
H1386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 9, 1997 away from our kids and our grandkids uary 7, 1997, the gentleman from Cali- treasures of our country. However, we to have the same kind of opportunity, fornia [Mr. BROWN] is recognized for 60 should not forget that she had to fight to have the same kind of standard of minutes. hard to win her place in history. Al- living that we have had. Mr. BROWN of California. Mr. Speak- though she won a first prize in a voice I have introduced a Social Security er, I thank the distinguished gen- contest in New York in 1925 and made bill. It makes a lot of modest changes. tleman in the well, Mr. SMITH of Michi- an appearance that year with the New It does not increase the tax. It does not gan, for his eloquence in maintaining York Philharmonic, she was still un- affect existing retirees. In fact, it does the floor for such a period of time to able to find operatic engagements and not affect anybody over 57 years old. protect me and my interest in getting within a few years her career came to But it gradually slows down the in- here. a standstill. crease in benefits for the higher in- GENERAL LEAVE It was only after she toured Europe come recipients. It adds one more year Mr. BROWN of California. Mr. Speak- to great acclaim in the early 1930’s to the time that you would be eligible er, I ask unanimous consent that all that the American public began to pay for Social Security benefits. Members may have 5 legislative days attention to her. Even after her ar- It makes a couple other small within which to revise and extend their tistry was recognized, in her home changes. I say, and it has been scored remarks and to include therein extra- country she faced racial prejudice on a to keep Social Security solvent for- neous material on the subject of my more mundane level. Well into her ca- ever; I say, let us run this proposal up special order this afternoon. reer, she was turned away at res- the flag pole. Let us start looking at The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. JEN- taurants and hotels. America’s opera ways we can improve it, but let us not KINS). Is there objection to the request houses continued to remain closed to any longer pretend that the problems, of the gentleman from California? her for a long time. that the problem does not exist. I say, There was no objection. Yes, it was who if we have any regard for our kids, we Mr. BROWN of California. Mr. Speak- first broke the color barrier for West- are going to do two things: We are er, I rise today to pay tribute to the ern classical musicians of African de- going to give them a good education centennial of the birth of Marian An- scent. There had, of course, been dis- and a good opportunity. We cannot derson, one of the world’s greatest tinguished black musical artists before give them a good opportunity if we singers, a champion for civil rights, her, but it was she who accomplished continue to go deeper and deeper in and a leader in the advancement of what no one else had. With the gifts of debt and expect them to pay for it. We global peace. her talent and determination, she es- cannot give them the opportunity if we One hundred years ago, on February tablished beyond dispute that African- continue to increase taxes, thinking 27, 1897, Marian Anderson was born to a American musical performers could be that Government can spend a worker’s poor family in Philadelphia, PA. She more than adequate to the task of ex- money better than they can. died at the age of 96, on April 8, 1993. celling in the most demanding concert Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance She was a master of repertoire across and operatic venues. of my time. operatic recital and American tradi- Marian Anderson not only played a f tional genres. vital role in the acceptance of African- When one of her music teachers first American musicians in the classical ON TAXES heard her sing, the richness of her tal- music world but also made a valuable (Mr. SMITH of Michigan asked and ent moved him to tears. One of the contribution to the advancement of the was given permission to address the greatest conductors of opera and sym- arts, the status of women, civil rights, House for 1 minute.) phonic music who ever lived, Arturo and global peace. Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speak- Toscanini of Italy, claimed Marian An- In 1939, the Daughters of the Amer- er, I want to say some last words on derson had a voice that came along ican Revolution, DAR, refused to allow taxes. only once in a hundred years. But be- Marian Anderson to sing at Constitu- In 1947, the Federal budget rep- cause of her race, her prospects as a tion Hall because of her race. As a re- resented 12 percent of the total econ- concert singer in the sult of the ensuing public outcry, Elea- omy in the United States. In other seemed limited. nor Roosevelt resigned from the DAR words, the Federal budget was 12 per- However, the magnitude of her talent and helped to arrange a concert at the cent of GDP. We have expanded that. eventually won her broad recognition Lincoln Memorial that drew an audi- As politicians find that they are more all over the world. She became the first ence of 75,000, an audience far larger likely to get elected and reelected if black singer to perform at the Metro- than Constitution Hall could ever have they make a bunch of promises to peo- politan Opera in 1955. By the time she accommodated. ple, we have had too many promises, retired in the mid 1960s, Marian Ander- Mr. Speaker, I have brought this Spe- because what it takes to keep those son was recognized as a national treas- cial Order to the House floor this after- promises is increasing taxes and in- ure. noon because 58 years ago today, on creasing borrowing. No one could have foreseen such a Easter Sunday, April 9, 1939, Marian Though young people today should be destiny for this girl born of a poor fam- Anderson gave that concert on the up in arms about what Congress is ily in Philadelphia. Her father, an ice steps of the Lincoln Memorial. No doing to their future, everybody should and coal salesman, died when she was a other occasion could be best suited for be looking at what they are paying in child. When her mother could not find us to pay a tribute to the centennial of taxes at the local, State and national a job as a teacher, Marian Anderson be- the birth of this great American. level. came a cleaning lady. She scrubbed In my opinion, the one event for Look at payroll deductions. If we did people’s steps to earn enough money to which Marian Anderson is most re- not have automatic deductions on pay- buy a violin. There was no money for membered in the public mind is her checks, the people of America would piano lessons, so she and her sisters 1939 concert at the Lincoln Memorial, not stand for the kind of taxes they are taught themselves to play piano by which became a landmark in the fight paying to let somebody else decide how reading about how to do it. for civil rights. At 5 o’clock in the to spend their money when they could Marian Anderson received her first afternoon on that day, a crowd of 75,000 make a much better decision to help musical training in the choirs at the people assembled at the feet of the their family. Union Baptist Church in Philadelphia. Great Emancipator while radio micro- f The members of her church raised the phones waited to carry her voice to b 1630 money she needed to study with good millions across the land. As the sun music teachers. By saving money and suddenly broke through clouds that H.R. 864, THE MARIAN ANDERSON getting a scholarship, she was able to shadowed the scene all day, Marian An- CENTENNIAL COMMEMORATIVE study in Europe. derson began singing ‘‘America the COIN ACT A century after her birth, Marian An- Beautiful.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under derson remains a model for all citizens The concert has been likened in im- the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- of the world and one of the greatest pact to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s April 9, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1387 ‘‘I Have a Dream’’ speech delivered on This year also marks the 100th birthday sun, the moon, and the stars, he made no dis- the same site 24 years later, and I celebration of Ms. Anderson. A native Phila- tinction of race creed or color. . . . Genius, might add parenthetically that I had delphian, born on February 27, 1897, Ander- like justice, is blind . . . Genius draws no the honor to be present at that speech, son became an internationally renowned con- color line and has endowed Marian Anderson an event at which Anderson also sang. tralto and an aspiring symbol to all who strive with such a voice as lifts any individual above The 1939 recital certainly set a prece- to achieve against tremendous odds. Ander- his fellows.'' dent for the 1963 march, not only in son began her career like so many African- In later years Anderson spoke infrequently that it was a watershed in the ongoing Americans, by singing in her church choir and always reluctantly about the DAR affair. battle for civil rights, but in the man- where funds were raised to help pay for her She was uncomfortable with controversy. The ner through which this particular vic- voice lessons. Anderson traveled the world quite dignity with which she bore those now tory was won by the central person singing arias and ending each concert with historic events, her refusal to speak any harsh quietly but firmly avoiding strife and spirituals, for she was a spiritually centered in- words of blame or to be diverted from a belief taking, instead, a moral high road that dividual. that people will one day act more honorably, all people, regardless of race, have to She was affectionately referred to as the only served to enhance her reputation as a admire. ``Lady from Philadelphia''. In 1930, she toured woman of great dignity and hopefulness. In But while Marian Anderson is most Europe, winning from Toscanini the tribute her 1956 autobiography, she wrote, ``I said remembered for this concert, it was ``the voice that comes once in a 100 years''. yes, but the yes did not come easy. In prin- only one event in a long life of break- She became an accepted citizen of the world cipal, the idea was sound but it could not be ing barriers and setting precedents. In long before she was accepted as an equal citi- comfortable to me as an individual. I could see 1955, she became the first black singer zen in her own country. that my significance as an individual was small to perform at the Metropolitan Opera The story of the Easter Sunday concert has in the affair. I had become, whether I liked it in New York, as I have already men- been told many times in many ways. The an- or not, a symbol representing my people. I tioned. In 1957, the U.S. State Depart- nouncement that Anderson was to be awarded had to appear.'' ment sponsored a 10-week tour of Asia, the Spingarn MedalÐthe highest medal given Some people felt that she should have spo- in which she sang 24 concerts in 14 by the NAACPÐbrought her national attention. ken up more often regarding racism and how countries. She also sang at President Prominence of a different order came a few she was treated however, she felt that your Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Inauguration months later. Within weeks of the NAACP's actions spoke volumes. She is quoted as hav- in 1957 and at President John F. Ken- announcement, Charles C. Cohen, chairman ing said, ``Remember, wherever you are and nedy’s in 1961. of Howard University's concert series, acting whatever you do, someone always sees you.'' Late in her life, she was frequently for Sol Hurok, Ms. Anderson's manager, re- Regarding racism she says, ``Sometimes, its honored. She was awarded 24 honorary quested the use of Washington, DC's Con- like a hair across your cheek. You can't see degrees by institutions of higher learn- stitution Hall from the Daughters of the Amer- it, you can't find it with your fingers, but you ing. In 1963, she became the first recipi- ican Revolution [DAR]. The DAR refused to ent of the Presidential Medal of Free- keep brushing at it because the feel of it is irri- allow Ms. Anderson the use of the hall, admit- dom. Congress passed a resolution in tating.'' ting finally that no Negro would be allowed to Quote from her nephew, Maestro James 1974 to have a special gold medal mint- perform there. This was a restriction, in fact, DePreist, conductor of the Oregon Symphony: ed in her name. Marian Anderson was a ``For those who loved her singing, there was delegate to the United Nations, where that had been in place for a number of years. a uniqueness to the quality of that voice that she received the U.N. Peace Prize in Everyone from to actor 1977. In 1984, she became the first recip- Frederic March rose their voices in pointed was able to touch people profoundly. For ient of the Eleanor Roosevelt Human outrage. those who have viewed her as a symbol As a result of this public snub of Ms. Ander- Rights Award of the city of New York. against prejudice, her life was an example of son, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt resigned She was also awarded the National the dignity of the person versus the absurdity her membership from the DAR. Furious with Arts Medal in 1986. of discrimination.'' It is clear that something must be the shameful and bigoted action of the DAR, Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speaker, I done as a Nation to honor the centen- Lulu Childers, the director of music at Howard would like to commend the gentleman from nial of the birth of this great Amer- University, vowed that ``she'll sing here even if California, Mr. BROWN, for arranging this im- ican. Mr. Speaker, in closing my state- we have to build a tent for her.'' The solution portant tribute to Marian Anderson. ment, I would like to take this oppor- that gradually emerged became one of the Today we honor the centennial anniversary tunity to urge my colleagues from both early defining moments in the history of of the birth of Ms. Marian Anderson, a woman sides of the aisle to support the passage peaceful protest against racial inequality in this renowned throughout the world for her extraor- of H.R. 864, the Marian Anderson Cen- country. Walter White and other NAACP offi- dinary contralto voice, but more importantly for tennial Commemorative Coin Act, a bi- cials, in discussions with Hurok, decided that being one of our country's greatest shining, partisan bill to honor the centennial of Anderson should sing at the Lincoln Memorial, guiding stars herself. She was an eloquent the birth of Marian Anderson. in the open air, where no barriers could be and effective speaker who chose to fight prej- The surcharges from the sale of coins erected. White took his plan to the Department udice through a dignity and grace admired will be distributed to the Smithsonian of the Interior, from whence it went to Presi- world over. Institution and the Corporation for dent Roosevelt, who gave his enthusiastic ap- Marian Anderson led an amazing life attain- Public Broadcasting for the endowment proval. So on Easter Sunday, April 9 1939, ing success and making history through her of exhibits and educational programs Ms. Anderson sang in front of a crowd of exceptional diligence. She was born in Phila- related to African-American art, his- 75,000 instead of the 4,000 that would have delphia to a poor family, but they lived in a tory, and culture. The bill has a provi- filled Constitution Hall. The crowd stretched neighborhood rich in support. It was in this sion that ensures that minting and is- down both sides of the Reflecting Pool, to the community that Marian Anderson got her start suing coins will not result in any net base of the Washington Monument. by performing in the Union Baptist Church cost to the U.S. Government. Many of her own people in attendance choir, where her talent was noticed, so the Marian Anderson’s life is a model for would never have heard her sing because of community chipped in to raise money for her all of us. I consider it a privilege to the disabling Jim Crow laws that governed to begin voice lessons and expand on her tal- have introduced this legislation to pass much of the country. These same laws forced ent. From here Marian Anderson began per- on our memory of this great humani- Ms. Anderson to travel in the colored section forming and winning numerous contests in- tarian to future generations in the of trains traveling South, stay at black-owned cluding the New York Philharmonic competi- form of her commemorative coins. I am hotels or stay at friends and friends of family tion. Marian Anderson also performed in Car- honored to join with my colleagues members during her tours, and enter concert negie Hall and then began her first profes- today to pay tribute to the centennial halls from the back entrances to the very halls sional tour that took her across the European of the birth of Marian Anderson. in which she was to perform. Continent. She was well received, especially Mr. FATTAH. Mr. Speaker, it is fitting that Easter Sunday Ms. Anderson was intro- for her African-American spirituals. Congress remembers Marian Anderson on this duced by the Secretary of Interior, Harold L. It is hard to imagine that Ms. Anderson was day which marks the 58th anniversary of her Ickes. Secretary Ickes said, ``In this great audi- more accepted in Europe than in America Easter concert on the steps of the Lincoln Me- torium under the sky, all of us are free. When where she was prevented from performing at morial. For she is no stranger to Washington. God gave us this wonderful outdoors and the Constitution Hall due to segregation rules. But H1388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 9, 1997 this ignorance could not equal the strength Roosevelt invited Miss Anderson to perform at ciate the fact that we are reducing that Marian Anderson had, nor the power held the Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday, 1939. taxes, and so would the Department of by a dismayed Eleanor Roosevelt, who in- Miss Anderson proudly sang to an audience Energy. So the important thing about stead arranged for Marian Anderson to share of 75,000 people, while millions more listened this bill is it is budget neutral. her talent with an even larger audience. So in over national radio. Her inspirational perform- The legislation addresses capital 1939, she gave a brilliant performance at the ance that April day is considered by historians gains taxation. This type of tax arises Lincoln Memorial on Easter Sunday, also as the first crucial victory of the modern civil when an asset is sold and the difference broadcast over national radio. Later that year, rights movement. between the base and the sales price is she received more attention and was awarded Even after her artistry was recognized in the taxed. The appreciation in value can the Spingarn Award for the highest and no- United States, Miss Anderson still faced racial reflect real or perhaps it can reflect in- blest achievement by a black American. prejudice on a daily basis. Well into her ca- flationary gain. Because of the unique- This recognition was just the beginning of reer, she was turned away at restaurants and ness of this tax, what happens is, peo- Marian Anderson's honors. In 1955, she broke hotels. Even America's opera houses re- ple hold an asset for a long period of the musical color barrier with her overdue mained closed to her until Rudolf Bing invited time, they are taxed, and basically debut at the Metropolitan Opera. Then in her to sing at the Metropolitan Opera. much of that tax is due to inflation. 1958, she was named by President Dwight D. Throughout all of her trials and struggles, Put simply, gains should be indexed Eisenhower to delegate status at the General Miss Anderson did not give up. Her undaunted to account for this inflation, and that Assembly of the United Nations. Over the spirit fought on and her determination opened is what this bill does. I can give some course of her life she received 24 honorary doors for future black artists that had been statistics, which I will make part of degrees by college institutions; and she re- firmly bolted shut. the RECORD, Mr. Speaker, but basi- ceived medals from a list of countries. She The soprano Lenotyne Price, one of the ear- cally, in real terms, fixing this simple also sang at President John F. Kennedy's in- liest artists to profit from Miss Anderson's ef- capital gains indexation will increase auguration in 1961, and President Johnson forts, once said, ``Her example of professional- investments by $75 billion, raise gross gave her the American Medal of Honor. On ism, uncompromising standards, overcoming domestic product by $120 billion, and her 75th birthday in 1974, the U.S. Congress obstacles, persistence, resiliency and un- reduce the cost of capital by 12 percent, passed a resolution to have a special gold daunted spirit inspired me to believe that I creating an average of 233 additional medal minted in her name. could achieve goals that otherwise would have new jobs. It is obvious to see that Marian Anderson been unthought of.'' Best of all, a capital gains tax reduc- was one of America's most accomplished mu- Soprano Jessye Norman said, ``At age 10 I tion affects nearly everyone in this sical talents, but she is also so much more. heard, for the first time, the singing of Marian country. In fact, nearly 50 percent of Marian Anderson was a humanitarian who had Anderson on a recording. I listened, thinking, those Americans who claim capital the heart to make a difference in the world as this can't be just a voice, so rich and beautiful. gains have incomes of less than $40,000, well as open the doors of American concert It was a revelation. And I wept.'' and 60 percent of those who claim cap- halls for other African-American musicians Later in life, Miss Anderson was named a ital gains have incomes of less than who had been denied their place for far too delegate to the United Nations by President $50,000. long. Marian Anderson challenged the con- Dwight D. Eisenhower and was the recipient The second part of this legislation es- cepts of prejudice and won the world to her of the Presidential Medal of Freedom from tablishes dream savings accounts to side through her talent, dignity and virtuosity. President Carter. She died in 1993, but her encourage personal responsibility and, Mr. Speaker, Marian Anderson was and still successful fight to give every individual an op- frankly, savings. In short, America is a true national treasure. She took brave portunity to achieve their own greatness, needs a system that encourages and steps in eliminating segregation through the helped our country become a stronger nation. betters retirement and big-event pur- power of song and spirituals that transcended Her contributions will live on forever. chasing savings and does so through race and cultures. I am honored to recognize I'm proud to join my colleagues for this Spe- these dream savings accounts. such a heroic lady on the date which marks cial Order and I'm honored to be a cosponsor The current system does not provide the 58th anniversary of her concert at the Lin- of the Marian Anderson Centennial Com- any incentive at all for Americans to coln Memorial. I am also proud to be a co- memorative Coin Act. Each of us must learn save for their first home or for their sponsor of the Marian Anderson Centennial from the example set by Marion Anderson to children’s college education, nor does Commemorative Coin Act and would urge my eliminate hate and violence, and create a the current system afford American colleagues to do the same and join me in giv- stronger, more tolerant America. Thank you taxpayers the opportunity to use their ing one last honor to the legacy of a lady, a Mr. Speaker. retirement savings for catastrophic musician, a civil rights champion, and a pro- f events. In fact, it can easily be argued moter of world peace. that the current system penalizes Mr. MALONEY of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, EASING TAX BURDEN FOR ALL AMERICANS Americans. We must change that. today marks the 58th anniversary of Marian The third part of my bill would re- Anderson's historic concert at the Lincoln Me- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a peal the tax increases on the Social Se- morial. In addition, this year is the centennial previous order of the House, the gen- curity benefits that were enacted in anniversary of her birth. In honor of these sig- tleman from Florida [Mr. STEARNS] is President Clinton’s 1993 budget rec- nificant events, it's appropriate that we take a recognized for 5 minutes. onciliation bill. Prior to 1993, individ- moment to pay tribute to this very special Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise uals with income in excess of a certain woman and a long time resident of my home- today to introduce legislation that threshold could be taxed only at half of town, who is not only acclaimed for her glori- would ease the tax burden for all Amer- their Social Security benefits. Recipi- ous God-given voice, but for the historic con- icans and assist all of us in pursuit of ents with incomes below the threshold tributions she made on behalf of all African- the American dream. were not at all taxed on their Social Americans. This legislation contains three sim- Security income. Marian Anderson, of Danbury, CT, the first ple provisions affecting the Tax Code: However, after President Clinton’s African-American singer to perform with the Indexation of the capital gains tax, es- 1993 Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Metropolitan Opera, stands out as a leading tablishment of the American dream Act had been implemented, higher in- example of African-American pride and savings accounts, and repeal of the 1993 come thresholds were achieved. Now, achievement. increase in taxes on Social Security individuals earning above these thresh- As a young woman developing her singing benefits. olds can be taxed at 85 percent of their career, Miss Anderson faced many obstacles, Quite simply, this bill is designed to Social Security benefits. and was often the victim of racism. Probably right several wrong things that I think b the most widely known incident occurred in presently exist in the Tax Code. And I 1645 1939, when, after triumphant appearances would point out, Mr. Speaker, these Unfortunately this bill also includes throughout Europe and the , she three things are offset by reductions in dividends on earnings. Thereby even was prevented from performing at Washing- the Department of Commerce and the tax-exempt dividends count as income ton's Constitution Hall by its owners. To apolo- Department of Energy. Surely the De- when calculating Social Security tax- gize for that mistreatment, First Lady Eleanor partment of Commerce would appre- ation. Simply put, the tax increase in