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Toward an Ethical Experiment∗ Yusuke Naritay June 11, 2018 Abstract Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) enroll hundreds of millions of subjects and in- volve many human lives. To improve subjects' welfare, I propose an alternative design of RCTs. This design (1) produces a Pareto efficient allocation of treatment assignment probabilities, (2) is asymptotically incentive compatible for preference elicitation, and (3) unbiasedly estimates any causal effect estimable with standard RCTs. I quantify these properties by applying my proposal to a water cleaning experiment in Kenya (Kremer et al., 2011). Compared to standard RCTs, my design substantially improves subjects' predicted well-being while reaching similar treatment effect estimates with similar precision. Keywords: Research Ethics, Clinical Trial, Social Experiment, A/B Test, Market De- sign, Causal Inference, Development Economics, Spring Protection, Discrete Choice ∗I am grateful to Dean Karlan for a conversation that inspired this project; Joseph Moon for industrial and institutional input; Jason Abaluck, Josh Angrist, Tim Armstrong, Sylvain Chassang, Naoki Egami, Pe- ter Hull, Costas Meghir, Bobby Pakzad-Hurson, Amanda Kowalski, Michael Kremer, Kritika Narula, Rohini Pande, Parag Pathak, Mark Rosenzweig, Jesse Shapiro, Joseph Shapiro, Suk Joon Son, Seiki Tanaka, Kosuke Uetake, and Glen Weyl for criticisms and encouragement; seminar participants at Chicago, Columbia, Wis- consin, Tokyo, Oxford, Microsoft, AEA, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Brown, NBER, Illinois, Yale, Hitotsubashi, European Summer Symposium in Economic Theory on \An Economic Per- spective on the Design and Analysis of Experiments," CyberAgent, Kyoto, International Conference on Experimental Methods in Economics. I received helpful research assistance from Soumitra Shukla, Jaehee Song, Mizuhiro Suzuki, Devansh Tandon, Lydia Wickard, and especially Qiwei He, Esther Issever, Zaiwei Liu, Vincent Tanutama, and Kohei Yata.
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