Proposed 13-Weeksemesternow Underinvestigation Committeef;Onnedto Analyzeprosandcons
.'-:;),)1 \'.~ 0.:'· ... '...... '..t:» '~... ~ ~, ....: -_.- - ' . .. 1932 * The Students' Voice for 50 Years ·1982 .. Volume 83 No.4 Baruch College, CUNY October 25, 1982 Proposed 13-WeekSemesterNow UnderInvestigation CommitteeF;onnedto AnalyzeProsandCons. Committee members are con 198~. .By S~ven Appenzeller of Bragen pointed out that, tacting their colleagues at the in to compensate for the shorter se stitutions operating under the new A committee of faculty mem mester, class length and!or class schedule, and will present their bers and administration officials meeting frequency may be in findings at a committee meeting at is considering a proposal that creased. Classes presently meet the end of this month. A vote will would shorten the academic se ing twice a week may meet three be taken to decide the matter on mester at Baruch from 14 to 13 or four times a week.: January 6th. The committee is weeks. The 13-week semester is Dr. Ronald Aaron, Associate presently in use at four responsible for deciding whether Dean of Students, is concerned CUNY schools-Hostos Com to proceed with the plan, but not that, "presently some students munity, Kingsborough Communi for the actual implementation. have all their classes scheduled < 'Student input is important in ty, Manhattan Community, and for two days. As an educator. I deciding this issue," Dr. Henry Hunter Colleges. The impetus for don't think that is ideal." Wilson, Dean of Students, said at the change came from the CUNY At Hunter College where the Council of Faculty Senate a meeting of student representa program has already been in ef tives, where faculty and adminis Presidents, which recommended fect for a year, the students are ProfessorTracy Bragen will chair committee which will decide whetber to im tration representatives were also plement a 13-week semester.
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