Friday, September 26, 2008 • Volume 94, Issue 10 • nique.net Jackets beat Bulldogs (No, not those Bulldogs, unfortunately.) Jackets’ offense thrashes Miss. State, 38-7. 424 TechniqueThe South’s Liveliest College Newspaper First phase of North Avenue repairs ends today By Corbin Pon News Editor “From the North building we received only two emails On the east side of the asking for an explanation [for North Avenue Apartments the noise]. It was from the East (NAA), work crews have been building, where a student there removing the brick façade, had created a Facebook group while students living in the [about this], that we received North and East apartment most of our complaints,” said buildings have complained to Mike Black, senior director of Housing about the noise gen- Housing. erated by the work. Today, Students complained about that brick removal process the loud noise caused by the will end. jackhammers being used by In June, Housing discov- the work crews. Black ex- ered a problem with the bricks plained that jackhammers al- covering the east wall of the lowed the clean removal of North and East apartments. the exterior bricks, allowing The bricks were not properly for the sustainable reuse of the secured to the buildings and material in the future. had the possibility of falling In order to respond to stu- onto pedestrians or passing ve- dent requests for more infor- hicles. In a corrective measure, mation, Housing recently held Housing decided to rebuild a town hall meeting, posted the outside wall. flyers inside the apartment One week after the start of halls and created the website the fall semester, students liv- www.housing.gatech.edu/ ing in the NAA found them- reslife/northaveindex.cfm selves being disturbed by the to inform students about the constant noise from the brick work schedule. removal. The work crews oper- The east wall defect was ated Mondays through Fridays identified in an assessment that from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Tech conducted on the NAA students began to voice com- earlier this year. Black admit- By Meagan Roth / Student Publications plaints to Housing that they ted the façade problems arose Scaffolding was erected on the east wall of the North Avenue Apartments complex one week into the fall semester. were unable to study effective- The brick façade is being replaced after it was found that the bricks were not properly secured to the buildings. ly in their rooms. See Bricks, page 4 Housing holds Tech Night at Six Flags draws 7,500 By Jisoo Kim mock dorm fire Contributing Writer demonstrationBy Kaitlin Goodrich Last Friday night, a swarm of Tech students, Staff Writer faculty, staff, alumni and guests descended on Six Flags Over Georgia, decked out in white A crowd of students gathered by the library and gold. More than 7,600 were in attendance parking lot on Wednesday afternoon, await- for an exclusive night of rides and fun, which ing a promised fire. was offered at a discount and held for members In honor of September being Fire Safety of the Tech community. Awareness Month, Tech’s Manager of Fire According to the event’s website, Georgia Safety Mike Hodgson and campus fire safety Tech Night at Six Flags was established as part specialists worked in conjunction with the of an effort to increase large-scale student life Center for Campus Fire Safety to create a activities on campus and to “bring people from mock dorm fire in the library parking lot to all aspects of the Georgia Tech community to demonstrate the devastating effects that a fire have fun together.” SGA has hosted the event can have on student residences. for the last six years. Housing built a demonstration room that In 2003, the first year of its existence, the was meant to give the look and feel of a real event attracted 7,250 members of the Tech com- student dorm. The room was furnished with munity, making it Tech’s largest student life curtains, posters, blankets, pillows and au- event in history. thentic Housing furniture. It also came com- Funding for Six Flags came from a variety of plete with dirty laundry strewn haphazardly sources. “[The event] received $25,000 from the about the floor and a prop laptop sitting on Student Life Allocations Board, $9,000 from the desk. BuzzFunds and $13,000 from SGA,” said Nick Before the demonstration was performed, Wellkamp, undergraduate student body presi- Hodgson spoke about the importance of stu- dent. dents being well informed of general fire safety Planning for the event began in June of this practices and being able to execute them when year, and negotiations with Six Flags were com- the need arose. Such general practices include pleted by the beginning of August. The event the proper use of fire extinguishers, knowing was given a budget of $155,000, of which ap- what to do in the case of a grease fire, and proximately $140,000 was used to provide the checking the smoke detectors on a regular ba- tickets. sis. Student ticket prices started at $13, jumped Then Hodgson lit a small section of curtain to $18 on Sept. 13, and jumped one more time in the back of the mock dorm using a typical to $25 for tickets sold after Sept. 17. Tickets for charcoal lighter. He announced the time to faculty and guests cost $25 per person and were the observing crowd every 30 seconds after the available for purchase through Sept. 17. room was lit. Within the first minute, the fire “The price was not bad. Thirteen dollars for a had spread across much of the room, quickly good five to six hours at any park is a really good catching the clothing and more flammable ob- By Anne Campeau / Student Publications price. I also feel that the school took really good The Wreck sits at the entrance to Six Flags Over Georgia at the annual See Fire, page 5 Georgia Tech Night at Six Flags that has been held every fall since 2003. See Six Flags, page 4 2 • September 26, 2008 • Technique NEWS Technique Online Voice your opinion! Swearing at Parking From the files of the GTPD... Last issue’s question received 143 responses. The police were called in to the Did you go to Six Flags? Parking and Transportation office Campus Crime on Sept. 20 in response to a com- plaint about an irate person who By William Brawley was swearing and disturbing the Assistant News Editor people in the office. 12.0% When police arrived, officials Armed and Dangerous Tech and Atlanta police were at Parking said that the white soon notified of a second attempt- male suspect had left the office On Sept. 19, the police were ed armed robbery on the corner of 45.8% just before the police arrived. called to the Student Center West State and Tenth Sts. The descrip- The police spotted a man parking lot regarding an armed tion of the perpetrator from the matching the suspect’s description robbery. second incident closely matched walking in the direction of the The victim, a Tech graduate that of the previous incident. Fifth St. bridge. student, was walking back from All victims gave similar state- The man was stopped and the Library at around midnight ments about the suspect’s appear- identified as a Tech student. The when a man approached him ask- ance. suspect then admitted to being in ing if the student could tell him The suspect was described as 32.9% the Parking office. the current time. a white male of medium build, The officials at the Parking- of The man then walked away, standing about 5’7” in height, but soon after, returned and de- wearing a white shirt, cream-col- 9.3% fice confirmed the identification of the student as the one who had manded the student’s wallet and ored shorts and a white kangol- Photo by Andrew Ash / Student Publications caused the previous disturbance. cell phone, brandishing a silver- style knit cap. This week’s question: The student was then given a colored revolver and pepper spray. Neither Tech police nor the At- student conduct code violation for The student handed over the lanta police were able to locate the How is the gasoline shortage affecting you? disorderly conduct. items and the man then fled on suspect, and the incidents are cur- Tell us at www.nique.net He was transported back to foot. The student was unhurt after rently under investigation by both campus without further incident. the incident. organizations. JK8IK:FDD8E;@E>8KK<EK@FE% JK8IKFLKFEKFG% technique JK8IKI8@J@E>K?<98I% the south’s liveliest newspaper. college the south’s JK8IK?@>?<I% JK8IKFE<JK<G8?<8;% JK8IKDFM@E>LG% JK8IKC<8;@E>=IFD;8PFE<% JK8IKJKIFE>%JD K_\i\Ëjjkife^%K_\ek_\i\Ëj8idpJkife^%@] pflnXekkfY\Xc\X[\i`ec`]\#af`e`e^8idp IFK:`eZfcc\^\`jk_\jkife^\jknXpkfjkXik% 8idp IFK: gifm`[\j _Xe[j$fe c\X[\ij_`g [\m\cfgd\ekkfifle[flkpfliZfcc\^\jkl[`\j% GcljpflZXe\XieX]lcc$kl`k`fe#d\i`k$YXj\[ jZ_fcXij_`g%8]k\i^iX[lXk`fe#pflËccY\^`epfli ZXi\\iXjXe8idpF]ÔZ\i%N`k_XjkXikc`b\k_Xk# k_\i\Ëjefc`d`kkfn_XkpflZXeXZ_`\m\% =fidfi\`e]fidXk`feXYflkZflij\jXe[jZ_fcXij_`gfggfikle`k`\j#ZfekXZk:XgkX`e9iXe[fe:fc\Xk +'+$/0+$00*/fim`j`knnn%XidpifkZ%^Xk\Z_%\[l&kf[Xp )''/%GX`[]fiYpk_\Le`k\[JkXk\j8idp%8cci`^_kji\j\im\[% Georgia Tech Rock Climb BW Ad 6.8125x10.indd 1 9/16/08 7:22:18 AM NEWS Technique • September 26, 2008 • 3 Council Clippings This week in Student Government ach Tuesday, elected members of the two houses of the Student Government Association, the Undergraduate House of Representatives (UHR) and the Graduate Student Senate (GSS), convene to Econsider allocation bills and discuss issues facing campus.
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