TO: Mayor and Council

FROM: Director of Engineering Services

DATE: July 14, 2015

RE: Reinstatement of 'Arena Cairn' on Oak Bay School Grounds

BACKGROUND: A location across Cadboro Bay Road from Oak Bay Secondary School, on the east side of Epworth Street, was the former site of the Patrick Arena, which was destroyed by fire in 1929. The Patrick Arena was the location of the first professional hockey game played on artificial ice in Canada. It was also the scene of the Victoria Cougars' victory over the in the 1925 playoffs.

In 2000, the Oak Bay Heritage Commission proposed that a cairn be erected, which would provide information about the Arena, the Patri::k family and the events which occurred at the site.

Subsequently, the Greater Victoria School District and Oak Bay entered into an agreement as described in the letter dated March 26, 2001 (Attachment # 1) in regards to the erection and maintenance in the vicinity of the Cairn.

To protect the Cairn during the Oak Bay Secondary School construction process, it was removed and stored for safe keeping with the intention that the cairn would be reinstated at an appropriate time.

DISCUSSION: The construction of the school is well advanced and the cairn reinstatement can now occur. The location of the cairn will be very close to that described in 2001 agreement (Attachment # 1). In order to proceed with the proposed reinstatement, Council needs to authorize entering into a similar agreement with the School District to address maintenance and ownership of the cairn. OPTIONS:

1. That the Mayor be authorized to execute an agreement with School District 61 with respect to the placement of the Arena Cairn along the Cadboro Bay Road frontage of the Oak Bay High School, substantially in the location it was previously placed in 2001, with the agreement to also address ownership and maintenance of the cairn.

2. That Council provide alternate direction to staff.

FINANCIAL IMPACT: The cost to place the Cairn is estimated to be in the order of $200 and will be charged to general operations.

RECOMMENDATION(S): That the Mayor be authorized to execute an agreement with School District 61 with respect to the placement of the Arena Cairn along the Cadboro Bay Road frontage of the Oak Bay High School, substantially in the location it was previously placed in 2001, with the agreement to also address ownership and maintenance of the cairn.

Respectfully Submitted,

D. Marshall B.Sc., A.Sc.T. Director of Engineering Services

Source of Funds/1 concur with the recommendation of the Director of Engineering Services. ~Piment~ Deputy Treasurer

I concur with the recommendation of the Director of Engineering Services.

Helen Koni!!/f} Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT# 1


March 26, 2001

Mr. Stuart Pitt Municipal Engineer The Corporation of the District of Oak Bay 2167 Oak Bay Avenue Victoria, B.C. V8R 1G2

Dear Mr. Pitt,

Re: Patrick Arena Historic Site Memorial Ciarn on Oak Bay_W~st Seconda.ty School Grounds

This letter refers to the correspondence of March 16,2001 and January 19, 2001, between the Municipality of Oak Bay and the Greater Victoria School District. The Greater Victoria School District grants permission for the municipality to erect a memorial cairn on the subject property. We are in receipt of the as-built drawing of the cairn, and a site plan showing its location. These will be filed with this letter in our Oak Bay Secondary School site file in the Facilities Department. The following condition apply.

a) The School District permits the Municipality of Oak Bay to erect a cairn on Oak Bay West school property on approximately a 1.2 meter squared foot print, 2.3 meters from the northeast sidewalk of Oak Bay West, approximately 2 meters from Cadboro Bay Road sidewalk.

b) The School District would continue to cut the grass around the cairn; however, would not be responsible for any vandalism or maintenance to the cairn over the life of this agreement. This would be the responsibility of the Municipality of Oak Bay.

c) The Municipality of Oak Bay would agree to remove or relocate the cairn from school property within ninety days, if the school district property is required for educational needs or any other reason; and any removal or relocation would be at the expense of the Municipality of Oak Bay. R r,.. -·~\'ED ,, JOOI

2s r R 1 , Mr. Stuart Pitt - 2 - March 27, 2001

The School District would reserve the right to cancel this agreement at its discretion after ten years. No cost will be borne by the School District and this agreement could be extended for ten-year periods as required. It is requested that the Mayor of Oak Bay countersign this original document and return it to the School District, at which time we will ensure that it is dis ibuted to the appropriate personnel.

eorge J. Ambeault Secretary-Treasurer pc: Marian Miszkiel, Director, Facilities Services Dept. Doug Grant, Supervisor of Maintenance, Facilities Services Dept. Ross Walker, Supervisor of Construction, Facilities Services Dept. Seamus Howley, Supervisor of Operations, Facilities Services Dept. Harry Whitfield, Supervisor of Building Projects, Facilities Services Dept. Doug Shaw, Principal, Oak Bay Secondary School John Gaiptman, Director of Instruction Oak Bay Secondary School Site File

E1ame Leonard, Chair Board of School Trustees of School District No. 61 Greater Victoria .. iif:.-- pro;o~t!'411 /oc.a;f,~ 'of 111tmtO~t a,/ jJIa 1"~

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Proposed location of cairn (see detail drawing) Oa~


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