Four uncommon hairy discomycetes (Ascomycota, Pezizales) from Norway Roy Kristiansen P.O. Box 32 NO-1650 Sellebakk, Norway Corresponding author: laeticolor from Forra nature reserve, Nord-
[email protected]/
[email protected] Trøndelag. Descriptions and illustrations are provided along with their ecological data. Norsk tittel: Fire uvanlige hårbevokste disco- myceter (Ascomycota, Pezizales) fra Norge INTRODUCTION The four present species all belong to the family Kristiansen R, 2014. Four uncommon hairy Pyronemataceae (Perry et al. 2007). The genus discomycetes (Ascomycota, Pezizales) from Tricharina was erected by Eckblad (1968), Norway. Agarica 2014, vol. 35: 49-57. because the genus Tricharia was a late homo- nym of a lichen genus. In the extensive mono- KEYWORDS graph by Yang and Korf (1985 b) Tricharina Ascomycota, Pezizales, Pyronemataceae, was split into two genera, Tricharina emend. Tricharina, Wilcoxina, Cheilymenia, Spoonero- and the new genus Wilcoxina (Yang and Korf myces 1985 b). We are speaking of five species in the genus NØKKELORD Tricharina in the Nordic countries (Hansen Ascomycota, Pezizales, Pyronemataceae, and Knudsen 2000), but thirteen worldwide Tricharina, Wilcoxina, Cheilymenia, Spoonero- (Lindemann 2013). The rarest is T. ascophano- myces ides, earlier mentioned briefly by Yang and Kristiansen (1989) from Torp, Fredrikstad as SAMMENDRAG a new species to the Scandinavian peninsula, Fire mindre kjente hårbevokste discomyceter but never characterized. Preceding that paper (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales) rapporteres fra Yang and Korf (1985a) had erected the ana- Norge: Tricharina ascophanoides og Cheily- morph genus Ascorhizoctonia for the telemorph menia fraudans fra Torp, Fredrikstad, Wilcox- Tricharina. However, they did not succeeded ina rehmii fra Kråkerøy ved Fredrikstad og in obtaining an anamorph on the material they Asmaløy i Hvaler, samt Spooneromyces had.