No 44, 13 March 1917

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No 44, 13 March 1917 ,ttm.b. 44 .. 909 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE E}(TRAORDINARY. WELLINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1917. === Notice as to Men called up under the Military Service Act, 1916, for Service w$th the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. N pursuance of the provisions of section 10 of the Military Service Act, 1916, I, James Allen, I Minister of Defence for the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify that, pursuant to the said Ac& and pursuant to a warrant issued in that behalf with the authority of the Governor in Council, under sections 8 and 32 of the said Act, on the 5th day of March, 1917, the men whose names, places of abode, and occupations are set forth in the Schedule hereto have been selected by lot from the First Division of the Expeditionary Force Reserve for service with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force; and, in fur&her pursuance of section 10 of the said Act, I do hereby declare that those men are accordingly called up for service with that Force. Dated this 9th da.y of March, 1917. SCHEDOLE . .. Previously volunteered. No. I (AUCKLAND) RECRUITING DISTRICT. Bell, Joseph, Stable.proprietor, 73 Wellesley St, Auckland. Bennett, Bertram George Morton, Assist&nt Publisher, Arney Adams, Charles CJ addock, Seaman, s.s. "Marko," Auokland. Rd, Remuera. Aird, Thomas, 11'1 mnoulder, 102 Wellesley St West, Auok­ Bent, Thomas Edward, Mill Hand, 151 Nelaon St, Auckland. land. Binns, Lewis Robert Gordon, Cabinetmaker, 26 Francis St, Armitage, Joseph Armytage, Tailor, 51 East St, Newton. Grey Lynn. Attewell, David, Farmer, Pukekohe. Birnie, Gordon, Warehouseman, O'Rorke Avenue, Remuera. *Bailey, Harold Edward, 160 Great North Rd, Arch Hill. Blake, David Williamson, Storekeeper, Bombay. Baker, Charles, Burner Inspector, 37 Norfolk St, Ponscnby, Blanohard, Henry George, Carpenter, Paerat&. Auokland. Bland, Ceeil, Motor Engineer, 27 Haokett St, Ponsonby. Bankhead, Samuel, Wellesley Houso, Wellesley Street, Blayney, Thomas, Grooer, New North Rd, Morningside, Auckl&nd .• Auckland. B&roJay, Andrew, Silverer's Assist&nt, 49 College Rd, P0I1- Blenkorie, Percy, Cinematograph Operator, 17 Cheltenham scnby, Auokland. Terr&oe, Devonport. Harriball, All&n St&nley. Painter, care of A. May, W&iuku. Board, Sydney Frederick, Engine.driver, cue (,f Muket Barripp, Barney Goldroad. Wholesale Merchant, Clark St, Hotel, Grey St, Auckland. Kingsland, Auckland. Bond, Wilfred, Law Clerk, Remuera Rd, Auokland. Bookham, John William, Cable Foreman, H.M.C.S. "Iris," BeaohAm, Arthur William, Cordial-Lctory Emp~oyee, 75 Devonport. Riohmond Rd, Ponsonby. Boone, Ernest Albert, Saddler, St. Leonard's Rd, Epsom. Beard, Albert Peter, Timber·worker, 8 Rimu St, off Cook Boyce, Herbert Blair, Machinist, George St, Parnell. St, Auckland. Bmmley, Armond Hudson, Salesinan, 27 CI&remont St, Beaver, Vincent, ~awmill Hand, Cameron St, Onehunga. Auckland. Beehan, Eldred Osmond Eugene, Salesman, 84 Gnfton Rd, Brannigan, John Edward, Gum-digger, Riverhead, Waite­ Allokland. mat&. 910 THE NE\\' ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 44 Brierley, Oswald Cooper, Carrier, 5 Nixon St, Auckland. Edmonds, Arthur Charles, J<'ruitgrower, Glenfield. Brinsden, Frank, Painter, 23 He,rcourt St, Grey Lynn. j£dwards, Thollias Charles, Glass-worker, Beach Bd, Auck­ Bromley, John William, Teacher, Mary St, Mount Eden. land. Brown, Desmond Ernest Augustus, Scholar, "Stonehurst," Edwards, Victor George Llcwlyn, :'Ilercer, 94 Bumley Terrace. Auckland. oli Dominion Rd, Auckland. Brown, Frederick James, Shunter, 38 Wynyard St, Auckland. Eyre, Thomas Edwardes, J<'armer, Tryphena, Grcat Barrier. Brown, Howard Francis, Farmer, East Rd, Clevedon South. Fahe\', James, FarmPI', Bombav. Brownlee, Robert Erncst, Launch-owner, Wharf Rd, One- *Fawcett, Hobert Edwin, Civil Sen-ant, Customs Depart­ hunga. ment, corner St. Mark's and McMurray Rds, Remuera. Bunting, Walter Joseph, Teamster, "York Dcne," Eden Vale Followes, Arthur Russell, Sheet-metal \Vorkcr, "West- Rd, Mount Eden. hourne," 'VeUpark Avenue, Grey Lynn. Burbage, James, I_abourer, Tuakau, YrankJin. Finlay, Thomas Robert, Commercial Tmv"llcr, Mount Albert. Butland, Edward, Fish-curor, 35 John St,Ponsonby. Fisher, Arthur, Labourer, 38 Bond St, 1hch Hill. Carlton, Arthur Albert, Furnaceman, 26 Sackville St, Grey FitzgerulJ, (;oI'H(--llills, Driver, I K.ellt Rt" Grey Lynn. Lynn. Fitzpatrick, .John George, J<'arm Hand, Waiatarua Hd, Carmichael, Hugh Joseph, Marine Fireman, 44 Oliphant St, - Remuera. Ponsonby. Fhtnagan, :t\orman, Jockey, Harp of Erin Ho:c!, Green Lane. Carnie, Fredrick John, Engine-driver, 81A 'Wellington St, Flanagan, Reginftld Knight, Wood-carver, 42 Rose Rd, Grey Auokland. Lynn. Casey, James, Farmer, Pokeno, Franklin. Flaxman, \Valter Henry, Bootmakec, Ta.ylo!' Rt, Avondale. Cheshire, James Henry, Gasfittcr, CMO of RM. Alotor Coach­ Fletcher, Norman, Ua,rpcnter, 30 Hoslyn Tcrracc, Deyonrort. ing Company, Rotorua. FOr<lyse, \Villiam Bl"llCP, Engin""r's Apprentice, Church Rt· Churches, Samuel James, Green-keeper, St. Heliers Bay, West, Onehunga. Auckland_ Forgie, Henry Edgar, Carter, 4:1 Russell Ht, Parnell. Clark, Charles Richard, Clerk, Shaw St, Morningsid(>, Auck­ Forrester, James, Labourer, Jackman's Lane, off Nelson St, lend. Auckland. Clarke, \Villiam Henry, Electric.line Erector, care of Inspec­ Forse, John, Carpenter" The Ayenu<-" :\fount Eden. tor Hollis, Newmarket Railway-station. Foy, John George, Draper's Assistant, 11 Sumner St, Eden Clarkson, James McCallum, Warehouseman, Mount St.. John Terrace, Auckland. Avenue, Epsom. France, James Montague, Dentist, 36 Wairiki Rd, Mount Cleary, Arthur John, Labourer, Northcote. Eden. Cleere, Richard, Labourer, Princes St, Onehunga. Frankham, Walter E., Clork, Papatoetoc. Cockerton, John Ellis, Stockman, Green Lane. Franklin, .John Uriel, Lahourer. 20 Commercial Rd, Arch Hill, Codlin, Allan, Creamcry Assistant, Drury, Franklin. Auckhrd. Coffey,.John, Labourer, 402 or 302 Queen St, Auckland. Friedlander, Emil, Stockman, AshlJllrton. Coley, Fredrick William Salvatqre, Electrician, 36 Hopper ll'rost, Edward, _Farmer, Wiri, )'lanukau. St, Wellington. Fulton, Archie, Ulerk, O'Rorke Hd, Penrose. Collier, Herbert Ernest, Land Agent, " Stonehurst," Symonds Fyfe, WHliam Clark, Branch :lIanagel', care of Y.)f.C.A., St, Auckland. Auckland. Collins, John, Seaman, care of Northern Steamship Com. Garland, Edgar Henry, Flying School, Auckland_ pany, Auokland_ Garland, Herbcrt J<'rank, Correspondence Clerk, Avondale. Cooper, James Wilson, Labourer, care of R Kidd, Wood­ Garner, JameR, Bricklayer, 56 Mackplvi .. St, Grey Lynn, lands Wharf, Clevedon. Aucklcrd. Cork, Henry Raymond, Plumber, 85 John St, Ponsonby. Garrett, George Cecil, Orchardist, i\Totuihi Detachment, Corles, Fredrick William, Gum_sorter, 55 Greenwood St, :I1:otuihi Island. Auck'" d. Glenmore, Auckland. Glt,t,cIS, Frank no'\~'en, Currier, Avondale Houth, Eden. Coulter, Samuel, Labourer, Windsor Rd, Avondale. (a~eson, George Grey, La boureT, care of Hamilton Bros., Court, David, Driver, 82 Lincoln St, Ponsonby. Parakakau. Coutts, David Moffat, Waterside Worker, Kenyon Avenue, Goddard, George Frederick, Carpenter, ]3 Nixon St, Grey off Dominion Rd, Auckland_ Lynn, Auckl, rd. Cowlin, Harry Nicholas, House Painter, Esplanade Rd, Mount Goffin, Alfred, lIIachinist, 25 Mackelvie St, Auckland. Eden. Goodman, George Gershon, Collector, 292 Great North Rd, Crawshaw, Frederick Alfred, Clerk in Holy Order", The GrC¥ Lynn, Auckt,rd. Vicarage, Waihao Downs. Gosset, Vivian Cyril, Accountant, '" Rozel," Manukau Rd, Cross, Harry, Fireman, care of S.B. "Tarawora," Union ParnelL Ste"mship Company, Auckland. Gould, Arthur Harold, 'Warehouseman, Kensing;on Avenup. *Crowley, Thomas George, Bacon-curer, 10 Sussex St, Grey )fount Eden. Lynn. Gmham, Ernest Wilfred, Farmer, Waikumete. Curtis, Thomas Harold, Railway Employee, 7 Cracraft St, Grant, James, Porter, Railway Terminus Hotel, Auckland_ Parnell. Granville, Frederick, Tailor's Cutter, Castlecliff, Wanganui. Daley, Dan Edward, County Council Employeo, 46 Vincent Green, Samuel Henry, Orchardist" St. John's Orchard, DairY' St, Auckland. Flat, Waitemata. Day, Frank, Farmcr, Albany, Waite'l1ata. Groen, Willianl, Labourer, Swanson. Demuth, Frederick William, Hhip's Steward, 7G Grey St, . G-recnaway, Ff'ancis John, Farmer, vVhitford. Auckland. Greer. Robert, Clothinp:-cutter, Cockburn St, Auckland. Denby, John Harold, Blacksmith, Clm'edon. Grubb. Charles, Clothing-cutter, Roberton Rd, Avondale. Dennes, Charles Ingorsoil, Auctioneer, 50 Curron St, Pon- GuiniHm, JanH~s, Lahourer, Ramaranla, Franklin. son by. Hall, George, Labourer, Fourth Avenue, Hclcnsville. Dignan:Alan Aldrick, Solicitor's Clerk, Almora Rd, Epsom. Hal!, George Alfr"d, L· .boUT·er, 52 Nelson St, Auckland. Dilly, David, Cabinetmaker, Bellwood Avenuo, Mount Eden. Hamilton, William James, Farmer, Dmrv, J<'ranklin. Don, Stanley Arthur Clyne, Farm Labourer, "SunnY3idc," Hammond, Frederick A., Chemist, 93 Calliope Rd, Auckland. Brookby. Hansen, Walter Gporgc, Land Salesman, Croydop St, ]\[ount Douglas, WHliam Robert, Farmer, Pukekohe West, Fr.;nk1in. Eden. Dow, Willia.m Cuthbert, Driver, Brighton Rd, Remuera. Harding, Frank Arthur, Gum-digl'er,Marathai, Helensville_ Driffill, Charles Clement, Sailor, 10 T,mterden Avenue, Mount Harding, Jame, Cyril, Carter, Waipu, Whangarei. Roskill. Harris, James, Professional Gardener, 14 Eden St, New­ Dudley, David, Shop-assistant, 129 Ponsonhy Rd, Auckland. market. Duffin, Patriok Esmond, Carter, 47 Union Street,Auckland. 'Harrison, Geor::re, Lahourer, 5 Crummer Rd, Auckland. Duggan, William James Patrick, Printer, Times Office, Puke- Harrison,
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