Turner The Honorable DONNA M. Chandler Guthrie Whitfield OKLAHOMA CHRISTENSEN as Delegate from the Vir- Davis Rogers Yarmuth Boren Lankford Sullivan gin Islands; Cole Lucas LOUISIANA The Honorable ENI F. H. OREGON FALEOMAVAEGA as Delegate from Amer- Alexander Fleming Scalise Boustany Landry Blumenauer Walden ican Samoa; and Cassidy Richmond Schrader Wu The Honorable GREGORIO SABLAN as PENNSYLVANIA Delegate from the Commonwealth of MAINE the Northern Mariana Islands. Michaud Pingree Altmire Fitzpatrick Pitts Barletta Gerlach Platts f MARYLAND Brady Holden Schwartz Critz Kelly Shuster ELECTION OF SPEAKER Bartlett Harris Sarbanes Dent Marino Thompson The CLERK. Pursuant to law and Cummings Hoyer Van Hollen Doyle Meehan Edwards Ruppersberger Fattah Murphy precedent, the next order of business is the election of the Speaker of the MASSACHUSETTS RHODE ISLAND House of Representatives for the 112th Capuano Markey Tierney Cicilline Langevin Congress. Frank McGovern Tsongas Keating Neal SOUTH CAROLINA Nominations are now in order. Lynch Olver Clyburn Gowdy Scott The Clerk recognizes the gentleman Duncan Mulvaney Wilson from Texas (Mr. HENSARLING). MICHIGAN SOUTH DAKOTA Mr. HENSARLING. Madam Clerk, Amash Dingell Miller every Congress represents a sacred re- Benishek Huizenga Peters Noem sponsibility to write a new and greater Camp Kildee Rogers TENNESSEE Clarke Levin Upton chapter in our Republic’s history. Be it Conyers McCotter Walberg Black Cooper Fincher providence or destiny, a unique man of Blackburn DesJarlais Fleischmann MINNESOTA Cohen Duncan Roe uniquely American values is now called to lead this effort. Bachmann Kline Peterson TEXAS Cravaack McCollum Walz At a time when far too many of our Barton Gohmert Marchant Ellison Paulsen countrymen remain unemployed, a Brady Gonzalez McCaul former small businessman will lead the MISSISSIPPI Burgess Granger Neugebauer Canseco Green, Al Olson House to pass policies to encourage job Harper Palazzo Carter Green, Gene Paul creation. Nunnelee Thompson Conaway Hall Poe Cuellar Hensarling At a time when all agree our Nation MISSOURI Reyes Culberson Hinojosa Sessions is on an unsustainable fiscal course, a Doggett Jackson Lee Akin Cleaver Hartzler Smith fiscal reformer will ensure that this Farenthold Johnson, E. B. Carnahan Emerson Long Thornberry House never mortgages the torch of lib- Flores Johnson, Sam Clay Graves Luetkemeyer erty in order to pay our debts. UTAH MONTANA At a time when too many doubt that Bishop Chaffetz Matheson Rehberg their children can enjoy a brighter fu- VERMONT ture in our country, he has lived the NEBRASKA Welch American dream, and will protect it for Fortenberry Smith Terry our posterity like few others before VIRGINIA NEVADA him. Cantor Griffith Scott This proud son of Ohio—one of 12 Berkley Heck Heller Connolly Hurt Wittman Forbes Moran Wolf children born into a working-class fam- NEW HAMPSHIRE Goodlatte Rigell ily—has waited tables, mopped floors, Bass Guinta WASHINGTON tended bar, worked construction, worked his way to a college degree at NEW JERSEY Dicks Larsen Reichert Hastings McDermott Smith night school, led a thriving company. Andrews LoBiondo Runyan Herrera Beutler McMorris And through his faith, his hard work, Frelinghuysen Pallone Sires Inslee Rodgers Garrett Pascrell Smith his values, he is now poised to become Holt Payne WEST VIRGINIA the next Speaker of the House of Rep- Lance Rothman Capito McKinley Rahall resentatives. He knows firsthand that NEW MEXICO WISCONSIN unlimited opportunity can only arise from limited constitutional govern- Heinrich Luja´ n Pearce Baldwin Moore Ryan Duffy Petri Sensenbrenner ment. NEW YORK Kind Ribble Madam Clerk, as chairman of the Re- Ackerman Higgins Owens WYOMING publican Conference, I am directed by Bishop Hinchey Rangel Lummis the unanimous vote of that conference Buerkle Israel Reed to present for election to the Office of Clarke King Serrano b 1234 Crowley Lee Slaughter Speaker of the House of Representa- Engel Lowey Tonko The CLERK. The quorum call dis- tives for the 112th Congress the name Gibson Maloney Towns closes that 434 Representatives-elect of the Honorable JOHN A. BOEHNER, a Grimm McCarthy Vela´ zquez Hanna Meeks have responded to their name. A Representative-elect from the State of Weiner Hayworth Nadler quorum is present.
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