Protecting the Digital Infrastructure of Democracy Liisa Past
[email protected] “There’s been a lot of claims that our election system is unhackable. That's BS. Only a fool or liar would try to claim that their database or machine was unhackable.” Jake Braun, DefCon hacker voting village POOR SET-UP TO TACKLE CYBER THREATS • Terminological ambiguity • Digital governance is a national matter • Diverse systems, organizational set-ups • Lack of operational cooperation • Civil servants not cyber security experts HOWEVER • Most elections rely on some technology • Attack vectors and adversary often similar • Technology-related threats undermine democracy GEORGIA (2008, 2019) UKRAIN E (2014) Actual result Name Res Rank ult % Dmytro Yarosh 00.7 11 Petro Poroshenko 54.7 1 Yulia Tymoshenko 12.8 2 Serhiy Tihipko 05.2 5 Oleh Lyashko 08.3 3 Vadim Rabinovich 02.6 7 Image: Screen grab: Image Flickr CC, Graphic: The Hacker News PARTIES AND CANDIDATES (2016/17) LATVIA (2018) Screen grab: Voting Election technology Attacks on auxiliary systems, facilitators and vendors Integrated information operations Compendium on Cyber Security of Election Technology (2018) • Under the Cooperation