Every Prayer Has an Origin Story. the Rabbis Explained the Kavannah of a Prayer by Telling a Story. a Young Person's Guide To

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Every Prayer Has an Origin Story. the Rabbis Explained the Kavannah of a Prayer by Telling a Story. a Young Person's Guide To Every prayer has an origin story. The Rabbis explained the kavannah of a prayer by telling a story. A Young Person’s Guide to the Origins of Jewish Prayer introduces these stories to help children express their own spiritual understanding of the prayers in the siddur. Torah Aura Productions young persons full cover.indd 1 05/21/2015 5:34:49 PM 7284-1.indd 1 05/21/2015 3:51:16 PM ISBN #978–1–934527–77–1 Copyright © 2015 Torah Aura Productions. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Torah Aura Productions (800) BE-TORAH (800) 238-6724 (323) 585-7312 fax (323) 585-0327 E-MAIL <misrad@torahaura.com> Visit the Torah Aura website at www.torahaura.com MANUFACTURED IN SOUTH KOREA Production Date: 042915 Batch Number: 042915/54520-0 Plant Location: We SP Corp., Seoul, Korea 7284-1.indd 2 05/21/2015 3:51:16 PM Contents Open My Lips . 7 The Word of the Heart . 8 KABBALAT SHABBAT Kabbalat Shabbat . 7 Shabbat on Wednesday . 10 L’kha Dodi . 11 Shabbat Starts with a Sigh . 12 BIRKHOT HA-SHAHAR Modeh Ani . 13 The Shoes that Got Turned Around . 14 Mah Tovu . 16 Bilaam Says . 17 Asher Yatzar . 19 The Creation of People . 20 Elohei N’shamah. 21 The Story of our Soul . 22 Torah Brakhot . 23 The Fox . 24 A Portion in the World to Come . 25 P’ZUKEI D’ZIMRA Birkhot ha-Shahar . 26 Waking Up . 27 Barukh She-Amar . 28 The Prayer that Fell from Heaven . 29 Psalm 150 . 30 David Experiences this Psalm . 31 Nishmat Kol Hai and Shokhen Ad . 32 The Right Person to Ask for Rain . 33 Yishtabah Shimkha . 34 Steps to God. 35 3 7284-1.indd 3 05/21/2015 3:51:16 PM A CALL TO WORSHIP Barkhu . 36 The First . 37 The Power of a Minyan . 38 SHEMA AND HER BLESSINGS Yotzer Or . 40 Adam and Eve’s First Shabbat. 41 Ma’ariv Aravim . 43 It Happened in the Middle of the Night . 44 Ahavat Rabbah . 45 Two Memories of Sinai . 46 Ahavat Olam . 48 Rabbi Akiva and Rachel . 49 Shema . 50 The Death of Jacob . 51 V'Ahavta . 53 Moses Steals the . 54 The Rebuilds the Temple . 56 Death of Rabbi Akiva . 58 Mi Khamokha . 59 The Golem. 60 Nahshon’s Leap of Faith. 61 The Women Hold Hands . 62 Saying with a Mouth Full of Water . 63 Hashkiveinu . 64 The Bird of Happiness. 65 AMIDAH Amidah. 66 Hannah’s Prayer . 68 Adonai S'fatai Tiftah . 70 King David Messed Up Big Time . 71 Avot v’Imahot . 73 The Power of a Biography. 74 Abraham Was a Hero . 75 Shield of Abraham . 76 Sarah’s Tent . 78 The Missing Mother . 80 4 7284-1.indd 4 05/21/2015 3:51:16 PM G'vurot . 81 Giving Life to the Dead . 82 Joseph the Tzadik . 84 K'dushah . 86 Jacob Visits the Place . 87 Calling One to the Other: Isaiah’s Story . 88 Taken by the Spirit . 89 Studying a Psalm . 90 K'dushat Ha-Yom Shel Shabbat. 91 Shabbat in Egypt . 92 The First Shabbat . 93 Birkat Hoda’ah. 94 David’s Memory Makes a Difference . 95 Birkat Shalom . 96 Entering the Land of Israel . 97 Jacob and Esau Make Peace . 99 God Buries Truth . 100 HALLEL Hallel . 101 David and the Spider . 102 King David Learns about the Meaning of Life . 103 TORAH SERVICE Being at Mt. Sinai . 104 The Torah is Given Every Day. 105 Beginning the Torah Service . 106 The Shepherd’s Song . 107 The Walls of Jerusalem . 108 The Ark is Opened . .110 Being Lifted . 111 The Last Kopeck. .113 Taking the Torah out of the Ark. .115 The Synagogue That Cried . .116 The Torah Blessings . .118 Ezra’s Moment. .119 The Deaths of the Maharal . .121.
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