ACC 1987-0613 GH AL WYNTER WSM.Pdf

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ACC 1987-0613 GH AL WYNTER WSM.Pdf ... .... 't • • • • WI TH B O B K I N GS LEY TO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTDOWN AFFILIATES ABC Watermark FROM: JOHNNY BIGGS 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. West #555 Los Angeles. CA 90068 {818) 980-9490 DATE: JUNE 6, 1987 RE: GUEST HOST Bob Kingsley is taking a well deserved vacation this week. It's our pleasure to announce that Al Wynter from WSM-AM Nashville will be sitting in for Bob, on the program that airs June 13-14, 1987. (Program #872-11) Al began his broadcasting career in his home town of Carrington, North Dakota on KDAK. On h i s way to his current afternoon drive slot on WSM, Al has made stops in North Dakota at KOVC Valley City and KBMW Wahpeton, KBUF Garden City, Kansas. WDAF Kansas City, and WHK Cleveland. Bob Kingsley will return next week on the program airing June 20-21, 1987. FOR SATELLITE QUESTIONS: (212) 887-4414 FC R WEEK ENDING: ___6....;;/_l_ 3-'-/-::8-::7- ----::-=----:-:c- CYCLE NO. 872 PROGRAM ] 1_ OF 13 I ABCWatetlllGl'k I • DISC & HALF HOUR NO. 1A (BacRed w/ ~ PAGE NO. -~-- 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Entertainment Radio Network SCNEDUL•D ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START Tl,.I! TIME TIME 00:00 BILLBOARD: "NCl\T, AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNI'IXWN BROUGHT TO YOU IN PART BY BAYER, THE WONDER DRUG THAT IDRKS WOODERS. AND, . BY THE HEARTBEAT OF AMERICA ••• TODAY'S CHEVY TRUCKS." THEME AND OPENING OF PART I 06:51 THEME: "MY KIND OF COUNTRY" / (MARKWATER MUSIC/BM!) #1 (LW) I WILL BE THERE (B/A) Dan Seals #40 I TURN TO YOU (B) / George Jones ILGO: MY KIND OF COUNyRY, MY KIND OF MU✓c ../ C-1 V 06:51 NElWORK SPOT: PHILIPS PETROL/CAMPBELLS 30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with... " ... good food. " 07:51-t----+-L~O~CA~L=I_N~SE~R~T=:==-===~/ -====-:---- - - :60 08: Sl ILGO: AMERICAN C~~.Y COUNTIX)WN #39 WHY DOES ~~-~VE TO BE (RIGHT OR WRONG) (B/A) Restless~t #38 IX)MESTIC LIFE (A/B) 07:41 John Conlee ILGO: MY KIND OF CVUN"UU, MY !>,IND OF MUSIC V / C-2 16:32 NElWORK SPOT: PETER PAN/AVON 30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with... " ... you look now." 17:32 l LOCAL INSERT: :60 18:32 I ILGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COlJNTIXMN / ...- #37 MIDNIGHT BLUE (B) / 07:38 John Wesley Ryles / KN£ (B) John Wesley Ryles ILGO: MY KIND OF COUNI'RY./1.r/. KIND OF MUSIC / C-3 26:10 NETWORK SPOT: CHEVROLET :60 (OUT CUE) Jingle fades after ... " •.. Chevy truck. " 27:10 LOCAL INSERT: :60 28:10 STATION I. D.: (OVER FOR SIDE lB) :10 FOR WEEK ENJ;>lJiG: 6/13/87 CYCLE NO.,__;l..__t[L.....__ PROGRAM 11 OF _13_ IABCWatermark I G DISC & HALF HOUR NO. 1B (Backed w/3A) PAGE NO. --=2,__ 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Entertainment Radio Network SCMEDULID ACTUAL RUNNING START TIME TIME EL.rNT' TIME 28:20 UX:0: AMERICAN. COUNTRY CWNTJ..UJVN #36 TELLING ME LIES (B/P) Dolly Parton, Linda Ronst~lou Harris 07:53 #35 A LCNG LINE OF LOVE (B) Michael M:rrtin Murphey LCGO: L/ C-4 30/30 36:13 NETWORK SPOT: CI.ORETS/TRUE VALUE (Oill' CUE) Voice out cold with ..• " •.. hardware stores. 11 :60 37:13 LOCAL INSERT: 38:13 UX:O: AMERICAN COONTRY COUNTl:X:WN #34 WHISKEY IF YOU WERE A WCMAN (A) Highway 1-0-1 / #33 FALLIN' OUT (B) _/' 10:46 Waylon Jennings #32 ARE YOU STILL IN LOVE WITH ME (B/G) Anne Murray UX:O: MY KIND OF CO~Y, MY~ ~S~ ✓ ../' ~ 48:59 NETWORK SPOT: BAYER/CAMPBELLS/EQUAL/ROLAIDS 30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with... 30/30 11 • •• only as directed. " 50:59 LCa): AMERICAN COONTRY C~ #31 COUNTRY RAP (A) Bellamy Bros. 06:43 ALL THESE THINGS ( ) Joe Stampley 57:27 THEME UP AND UNDER WITH TALK UNIT ENDING AT: 57 : 42 THEME TO: 57:50 C-6 57:50 LOCAL INSERT: 2:00 59:50 STATION I. 0.: :10 FOR WEEK ENDING: 6/] 3/87 CYCLE NO 87? PROGRAM 11 OF _13_ 01sc a. HALF HOUR No. 2A (Backed whB) PAGE NO. _..,____ WITH a O I C IHC\t l T 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Entertainment Radio Network -SCHEDULID ACTUAL RUNNING ELEMENT START TIMI! TIMI! TIME 00:00 THEME AND OPENING OF PARI' II #30 HAVE I GOr Sa1E BLUES FOR YOU (A/B) / Charley Pride 07:16 I'LL BE LEAVIN' ALONE ( ) / ' Charley Pride r.,cx;o: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, m-KIND~Ml.JSIC .k(_ / c-t 07:16 NETWORK SPOT: PASTA MEALS/CLORETS 30/30 (OUT CUE) Jing l e ends cold with ••• " ..• than you think. " LQ.8:_,,,l .,,,_6-+------l,_L_O_C_A_L_IN_S_ER_T_:_..,,./'----------------------------+---:_6_0---i : L(X;(): .1\ME..RT~J.\N COUNTRY COUN'I'IU'JN 09 16 #29 ~ TIME TO TIME (IT FEELS LIKE WVE AGI\IN) (B) Larry Gatlin & Janie Frickie 07:40 #28 CINDERELLA (B) Vince Gill r.,cx;o: MY KIND OF, MY KIND OF Ml.JSIC C-2 16:56 NETWORK SPOT: CHEVROffu :60 (OUT CUE) Jingle fades after ••• " ••• Chevy truck. " LOCAL INSERT: :60 18:56 L(X;(): AMERICAN COUNTRY ✓ . #27 '100 MANY RIVERS (B) Forester Sister✓ 07:43 #26 SO'S LADIES (S) K.T. Oslin L(X;(): MY KIND OF O)UNI'RY MY ...KIND OF Ml.JSIC / ii C-3 26: 39 NETWORK SPOT: CLORETs/-:::~... K :K" .... c: 30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold after ••• " ••. has to be gcxxi. " 27:39 LOCAL INSERT: :60 (OVER FOR SIDE 2B) 28 : 39 STATION I. D.: :10 FOR WEEK ENDING: ___6_ /_1..,..3..,.../ _87____ _ CYCL E NO. 872 PROGRAM 11 OF _13_ I ABCWatermark I 01sc & HALF HOUR No. 2B (Backed w/M\) G PAGE NO. --"4.____ W IT H eo a 1(/NGSlfY 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Entertainment Radio Network -SCHEDULeO ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START TIME TIME TIME 28:49 LCGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNT!Ja'1N #25 ONE PRCMISE TOO LATE (A/B) Reba McEntire 08:30 #24 LOVE CAN'T EVER GET BEITER THAN THIS (A) / Ricky Skaggs and Sharon White LCGO: MY KIND OF C_• 7 ~Y, JjX KIND OF MUSIC / V C-4 37:19 NETWORK SPOT: BAYER/POLAROID 30/30 (OUT CUE) Voice out cold with .•. " •.. ends July 4th. " 38:19 LOCAL INSERT: :60 39:19 LCGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUN'I'rovN ✓ #23 SNAP YOUR FINGERS (B) 06:30 Ronnie Milsap / MY HEART (B) Ronnie Milsap / LCGO: MY KIND OF co~~, MY.fa OF MUS~ v / C-5 / 45:49 NETWORK SPOT: PETER PAN/WEEDEATER/SMI.JCKERS/CLORETS 30/30 (Our CUE) Jingle ends cold with . • 30/30 " ••. than you think. " 47:49 LCGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY~ #22 ~e!!:i . / #21 OH HEART (A) V/ 09:55 Baillie and the Boys THE OOOR IS N..,WAYS OPEN ( ) Dave & Sugar 57:29 THEME UP AND UNDER WITH TALK UNIT ENDING AT : 57:44 C-6 57:50 LOCAL INSERT: 2: 00 59:50 STATION I. D.: :10 i. FOR WEEK ENDING: 6 /] 3~8~ CYCLE NO. 872 PROGRAMi OF 13 ABCWatermark 01sc & HALF HOUR NO. 3A (Bac~e w/lBt= I I • PAGE NO. _5__ _ 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Entertainment Radio Network SCMEOUL•D ACTUAL ELEMENT RUNNING START TIMf TIME TIME 00:00 THEME AND OPENING OF PART III / #20 LOVE SCM:ONE LIKE ME (B/A) t/ Holly Dunn / 07:38 #19 AMERICAN ME (A/B) S-K-0 L030: MY KIND OF COUNTRY, MY KIND OF .MUSIC C-1 07:38 NETWORK SPOT: CHEVROIEI' :60 (Our CUE) Jingle fades after... 11 11 ••• Chevy truck. 08:38 LOCAL INSERT: :60 LCGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COONTIOWN 09:38 #18 CRIME OF PASSION (A) / Ricky Van Shelton / #17 JULIA (B/A) / 07:58 Conway Twitty LCGO: MY KIND OF COT.JNT}zy, MY /rnn OF MUSIC 1 / v C-2 17:36 NETWORK SPOT: CAMPBm..S/AVCN 30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with ... 11 ••• you look now." 18:36 LOCAL INSERT: / :60 19:36 L030: AMERICAN COUNTRY UNl.'l~ #16 FULL G:RavN FCX)L (B) / Mickey Gilley HONKY 'IDNK MEM'.)RIES ( ) 06:23 Mickey Gilley L030: MY KIND OF com,mY. L lltJSIC / - C-3 1 25:59 NETWORK SPOT: ROlAtDS/BAYER 30/30 (OUT CUE) Jingle ends cold with... 11 11 ••• only as directed. 26:59 LOCAL INSERT: :60 27:59 STATION I. 0.: (OVER FOR SIDE 3B) :10 FOR WEEK E,W;),lNG: _ __,6<-L/....,1,..3.... /..,...B..,_7 _____ _ CYCLE NO. ..,.;'de:....:..: /,L.____PROGRAM 11 OF _13_ I ABCWatermark I G DISC & HALF HOUR NO. 3B (Backed w/2A) PAGE NO. __,6~-- WITH 101 IC INC$tf'I' 3575 Cahuenga Blvd. W., Suite 555, Los Angeles, CA 90068 ABC Entertainment Radio Network RUNNING -SCHEDULRD ACTUAL ELEMENT' START TIME TIME TIME 28:09 I.OGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY C✓ #15 THE WEEKEND (B) Steve Wariner #14 I KNOO WHERE I IM GOING 08:32 Judds LCGO: MY KIND OF COUN'I'R':J, MY ~uF MUSIC _., C-4 36:41 NETWORK SPOT: TRUE VALUE/POLAROID 30/30 (our CUE) Voice out cold with... " ... ends July 4th." 37:41 LOCAL INSERT: :60 38:41 I.OGO: AMERICAN COUNTRY COUNTIXWN / #13 TIL I'M TCX) OLD 'IO DIE YOUNG (B/A) l'-be Bandy 07:38 #12 I WILL BE THERE (B/A) Dan Seals I.OGO: MY KIND OF COUNI'RY, MY KIND OF MUSIC C-5 46:19 NETWORK SPOT: PASTA MEALS/WEEDEATER/EQUAL/BULLSEYE BBQ SAUCE 30/30 (our CUE) Jingle ends cold with •.
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