J. Appl. Entomol. ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION Biological control of Rhamnus cathartica: is it feasible? A review of work done in 2002–2012 A. Gassmann1 & I. Tosevski1,2 1 CABI, Delemont, Switzerland 2 Department of Plant Pests, Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Zemun, Serbia Keywords Abstract buckthorn, defoliators, host range, internal feeders, sap suckers Rhamnus cathartica (common buckthorn) is a shrub (or small tree) of Eurasian origin, which has become invasive in North America. Internal Correspondence feeders and sap suckers were prioritized for biological control from over 30 Andre Gassmann (corresponding author), specialized insects identified from the target plant in its native European CABI, Rue des Grillons 1, 2800 Delemont, range. Five leaf-feeding moths were also considered for further investi- Switzerland. E-mail:
[email protected] gations. Field observations and preliminary host range tests with the Received: July 5, 2013; accepted: October 28, stem-boring beetle Oberea pedemontana, the root-boring moth Synanthedon 2013 stomoxiformis, the shoot-tip-boring moth Sorhagenia janiszewskae and the leaf-feeding moths Ancylis apicella, A. unculana, Triphosa dubitata, Philereme doi: 10.1111/jen.12104 transversata and P. vetulata confirmed that all of these species were lacking host specificity in no-choice conditions. Choice oviposition tests carried out with most of the prioritized species to assess their ecological host range yielded unreliable results. Three psyllids, Trichochermes walkeri, Cacopsylla rhamnicolla and Trioza rhamni are promising in terms of host specificity, but are infected with the plant disease ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma rhamni’. Fruit- or seed-feeding insects may present the best potential for biological control of buckthorn in directly reducing seed set and thus seedling estab- lishment.