Friday, September 26, 2008 • Volume 94, Issue 10 • Jackets beat Bulldogs (No, not those Bulldogs, unfortunately.) Jackets’ offense thrashes Miss. State, 38-7. 424 TechniqueThe South’s Liveliest College Newspaper First phase of North Avenue repairs ends today By Corbin Pon News Editor “From the North building we received only two emails On the east side of the asking for an explanation [for North Avenue Apartments the noise]. It was from the East (NAA), work crews have been building, where a student there removing the brick façade, had created a Facebook group while students living in the [about this], that we received North and East apartment most of our complaints,” said buildings have complained to Mike Black, senior director of Housing about the noise gen- Housing. erated by the work. Today, Students complained about that brick removal process the loud noise caused by the will end. jackhammers being used by In June, Housing discov- the work crews. Black ex- ered a problem with the bricks plained that jackhammers al- covering the east wall of the lowed the clean removal of North and East apartments. the exterior bricks, allowing The bricks were not properly for the sustainable reuse of the secured to the buildings and material in the future. had the possibility of falling In order to respond to stu- onto pedestrians or passing ve- dent requests for more infor- hicles. In a corrective measure, mation, Housing recently held Housing decided to rebuild a town hall meeting, posted the outside wall. flyers inside the apartment One week after the start of halls and created the website the fall semester, students liv- ing in the NAA found them- reslife/northaveindex.cfm selves being disturbed by the to inform students about the constant noise from the brick work schedule. removal. The work crews oper- The east wall defect was ated Mondays through Fridays identified in an assessment that from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Tech conducted on the NAA students began to voice com- earlier this year. Black admit- By Meagan Roth / Student Publications plaints to Housing that they ted the façade problems arose Scaffolding was erected on the east wall of the North Avenue Apartments complex one week into the fall semester. were unable to study effective- The brick façade is being replaced after it was found that the bricks were not properly secured to the buildings. ly in their rooms. See Bricks, page 4

Housing holds Tech Night at Six Flags draws 7,500 By Jisoo Kim mock dorm fire Contributing Writer

demonstrationBy Kaitlin Goodrich Last Friday night, a swarm of Tech students, Staff Writer faculty, staff, alumni and guests descended on Six Flags Over Georgia, decked out in white A crowd of students gathered by the library and gold. More than 7,600 were in attendance parking lot on Wednesday afternoon, await- for an exclusive night of rides and fun, which ing a promised fire. was offered at a discount and held for members In honor of September being Fire Safety of the Tech community. Awareness Month, Tech’s Manager of Fire According to the event’s website, Georgia Safety Mike Hodgson and campus fire safety Tech Night at Six Flags was established as part specialists worked in conjunction with the of an effort to increase large-scale student life Center for Campus Fire Safety to create a activities on campus and to “bring people from mock dorm fire in the library parking lot to all aspects of the Georgia Tech community to demonstrate the devastating effects that a fire have fun together.” SGA has hosted the event can have on student residences. for the last six years. Housing built a demonstration room that In 2003, the first year of its existence, the was meant to give the look and feel of a real event attracted 7,250 members of the Tech com- student dorm. The room was furnished with munity, making it Tech’s largest student life curtains, posters, blankets, pillows and au- event in history. thentic Housing furniture. It also came com- Funding for Six Flags came from a variety of plete with dirty laundry strewn haphazardly sources. “[The event] received $25,000 from the about the floor and a prop laptop sitting on Student Life Allocations Board, $9,000 from the desk. BuzzFunds and $13,000 from SGA,” said Nick Before the demonstration was performed, Wellkamp, undergraduate student body presi- Hodgson spoke about the importance of stu- dent. dents being well informed of general fire safety Planning for the event began in June of this practices and being able to execute them when year, and negotiations with Six Flags were com- the need arose. Such general practices include pleted by the beginning of August. The event the proper use of fire extinguishers, knowing was given a budget of $155,000, of which ap- what to do in the case of a grease fire, and proximately $140,000 was used to provide the checking the smoke detectors on a regular ba- tickets. sis. Student ticket prices started at $13, jumped Then Hodgson lit a small section of curtain to $18 on Sept. 13, and jumped one more time in the back of the mock dorm using a typical to $25 for tickets sold after Sept. 17. Tickets for charcoal lighter. He announced the time to faculty and guests cost $25 per person and were the observing crowd every 30 seconds after the available for purchase through Sept. 17. room was lit. Within the first minute, the fire “The price was not bad. Thirteen dollars for a had spread across much of the room, quickly good five to six hours at any park is a really good catching the clothing and more flammable ob- By Anne Campeau / Student Publications price. I also feel that the school took really good The Wreck sits at the entrance to Six Flags Over Georgia at the annual See Fire, page 5 Georgia Tech Night at Six Flags that has been held every fall since 2003. See Six Flags, page 4 2 • September 26, 2008 • Technique NEWS

Technique Online Voice your opinion! Swearing at Parking From the files of the GTPD... Last issue’s question received 143 responses. The police were called in to the Did you go to Six Flags? Parking and Transportation office Campus Crime on Sept. 20 in response to a com- plaint about an irate person who By William Brawley was swearing and disturbing the Assistant News Editor people in the office. 12.0% When police arrived, officials Armed and Dangerous Tech and Atlanta police were at Parking said that the white soon notified of a second attempt- male suspect had left the office On Sept. 19, the police were ed armed robbery on the corner of 45.8% just before the police arrived. called to the Student Center West State and Tenth Sts. The descrip- The police spotted a man parking lot regarding an armed tion of the perpetrator from the matching the suspect’s description robbery. second incident closely matched walking in the direction of the The victim, a Tech graduate that of the previous incident. Fifth St. bridge. student, was walking back from All victims gave similar state- The man was stopped and the Library at around midnight ments about the suspect’s appear- identified as a Tech student. The when a man approached him ask- ance. suspect then admitted to being in ing if the student could tell him The suspect was described as 32.9% the Parking office. the current time. a white male of medium build, The officials at the Parking- of The man then walked away, standing about 5’7” in height, but soon after, returned and de- wearing a white shirt, cream-col- 9.3% fice confirmed the identification of the student as the one who had manded the student’s wallet and ored shorts and a white kangol- Photo by Andrew Ash / Student Publications caused the previous disturbance. cell phone, brandishing a silver- style knit cap. This week’s question: The student was then given a colored revolver and pepper spray. Neither Tech police nor the At- student conduct code violation for The student handed over the lanta police were able to locate the How is the gasoline shortage affecting you? disorderly conduct. items and the man then fled on suspect, and the incidents are cur- Tell us at He was transported back to foot. The student was unhurt after rently under investigation by both campus without further incident. the incident. organizations.


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Georgia Tech Rock Climb BW Ad 6.8125x10.indd 1 9/16/08 7:22:18 AM NEWS Technique • September 26, 2008 • 3 Council Clippings This week in Student Government ach Tuesday, elected members of the two houses of the Student Government Association, the Undergraduate House of Representatives (UHR) and the Graduate Student Senate (GSS), convene to Econsider allocation bills and discuss issues facing campus. Here is a summary of those two meetings. By Sijia Cai, Staff Writer, and Zimu Yang, Contributing Writer This edition of Council Clip- ergy, green engineering and solar tition, provides for participating pings covers the UHR and GSS power. The GSS voted to remove schools. RoboJackets has been in- meetings from Sept. 23, 2008. the movie rental fee from the bill volved in FIRST for several years over concerns about the School of as mentors. Sustainability Biology funding the movie rental The organization argued that if SGA didn’t and reduced the the parts were being offered be- POSTPONED: Joint Alloca- total cost to $450. The amended low market value and could be re- tion to Students Organizing for bill passed GSS 16-6-0. The bill used for future competitions. GSS Sustainability, requested $750 passed 28-8-1 in its original ver- postponed the bill for one week. to fund a movie presentation sion in UHR, meaning the bill In UHR, some representatives felt and speaker. will be forwarded to a conference that it was a case of philanthropy committee. to be sponsoring a high school. The Students Organizing for They felt that such a large sum of Sustainability requested fund- RoboJackets money shouldn’t fund an outside ing in order to host two separate event. Others contended that the events. The first is a documentary POSTPONED: Joint Alloca- parts would be Tech property and screening of FLOW: For the Love tion to RoboJackets, requested the sponsorship could help pro- of Water. The screening will be $5000 for robot kits. spective Tech students. free for Tech students as well as a The JFC determined that the By Sierra Schmidt /St u d e n t Pu b l i c a t i o n s few faculty members. The second The organization asked for bill did not meet funding policy. eteran speaks: Theodore Van Kirk, navigator of the Enola Gay, event is a talk by a speaker from $5000 in order to purchase the A motion to waive the JFC policy which dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, spoke about his the Southface Energy Institute required kit of parts that FIRST, a failed and the bill was postponed experiences on Sept. 23 in the Instructional Center auditorium. who will address issues of en- high school level robotics compe- indefinitely. V

By Sijia Cai Former TechTech alleges professors the couple accept- ney general accused and then publishing In of February, double-dipping Sainfort sent an the period between October and Staff Writer ed high-level jobs at the University a news release about it,” said John email to John Leonard, associate April, they allegedly double-billed Two professors, formerly from of Minnesota last October but did Finnegan, dean of the School of dean of finance and administra- Tech for traveling expenses to the College of Engineering (COE), not leave their positions at Tech. Public Health at the University of tion in the COE, claiming that he Minnesota and for other reim- are suspected of double-dipping It claims that Sainfort renewed his Minnesota. “I don’t think we’ve and Jacko had requested a leave of bursements. and falsifying documents. Hus- contract with the Institute last Oc- seen full cooperation on [Tech’s] absence from Tech at the end of The Atlanta Journal-Constitu- band and wife François Sainfort tober and Jacko renewed hers last part, since neither the Georgia May and had not yet signed con- tion report stated that Tech also and Julie Jacko came to Tech in January, months after they had al- state attorney’s office, nor [Tech] tracts with the University of Min- uncovered what it claims to be 2000 and served as professors in ready begun working full time for has informed me of their inten- nesota. questionable financial dealings the COE for seven years. Sainfort the University of Minnesota. tions.” According to a report by the involving Jacko’s brother, who was associate dean of interdisci- The case, which the Institute Tech officials declined to com- Atlanta Journal-Constitution, this was paid tens of thousands of dol- plinary programs in the COE and has turned over to the state attor- ment, saying that any statement statement is contradicted by docu- lars for helping to collect data for head of the Health Systems Insti- ney general’s office, is still under would be inappropriate while the ments which showed that the pro- the HSI between June 2006 and tute (HSI). Jacko served as a pro- investigation. “In my opinion, Georgia Bureau of Investigation fessors had been receiving com- January 2007. fessor in the School of Biomedical [Tech] took a very unusual step still had an ongoing investigation pensation from Minnesota since Engineering. in making a request to the attor- into the incident. the beginning of October. During See Professors, page 4

Want to reach 10,000 Tech students? Advertise in the Technique!

Reduced rates for student organizations! 4 • September 26, 2008 • Technique NEWS

Bricks from page 1 “The project is unfortunate and Six Flags from page 1 is not something we wanted to do. late in the game, and Housing had $6.5 million went to [the project] care of us because they had shuttle no idea of the problem when stu- and the money could have been buses always there waiting for us dents were signing up for their liv- used better,” Black said. that kept the wait time to a mini- ing arrangements in the spring. The problem stems from the mum,” said Patrick Donohue, a “Could we have done a better construction of the NAA for the first-year AE major. job of communicating what was 1996 Olympics. Four different Craig Rawe and Michael War- going on? Sure we could have, but contractors were hired to build the wick, both fourth-year MGT ma- we did communicate. We sent out brick façades. According to Black, jors, served as the event coordina- an email to all the residents in the the Canadian contractor who tors. [NAA],” Black said. The email built the east wall did not adhere “It’s great to see so many enti- Black talked about was sent out to code, resulting in the wall’s ties on campus put a lot forward Sept. 16. substandard condition. Water- for the benefit of one of the larg- The planned completion date proofing materials that were sup- est annual student events. While for the entire project is Dec. 22, posed to be behind the brick were it took some effort from Michael when the final cleanup work will also found to missing in many ar- and me, we had plenty of support, be finished. According to Black, eas, allowing rainwater to seep in and Six Flags was very accommo- the work from here on out will behind the wall. Black said Tech dating and excited to be working not be nearly as noisy as the first was unable to hold the company with us,” Rawe said. “It simply phase, and the jackhammers will responsible, as it has since gone took coordinating all the logis- no longer be needed. out of business. tics and marketing the event so students all across campus knew about the event and how excit- Professors from page 3 demic arena to make a clean break ing it was going to be. Walking from one school to another when around the park on Friday, it was Tech has already fired Phyllis students, research grants and con- all worth it to see so many students Brooks, Sainfort’s executive assis- sultations are involved,” Finnegan enjoying their time at the park and tant, who signed off on these pay- said. “That being said, there’s no benefiting from the park. It came ments. Brooks was also accused of excuse for taking two paychecks together, and I was very happy to misrepresentation of facts regard- from two institutions at the same see the end result.” ing the couple’s travel documents. time.” From bumper cars to stand- Both Sainfort and Jacko main- The investigation in Minnesota up roller coasters like the Georgia By Doug Kim / Student Publications tain their innocence in the double- is not a criminal one and is being Scorcher, the park featured a vari- Tech students scream just as the Goliath roller coaster begins its 175- dipping affair and contend that conducted from an administrative ety of rides and attractions. foot drop. Six Flags features a variety of thrill rides and attractions. the payments to Jacko’s brother standards point of view. Students were encouraged to were legitimate. This is not the first time the wear Tech attire to the park and Student Government Associa- you’ve already done that—so you “At this point, no one’s been University of Minnesota has had were rewarded for doing so with tion, the Alumni Association, the don’t have to wait to exchange charged, much less convicted, of to deal with charges of double- a free pass to return to the park Buzzcard Office, the Ramblin’ money. You just give them your anything,” Finnegan said. “De- dipping. any day through Oct. 12. Shuttle Reck Club, the Student Life Al- Buzzcard and scan it, so it works tails remain to be uncovered and In 1993, a professor of Jew- buses were available for the event location Board and Georgia Tech a lot faster,” said Matthew Miller, the professors deserve their day in ish Studies resigned after it was to provide transportation between Parking and Transportation for fourth-year INTA major. court to defend themselves.” revealed that he had been work- Tech campus and the park for the making the event a success.” While supplanting the pur- Although no criminal charges ing full time at the University of students. The first shuttles left for Rawe and Warwick made ef- chase of tickets on campus with have been filed in the case, Tech North Carolina-Charlotte and Six Flags at 4:15 p.m., and the fi- forts to streamline the process, the Buzzcard system may have has already begun the process of was receiving two paychecks for nal bus of the night left the amuse- doubling the amount of buses minimized the wait time, there revoking the professors’ tenure. several months. ment park at 12:30 p.m. and using the Buzzcard system were complaints that the date of Meanwhile, Sainfort has “In general, I am sure that the “As a whole, the event went for ticketing, which eliminated the event interfered with academ- stepped down from his position huge majority of our faculty mem- very well, with reduced wait the need for students to pick up a ics. as head of the Division of Health bers are very hardworking, honest times, a park full of Georgia Tech ticket on campus. “I think we still should [con- Policy and Management at the and dedicated,” said Jane Am- spirit, limited impact on the envi- “I think the system with the tinue the event], but I hope it’s in University of Minnesota, but he mons, associate dean of faculty ronment through carpooling and Buzzcards made it easier and more the beginning of the year because, and his wife still retain their posi- affairs for the COE, when asked busing initiatives and an exciting efficient when we got there and for my case, it was between two tions as professors there. about other cases of double-dip- evening,” Warwick said. lined up, because there was no tests,” said Chuljoong Oh, a sec- “It is very difficult in the aca- ping with Tech faculty. “A special thanks goes to the transaction with money—because ond-year ChBE major.

sliver Oil isn’t subject to supply and demand because what? Gas prices were $2.50 last time oil was $90 per barrel Not all girls are looking for a serious relationship, I just want someone to have some fun with... asdkgjhsd....There is construction RIGHT outside my 4th-St apartment window....when I woke up this morning the high pitched suction noise made me think the world was ending Seriously....can we cut back on some of these construction proj- ects... “What is it exactly that the VP does every day?” -Sarah Palin, 31 July 2008 “Our national leaders, are sending (U.S. soldiers) out on a task that is from God.” - Sarah Palin If McCain wins this November, I’m leaving the country. Not from fear of policies, but fear of the stupidity of those that voted for him and Sarah Palin. ATTN: I am not looking for a relationship. Our window is better entertainment than TV. pedestrians: out of my way - the sidewalk is mine!! love, bicyclist I feel sorry for the NAN people with their windows covered. But cheer up! Your view wasn’t that great to begin with. I am attracted to men who can one-bite things. “I explode like a bomb. No one is spared. / My power is my mass times the speed of light squared.” “In the beginning there was nothing, not even time / No plan- ets, no stars, no hip-hop, no rhyme. / But then there was a bang like the sound of my gat; / The universe began and the shit was phat.” “I’ll stuff you in the box like Schrödinger’s cat / You’ll be dead and alive until such a time as that / I check and make the wave function collapse When I hear of Schrödinger’s cat, I reach for my gun. My soul is lost in the merciless void, ever pained by the dark forces which prey upon my inner penguin. If I can’t get to it by MARTA, then it’s not in Atlanta. guy wearing scarf on’s not THAT cold NEWS Technique • September 26, 2008 • 5

fire safety demonstration: Sequence of events 0:00 0:29

The mock dorm setup Curtains and flammable 1. before the safety demo. 2. objects soon catch fire. 2:31 5:45

Photos by Ben Keyserling / Student Publications Fire engulfs the room The mock fire is put out An Atlanta firefighter extinguishes the flames, which had completely engulfed the room after three min- 3. with smoke and flames. 4. by an Atlanta firefighter. utes. Once the fire was cleared, students were allowed to walk up and examine the fire’s destruction. on fire safety issues.” campus. Fire from page 1 Afterwards, students were al- missioner, many corporate spon- lowed to come up and view the sors of the Center for Campus While the actual dorm fire Underwriters Laboratories, a jects on fire. destruction caused by the fire. The Safety joined the effort to bring drew the biggest crowds, corpo- not-for-profit product safety cer- Students watched as the fire furniture was charred, the com- the demonstration to Tech. rate sponsors also had booths in tification company, gave away totally engulfed the room by the puter melted and the whole room The goal of the demonstration the area and held various fire safe- blinkers to increase the off-cam- third minute, shooting out a tor- was burned, smelling of smoke was to make students more aware ty demonstrations throughout the pus fire safety of students. nado of flames and smoke that and ash. of general fire safety tips and con- entire day. There were also booths that Hodgson said was commonly “We need to really show the tinue fire safety education at the Students could learn to operate gave tips to students on a variety called a “devil’s tail.” students what fire can really do…. college level. the two main types of fire extin- of issues related to fire safety. Fi- “Three minutes is all the time We want to give students these “Most of the effort of fire safety guishers on the market at a booth nally, in an attempt to draw more you generally have to get out of lifelong lessons, so students are awareness is directed to pre-K to sponsored by Peach State Fire, people to the event, Simplex Grin- the room. That is all it takes to aware of fire safety in a way that third grade aged children, so there Inc., which is the main supplier nell donated two iPods and Peach create the tornado you saw engulf stays with you for life,” said Amy has been a long gap in fire safety for the fire extinguishers found on State Fire donated $100 cash to the dorm in flames, so in the event Hamel, executive director for the education by the time students are campus. give away after the mock fire. of a fire, there really is no time to Center of Campus Safety. in college,” said Alan R. Shuman, Students could then try their “I’m pleased with how [the hesitate,” Hodgson said, stressing Hamel actually contacted state fire marshal for Georgia. “We hand at putting out a real fire us- day] went. Hopefully next year we the need for students to evacuate Hodgson with the original idea to hope that some of what we are do- ing a fire extinguisher with Kidde, can do something that will bring burning rooms quickly. bring a large-scale fire safety pre- ing with these demonstrations will a United Technologies Corpora- even more students. Fire safety is At a little under five minutes, sentation to Tech. In addition to not only refresh the ideas of fire tion fire and security company. important, and we want to make an Atlanta firefighter intervened the Atlanta Fire Department and safety in a relevant way, but also Kidde also distributed free smoke as big of an impact on campus as and put out the fire. the Office of the Insurance Com- just help better educate students detectors to students living off we can,” Hodgson said.

sliver The plastic on our living room window makes it look like there’s a thick fog outside... and like we’re in Silent Hill cute guy with the oakleys in the black suv: you’re hot!! boy who sits across from me in the mlr everyday, talk to me or get Better Ingredients. lost cause you are starting to creep me out Better Pizza. psh you would be DTP on a tuesday I want a doner kebab... NOW. kthxbye. Ryan I watch you sleep no tony romo Try our student specials: I said what what ITB. Vagasil-I know its awkward.... 1 large 3 topping pizza for ONLY $9.99! a giant box a vagisil, just what i’ve been wishing for Children’s card game we will play. Fate of galaxy we shall decide 2 large 1 topping pizzas for ONLY $16.99! with it. this week needs to be over! 3 large 1 topping pizzas for ONLY $21.99! i like how we pretend our awkward hook-up never happened... lets keep it that way (pick up or delivery) tell me he’s not your boyfriend Why isn’t XKCD featured in the ‘nique? Ph&D has gotten lame. New Tech Rec? Don’t Mgt students already have a nice enough facility? CHECK USAT OUT I don’t think I’m ever getting out of this school. Even worse is knowing that if that comment was made by a student of any other CAMPUSFOOD.COM! college, it would probably be because they were happy about it. I only sliver when I have an impossible amount of work to do. When you asked me if I wanted to make out with you in the rain, I should have said yes burgle As an alumni, I’d love to comeback and tailgate for the football game. Too bad we can’t get parking passes ANYWHERE to do so!! To the kid who always interrupts the professor in ISyE 3103: SHUT UP! i am back to my normal CONFUSE mood after missing 2 out of 2 questions in 1st midterm Opinions Editor: Naihobe Gonzalez Technique Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity and some men have 6 “ mediocrity thrust upon them. Friday, Opinions ” Joseph Heller September 26, 2008 OUR VIEWS Co n s e n s u s Op i n i o n Noisy housing For the last couple of weeks, the North Avenue Apart- ments construction work has left hundreds of student resi- dents wishing they could move out into a quieter environ- ment. While the loudest jackhammers will be turned off starting today, work will continue until the end of the semes- ter, making students wonder if all the inconvenience could have somehow been helped. When Tech acquired the Apartments, which were previ- ously managed by Georgia State, the Institute was not aware of these and other problems that have cost millions to fix. The fact that in 11 years Georgia State had not performed ad- equate tests and maintenance speaks poorly of its thorough- ness and concern for safety. While Tech acted quickly and closely followed standard procedure, there should have been more consideration for how students would be affected. For one, Housing should have communicated with stu- dents as soon as it found out about the problem in June. Stu- dents should have been kept updated at all times, especially once it was realized that the solution would have to be imple- mented right away and would take several months. Instead, By Abhishek Jain / Student Publications Housing waited until the second week of classes to announce the situation—at the same time that construction workers began to climb up scaffolds outside students’ windows. Infomercials cure TV boredom Given the magnitude of the situation and the potentially Though at times it has its draw- detrimental effects on students’ quality of life and academic backs, there are definitely some “While many TV shows have lost performance, Housing should also have offered students as- perks to being the Entertainment their charm, infomercials have Editor. I can watch the latest batch signed to the North Avenue Apartments the opportunity to of junk that television has to offer upped the ante by becoming break their contracts without losing their deposit money. and claim to be working. more ridiculous and hilarious...” Yet ever since the mass move- Since Tech would not be able to provide alternative housing ment towards “reality” shows, Daniel Spiller on campus as it is filled to capacity, Housing should also television has become more de- Entertainment Editor have made an effort to provide support for students wishing pressing. There are definitely still some shows worth watching, but to relocate to off-campus housing. for the most part it just doesn’t This type of response is not unheard of. In 2006 when feel like networks are trying any- product, you can finally protect aren’t going to convince me that Admissions misestimated the number of accepted students more. Where’s the fun? Where’s yourself. your cream, goo or ooze will cause the creativity? The taser has refillable cartridg- euphoria. that would come in as freshmen, Housing had to place these Good news: it’s not gone, it es (I can’t tell you how many times I just feel sorry for the poor saps students in triple rooms. Due to the inconvenience generated, has just been hiding. In order to I’ve needed to shut down multiple who give their testimonials about get the entertainment you’ve been nervous systems), and it is still ef- using the product. It was differ- the affected students were allowed to break their contracts. seeking, you either need to tune in fective through up to two cubic ent for the people in the previous Such a choice would have been helpful to students who now really late or really early, depend- inches of clothing. This is particu- infomercial; they were ripped and feel stuck paying for accommodations that are severely fall- ing on how you look at it. larly important for those scientists able to point out how they were in But what am I talking about? in Antarctica who have to wear much better shape than I was. I ing short of their expectations. Where can you find this magic thick coats but still want the op- agreed with them. When students sign up for housing, they expect to get that is worth staying up or wak- portunity to shock their friends. Here we had people sitting what they pay for. Although there is no doubt that Hous- ing up for? Well, a lot of places, Scientists can be jokesters, too. around talking about their experi- actually. In fact, multiple chan- Next was the workout info- ence using the love sludge, look- ing had to act quickly to ensure safety and the integrity of nels are host to this visual wonder. mercial. Apparently after just 90 ing distant and likely wondering the brickwork, more considerate gestures towards residents I’m speaking, of course, about in- days of this rigorous program, where their check was. As you can fomercials. you too could become a (wo)man- imagine, the discomfort both they would have gone a long way in helping students find the While many TV shows have beast. The secret to the workout and I were feeling made for abso- home, sweet home they hoped and paid for. lost their charm, infomercials was “muscle confusion.” I’m not lutely top-notch television. have upped the ante by becom- kidding. That is apparently the What is it about infomercials Consensus editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Edito- ing more ridiculous and hilarious scientific term they have given the that make them more entertaining than ever before. The products program. than most other things on TV? rial Board of the Technique, but not necessarily the opinions are zanier, the dialogue is worse The key to muscle confusion is Effort. Even when the product, of individual editors. and the music is more inappropri- that the program alternates every idea, presentation, actors, writing ate. Infomercials have completely so often to work different muscles, and directing are absolutely hor- catered to my it’s-so-bad-it’s-good thus “confusing” them into grow- rible, it is still obvious that they Editorial Board entertainment needs. ing to watermelon-sized propor- tried. These people are trying to Craig Tabita, Editor-in-Chief Here are, in order of appear- tions. It clearly works, so start sell you something, and they are Jenny Morgan, Managing Editor ance, the infomercials I recently training using this method to gain trying hard. But a tiny budget can Hahnming Lee, Advertising Manager Corbin Pon, News Editor witnessed: a taser approved by muscles thick enough to stop John only take you so far, and we the Siwan Liu, Design Editor Blake Israel, Online Editor World’s Wildest Police Videos’ Bunnell’s taser. consumers rake in the resulting Jonathan Saethang, Development Editor Naihobe Gonzalez, Opinions Editor John Bunnell, a workout plan that Lastly, we come to the sexual enjoyment. Daniel Spiller, Entertainment Editor Arcadiy Kantor, Outreach Editor is delivered to your house on what enhancement lubricant. Sporting So if you’re tired of watching Reem Mansoura, Focus Editor Michael Schneider, Photography Editor seemed to be roughly 187 DVDs a slogan of “More than a lube, House hobble around the hospi- Vivian Fan, Layout Editor Matt Hoffman, Sports Editor and finally, a sexual enhancement it’s love in a tube,” how could you tal, if J.J. Abrams’ newest thriller lubricant. possibly go wrong? By making just didn’t cut it or if Dwight and Copyright © 2008, Craig Tabita, Editor-in-Chief, and by the Board of Student Publications. Unfortunately, I only caught the cheesiest infomercial with the Jim’s banter is growing stale, don’t The Technique is an official publication of the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part the backend of the taser infomer- most stereotypical “sexy” music fret. Take solace in infomercials. of this paper may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the Editor or from cial, but I saw enough to know and some of the worst writing this Their ridiculousness and profound the Board of Student Publications. The ideas expressed herein are those of the Editor or the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Student Publications, the students, staff that you need one. John Bunnell side of The Hills, you have pro- ineptitude will be sure to brighten or faculty of the Georgia Institute of Technology or the University System of Georgia. is worried about your safety, but vided glorious entertainment for your morning, even if it is still First copy free. Subsequent copies $1 each. now thanks to this amazing new me, the viewer, but you probably dark outside. NEWS Technique • September 26, 2008 • 7 On-campus smokers prove frustrating

A year and a half ago when more unattractive to me than I was a young, naïve senior in “I’m going to launch this a group of good-looking guys high school, I had narrowed BUZZ simple public service parked outside of the library down my future college choice exhaling out a storm of smoke. Around the Campus to two universities: the Uni- announcement: smoking is A handsome guy with a good versity of Michigan and Geor- not cool!” personality, but who smells gia Tech. like an ashtray still just smells How do you deal with While both were academi- Vivian Fan like an ashtray. I’m sure it’s hot cally prestigious and culturally and mysterious if Brad Pitt the stress of exams? diverse, there was one factor Layout Editor does it in Fight Club, but one that eventually gave way to my has to realize that it’s the real final decision. The choice came world. The last time I checked, down to whether I wanted to puffing on a nice cigarette, I’m lax without making themselves the black lung is not a very be standing in Ann Arbor in going to launch this simple a health risk to everyone else sexy attribute to have. the freezing cold in a throng of public service announcement: around them? I write about this not to hazy cigarette fumes or walk- smoking is not cool! As corny There ought to be some be snarky, pretentious or even ing through clean, fresh air in as it sounds, many people, in- way for one to escape from the whiny. In fact, many of my sunny Atlanta. cluding myself, find it to be stressors of a life at Tech other friends are and have recently I have now noticed that my quite true. than inducing oneself into a become smokers. Instead, I say once seemingly solid reason Walking through campus nicotine-influenced sense of this as a plea to those around to attend Tech is crumbling past four or more smokers on calm. I would suggest finding me, friends and strangers, that away. Perhaps it is merely the separate occasions makes up a hobby or watching television. this activity (although trendy weather, the harder classes, or by and large the most irritat- While the activity may start for now) kills and is incredibly even my own heightened stress ing moments of my day, seeing off as a one that only happens detrimental to everyone. levels, but it seems that across as I have to hold my breath just once in a while, nicotine ad- Yes, I may be exaggerating, campus, more and more stu- to escape the threat of these diction will take over. I under- Yuley Cardona but at least this one last bit is Grad EAS dents are taking up the awful poisonous vapors from enter- stand that addiction is a tough true. Over 500,000 deaths habit of cigarette smoking. ing my nasal cavities. Even af- thing to stop, but look at it this per year in the United States I realize that smoking every terwards, I feel haunted by the way: whatever doesn’t kill you are caused by smoking-related “Study hard...and then I go once in a while (whether it be remnants of ashy smell linger- only makes you stronger. diseases. Second-hand smoke outside.” in the form of a Cuban cigar ing through the air. In addition, I acknowledge causes 38,000 deaths per year, or some sort of unmentionable I’m sure many of the die- that certain studies have indi- 3,400 of which are related to substance) can be interpreted hard students who support cated that smoking can have lung cancer in non-smokers. as a cultural or celebratory ac- lighting up a nice Marlboro or health benefits, such as the However, if the sheer ex- tivity. Yet, if someone is finish- Camel have their fair share of lower prevalence of Parkin- hilaration of slowly smoking ing off a pack of Camels in a reasons for why they partake son’s disease or schizophrenia, yourself to death is too difficult week or even a day, that person in this activity. For example, but to a much higher degree to pull away from, I have one has to admit that he or she has smoking relaxes people or smokers put themselves at risk piece of advice: lock yourself a problem. makes them seem sexy and for rapid heartbeat, heart dis- in a room while you smoke. Aside from the obvious mysterious. Yet, is there a way ease and oral cancer. At least that way you won’t kill health-related downsides to smokers can look sexy and re- Most of all, there is nothing the rest of us with you.

OUR VIEWS Ho t o r No t YOUR VIEWS Le t t e r s t o t h e Ed i t o r – or – Block ticketing Adrian Smith Fourth-year CMPE HOT NOT I recently attended the game tion on the field. By the fourth against Mississippi State. I ar- quarter most of them had left. rived an hour early as I always I believe the football block “I try to watch some comedy do to watch warm-ups from ticketing program at Georgia and laugh it off.” the front row of the South End Tech is flawed. These frats can Zone Student Section. About be given block tickets high- 15 minutes before kickoff, one er up in the student section person told me they had the where they can converse, show first three rows in a block and how “hard” they are, pass their that my friends and I would flasks around and leave early have to move. I assume them all they want. Volleyball victories Fraudulent faculty to be members of a fraternity. Instead, the Athletic Asso- Tech’s volleyball team had One of two former Tech Most of this “block” hadn’t ciation allows big empty holes a winning streak last week, professors accused of drawing shown up when the teams were at field level during kickoff for beating both Clemson and paychecks from the Institute taking the field. I guess they’re a televised game. I’m sure it Florida A&M. Outside hitter and the University of Minne- bigger fans of partying than looks really good to a possible Talisa Kellogg scored an atten- sota at the same time resigned they are of Yellow Jacket foot- recruit watching the game at tion-grabbing 42 kills over the from his position in Minneso- ball. A few groups of students home. It also brings up the two matches. Prior to beating ta’s Academic Health Center. began to move down to the issue of UGA fraternity mem- Clemson, the conference’s top He and his wife were accused open bleachers [and] were met bers being in our student sec- with threats of violence. tion for last year’s game. Katie Hites team and chosen favorite, Tech of fraud and are still under in- First-year BMED was picked to finish second. vestigation by the state Attor- The block had finally filled The true fans that are The Yellow Jackets now have a ney General’s office, which has up about midway through the cheering from kickoff to the fi- 9-2 record and are expected to so far revealed about $100,000 first quarter. I’m glad these nal snap should be close to the “I run.” take the title home. in questionable activity. “true fans” decided to show field where they could most ef- up and cheer on their team. fectively support their team. Most of the game they talked or yelled obscenities instead Nathan Denison of paying attention to the ac- Fourth-year ME

Letter Submission Policy Advertising Information TheTechnique welcomes all letters Information and rate cards can be to the editor in response to Technique found online at The content as well as general topics relevant deadline for reserving ad space and to campus. We will print letters on a submitting ad copy is Friday at 5 p.m., timely and space-available basis. Send one week prior to publication. For rate your letter to [email protected] and or billing information, or to place an ad, Six Flags fun Campus spam please use your official Georgia Tech please e-mail our Advertising Manager, Georgia Tech Night at Six Last week we wrote that the account if possible. Make sure to include Hahnming Lee at [email protected]. You your full name, year (1st, 2nd, etc.), and may also reach us by telephone at (404) Flags brought out over 7,500 large number of megamods major. 894-2830, Monday through Friday from students, faculty and alumni being sent undermined efforts Letters should not exceed 400 words 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. TheTechnique office Matt Flascher last Friday, providing a much to spread the word about the and should be submitted by 7 p.m. is located in room 137 of the Student Third-year CS needed and affordable mid- presidential search forum. This Tuesday in order to be printed in the Services Building, 353 Ferst Drive, following Friday’s issue. Any letters not Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0290. semester break. Discounted week, even more trivial emails meeting these criteria or not considered “I stay organized and keep BuzzCard ticketing, free were indiscriminately sent out, by the Editorial Board of the Technique Coverage Requests shuttle service and free return cluttering inboxes and dimin- to be of valid intent will not be printed. Requests for coverage may be made myself to a schedule.” We reserve the right to edit for style and to the Editor-in-Chief or to individual passes made the yearly event ishing the value of this impor- length. Only one submission per person section editors. For more information, an all-around fun deal. tant communications tool. will be printed each term. email [email protected] Photos by Joey Cerone 8 • September 26, 2008 • Technique OPINIONS Tradition encourages insomnia PETA milks the media Students at Tech want three By Naihobe Gonzalez “Spain has been training its Opinions Editor restaurant may benefit from the things: sleep, good grades and a ensuing publicity and be able to social life. Unfortunately, you can children to function on a “The breast is best!” obtain a steady supply of breast only have two of the three. Georgia Tech sleep schedule These are the words of the milk for its creamy recipes, but re- I learned that refrain long People for the Ethical Treatment lying on human breast milk for a before I ever enrolled at Tech, since birth...” of Animals, who recently sent company with yearly sales of over thanks to the gift that is having a letter to Ben & Jerry’s urging $300 million is a ludicrous idea two Tech alumni as parents. As Emily Chambers the company to replace the cow’s that should not have made it past a current Tech student, I like to Columnist milk they use in their ice cream the thought bubble stages. think that I make a fighting effort with human breast milk. When It baffles me that people take an at all three, but compared to many I heard the news, I was overtaken otherwise legitimate issue to such of my friends at other schools, I with occasional religious signifi- There are many benefits to this by disbelief. Does a desire to im- lengths. Animal rights is without a know my idea of success in a class cance tossed in. insomniac culture. I have become prove the treatment of our furry doubt important, but once we lose or with a friend is considered fail- The rock part of the feria comes prolific in my emailing, and al- friends warrant a complete loss in sight of the problems that humans ure by many others. from the feria de Zaiden or “de most every single person on my rationality? face and warp reality to an extent I never would have believed it, rock,” as my increasingly adorable program has started a journal. Apparently PETA got this where we would rather use lactat- but study abroad students have Señora calls it. When my friends Since dinner isn’t until 9 p.m., bright idea from a restaurant in ing women than lactating cows to an even harder time managing and I showed up at 1 a.m. the first everyone goes and exercises in the Switzerland that began making its make the ice cream we eat, there is all three. This summer my LBAT night of the fair, it was dead. Not afternoon, and la siesta, that beau- soups, stews and sauces with breast a serious problem. friends and I, when posed with because it was too late. Oh, no. tiful two or three hour nap after milk from human donors who Clearly PETA’s letter was in- the dilemma of skipping class, An hour after midnight is ap- lunch that makes it physically im- were paid for their milk. In state- tended more as a publicity ploy missing amazing cultural events, parently the appropriate time for possible to digest food or do any- ments following the controversial than a sound business proposi- not seeing Spanish-language con- 12-year-olds to arrive, grandpar- thing other than dream and hope letter, PETA’s executive vice presi- tion, but just the idea of placing certs or not sleeping, always chose ents in tow, and anxiously stand that when you wake up all of your dent said, “The fact that human the rights of cows above that of to omit the latter. We even devel- in line for bumper cars while their grammar exercises will be done, adults consume huge quantities humans through a complete disre- oped the phrase “I will sleep when older siblings shadily skulk around lives on. of dairy products made from milk gard for mothers and their bodies I am in America.” This phrase has the back allies purchasing illegal In fact, I think that the Spanish that was meant for a baby cow just is irrational and downright offen- held true as I begin my semester in and intoxicating substances. These live on la siesta. Napoleon proved doesn’t make sense.” sive. While PETA supporters may Granada and learn that in Spain 12-year-olds were not replaced by you can’t live without sleep, and Does it make more sense that argue the same is true for cows, the average eight-year old sleeps persons of a legal age until after 3 if it wasn’t for la siesta, no one breast milk “meant” for a human somewhere along the way we have and whines less about it than me. a.m., when hordes of black-clad, would get any. The only downside baby’s growth—not for producing to agree on the hierarchy of both This week has been particularly leather-bearing Spanish boys to the new sleep schedule is that millions of pints of ice cream— our species and our values. trying for us budding insomniacs showed up. Did I mention that it is new. Personally, I still find it should become part of a commer- Amazingly, PETA’s proposal of American origin as Granada, this was on a school night? exhausting to go to bed at three, cial venture? While pictures show- is getting more media attention the city where I am studying, has That’s right, ladies and gentle- wake up at seven, and sit through ing how milking cows are treated than other pressing issues affect- been en feria, or “in festival” since men. Spain has been training its five hours of grammar class. My can be disturbing, the image that ing our human friends around last Thursday.En feria is a concept children to function on a Georgia roommate and various other new comes to mind of women arriving the world. In a time when over that is hard to explain, except to Tech sleep schedule since birth friends seem to be taking to it to work, connecting a pump to 1 billion people live on less than say that it means everyone be- and doesn’t allow them to develop quite quickly though, so I still their breasts and collecting a pay- $1 a day—much less than what a tween the ages of two weeks after any sort of regulated sleep habits have hope. check at the end of the week is far pint of Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Gar- conception and 124 is out in the until death. The concerts there And if I don’t, I only have more disturbing. cia costs, and certainly much less streets. While they are out in the don’t end until 7 a.m. and because 15 more sleepless weeks to walk What’s also disturbing is that than what PETA’s members spend streets they participate in an activ- this culture is truly sadistic, they through in a daze until I get back anyone would propose such a ri- on bumper stickers and t-shirts— ity that is a cross between a death still expect you to be up and at to the states. I can always sleep in diculous alternative in hopes of I am reminded of how distorted metal concert and a county fair, class by nine the next day. America. helping animals. That small Swiss our priorities are.

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Call 1-404-894-7386 or visit [email protected] Organization Spotlight: Amnesty Int’l Technique Amnesty International is a worldwide move- Focus Editor: Reem Mansoura ment of people who campaign for internation- 9 ally recognized human rights. Friday, Assistant Focus Editor: Contact: September 26, 2008 Focus Maria Carter New PSA aims to recruit, reinforce Tech brand By James Norman student dressed in a bright yel- from the class appears inside the “Georgia Tech + your dreams = university stand out when com- Contributing Writer low Buzz T-shirt. The professor, Ramblin’ Wreck, Tech’s 1930 a bright future.” pared to other schools. “Every- Lew Lefton from the mathemat- Ford Model A. She’s donning The commercial just de- body has a lab. Everybody has a In a dimly lit management ics department, drones on, but a GT motorcycle helmet and scribed is the latest public service band. [Ads with those elements] classroom, a casually dressed his voice gives way to dream- adjusting some ancient aviator announcement (PSA) to come don’t really say anything about professor lectures about projec- sequence-like music, and his goggles. out of Tech’s communications an institution. What we wanted tile motion. The camera pans finger begins to trail light like a She throws the Wreck into and marketing department. Last to do was something really, really around the stadium seat- sparkler. gear, floors it, and the Wreck year’s spot—a robotic arm using different from that,” Smith said. ing to a young The scene ripples and melts speeds towards a wooden ramp. a dial-tone phone to produce the Rather than hiring an ad f e m a l e away, then … “ROAR!,” a car It goes airborne cleanly, push- GT fight song—won an award agency for production purposes, revs its engine. A guitar kicks ing through translucent physics for best college ad in a national the Communications and Mar- in, delivering a crunching equations, following the same competition. keting department creates most race rhythm. The parabolic trajectory traced out by “Starting with the basics, of the PSAs. “We could out- same female the casual professor. A stunned each year we get what’s called source it, but we’ve chosen not student crowd watches the Wreck come a public service announcement to, because we feel like we’ve got from probably 40 feet in the air because we don’t have to pay the talent here on campus,” Bows to a soft landing. for the airtime,” said director of said The guitar fades, and a glee Marketing Katie Bows. “We try Some of the work did require club sings, “I’m a Ramblin’ to do one each year, and it runs outside specialists. A sound edi- Wreck form Georgia Tech, during aired football and basket- tor from Cartoon Network de- and a helluva engineer,” ball games, which could include veloped the music for the clip, as the driver poses women’s basketball games,” while a 3-D modeler was hired for the camera af- Bows said. for video editing. The jump scene ter pulling off While one reason for produc- that they spliced the CG Wreck the stunt. A ing these PSAs is for recruiting, into was an Evel Knievel motor- final mes- Jeffery Smith, director of online cycle stunt from the 1970s. The sage ap- communications said, “I would idea of using a motorcycle jump pears: say that brand recognition is the came up during brainstorm- number one reason.” ing, but Bows and Smith nearly “You need brand recognition canned the whole commercial to enhance recruiting, particu- when ABC and ESPN wanted larly out of state. You think of upwards of $1000 per second games like Boston College—that for Knievel footage. Luckily, ad would’ve been aired all over one worker found public domain the Northeast. These are ar- footage of a jump on Amazon. eas where we’re working com for $10. on national recruiting,” Once the footage was found, Bows said. casting and filming began in late Creating a July, and the clip was completed brand means by mid-August. The profession- m a k i n g ally done clip was completed in a y ou r little more than 150 work-hours, according to Bows. One critical cast member

See PSA, page 11 Images courtesy of Communications and Marketing

Student leaders attend “Best Financial Practices” seminar By Aaron Parkman even balancing (his) own check- The three are also assembling Contributing Writer book” to “balancing a half million resource material to assist student dollar budget.” In general, he says, leaders in implementing the best Garrett Langley was a finan- “While students never lack desire financial practices. The mate- cially inexperienced freshman and motivation, many lack experi- rial will include helpful financial when he took on the role of trea- ence in financial management.” tips and will be in a user-friendly surer for Sigma Chi. Now the trea- Langley hopes that this will be checklist-style format, available surer of Interfraternity Council the first of a continued series of soon through the HAO website. (IFC) and a fourth-year EE major, seminars held once per semester to So far, the initiative has re- Langley has worked since spring update and reiterate the strategies ceived a positive response, having to make a go of the “Best Finan- taught. By partnering with the been presented already to frater- cial Practices” seminar that took HAO, Langley hopes to make the nity presidents at a meeting last place this past Monday. Repre- seminar a service project that can week. “Presidents were coming up sentatives of every fraternity came be continued and expanded in the to me after the meeting and saying together at the seminar to discuss future. Bonnie Meier, HAO direc- ‘Garrett, we need to get together the successful financial practices tor and Rachel Chamberlin, HAO with you sometime this week and of non-profit organizations. vice president both partnered with talk about how to make this stuff Hosted by the Honorary Ac- Langley in organizing and speak- happen,’” Langley said. Accord- counting Organization (HAO) ing at the seminar. Meier and ing to Meier, there has been very and Interfraternity Council (IFC), Chamberlin, both members of Al- little negative response. the seminar focused on the role of pha Chi, agree that student lead- Langley also said that he was student leaders in their organiza- ers will benefit tremendously from looking forward to seeing more tions’ finances. Topics of interest the initiative. involvement from non-Greek or- included risk management, in- Chamberlin, Langley and ganizations. “It’s the same presen- come statements, account struc- Meier attribute the quality of the tation, but it’s a totally different turing, budgeting, bookkeeping, seminar largely to Shawn Fowler, perspective [in non-Greek organi- balance sheets and cash flow anal- a Tech alumnus and current part- zations],” Langley said. Working ysis. Targeting primarily fraterni- ner at Frazier & Deeter, a presti- with much smaller budgets, non- ties because of their large budgets, gious Atlanta-based accounting Greeks will use the strategies on a speakers emphasized discussion of firm. According to Langley, the smaller scale. finances within organizations to four met this summer to go over One especially pertinent topic promote financial awareness. The a proposed presentation and came at the seminar concerned the dif- seminar was partially fueled by out of the meeting with a much ference between bank account bal- By Jason Ossey / Student Publications Langley’s past inexperience. He more informative product. “He ance and real cash balance, which The “Best Financial Practices” seminar brought representatives recalls the learning curve he ex- took what we had, and related it… from every fraternity to discuss their organizations’ budgeting. perienced when going from “not to business,” Langley said. See Finance, page 11 10 • September 26, 2008 • Technique FOCUS

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF Mostafa El-Sayed, National Medal of Science winner

By Ben Keyserling / Student Publications El-Sayed, Regents Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, works with lasers in the laser dynamic lab in Boggs. He is the recipi- ent of the National Medal of Science for 2007. President Bush will bestow El-Sayed with this award next week in Washington D.C. By Andrew Ho Contributing Writer come to realize that their profes- to society and science are vast. El- fore joining the Tech faculty in sors and faculty are truly author- Sayed has over 500 publications 1994. His research focuses on the Sometimes it can be easy to ity figures on their subjects, with to his credit and supervises the re- chemical properties of noble metal then my grad students and post- forget about the caliber of the fac- an extensive history in academia search of many graduate students particles and their applications to- docs. Each one is doing their ulty here at Tech. When exams and laborious research projects and visiting professors, and yet wards nanotechnology. A notable own research and they keep me start rolling around and projects going on that contribute to society still has time to lecture and teach example of his work involves gold informed of what’s happening. begin to pile up, particularly for in one manner or another. the general chemistry course for particles bonded to cancer cells The beautiful thing about an aca- undergraduates, it might be un- Mostafa El-Sayed, who heads undergraduates. for identification and then de- demic job is that it is not mono- derstandable to underestimate the the Laser Dynamics Laboratory Having earned his bachelor’s stroyed by a weak laser that leaves directional. It is so many things, professor as a distant authority as director, Julius Brown Chair in Egypt and doctorate at Florida all healthy tissue unharmed. as you have to teach, you have to figure. As time goes on however, and Regents Professor of Chem- State University, El-Sayed has “Oh, day to day, [I] interact communicate, you have to think and the first few tortuous semes- istry and Biochemistry, is one of been a researcher at Harvard, Yale, with a lot of young people, from ters come to an end, most students those figures whose contributions Caltech and worked at UCLA be- freshmen, I teach freshmen, and See El-Sayed, page 11

sliver Can I sue the city of Atlanta for the damage done to my tires after driving down 10th street? UO: You know there is a problem when over 75% of the class is pulling all nighters to write 30-50 pg Lab reports No there isn’t .. Thats just ChBE... Sleep doesn’t matter for that major :-) Yar, har, feedledeedee! Being a pirate is all right with me! (9/19) hurricanes 2, gulf coast 0.. sara’s party..invite only...ya that means you george my math TA said he needed some crack in the middle of lecture. i sold him some that night people in the lec Wednesday at 2:45: shower! mmm yeah just how bad is it to facebook on a library comp? Spotted: M & K wasted on campus. Again. Shocker. XOXO - Gossip Girl GT Six Flags Night ROCKS! why does this week go by so slowly? why are my knees suddenly sunburnt after one day of wearing shorts? Why does Skiles smell like rotten cheese?! I gag everytime I walk past it I recently found out that tech doesn’t make the bitch but makes it come out. Why does everyone hate mob wars? Yep on Saturday I’m going to wake up and chug a beer. It’s going to be a good day. Seriously nothing else matters to me than what I’ll be doing soon. Literally NOTHING. The space age on spore is so addictive. I played for 4 hrs and only stopped when I really had to pee. the slavs need to be stopped Dear international students: I hope you’re enjoying America, now please, WEAR DEODORANT! Let’s take down two dirts dogs in one season, GO JACKETS! Princess Lola Scarlett! FOCUS Technique • September 26, 2008 • 11

PSA from page 9 ing moments. “[The filming day] El-Sayed from page 10 was definitely a hot day. They had was Steph Robbins, the student/ a towel to wipe my entire face of new ideas and you have to do stunt driver in the clip. Steph, a down.” When they went to film this by interacting with students. volleyball player, fourth-year IE the scene in the management lec- Grad students, post-docs, we even major and third generation Tech ture hall, she said, “We had to buy have some undergraduates with student belongs to the Ramblin’ another shirt for that scene be- some fantastic ideas themselves,” Reck Club and has driven the cause they didn’t want to see sweat El-Sayed said. Wreck several times before the on my back as they panned across Outside of school, El-Sayed filming. Bows said that beyond the room.” enjoys traveling and camping, but being the perfect role model for Given a top speed of 45 mph has dedicated more time to his Tech as a female dean’s list en- for the Wreck, one equation giv- work. However, he didn’t seem to gineering student, “she had the en in the PSA, maximum range have any regrets. right look and played the part very equals velocity squared divided by “It’s a good profession, and well.” g, would predict that the Wreck you don’t feel you’re working be- Robbins was uneasy about the as a point mass in perfect vacuum cause you do something you like. By Ben Keyserling / Student Publications role at first. “I’m camera shy,” she could travel 126 feet, or 14 car That’s something I always tell said. “When I went over [to the lengths. my students, where you work at El-Sayed takes a break from lecturing and supervising his gradu- ate students’ research. He has over 500 publications to his credit. Burger Bowl] for filming... I was Bows and Smith both guessed where you like, even if it pays less. like, ‘Oh, I’m a little nervous!’” that the Wreck could probably I remember once Reagan, when I She settled into the role and clear 5-6 cars at top speed, but the with this friend of mine, and we was in California, he said ‘Those for two Egyptian chemistry stu- even had fun with her worst act- feat remains purely hypothetical. professors said they enjoy their both decided that professors in dents to get their doctorate there. research so much. Why aren’t we chemistry at that time were much The rest, as they say, is history. paying them?’,” El-Sayed said. better than in physics, for exam- El-Sayed is particularly looking Finance from page 9 theory, the fund can be a simple A particularly exciting devel- ple. So we decided that, well, we forward to future developments savings account, separate from an opment in El-Sayed’s career is his should stick to that.” His father on campus and in his research, is caused by un-deposited checks. organization’s checking account, reception of the National Medal was a high school teacher, and as notably the Nanotechnology Re- To help manage this problem, in which 10 percent of the orga- of Science for 2007, which he will a result El-Sayed took an interest search Building which is nearing Langley suggested implement- nization’s income can be set aside receive from President George W. in teaching as well, though he as- completion, likening the experi- ing QuickBooks software, which for emergencies. Surprises such Bush at the White House next pired to attend medical school. ence to feeling as though ‘a new enables users to compare separate as leaks in the roof, kitchen fires week. Although El-Sayed did not candy store is about to open.’ income and expense accounts or broken windows are expenses “It’s a wonderful feeling. It’s make it to medical school, he Unlike other nanotechnology re- within the program. At a cost of that can be paid for through a risk something I wasn’t counting opted to spend time training to search buildings, Tech’s research $180, Langley says that Quick- management fund. on, something I wasn’t thinking be a high school teacher. How- building will combine aspects of Books will quickly pay for itself After receiving a positive reac- about, but it feels good indeed,” ever, student demonstrations at biology with nanotechnology. by eliminating errors in balancing tion, Chamberlin, Langley, and El-Sayed said. the time prompted a consolida- With a career spanning over incomes and expenses. Meier are hopeful that their initia- Ironically, some of the events tion of higher-education schools 50 years, El-Sayed seems to have Risk management and the tive will continue to gain momen- that led up to El-Sayed’s well- and institutes, including the one lost little passion for his work and establishment of a risk manage- tum and that when they graduate known career were more coinci- that El-Sayed was attending, re- is eager to carry that enthusiasm ment fund was also discussed. In others will carry it forward. dental than anything else, espe- sulting in the diploma of science to his students. “When scientists cially in regards to his experiences being changed to a bachelor’s in see new things that they can un- as a college student in Egypt. science, incidentally granting him derstand, it’s just like a little kid Correction “Many things sometimes hap- the degree. Months later, one of who’s found some candy. The good In describing MARTA as a way to avoid high gas prices, last issue’s story pen in your life because of some El-Sayed’s friends showed him an thing about nanoscience is that it “Save money at the pumps, tr y the following tips” listed the price of a 30 - day accident, and it can change your announcement in the government will always lead to something that MARTA pass at $52.50. However, students can receive 30-day passes at the whole direction. I was studying newspaper that FSU was searching could be useful,” El-Sayed said. Student Center for the discounted price of $30.

[email protected] Technique Entertainment Editor: Daniel Spiller 13 Friday, Assistant Entertainment Editor: September 26, 2008 Entertainment Jennifer Aldoretta thrills Variety Playhouse

city scene Hot Chip comes to Variety Playhouse Hot Chip will be perform- ing in Little Five Points at Va- riety Playhouse on Thursday, Oct. 9 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are available online for $25 for general admission. Opening for Hot Chip will be Growing, a noise-rock group from Wash- ington. Music, dance at Scandinavian Festival Oglethorpe University will be hosting its 14th annual Scandinavian Festival. Enjoy live music, folk dance, and sto- rytelling for children on Oct. 11. General admission will be $5. Photos by Zach Kraus / Student Publications Mothball comes to By Richard Otis their sense of humor as boldly as ing, if non-traditional, perfor- The band’s skilled layering of Grant Park Staff Writer their impeccable rock credentials; mance. piano-driven ambience with flaw- this coming from a band that has, By this time, the crowd had less electric guitar combined with Dress as your favorite TV There are few times more hum- in their own words, “a million swelled to several hundred people an artfully timed light show to sitcom character for this fun- bling for a writer than when he watered-down imitators.” and the anticipation level for the utterly dominate and control the filled event! On Saturday, Oct. is confronted with an experience Before Mogwai would take boys from Glasgow was very high. awareness of the audience at a very 4 from 8 p.m. to midnight, imbued with such raw emotional the stage at Variety, concert-goers As they appeared on stage, the au- visceral level. It’s a kind of emo- enjoy dancing, a buffett and a power that it nearly exceeds the were first subjected to the inimi- dience was practically giddy. tional overload that transcends silent auction. Tickets are $35 capacity of his vocabulary. table, almost unprintable Fuck Mogwai wasted no time in set- music itself and enters the territo- in advance and $45 at the door. Yet, with ears still ringing, it Buttons, a two-piece experimental ting the bar high above any pre- ry of a near-religious experience. There will also be a costume may be possible to paint at least a rock group out of England. vious expectations. Though the For ardent fans of Mogwai, this contest complete with prizes, semblance of the musical portrait The pair didn’t take long to crowd was roaring before, hardly comes as no surprise, but it nearly so remember to dress up! painted by Mogwai, a five-piece begin dazzling and assaulting the a member of the crowd spoke eludes explication as the sense of rock group from Glasgow, Scot- senses with light and noise, en- now, as most were captivated in si- self is dissolved in an ocean of land, at Atlanta’s Variety Play- thralling the audience by keeping lence—a rarity for a performance sound, the vibrations unyieldingly Southern ghosts at house on Monday, Sept. 15. the level of aural dissonance just billed as a rock show. finding their way around you and The band is on tour to promote below the threshold of confusion. Starting off with some older fa- through you, forcing you to reach Stone Mountain their Batcat EP and their full- The use of effect-enhanced vorites from the 2006 album Mr. the inevitable conclusion that you length album, The Hawk is Howl- screams and jungle rhythms com- Beast, Mogwai swelled from be- and the music have become one Stone Mountain Park will ing, both of which were released bined with dancing that’s best de- neath with deep, resonant chords, and the same. be holding its 23rd annual earlier this month. scribed as tribal evoked a palpable sounding at times like a rock lul- The sole reprieve was found in Tour of Southern Ghosts. With song titles ranging from primal sense in their music—a laby. each song’s end, but none of the From Wednesday, Oct. 19 to the synesthetic (“The Sun Smells sense that they were somehow These masters of composition, audience remained unaltered by Friday, Oct. 31, enjoy profes- Too Loud”) to the absurd (“I’m bringing forth order from the though, proved themselves far this incredible, unforgettable mu- sional storytellers sharing their Jim Morrison, I’m Dead”), it’s chaos of the conflicting beats and more versatile than a simple riff sical experience. Clearly, “watered- spooky tales of the ghosts that clear that Mogwai has maintained rhythms. It made for an interest- or two. down imitators” need not apply. haunt Stone Mountain Park.

It’s Always SunnyBy Kevin Shain premiereseason. loadedmisfits, they share common with quali- be hunting laughs is Rickety Cricket, Contributing Writer Last Thursday marked the ties, specifically those that involve their childhood friend-turned- fourth of what ought to be many the dismissal of Dee and the com- priest-turned-bum, who also The year was 2005. A dol- cycles of rebirth for the series. plete oversight that Charlie has happens to catch the sympathies lar could get you a hot dog For all of you It’s Always Sun- the mental capacity of a goat. of Rambo-confused-Frank, who at the local deli, a slice of ny rookies out there, let me fill The resulting antics provide lends his aid to the hopelessly out- cherry pie, bus fare and a you in. The show focuses around a refreshing and much-needed numbered Cricket. ticket to a baseball game. “The Gang,” a group of siblings/ escape from the horrors of most While this is happening, Frank Plus, you would still have friends/lunatics who own and op- modern-day programs. manages to convince Charlie and money left over for the eve- erate Paddy’s Pub, a bar in Phila- Season 4 started off with a Dee that the meat they’ve been ning edition. delphia. bang on Thursday, Sept. 18, with stealing from him and eating has Oh yes, it was also the The Gang consists of Frank, two back-to-back new episodes. been human meat, leading them year that premiered It’s father of Dennis and Dee, and The first, “Mac and Dennis: on a meat-tasting journey (yes, Always Sunny in Phila- childhood friends Charlie and Manhunters,” chronicled the ad- that includes monkey). delphia. Life was good, at Mac. And no, not a single one of ventures of the gang through top- While not the best, the first ep- least for the time being, them are qualified to actually own ics including cannibalism, Frank’s isode is more than a warm-up for but our luck was about a bar. confusion of his life with that of the finale of the night, “The Gang to change...forever. The actual relationships among Rambo, and of course, hunting as Solves the Gas Crisis.” As with most good the gang vary. While Dennis and the most dangerous game. This absolutely hilarious epi-

Image Courtesy of 20th Century Fox Home things, It’s Always Sunny had to Mac generally compete in being Unfortunately for Mac and Entertainment end, only to be reborn the next the leader of their ragtag team of Dennis, the man they happen to See Sunny, page 15

ENTERTAINMENT Technique • September 26, 2008 • 15

Sunny from page 13 Chopstix serves up tasty, overrated cuisine sode follows the gang on their fool- proof plan to solve the gas crisis By Kristin Hanson that table takes care of it. When they wanted to beef is quite spicy. crippling millions of Americans: Contributing Writer you need something, there is no experience Overall, the food was stealing Dee’s stash of money and waiting around for your waiter or s o m e very good, but perhaps a buying thousands of dollars worth Buckhead, known for its fine waitress to return because there of the little overrated. It seems of gas to resell door-to-door at a dining, is the home of the gour- is always a member of the staff b e s t to be that a lot of what cus- premium. met Chinese piano bar Chopstix. standing somewhere near you. tomers are paying for is the While this might not be that It has been honored with the title They take their quality of ser- excellent service and the fine terrible of an idea (read: terrible of “Best Chinese Restaurant” by vice very seriously. So seriously, in dining experience–not necessar- idea), the possibility for disaster Atlanta Magazine every year since fact, that one of the people I was ily the food. remains precariously high up un- 1988 and has received other pres- dining with would take a drink However, my group was fairly til the final, climactic scene of the tigious awards such as the “Dis- of their tea and immediately conservative with our meal choic- episode. tinguished Restaurants of North someone would be there Photo illustration by Michaeles and Schneider stuck / Studentwith Publications the more As both writers and actors, the America” award, as stated on their to whisk away the glass, familiar kinds of cast never relents in their effort to website. fill it up, and return top the episode before it, which Chopstix was founded in 1984 it to him. lends itself to their acting talent. by restaurant owners Phillip Chan One usually While no one person takes and Alvin Yu, who are originally would not think center stage, Charlie and Dee from Hong Kong. They combined there is such Photo by Michael Schneider / Student Publications are always the ones who hold the influences from their native coun- a thing as too group together, either through in- try with those of New York and helpful, but this coherent and drug-induced songs California to create the unique would be one of (“Nightman” and “Dayman”) or and diverse menu. those instanc- through unification based on mu- Chopstix provides a very inti- es, as taking tual hatred. mate dining experience with live a sip in- Even with that said, the cast piano music, dim lighting and a bet ween dining in At- feels so natural that it’s hard to black, white and red color scheme. bites al- lanta. Thelast person in the meats and imagine the show without any one The singing and piano are not m o s t group to order asked for the sweet sauces. Maybe character; quite simply, there are overbearing and add well to the became orange beef, but also requested someone with more ex- no weak links. classy atmosphere, but seem a bit an im- some water chestnuts on his beef. pansive taste would enjoy the If you can somehow look past strange when coupled with tradi- possi- The manager looked stunned and richer items on the menu. the gruff, gritty and offensive -ex tional Chinese art and decorative bility. more than a little offended. We If you are searching for a ro- terior and situations (especially designs. In addition to their regular were all very confused as to why mantic or classy fine-dining estab- those involving hot issues such as The execution ofChopstix ’s ser- courses offered, at the bottom of this had offended the man, espe- lishment with a Chinese inspired abortion, gun control and mental vice is fairly innovative and very their menu is a note explaining cially when the menu makes it menu, then Chopstix is worth illness), then you will undoubtedly efficient. Instead of one waiter that if your favorite dish is not seem like special requests are no checking out. find a charming, witty and lasting or waitress assigned to a certain on the menu, then they can make big deal. However, if you are looking for favorite hiding underneath. number of tables, all the staff it for you on request. However, We voted on the best meal at a stereotypical Chinese restaurant But don’t take my word for stands around in between the ta- based on my experience, do not our table and the winner was the with sesame chicken and Mongo- it. Catch new episodes of It’s Al- bles and when they see something ask for water chestnuts. hot Szechwan chicken. It is not for lian beef, then you might want to ways Sunny in Philadelphia every that needs to be refilled or taken I went to Chopstix with some the faint of heart however, because spend your hard-earned money Thursday at 10 p.m. on FX. away, the staff member closest to friends from out of town because the hot ginger garlic sauce on the elsewhere.

This week on GTCN 21 SEPTEMBER 26-OCTOBER 2

The leaves are falling, the weather is cool, but GTCN is heating up with the hottest shows on campus. Catch Tech Trax on GTCN Host Sarah Gilbreath is your host for the best campus events and the best music videos on TV. Watch Tech Trax weekly at

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The Georgia Tech Cable Network 16 • September 26, 2008 • Technique ENTERTAINMENT Mraz’s We Steal Things provides in-depth look at life

very accessible and real. Unfortunately he sometimes you sleep at a time like this?/ …/ singer/ James Morrison Release Date: May 13, 2008 The album does not make mistakes being close to the micro- Taste past the tip of your tongue,” blend seamlessly with Mraz’s in a Label: Atlantic Records grand statements about politics or phone for conveying emotion. which sums up the message of the cocoon of soft acoustic guitar and Genre: Pop/Rock society, but speaks instead to the Most of the tracks on We Steal album. hope. Track Picks: “Make It Mine,” average person with daily trou- Things feel substantial. There are “I’m Yours” is the most bon- “The Dynamo of Volition” is “I’m Yours,” “Love for a Child,” bles. a few songs that are soni- fire-at-the-beach and the most like a track in the vein of what you He’s your best friend, your cally similar Jack Johnson that Jason Mraz gets would expect from Jason Mraz. “The Dynamo of Volition” and crying shoulder, and your con- on the album. There are about three times as “A Beautiful Mess” fidante. He sings about life It’s a feel-good song about many words in this song than any Our take: « « « « « and the woes of relationships, trying to act cool when you other pop song. but also their joys. like someone a lot. “I tried It is the best representation of The album, however, is to be chill but you’re so hot Mraz on this album, both stylisti- By Chris Ernst not without quirks. The that I melted”. When he tries cally and personally. Contributing Writer lyrics aren’t always serious to talk to her, he can’t form His fast-flowing lyrics are (or in English). words or a coherent thought. about himself and are delivered in We Sing, We Dance, We Steal They sometimes make All he can manage is some scat- two oscillating styles. Sometimes Things, Jason Mraz’s third stu- sense when put in con- ting. there is classically defined accom- dio album, blends hip-hop and text with the song but “Love for a Child” is all about paniment with drums, guitars musicality in a way only he can. sometimes don’t add Jason’s parents getting a divorce and violins; at other times, it’s an He also branches out into other meaning to the song and his growing up having to en- electronically-generated beat. genres more accessible to the lis- at all. dure it. The two styles come, go and tening public. The comparisons The song is from a child’s point mix with each other and showcase One of Mraz’s signature abili- between any of Jack of view, innocent and lacking un- the way Mraz is influenced by ties is writing rhymes rappers Johnson’s albums and Image Courtesy of Atlantic Records derstanding. both pop and hip-hop. would revel in but delivering them parts of We Steal Things are hard It is by far the most outright- “A Beautiful Mess” is an angst- in catchy melodies that lodge to avoid. These are the newer el- and feel ly melancholy of the songs on filled song about a rocky relation- themselves in your brain. ements, and everything seems to like filler. At a scant this album. He rationalizes that ship. She says mean things and is We Steal Things is more than mesh better than genre-bending twelve tracks and fifty minutes, it’s the divorce occurred so that he contradicting. By the end, how- rapid-fire rhymes. There is a heavy melodic rap. understandable that Mraz started wouldn’t be in a hostile home en- ever, “the wait was so worth it.” dose of acoustic guitar-driven With the fast and hard lyrics reaching for material. vironment. By introducing one of the tunes suitable for the lazy after- gone, and the tempo slowed from The most standout tracks are “Details in the Fabric” is what darker moments at the end of the noons in the sun, and there are “rush” to “chill,” Mraz’s tranquil “Make It Mine,” “I’m Yours,” a best friend would tell a de- album and resolving it, the whole horns and strings to shake it all tenor breathes emotion. “Love for a Child,” “Details in the pressed friend. “Hold your own/ album is given a cathartic closure. up. His nimble falsetto, paired with Fabric,” “The Dynamo of Voli- Know your name/ Go your own By taking his own advice and We Steal Things is a portrait a good, albeit inconsistent, use of tion” and “A Beautiful Mess.” way/ …/Everything will be fine.” following his heart, he proves of a person which follows the ups his passaggio, create a far more “Make It Mine” is a peppy way It gently encourages to persist and what he said all throughout the and downs of everyday life. The complex and solid vocal than Jack to open the album. The first lyric stay strong. album; everything will be alright, troubles Jason Mraz discusses are Johnson could ever produce. is “Wake up everyone/ How can The guest vocals of English even though sometimes life sucks.

sliver Wysiwyg Keilbasa Dean Rhett i may hate uga when we play football against them but it sure does have some damn hot guys!!!! Y’know, they say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing multiple times and expecting different results.... AMERICA'S no wonder there’s so many crazy people in the world... BLAME IT ON MICROSOFT! to the guy driving down the connector WHILE kissing his girl- friend: that kiss did not get the attention it deserved. welcome back GTwireless... oh how i missed you # hey buddy i’m going huntin’... with palin and the alaskan moose brigade 1 i hope she has a better aim than Cheney Like a puppet on a string with a long nose ring. We play three Bulldog teams this year. Let’s beat at least one. Why do we have four different loaves of bread for our apart- ment? SANDWICH Steak and potatoes! RULE!! mmm.... I like to savor my cheese stick ™ This sentence is in Spanish when you’re not looking Attention: wearing a fedora does not make you look cool, it makes you look like you like anime way too much maybe i’ll start reading the technique articles again once they become unbiased... gag! DELIVERY I realized that smoking outside of the hospital doesn’t make you look badass but like an asshole. NAS124: your door is open 24/7 and the only time it doesn’t smell like curry is when you’re playing cricket in the hall. WTF?

™ Did you listen to the commentators during the VT game? I’m AMERICA'S SANDWICH DELIVERY EXPERTS! pretty sure they don’t know anything about football. Paul John- son does. Shut up commentators, you have no power over our new coach! “The guys who do the game, they’re morons…I don’t worry about what they say.” - pwnage by Paul Johnson 365 14TH ST. NW ~ 404.892.8080 There would be more girls in GTMS if it weren’t for the big nose creeper: FACT BARACK and roll 1921 PEACHTREE RD. NE ~ 404.352.1111 does anyone see what frauds McCain/Palin are? fat-weiser > pbr stop using slivers as a dating service if you want to meet girls, join a club skiles walkway needs a flyer recycling bin at each end JIMMY when people give me flyers its like their saying, “here, you throw WE JOHNS this away” hursday at 6 p.m. in the Flag Building. inFlag 6 p.m. the at hursday slivers are already anonymous, you don’t have to use abreviations on meeting Photo the to ome . to hide what you’re saying DELIVER COM C T ! McCain = Bush <<< Obama SIX FLAGS! ©1985, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2008 JIMMY JOHN’S FRANCHISE, LLC to hell with georgia ENTERTAINMENT Technique • September 26, 2008 • 17

Th e m e Cr o s s w o r d : To Te l l Th e Tr u t h

58. — volente By Robert Zimmerman 59. Rings United Features Syndicate 60. Strike sharply 61. Ill will ACROSS 62. Shakespeare’s birth- place: hyph. 1. Hairstyle feature 67. — torte 6. Stops 69. Reeves in “The Matrix” 11. Shambles 70. Mad 15. Fastener 71. Six-pack muscles 19. “Two can live as cheaply 74. Go at a snail’s pace — —” 75. Personnel 20. Completely 77. Best or Ferber opposed 78. Cook in water 21. Currency- 79. Pisa’s river exchange fee 80. Let it stand! 22. Cash drawer 81. Org. 23. Start of a quip by Shake- 83. Set of steps speare: 5 wds. 84. Nonsense! 27. Thesaurus 85. Make a entry: abbr. touchdown 28. Repaired 86. Doc of a kind 29. Wand 87. A Baltic state 30. Decorative jars 89. Shakespeare’s forename 31. Joins, in a way 91. Turf 32. Boca — 92. Objective 34. — Strauss & Co. 93. Bridge position 35. Tempo 94. Frenzied 38. Word in a hymn 96. Ruptured 39. Part 2 of quip: 2 wds. 97. Presses down 42. One taken as one’s own 99. Distant 44. American writer 100. Kind of ton 45. Rhodes or DeMille 102. — Luis Obispo 46. A letter 105. End of the quip: 5 48. Theater boxes wds. 49. Bitter 109. Fruitless 51. Perceive 110. Memory alone 52. — tell 111. Temple pillars 53. Sea eagles 112. Arab rulers 54. Box-office 113. Genus of ducks sensation 114. Skyrocket 55. Coral island 115. Kickoff 57. Style of type 116. Appointments

DOWN 34. Homegrown 57. All-night dance 76. Period rendezvous 35. Blanched party 78. Candy or 97. Government agent 1. Belfry occupants 14. Memento 36. Love 59. Get ready, country 98. Home to 2. Pallid 15. State of 37. They’re in the for short 80. Shears billions 3. High time of day motionlessness know 61. — Hari 82. Alluvium 99. Crumbly cheese 4. Ungulate animal 16. White or Blue 39. Cad 63. God: prefix 83. Like some 101. Slope 5. Orange servings river 40. Bringing to an end 64. Game official collars conveyance 6. Twirls 17. “— fair in love ...” 41. Hayes or Mizrahi 65. Church 85. Strikes 102. Worked-up state 7. Anuran 18. Work at 43. “— — Joe’s” calendar 88. Unaffected by ups and 103. “God’s Little —” 8. Rice or Gantry 24. Be evasive 44. Play the role of 66. John — Garner downs 104. Promontory 9. Commander 25. Greek epic’s 45. Roughest, at sea 67. Rocky cliff 90. Duds 105. Gardner the 10. Ticket availability: setting 47. “Auld Lang —” 68. Crossbow 91. Wraparound garment actress abbr. 26. French composer 50. Leg part projectile 94. Stabat — 106. Low 11. “— Lescaut” 31. Dries 52. Field game 72. Show to be false 95. Racket in 107. University 12. Minced oath 33. Sobriquet for Shake- 54. Scorch 73. Sudor jai alai degrees 13. Pose speare: 4 wds. 56. Greek letter 75. Brown ermine 96. Lovers’ 108. Prof. org.


ment/Jobs energetic, open, reliable and loving? We Having trouble with chemistry?? We 100 Housing & Advertise invite you to be a part of our in-home can help. www.chemistry program to help our ten year-old son Real Estate with us! Houston’s Restaurant on Lenox Road recover from Autism. Be paid while you is currently looking for SERVERS and play! Location: Virginia Highlands. Call or 800 Available immediately! Spacious 2 GREETERS. Those who apply must be email Cal’s Mom and Dad at 404-733-6392/ Travel BR/2.5 bathroom condo for rent in 120 Real Estate professional, well spoken, driven, quick to [email protected] Collier Hills near the intersection of le a r n a n d fr i e n d ly w it h hi g h e n e r g y a n d a Spring Break 2009. Sell Trips, Earn Paid Market Research for GA Co llie r Ro ad an d H owell M ill Ro ad. T hre e For Sale great smile. Lunch availability during the Cash and Go Free. Call for Group Discounts. stories with two car garage on first level. Tech students. Share opinions with weekdays and weekends is necessary. Best Prices Guaranteed! Best Parties! Both bedrooms have private bathrooms fellow students. Early October, walking Please apply in person between the hours Jamaica, Cancun, Acapulco, Bahamas, S. and walk-in closets. Large, private Foreclosed Duplex/Townhouse in distance to campus. $75 for 1 hour. of 3:00 and 5:00 PM Monday-Friday at 3321 Padre, Florida. Information/Reservations deck. Hardwood floors in all rooms and Atl a nt i c St at i o n 3 b d/2 1/2 b at h St ai n le s s No sales ever involved. Interested- Lenox Road Atlanta, GA 30326. Be ready 1-800-648-4849 or carpeting in the bedrooms and on the Apl, Granite Countertops, Top of the line call 1-800-466-5086 and ask for s t a i r s . S t a i n l e s s s t e e l a p p li a n c e s i n c l u d e d . to fill out an application and interview. everthing orginally sold for $550,000 COLLEGE STUDY. Washer and dryer included. Ceiling fans in will sell for $399,000 404-786-7100 b e d ro o m s a n d in li v in g ro o m. All ele c t r ic ! BARTENDING! $300/Day Potential. N o utilities. Gated community. Unlimited Experience Necessary. Training Provided. l a c e y o u r o w n a d in t h e access to pool and fitness room. Minutes 750 Tutoring P Age 18+ OK. Call 1-800-965-6520 X216. from Tech, 75/85, Atlantic Station and 600 Employ- Te c h n i q u e ! shopping. $1,600.00 per month. Contact Services Th a n k s f o r t h e s u pp o r t ! [email protected] or 404-355-2262. Help Create a Miracle Are you 18 • September 26, 2008 • Technique COMICS

Pi l e d Hi g h e r & De e p e r b y Jo r g e Ch a m No n Se q u i t u r b y Wi l e y

Cr o s s w o r d So l u t i o n f r o m p a g e 17 COMICS Technique • September 26, 2008 • 19

No n Se q u i t u r b y Wi l e y DILBERT ® b y Sc o t t Ad a m s 20 • September 26, 2008 • Technique SPORTS

Georgia Tech - Mississippi State MSU from page 24 Peters had two sacks in the game, which set State back 17 yards. Se- With Shaw under center, the nior defensive end Michael John- Miss. State 0 0 0 7 — 38 Jackets had 460 yards rushing. son also picked up a sack for five Georgia Tech 14 7 10 7 — 7 Shaw, junior A-back Greg Smith, yards. Tech had seven total tackles and freshman A-back Embry Pee- for losses, which cost the Bulldogs First Quarter ples each accounted for 50 yards 37 yards. GT - E. Peeples 7-yd (Blair kick), rushing. Shaw threw for his first Tech’s defense was also able 9:55 touchdown of his college career to hold Mississippi State in the GT - D. Thomas 20-yd pass from J. in the first quarter with a pass red zone, allowing the Bulldogs Shay (Blair kick), 6:06 to sophomore wide receiver De- to score only once in five chances maryius Thomas, and he ran for from inside the 20-yard line. Mi- Second Quarter his second rushing touchdown of chael Johnson blocked an 18-yard GT - J. Shaw 25-yd run (Blair kick), the season in the second. State field goal in the first quarter 7:55 “[Thomas] made a great catch. during the Bulldogs second pos- Third Quarter I knew they were in man cover- session of the game. The red-zone GT - J. Dwyer 88-yd (Blair kick), age. And I just threw it up there defense ultimately kept the shut- 11:27 to [Thomas], and he made a great out intact for the majority of the GT - S. Blair 29-yd field goal, 7:05 catch. I was thankful to be in game, as the Bulldog’s offense put there today and get some reps,” up 407 yards for the day and had By Jon Drews / Student Publications Fourth Quarter Shaw said. possession for 29:56, just eight Jonathan Dwyer runs at Bobby Dodd Stadium during Saturday’s game GT - G. Smith 45-yd run (Blair kick), “I felt Jaybo Shaw came in and seconds less than the Jackets. against Mississippi State. He set a school record with his 88-yard run. 10:48 did a great as a freshman right out “Defensively, in the first half MSU - R. Elliott 6-yd run (A. of high school when Josh Nesbitt we bent a little bit, but then we Daniels each had an interception A few new faces appeared on Carlson kick), 8:09 got injured,” Paul Johnson said. would get our backs against the against State. Peters forced one special teams on Saturday. Fresh- Tech’s defense shut out the wall and we would make a play by fumble, while Michael Johnson man punter Chandler Anderson Bulldogs for the nearly the whole finding a way to get a turnover,” and senior linebacker Matt Bra- had his first punt of the season, Individual Leaders game, giving up just one touch- Paul Johnson said. man each recovered a fumble. which went 46 yards, and became down in the last minutes of the Turnovers also went heavily in The Jackets were able to recover a touchback. game. Junior linebacker Sedric the favor of the Jackets. Sopho- all three of the Bulldog’s fumbles, Junior placekicker Mohamed Rushing GT Car. Yds TD Griffin had eight total tackles. more safety Morgan Burnett as and Mississippi State never picked Yahiaoui attempted his first field Freshman defensive end Jason senior cornerback Jahi Word- off a pass from Tech. J. Dwyer 9 141 1 goal of the season from 37 yards G. Smith 3 62 1 out, but missed it in the fourth Totals 54 438 4 quarter. Sophomore kicker Scott Blair made all five extra points, MSU Car. Yds TD and picked up a 29-yard field goal A. Dixon 13 94 0 in the third quarter. Totals 30 108 1 The Jackets have this upcom- ing weekend off. They will return Receiving to the gridiron next Saturday Oct. GT Rec. Yds TD 4 to take on ACC opponent Duke D. Thomas 2 23 1 at Bobby Dodd Stadium. Under Totals 4 62 1 new head coach David Cutcliffe, the Blue Devils have started out the season 2-1, their best start MSU Rec. Yds TD since 2003. With already twice as B. McRae 10 102 0 many wins as the Devils had last Totals 31 299 0 season, Duke comes to Georgia Tech for their first road game of Passing the year. GT Comp-Att-Yds TD INT “We were hungry coming off J. Shaw 3-7-43 1 0 a loss against Virginia Tech, one Totals 4-9-62 0 0 of our ACC rivals. Hearing all the By Joey Cerone / Student Publications ACC-SEC talk, it was really big MSU Comp-Att-Yds TD INT Michael Johnson tackels Mississppi State quarterback Bryce Dykes during Saturday’s game at Bobby Dodd Sta- for us to get this win heading into T. Lee 17-27-179 0 0 dium. Johnson had one sack on the day and blocked a field goal in the first quarter and broke up two plays. the off week,” Dwyer said. Totals 31-50-299 0 2

sliver I like to lay in the grass and take pictures of myself. The College Democrats are just sour about Malhorta because they will never accomplish anything that important. I want you, I want you so bad it’s driving me mad, it’s driving me... Apparently no no no. Butter increases matter who you run it. hey McLovin, draw a smiley face on the white board again and try to project it on your face! Wild card, BITCHES!!! To the guy who owns the Acura, I slashed all your tires because your car is a POS. Try getting an American car next time, like a Mustang Call JG Wentworth, 877-CASH-NOW!!! Greg, your bar is a pussy magnet....NOT! My physics teacher could kick Tony Montana ass...he’s a drug dealer. Where da white women at? Charles, take a bath. Thumbs up let’s do this! Leeeerp Nuttman, I’m late, thanks. That tall redhead girl in NAN is totally gorgeous. Legen. . . wait for it. . . Who pulls out of potatos? Really. DARY! Four = potato. More than four = whore The password is WOW THAT ALMOST GOT BY When you asked me if I wanted to make out with you in the rain, I should have said yes nope not this either Can’t wait to rub one off to Robert E. Lee Clown on Dat TONY!!!! More than twice and its not a coincidence, you’re not finishing for other reasons... SPORTS Technique • September 26, 2008 • 21

The 3-3 finish capped an- ex round match, against Stuart Rob- over Virginia Tech’s Nicolas Del- the doubles quarterfinals but lost Tennis from page 24 cellent early-tournament showing inson of Wofford, 6-3, 6-3. gado DeRobles. Only Miljevic to top seeded Bruno Agostinelli from Tech’s women, who collec- King and Smith lost their sec- advanced in the second flight, he and Brad Cox of Kentucky. In sets 6-3, 6-4. tively went 18-5 in singles play ond round matches, while Gomez defeated Jason Wolfson of More- singles, Gomez won his quarter- Freshman Irina Falconi was and 7-5 in doubles play. Every moved on to the round of 16 head State, 7-5, 6-2. Miljevic finals singles match against third the next to finish her match, beat- Tech player won at least one sin- with a win over Charles Bottoni would lose in the round of 16 to seeded Hunt of UGA, 6-3, 6-3. ing Nadja Gilchrist 6-3, 1-6, 6-3. gles match, and Striplin, Falconi, of East Tennessee State Univer- Richard Cowden of Middle Ten- He followed that up with a loss to After taking the early lead with- Ngo, and Davis each won all three sity, 6-1, 7-6. Gomez also won nessee State, 3-6, 5-7. second seeded Augustinelli, 2-6, out much trouble, Falconi strug- of their matches, with Striplin, his fourth round match, 6-2, 6-1 Gomez and King advanced to 4-6. gled to maintain her form during Ngo, and Davis each winning all the second set, but she recovered three in straight sets. Striplin also nicely to take the third set and the secured the tournament’s singles match. title after scoring the most points In the day’s only singles match of any individual over the course that saw a seventh game, Tech of the tournament. freshman Christina Ngo held off “I think we’re certainly one of Cameron Ellis to win 6-4, 7-5. the better teams in the country, The final match ended in favor of and I thought we had great com- Georgia’s Naoko Ueshima, who petition here this weekend” Shel- defeated sophomore Sasha Krupi- ton said na in a hard-fought match 6-4, Men’s tennis opened their 2-6, 6-4. season in Athens at the South- Head Coach Bryan Shelton ern Intercollegiate Tournament. viewed the invitational primarily The Jackets had a successful first as a tune-up for the coming events round. Sophomore Eliot Potvin of the fall season. Throughout the won his opening match in the tournament, he kept McDowell first flight round of 128. Potvin and Striplin at the No. 1 and No. 2 followed that with a loss to Ja- positions in the lineup, respective- mie Hunt of UGA (6-7 (5), 2-6). ly, but he shuffled the other team Among returning players, sopho- members to see how the team’s more Ryan Smith beat Dylan Ar- younger members performed in nould of Duke in three sets, 7-6 various spots in the lineup. (5), 4-6, 7-6 (2). Top player, soph- “We were able to get in some omore Guillermo Gomez, the No. good matches…These are going 5 seed, won his opening round to make our practices a little bit match against Jared Pinsky, also more meaningful as we go along of Duke, 6-3, 6-2. Junior Austin from here. We definitely have Roebuck, sophomore Doug Ken- some things that we know we ny, sophomore Miguel Muguruza need to work on…and our goal and freshman Dusan Miljevic all is to be a lot better in the spring won their opening round matches By Justin Levine / Student Publications than in the fall,” said Head Coach in the second flight. Top recruit Amanda McDowell returns the ball at the Bill Moore Tennis Center during the Georgia Tech Invitational. The Bryan Shelton. Kevin King also won his first Jackets took 17 of 22 singles matches and 7 of 12 doubles match. Georgia and Georgia State participated.

sliver your ticket to Its easier to brush your teeth than to clean out your belly button great entertainment It’s like infinity space man...we’re so little!! How can u be a palistinian if palistine does not exist? I made nies that are brown neil young >>>> jesus b-ridges freinds take care of her when she is drrrrrrunkkkk Hey kid with the cargo shorts on, you’re causing a hole in the fratmosphere!! Express your jealousy somewhere other than the sliver. Dillon’s injury came from going down on his knees too fast. No, Swezey, there’s no such thing as Type III Diabetes. You could raise more money by wrestling in all of that yogurt. ... even Diabetes! Barack Obama is the first black man Sarah Palin has ever seen epic fail...ftw Doug heeley’s were inpired by someone else’s I think... “keeping it positive for all these years” –Atlanta Magazine what what in the butt i was afraid of going into the indoor soccer room at the career fair because it was full of weird indian guys and creepy asian guys ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT waiting in line for IBM Friday, September 26, 8 p.m. It’s fun to make fun of the best on campus, isn’t it? The Atlanta-based Grammy Award-winning hip-hop group has been leading GTSC ridin’ dirty on that doughnut! folks in the direction of freedom and spiritual evolution for over 15 years. Their According to Cosmo, I’m a “take charge” lover. progressive rap collective fuses soul, blues, hip-hop, and funk with political, Leigh-”adventurous”, Marge-”romantic”, Max-”playful” socially conscious lyrics that celebrate African-American culture and history. Just thought I’d give campus the heads up on that one. Greg Smith runs the space between the tackles! “They’re the best. There’s You know what’s really cool? Fraternity on Fraternity mixers! no one like them, no one in Yeah! their league.” FASET won’t be the same without you, Pax. –Larry King, CNN We’ll miss you’re sweet ride, Kearse. Langston, who’s going to lift all of those tables? “Most likely to Crank ‘dat Yank” - Paul and Dow (fake I.D.) Party at Muffy’s place in the Vineyard! If they didn’t spread these slivers out, I wouldn’t get to see the whole paper. You think Tim looks bad? You should see the other guy! Come to sailing meetings to hear the hampster dance, live! freshman girls are quite possibly the most annoying humans on the planet. HELP! im a junior stuck in a fresman dorm! THE CAPITOL STEPS STEPHEN: stop being so concieted! Just because you live in the Friday, October 3, New Show Added! 5:30 p.m. house doesnt mean you can forget who you hung out with all The Capitol Steps is the only group in America that attempts to be funnier summer.... than Congress. Taking a stab at anyone within reach of their verbal swords, i am in love with, crazy, addicted love. these Washington insiders have recorded 27 albums, including their latest,

Come to our weekly meeting meeting weekly our to Come In response to last week’s financial articles: Would you like to Springtime For Liberals. Political satire at its best! the Student Services building. Services Student the have that in Ameros or Gold? Beware the bankers!!! Heard of Woodrow Wilson’s: “I am a most Division of Student Affairs Enriching the Educational Experience (E3) unhappy man” quote? Sponsored The situation is so bad that Ralph Nader is discussing the issues STUDENT TICKETS $10 by Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in room137 of of room137 in p.m. 7:00 at Tuesday with his pet parrot, Cardoza! On sale now in the Student Center Box Office. Valid BuzzCard required for I.D. 349 Ferst Drive 404-894-9600 22 • September 26, 2008 • Technique SPORTS

V-Ball from page 24 pins set the offense with 34 assists 6-1 run to cruise with a 13-6 lead. conference match-ups against and 9 kills. With great contributions from all Virginia on Friday and against hitters that made us so steady. “We have freshman in the the team members, including four Virginia Tech on Saturday. McCullers and Mary Ashley Tip- middle and a freshman on the more digs from Kandell, the Jack- “We’re 1-0 in the ACC and pins really provided a nice anchor outside that have contributed very ets won the final set with a score Clemson is 0-1 and we love that. by the for our offense to be successful,” consistently for us throughout the of 25-21. In addition, Tech held We want to end up 3-0 in the 5 Shymansky said. season…They are better than we FAMU to just a 0.078 hitting per- ACC [by the end of the road numbers “With the third game, we let expected to get out from them. centage throughout the match. trip],” Roderick said. them come back, even though we Their learning curve has greatly “We also know that [the “Now, we have 19 conference

should have beaten them in three. accelerated, and we are really pro- younger players] need to be a match-ups left. We can’t rest on 0 We let them back again in the ducing ‘A’ level work,” Shymansky strong support for our senior play- those laurels for too long. Going 22 fourth game. In the fifth game, said. ers, who are really the ones who on the road and winning is ex- Golf ‘s rank- we were not going to let this slip The Jackets were more de- know what it is going to take to tremely difficult so we know that away,” Roderick said. termined than ever to close the be ACC champions,” Shymansky we have our hands full with both ing by Golf- Roderick started as an outside match in just three sets. In the said. Virginia and Virginia Tech,” Shy- week/Sa- hitter and is taking over the place third set, Tech ousted an early Tech hits the road for crucial mansky said. for Ulrike Stegemann. The junior garin Index was originally ingrained as a mid- dle hitter and has practiced time and time again for the opportu- nity to contribute as a starter. “I take advantage of [being a 500 starter] because I demand the ball. When I’m in the front row, there’s Offen- also two other hitters. There’s usu- sive yards ally Talisa and Callie…I’m push- ing the passers to get the ball,” against Miss. Roderick said. State

The Jackets also posted big 4 numbers in their victory against FAMU. The team was led by the duo of Roderick and freshman middle hitter Asia Stawicka, who 5 combined for 17 block assists. 24 Roderick also hit .500 with five Matches kills. Kellogg had another stellar won by Tech performance by posting .414 av- at the GT erage and 14 kills. Freshman out- side hitter Bailey Hunter came By Joey Cerone / Student Publications Invitational through for Jackets on the outside Tech’s women’s volleyball squad takes the court at the O’Keefe Gymnasium. On Sept. 18 the Jackets defeated by hitting .615 of the time. Tip- ACC rivals Clemson, last season’s ACC champions and widely predicted favorites to win it again this season.

sliver better yet, why would you let yourself be completely degraded like that? f you go to a south side Chicago church, your beliefs are “extrem- ist”. but If you believe in creationism and don’t believe global warm- ing is man made, you are “strongly principled”. Date Topic Speaker If you’re a 13-year-old Chelsea Clinton, the right-wing press calls you “First dog.” October 8, 2008 Possibilities for Tina Guldberg but If you’re a 17-year old pregnant unwed daughter of a Repub- Sustainable Technology Institute for Sustainable lican (Palin), the right-wing press calls you “beautiful” and “cou- Entrepreneurship & Technology Development, Developing Technology GT rageous.” Ideas Jesus was a community organizer...Pontious Pilot was a gover- nor. October 22, 2008 How to Develop a Business GT Faculty she’s taking a boxing class? i’m pretty sure she could already take Plan – 10 reasons to Start Early any guy here Why does Skiles always smell like dog poo? November 5, 2008 Critical Aspects of Moving Stephen Fleming we’re having a smoothgay party at the faternity house tonight an Idea into a Fundable Chief Commercialization there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that dav Venture O cer, GT I will be sober, because beer does NOT affect me November 19, 2008 Intellectual Property – Rick Walker i’m hiding in your shower naked, but dry Legal and Practical Aspects Baker Donelson Slivers are dumb of an IP Strategy That kid with the nanotube solar cell stole the idea from GTRI! January 14, 2009 Writing the Marketing and GT Faculty the story of jonothan proudcock Financial Plan i have been getting huge for you in every meaning of the word January 28, 2009 Designing a Winning Spring Asher so much blood, dav Business Plan Presentation GT Faculty oh daviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!! short ochem ta is hothothothot Key Dates: RAVI, RAVI, RAVI, RAVI, Lemme see you pop that BODY. December 3, 2008 Deadline to register for Georgia Tech Business Plan Matheson 1st Floor. What what. Competition FC Love 08 Everyone can bitch about fire alarms, but we actually had a fire January 16, 2009 Deadline for submission of Intention to Compete in our dorm February 13, 2009 Semi nal Round Competition People need to stop coming to my room to play Halo. I should February 20, 2009 Final Round Competition have never brought that damn Xbox from home. Whats with all the skateboarders on campus? ... I think they’re pretty hot I make out with frat guys, but date non greeks, i like it that way. Since when did we get hot freshman boys? GT boys. Shower. With Soap. lund fakir! balaji has a small lund aga diggs cauvery

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I can’t go to sleep unless I stuff my face with Easy-Mac! your Sports: Technique for Write Joking about necrophilia is over the line. Sorry to burst your bubble SPORTS Technique • September 26, 2008 • 23

Injuries allow second-stringBy Akshay Amaraneni players to get time Assistant Sports Editor in Georgia and the sixth best line- lowing year, but totaled just four backer in the state. His first two tackles in 11 games. Through the While freshman quarterback seasons at Tech were promising. four games he started, Griffin has Jaybo Shaw was enjoying the Chambers played in 15 games and almost doubled his total tackles spotlight, last Saturday’s blowout had 10 tackles, one sack and one from the two previous years. Grif- of Mississippi State allowed sev- fumble recovery. His third season, fin has 12 solo tackles and 13 as- eral other players to get their reps however, was a bit tumultuous. sists. One of those is a tackle for a on offense and defense. Senior After a disagreement with loss and he also has one pass break center Andrew Folkner and senior then-Head Coach Chan Gailey, up and one pass defended. linebackers Travis Chambers and Chambers found himself off the “[Griffin’s] been a really good junior Sedrick Griffin are among team. Following the coaching player over the last couple of the players that found playing change and an explanation to weeks. He’s probably the most time easier to come by than it was Johnson, Chambers was allowed consistent linebacker we’ve got in their first few seasons at Tech. to return to the team. He was re- right now. He’s playing really Folkner was initially called warded with playing time in the well,” Johnson said. upon to play defensive line as a first three games and got his first Shaw showed poise running freshman. After switching to of- career start against the Bulldogs Johnson’s complicated offense. By Eric Turner / Student Publications fense, Folkner saw time against this past weekend with redshirt Shaw looked more like a veteran as Backup quarterback Jaybo Shaw rushes after taking over in the first quar- Samford, Army and Duke in freshman linebacker Kyle Jack- the game progressed than a fresh- ter for starter Josh Nesbitt, who left after suffering a hamstring injury. 2007. Saturday, redshirt junior son out with an Achilles injury. man playing his first meaningful center Dan Voss went down with Against the Bulldogs, Chambers minutes. Shaw threw his first ca- a shoulder injury early in the had four tackles, including one reer touchdown, a 20 yard pass to game before he was replaced by tackle for a loss. redshirt sophomore Demariyus Folkner. “It will be interesting to “Chambers started in place of Thomas. see the film and see exactly [what [Jackson]. I think Travis did some Shaw, who was hit on the happened]. There again, the guys good things, I saw him in space throw, delivered a bullet to put the didn’t miss a beat. [Folkner] went a couple of times. He might not Jackets up 14-0. in there and kept the game going,” be as good as I know Travis wants “I just threw it up there in man said Head Coach Paul Johnson. to be, but I know he made some coverage and that’s what [Thom- Sophomore quarterback plays,” Johnson said. as] does. He makes great catches,” Josh Nesbitt would get hurt on Griffin, one of the starting Shaw said. the same drive and give way to linebackers, had played in place of Shaw originally committed to Shaw, who would lead the team sophomore linebacker Brad Jeffer- Middle Tennessee State before down the field for a touchdown. son since the first game. Griffin, Paul Johnson re-opened his re- Voss returned later in the game, out of South Carolina, was ranked cruitment. Shaw totaled 61 yards but would again leave with the the No. 21 prospect in the state. rushing and 43 yards passing with same shoulder injury. The second Tech was the first major program a touchdown each way. “We went time around, the game was not to offer him a scholarship, but out there and practiced hard all as friendly to Folkner, as he was Griffin later entertained an offer week. They gave a bunch of - dif flagged for a personal foul late hit from Tennessee after his com- ferent fronts and we practiced penalty. mitment and a breakout game in against one front. We wanted to “He got one penalty there at the High School All-Star Shrine prove a point today, that the ACC the end that I got after him for, Bowl. does have some good teams in it,” but that’s a credit to him,” John- During Tech’s run to the ACC Shaw said. son said. Championship Game in 2006, Nesbitt, Voss, Thomas and red- Chambers’ story is more round- Griffin played almost exclusively shirt junior A-back Greg Smith about than Folkner’s. Chambers on special teams. In 14 games, will likely get the week off to heal, was recruited out of Chamblee Griffin totaled 11 tackles, includ- while early injury casualty redshirt Charter School in Atlanta and ing one for a loss. Unfortunately, sophomore wide receiver Corey By Ariel Bravy / Student Publications picked Tech over LSU, Duke against West Virginia in the Ga- Earls and redshirt senior offensive Sedric Griffin prepares for a play during Saturday’s game against Missis- and Wake Forest. Chambers was tor Bowl, Griffin broke his leg on lineman A.J. Smith may return to sippi State at Bobby Dodd Stadium. He led the game with eight tackles. ranked among the top 50 players a kickoff play. He returned the fol- practice on Monday as well. [email protected] Football Volleyball W. Tennis Technique Sports Editor: Matt Hoffman 24 38-7 3-2 25-10 Friday, Assistant Sports Editor: over MSU over Clem. at GT Invit. September 26, 2008 Sports Akshay Amaraneni Volleyball Jackets shut down Miss. State beats rival

ClemsonBy Randy Darnowsky Staff Writer The Jackets successfully defeated previous ACC champions Clemson in a 3-2 win at the Clemson Classic tournament. Tech also won the tournament after a sound 3-0 victory against Florida A&M. The Jackets have won two tournament titles this season. “We feel like we’re getting better every- day. As we proceed in conference play, it’s important that our team gets its stride dur- ing the meet of conference play,” said Bond Shymansky, head coach of the Tech volley- ball team. Along with opening the ACC season 1-0, Tech wanted to avenge their previous defeats from last year against the Clemson Tigers. “There’s a lot to be said for internal mo- tivation when it comes to playing somebody who had beaten you in the past…The team was hungry to go out and beat them and so we did. It was definitely a tribute to their fo- cus and their desire,” Shymansky said. “We never got a chance to taste victory with them last year…We knew [that we would] beat them for sure,” said junior Brit- tany Roderick, an outside hitter. The Tech players were up on their game throughout the whole match-up. In addi- tion, Senior outside hitter Talisa Kellogg and senior middle hitter Callie Miller combined for 48 kills during the night. This was the premier conference match-up as each team tied their match-high records at the game. The Jackets won the first two sets with Roderick and Kellogg providing back-to- back kills to pull the win in the first set and the second set belonging to the Jackets with their late six-point run. However, Clemson rallied to win the third and fourth sets.

“In the first two games we were absolutely By Justin Levine/ Student Publications killing them. They couldn’t stop us for the Josh Nesbitt stiff arms K.J. Wright during Saturdays game at Bobby Dodd Stadium. Nesbitt fell to injury early in the first quarter. Jaybo first two games,” Roderick said. Shaw filled in for Nesbitt and led the Jackets to 38 points against Mississippi State, a team that held Auburn to three points last week. In the fifth set, Tech took an early 4-1 lead with a pair of kills and a solo block from By Matt Hoffman Sports Editor Mississippi State] was a good He also picked up a touch- sippi State defense, which held Kellogg. Miller and Kellogg teamed up in win for us…We hit some big down, which came off a 88- Auburn to just three points the order to prevent the opponent from tying the The Jackets won their sec- plays on them and got a few yard run, the longest run from week before. Freshman quar- score. Miller also contributed four service ond home game of the season mismatches, but to their credit scrimmage in Georgia Tech terback Jaybo Shaw led the aces. Sophomore setter Mary Ashley Tippins Saturday against Mississippi they hung in there, ” said Head history. offense for the majority of the led the offense with 65 assists and 17 digs. State, 38-7. With the win at Coach Paul Johnson. “It is a great honor [to set game as starting sophomore Sophomore libero Jordan McCullers and se- Bobby Dodd Stadium, the Sophomore B-back Jona- the record], but I was happy to quarterback Josh Nesbitt went nior libero Michelle Kandell had 16 and 15 Jackets move to 3-1 on the sea- than Dwyer led the Jackets in get the win and beat an SEC out with a hamstring injury in digs respectively. son. rushing yards with 147, giving team,” Dwyer said. the first quarter. “It was the passing play of our back-up “I was proud of our foot- him three games this season The Jacket’s offense totaled See V-Ball, page 22 ball team. [The game against with over 100 yards rushing. 500 yards against the Missis- See MSU, page 20 Tennis kicks off with matches at GT Invitational, UGA By Nishant Prasadh and freshman Irina Falconi first of these to conclude saw Contributing Writer defeated the Sun Devils’ Laila McDowell falter after winning Abdala and Sianna Simmons in straight sets on Friday and The women’s tennis team, 8-1, and sophomore Noelle Saturday. McDowell played ranked No. 8 in the nation at Hickey teamed with senior well but dropped her match the end of the 2007-08 season, Christy Striplin beat Arizona against Chelsey Gullickson opened up its fall season with States’ Ashlee Brown and Ali 6-3, 6-3 to give Georgia the the three-day Georgia Tech Van Horne 8-2. first singles match of the day. Invitational tournament this The Sunday’s singles play Soon afterward, sophomore weekend. Tech’s women com- pitted Tech’s women against Noelle Hickey, who appeared peted with teams from three the squad from Georgia. The visibly frustrated at times, fell fellow nationally ranked teams opening match saw Tech to Monika Dancevic 6-2, 6-3. in the University of Georgia, freshman Hillary Davis face Despite the early 2-1 deficit, Arizona State and Princeton, as off against Adrienne Elsberry; Tech’s fortunes quickly took a well as nearby Georgia State. Davis cruised to a victory in turn for the better. Christy Following strong perfor- straight sets, defeating Els- Striplin, the lone senior on the mances on Friday and Satur- berry 6-2, 6-3 to give Tech the roster, completed a strong per- day, Tech won two matches in first singles win of the day. formance for Tech’s first sin- Sunday morning doubles play Following Davis’ victory, gles win of the day, defeating By Jon Drews / Student Publications against Arizona State without the team played six matches Yvette Hyndman in straight Christina Ngo returns the ball at the Bill Moore Tennis Center ovewr the weekend dur- much trouble. The tandem of simultaneously, in which Tech ing the Georgia Tech Invitational. Matches featured players from UGA and FAMU. junior Amanda McDowell fell into a 2-0 hole early. The See Tennis, page 21