Established June Val. 23,1802. TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 1868, - 7._PORTLAND, Term, $8.00per annum, THE 'PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is HlnCKU.AH iit> IjS. publisher BUSINESS €AltI»S. i7tASUCHASl>IHS MISCELLANEOUS. as every «lay, ("UinDy oxcopted,' ai :>o. 1 Printers noonday. The Southern rebels and their Krcem **»blicmll.B. Eicbange, Exchange su-.-et. Portland. daily Northern allies ate anxious to bring to fi. A. FOSTER, Propbiei or. L. DIsEsSEK & press. Oil., MTHM naught the reconstruction measures ot Con- The Appletons have added to Djlltrsa in advance. GOOLdT MOLASSES I their verv Terms:—might year MUSCOVADO Successors lo William H. Elliott wholesale dealers In FAIRBANKS’ PORTLAND. gress, and secure admission to the national popular series of the novels of Miss LJf Single copies 4 Miihlbae h another which is to legislature without the imposition of any likely prove among the THE MAIN** ST \1 s ESS. is publish#** at the Merchant most Watches & Jewelry, Tailor, 490 50 condition or attractive of the series. It is entitled same l ice every Thursday morning at $2.00 a year Hogsheads, Tierces, Tuesday Morning, April 14, 18f8. giving any guaranty whatever in aJvance. Andreas Uofer, of course, lias lor its hero invariably Silver Plated Ware, Ac., IV o. 137 Middle Street for future good behavior. To show that their and, that brave Tyrolese who in 1809 headed the op Advprii*i g.—One ln<*h of in ,M demands may salelv and be Rates space, 1»J WASUINOION STBBU.'Ti Muscovado Molasses l NATIONAL UNION justly complied revolt in the length r*t column, constitutes a “square*** (UP STAIBS.t Tyrol, and by his energy and skill with, and to prejudice the Ignorant and unre- $1 50 per Fqnme daily first week. 75 cents per BOSTON. baffled so all the (CP STAIRS,) of the Bark Republican Convention ! long efforts of Napoleon to weik alter; three insertions, or less, $l.u0; contiiju- Having just returned from Market with a Cargo L. T. Stocker* from the «l the The the flecting against policy Republican subdue bun. When was ng 6'ery other d *v at-er fl* >t w< ek, 50 cents. u*t in the city to buy Plated and uudersigned, constituting National Com- peace made between jgg“Th.> place Ganusa, the ot II ill square, three insen ion* or less, .5 cents: one Orviilo ,T. welry. mittee desigualed by the convention he d in Balti- party, they anange programme a per- France and Austria, cemented the 50 cents week aher. by marriage week, $1 00; per 6, 1*C3. more on the 7tli of do formance as we are April tI2m__ at tor Juno, 1804, appoint that a such considering, it of with Maria Unde head of “Amusements,” $2.00 per square First Class Stock of Cloths I Landing Central Wharf, sale by Bonaparte Louisa, tbe Austrian r : three insert! ns National Convention oi the Union costs j. week or less, $1 50. Republican party them only the exercise of hypocritical Emperor abandoned Hofer to the resentment < -for — sp ial Noth es, $j. 5 par square Ur the first TRUE be held at the city ot Chicago, Illinois, ol Wednes- of ! WOODMAN, & arts of which have been close students Napoleou wbo ordered him to be shot. Out inser.ion. and 25 cents per square lor each subse- and CO., GEORG j 8. HUNT. tho 20th they Importers Dealers in day, day of May next, at 13 o’clock Mtor ol ills quml nsert’on. for and arc now romantic life and most heroic death the Men’s and Wear ! the of offices many years, of which they A fvertisem^nts inserted in the ‘-Maine State Boys’ purpose nomina'ing candidates tor the fertile April T. 1868. d2w the German authoress has drawn the mate- Pit* ss” (whi h ha." a large emulation in every pari Dry Goods, Woolens, of President and Vice President ol the United perfect masters. ol Ihe insertion is ready to make them into Garments of all rials for one of State) for $1.00 per squaie lo*- first kinds, States. Each State the cleverest of her stories. It inser And 9*msi]l SCAXES of (he United States is author- and 50 cents per squate for each subs- qcent Wares* in the ! The President lleM-ribcd Himself. is well translated tion. Corner of TAKE ized to be repiesented in said convention the. by by F, Jordan, aud is issned Middle and Pearl Street** Flour. HIGHEST PREMIUMS AT THE by Fiona*, number ol The (he Appletons in PORTLAND. BEST STYLE! delegates equal to twice the number ol Washington correspondent of the by very neat style, with il- Senators and Cincinnati lustrations by Gaston KJFAgents 'or Maine for the Manu- CHOICE FALL GBOCXD PARIS Iieprescntat ves to which such Slate Commercial has had more of Fay. (Received by Bai- CAB03. Washington AND EXPOSITION. facturing Oo’s Cloth liu1 ton Hole Paper Collars and is entitled in the National Congress. those famous conversations with the ley aud Noyes, and by Hall L. Cufs. Presi- Davis.) Wo invite the co-operation of all citizens who re- dent. Mr. Johnson has Tbe favor with which the new Also Agents for Singers' Sewing Machines, and & Winter Wheats Flour! for a reporter a friend globe editton At the Lowest Prices. Spring Platform, joice that our great civil war has terminated Dr. W. H. Sanbori’s Potent Steam Fire Proof Sale-. Counter, Warehouse, happily who is extremely partial to hut neverthe- of Cary’s Dante has been received has induced Johnson, in the him, April 4tli-d4m magnolia, Archer, Edward,’, Walker’*, discomfiture ot rebellion; who would hold D. All Garments Warranted. Grain, Coal, less these conversations are so deformed by the publishers, Messrs. Appleton & Co., to Griffith’*. F. F. F. G., Eaglr Hay, last tho unity and integrity of the republic, and RAILROAD gross vulgarisms, so lull of and issue a similar edition of tbe Jerusalem Deliv- DENTIST, Nieam, Imperial. TRACK, DEPOT, maintain its paramount right to detend to its utmost petty spite Office No. 13 1-2 free ~M~£r~¥TEVENs7~ Cy C L' XT IN G for others to make done at short ered of Tasso. The translation is Street, unmanly recriminations, that we wonder Wiffin’s; and notice. For sale by its own existence while imperilled by secret conspi- Second House from H. H. State DRUGGISTS’, GOLD, Butler does not insist on them the poem is an excellent Hay’s Anothecafy Store Agent A LI, OLD CITSTOltlEBS MABB & TRUE, racy or armed force; who are in favor ot an economi- working np in- prelaced by biography Ether administered when desired andtho And All of and ghi 155 Commercial Street. Kinds of Scales cal a«lministratijn of the public expenditures, of the to another article of impeachment, as a com- Tasso, by a list of such English knights advisable. Jy22eodil 7. Union Mutual Life Insurance and else are Invlled to call and see for April 1868, dtf CONSTANTLY ON BAND AND FOR SALE. and nobles as Co., everybody complete extirpation of the principles and policy oi panion picture for the tenth and eleventh ar- went on the various crusades. HAS REMOVED TO themselves. Also Raidwju Alarm Zflouey Drawers, slavery, and ol the speedy reorganization oi those ticles. It is issued in compact and attractive be- No. 1 ttturdivaui NATHAN form, SMAKD0N & Hiock,(lOO Exchange 8t.) GOOI.D. The best now in use. States whose TH0ME8, CO, $8.50. COAL. $8.50. governments were destroyed by the re- Our first Johnson's ing finely printed on tinted paper, C^“*OfBce Hours 11 to 12 A. M. and 3 to 4 P. M. April 1, 1668. dtf extract, giving version tastelnlly JOBBERS OF Fairbanks, Brown & Boston. b. Hion, and the permanent restoration to their *3-d*wtf Co., | prop- of tne Cleveland shows unlike hound, and adorned with a portrait of Tasao April er relations speech, that, LONG LOOKED FOB, AGENTS IN PORTLAND practical with the United States in ac- and several beautiful many men who have risen from bumble life to illustrations of the poem. wooistzjrs, BKOWN A spjaijra cordance with the true principles of AN d CBO.KEB, Emery, Waterhouse & republican gov- Hall L. COME AT LAST. Co. ernment. exalted stations, the President still retains (Received by Davis.) Apr 11-dim G.P. Putnam P AND HTAiwcrro w all the lower instincts of a & Son, New have ad- LA TONS OP COAL per schooner Emma *.»»». oi New Jersey, Chairman. boor aud black- York, Tailors’ 8TEREBS, t/v/V/ ded to Bacon, nice tree-burning coal, John D. Depress, of Indiana, Secret***.,. guard—a man who feels humiliated if he their beautiful Knickerbocker edition AGENTSTrimmings! PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL is FOB THE S U M M E Store Size for B. outdone in an R Cooking Stores aud Ranges. To Horsemen ? John Ci.ahke, of New Hampshire. exebaoge of billiugssatr: of Irving’s works The Biography of Oliver Stucco and Mastic Samuel F. Workersf ALSO, Hbrsey, ol Maine. As for the Clevelaud speech, he said" “1 Goldsmith. Of all the charming books written Ne Plus Ultra Collar for A. B. of did not intend to make No 21 Union Me. Ilnrleigh Lehigh Egg Parlor Stores Gardner, Vermont. any speech there at there is noue more Comp’y, Street,.Portland* aud by Irving charming than Bl HIE. GOODS! Furnaces Partner Wanted ! W. C. ol all. My intention was to corao out ni DDLfOKD, Claflin, Massachusetts. re- this. It is one of the most CelT" Coloring, Whitening, and Job Work This is the best Coal iu to the call ot the perfect biographies prompt- Lehigh use, delivered in Samuel A. of sponse peoplejand excuse my- 50 Union lyattnnded to. apr.W3ni lots to suit at 50 ton. A Purviance, Pennsylvania. in the The volume is Street, purchasers, $8 per NY person wi-bing to go into the Hack and self and then retire. But as soon as I English language. In xx J. S. Fowler, of Tennessee. appear- (First Door trom Middle.) 109 Middle Livery busines-, under the most advantageous ed some people in the crowd commenced to the same style as the preceding ones of the MRS. M. A. Street, circnms B. S. Francis O. BOSWORTH, ances, and with a most decided certa'.nty Cook, of Illinois. hont at and Thornes. Je20Tr*fetl Geo. H. Smardon McAllister & ot me, question me, and badger me, series, and is illustrated. The Randall, Oo., making mone\, either as an active or silent part- M. of and I finely quaint Corner of Temple. wou.d do Giddings, Michigan. thought I’d go iu and silence them. I ner, well to confer wiili the undersigned. illustrated table of contents is an attractive OO Commercial St. No D. P. of Iowa. have been in life a time Fashionable party need apply nnltss they mean business and Stubbs, political long and am KICHAEUSON & Millinery April 4-d2w have means to combative. I don’t feature. (Received & — W. by PAGE, Go, AKD— got go abeat, and I think such in- Campbell, ol West Virginia. naturally propose to be Bailey Noyes.) ducements can be as hooted down offered would be satisfactory. H. W. Hoffman, of Maryland. by anybody, anti especially I From D. Appleton & Co. we have Our Mu- Bankers and Address M. t. W., Press Office. didn’t to be hooted down Merchants, Dress aplldtr K. B. of propose by a party tuul Friend an’d Bard tbe Malting, Smithsrs, Delaware, of met- Times, being latest 114 btate Bomon. Peter B. FLOUR, sent out for that purpose, as these fel- Street) No. 10.1 middle Frost, W. J. of additions to tbe Street, Portland, me. Ewing, Virginia. lows were at Cleveland and elsewhere. So cheap paper-covered edition BREAD! S. H. Boyd, of Missouri. went for me of EX( IIAAOE on l-ONDON nnriPAIUN. March 9, 18C8. dtl BREAD, BREAD, they and I went for them, and Dickens published by ibis firm. These C. L. Rob of Florida. we had it subscribers having commenced business at nson, hot aud heavy for a while. volumes are sold for and TBAVELBKMi (ltLou favorab-e terms. Wheat Clour. At B. R. Co wen, of Ohio. Taggard Thompson, Boston, pub- Tukey’s Bridge Westbrook, me I’d how. And I speak speak any kept on lishers of a little book entitled The Elements BKP mITS of GO< D and IXBREHCY Coffers and 1200 Bbl<. Choice Wheat Are now Thomas Simpson, oi Minnesota. UDtill the better Spices, Spring ready to lumbh their old and new custom• got of them, and after a and Summer Flour. ers with as Newton of Written James 8. receive subject to draft at sight, and interest Spring Wear, gooa bread as can bo had in the State,and Edmunds,o* Dakota. short time they listened to me in perfect si- Arithmetic, prepared by ALSO at the lowest market allowed. CREAM And win he pleased to show them to FRIENDS. prices. D U. Goodloe, of North Carolina. lence. If I used any rough expressions Eaton of Phillips Academy, Andover. It is TARTAR, 1,1 Ponianct at tlie they OLD CUSTOMERS and Store of Messrs. were put into toy mouth ADVaHI E8 made on NEW. 100 Tierces Kellie rendered Lard. WHIilEMuUE Thom »8 G. Turner, of Rhode Island. by my euemies. I the design of this work to present an outline Consignments t© Liver- & STARB1RD No91 Commercial saida good deal then wh re of Samuel N ot that I might not have 1*001 and Loudon. ieb27dCm No will 75 Bbls. Clear Cork. Street, one the firm will be ready ai all Crawford, Kansas. said ot tbe most impoitant principles of arith- SALERATUS, Ac., pstns be spared to give ou if they had not provoked me to hut 1 HO Ilhds. Choice fBeir customers with Superior and 8. J. Bowen, oi District of Columbia. it, aagua Molasses Extra did uot say all I might have said either.^ metic, for the use more especially of learner* WRIGHT & BUCK. J. P. Chaffee, of Colorado. Cor. Commercial and Park Streets. The of his who have not time to so and Entire Satisfaction! Together with a good assortment ot Soda and greatness soul and the generosity pursue thorough Proprietors of Greenwood Mill, Bilot, Ship Bread. a of his heart are indicated by the manner in complete course as is found in the larger N B.—Our Coffee la IB —ALSO— B(JCKNTII,IjE, 8. c. prepared by the oldest and Republican Convention ! which ho makes books. It offers a arithmeti- moat Roaster in the Common and Bailer poor old Gen. Thomas a short, practical, in Ye-low Pine Timlier and experienced city. Cracker*by Bbl. or Box Ship GROCERIES me partnership name ot SMITH any other business that may properly come before izing him to use I sent for him that Hoops, .Scrolls, Plates for Roofing, fe SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS, force, —A good old minister in Western Massa- RAKER, tor the purpose of on the Bak- Here are the Prices some New Piute An.le and T Iron. Eng. and Ame:icau sheet carrying of Goods, In comparison Crop Teas. the co nvention. morning, while his appointment was being Rivet Swarf ing Business, at Tuber's Bridge, Westbrook. with those of Last Year. made chusetts thought to economize by making his Iron, Iron, Iron, The basis will be as out, and talked to him in this Bolt WM. ,T of representation follows; very Iron, Spike iron, Imss a and R G Sheet Iron SMITH, Business Suits from $30 to $50. White Goods & Linens room, to caution him to When own sugar. After the first run from his sugar and Railroad Im .tnt .7. R. BAKER. JUST RECEIVED Each city and Town will be entlt'ed to one delegate, proceed quietly. Ship Spikes, ion and French Pol- Former Price, from $45 to 65. his commission ami Ovai and hall March 24, 1868. mar26dtf Stanton’s removal were place, he called on a and told him round Iron, isbed She t Iron, Spring Over Coats, 20 to 30. Some very Choice New and one additional delegate for every parishioner Crop Teas, and are now to some RARE BAR- seventy-live made out, I them down on the table Sho Shaj HorBeNa Gahanized Sheet prepared give put here, that while one and es, Is, _ Former from 30 to 40. votes every else much Iron, Price, GAINS in cast for Joshua L. Chamberlain at the Guber- and said 1 to this got sap Norway and swedes aXou Sheet Cot per end Zinc, Dissolution Dress Suits, from 35 to fie. Selling Cheap at the him, ‘Now, thing must be an., of Copartner natorial Election of 18C6. A fraction ot done nice sugar. Providence frowned on his trees; shapes, Banea, Straits & Eng Tin. ship Former Price, from 50 to 65. majority very carefully amhvtry regularly. Here Nail Tea Norway Rods, Copper Bottoms and Brass And all other Japanese Store, NEW SPRING forty votes will be entitled to an additional delegate. is your commission, and here is Stanton’s re- they gave little sap and very queer sugar. The Steel copartnership of C. A. PARSONS * Co., i Goods in like proportion of deduction. every description, Kettles, this April 3-eod3m 85 Federal St. The chairmen of the Several and Town Com- moval. You’ll this and show it to Stan- Tinmen's Iron THE day dissolved. City keep parishioner visited the minister’s orchard, and turnisli’g goods, Wire, &c., &c. C. ton. He will the notice of his A. PARSONS & CO. Feb 29-dttWM. L. WILSON. mittees are requested to forward the names of their (Stanton) get found birch and all removal. You had better take spruce, hemlocks, suitably Also agents for the sale ot Shawls and delegates to the chairman of the District Committee somebody with Cloakings. trees included in his you when you go to the to use as large operations. Copartnerr Notice. as soon as chosen. War-Office, hip CLOTHING. a witness Naylor <£ Co. ’s Cast SALT! SALTS in case there is any trouble.’ He —A story is going the rounds of the minor Steel, OUR The committee will be in session at the Hall on went over to the War-Office The undersigned have th:s dav formed a copart- and talked to to the effect that Mrs. Ten- the above indicated re- English journals Muntz's Vellow Metal nership under the ame and s.yle of day at 10 o’clock A. M., to Stanton, aud came back to me in a few min- Sheathing, and Cadiz salt on hand utes nyson is for the appearauce of the NEW ceive credentials. very much rejoiced. He said he had seeu responsible February Is. d6m STOCK ENTIRE 1 Liverpooland foi sale in any quantity, by White Goods MARSTON & PARSONS, Department! The apportionment of delegates to the several cities Stanton, that it was all right, and that lie Poet Laureate’s late weak effusions in “Good would get possession ot the War-Office as DJbJ2JilJtfG, MIL.LJKEN & E. Is very toll and complete, consisting In part of and towns in the district is as follows: .just Words” and elsewhere. According to this sto- CO.~ To carry on the Clothing and custom trade at the G. WILLARD, soon as Stanton could his Spring Over Coats, puck up papers. He is short of and J0BRKR9 OR old stand ol C. A. arsons & Commercial Wharf. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. YORK COUNTY. felt that he ry, when Mrs. Tennyson funds, Co., Plain Checked and was Secretary of War and a mem- March mar25dii Striped C'nmbrien, Baldwin 3 Acton. 3 ran- Portland, 24,18f>8. | ber of the and all and I never don’t cnre to apply to her husband, she 78 AlicUlIe St. Business Hwiiia Mull, Swi :* Plaid* and Stripe*, G Cabinet, that; D B ¥ Suits, Bridgton, Allied, 3 saw a GDODS, Nainsook*, Biehop aud Victoria man more elated over a position in my sacks his papers till she finds any stray verses; AND J. .T. MARSTON, Brunswick. 8 Berwick, 4 LawoN, Pique*, Mril’uta, Bird’* 6 11 life.” C. A. PARSONS. Dress Tow- Cape Elizabeth, Biddeford, those she seizes on and sends to a magazine, -Mar 28-d3w Suits, WHOLESALE Eye, Napkin*, Doylies, 2 6 « Casco, Buxton, When the of al- WOOLENS, el*, Diaper Table lolhs 3 3 subject “the circle speeches” receiving therefor the hundred pounds, Have this day removed to the new and store ALL BOUGHT AT THE and Linen Cumberland/ Cornish, spacious Dmna-k, 4 2 was under re- tor a “A erecieci tor them Falmouth, Dayton, consideration, the President ways gladly paid poem signed Tenny- Dissolution of l.awa and Cambrie G Copartnership and Paint Store. Freeport, Elliot, ferred to the of intoxication made If this were we doubt ex- LOW PRESSURE PRICES Drug* Shirt Fronts, 7 charges son.” true, (which 68 and <50 M.iclber & Co. Housekeeping Dry deny it.” june^Udti Portland, March 25,18G8. mar26dtt NOTICE. tertained a party of four hundred guests, and all of which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH March of Bairn. Fine Pocket The ttergeaal laid in a stock of one kind of dry goods large DAV18, OHAPMAN & HASKELL, Cutlery! PRICES! No trouble to show goods. Mr. Howe’s Reception in Knglaad. JuBBKRS OF (Largest assortment in the city.) Sergeant Bates arrived at Richmond on enough to last a lifetime. Copartnership Notice. The Montreal Gazette, a very special organ ALBION F. from whence he —A In Ohio has as HARRIS, Wednesday Vicksburg, of the has the account judge just decided, dry undersigned have lonued a copartnership un- EASTMAN BROS., government, following goods 'piIEI HEHISCH’S SHEARS Senior of the late firm of judges elsewhere had previously decided, that d.-r the tirm name of Pttiengfll & Lane, and partner started several months ago. His pedestrian of Mr. Howe’s reception in England: have t ken the more corner of Cumberland and Wil- Barber’s and 332 Portland. a man may thut, if his widow marries (Tailor’s, Trimmer’s.) Congress Street, has tbe same signifi- Private letters received within a or two provide mol Streets, lormeriy occupied by Messrs. Rich * HARRIS BROTHERS, trip precisely political day from London state the Hon. she shall lose all his or their property. WOOLEN®, Harwell. K. 1>. t>ETTENGlLL, April 6, 1868. dlf cance as that of Edward Payson Weston, that Joseph again, A. A. Will be to see his friends and customers Howe had had an interview with the Duke of Here is a case for Gail Hamilton. She should Have removed to new l.ANE. happy the store March from Portland to Chicago. From Cleveland Portland, 25,1868. mar.’Cdtf Fishing Tackle, at lhe store of Notice of Appeals. Buckingham, Colonial Secretary, in relation bring out the keen, trenchant blade ot her 51 AND 53 Weston’s shoe was sent to Portland to his and that the Duke, after MIDDLE STREET. (For Trout, Pickerell and Sea Fishing.) by mail, repeal mission, this Ohio whose mind UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. 1 him at that the wit and demolish judge Mar 18-dlin First Collection District of thereon an elaborate in hearing length, quietly replied L. C. & Maine, bearing inscription, Uniouwasat the of the Em- seems the had education and bar- ivoijroj^. Briggs Co, Assessor’s Office. 59 Exchange street, Portland, present policy befogged by W. U. At f commemoration of his heroic tramp from and that the could PHDLLLPs, subscribers having entered into copartner- BAILEY’S GUN STORE, April 9,1868. J pire, government not, up- baric traditions ol the past. We seem to hear under the on the submitted Mr. THEship the firm name of 45 EXCHAhGB ST. 45. mr24eodt is hereby given that, at office of the sea to the lakes. The enthusiasm over representations by her with earnestness and _ ask, WHOLESALE GROCERS, the Assessor of said District, ia Portland, Howe or the other Anti-Union delegates overpowering CAREENTER, BUILDER, o. rr. cons 7, by sion to rejoice. It would speed- —The professors of manufacturing an act of 18G8, are no longer entitled to Pensions EXCHANGE those in All the winter Drawing Room Furniture. Old customers will j by DTREET, African jungles. past a virtue of such but new must iest and most moral and political gan University threaten to resign, became O. A. please call, and with our increase*! we certificates, applications OLD GOODS I thorough a sentence oi SUS&KRAVT, tacilities shall be made in all cases PORTLAND. ho has been serving out impris- be able to give by paities desirous of availing STORE,_NEW their school of has been established ItirUktTE^, good bargains. Upholstering done to themselves oi the benefits of tae law. Such March 28. dim regeneration through instrumentality Homteopathy order. ARAD applica- Low Low l onment for killing his last keeper, Mr. Wil- EVANS, tions may be made in anil not to Rent, Prices a therein. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IBf mai-9-eodtt person otherwise, that man ever It would be WM. H. JOSSELIN. H. disabled Large Lot of Steel accomplished. liams. He has been secured by huge chains George Libby, bv Soldiers or Seamen, Splendid —One M. member ot the French » work for the Re- Corneille, residents of lie city, who ave served and been cred- wonderlul fourteen years in the small of near Philadel- Engravings village Hatboro, who claimed to be a decend- Hats aud it* don (hequota of Maine, by the widows of such DMA & KNIGHT, to Corps Legislatif, Furs, Caps, of the must eminent artists party, if, in addition checking Ashe to menage- dec* as *d Soldiers or Sailors, by tbe legal guardian of publican phia. belongs Forepaugh's author of the “Cid” has died. O L O T H ING DEALERS IX ant of the just 1X0 Middle Street, orphan children of such deceased persons, and by tbe AT COST. the of then abolishing it, ex- and is wanted during the coming cam- spiead slavery, rie, time he bis mouth in the ... mother «r sister of such deceased The opened PORTI-ANL, MAINE. Cleansed and Repaired dependent persons, them are Berry’s Idea lHead and Elliot’s to ail of the became t', between the hours of l and 5 Frames of all kinds at corresponding at 134 Drugs, Medicines, Paints, national domain and civil to all parts discipline him further in order that he might is prices, rights indicted cockchaf- BYstreet, now located at his new store NoG4 Fed- o’clock P. M., at the old Prolate Court Koom, in over G. Acation ter the damage by HOWARD . Appleton. answer in their or submission pow- that he made the noise wliLli } NEW YORK. Wh* re one Bell >s ma le to for any number Order. Left at No. G Month Mtrcet professions ing plaintive not Door E. and erate and that he held at the close ot rooms. Also Speaking 'l ubes, Bells, Gong promptly attended to. DANA, JR., corner of Congress crushed their every hunters as the of un- cause, 10 *•“ Star Dye Colors. formerly er that had aimies, elephant recognize signal oaSaS"u“*iM «•»«*—« Bel 8, Dining K orn Bells to ring with the foot, and Preble street*. tar from one-tenth of the whole Confederate for Yet immediately conditional surrender—equivalent to throwing Ret* ivnces—Da\id Keazer. Esq E. Bells tubed back of p stering. Agent GATLEY, HHEBIDAW Ah GRIFFITHS E. DANA, JR. G. H. KNIGHT. one remembers. they MoKennev Kr The latest improvement in Family Dye9, are now cotton loan. Co., W. iN. C. K. Milliken, J. B. March 31-eodtt with a up the sponge. During the wiuter he has Carroll, Ecq., T. H Tnylor’a i’ntent C rank Door ReII, being introduced throughout the country. April 9-dtI thereafter rejected perfect unanimity who was arrested in 1849 Weston & Co. jnnelldtt' and allow- —A Frenchman, _ These colors are all in form with to been in an savage mood, Hotels and prepared Liquid for admission Con- extremely Where no wires are used Houses, are generous proposition “Vive was sent to very simple directions lor use, and made from him. He was found to for crying l’Empereur,” A. N. & Steamboats fitted at shoit notice. Specimens ot my F OR S ALE an ed no one to approach NOYES SO.N, the same mateiial used by dying new silk and it was accompanied by easy the other day for shouting “Vive la woikcan be seen in some o» ipal Hotels in gress,because five tons and three prison priu woolen goods. NEED, NEED! have been waived weigh after his capture MaD^»%cturers and dealers in Amine, New aim Vermont. which could only The told him he must not Hampshire, Or A o different shades of color can be condition Republique.” judge Mar 2G-dlwthea cod2m TO L.12T. large variety hundred made from one bottle by using more or less of the the dictates of justice. Their pounds. learn what to cry, bat when. tit Jtavtffe# A js umacm, Stuff. by ignoring Romeo is “an ornament to society” and a only >ves, Dye 2200 BUSHELS TIMOTHY, were has an article on Store No. 3 of loyalty followed, too, by as —An English magazine Galt Block. PoundsNorthem and Western Clover. professions desirablo travelling companion, being it Can be found In their 8,000 and of of late entitled CABI'ET the persecution Union to some Tennyson’s poems, Possession given April 1st. of of size bottles 25 cents. 100 Sacks Red Top. proscription seems, liable at any moment give expres- Enquire Price large is the Laureate About?” The Boston VKW HdlliBHVG f«'itXJK KV,f Wheat. black and white, throughout their or an oCGasiou- “What ISO BliBheis Golden Drep Spring men, sion to any passing discontent thus answers the conundrum, marSldtl CHARLES PERRY. Sold all SO The of Union au Advertiser (Oppositetbe Maraet.) 0T* by Druggists everywhere. Bushels Mlllett. whole territory. great army al touch of dyspepsia by indulging in in- ClEAMSHG. _ lOO Bushels Seed. “about exhausted.” Where they will be pleased to see all their former W. F. PHILLIPS & CO., 46 and 48 Middle street, Hungariau has received regular reinforcements discriminate of bystanders. A. foste is Sole mar7eodftw2m martyrs slaughter been arrested in BU #UitomeTB and receive orders a? usual. augUdtf n a co., Advances made on Goods to the Portland, Maine, Agents. Also a large and select assortment ot Vegetable —Nicholas 8mith has since the of 1865. Some of the States Flower at spring to having Ared eighteen Proprietors of tlie oi and seeds at Wholesale and Retail, falo, and confesses Island Cuba. like Texas, iumish an annual contingent, “SlAUOHTEKiNO.”—A correspondent writing SPMIJTG THdIB£ Portland Warehouse and buildings in that city Coffins, Desks. Portland and Forest Agricultural of the business man different Gaskets, Oity Dye House, BROWNS 4 MANSON oi some hundreds of men, sent out from Keuuebunk says: Every states thatan^ an analysis of Show Cases and Messrs.OHUROHLL, Seed Store -A French paper Office Eumiture, faciliiics PRINCE & rebel to towns of York county knows men and women great forcleansing Carpet*. Leave Are prepared to make liberal advances on all kinds MERRILL, CO., world by tbe yet unsheathed steel, in the seaboard that married Of ordeis at WHITNEY. snicWe shows ..yery HAVEyour No.315congress Street, and \our of Lumber, and i r or talons, to any oi the KENDALL A in the field. Assistant United states with themselves Ui-Kcripiin,,, will ue sent Cooperage in their comrades who the genial to make way Carpets for and re urned, free ot char-'o Ports of tbe and their with the Jobbers and Wholesale Dealers Feb 1868. fe27d3mis join perished Bragdon, liable Made trom the be t material ** Island, connections Portland, 26th, a aTmore and hr I'XPERIENOFD M’»ich 18. eoiklm*' first a a and how well he enjoys good thing maids. class Houses ot the Island, make this desira- What is the march of renegade soldier, Assessor, bachelors and WORKMEN, at ble mode tbx to that Goods! law was * parties wishing to ship Goods Fancy Dry ceremonies and enthusi- in his line. It was before the changed Ward Beecher Is the author of the c. H. market, with — Henry » preconcerted returns from manu- BLAKE’S, Portland,'16 Dec. dc16tf Varna, Snail order the side of which required monthly “When the millennium comes, it 10 Cross St., 1867, Olove., Hosiery, Cornel., Gentlemen’s Garments asm manufactured to by f Rowing: .eptlfidtl_No. Poitlaud, Me. LetrERSOFCREDIT that our friend Brag- universal of Ware., Ac. butchers, &c., the prevalence Geo. W. Trimming., these facts? The men who received Bates at facturers, known by FOR THE Ladd’s Patent "Watch Case. was re- will°be NATHAN USE OF dou on his round, obtaining But so are MIDDLE OVER LANE & LITTLE with so much are monthly sweet, butter! depraved peo- WERh, NO. 146 ST., REPAIRED. Montgomery cordiality and pure turns on Main street, Biddelord, having that myriad pounds of execrable ami PORTLAND, ME. mar6dtt a few since evinced their now, Counsellor at Travelers in they who years Mr. Sirloin the butcher, ple Attorney Law, Europe, A. POSTER & CO., taken the figures from are patiently consumed by people, and by swearing to assess a license grease INo. Cl * k Guardian’s Sale. Forest integrity patrotism into the next door to this enorm Excliantfo St. Issued upon London and ££”££?*«.•vis.v.Mmr’8t beautiful and durable of tho Portland and City stepped whose degraded taste submits to 8-dtl Paris, a license have of the United July Watch. is hereby given that by virtue o' Dye Office No. 315 Congress Street, the Constitution States, whiskey retailer, an at- PROPRIETORSHeme, support on Thomas McRotgut, the a a resistance, or even Available in all the cities of Europe and the inquire for them of your from the Hon. John A. Waterman, ol made wiih workmen to without gasp, East, by watch “maker Tho trade NOTICE .Judge arrangements xperienced and while the oath was still but newly utter- the bar, old Sir- ty Wo. LSI Free Street. supplied by most of the Probate, within ami for the Countv of Cumberland, repair gentlemen’s garments in the neatest and beat when, before he had reached reformation!” & principal holesalr dealers Tucs- tempted Page, liichardson *U State ot at a court holden on the first manner. Also and to order as usnal. heaven and earth to it. the door, calling out, Co., Maine, cleansing dyeing ed, moving destroy loin his head into to build Ieb27d0m JT A.A* BROWNWN °»rvb>& No. 11 A. D. 1808, Isaac O. Pearson,Guar- March lb. eod3m* popped in Chicago 114 NiateNt., Boston. CO., day of Feoruary. __ -It is Maiden Lane, ut Loi. obeisance to tbe in oth- return from these proposed dian lor Emma J. P- Gurney, minor he r Those who made flag “Do you take a monthly Upholster ng, Furniture, ~ New York. twe“' Kepairin?. mar24dlm__ : of Portland, in said deceased. dence block for PACKING AND Notice. £(„wner late County, for er were their associates in treason. all SHIPPING FURNITURE, on the J7th ol sale towns fellows?” su e aplnmente, Billiard Tables will sell'at public auction day April to have Almedia having lefl bed and for Sale. on to separate kitchen „d larnisbiug uud done at sborl wile, Wedge, my next at ten o’clock in the lorenoon the premises, It would be inexpressibly pleasant be- “No,” says Bragdon. alik Polishing MYboard without j usr cause, 1 hereby forbid all in and lot No HO Brattle St, KIMBALL ROCKAWAY that has been ran but and Billiard Tables good condition with new I ono-eix'hot house, stable they Moughter enough heated supplied notice, by persons from or her on ac- A one season, of what we are to in relation to “Well, you ought to,for use. harboring trusting my TWOsets Balls, will be sold cheat, for cash. in the o. inquire lieve expected common V- count. OLIVER city G. F. No 11 laundry for ™EEMAN. WEDOE. Apply to PEYKKT, P‘>«lan y KU l'IaUiUCV l ft. the PRESS.| Christian Aoooclntio"* was particularly gratifying The onlv reliable remedy for those b'own Constitution Water is a certain discolor- JUmlnt. to the to learn that the bibu- cure for will be country Sew Advertisements this Day. AMERICAN HOUSE. ations on the face Is 'Perry's Moth and Freckle Lo- *«>e Diabetes and all Hoff s At a meeting of Executive Committee of was not of bis diseases of tbe Kjdncys. For Malt Ex-ract lous old gentleman deprived Boston, iTIafin* tionPrepared only by Dr. B. C. Perry, 49 Bond Morning, 18r8. C. A of the State of it was Tuesday April 14, the Y. M. Maine, that in o» sale by all druggists. marlGeod3m St., New York. n Beverage ofBealth. “ Convention of said Associations sustenance” morning consequence SPECIAL NOTICE COLUMN. The very important and ex'ensive improrments holdeverywhere mar21d&w6max Hoffs voted to call this ho- Matt Extract arrest. liis Heald. which nave recently been ma'*e *n popular to meet s* Eortl "“•*n the Rooms of the Y. his On the whole, testimony Removal—Dr. J. Harper’s Bazar.—Fessenden tel, the in j>ew enables the proj.-ri- First page March of Ser- on 'he 28th inst. Brothers, large>t Enviand, 5y to-day.—The M. C.-t., and 29th of April amounted to nothing either way, and must stora to null the Travel- Hoffs Malt ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN, Lancaster Hall, have received the offer o Tourists, Families, ExtVac"118® the Presideut \re therefore call the associations to twenty- supe MARRIED. geant Bates; described by Hin- upon have been put in by the counsel for tbe Levee and Sale—First Baptist Society. ing Pi,bHc, accommodations an conveniences °f Hc''ltll• meet oy their time and place sixth' number of this beautiful rior to other the Mr. Howe's in delegates at the Cily Hall—Jottnn & sliarpley's Minstrels. journal of any Hotel in the city. During pa>t Hoff s Malt self; Reception England; above as may Bame that Shakespeare introduces tbe summer addition- nt numerous In this stated, to discuss such topics purpose, Hall—Tli-aire. fashion. It is illustiated and have been made city April *, by He* B. M Frink. William Recent Vari*- Leering handsomely fully suites ot wa **r “Slaughtering;” Publications; have arisen the year’s experience, facet'ous in the most mournful apartments, w ill bathing r oms, A. barker and Miss June Ken worthy, botn of Port- Beverage of lleatli. duting past grave-diggers maintains the cloi-e anac1 END0BS1 D BY ties. aud to as seem best to AUCTION’ COLUMN. good reputation it has acquired. 8, &c., ed; one ol Tints' magnificent pas- laud. SCIPN. p devise such means may o. Hamlet—to relieve the saint AND part ^general senger elevator*, 'he ben ev*r c.u-iiur ed,c nveys In Minot, April 4, L. Green APPROVED Y 1 XD MF\f F make our work more effectual in the tuture. Administrator’s Sale—E. M. Patten & Co. Henry aud Mrs. Eliza Fourth Irish Wife, by U'Arcy to the of the in one A. A Bevernje wl.ieh ha. by ii> page.—'The a3 ites dess of the play by a little merriment and buf- Slot;-. Ac. O Albion Dining 117 Federal guests upper story house minute; beth Campbell. iloaunn, (t ard Each Association may send many deleg Bools, Bailey. Boons, street, the entries have been its y.luo as a UI.MKI Sec Notice—E. M Paitrn & Co. newly and ricnly oaipeted. In Lewi.ton April#, Joseph of ThquuM. are.tr, , t .? n McGee; Fanny Keiuble, &c., as Each should hot biscuit and hot cakes Lynn, Augusta, The extraoriliua eUi a they tii111U proper. delegation foonery. griddle every morn- and the entire house thoroughly replen slmn a *d and Mrs. Saiepta Snowmau of ■ y and unaun nsst.i .... .! he furnished with the proper credentials the SEW ADVERTISEMENT reforiii-b d, making it.in a.il ts Ja^. HOWS AIA. T EXI RAC 1' hVEKAGE ffl New 1 ork by At the close of Mr. Curtis’s argument yes- COLUMN. ing. They are very nice served with hot cof- appointment.', equal In Gardiner April 8, H. Hodgkins, of Noble- OF Corruption flourishes oilier officer el n the celebr ded Li ai c un i.»» en or some of the'r Asso- Extract—W. S’. toaiiylm country. boro. and Carrie J. Arno, "f HE\LTH, ries, at ail the Secretary, the Democrats were in boast- Malt Philll)* & Co. fee. For dinner roast billiard Faimingda'e. .a xickness or in and A member of Assembly nam- aud also with correct information in terday high glee, to-day, beef, chicken 'fell g»apb Office, Halls and Cafe on the In Hennr S. t ages, health, alw.i) with u.ne- Assembly. ciation, Agents Wonted—S S. Scranton & Co. ardiner. April 8, urner, ol llallo flt is the work of their that it was uuanswerable and that there raior’- and boiled hot first floor. and Mrs. Orra A. < amnbell, oi prove i, ed made charges against a fellow mem- regard to past Association, ing Adminis Notice—C. pie dinner, corned beef and all well Farmingdale. • 9 • • # Gleon Humphrey. LEWIS RICE & F. Hum I. BY.SCIENCE, demands and Adm nisrrator’s Notice—C. C. SON, Proprietors. Hi April 4, Bold and Susan J. • The its present tuture prospects. was no doubt ol but the Cobh. tbe &c. shapleigli, I • • BYlTSEFrE TS ber named Frear. committee appointed longer any acquittal; vegetables, cabbage, beets, turnip, Feb. 1,1868. ib4-eod3m sn Morrison. The delegates on reaching Portland, will go 1 Science lias decla e that Hoffs a alt Extract the managers say that its sophistry will be made in Buxton, Jo’n Deny, of Saco, and Miss Eliza to investigate charges reported confidently directly to the Rooms of the Y. M. C. A., cor- Beverage oi heal it is t e Bed beui g Ton- trial that Fragrant flowers ol sunnv climes, lading Moulton, ( f Buxt in exculpating the accused. The committee was ner of Congress and Brown Sts., where a so apparent before the close of the Superior Court. ic ami Kmiciy. No Me*' c m*. but a pleasant I erne- with delicious aroma the j j ^ g j TA / 0 committee will he to them there will be little occasion for in APRIL TERM—OODDARD, J., PRESIDING. passing breeze and dv,uioie»ir* nstheuii g nourishing and lea-, tot t an made up of the most men in the prepared provide jubilation i unprincipled with free the with it to all it ak*, ik).ter, dec., an containing flity pui to il lets entertainment during Conven- Monday.—In the case ot New hall vs. Sheridan et sending pleasure meets. So a c Assembly. All the reward Mr. Glenn got was that quarter. They have also several impoi- —OF THE- DIED. *h d. tion. Goddard Woodworth’s del •1- were al., Judge ordered judgment to be entered Floe Espiritu Santo sends Experience jus title 3 mdec I its «e1cbnty. the of a lie be taut of testimony of which thty offering resolution that publicly All persons proposing to attend should no- pieces Choice Fr uits oml l I'hous uws m t-urteieis have be*., cured b« the us<. oi tor pla'ntitf for (22.25. forth the delicious of the Spices in this lant oi censured the officer. Meanwhile tify the President ol the Portland Association not in when the case was opened fragrance tropical city, April '1 Mab IE., in daughter IIOFr’S MALI EXTl.At T Bi.NLl AGb OF by presiding possession Haskell. William X. aud I 4 months and (Mr. Andrew J. before the 22d inst. Smith & Reed. exotics and with the .abell H. Sui ill, aged HE A TH. the amount of members Chase) and which claim will conclusively prove transports ecstasy happy Their strict purity, delicious flavows, II of buying and selling they No B—Esther vs. Leonard F. Ac- days. It ac'a an an 10 ibe and Free return tickets over the various rail- Ingalls Gage. For sale UNRI' AL*- L> STRENGTH AND GREAT ’* invkpiraior entire svs'cin, of the President. In recipient. everywhere. ECONOMY, “Of such Is the kingdom oi Heaven iu al on at a that is the iuteutious • is invaluable ilie manifold mord rs oi ibo goes rate perfectly appalling, roads in the State will be lurnished to all guilty tion to recover damages for non-ldlflUu>ont of a Con- are a! trading a r ad fro -n lo/ors of choice r> lav- In 11. eodlw kcnnebumport, April It, widow Fanny Turnon fttomach, (.'a..ribs, cougus, Hoar? and the some the result of ihe trial is still April ORs which is wthoui a parallel. 6 ones*, Sotuinlj. the market price for likely Senators those attending Convention, if it is possi- quarters tract to finish a house. The defence was that the aged years. etc. Their reat sucoefs ii are the true Cbloro is, ble to obtuili them. because they In Ho lis. April 7, Albion son ol G and well-built considered doubtful. If the President can se- agreement had been fulfilled. Decision reserved. B., John For sale ai the depot ami b\ and ot er». healthy, Assemblymen ruling high- Mr. Samuel Chadwick, at No. 22 Market rich jlavors qf the fruits and spices if remarkable Sarah Locke aged 11 mouth-*. druggists g Although it is proposed to make this lor Maine W. F. FHi».Llr6 & t; ». i* rt- er than usual. The Tribune that one strictly cure seven votes on the side he Slrout & Gage. Smith & Reed. strength. In S il 6. Agents says a Republican a first class store in r.invale, Ap Mrs. wile of B. F. 4 Delegate Convention, yet all earnest Chris- Square, keeps grocery J ames ot Albion, land. upr eodiw Several esses were defaulted. The case* te- Ex-Gov. Y. Smith, Providence, R. I. Hodgdon, aged 6** yeais7 monllis Senator has sold himself first to Vanderbilt tian workers are invited to meet will ot be convicted, and his friends claim only with us, and every sense ol the word. He lias constantly says: ‘My w fo pionoume them supeiior to any At iverinore Feb. Mr of those transferred (Pom the " Centre, ID, Ueo. H. Hayes, for $15,000 and then to Drew for claim- by their council aud prayers contribute to the far more than that number. It is mainiug, Supreme flavorin'* extracts she has ever used 7* $20,000, confidently on hand all grade of choice teas, every descrip- agod years. interest and ot the occasion. Court docket, to be tried by the Judge are the fol- Ex- ^ov. Wm. A. Buckingham, of Connections At Pa. March 54. Mrs. WANTED «;’.:uVf ;! ing an extra for his son. If our profit asserted that Senators Van Piilsburg. Hariiet M. AGENTS $,1000 repre- Sprague, Winkle, tion of and Chedder sa\s: “Eor a 1 we B\ Hon Henry <•'. i»eu ing. Jl.e And now, dear Christian brethren, let us lowing: imported pickles, Berkley *iig time b.^ve used them, and Bn katn. w tlmr oi James Al. Bu'ka.ii, Esq., late ol UKaNI only sentatives at undertook to make Cole and Fowler will vote to and that find them V“ry fine,** Rob 1 mist on. w rk the kind issu il under the sanction ana by Hu Augusta cheerfully lay aside our business lor a day or acquit No 15— et al. vs. Mains. cheese, and a large assortment of sauces. Also f Frye Dr. J. G. Holland, (Timothy Titccmb) author of of Grant himsef. Tbe autboi is well merchandise of themselves in this way, the two, aud come for consultation aud several more are hut such state- No. vs. Stafford. authority together wavering, 31—Jennings canned meats, among which aro “Deviled “Katrina,” $s*., the well-known ant hoi o kmmn as ne ol ibe mo?t L»i dli'iht uriters and elo- No. 32—Uioss vs. Spring is that would constitute prayer concerning the great work which ments can be little more Woods, appellant. are tbe w II bi d ill s probability they pen- than conjectures. a field, Mass., says: “They toe standard in this IMPORT*. quent orttor* in country Heaven No. 35—Black vs. Ham," “Tongue,” &c., put up in convenient Audits s has committed to our haods. The Perry. vicinity.*’ one of the m».st iuie cstiDg biuar pin* ev- dulous ornaments to the lamp-pests the whole Generals Sherman and Hancock were on the No. vs intensely Past year has been in the luture °6—Driscoll Carlin andTruBlee. manner for the use of traveller as sandwiches Dealers ieble tlielr sales with them. ei published in and will u eci wi;b a r* a 'jr glorious—but — America, of s before No. 37—Mlllei vs. Rand, MATANZAS Barque Rachel 639 bhds 67 tcs length State reet, the end of the we desire to win more and victories floor of the Senate and were the appellant. Sold in Me., by sale. For particulars, a I dress S S. hC KAN l ON gteaier yesterday No. vs. and Trustee. Portland, to order. 2 tcs 5 ma-ter. 38—Greenough Sawyer molasses, «!u* pme ap le^. & ftt H session. But after and Portland for Christ. centres of attraction. General Sherman We would refer our readers to the adver- 8AML. C If A DUTCH 99 Market Ella O, A-ylura irtlord,Ct. Augusta was Cobrt to 91 ’clock aqunre, Brig .Maria—450 hhds 56 tcs molasses, Lynch, A 14 dotw.w Let no adjourned Wednesday morning, pril to the size of New Association fail to be represented, And all dealers In choice m wan Barker *£ Co. 4 bbls l bbl master. grow York city perhaps seated in the main aisle near the main en tisement of S. Winslow & Co., (now Winslow by flavors. 6 la sugar, and may the ever Blessed whose ser- to meet in the Court room above. and other Saviour, is that tbe subscriber has venality metropolitan accomplish- vants we trance to the tbe side of bis ven- & who have removed from hereby given, are, and whose glory we seek, also chamber, by Page,) Spring oir otk\A mta>ikrv been ments come pheiXitiHK NOTICE duly appointed ana t:\ken upo.j himself may in with opera houses and meet with us to over us erable Hon. Thomas street to No. 29 Free stroet, where have DODD’S NDU VINE preside us, inspire fatber-in-law, Ewing. As The municipal Court. they NAME FROM PKSTINATIOR tuo trust cf Ai.mioistiai ns8 or Energv, Low of Appetite, Con the estate of said deceased, are required to exhibit Messrs. Leypoldt & have in Portland, April 16,1868. portions daily papers, many per- thing line, thereby Dyspepsia, xestorian.Portlai U.. 1- Holt, published -tipa ion, local Weakness, mu a gen rat tailing nt .Liverpool—April the same; and all personsiiuleb.ed to said estate aro The in the name of the Port- “SWINGING BOUND TBS CIttOi.il.” sons infer that the office of of the Mu- an extensive run of custom. of Paris.New York.. .. J a delightful little bound in flexible uudersigned Judge the mental and bodi'y functions, are the common in- City Liverpool .April called upon to make payment to volume, » ennsyivania.New York..Liverpool... Apiil If In land Y. M. C. A., not only heartily amlom Ttoe oetense have summoned several wit- nicipal Court is a sinecure —that there is little dication ot Nervous Disease. Dodd’s Nervine and C ARIAS HUA1PHKEY, A«0H. w.iwC1 tue action of the executive committee of the nesses from the West to testify in to or do business done. To correct this thing good Hibernia.New York..Glasg w.Apiil If 1 ited from the Platt-Deutscb, by Charles L?e regard misap- It is also the best, as it is also be most agreeable, and and if have them not, the Hammonia.. .New York.. .. 2* Young Men’s Christian Associations ot the the harangues delivered tne President on allow me to that such announc- good spirits, you Hamburg .April Lewe*. It is a ot the French by prehension say Female Moro Cas ie.New York.. 23 is hereby given, tkaf ttesubsoriler baa story occupation next best what will restore bloom to Remedy tor Complaints Ha.ana.April as above hut would his Western tour ot with the ex- inents as to to thing is, .Rio 23 be* n ai d taken upon Llm-oH of under Stale, expressed, they observation, the above refer criminal and not ever ottered to the Prostration ol Merrimack.New York. Janeiro.. April NOTICE duly sjipoii.tcd Germany Napoleon, and besides pre- public. Strength. lit trust'd Adi. with the win annexed of the faded cheek and to the Belgian.Portland .. .Liverpool...* Apiil *z5 initiator, unite in the assurance of a cordial pectation of proving that the re- civil and it is a matter of extreme happiness drooping Hvstei ia—retaiued, excessive, irregu.ar and painful senting very the state of a special newspaper business; Austrian.Portland. 2 tbe estate ot vividly countiy The and sure is Planta- menses—>ield to its magic powe**. ..Liverpool.May welcome to all who find it convenient to made at that time were incorrect. It to all that the criminal busi- heart. great remedy over run by loreign it abounds in may ports gratification AMASA SYLVESTER, late ot Freeport, soldiery, tiou which our recommend T«» MOTHERS. attend the convention. may not be generally known that tho article ness in our is It well Bitters, physicians Miuiainre 14. In tbe of lumberlaud. deooasid, and given droll situations, in capital sketches of German city diminishing. speaks Mothers! we also commend the NERVINE tor use Alumnae.April County to both male and female as a safe bond-a* the law directs. All persons having de- The members of tho Portland Association in relation to this subject was drawn by Hon. for the vigilance of our Marshal and the patients, In the diseases which atllict children while Teething, Sun rises.5 20 Moon rises..., 12.M) AM character and in the happiest touches of City mand.-* upon tbe estate oi s d i dece m id, are ■. qnir- dry and cordial stimulant. They as certain to sift, r.- quick and relief. Tie Sun sets.6 41 Hlirti waier .... 4 4t Pit will hold their social reunion at their rooms John Lynch tbe night before tbe final action of the classes ol reliable, agreeable {grutelu) oil io exhibit tbe same; and all le.sua in eb'eato humor and of delicate sentiment. The story peaceable disposition laboring syrups, or' wld.b is the principal Contain to with the most stupefying Opium said estate are ended u.onu t» ma >e o tv moat to on Monday 27th to which dele- on the impeachment articles, and our But let it not be inferred nothing disagree are dangerous to Lie. impair the mine has been translated into a of evening, April adopted by community. ingredient, * HARLES C. COBb. Aoiu r. variety Europe- delicate and have won tions of lie stomach and and actuallv gates and others the convention are tbe House aimoit verbatim. have also that our has constitution, golden bowels, 18c8. ot Lexicon. an languages in all of which it is attending They worthy Municipal Judge nothing the of \our To MARINE NEWS, Freeport, April 7ih, popular. from all have tried and impede healthy giow.h offspring. w3w 16* invited. summoned a number of to do. On the in the civil terms of opinions who them; This English version is the cordially quite newspaper re- contrary, cu»*e W ild Colic, regulate the bowels, so fen the admirably made, no article was ever tried so and relieve the NERVINE will The first on will who have from time to time been fa- his held on of each he probably by many pum«, pain, always PORT OP rORTLANU. flavor of the meeting Tuesday morning porters Court, Monday week, found safe and efficient. quaint original being very happi- elevate the and be be a season of at the vored with tbe President’s elucidations of has a formidable week after week and persons. They depressed give ly preserved. It first in the Tauch- prayer Rooms at 9 the docket, appeared to tbe weak. Don’t Use Anything Flge! HondaTi April 13* MILLIINEHY o’clock. Constitution and his intentions in the matter month after month, with strength v ■itz edition, but the favor with which in ha- deciding promptness Dodd’s Nervine contains no OPIUM or Magnolia Water.—A toilet arti- s*r other ARRIVED. The will meet in the at of and are now ou and fairness ail cases delightful Kor -and- been reoeiv-d has induced the to delegates main Hall impeachment, they hand unquestionable brought poisonous Ingredient. sale by all Druggists. Steamer Franconia, onerwuod. New York. publishers * 10 o’clock to to to ana at half the Price One »ollar per bottle Steamer New Brunswick, Winchester Boston lor offer it in the neat organize the convention and the and anxious pass the ordeal of Butler’s before this Court. Being present myself Mon- cle-superior Cologne, present and unique form. II. B. STOKER A C h, and St John. Nrt. remainder of price. apr4eod&w2w Proprietors, Ka»cport (Received by Hall L. Davis.) the morning session will be de- cross-examination. day morning. I witnessed actual trials and de- No. 15 Fulton Street, New York. Sob J McCloskey. Crowell. New York. voted to business aud THE KU-KLUX KLAN. W. F. Phillips <& Co Wholesale Agents lor Maine. Sch Frances, Ur’ten let, Rondout. FANCY GOODS! The American News New general discussion. cisions of four contested cases in the space of Hotel Company, York, Arrival*. October »6, la67. W&Sly Sch Fail view. Cooper, Camden Public tor discussion will be held This abominable band of malefactors seems two which in a Court oc- are the publishers of a poem founded on the meetings hours, higher might Sch Fannv Fern, Norwood. Bristol. in the afternoon and to be on the if ALBION HOUSE. Sch p U (Haddocks, Boothbav. invasion of and entitled The evening of each day. increase, we may judge trom re- cupy two days or more, at least, beside the Wvlie, Maximilian, L M Harrison C Biddetord Medicine Sch * boctaw C;u >ow, Calais tor Boston. Joseph H. Coffin. from ibe South. In are un- of much other business where trials Cheny, McEvoy. Most Popular in the World REMOVAL! Mexican; or, Love and Land. Its author is ) ports Virginia they dispatch J A B isc Lewiston W P Horrie. Ma ne Ar llth—Brig Julia Ford, llicl-ardson, Mt Desert Chairman Committee of *mb, Mr. Arrangements,} der a full head of steam and are all were not insisted on. J G arston. J Coslln. Boston ior Kosto.i; set s James K. Rhodes, Rockland; SB John M. Dagnall, of whom we blush to » committing Lynn P. Y. M. C.A. F H Burnell, alem J N Northrop, H N DR. HENDRICK’S Lewis, B ackley, do tor New York. we never sorts of depredations ou tbe colored Heretofore have been taken The under •ay heard before. It is written in people maDy appeals H K Freeman, S*co J li Harri-, Biddetord CLEARED. nndersi’iiel. formerly Mechanics'Hall, Newspapers throughout the State are re- have to their new rent! and whites. Tbe has even from this but for the FG do C H Watei ville New York— removed e-, recently the blankest of blaDk verse, with a disre- loyal organization Court, generally purpose Mason, Hanson, Steamer Chesapeake, Bragg, Henry lofty quested to copy. J ti Holmes, PortsmouthE $ Buckley, Wesibrook Restorative Fox. occupied by MU LhWIi TOPPAJN, of all extended to this District, and I am credibly of delay by the losing party. This delay will m gard ordinary metrical and even gram- J R Ma-uu. do W H Slowed, So Paris Barque Washington Butcher. Nickerson, Havana— that it here over a matical rules; and may perhaps be best de- The World’s Washington correspondent de- informed numbers hundred now be obviated by the monthly sitting of our S C strout, Maine Frank Barnett, Lynn BITTERS!! Geo s Hunt. ot Peruvian Prirce. Bar- scribed as a kind of dime novel done in scribes Mr. Curtis’s manner the deliv- desperadoes who are ready to “avenge the new Superior Court, in which all parties ap- COMMERCIAL HOUSE. Cemposed Bark, Pipsisscwa, Chammo- BrigUipsey Queen, Havana—Lynch, Oor. and Casco verse. during mite Thtr ker & and Isaac CoDgress Sts., J Hamilton, Brandon Vt B 1> Flowers, oughwort. Dandelion. Te'low Co, J-mery. It is and ery ot the argument in defence of the wrongs of the Sonth” at any moment. Threat- pealing will be obliged to advance a fee oi Thompson, T.ynn J Bi kinore. Cardenas—J D Lord very neatly printed bound end is lav- opeuiug jury F G M Dock, Mandrake and Sarsaparilla, a>d n any oilier Brig Graffam, an8tem. Price $1- Brig Nasurene. (Br) Hail lax, -the fervor which to his an E VV do D Hale, Prepared by Murphy, NS—Jobp d translated gave aspect inspiring and Gen. Butler has received several of these and mechanics in this city. Lax. Jackson, Bridgton Porteous. Biographical Romance, by E. R. and E F Norway L L Naslia majesty glow. Then his voice had the Tbe Beals, Burney, THUS, G. CORING, Sch Edward & Sill from the German of polite missives. authorities however are L Morse w. Bath C H Avtu W Needham Apothecary, Kidder, Berry, Cienluegos—Emery Heribert Rau. The tremor ot a waterfall. Then his form shook Aid r, the Post for the Cretans. M G Stiles. Biddef >rd A O Norwich (Opnosite Office.) Fox Latest of 1 iike a as a ou the alert and will make short work with Memll, Styles The of the writer of this as pine, but, recovers itself after March 7. 8 T& tiSN Sch F Baltimore—O Nickerson. Millinery object book, defin pine To the Editor of the Press : H H Burba ik, Limerick MLs Biddetord Nickerson, Kelley, aud stands erect and them if of their Bromham, od in his is “to to gust, stately as be tore, they attempt any pranks. R ■» do F Stea ns. N » SAILED—Steamer Ches peake: barque Washing and a superior assortment of preface, bring closer tbe Shall Maine be in a noble cause? Whitehouse, conway o, in an instant after ibese noble laggard B W Maine C H Fi Turner’* Tic or t?niTer*al ton Butcher, brigs Frontier, Ma v Stewart, Ma«d heart of tbe German one of its outbursts, PERSONAL. Kenny, Waterhouse, chb’g boalonreux, people noble* t rhe speaker of was seen and When shall she withhold her ex- H B do BP is a safe, certain and Java, Nazarene, L T Knight rebs Edward to-day composed Francis liberty weeps leaves, Pliilbrick, O'Sipee Neuralgia Pill, speedy l’otter, and so to awaken a as General Fessenden IT. S. A., is is N cur© for and all Nervous Diseases. The Nellie Jona Wilde Mowe. FANCY sons; Dewly love, a vene- motionless, if every hot impulse i»i his na- pressions ot sympathy ? While thousands of B Fl-li, Exeter C M McDonald, Halifax Neuralgia Kidder, True, May, GOODS, ture order of the War D H* do N Meir Auburn severest cases aie an l cured ration and entbusiasm for Mozart and tor bis had been thrust back beaten into his lair. town by Department, and Thornes, 11, completely peimanemly women and children—the wives and J Cole. O B Hi well in a very short lime. Neuralgia in the tace or head [FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT 1 •fast received from New York and Boston. The Boston to be to active mothers, Limington KGates, CW creations.” It tells the of the Advertiser suggests an improve- expects assigned duty. A C Boston F F s utterly banished in a few hours. No lorm of nerv- story great babes of patriots, are half in Stone, Hulchins, Fryeburg KENNEBUNKPORT. April 11—Sailed barque ment which General Steedman hae starving, clad, L C Oldtown W W M. do ous disease withstands its influence. It has Bos Maestro’s romantic and life in an might be made in the arrived here from Jenkins Neal, magic (new. &4o tons,) NVm P stone, of and t>r chequered description the fastnesses of the their homes the unqualified of eminent Olive, Ladies before purchasing their Spring Goods, w;J1 mountains, Cf Q T Qu'mbv.Sacca tppC H Wehstrr, do approval many physi- ton; schs Superior. Wells, and Frank, Chard, do; and with of the orator’s voice it—instead New Orleans to before the Court of cians. u eon tains find it to their ndvantaee to call and cxindue our interesting manner, sufficient adher- by comparing testify their their churches W P Morrill, Westbrook A HiU, do nothing injurious to the most del- Oneco, Chase, Fall River. burned, crops destroyed, icate on large ami well selected stock. ence to historical of *‘tlie tremor of a waterfall”— to “the shake Impeachment. Casco. C Wvnnn. Chatham W It ary, Hartford system. Sold everywhere Sent receipt of facts, at the demolished or and two introducing desecrated, while those brave I D Burker. Eaton J do $1 postage stamps. TURNER & CO., 120 MEB( HANTS EXCHANGE. a Irish, BT TEL. TO DItVDEV A RONALD, same time into the narrative some chignon.” J G >rham J W Hamilton Tremont Street, Boston, Mass., personages men are upholding, against fearful odds, under Parker, Wilson, proprietors. Ar at New York schs Lalla Kookh, Freeman. and situations State News. Mrs Bean, Haverhill J A Turner For sale by W. F Phillips & Co., Portland, Me. 13tb, April 8,18C8. dlw which are fictitious. As a t'ary, Pori land to- Point, Ft her, pic- kumors of circumstances so depressing, the glorious F L N Gloucester C Wilion July 18. eod&wlysn Georgetown, DC; City ture War.—Reports are current in Gross, Bartlett, do for \ of society aud manners at the to E S Jefferson A A Gould, No Windliam irginia. epoch Florida, that tlie in ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. standard ot the cross against foul barbarism, Weeks, Ar at Holmes* Hole brig C Mariner, which it Indians that State have N B Lawrence E Litt e jr, 131b, Mary refers it is remarkably good. The the banner of Mnrrili, Newbury port Manner, declared war the Joseph Littlefield, Esq., of Auburn, has liberty against foreign aggres- G Furbusb, Dover S Y Adams, Worcester ITCUl ITCH!! ITCH!!! Caibaren. volume is a against United States and St March 30. The barque Fureka, iron) handsome duodecimo of 325 been a coroner for the N Porter do SCRATCH ! Marys, pages. hostilities appointed couuty of sion and despotism, shall any civilized and Stanley. GcLncom, SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! for has arrived In ot the (Received Hall begun by burning a white captive D P Boston W E Milton Antwerp Cardiff, charge by L. Davis.) Androscoggin, and has been qualified to enter Haselune, Sanderson,E In trora 10 to 48 hours. D Chandler bavin-.* died a tew at the stake. Christian community fail to send over, in the Geo D do mate, (C Rives.) Capt D. the of his official duties. Bright, n hours to His remains were Appleton & Co., New have issued upon discharge Wheaton’* Ointment cures he Itch. previous entering poit. York, Official spirit of love and their tribute of CITY HOTEL. advices from Alaska state that fellowship, w beaten’* Oiu men cures buried he o :9th. in small, cloth-covered three vol- an AROOSTOOK COUNTY Halt llheum. pamphlets, substantial aid? T Boston H M No Waterford Wbfni«uN Ointment Cardill, Match 30. Barque Reunion, of Bath, fm attack upon the Americans in Sitka is The Houlton Times that Swan, Fiske, cures Tetter. umes of the Series ot Text con- stales on Monday a T R Canada J A Denmark hcatoii’* Havre, collided or! the Siait and sustained damage Mastery Books for Shall the live whose McGown, Eugalls, Ointment cures Ba ber* Itch templated by the Indians and young man by name of Ferry came into tbe Portland, city energy E Montreal J T Ran Lewist«>n W beutou’a The other vessel foundei ed. learning languages, by Thomas Russians, and a Stahl, say Oinfuieiit cures Ereiy kind Prendergast. store of Capt. Hi nry Burnham and taking and neither war nor H ti Murtir, Brunswick T D duscliamo, Weils of Iluui»r like The general massacre is imminent unless the strength conflagration illagic. theory upon which this system is based troops a loaded revolver from bis pocket, fired it off J R Healy w,New YorkS J Cross do DISASTERS. are reinforced. could retard—Portland, the which, more Frice. 60 cent* a box; by m ill, 60 cents. Address has Mr. Burnham was si t in a chair near city do do Sch Lewis Im New York Tor Port- been freely tested in and has ng the CHedy, JRvicG'aff, WEEKS & POTTER, No. 170 Washington StTeec, Chester, Gookin, Europe, A than other in this un- Miss do Danl Castner, Waldoboro was run into an s ir dispatch received yesterday from Mazat- stove, and tbe ball took effect in his lelt fully perhaps any great stelle, Boston, Mass. For sale all land with coal, by unknown proved very successful. It reverses side, Miss do AH by Druggists. sai s the usual ion of can realize and Ncble, urtis, Harpswed 26. off Bar) egut Mb inst. and bad tore aud main lan via Sau Francisco at striking the collar booe and causing a wound States, appreciate the September eod&wlV for instead of New York, says the H Bo >dy, No Windham O Gould, Wilton torn; carried awa> storm ligg ng and cut tne vessel plan, setting the pupil to learn about three inches and an inch in forces of Martinez long depth. sweetness of the gift of sympathy from actnal J R Riley Boston C haplin, Harrison n.-ailv d< wn to the water's edge A seatnan naraeu the and Alvarez were almost a grammar and the It was narrow escape, for had the ball struck H R W uontreal Fisheries*—Twine s. was study language, it within shall she be slow to Pennell, Gray Southard, 'lhos McCaulav. was lost oveiboard. The vesstl striking distance and a severe two inches lower it wou d have experience, recognize G D Boston N Auburn makes him learn the language and the battle passed through Miller, Ray, SALE to the trade by the Ba’e, 100 Bales at anenor 10th. inside Cape v»ay. study was one this three fold cord that binds her to our suf- H G Mrs f anticipated. lung, producing serious, il not latal re- Graves, Augusta anagao, Boston FORSuperfine C< tton Twine, for Herring. Pohaeen, A d spatch irom Provincetown 1 Ub says sebr A C grammar. Prof. Gallaudet states that he C Mrs Hall. sults. Ferry, in extenuation of the rash act, fering brothers and sisters in the little devot- Moore, We'lington do and Mackerel—fluents.; these twines grade above Austin, ot St George, trom Yitginia tor Bath, was tested it as J Merril'. Skowhegan S W Milan stink on mile« regards acquiring the German lan- Another Historical says it was done through carelessness iu Cole, Ibe ordinary qualit? rundown and Saturday tight, live Doubter.—Persons ed isle of Crete. J D Farnliam, Sabaitisv’eS Evans. Stoiieham AM. SE of Nauset & h of Phila- and the the He was ar- NET & TWINE CO., 43 Commercial St. Light, by Mary Miln.s, guage, result was that after a of who have handling weapon. atierwaids J W No Newiicld o study read “Histor- Not are these for Farr, Young, Waterford a29dlaw3m bn P***'*’uN. delphia. T oo crew were saved. Archbishop Whately’s rested and was held in tbe sum ot $300 for faraway sufferers; sympa- E less than two weeks he was able to sustain ic J Morse, do Sch Ellen Mernman, Hutcnmson, from New York Doubts relative to Napoleon in his at the next term of tbe S. J is to annihilate and shorten the conversation in the Bonaparte,” appearance thy quick space PREBLE HOUSE. tor Portland, put int-» Gloucester 12th, w th loss of newly acquired language which he proved the aud for want ot bail was committed to main and head ot foremast very year of the Corsi- Court, distance. What we do let us do it quickly. C A Ingalls, Montreal C T Boston UAI |>C topmast on a great variety of The volumes cin’s jail. Woodbury. Sch IXza rranos. Hamilton, from New York for subjects. death that no such ever Shall we follow J M Gorham do person existed, Boston, and see beneath the Thompson GeoLWaid, into Gloucester with ioss ot lore- PIVOT-ACTION BRACE! thus far issued are the Handbook to the KENNEBEC COUNTY. Wm W Smi Dixfi?ld James F do Portland, put *2tb, Series will not be surpised at the hands and of h, emmg, and and bulwarks stove. A following which we The hearts the ladies of Portland, a Chas Clark, Bangor do VEGETABLE SICILIAN sail, caPey Superior Suspender for Skirts or Pant* I and French and German lessons Waterville Mail says tbe annual meet- MELatson, Sch Patien, (oi Bangor) Cummings, at New (Received clip from the Providence Journal: “Fa.r” with the C R Boston C W do Miry An Brace for the ing ot Ticonic Water Power Co., took at spring up, early buds and blos- Ayev, vvoodbury, Yor* from Arroyo Pit. reports rough wvath«r the unequalled Shoulder*! by Hall L. Davis and & place T L do C C Con Ne * York HAIR Bailey Noyes.) Mr-E-H- in his Life of Waterville evening. '1 lie soms—and like Hoitt, ad, ent re hit h n .3, a bW ALWAYS a The Major, Prince Hen- Monday report of them, send a sweet fragrance J F D ami do passage, ^pril I!, 32, during SLtPEXDEBI Leonard Scott ry, of surnamed the Treasurer showed lhat Mannington, CliicagoR d, was stiuck by ligmning, which shive ed the Publishing Company Portugal, the Navigator $81 000 of the stock abroad over the desolate > H Webb, do Boston squad, A BRACE OB NOT AT have makes anoitier and waste places? Baclieldor, mainmast and lore main and lore >ail>; also, stunned PLEASEBB issued their of the North contributiou to ihe historical had b-en taken, all but $y,5C0ol which had II Oousens, Gorham B do Renewer, reprint British Savery, the mate and one ot the cn w from which thev d d Its of the n We cannot hesitate. Let all who are It is the simplicity, durability, ease, and convenience Review for March. It has kepticism age. He thinks it very bei pa!d. Most ot the stock has already been willing E Crockett, do S Drimiy do best article ever known to articles on “Tradt loubtlul if not recover »or six hour-. V hile at Arroyo llth ult, commend it to every Lady, Gentleman or Youth. Amerigo Vespucci discovei- invested in real estate. to aid a noble and cause come to the R P Biown, Boston T J Mcservey, New York f really holy up expeiienced 33 shocks ot eariiquake Examine for yourself, and bo convinced that all Unions;" “Freuch Criticism;” “The Finan- id he continent of America E A Freiuh, Eastport EC do Restore Hair ti its Youthful before Columbus The editor of the Hallowell Gazette finds work—and at once. • Adams,' Gray Original S. h Nett e Currier ot Bath, b.iore reported lost ♦ herein stated Is true. cial. Rela'ions of ind the Cabots. The famous John J Wright, St John S D Raymond, New York England and India;” ’Re- account of his fault with the hearse to 0 hr. Chiliepee struck on the b ir Feb zb ami was aban- 70 i°ur in belonging lhat city, F A Towle, Boston GtoGray, do Prices, cent*, (1.00, $1.25, 91.30. cent voyages, which he gives an account of It will the Hair doned am. sold. The crew are on board sekr V ernal Spanish Romances;” “Popular Philoso- aud expresses his unwillingness to ride m the Those matter of fact who believe Jas Gunni.-on, Scarboro C S Brunsw ick prevent from falling otit. ms was not till persons Pennell, bound to Boston. iu its discovery published the year vehicle as it is at Jas Titc mb, KennebuukC A Kingsbury jr, PhiJa Makes the Hair smooch and does not Fob Salk by phy Relation toLile;” “Montalembert’a liter Columbus’s present. that the of con- andgks-j, death, and in Mr. The Gardiner days prophesy, second-sight, G F Clifford, >_ ornish stain the j-kiu as otaera! Monks of the is Major’s Reporter says that Mrs. Elliott DOMESTIC' PORTS. West;” “The Queen’s ■pinion, entitled to title are do v.-ur TreatL-e on the uail sent iree bv mad. High- confidence. He Libby, of Richmond Corner bad a large tumor juration, sorcery, witchcraft, &c., over, U. S. HOTEL. Marston Sc land lunks in Bewa.e oi ihe nuiu rous SAN FRANCISCO—t Id lbtli ult, Blufl Parsons, Journal;” “The Atomic of Lu- Amerigo, connection with a clique 42 removed not the preparations whit h are ship Harry Theory >t Weighing pounds, from Ter side yet enjoy acquaintance of Mademoi S Haley jr. Boston H C Readfield sold our Oli' er. Callao. designing deiermined to wear Parsons, upon reputation. aud men, laurels last The was J P do G \V Au ME n OH A AT TAILOR cretius,” “Ireland.” to Friday. operation performed in selle “Planchette.” That attractive Lawrence, Stanley, .usta It. P. m wLL «& fJo*. Nashua N. Cld lvuh al>, ships Orpheus, Crowell, Hong Kong; S, which they weie not entitled. In young * H., Proprietors. pursu- Gardiner Dr. of J Aboru, do Miss Manley, do sale all St Col 78 middle St. • Block. ANNOUNCEMENTS. lOCe of this by Hill, Augusta, and we made her fc-^“For by druggists. Charles, lev, Valparaiso. Boyd purpose, Amerigo published an learn the is well. lady appearance in Printers’ Ex- W Jones, oo F E Hitchcock,Bowd’nCcl 1. N EW Oil LEANS—at 6th inst, barque Xevertink, 7-o2awtf The iccount ot his lady doing April eod&weowlmsn Apr Appletons announce in press and to be voyages, in which fiction was change and attracted JPraitjr, do JGC adbourne,Bridgton Weeks. Liverpool. with PENOBSCOT COUNTY. yesterday immediately do W 7th sch Jos issued the present two adroitly mingled fact; and others of the ATMourse, Smith, do M-iBILE—Chi inst, Warren, Wile', month, more volumes a large, and dative au- l» F do W clique gradually urged his claim to the honor The Whig gives the lollowing as the state of highly intelligent appi Davis, Fowler, do Cardenas of their “Tartan” edition of T S do A Emma Scott’s novels, ■>t naming the continent. the market: ol dience to listen to her propoundings. She Sweat, Badger. Wisconsin Jackson’s FKRNANDINA—Ar 4th, sch Wadsworth, XAIi'l'! Whether Columbus Bangor produce Loose bay the G W G Catarrh Snuff! SALT S ▼is.: Old waB Ihe to bus Squire, Arlington J Pendext. r, Pars^nfi’d Mclntire, Boston. Mortality and The fresh first discover the or best quality sold at lrom $15 to 16, second was not, “in G G AND Antiquary; continent, not, however, good vo'ce”—respond- Fogg, Poncord G li Willey, Bethel TROCKXR PuWDKRi < Ha KLESTO.n—Cl 17t’i, sch D H Bisbee. Jones numbers he was entitled to from 12 to 14 and For Trade ai.d of the favorite justly the honor of giving quaiuy per ton, good press for the most to W H Vermont H S Moutxeal b Country Fishing “plum-pudding" edi. 'ns ing part eager questioning by Huyt, Roberts, A DELIGHTFUL and PLEASANT REMEDY in Providence, (ind sailed h.) name to it. If, as Mr. ed 18; straw lrom 9 to 10, oats E Patte-a n. D tion of a new Major thinks, Ainer- pressed do., 10; FarmmgtonW Perkins,Portsmouth WILMINGTON, NC—Cia 8th, sch Maria Hall, purposes t Dickens; historical novel en- go robbed him ot his perlormiug ridiculous hav- E laurels by a cunningly 100; barley, 1.25; yellow eyed beans. 4 75 to circumgyrations, Pike, Pennsylvania J C Perkins, < o Catarrh, llcndarhc* Rad Breath. Iloa-uc- Shepard, * hiladelpliia titled John Milton and his devise lithe S P Times; and a new hood, it is a misfortune that the 4.80; white beans 47J to 6.00, and some ing ody occasionally a lucid interval. Ex- Burnell, New York S M Harmon, Bridgton ueis. Adlnua, Krouchita*, t'onglu. NORFOLK—Slu8.b, sch Addle M B rd, Merrill, very W G Ma “G obe” edition of Butler's world was deluded his craft. extra pea beans at 5.15and shall, York H Hamlin, Ilantjur UeafaeHA* Ac., Philadelphia. Hudibras, similar by 5.25; eggs 22 to 23 cept in two remarkable instances the answers A R Davis, do W P Frye, Lewi ton And all disorders "id vtti, br g Harriet, (trom Matanzas) tor 1.000 Hhds. Turks Js'and. to the Dante and Tasso recen cents; potatoes from 1.15 to 1.18; butter is not resulting from C Ids m Staples, ly published. beat the oracles of Phoebus Apollo or Jack Balt more, in tow 1 .OOO ,l plenty, aud the price varies as to from an Bonaire. They will also in a few loftier from quality Head, Throat l Vocal Organs BALTIMORE—Ar ICtli, sch Damon, im publish days M. Louis YVa«Jbiugton. 42 to 43 and 50 dried Bunsby two to one in of Johnson, “ cents; apples from 12 to point ambiguity. This does Cardenas. 2 000 Crk’d St. s Ocean THE IMPEACHMENT SPECIAL, NOTICES. Remedy not JD* y Up,” a Catarrh bat Martins. T'iguier World, in an octavo volume TRIAL 14 round 13 But after all a cents; hog cents, smoked ham Planchette is wouder. She IrMiS r.NS it; trees the beau 01 all offen ive Cld :tl>. schs Abbie, Lor lug. Cardenas; Northern *• with over from 14 to 15 3.000 Cadiz. 400 illustrations. This a Washington, D. cents, shoulder 12 cents. Better matter quickly rem,vinz Bad Breathan I I lements. Sag ia. work, de- C„ April 11, 1868. does not always tell the truth, aud is some- Headache; ight. “ To the Editor oj the Pregg: travelling would place a larger of alky* ami Noothes and heat In Ca PHILADELPHIA—Ar 9th, brig C C Colson, Per- 1 OOO scriptive history of the sea and its quantity as li E M O V burning Syracuse. inhabi- in our times incoherent as a drunken A.JlT. is so mild and Matiuzas. The interest in produce market, potatoes betng the politi- tarrh; agreeable m its effects ry, tants is conceived in a the impeachment trial con- that It Lid 1 Waldo^oro. 200 Sacks similar spirit with “The principal article tor the past few days. cian, but the subtle motive power that positively tli, nrig Edwin, Allen, tinues unabated. The rush NfWYORK —Ar 10.h. ba:que Almira roombs •• Vegetable World” the same a'so lor tickets is even At a of the oauses its Jilt. J. IIJZa 25 Bbls Grd. for Butter. by author, meeting directors of tbe E. & N. fantastic and sometimes intel- LJi, CURES WITHOUT SNEEZING! Wilson Cardenas. chs W h iborndike, Hall, from greater than ever before A. on published by the A new novel aud members are Railway Co., the 9th the Has Removed his office a C dost and Clara * ell, Ames Appletons. by inst., vacancy ligent movements is the great mys- to As Troche ^owder, isp.ensant to the taste, eniuegos. sput sails)* We would espe* ially recommend to the fi hennen worried beyond measure in the board occasioned John A. mul never Barbadoes; Fred Porto R*co: Miss Julia Kavanagh, and one the author by applications. Yes- by Poor, nau-ealex; wliei »v allowed, install'ly bury, Smith, Smith, ‘he C nuked »alt, on amount of Us urivM and by to tery. There is no away from the 1055 MIDDLE M M ar 1* t Esq., ceasing be a member of the getting STREET, gives to the Throat and v -cal a Pote, Warren, Arroyo; Newell, Gould, ji more and of Cometh as a Flower” tetday, notwithstanding the of corpora- organs rariy.tlilib g economical .niprov pg up a-e also inclemency the was filled the election ot fact that the movement does take with- Galveston; A Kislcy. Ris'ey, Machias E P Chuich, the ol among tion, by Noah Woods place First National Bank. Delicious seniuMi.ii of Coolueos and quality the tisk more than mo t any other the announcements weathsr, the galleries were Opposite Gift, rd, Bristol ; Marv A Rich. do; Fannie for the month of Ailed at an early Esq., of out Confo.f. Rich, kind in use. April. Bangor. the conscious exercise of any physical QT'RetideDce 241 St. Il‘<*m>>i U be*ts, Portland Geo Gilman, do Ben- J. B. Burr hour aud hundreds crowded iuto Congress & Co., of Hartford have in the rotunda SOMERSET COUNTY. force the Is tho Best Voice Tonic in tho world! gal. Stetson, Rondout tor Providence. Marv Patten press of the by persons influencing it. It is un- Portland, April 14th, 1868. sNeodlm® 200 Barrels a work entitled Capitol in the of it! Gumming*, Arroyo; *»dgie M Motlit, Glover. Ki g- Clam Bait. “Graut as a Soldier and a hope being so lucky The name of the Skowhegan Clarion has been one of the more in heaven Try Mafc, Reliable nadonly .15 cents. as to obtam doubtedly things ston, Ji; Sarah Whalen, and Matv Baxter, Rob- which will be the coveted to “Somerset Sold by or mailed address lOO Dories. Statesman,” ready lor publica- pa«tevoard open-se- changed Reporter.” and earth” that are not in the Druggists, free, bins. Mni Merrill. Providence. Salisbury same. philosophy ot Fas’port; tion and will be The well known fact that Somerset has more than COOPER, WILSON He Ar sens * aro ine Doughty, shortly, sold by Gen. Thom- sheep any county our modern Horatios. TO TRADERS. CO., *ltli, Hall, Mayaguez; subscription. in the Ja-on. awyer, Ponce DAAA &, CO. the veriable Ad aDd Aason more than town w „„ Proprietors, Philadelphia. The title intimates its contents. Interim himself—was to be State, any W, w. & ( in the So Hon. W.R. Whipple Co, Poritond. Genera' Agents. Ar llth. barque biet, Harding Bordeaux; brig March 30,1868, dtwls put the county. says Flint in W holesale A Geo. C. Goodwin Ponce upon stand, gave additional interest to the Sudden Illness of Dr. Eobinson.—It is C. H. HALL &. ;is, He Co; Rust Bros Ev.i N Johnson, Johnson, via New Haven Political Nates. Reporter. Co., & Bird, Boston; J. W Perkins He W. F. schs A lela.de £anuoin. Machias; the and the with that we CO, Phillips Carroll, Bancroft, proceedings anxiety to see the At the Judicial regret announce the sudden and &• o, H. H. Portland. from do. Fears are entertained at Supreme Court in Somerset Would respectfully call the attention of Traders to Hay, the City of Mexico old geutleman and to Nov U-8seod&w6m Ar ies Chas Grass hear his story was in- county last week, ou motion of Hon. Stepheu dangerous illness of Dr. W. C. Robinson, who their stock of l.'tb, barq Biewer, Cabairien Helena, Seed. of the invasion of Lower Calilornia the tense. The former D. Jackson. Rutnos Ayres, brig Lizzie Kimba 1, trom by part of the was Lindsey, Col. Edward P. Loriag was ad- was struck with a shock on day con- paralytic Saturday u and I’ll do Good ienfuegos; Ho, Condi lm Cabarien; schs Americans. mitted to in all the ot Buy WId, you ”—DR Tally sumed Curtis in practice courts this Goods! Re. o F by Judge finishing his morning last. The shock affected all Fancy LANGLEY’S ROOT AND HERB BITTKRs in ev- Foster, Porto Rico; N Uie Bulges*. from lV«>rdA Oram Meed* Gen. argu- State. Col. in a nativa of Cumberland nearly Dry 1000 Bogii Shepherd, commanding the sub dis- which had Loring ery instance prove ibis mot»o true. do Carb Island 200 •* I lover 8>rd. ment, occupied all the at the left aDd and Sun- in of Th^y good day before. county, graduated Bowdoin 111 entered side, through Saturday Consisting part to one who use them foi hdOVIi>ENCE—Ar sch Hask from 5 0 M trict of Alabama, lias honed an order for the And here 1861, every Ja udice. Heal ache, llth, Lyra, .1, RrU Top Srrds let me that as a the 15th of Maine be Calais. say piece of legal regiment volunteers as day remained very ill. Yesterday he was Costivene**. Liver Complaints, Humors, ’mp re or For sale suppression of that Bad N. WPORT—Ar sch by mysterious organization, subtlety and technical Lieutenant, and was finally commissioned Ma- and Blood, General Db!e impeachment dis that his argument almost is to appear as the “Irish and all House, thorough!' 15th Aug., 18C7. f llth, brig Cliffoid, Mitchell trial is gave one the im Emigrant,” built aud finished mi last .-chs E H* now so through tall, good spring ieblldxwttsN S. DANA HAYES, Chemist Sa*ua; C liLr. Mi.cbeil, Gua aniPa; S H FJBirow* distinctly foreshadowed that pression that Johnson was a those who have seen him on the know of water in cellar and tull .1IfJ.lL, of model saint and stage, pure supply of so t water. Woxlmirv Woodbury. Ja ksonvlle* Alnomak Has many the President’s —The Illinois Normal is or- the abo e friends ex- that all the University now ihat he will his to prope> ty I> 1 >cated *bout one half r*ile kell, Rockland CharP>,B»an and Osceola, publicly people were play part perfection. He is river frum A VALUABLE REMEDY.—“The Vegetable Spear, press the hope that the Senate unrighteously per- ganizing an expedilion to the Moun- up tbe Stoue Dam before m-» tioned, up- do; TC Bartlett. Catd, v\ iscasset. CRACKED COP will not add to in Rocky one of the best comedians that on which dam a Flour Mill Pulmounry Ralaiim, -s one of the best medi- N, its sisting forcing on'his devoted head the ever visited this aDd large Lumber Mill is Cld llth, ship Puritan Knowles. San Francisco. Kentei.ce of remaval the tains for “scientific now in full cines t»r Coughs, t olds and f uimonary Complain further punish- crown and purposes.” and well operation: commenced lunniug since last s, Ar i‘2th, bar .ues veirimuc, Rial L- ch aureola of the mar’yr. The man* city, being supported, as he is, we fall. ever offered to the public Physicians of the Mes-iua; ment of troni —A French has high- Limar, Clifford, vieni egos. Anna Drink- disqualification holding photographer perfected a he will meet with est respectabi ity */, at o thousands Walsh, RYE AND a^ers were all the while notes and all hope that success that will The above property, if not disposed of at private prescribe oj fam- w ter. New Smith. Clenfue- WHEAT niture. taking process, the secret of which is ilies keep it n hand as a standard medicine. ilean**; brig Tangier, MEAL, not induce him to sale before Saturday the ninth day of Mav next, will lamily tclis Hattie the weak points and divulged, stay with us some time. Gettb*-genuine. REED, lUI'LER gos; Ba or, Crowell from New Orleam ; FBESII CRUI XO mid in The illogical deductions which be can an bo sold at public auction on said on the p emises &CO.,Drug- Pointer Unity Receipt Democratic newspapers, which were by produce immense number day, vlarx, Philadelphia; Ge> t»roof s, Henlev, will be somewhat at e even o'clock A without reserve. Title gisLs, r.osion, Proprietors. N»w York from the r mill*. roughly handled when Mr. of absolute A. M., per- Mar 30. greatly delighted by the discomfiture fac-similes of the best I. R. A. Ball.—The fifth annual ball of fect Terms eas/. eod-S.-lm of the comes drawings Sid. ship Nap’es: brig A C Titcomb. Bingham to make the Also about 4 if) reporters of the President’s closing aigu- left the great masters. These new the Irish American Belief cor«ls of good Hemlock Bark on Ar sens K Shaw, Philadelphia* Cleveland and St. ment of by photo- Association, at City llth, Fanny Watts, Louis the trial. the premises if wanted. “OUT OF SOKTS.” Z "trattou. Mcradden, Wi-casset. Edw. H. n & speeches, on cross-examination Stan- graphs are said to be superior to all former Hall, last evening, was a grand affair. There JOHN Burg Co„ by 60 far, the almost WAKE, Below, ship »-erald, irom Manila; barjue M B Xo. b«ry, are in ecstacies exclusive management ol works of the same kind in were about Somerset State f Maine. Take DR. S. 0. RICHARDSON’S SHERRY mo Commercial of at the the ordinary excel- 200 couple of dancers on the floor Athens, County, Stetson, from Cieniue^os St., Portland. indignation the care has I8di. 11-till 9 discomfiture of been confided to Ben. Butler. April 7, apr may sn * Id ICt j, schs J A Grittin, Fos‘er,Cienluegos; D T APr tl2w Geu. Thomas ou cross-exami- lences of detail and surface al- of the hall, and the galleries were WINE BITTERS,—the most me licinnl in the mar- His quality. They filled with Patchen. P tclie i, C stlne 7-_ nation reputation as a criminal by Butler. lawyer entitled so reproduce exactly the tint of the spectators who gazed with ket. Established In 1808. SALEM—Ar 10th, schs Hume,'Snow, and E C him to this original, delight upon the marl2eod&w6m8n Gen in his precedence, and no man Tilton & Brown. Mars ton. Ucckifiud, New Zetland, Cook; Sickles, speech at New York probably neutral, brown, red or greenish, as the case estive scene going on below. The hall was McFarland, FINE on in America is bis Wm Jones, Emery, aud PaJas, Murp .y, uo for New FEED the of superior in ihe examination Desire to call the attention to the fact that more than To Holders ot anniversary Lee’s surrender, said of may be. They are confidently asserted to be simply decorated with the flags of the Associ- Government Bonds Yorn. of witnessess AND OTHGK landing lrom Scbr A M. Goa d. that and in detecting the nice critical but the Ar tli, sch Laura A Webb. Webb, B lltimore. Connecticut, “alihough he found the en- absolutely permanent, but this must, ot ation, bright appearance of the ladies 4 O ^OW of a Ar \l h schs Car.le Hcyer. Poland Darien, Ga: points complicated case like the Jf their Safes AMPtW BEOURIIlEi VALUABLE?. P°Siti0U present course, remain to be proved by time.” was decoration enough for The nave PROTECTION In the Hardscrable, Jones. ElizabetliDort ; Abby Weld, GEO. ir. TRUE Commercial Si. they brought out of lady city,aged twenty-five, affair in the hand ior P the battle the best was in the examination FIRST RATE Union Safe Roc' port tersburg. prize of yesterday afternoon enjoys the of a fourth hav- somest manner and SAFE, GLOUCESTER— Ar r/tb, schs El en Merriman. ^ of Brevet privilege husband, everything went off charm- Deposit Vaults, sustained JnL-Ly Major General Lorenzo At a MODERATE PRICE, will please call on 40 S'ale SI.. Boston. Hutcuin-on, and Eli/.a France-*. Hamiltou, N York Congress in the rebuke Thomas, ing been three times divorced since she was ingly. 154LSHKLS administer _ EMERY & ior Portland; Idaho. Davis, do tor do. ~6,900 and Adjutant General U. S. the WATERHOUSE, LEE, HIGGINSON & Co offer ld im FI shing 28th ult Old Democracy afford to peculiar at which tached Tl'un .Farland’s Sales, can order o> s, ship Dominion, Prime Sou h rn the Church, will offer for a New Wh'te pay for ammunition to fire t'eman, perfect embodiment of West Point he had rather hard they sale large Emery, Waterhouso tit Co. coutaiu®g full particulars, f-»rw»rd'd on applioa ion Sampson. \oik. Corn guns over luck in husbands. T now f,ora thar of beautiful aud useful Jan 15—SNlslw in each to mENRY LEE, Manager. At Arroyo gist ult, brigs Pelir.ont ocke. For planting, larding Sclr. Jjhn Fainum be etiquette,land whin I tell you that he variety articles. After ino&adv remainder of time Park, * triumph, thought the Union entered To read the Mar 1808,-SNeodA toi a 10 Norih ot B lor New tti sole by party could weekly newspapers nowadays 6 o’clock refreshments will Boston, 13, wly uatteras, ldg, Young, Stand as the army in 1819, can be served The and others. it long as they could.” you readily imagine that one would suppose the of up. Yoik.uo managers these are to be At Mansandl* he is somewhat “in the sere and proceeds devoted to the goth ult, brig Omaha, Toothaker, 0’05-ion, Pierce & “Van,” the special yellow leaf." sheets cons’dered each completion Batchelor’s Hair Dye. and under seizure. Co., correspondent of half a numberincomplete un- of their bouse of Marriage relibacy. In fact he is worship. splfcndi.l Hair is the tm doten papers that the superannuated and was long ago less it contained at least Dye bcBt in the world. An fur Young Men on the crime ol solitude, Md Birbadoes 22d ult, sell Saxon, C. ssidv, lor Commereiai predicts President will one philippic on the The only tr le and perfect Essiy street, Dve-Hirmless, Reliaole, and Diseases au l Abuses which create Philadelphia. convicted recommended by General Grant for the Instantaneous. No ihe impedi- Apn,1^ ou but two “retir- short-comiogs of women. Supbeme (Judicial disaop immenf. means Ar 2 h ult. Jennie Saundirs tm Buenos cliarges-issuing ed Every paper yon Court.-The April term Noridicuiou. ments to marriage, with sure ot rel et. Sent Moody. so list,” and it was tints. Remedies the 111 elects m r. order Stanton sheer cruelty in JohDSOD to take has a of this court will this Bad Dves Invi»- in se iled envelopes, free ot charge Address, Dr J. A. s. and sailed lor-. removing and appointing up tirade, and the thing is really open mornin". It is ex- orates and 'eaves the hair soft take of and beautiful bl.cclcor SKILL IN HOUGHTON, Howard Ass. Ar at Cie meg s doth ult, sch James O'Donohue, M. L. A. advantage the dotage of such a to an brown. S.ild all .clan,,n, °f War good- getting fce insufferable bore. If woman pected Judge Barrows will by and and sn 1> marara interim> aad natured preside. Druggists Bertumers; Philadelphia. Pa. d&wom Wvman, nothing old victim. His to can properly f.t.pllvdat. Batchelor’s IS In 1st Lewis Bartlett, lor ^re'a[y responses ques- be convicted of a fault more intolerable The Superior Court will not be in Wig Factory bond port inst, brig Clark, “it c°rresPonden‘ ioiib session street, New York. rea is put by counsel were janUgudly Boston, iy. ANNUAL MEETING. rumored given in a sharp, than the egotism and in order that all “FISHER’S COUGH DROPS” 31st A Car- have a*ento impertinence of her self- to-day, members of the Bar Sid tm NueritaH ult, brig F Larrabee, approached P"8.idet,t’8 authoritative toDe and adorned with constituted lisle lor New York; sch Kate Wentworth, Adams, Members of the Merc »nti e Library AssocJa- detain R ~Pul}llcan profusely censors, then she has indeed fallen may have an opportunity to attend the Will, It taken In season, break up any cough, and j upon Senators calling Long For t lor no. “er*by notified that ibe annnu unct- impeaohment gesticulations. He to low. Tiiis Sought prevent Consumption. It has In manv cases cured •TL5Lun,ar*0 attempted assume a thing has become a nuisance of the docket of the S. J. Court. SlJ im Havana 3d Isaac Kich, Achorn, ®r thaAssocia Ion will be h. Id at their are un‘ good deal which ■he patient w en given up the and is Imt, barque rooms, trustworthy. No agent of nonchalance and to be by physician, New Yor*. %i-rl* 11. l‘U8, “fU,ChhA £U,D0!;8 pass the whole ought abated. Come at Laaill recommended to those who are troubled Hall,IonTnescay Evening:, especially 50» bhds *•« 3-4 ot ofibera and would Hair off as a The last indication we Cliai teied—'st act) Nellie Bowers, mnlas o’clock, f >r the Hccioi. for disposed, dare pretty little of fun all -It is in have had that with night coughs, as it insures a sweet anil refresh- the attemMP™8ldent’s“seduc® piece proposed the South to utilize the Spring pe* and boxes sugar mixed, lor Portland, at $8 per transaction of sucu other business as may legally honorable Senator from any but when he is is the Mains' Elder ing sleep. his L° round; fell into the hands but really coming, appearnnce of a Wine, libdan $’ pr box banuc Lillie M, lor Norih o! come bet>re t'tem or of the abundant hitherto useless of sour yoUDg Berry NASON, SYMONDS & Kennebuna. Me.. discuss crop We take pleasure In CO., Hat eras. 55 hhds at $ $ per hlid; B3P“ oils opcu at 81 o’c'nch. impeachment.” Philistine Butler on the cross man on our streets a Panama hat. It announcing that tbe abosre Proprietors; GEO G. GOOD'VIN & sugar Excelsior, examination and oranges. They are found to citric wearing CO., Boston, for s*00 lihoss $! Neversink. lor Per EDW. S. yield acid, ** 1000,1 ‘Or sale all General Sold ail Portland, gar, J; do Order, GERHI*H, The Post foundiihat his and is too cold for the robins to andC.le<»may by cicy Agents. by druggists. lor Recor Pittsburg interprets the re testimony braggadocio state- used in medicine and sing and the stir- first class Ororers. 500 bhds sag r al $ M brig Talus, North ot Hat- apr7 ltd inp Secretary. C* extensively the arts, and Druggists Country September 25. vv6m»7-8» 6> the Connecticut election ments in bar rooms were music of the hand Win8 ,B teras, 4V» hhds molasses, at $3 pr 110 galls. thus: being riddled so mer- ring organ has not been Wai?s* ‘"valuable, be lag “Democ now obtained from lemons and limes. Sid fm g7tn oil. brig Lima Hi 1. «or ,.n.0ttlie be8f. remedy for colds a nd Cardenas New Greenbacks for cilessly by the beard for some but hUhnoBAMist * triumphant. bonds. No Massachusetts lawyer who had time, with this new coinplaints,manufactured Errors of Youth. York; *ch D W ilder, Heath, do. 28th, br r me Un- neo/" ° —A says that Paul sign pulmonary from the p urc Pop Salc9 never been Washington dispatch of the and Boston; sou Pews Suffrage.” at West Point,” he became may we not hope for warmer weather. Juice berry, unadulterated' by any imi.ure A gentlemen who suffered for years Irom Nervous dine. Mitchell, Eri, Sprague, for New utter- a self-constituted official of the we The Bagley, Daniel ingredient, can heartily recommended it to the Premature and all the effects ol York. New aUd 80 Dervous that h« •lek as Debiliiy. Decay, Hired C hurch Hampshire Republican conven- reminded Pratt has been the medicine. indiscretion, will, for the take of High tion for the oneC°ffU8eda order, mystifying Presi- A Good Time fob a Good youthful suffering No 81 Broad election of to the jumPiDK*jatk or a frog under the in Purpose.—The of the send free to all who need SPOKEN. Aisle. delegates Na- fluenr dent, Senator Wade and Mr. car- “]*?**« days aged itaddeth length, humanity it, thereceipe tional a Stanton, by exhibition and levee at the 4th it and directions for the lat 6 ton 2> Hired C hurch Republican Conventcon at Balvanic battery. A great deal of Congregational tlle.mighty aadetb strength,” making simple remedy by March 6, S, 3», harqne Nineveh, from Htalc Chicago, his J.h* rying pretended from one to another Tisabalm for the a tor which he was cured. Sufferer-, to London lor Sydney, IloW. 3 will.mwt at messages Church, Newbury street, comes off this even- sick, joy the well— wishing profit by Pews in Galle les. Concord, on th« 5th of the SeDate with about a Druggists and Grocers and sell the advertiser's can do no off sch May. laughter compromise of buy experience, by addressing Aprils, Cape ua\si, Com Kearnev* Oibbs. 1 Pew on > m.«ny ,C°DTuleed existing political dif- ing, and a time lor Ground Floor, facially the part to his good may be expected. See MAINS’ ELIIKBBERRY in perfect confidence. Ironi St dago Boston. relating ferences. WINK. JOHN B. No date, off At reasonable prices, advertisement. uot 27 an (U wtf Oit)I>EN, Carystort, ihlp Jos Fish, from Mobile ly30sNw No. 42 Cedar St., New York. lor Liverpool. aprUd3wls W. «. DANA, whether the and the IDAHO new Mixed Western question should be put, i «W bwb.; 122 said, Let me try, for J have always been told tb*i | to 82. @1 old Inferior 1 2a i store. _nnociiUNGoiit. Mi. A A i Sena'c decided In the negative by a vote 18 RIOT AT SILVER CITE. 25,“oati Oats Ann; I possess a great deal of electric pow»r.” “Plan m'EB'lAUN J’S. LATEST HEWS S6' **"« Instore. Beet lUCTlOJN »AL£S. Mr. he had no more ques- San from ,A^estern ® chette” was produced. The lady and 1 p'aeed oui Stanbery then said 13.—Advices nrmer, sa.es 750 bbls.; new mess IS 00 20 Francisco, April plain @ 00; hands on it, and I begged her husband to put souk tions to ask Sherman. Idaho to 4th an account of a shoot- e*lra 20 10 ® 24 75. P< r.t and lirm; to the General Ihe^managers April give P'1? quiet sales question the answer to which was known to bin BY TELEGRAPH court resulted in the 1500 bbls.; new in-ss 27 10 ® 27 at 27 “iFlaaicliette.” I declined to cross examine and the took a ing affair at Silver City which 15, closing 121 ; but not cous. Exhibition and Levee! regular. Lard __ Auction death ot a man named Marion Moore, and dull; sa.es4E0bbls. at 17 ig 18c. But- He To whom I ZVotio©. at 2 10. ter asked, did write this u orning?* 8 tecexis steady; Ohio 20 @ 41c; -tate 60 ® 5»e. Wbtskev connected with tbf K. J. Clerk ot the wounding of two other persons. Moore's “Planehetre” Instantly commenced writing. nw<}(,eni:'n PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. On re-assembling, Meigs, the qutet Rice nominal. Sugar more active and >• „er triends in numbers, well arm- j.l The “Stop,” said Co onel G who was it. “II 'i,UrT *•Wili or Smith and Cumber- Court, testified: He affixed assembled large Higher; sales 1500hhds.; Muscovailo ® 12c. Cof- Greatest of the watchiug give!,., e^hiDUfon ; District Supreme fortified lOf Mystery Age. iias answered my ana\e^irch’ will be gold thc material warrant tor the arrest ed, when the opposing party them- fec quiet and Arm. Molasses ques.lon.” if, o’iw^,herthl* "V'h thereon, t ie seal to the of Gen. nominally unchanged. “Once a I removed the but ! elo-e an mouih. It must be sold to in the Idaho Hotel. Gov. Ballard Naval Stores [From Week,” and in board; seeing that after the estate Thomas about 2 o’clock on tbe of selves issu- unchanged. Oils quiet. Petroleum recently republished name it bad AT morning Feb. the Jivery continued as if going to write m.-re, I re- THEIR ^“Particulars Mr. Pike of Missouri ed a proclamation ordering parlies to dis- quiet; crude qu'et at lnjc in bulk; refined haded ac- Saturday.*'} ptaceJ li, that CHURCH, j lierealler. Tuesday Morning, 14, 1868. 221. brought it to him tive at the point of the pencil was exactly April or he would call on the to 25] @ 25jc; sales5000 bids.. to Liv- W bat’s B?” l on the ot CONSISTING o* E- M- at his house. perse military sup- Freights lids, asked sj from whi h I had removed and r 14-du PATTEN & CO. A erpotl quiet; Co ton per sail 5 16 and that’s *’ it, April press the riot. company of was or- per steamer ] “O, rlauchetfe!’ U t0 s0 as t0 In answer to Mr. he said troops Corn a .1 kootl Prot* e<1* went on. Butler, he had been from Fort and ® f 1; |ier til 6tl and per steamer 6jd. ‘“Planchette!* l Recitations, Dialogues ami called for at such hours dered Boise, will probably be thought ‘Planchette’ was a gave itsu8“«l sign of having finished by fciugiuo betore in cases of New song!” “iS*® a Ciroceries stationed at Silver City till quiet is restored. York, April 13.—Weekly Cattle market.— describing son of c.rcular fiourish round its at Au, ti«n. pressing necessity. 5304 “Ha'e n’t you seen For the benefit of said WASHINGTON. Several arrests were Receipts Beeves, 17,387 Slieep and Ijvmbs, 12 490 it? O, 1 forgot, you writing. Church, cn A .ril Mr. made, but the re- 11. came only WEDNESKAY, mi. Stanbery then offered to in evi- parties gs. Peet moderate active aud firm the to-uay. Phnclietie’ is not a he ils work we al put leased on bail. during song,’* saul, MXamiuing found Thomson Wil- ON olhce ll.a Fore St., 1 shall sell the wee to-dav there was a liam a»?ki£ dence, warrant and the affidavit of Mr. <; little animation, though lhe origm °' D,y blu“dei laet. Halcmda and U. s.’« oflv,., about all the ■ I i'lancbe Thomson was not if" fgL,*—*- THE PRESIDENT'S FRIENDS TROUBLED. Stanton, on which it was issued. mining intelligence. attle were sol aud the market closed the name; but I adopt it he- Tuesday 14, 1868. While Sugar, Lard, at a slight seduction from our extra “Well, what it?” name* ^ Evening, April Pore^M^;^ New Mr. Butler to quotations; 18] ** admits of two modes of si ices. Cream Tartar. York,April 13—A Washington special objected their reception. Mining intelligence from Idaho is en- 'a> What \ou sec V1® r,e.a Salerstus, March 1-7,7 highly 201; prime IS]® lair to good 17* (gj n- spelling, and in this case it the Doors open at tile President’s friends to be seri- Mr. Evarts said related to the same All 19cJ lt-*e; spelt name correctly3 7—Entertaiument f© tommence } Oc rkins, Soap-, Says appear they couraging. accounts agr« e as to the ricb- iertor anu ordinary If® 17c. and “And it- use?” in the least comiuou form. betreB. )lrocJ fi,l'fl.' vl‘..*’‘’" Tubs, Pads turn to tbe im- oil uess of Sheep Lambs Shoe ously troubled over lb given subject which the managers bad introduced the lodes now worked and which rattier heavy and demand not active Well said Colonel H|.,. n,.',,";11'1 Boards, sioieaud Brushes, &c being very wit fair ,he aU3Wer to any 1ues- G., “that’s o id! The sur- be had iu 1,16 MlOW a*,‘l diluent trial on by tbe ruling out and tbe President's counsel are to ask name is but I Vestry. Fgncv ci*ar Cases. poa .'niday testimony, that being carried ou offerings; sheared Slieep coming in more freely; ex- tlo.i'yoii’like it."°Wn right; don’t know, or have lorvotten lwS?imCllt*<0 the con- vigorously. tras 10 ,orgotlon 1 oe fFskIsVae°rAc" of tbe evidence relative to Piesident’s intended to show that lie look advantage of s) J2o; prime 9 inferior to rood if I ever did know, the Christian name .,o »d> are in FIGHT WITH INDIANS. ® 9]c; 6] ® woulJ aDy Pe“cil goo,t order and must be sold. in Mr. Stanton. the as 8,c. Hogs firm r aud on On in the teopiated object removing If proceedings commenced by Stanton tbe £e higher the week; one ln‘[of1CrZ?di[r"mikeI”'6Pli6d; looking “Army List” he found it was P- The sate of 3789 a- 1 mean W ill! am, 1.1-dtd HAILEY, Auctioneer. G a. Sherinau cannot testily on this point the speediest method ot bringing the question be- Indians had made a raid on camp Mc- to-day Cnmiuunipaw and 12 cars at that, without anv voluntary action Theatre, JJe, Hall. Apr 12th sales at 0. 1 any one’s part it Mrs. G neither knew her rinrf Cabinet members cannot, and the counsel fore Dermout and drove off the stock. The street; 9] ® 10c for light to heavy corn will write down oo pam an that husband had writ- have the Supreme Court. pur- H. suing ten to the per on nor did she know dl PATTKN , o very little evidence of any other sort to offer. Mr. Butler argued in reply that the effect of parly lost one man and three horses. »y »e «S the named, him even Losses gad A Buffalo, N. Y„ 10 propet~rImw^q|l:nfi0U-1 answer, nut an answer. by name,- nor did I. Manager, JOHK MTJBKAV. OFFICE Toey do not appear baffled, and con- these papers would be to The fight occurred at the same place where April —Flourunchanged; sales 14 EXCHANGE however, introducing open up 625 bbls. city ground at 10 25 !iui1 The next case «ccurred among the btune STREET to take a view Walker was defeated Spring Wheat quiet- to my f,ie,ll‘»•>*» peouie tinue hopeful ot their ease. new of controversy irrevelant to tbe Maj. last year. sales 2400 pnceeueu‘eteded tell me thatk'*;'1"1"'*8' Jt was and was even more curious. The regions bush. No. 2 Spring a 2 15. Corn dull and not only common manager beg. leave to announce to MB. STEVENS’ case. Colonel G. asked: From whom did I 0( tins .tv lheeltize„, Building Lots on EXPECTED SPEECH. nominally unchanged. Oats unchanged. Rye—none imp,ldtIy hear tins and ihu publ c gcucnillv that he win Washington Mr Stan re lor red to the and MSS& ite (1 oil berry fact that the *E%V IOK&. here wanted. B.rley dull: sales o 1 cur Canada preternatural!"15 morning?*’ augur the .SFUiJili SBaSyN at tliv above mid Id stre ts, at Mr. Stevens lias been all PI "k'-'d,ashave amusement, 'HUBSDtY April 1Ctil, at 1-2 past rSuudav) dictating speech lie expects to ted in evidence as the lirm at 20 50 @ 27 00 for as to ”hyyon had this made specially fur Colonel G,—“N<», 0K tw*elv. declarations of the Pres- heavy, quality. J.ard visit to wrong there; try again.” Premisci,> w'U he sold three rood make ou the closing of the trial. New 13 firm at your Scotland, fur th.t here it PianJteUe.—" James.” nSfis?" '•1"i balla- ident to prove his design in \ork, April —George lloake, of 17}c. anticipating v,z» uncoil tbe comer of employing force, “Are you sure,” sai.t rvf.si Washingto" nd mb. logan’s speech. and went on to recite the Providence, has mad* a match to Tom CmcAGO, April 13.—Flour we, “you have not heard on street circumstances at- fight steady; Spring extras from any one named James?” Commencing Tuesday also ,1‘‘" Washington ailjolnlng; in 8 50 w li Eve’Dg, Lof "’ll1"1,11 tending the of Kelly two months for $1000 a side. oo. \\ heat moderatelyactive aud advanced l-? on Wouldnt.ee-. will te Mr. Logan has an eleven column address discharge Gen. Thomas, 1 “Quite sure,” he in the Times. 14 f.do .'.'iLtj They he which, @ }e; sales No. 1 at 2 04,- No. 2 at 1 90. Corn active replied, deep April th, 1808. Par*,,,y°r together as ihe rea said, they would was TIIE ERIE LITIGATION. F anehetle” wan I ,r li company desires, ly for the occasion, aad Mr. Williams is §bow ordered so as to and firmer at an 4 thedi- requested to say w here “James” advance of] @ ; sales No. 1 at 824 rectiou^‘Beiie»?«ttai?" o human hands? «ufwnrtwwMhoUt live and ™'h and time. The lots ari anx ous to and ar- prevent the President Iroin certain I v not 1, ed, ondon.” desir 1 if'h,‘ir °“t"h?lf discuss the legal question- testing the ques- The motions in the Erie noticed @ 83c; new 58] @ 59c O its less I rep] A “0|“ A tion. litigation active; regular 57Jc; did till I had tried it. What was his surname?” FIRST CLASS whhout reseivc. de- the on new Evidence would be shown them that for the fresh 59 R e dull at 1 &Uw you give itu COML’Y rr /. V-o "7 raiga President specifications. chain ers of the Court ® 59]c. 61 tor No. 1. fair trill. 1 have left one wlu of the Oem J Supreme to-day Barfey with our friends here r “Planchette” wrote it—“G— rk»lrl,,iLt*a*er *t tfme offfCh.lot herecjoirid pur- liomas was not as a were quiet at 2 41 tor No 2 7C non t •• sa!i*. pj m b at tha mb. Johnson’s condition. regarded great adjourned to Friday. Instore; sample lots 2 35 think t i.y quite like it, but A> e has Criminal 2 60. Provisions it wlHwitte'fhr yon quite sore,” we again that been d ore ot Thomas on by those who procured bis arrest. quiet. Mess Pork n. minal at 26 25. M.ss A, and you it asked, your5 engaged. Wa*liii>gu>u street, and GEN. Lard try with her to-mor, brother Janus did not write to at the aucti net r.s*.Vl.ii^ke Another dispatch says the President’s coun- Mr Butler when SHERMAN. inactive at 15 a. 17c Bulk Meats iu good de- tU“ JV.” youV The office. ; rejoined, the Chief Justice lllaclll,le' “» explained iiy J.ve!” exclaimed tins < Evenings entertainment will commence wiih JJjJj 9t(f sel spent most of Saturday evening in con- ruled Lieut. Gen. inand; dry salted shoulders 11] @ Svvect pick- ofusin!' the mo le olonei: he did—to tell that the warrant and affilavit were ad- Sherman sp*-nt the.Sabbath in Ld lljc, me not to go up to dinner to the sultation at tire Executive M msion. Hams 15} @ 16jc. in st jc day, because li. v lather Si>arklin£ comedy entitled The pro- on New to Nothing doing live (. had Boots, Shoes. Jfcc, at A uct ton missible, and taking the yeas and u:iy9 his \ork, returning Washington last even- *,i'8 Instance—»nd Is just discharged the Uglier. ] (J iiie of the Senate on have sent Cixctssa II. April 14 —Pork dull and I foreoi.” ceedings Saturday ruling was sustained—24 to ing. held at full statpiViikeah-r“J_0Hk! said that inv iriend B. told me ion 'X’lie FltlDtY, April 17lb, at l usks a and alter First EXCHANGE ST. did he at In a fight Between two negroes iu steady; 70; ite 2 70 -at 7 «.hmi°ra ru, 1 h<';r<0", quest 01, and Ihe clergyman, a Another dispatch the time of making such tender state Holmes 2 05 2 15. wheels move. Blanchette” at the conlerring together In ill Baptist Society. says impeachment trial a Spring @ Corn firm at 88 9,* fir tiavcr-es ilu> ..nr per side ot tlte room io what his in so county few since one of them was near- @ Mixed: ami the -r utiles' new The question objected to and submitted price for very choice. Oats a- wheels, ply. «benq„e3iron tist something develop*. defence The heavy 701® 7-v TAB Society, will bold a VAT ILL be sold at public auction on can to the Senate. Tbe and steamer Wabash, of the Erie Rye firm at 155 1.85. 2 ’ “,hat H Planchette” Saturday, put in all tne testimony they can get to- yeas uays resulted in railway @ Burley 50 @ 2 00. Provis- al™» 'Joes so wro'e, Town.” &1*’Bt the Merchants 2d to so tbe line, arrived from ions easier. Mess Pork 27 27 wi‘^?0tt„e“”"a” LEVEL A XI) , Exchange and the a 22, question was put and answered to-day Detroit, being the 25 ® 75. Bacott-shoul- to SALE. 1-16|J. brig Ella \iatil- now day, managers have but tew rebut- it rare iv committed the Maria, lavu-g lb this 2.7 ve:». first arrival of the oeraldjc; clear rib sides •No writes, at for am It wses 'S~ ,HTa!l the!‘ party. j.on. witnesses season. 17c; clear sides 174 ffl 175c Ids', one, bur gen '’’eTe'tryotiheirucw Church on ions O M. Mettled lust November. ting which desire to put iu to Lard firm at 17c erally runs about the *"* lw",rm;” i” Congress St., Built by W. M. they Air. Johnson tor tierce and lor paper, round and round or *wa’s Coin^,V?o~lmJStl0i! Ploi Ion of lheir .Merrill Ol Wes> the detriment of Gen. Thomas and to make then offered the additional dull I7]c keg. Cattle aud l.ut it will “I'.l Pf house of w.irehip brook, and is in good order. For aBd unchanged. up down, almost always write in i he he no or. nlteirv.. n question: “Will state hi 144i hsi phi. it t1kere1c0uJ‘i collusion liore. The lalv WeHue-day nnd evening, and mi pnitlcuiurs call on Stronger the point < lorce, which is one of the you what he said his end, tba op rotors persevere. But hvr who had lier hamlson I April l°.—Tobacco—sales a0me ,*o- “Planchette” did not he ir the liursday evening. Ap.i! Hitt, and lint poors noon J. E. most purpose was?” a # it wou’i move at I DONNELL, vital points in the case. Mr. Johnson, a horse thieves hung. i, to fair leaf 5 119hhds.; ple all. must say,” he cunlinued and there was the at 2 o’clock P BL, mr .he .Sule „t lus,8 25@ 15 25. 85i>. corroborative testimony* Adrainl.trat-t i/e 6o» s *oi». who is tube will Objected to, when the Chief Justice ruled F'our—superfine a ly question,of the c ergym m us to Ojaters, B.ilced Be^ug, Ice p„lcV »rtXe lawyer, sworn, swear that 13. —The at @ 8c- Wheat 2 45 t!-C ^ne wrong, and that its whut tha. question was Cre*u»», etc Rcrved affpr April 14-itul or the that the Memphis, April Mississippi papers io0^O?«qU1?! @ 2 50 Oats prophecies—itrVh an,Ter? s loud ai4 oi 1 do not to 6 O’cio. k P. M. Auctioneers. Gen. Thomas did last week that question was as it tended prophecy—are generally profess und island thh and can onlv A. mission rk el d, re,, say they would admissible, state ibat the bodies of two white men I? CorTlal ® Lar<117*c- Mess Prtrk but is it r.ot ts’„ under to show ttie ^ 7n’ ?0c stiauge that it at as.-time that the husband It years oi age, lBcia. have Mr. Stanton out of it or sink the import of the President’s were ClCar 8ideS should^vrftc possessed some magnetic * ship. action, found to a tree near Hernando 173°* Whi8~ Ljhe,; over his ap7l«Jt Hiuiiuiv i.ataat and ui banging I) 25! wife, tor m the three cases uuuuinK Auction MR. expressing liis opinion remarked that a few ke^2 @°2 1 remaned power cited, SUMNER’S VIEWS. days since. It is that very, dryly. •Tlanchette correctly, when Mr*. 14»« Alike Wot And. this Court was not bound supposed they replied by the same restric- were horse who Memphi*. April 10.—Cotton dull; receipts 342 ‘•At' I Mr. Sumner autta>rlz3< the thieves, were hanged by the ba you.lon'tbeUcyeit.aaU don’t wonder.” ir, questions, the answers to wliicli Free Lectures. Vt/H-L besola on contradiction of ru^es *u evidence as some of a es; export* 123 01 tho And tlieu lie told me sbe by anction, .SaTUhDAY, the admitting citizens. bales; exports week 54ot Ins ex] eriences ot it. lar too was ignorant ol. the stiteuuut tint ex- stock on I'UU.voliVi.rii next, at 3 o'c'etk P recently published he different character. bales; hand 2**81 bales. Mess Pork 28 50 (a) numerous to and dwelt Oati the utterances •v U., 2903 mention, particularlyy on the of “Ftencfelte” bo ihe valuable 1 t of land oo the Souil pressed th3 opinion that six Sena- The ; prime 2u]ders I4*c; eleirsides i9c. Bulk wo he I Vaughan Sfreef, being 74 hot on 1 ine and President’s sulted 26 to so the EUBOrfi. Meats—shoul- ladies,” said, “had fheir hands on it commend the matter to I beat 100 feet v acquittal. 25, question was answered. ders clear and lection of Dr. Kadclifle And others on a gfian, a joining ihe giounds of Hon. 13£c; sides 17c; clear rib 161c. Lard 18 nit > lias so in crested ate invited to SERGEANT BATES. Tlie conversations were (d). tocreilulou. as closely studied these cordially attend •i. B. brown. Tina i* long; the President 95c* 80c. Tar Coin !-,^aS1n“ke<1,Vr<1UTyi u so I T,lt' ,Iwasaa subjects. a course oi tree lectures one f'llie most desitable Ins to ™oru from the flat arc, re.-olved to ask a I lam too to know by on id witness that the FRANCE. l?c\neat puzzler. bad been ignorant whether it Is possible and will be sold without on Sergeant Bates will arrive and relations between Stan- 90c. to hearspu geon tliat the BramLall, icserve, Tuesday plant ton and preach shortly betote leavi g Kn«- nerves having their «eat in toe brain could «>K. II. C, liberal terms. For of the on the dome oi the himself were such that he could not Paris, April 13.—La Liberte this and. 1 with BENNETT, plan propeity, and i articu- flag c-apitol. morning Wilmington, N wMtrttuck hie text,the wonts thusact, as it were, in conceit nithibe eall on rl office lias another of C.,{April 10.—Spirits Turpentine X ,.tVhi'h br in, and Director otMisericcrdia New lars, e Aiciioneers Sole • n ti e j i« n-hts. Pave administered proptriy in the the series of editorial articles declined; sales at 59c. K.isin distinctly I without conscious effort of the Institute, Haven, Conn, SMUGGLING ON THE RIO GRANDE. interests steady; strained 2 30- retucmXiered, tliougU had lorzo.teu any mini or will, pro- oniltealinjc by on hands hi d collateral conxq once of the storm tbe abo'esa’s of the and the whole calculated to pale 5 50 6 00. wherethey came ttoni. So duce ihe formatii n of laying loftier! army country, allay general discontent aud un- @ Cotton—no sales Tar 2 20! Iskill ‘I’l indictH.’ it leitcrs and words such as am me was a< Juurnen to 18 at a p M. to the absence of custom while he held to-day. toi sr.entitic, lies', religious, etc., illustrated bv a Saturday April b, Owing officials on the position of of easiness, which has b en and met when the hands are as 1 have dcs on tbe E. M. Secre-ary War; inspired by receut terse. chapter laid, tibed Charm/'the Uidvoi so. premise*, PATltN &Co. the Rio Grande and on the coast ol in the desire to Jssrwn.f-V"-’’\\ e looked it and “\di?“I,,ione'1 it was on “Planehette.” Texa*, promote and care for these in- warlike of the French Govern- F.remu Market*. up, right!* Now that Apr 6-td there i> much the preparations was extrordmaty, was it not*.*” This 1 do 4tli Lee nre smuggling. The force for the terests, President said he offered witness ment. To give some idea of tue know,—that the hands will, under cer- Monday Evening, depth of pop- London, April 13—P. no markets. PP°rte tain ci cum prevention and suppression ot has Position of ad ular the M.—Holiday; Xoa 'epeated the words of the stances, write without any tonsci.un ei- at Horses,. amazes, Ac, at Auction smuggling , Secretary interim; witness teeling writer says the United States n>vf1*11 I >rt on 11°’c'ljrt, Library Room,Mechanic’s asKeu the Ltvehpool, April 13-P. M.-Cotton M a,id wrote the part of their tor 1 have mote than been quite active along the Gulf of Mexico, President he aid not a at Paris is higher: JO,U,g‘ad'eSreCOgnize,Ut’ owner?, HaM' SATURDAY, at tt o’clock A. M on ne* why have Legation overrun with JS °" 4,0 [he reply.” when case made I* continually 8P,t and to or^e, opprts-ed with lalicue, heat and ovet- N. B.—Dr. B. will heal the sick EVKitYmarket Marfffei 1 shall and has been eminently successful in def up b.v his so as to reutthnieu. who are M uliinS J',p,anins ,','W arrive; without medicine lot, street, sell Horse* atiiig lawyers bring anxious to escape th^ Middling Orle 12kl. Com 49s. Pork 85s. ae tcxt ca,ho work, ialien in1 o a doze with in at KoomNo23 L. ans about a Cheese from my pen my hand, and S. Hotel. dailv from 10 io la A. Carriages, Harnesses, Ac. the n of the horde of that infest change without an military service to which are 58 when I have smugglers involving witness, they uow liable .-| LF,lflraa af;61s3d. flrin. Po'roleuiu •iV&ViSiivSSwhere reeovere consciousness, I lmve f mud M, and 2 io 4 V. M. APl »• F. O about A officer in the under the *°W dccl,ne,i t0 Sugar 1 could not that a|ir3dti BAILEY, Auctioneer. the region Barritaria bay. short time army; in this matter the Presi- provisions of the new aud 4s 6if- Other articles un- deny the as that in the nnc> im-iocsne-s of army bill, were circumstances, ctated temporary sleet 1 since iL an dent it changed? but I liav© still attack made by agents oil a gaug replied could not he but if it knowing nothing oi the American laws ol nat- extraordinary; contnnS myaJlf wlffi been writing althuugn I am bound to ’ctit Once establish tlie BEN promptly favorable ed. The mcladoa $8 each and boxes (here) the imal T0» g into involuntary. mo'ion, and COl'TON and MAM SJi.lKPl.KY’s tt5rm«- Paris races at and hoar*1 must on tn il it > October 12. dt says Gen. Grant is so manoeuvring the troops l iie began Long Champs this $2 each ta load at Sagua; 53 go packing’’ connection, exist i the sens I have referred Chief Justice ruled it could and a barque Nerersink, between as to be, afternoon, and were very attended. The d" For ‘° “* ““1 to, the nerve- and the -once.m virtually neutralize Geu. Hancock, as decision of tally wuf- h.lJgar? do> S‘0' Charleston, SC—Sch I brain, short, the court called for a debate was won Wihie Martin, 500 hatdiox—'an'? went to'bed' explain the act of MINSTRELS! commander oi the of the At an- being quiche prizo by owi ed hhds. d rcct a 5c gal. delivered. ‘PlanchetteV’ writing, and the Department ensued between Pompier, by £ matter f it Entire Messrs. Butler and Evarf-s. the de *ir *' Hatteras—American need excise no What is more Lliange cf tic, and place him without any men under his Marquis Lagrange. M. Fould’s Petit f*.0!*11 barque Lille M, c surprise. Programme! The former in the course of his 500 hhds. Card a unexpected or more sud ien a __wmsD. comrol. remarks hav- Corporal was winner of the lutece The Sugars, nas, $9 50 each; b.ioue man whom I had ugS? '“iir was''a than change in the cur All the Great Comedian. bis prize. 9J0 known for rnr , rent oi our in Many New ing by tone and manner in say ing the de hxcelsior, do, Sa-'ua, do; do order ( Br), no ido Intimaiily ™,, though s? \Vhatmore wonderful than WITNESSES FOR THE PRESIDENT. ques- Marquis Lagrange's famous racer R sch ty years,-a nan of wrapt out, truth -tawnWt the human Frstare. 1 tion was put by the Senator from Long meilioe, do; Ben Breland, 19> do Molass-s mmd? Boarders Wanted. Maryland, Champs took the iadrau a "as But I am The Orchestra in The Post’s not as prize. Sagua, $5 110 gals, g c g c, |,roverhial anion gettingout of I have Elegant Original Protlac ions ! GIRLS can be special says the counsel for the counsel for the seemed to in- do; brig Talba, 450 hisafrf‘nbktrl m«, «*«riM*UtrfU,ne88 a man of [ iny depth. given accommodated with board at President, THE do do, Cardenas $5 65 do do. great but wi.hout one a plunand .ruthtul 55 Pre&ideut to had sinuate to ABYSSINIAN WAR. ot an ability, thoroughly account oi iuv own ALL THE TWONo. Bracsett street, up s aire G od refer- up Friday summoned seven- »he contrary, Mr. Jonnsou and paiticie .gmaii ,n,-j„ sliori of DANCERS IN FRIENDLY STRIFE rose, ihe vei v la?t man experience ‘Planchette There ences Call or teen witnesses for the iu a to take up a li ,e th are, doubtless, repaired. Thursday Friday afternoon defence. very emphatic and nervous mauuer re- London.—Official from QefcenJ question s with m many others irus. FOR THE or dispatches Boston Stock I.tsl, enthusiasm equallv worthy, who cculu cite ex- SUPREMACY! evening. in command of creJutity What was 1 to think? He me periences even EMANCIPATION CELEBRATION. pelled any insinuations, adding that he regard- Nap er, the Abyssinian expe- cave hi- more inte earing. Mv object in re New New _aprl3cilw» Sales at tba word, which I knew I oo iid tr Burlesques. Songs New Dances! ed it as his solemn as dition, have been received Brokers- Board, April 12. st. that there was no coidmgm.i e is to draw tie aitention of duty, a to put by the government. tuck in scientific Admi-siou 3S The colored people of the District of Colum- Senator, United u,—that what he told me he hail men to a curions cts. Reserve I Seals 50 cis. Doors Wanted Immediately and perma- Hie They show that in of States 7-308,,lane. seen; and very .-nl>j cl.—t* whnt be a at are qu-stion. spite bad roads the Brit- 10$j lie me to msy open 7—t commence si 8 o'cldr. bia making extensive arrangements to cel- challenged give th-* nutlcr a fair nd new natural p or ritber a new eprUdfit Mr. Butler insisted that be meant ish forces are 1061 lor .rial,: »wer, development of ebrate on n< xt the no sar- steadily advancing towards Mag- judge mvselr Now, there nre hundreds of a natural it js nently. Thursday auniversary of casm. and small. Kg j men, power, worthy oi a careful examin- doJa, meanwhile there is evidence of f and in >re hundreds 01 ation or »hi mm the emancipation in this District. every United States 5-20s, I8C2 women, from whom one wo iid bv unprejudiced men oi and I ty good of pleasing a ’'’re?* M>\ Johnson the intention ot the rei ei e a statt meat or sconce, hope to sell expressed himself satisfied. King of to offer this sort with of my slight sketch Induce some of JLET. TWENTYby subscription in New Eng'and anew Abyssinia J'llv. 18C5. 1074 many grains 1 may them to give KNIGHTS TEMPLAR LEVEE. Mr. continued 8 rious resistance. salt; not because the> are unwoitlivo •Planchette” “a _l'J standard re I^ious boon needed in cbiistian fcranbery the argument in de- Nov, 1865. 1 credii.bui be- lair field and no favor.” every fence of the Geu. in 94 their ieui< oraiueni would incline family. The Knights Templar will g.ve a levee on claim that counsel had a right to Napier his latest dispatch, dated near 166 1074 cause them to be led captive by the wo"dertnl and MANUFACTURED AJ D FOU SALE BY Store to be Let. There is bo other work of the kind in this which will be attended continue the examination. L^ke Ashangl, March small. 1084 the m\sterious,— country; Wednesday next, by 17th, says: Our ad- omne tgnoturn 3 and those s the be Mr. vance will reach united States I pro mayniUco.” But my f ien ■, as I stor ed Brick store, No. 206 Fore applying #ou, t oppouunity evsr from New Bingham followed. In the course ol his Lake Ten-torties...... 10 s have Street, cp- Encampments Boston, Hartford, Ashaugi to-morrow.— stid,wa"nolone or them,— in tone osito foot OI Plum S ottered to will be ai lit he said Ihe with the Maine State Sixes. 1889. [ tobecanied c. IX. THE reel, now occupied bv L canvas-dog agents given. Haven, New York. Philadelphia and Balti- game tho of the wituess rear, and trains, away or FARLEY, P Brown a o 150o d >llars w testimony artillery supply New Hampshire State Sixes. 1875 by any speculative imaginative question. will be v« ated on the fir.-t da, of .Mav Salary pr ye«r ll be paid to more, so tar been to is three march ." 99j He is No. 4 E efficient accompanied by many distinguished per- injurious respondent, and that ! days behiud. The is Eastei n essentially clear-headed and hard-h and {change Street, proximo at which lime osscs-lon can any and reliable agent who prefbis It to a country Railroad Sixes, 18 74... 9, it aueil, l be had The sons. his counsel wish to cross-examine mountainous aud difficult for would be a very poor store has a commission. him iu the very the artillery Rutland 1st Mortgage outios 7a. 147 compliment to hi- c.xinmon good cellar anil sub cellar. Apply to hope of and traius. sense lo suppose that he PORTLAND, ME. Ladies t ea make tbe best of UNVEILING OF THE LINCOLN STATUE. eliciting something better. Mr. Bing- King theodore is near Eastern '-aiiroin. believed in thespiriuaiiiv ,J. R.BRaZiKR Town and County Magdola, * Uoai<1 *'* £3?“Price $3.00. The trstdo 3tawtf agen's. None need but those of stric. moral ham also maintained at soon that where he intends to make a stand. Androscoggin Mil s. My curi°sity was piqued—and supplied. ApnI13 17 Blackett St. apply On the same day the statue of Abraham Lin- length It Letters .141 Hoi fa Andress t»v in the of the from the Boston amt Maine R R Jeep integrity. letter coln, in front of will bo unveiled w.is power President to procure captives say they are well. The Rights.. 34 Next at J. M UN City Hall, a Michigan Central morning breakfast I referred to “Plan- HOE SKINNER, judicial settlement of the case means a health of the is Railroad.. cliette. To Lease. aud dedicated. by of troops good. 1)44 Alias A. was evident a Care B. S warranto. The y convert. My •loltii Moulton, quo effective force under Gen now host said Crockett’s A BARGE lotoflaml on the west side of Plum ll-dlin Box nOMESTEAD FARMS IN ARKAN8A9. Napier notimig. My hostess confessed she did not Apr 2918, Boston Mas*. Mr. Evans f on like it. PA stree near Mr. Brown’s remarked that hey were perfect- advancing Magdola numbers 33,000 men. quite Others ridiculed it, and the subject Hotol. Enquire 32 Two hundred aud fourteen ly satisfied with the ti lopped. OLDEST PLACE Og BUSINESS i»amorth strict. faims, compris- evidence given by wit- GREAT BRITAIN. BOOTS and SHOE*) aprlldlw 13 295 and Aiust of the 1e ing acres, were, during February, added ness, Mr. Bingham concluded, having guests t that day to make wav for a new and wtien AGAIN OPEN ! For WANTED J to the productive force of Arkansas under the spoken with groat earnestness. London, April 13, Evening.—A great review A-t batch; evening came Miss A and Sale To Let. of volunteers was held at Reduced Prices t s it dow 11 to “Ptam heite” v-ith Homestead law. Mr. Henderson aske4 whether the witness Portsmouth to-day. two, at least, o! AT rj ORSE, Buggy uud Harness: Two new Safe*. in every ciiy anil town In N. K. to aril Over men FOB A SHORT TIUK. ou. lookers-on, who had never the President 30,000 were in the ranks. Vast heard of the “eiit- a, J. V\ ilder’h. Agentsand centre! territory tor the *icw and ceie rated any advice on this subject. crowds of lur before Tb spectators from Portsmouth aud the to reduce on present Stock of Boots 130 Store aud land on Plum street to lea re. Senite without a division refused to ad- We 1-laced our hands on Street. an*l Siloes to llie lowest “Planchette,” and ask d Exchange E. M. SACRED XL h CONGBEES—Second Sam®*. mit the surrounding country, and from wit- WISHING po*sit»le point before some FATTEN & CO. EXGRA VIXG questiou. London, question For a while, it was then _J*I,ry_ nessed the • Volutions of the removiLc to our now St >re on middle St., we slial stationary; The managers then notified volunteers. it begin to move under our Gen. Sherman Ibe sell from this date from our large stock, hands, and to run about For Sale or to that Newmarket craveu race com- consisting the paper, hues and be Let. they would require his attendance in the meeting ot Ladies, Gent-, Mivsss, and You hs Boots scoring up down, sometinus ‘■Christ the menced and will Boys sometimes on Stilling Tempest!” lhe Impeachment Trial. morning, and he then left the to-day, continue through the and Shoes of the best at last, slow; our hands s anely touched Widgery’s Wbarf, late'y occupied bt stand. quality, manufacturer* ir. It is GtorgeS. PitlCB present week. The craven to merely the effect of l STORE Bar>iow, Esq. Apply at Portland *J,73. Gen. Meigs was re-called and the stakes were won prices, in order close out our entire Slock, so »s pulsation,” said. produced «n Rut we and FURNITURE Savings Bank, or to Farmers. S'uden s, BusinrM and the enter our New persevered, presently it to foim Profession* docket from by Florence, free handicap Store with as ne nlv a new stock began* AND- TtlKI II book, which he read the entries sweepstakes by leitefs. JONAS H. meu Mbo can devote ail or ot their tine BAY. and the same as possible; we shad therefore sell from our PERLEY, Esq. part to the to the Thomas and Sillnus, stakes oi fifty sovereigns pre- Apr 1*68. «*ale ol this w.ll relating Stanton case, and sent S ock through without was, “Whatletters are engrav- 0, ap7d3w work, no' mil to bj largely remun- by April regard to cost. ed9jjr in Qfjcsihin CROCKERY WARE I the Court at 4.45 Turpin. this locket. The locket was erated. Apply tor to adjourned. Buying none but goods of the Hsi quality, we shall mine, and I of teniiory course knew the 1 -tore K. H. CURR 48 Winter Washington, April 13.—The of the Hoi'8E.—Mr. have n me but goods of a good to show cue-, letters, though had not opened to Let. ,N, st.,Boston. reading Washburne of Illinois offered nexibo. quality the locket lor a time. Apr ll-dlm w as tomors; but we shall endeavor to sell them at noout long Miss A. was ignorant of 50 store in tbe dispensed with, and the Chui Ju>- a resolu which was t xem. CARPETINGS Union, upper Block, and next journal ion, as low a Ihere were four of w hich K stated the adopted, di-couragmg CONSCRIPTION AT MAZATLAN. figure as goods of an Inferior quality are letters, and B. NO.to Miibl e street. Enquire of the subscriber a* tice question before the Court to be ihe transfer to a sold els wci e the last wo. PlanoheUe wrote “K. of all W private company the Island New where B.” I ob- kinds, No 4 Cot on st. J. M.COLBY. Rent anted. on a motion as of the York, April 13.—A Mazatlan N. served that the K was ormed allowing many munageis of St. Paul, off Alaska. special, B.-We continue to make as usual (im* differently Irom the Mar 5-cootf a bouse in dated has the manner in which I write »he TjirANTED the western part oi tbfs and counsel to in a full debate as April 2d, following additional C'utioni Bo«t« and Shoe* to of the besf letier, and I asked ▼ v suitable for fit participate Mr. Lynch introduced a bill to amend the order, viiss A. to wri* e it in her Window Shades ! city, a sc class boat ding news: qua and at as low ordinary way tsne did so, wi*h to do so. act ity workmanship prices as possi- and this To boute. Apply to may entitled act and re- Mazatlan ble. was unlike the K written Let, concerning registering underwent a furious conscription by Planchette, the cheapest lot iu Portland. SWREISER & Mr. Sumner offered an amendment of and on examining the letter in the it Second story of the lower store In Donnells MERRILL, provid- cording chips or vessel j, Dec. a lew. nights ago, and another is threatened A, GO locket, exactly April 8. dlw* 161 Middle SL approve"1 30, WELL, with it. THEnew corner oi ihat no further corresponded Mock, opposite Woodman’?, Mid- _ ing postponement shall be 1792, which was referred to the momentarily. Ab-olute terror in the dle Committee on reigns Cor. Congress and Chestnut sin., urar Clt* Now, as I knew the letters, and Miss A. di not, and Vine streets. Said room i** 100 feet bv 42. cau.-ed which was Mr. Commerce. interior where have control. Gen. the infl ence Nice Gilt Shades at 75 cts. It has 2u wind- vs in Baker Wanted. tlu-r*by; accepted by they Coro- Hall. which produced them must, I presume it, very wile .handsome* en- sen. na is 8. have betn trance on 'iidillc and Freiinghuy After some eagerlv looked for to put an eud to this April dtf-new S&W mine, not hers, yet mine s*, is ine best room »or an) Want a good Cracker Setter, who we will unimportant business the House for I involuntarily, ALSO, pay Before ih..- vote was fu-pense and terror, lie has settled the ortainl did not direct the Jobbing business, to let in tlio cl»v. Apply to food No one need taken Mr. Williams, of in a lo the Senate Guad- consciously pencil, WE wages. apply (bat will proceeded body Chamber. indeed, had Ibien and \V. F. PHILLIPS V Co. not attend s the de*ired io be and alajara difficulties, it is said, by hanging seve- dishonest, intentioua ly in- steadily to h work. manager*, heard, spoki After the members returned the laid fluenced it, I 1 14s Fore Street. * Speaker ral bandits, ami was to depart with the last ot should, imagine, have written all Tin and n ALFRED PIERCP & O., about twenty minutes in lavor of the motion, before them an invitation from (KiAISSIOlUi me letters and not two only. Glass, Wood Ware ! January 24. eodtt 4-d2w the Committee his forces tor this State on April Ms. the 10th or 15th I vc hostess five _Biddeford lie was followed Mr. who suid he of Arrangements in the dedica- g my letters, which I had receiv- In iact in by Stevens, having charge iust., to like services. ed that every nameable thing the house furnishing tion ol Mr. perform day, and begi-vd her to select one without To Let. would desire to speak in of an Lincoln’s monument, inviting the line at Boarders Wanted. bmfly support THE WAR AGAINST THE •ur i.nowhdge. ami question “P anchetie.” M:e members to be iu attendance on REVOLUTIONISTS. LEE & A TENEMENT it) Franklin Street, containing! FEW Gent amt and can article which he had been instrumental in in- Wednesday nid i-o, asking the initia s of the writ, r ernen, gentleman wile, "STEBBINS, The reply rooms. A one on next. Lincoln and would Oen3. Para and Lillentini formed a junction *as again K B. It sr., containing k A be accommodated with hoard, at troducing uLo be to have some inform their and proved that the letter selected & rooms. to glad Mr. of with Gen. Guerra on Customers the public Hooper Eaton’s, Apply Mr. M. LIBBY. No. 224 Cumberland Washburne 111. moved to invite the the 18th ult. at I ur one of our Street, of his associates afforded to Durango, WOULDgenerally that in addi-ion to to their present '^a?.no*'."r^ieu b>' B., by most Dec 20. Franklin SL 4. d2w* oppoiiun.ty speak. lo a and the entire commands will dist nguisned 130 April Speaker prepare proper answer. immediately re- store No 36( have a general officers; but it was placed iu Exchange Street, Borlland. poiltf__S3 Mr. muddied his motion Congiess street, they opened an Fitlmghuysen by Mr. Baum suggested that a sume their march to reinforce Gov. new store at nvelope (not see!, by us) directed tho owner committee of the Kubi._ by 23T" Cash for To the that one of the man a House be are now ot these m.tids. paid Furniture, Carpetings. Stoves, Let, aduing proviso only appointed to attend. They reported in liue of battle await- &c.. &c. No. 1 hat the acii n of the pencil is influ- aprl3eodtt Spacious chamber* in the Wo»idinan Wanted gets should close, and Mr. Sherman offered h The Speaker said of course it was under- ing the arrival of the Getleral 103 Middle Street, generally Block, Immediately. commanding. enced by those whose hand" are ovt*r ami 30 feet front stood that Gen. at on the board, I THE Varney Baxter’s, bv 120 further amendment that additional time to each any gentleman who desired could Guttiercz, the heal ot tbe Wiih an enli e new have no cavalry reg- stock txpressly impoiled for doubt; out assuming these persons to te *ale of feet deep, well adapted i'«-r tbe Boot and Shoo busi- A GOOD TENEMENT WANTED IN ▲ be but led ou Non-Resident Taxes Side should not exceed time preseut, the Hous^ as a could iment, Guadalajara the loth ult. to them, consisting in part of Jfiuo Havana Ci anil to abstain lr m ess. or Hnig, and {&K Hours. body not, join 'ar*, honest, any volunlaiymove- The taxes Caps Furs, Clothing, Dry Good? P°0<1 neighbmfood. «ts had but the above forces. The whole from the celebrate fa it is lollowing assessed in the City ot Port- or Ryliil Bout well the the they recently passed a resolution to ot tbe fourth di- tones of Upman in H van*, ment, equally be\ond doubr that this Millinery Fancy Goods bu-iuess. Taking into ac- Call at the Press Office. opposed restriction limiting n influence, land upon non-resident owners lor the year re- Daily attend ihe trial of .chment. with the last will begalia, Londra. Figaro and Conchas, sizes. Also whatever it may is is. ot 1*66, count the location a ad that a'l aie received to on*’ impe vision, regiment, reinloree be, involuntary. It course, goods close manager. a 1 of to maining unpai), having been duly a-iveit -ed sccord- and in The stated that on the Gov. Kubi’s army. grades Partagas which they call the atten- per'ectly easy to make tl.e pencil en discharged the leai by rue id Ms Paten Speaker 31st of March write, i agraph- t-o much of said real estate will be sold Wanted. Mr. remarked that the counsel for tienof Contiossieuis. whee’s being, ns one knows, mi t ingiolaw Elevators, ibis be tonsiderecl one of the best StHtibery the House ordered the on Gen. Corono is at or every sensitive. a. auc ion on may previous question daily expected Copala i. et us s e that A. public rents in Portland. 4 KENT for a small no cHldr central- the Fre*idcnt neither nor favored tin ippo and B. intend to make it For further particulars enquirt ‘amily, n, opposed the passage of a resolution from the Commit- Pauuco to direct the government forces an I against Domestic Cigars, write one ot two is either Wcduciday the. 13lh of tie subscriber. ly located, not to exceed 7225 00. Ad- w tee on the thing- necessary, they inst., motion, hich originated with the other side, Printing to print 40,000 copies of Man- revolutionists. The leaders inu-t be c^nfeder and 4dtf dress Box 2210, Portland. revolutionary .te, agr«e to write the same at the Treusurer’s office at 10 o’clock A. M as mav Apr GEO. W. WOODMAN. ager Butler’s will not attack Kubi in his of h irown manufacture, consisting of l-d2w but they were opposed to any limits opening speech on the Impeach- mountain fastness- Perfection, word, or one must Le passive, and must allow be for April s'ronaly Pride ot Havaui, Old time-, L & S <&c., Sic. the necessary the payment of the interest and ol to ment. The now “Shall es but are selecting a battle of their o her to wi ire i». tion time be allowed for final argument. question recurred, ground The particular attention ot Smokers is directed charges uue thereon. Tenement to Let. the main own between to for the sake ot question be put?” Cordia and and a 1 heir fine assort ment of Assume, argument, this to be the SCHEDULE. Wanted. Mr. Sherman then withdrew his amend- Novia, bloody Meerschaum Pipis, which in waich Lafayette sr, Miyov. Enqiro of H. Mr. desired battle or lor ! way answers are p liow will the Names and ROWE, A PARTNER wanted with a small to taka Eldredge to effer an amendn ent ignominious dispersement must inev- sizf. st* le amt quality they have no h sitarion in uduced, description Tax Architect on the mar24dtf capital, ment. following admit ,4 explanation? ON piemises. an infeiest in an old and bu- t) the resolution. follow the movement. The pronouncing th^m the best ever in the o' propeciy, Value Due long established itably present displayed city Uue of the guesis, who had siness well. Mr. Butler then intimated that in no way ot ot an will just, arrived, on the oc- Adamc Caleb, heirs ni House and paying The Speaker that it couid be done forces Corona and Kubi’s cuimnauii are esti- Portland; examination convince the pub- cas oii referred To replied by lic | to, asked—“At what town did I pur- 1 rnd 74 Danfoith St. 36 Let, A. «T COX & CO. would he take of a chance to unanimous consent. mated at 5000 and ot the trutn $3^00 $79 Room advantage speak infantry cavalry, and a lew chase these sleeve-links?” Nelilier Alis* A. nor I Ansou Land Lodging to let at 21 Brown No. 3511-2 St. and (h The> have full stock of Turkish, and Ger- j .lolin, on Alms Congress again, sued to know whether the coun- Mr. Eldredge offered the which pieces of artillery. The army of Martinez is French, knew. House st. PLEASANT Mar 25-diw Dealers In Real Kb ate. amendment, man ernes. and Smokers* of the latesi 200 4 96 _streak_mar23dlw*thentf sel for the President desired the rule was read tor that there ba set down at with Articles, luBianuj, in a Ann H.. House and changed. information, print- 3000, principally inlantry, styles. All "rade* of Plugand Smok tobacco from great nullv, wrote, Bishop lands ed for u-e some ing ‘Abeiuese” 19 an*» House to Let. Mr. Sumner offend a that all the of the House 40,000 copies of the cavalry and artillery, fhe are tbebest Factoiies in Ihe 21 Gotten s 2800 69 44 proviso troops Country "WiO' exc’nin ed the aliening argument of tbc President’s with onr trienJs g,” inquirer, tiiumpliantly: Blaekstoue Wm H H >use and land JOHNSON, Dentist, will let a part of the to a mai who shall close. counsel, principally supplied Americanjfirearms. Thanking and the public tor past fa “I them $10 Guaranteed. agers speak bough iu Paris e ist side Dow 900 22 32 house No 13 Fix© to a small lannJv. $20 Day Judge Curtis. EXTRAVAGANT vors a* our old stand, we trust and will endtavor to street, DR. street, Mr. Kvaits said if the rule was four i RUMORS. Biu wrong as the answer was, it in Land M r 20 ee W. \j, lay proposition the wildest rumors were afloat that the shire matt, that lie had Just come trim liner- Guiltord Elijah, and application Mr. said the Senate amends the put Buildings Apply to J. L. FARMER, WILSON & Mass. 25.-<13m on the table. Eldredge Uuited States Patent ite»s. Here, then, was a conglomeration of two Guiltord Court. 600 14 88 CO., Boston, jau House Government intended to take places land, Mar17-dlm No. 47 Danlbrth cor. Park St. bill for raising revenue. Jump-Seat Carriages. with which he was and I Sr., Mr. Drake raised a point of order that sueh forcible possession of Mexico, and immediate- connected, this, think Hodgoon Geo. L., land Douglass st. 300 7 44 The Speaker that wa3 a constitu- proves that Miss A. and I were honeel in Jordan Charles F land east side Boarders Wanted. action could not be taken Senate replied, interfere in the war perfectly by the silting ly civil in this State. An- 4 LLOW us to call your attention to the Kimball the matter. Had we tional right, but the rule said that either oi us intended to write Washington st 500 12 40 TO LET ! FEW Gentlemen ora gentleman and as a court of propositions other followed that a American m. Jump-sbat Carriage—as used for two or Aberdeen or bo&rdets, impeachment. lor printiug extra numbers of documents must report large Inverness, we shouid scarcely have Libby George, house and land A wife, can be accommodated at No. 20 St. naval (our persons. We hive made a great number ol Myrtle Overruled the Chief and a vote fleet was sailing aud steaming here with produced such aquaint combipation of the two. Cumberiaud «t near Locust. 3000 74 40 November 6. dtf by Justice, be referred to the Committee on these C the Printing. all haste. The images past, four years, ranging in weight We put many more u.s that Millett Edwin house tak«n, 38 to 10 so the rule remain* Mr. people actually believed these questi evening, the P., and land A resulting ; Eldredge asked that ac ion on the reso- from 335 to 425 p mills, ot tour answers to " HALT 43 BY 73 on the that the Americans capable carrying liich were, some right and some wrong; 97 Slatest $440 * ; house and BEET, lution be in ardor that reports ground pe« son-, and we believe are unihanged. delayed the House they universally but Iain hound to say that all the answers, were land Paris and were determined to get a foothold betore the grownliked b *t, $>500; house and 48 feel Ililrb, LOST AYD PUim xne examination oi might act on it and amendment tter than any Carriage ever before ottered to when the onerman resumed. Jur. at a future arrival of wrung questions related to subjects un- laud rear Danloitb st, $800, 7700 190 9G time. the second advent of European Pow- the p iblic. known to ami asked—After the restoration of Stun- us, put hv a third person And in Nichols Mary Ann. buildings and Stanbery ers in the Iu addition to those heretofore which we almost all In The Speaker replied that the committee had Kepublic. bu’lt, cases, this has been the result ol my ex- land 27 Merrill «0 19 84 Tliomas ton did form an as to the desira- have greaily \\e have invented and atent- st, Building, Lost* you opinion AFFAIRS IN JALISCO. improved, i perience; but not in as I will show aiterwaros. Owen land on Cross st. already reported on the resolution. e< and re * all, Mercy, 500 12 40 EXCHANGE ST LADIES BreastPin. Homan Gold with «*ol or as to the of the service of ti e no making in eti'irely NewStyl*- I was suffice ini* rested in BEET, bility good Mr. utly litis curious little Paine David.bouse and land Port- one fin the same be Eldredge desired that the resolution be The condition of ihe State of Jalisco is Jump Seat, with to fall back or take A globe setting. Any ting will of War de- Buggy Top oft, mac me to mane every kind or aftci- land st, $00 OVER MERC RANTS’ office Secretary of being filled by an- referred back to the makin-'six ditfeient the experiment ID 84 EXCHANGE. r-w anted leaving it at No 10 Wilinot st or at committee, so as to have Tbe Prefect of Mazatlan has order- ways same Carnage c m be wards, that I could think friend ts. Pi rre Clias. H. hy plorable. ol, my having L, buildings and For to this office. other than Stanton, and if so did you express the two acted at the iigtd. each perfect in it-elf, and manufactured by no presented nto with one. land S3 particulars, <£c, apply aprlldlw* propositions upon same ed all residents to give up ail their powder, Sumner st, 1300 32 24 vv. \Y. other concern iu tbe United ... THOMAS, .JR.. your to the Piesidcnt? time pari passee. shot States. I found i m 'St ainu -ing in to answers re- Pi esc *tt land west side opinion and firearms. Stirring military move- it replying Wm, iuari2dii On the Mr Finding impossible to supply tbe demand foi la ing to the future, all Ilie answers premises was made and Kelsey objected. to a final proving W'Ol.e, vYash ngton st, 400 9 92 Lost. Objection Hrgued by Bingham. ments, preparatory conflict, keep the these desirable anu in the old fac- hut some Mr. said the popular Carriages ot course; were so unexpected, and so ab- Rand Wm, hoii'e aud laud 26 Friilay, 3P M, betwten the office of the sub Mr. that the of in- Eldredge House would see the in a constaut state of excitement. Tne we have built a and com mo for »«ale or To Lei. Sianbery replied question people tory, large dous factory, .rd, that they can ed the greatest possible tan. It Green st, 1400; laud Hanover ONscribers and WI gety'a Wharf, ;t sum of mot ey resolution could not as a was not revolutionists contiuue corner Preble and Cum lie land tent w as of vital did not pass quorum conscripting without streets, Portland rep ie I equally willingly in French or an in $ 1900 47 Hist-class, thiee story brick with free- in Bank BbN; a suitable reward will be to any iinpoitance. They « Latin, 500, 12 house, pall present. have the ior the manuiacture of these an Oriental In ail cases stone tiimm number tbe s inn* to offer this testimony a* an abstract but mercy. They depopulated country iages exclusively, languages where the experi- Randa'l Klbride, house and land THE HUB. thirt’ five High street onere.urning opinion On of and we are now to fi'l all orders at shon was For admission the House the yeas and districts, and last week seized by violence all prepared ment luneaUv made, the operators did n**t con- 53 Brackett st, 2100 52 03 particulars inquire at tire house iei9dtt E. CHURCHILL & CO., as judgment tormed and expressed by the sec- notice and o reasonable teims. influence lt-d3t* nays were lorty-three and fifteen. No quorum. tbe meu working in the cotton factories. The sci' nsly the pencil. Roldn on Charles W, rear } lot Apr Portland Tier. ond officer in the service for its He re- We have let ers lrom nearly One Hundred persons Tiie I is a good. Adjourned. mills this are lU'iwing curious, and, me to land Spring st, 300 7 44 To Let. in city consequently closed.— and mese all supposing ferred to the relations between the owning using carriages, stating that he of lal ehcod in the a Robison Robert I ost! existing Manv other branches of are incapable matter, conclusive I. land on Fore with business in a like they surpa-8 ever belore invented for n instance of Rooms, Board, tor Kontlemer- was . anything this:— »t, 800 19 34 LARGE NEWFOUNDLAND b'ack with Piesidcnt and Stanton and claimed it com- condition. a mil v and all PLEASANTand their wiv.a. at No. 12 PUP, caringe, recommending to purchas A brace et was on the table. On John Enquire Clapp’i white breast and An one a IMPORTANT ORDERS lying the clasp Schwartz C, building on \ paws. finding such to that a distinguished like BY GEN. MEADE. YUCATAN. them in preference to other kind Cuts of th« was a wo d Block.teblTdtf petent prove general auy in Oriental characters; on the back ol leased land, Lnne s 303 7 44 log will be rewarded by leaving him at Paul Pr nee or Sherman believed a should be carriages, price list&c., sent on .he were ini Grant change , Ga., April 13.—An important or- The capture of Puebla was celebrated with by mail, applica- clasp ials in Luglish. 11 ad my hands Simpson Daniel.£ no. se aud land & Son’s, toot of Wilmot Street. api?dlw* der Was tion to the subscr.bers. on To Let. made in the interests of the g«>veiinnent. lie promulgated yesterday by Maj. Gen. great festivities at Yucatan. Blanchette," a friend Jo uing me. I knew the G een st, 400 9 92 Merida, All persons are caut:oned makinc to which Meade relative to the election hereby against a,game the word b mv friend Smith Mar? A land Fore and Board, pleasant rooms, at No 3fl T'anlurtl earnestly to the Senate for the sake approaching in Tbe journals in V ucatan have been or selling the Kimball in- Iongei; E, Lost! appealed suppress- Patent Jump Seat, as our did not. The question “What aie »t this State. The General says: that as ed till after was, the An o fir A Warerville sis, 900 22 32 WITH oc28dtf Hall Tw'slav F adt-rk S'bie Muff. of to admit the evidence. First, electiou, which takes place tbe lGth veitious and patents cover every movemeut ioiiia'soii ti-e back ot lit.; City vtnirg. justice numerous possible clasp?” Planche.te Stackpo e Chas A, house aud one the same will be rewarded resignations of Sheriffs in of oi both seats. instead f wrilin } IN Any finding by ir- Georgia April. _ the letters Mr. Butler rejoined that by introducing are tendered on Luglish at the back land 32 Danfor h st, 1800 44 64 leaving it at the Pnaa office. apt 2d if the eve of an important elec- wr te the initial in ihe relevant the law would he broken to' letter, Oriental character of S aeivpole M S,1-8 house and land testimony tion when there is time to make new C. P. KIHIBJLL CO., he word on the Iro .tot nc^ ap- the cla p Now lore was a 32 D.uiforth st. 930; 3-16 store ASSESSORS’ NOTICE defend* the of law. He said there such COMMERCIAL. r certalnl L»st! breaking pointments, resignations will not be ac- PORTLAND, ME. plv coiitiary to any expeciatious which I and land Forest) 300, 1200 29 76 mi ht ave been ncue ’he Vet'cr for the i*r- Would be no limit to which could be cepted. Sheriffs who have been so Ion*' in Stir ontinue the manufa lure ot all other supposed to have formed. I knew Smith Thoiu&s land on Ham- \ SQUIRREL Tipret; inquiries New York Stock uud L, Assessors ot tlie City of Portland hereto \ vice it Anvone such an arti- office at Money Market. kinds ,vhet was wit,ten on either side O' mond 92 liaseecn thuliujf to a witness. 1 lld opened firmer: S re t from their termination?- Haneliette” misspells. Once it insisted land 19 11800 292 64 all their oils anu marie on or beiore his evil intention is his merous complaints have been made that such opened Vesper northwesterly *• Temple 4,209, | e>taies ai d all estates real un< May 2nd, next, sufficiently proved by at 138}. reached 139 and closed at also on »x»elliii‘5 commander” wph one and Walter east sonal DEPOSITSwill comraeuce nieres* ou tliar da-. laborers are to be intimidaied from 138} @1383. The tiCougre-s street; iny out a new street- par- ‘-magain Benjamin F, land pe held by them guirdian, eocu or admin act in bieaking the law. It was also immate- voting by Assis am Treasurer sold a wo tcmlied it ell it The last Dividend was halt million to" day. The allel with Vesper sirect, and < ne hundred and sixty again tosj right; but no. We tried side d Walter's la~e. 1000 24 80 istrator. trustee or 0H1erw.se, as on the flist day 01 at the rate ot Seven per fear of the loss of employment, the Germans were tree a t it letter by let«tr, cent. rial whether Stanton was or was not a tit man employers buyers, and renevva ot specie fe easterly of the same, running from the E stern pausing between each letter; but Whitney uior^e W, land rear Apiilncxt. and be prepared to make oath to the arc forbidden 10 cont ol the of laborers is tor < ne “m” would it write. •JOSEPH C. NO' to be retained voting suipments looked next mont:. Loans were Promenade to Congress Street. only Alms Hou-e s*rejt, 200 4 96 truth of the same. ES, Tree*. in office. Evil could not be we intenti thicat' of discharge or by other made at 6 per cent, and percent. lor Als»la out a n*w street from to Had .naily influenced its we Wilber I-14land irorn And w ten estates ot i ersons deceased have Portland, April 11, 1668. apr 13 eod to 2 done that by oppressive } earning.— Munjoy street action, DorcasF, been M*y good come. the ar^ s 1-ouid have < might Referring to means, and they are told that any offence of Governments ra her lower and cjo-ed heavy an«l the Eastern Promenade, Beginning on th? eas erh irely made it wcue two, which we fully MerriU st t shore 200 4 96 divined nurini the past year, or have changed hands of dul Clewes & Co. si ieot Mu exi- cted it would do. trorn reitiHik Stanbery that Stanton did not take this kind is on coov:otiou before a enry turnish die ioIlow.ng4 30 .joy s reet at a point three bundiei aim Yates ElizabutbD land and build any c u-c. the executor, administrator, or other VTOTICE ia hereby given that the subscriber has punishable n Ge« its in the Cubiuet quota dons:—Coupon 6’s 1881, 111* @ 112: do 5’s 1862, n ty five feet fr. m street. then ea> erady, blunders in orthroiapbv are the ings Laurel st. 2200: house and pc sou inters td, is hereby warned to give notice o ii been appointed and taken upon himself the part counsel he said there was Commission. Third, it is the Congiess ot Hi duly Mi.itary duty 1103 @110}; do 1864 @109; do 1865, do right angle- wi h street to the Eastern blunders se who.-e bands are ou it. For ex- laud 62 Fra.iklin st, 4000 99 20 >-uch change; and in delimit f such notice trust O' A'lnnnlstirafor oi he estate of no fUch the aud the desire of the General to 10*| 10*4; Munjoy 1*00, will l»e thing contempla'ed by constitu- commanding new, do an I whereas siid ample, it wrote a French word for and an HENRY W. held nnd-r the law to 7} @107$; 1867, 107} @107}; 10-4C’*, 101} Promenade; p titioi. was refer ed me, put. HER->LY, pay t< o tax assesse 1 althougl Fit %NCB J. MILLER la e o» tion. Members of Cabinet w« re to be secure to voters an to vote @ loi}; 1-3u’a, @ Tnere were some sales by the Ci y Co \\ht h 27th. to accii't *n i:, which s>h uld not be because I Treasurer of Portland. surh es ate h::s been we coudder and act oelieved it s.ioiiid be and in a over. given on fur advice respecting affairs of their own de- restraint,tear to-day, up.,n, therefore th-.re; writing Latin bonds as the law directs All persons ha ex ee Not ce is herebv to all wo d for a lad it it as the anv ing de- II e President must Therefore, all good citizens are called upon to ling $2,030,00 gi\en parties mteresL it. spelt lady thou'tit it And person who neglects to comply with Ups mands th ‘ostate ol said de show that he Stocks weak and that the Joint suottld be sp Rutland upon eased, are requir- partments. in to have the election con- opened lower, particularly cor Standing Committee of ilie Coun- :it,—wrong. Portland & notice, will he do med in a tax to the laww all on Stanton tor co-operate efforts City according ed to exhibit the same; and persons iu eoted had tv- r called written Central and but imprjvei at the t o’e ock call. cil on out new wil. meet to hear Tjbuui up, then: mv exp rience ol PlancheBe” of theSi an I be opinion ducted as law. Erie, laying streets, the ite, barml of ihe rights to mak«. a) to said estate are called to make mem fairly, required by Theie i> some Ibat its upon pax to or that he had limi an oider which he anxiety about t'»o Erie bill, which parties and view the proposed way on the ^enciuliy ut ei ances are nnmi.-ta able Railroad pm atiou to the Cjuntv Commissi oners tor abate- given e?gliteentli t Company. auy BENJ VmIN II. FALLS. Adm’r. come up in ihe Senate at to-morrow. Tin; of at lour o*cl ck in tbe •manat ons orn ourselves” «iilnut ment 01 had Albany day April, 1*68, aiternpon. any conscious nia taxes.uni ss he shows that he was un- Westbrook. 186*. aprlJ ilaw3w* disobeyed. PPMVSVLVANIA. prevails that it will be amended so as at the corner and eflfjrt of will on our us a IViend t> I in- more than s*ven of the persons- April 7, impression to ofCongre>s Munjoy streets, nnPwill pans, wlmm undersigned, able io offer such lists wd bin the time ap- if the counsel admit oi the x tro luced Pi incln named in t'.. first section of 4,Aa act to iucot- hereby Mr. (Jonkling inquired pro- MR. STANTON PROPOSED FOR SECRETARY OF easion of the broad guage westward then and ther proceed to determine and adiuige tte* excellently puts it. But, bc- THE pointed. 1 ot Portland & Rutland H iilr >ad is that the subscriber to that Sherman hud advised the and to authorize the Erie Directors to raise the nec- whether the pub iz convenience said sueets beTiuo,as course do, hat t e wlia< v- porate the Cmipaii.,** S. B. VTOTICE hereby given, bas po-id prove THE IREA9UBY. requires influence, BKCKEIT, ) and taken e luml< iliere’or. The clause ab.mt the or to be lai l out. cr it be, L a purelv natural I ne.tl noi sav March 6th. A i> 1:68, hereby give notice, W 11 been duly appmfkfed upon hlmsell to the in »*ary recent ways one,—for approved \\. BOYD, ( Assessors. Prcsid nt procure change any partic- it I should deeru the fir-t o> the n the trust of A«iiuimsirator of the estate of Harrisburg, April 13—The following com- issu* of stock, is said, will oe struck out, but the Given under our hands on this eighth clay ol jhai it an iu-u t t» my intellect we»e that meeting corporators med in WM. H. POYE, | ular I said w 11 be held at tlie rooms or the Po.tLmd way. munication, In aded and under the anti-monopoly features of the bill will be re'ained. April, A. D. 1*68. iSupposedtuai b.*liev *d it a supernatural influence, act, r 4riT*Biank schedules will be furnished at the room ROBERT HULL. Into of Portland, prepared Trane 'J liomas HI Mr. Sianbery replied in the negative. The auspices ol the State Senator from Erie, is The market closed dull bur siea y, though rather J d'nh McLELLAN, 1 -tiie -act tliat its uturanco is a mere jell x of the Board of ck, Exchange street, in ot the Assessors. in the County ot Cumberland, deceased, and bv under die point of the ALBERT mind oi the oper does uo: ihe in- t e of Por’land, on tlie iWtii- veii bonds, as t he law directa. All witness his as to de- K\gue<. llie Governor and all the highesr day. Pacific Mail run MARWICK, Committee itor, detract from «*lty WEDNESDAY, Portland, March 23, 18GH. mar 21-dtd ?l per*.na bavin? de- only expressed opinion Republi- to on of but EZRA ! on terest it is impossible not to t'-ninth da of Apt il, A 1) 1 6S, at three of the c'o. k mand* the estate of said are * can mjinbrs ol both up W3 covering shorts, declined to 88} CARTER, Jit., leel in it. upon deceased, required of some Houses and heads of de- it na in ilie afternoon. io on the terms oi su sirability changes. a d ciose l dull. The following a e 5.33 figures:—Pa- J. c\ LEA VI T, ; Laying Out Is any ura’ p>wer noi yet lullv understood? agree scrip to exhibit the same ; ami all persons indebted to aald Evaits said of partments: Mail New York JAMES does ihe tion ho times and places tor r City of Portland. estateare called to make to it was not inertly the question To the Honorable cific 88} @88}; Central, 117 @ 117}; NOYES, I New Way pencil move? and if it moves, why ceiving subscriptions, upon payment Simon United States do 71 H Ge.0. H. I does it form leitc s? tin se l tters to trie capital stock, tl e admission ot associait >, and mtns P. Puller and others have JOHN T. HILL committed a violation of luw which Cameron, Erie, 69} @ 69;; preferred. @ 75; udson, 127 <@ CHADWICK, Streets. Whv does it pm IITHMIFAS, Aug Adm’r. having Senator: into intelligible all measures to the ot saia Sdl 12 ; d .1 .in?, 8*3 @89; Michigan Central, 113}; ici.- Apr 9-dlw words, wbarevtr sense the e words neceeaaiy organization TT petition'd the Council to lay out a new Portland, April 7, 186*. apr w3w* was puinshable in another court as small Dear Sir—The City by undersiged, your political igan Southern, 88} @883; 1*1 nois Gem. a, 140} @ may have? Whv will it move for one, write for corporation. Street or Pubii Way in said city —beginning at the as six cents now and do a ted at Portland this ninth of A D* penalty fine or a few days impri- Ineuds, at Harrisburg, the seat of HJ; cievelan l & Piitsb T', 86} @86}; T ledo, 10:} Commissioners* Notice to Creditors, another, neither lor a thir ? day March, northerly side of Con-i ess street, one I uudred and Estate of Hobert Wi liams. the 18C8. sonment, but it was Government of Rock @92}; Ch cago & No.th Annilier is, that sf it writes n word you eighty teet nonhe\*'erly from Merrill street, extend- a of commission Pennsylvania, would @102.'; Island, 92} bee the Pro peculiarity question respect- having appointed by Judge of can’t read, it rewrites same w».rd Jacoo Me Leila u, John A Poor, in' wHh lh* s on-wall which is that the subscriber of in ai hable ful v a-k that toe Western. 62@62}; do preferred, 74} @74}; Port bate tor it—icanil**stlv Hie northerly parallel sep- hereby giveu, has p. offence, upon contingent succession WE thi County ol to rece ve in John J B Carro Executor of punishable by deposi- W no, 10 i} @ 100}; Missouri, *7. Cumberland, —the same up and down strokes, in every twist Lynch, 1, aiates the land tormerly owned by M. P. SSiwyer NOTICEbeen duly appointed the Will oi tion tiom the ot the Honorable Benjamin F. Wade to and decide upon the claims ol the ere iir..rs of John T 0 W iliam highest offi.-e, in which the shares 35; a ad turn —over and over it you will that it Heaney, Deerlng, from land of e;i that irust importance. receipts ibatsix month commencing lhe 17l1i <>l W Freder'ck upon by giving loads as at- mend to the President, on b -ha!f of the Siati ed to balance day March, is tasen up in the middle oi a w’oro, and put down Geo Woodman, Ruble, erly sided Cong ess street at a poim tour hundred All <1 Mr. held $3,369,69 .; payments3 $2,457,597; $101,- 1868, have be*n a lowed to said creditors to John law directs. persons having demauds ui on Bingham that the rules of pressni tin at toe sa ue resume if« and Aug E Steven-, M Adams Ice' northeasterly from Merrill evidence of Pennsylvania, the transfer of the Hon. E. 632,134. and tlicir ag spot, it will writing anil thirty street, ex the estate otsai deceased, are required to were the same on the prove claims, and fhatwewill attend to finish t*he word. at rhe A K Shurtled, Samuel d ri:ht with exhibit trial of or Irom the ot War When in its co irse it arrives Anderson, tending noriheilyat ang’ei f'engress st., .the mue; and all t*ers ns indebted to beggar Presi- 51. Stanton Department to the service a signed us on April 1pC8, Fre lexick G J L F said estate are dent. DonieHtic Markets* Saturday 18, e Ige vt the nap?r, it will often continue its wri-ing, Messer, .rmer, to Turner street, aud whereas said jietitlou was le- called lo make aviuent to. that of the Treasury. Be pleased to say to from 2 to 5 P. M. at office of D. H. Cor. R M Enoch upou j New Iugrahaai, turning round and writing ups de down, so that you Richardson, Knight. fe el the City Council, March 27th, 888 tithe WILLIAM E. Mr Evarts to on our Redfobd, 11.—Oil Market.—A sale has o- Exchange and Fedeial by interrupted say he had in Mr. Stanton behalf that the April sts, Portland, and on the must reverse 13. did for them to cons MORRIS, Exrenter. his country been mode ot 61 bids. the paj er to read tswriting. April undersigned, der a d act upon, * 'the® 100 the a debt of sperm, recently linded, to n 18tb day of ihe following mouths lrom 2 to 5 PM, at Exchange Stt,r* remarks supposed President to be on owes him gratitude for his eminent Generally Pi mchet o” will not write for one therefore 7 trial terms. Whale Oil is in ac- the same pines. PERSON’S Portland, April, 1868. l»*|w hr off. nee and the services in'he War that can tn e but2“ P.rivate rerson. two being ireutlv inmost cases. TROUBLED WIIUL Notice n» hereby given to all that petty repelhd insinuation Depaitm-nt demand, holde-s have advanced their views, Portland, March 23. 1868 app required parties interested, and fee* B t iu two instances I have s cn it write u r a single the Joint Standing Committee of the Citv Council that he could mete out never be adequately repaid, that we y"'eiZRA CARTER. Jr., t_v. 4 Fin. schooner Klebir, Capt v^uina ba.es 280 bb s. Wheat @ heller with a mo leta't Apr ll-dlw* out rhe tor and is ring Nets 300 oeams Line Yarn, all grades. succeed. I will detail them. j P. LEAVITT, Laying Tnri er will sail tor above poru in a t Hong Kong Yokohama post- demand, part for export and home use, sale 56,50 experiment ; placed. poned to the 15c AMERICAN NET AND TWINE CO., I was staving with some triends and speaking ol JAM PS NOYES, tew drtvs. For freight appl.v to H. O. Chief Justice h, owing to delay in the arriva bue'i.; Spring No. 2 at 2 40 (g> 2 4o in ston OF Jhe said the courtjmust decide ol Chicago No 43 Commercial 8treet, Boston. Planchette,” I said 1 tanci^d electricity must have KINDS JOB PRINTING neatly and CEO. H. CHADWICK, j Streets. York, or rhe Capt. on board, hea' steamship Constitution from Panama. ai d delivered; Nos. 1 and 2 Mixed 247. Corn 1< this '' January 18. dlwt2aw8m a good deal to do with iti performances. My hostess ALLpromptly executed Office April 9-dlw Long wbart, apr ^■————UM REMOVALS. MISCELLANEOUS. BEAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. • Poetry. | HOXiGUS. U 3m Pi’ • _jjj _ The Irish Wife. R EMO VA Li. Home and Land for Sale. ALBION V McOSE. j desirable 2 story house No. 31 Aider HOUSE BY T. D'ABC 1 St., Montreal Ocean Uo __ AVerycontaining 15 rooms ; suitable 101 2 families. Steamship wife AND I wou’d not eivo my Irish Thoroughly built and finished The lot Is very s of S:ixo>i land— For all me dam. WINSLOW & CO. large containing some 70i 0 leut of land ami has a very CARRYING VHE CANADIAN vvl S. -f I would not give mv Irish 0 fine garden spot. This property will be sold low and AND UNITED STATES ^ Fo the Queen of France’s hand. have removed to on very liberal terms; plenty of water of bo' h Kinds JjfNIXG 'BOOMS! For she to me is dcater For tUrthur particulars as to terms &c., which will Tiian castles strung, or or life— be liberal ot On tlie Plan, lands, No- Free Street. very enquire Kuropean PuMnier* Booked to Londonderry In ilf .th w mid be near her J. F. LIB BY, Bo.urn And rise beside Irish wife. on the or St. 117 Federal Utreet. Liverpool. Ticket* ttranted at my Centre amt Mid tie Streets, and will premises, 311 Congress be Apr 11-dlw Reduced It at... BETWEENhappy to *e••ve 'heir customers and ihe pub- completely repaired an every Oh, what would be this home ot mine— as in room r.ft.ii? Va,.bcen !«•-, heretofore, with the choie. st ol everything Tbe D ninr Boom baa been en- TheS. S. N. t tor an A ruined, hsrmi -h.unie i the laigtd, tfc”',84-ire Cnp'alu, Pntton.will leiive place— De-irable House and Let for Sale. .coed, ana this tor .1, on sATliltu Bui tor the light that shmes. gieaily Improved. port Livoipo y April IS It. n’ghtly niter the rrivnlof ibe Upon its walls from Ka lile n’s face'.1 very desirable pioperty near the head oi MealK at Immedia'ely train o. ihoi..- rpH&T nil Honrs. vious dav irom Mouueul.io be followed l What comfort in a mine ot gold— PROVISION LISE ! X Green St., Known as heAlvali Cushman pro- y the hi'- on the 25 th A is for sale ai a low amt on Meau every gian C.pt. Gr.ih.un, ril. What pleasure in lite— ,, perty, figure most tavora- day,w llll royal firm name of i».llp.,oy.lera to t.ondoudt anu If the heart w.thiu lay dead and cold, under the o'e terms. Tins Estate irom its proxiu ity to Con- Passage rry Liverpool, cabin lac- wile. Chowder., &c. to accouimodaliou) 87 it tu 1 so. It' I Could not wed uiy Irish gress St., makes it a most desirable pbee ot property coruing WISSLOiV it PAGE. t improve or tor inves ment. The lot contains BEST BEEF STEAK IN TOWN. Sleeraue. $3P. the bans about 11000 Payable In Gold or its equivalent. I knew ihe law iorb.de feetotland.and has one of tiie most beau- Bread and Pastry made at I n <12w gyAll the Eat ibllah- or v to I knew my IviacAbliorv race; April 13,1868. tiiul garm ns to be found in Portland. There is an Kfit*For'fcrcight passu.e ppl ment.mangdim A A. No. 3 In.lia W ho never oea o. <• '« heir clans, abundanc? of Plums, Currants a d oilier Kinds of U. Al.LAN. St. Must bow teioie their ladies’ fruit on the Gas. and water m the house Portland, April .. dtl grace. REMOVAL. prembes. _ Take all uiy 'o feitoi. omi.iu— which is in good or er. This pioperty now is unaer B. PLUMMER & SONS, Hotel 1 i-anaot wage with kinsmen s'nfe— rent ot'•450. linmediite pos es.-ion given if wan- directory. Take ka K gear and noble name, J. H. ted. For further particular as t. terms Ac., General International Co I willtty MURPHY, Agents Steamship And keep my Iri h wile. which will be very liberal, apply to Alburn. J. F. LIBBY, For Maine and the British Provinces, Elm House, Coml. Si. W. S. Young, Proprietor. Calais St. Jobs. My Irish w’ne has clear blue c' es, MERCHANT TAILOR! April 11-dlw 311 Congress St. Eastport, heaven —OF THE— Augusta* _ __ My by day, my stars by nioht; removed to < having Augusta State at. J. H. Kling, Proprietor! An twin-like truth and fondness ;ie Augusta House, Augusta, Maine* House, SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Wi hla her seeding bosom white; S7 MIDDLE NTKEET, Only $2,750!! T> Iftnugor. NO. Conn. Mutual Ins. Penobscot My Irish wee has golden hair— This Modern Hotel contains HO Rooms, Large Parlors, Reading A 2J Story house, on Monument St., near Life Company, Exchange, a. Woodward, Proprietor. onee such CANAL BANK, store recently occu- the horse TWO TRIPs PER W aim lo’s harp had strings— Room-, ath Rooms, and Billiard Hail. »,i nn« cted with the house are cars; con'aining 14 finished rooma. tJi, to hear bv J. Kurleigh, where he will be i.leased to lor Bath Apollo’s self might pause OPPOSITEpied m Arranged 2 lamilie. Hurd and sod w ter. OF HARTFORD, CONN. Hotel, Washington si.C. M. Plummer, P.o- wh n she his r Id Irien s and and the SAMPLE K<>oJII- in the cent r of business where Commercial Trav- Her bird like carol sings. seo all customers, public Ouo cellar. Lot 34x73. House \v iI rent tor $475, piie; or. M I-. GN and arter MONDAY 11 an 1 can allow them one of Ap I3t'>, the best Tat or- elers can show ill. ir goods witln ut« xtra per year. A ol can re- Leach's Ho geneia’ly, charge. poriion tlicpuiehnse money Accumulated Assets el, Corner of Front and Vine streets, ^‘“"'er NE*V URtN •> u 1C v, ins stocks in the city, wb.ch he will manulacture to main on mor B Lant E. B Stages leave the h* use for all sections of the gage lor 4 years ftt m January 1>68, at J. Leach, Proprietor. .y^ Wim-in>*»er.and the s »-ain- order in the country. i- KF.W KA'CI AMh Tne attention <»t the public is called to the fact that this House: 6 per cent. Over 818,000.000.00. Bouton. (. apt. E. F.flil, JUiscellany, Apply to GEO. K. DAVIS & CO.. wiilleutw K.i road W'ihi, 'out >i ->iuie -ti n. ev- MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE! »n American House, Hanover st. S. Ri~e FllsSl' reduced prices 'hi- city— others followed. copy. Dealers in Eeal Estate. Proprietor. MONDAY ami THURSDAY at 0 o’Jot k F. Argus Ko. 30 Parker House, school St H. D. Parker ery Nl., ElKS L' established i ree -o hers’ollowcd 11. dlw Ofllce Exchange Street, Ago., am Si John. Fanny Kemble. upon reasonable terms. We also call your attention Hacking April Proprie ors. lor Ea9tiM>rt 8' will lea?© St. John and tomir well lei'td stuck o RE AD Y-MADE CLOT U- FIKsT e- ahlished SAMPLE K» OM —others, followed. PORTLAND. Rev err HOUSE, Bowdoin Returning Eastport on I\G and Square, Buliinch, Bing- Mrs. Clemmer writing from Gentlemen's FumishiugGoods. Transient rates from to 50 to rooms. For Sale! Jan 15-dtt ham, Wnslcy & Co., Proprietors. same days. Mary Ames, $2.uO $2 per day, according at with S’cnmer BELLE April 4,188«. dim Themont House. ireoK’Di St. Brigham, Connecting Eastport to the thus de- two House in Westbrook on the Wrisley Andrews. RobMnston and Washington Independent, *X II• KLIJNG, Proprietor. Story & Co., Proprietors. BROWN, tor St. alum, line of the Horse Ita 1-Road. Lot 60x120 teet. liaiiwa. to* Woodblock uni scribes the ol Mrs. Kemble at Apr 7-dlt ANEW and with N. B. & C. appearance For particulars inquire of Bethel. I Houltoa stations. REM OVAL. Ch.vkdler F. s. Chandler & one of her JOHN C. PRO' TER. House, Co., Prop'ra. Connectin' at St. John with E. & N. A. Ral public readings: Chapman s. H. way April 2. d3w 93 b xchange St House, Chapman, Proprietor. for Sliediac ant. iu er mediate static s. At o’clock, before the ma- Music for tlie precisely eight Million, Hridgton Center, Hie! 0*"Jfr eight received on days o sailing r nt 4 o'eik roon colored screen appealed a wo- H. C. F. M. majestic PEABODY, For Sale at Gray Corner. Cumberland House, Marshal Bacon, Proprietor man, who brought the shade of Siddons and you wish lor better bargains than you ever saw before, just look down on Exchange St, in Cheney’s A. R. STUBBS, The known as the “Ford Dauriile Junction. 13dtf COUNSELLOR AT iriuMic Store, __ proj»erty Apl or all the Kembles in with and who LAW, IF Clark's Din- g Agent* her, -'V Stand,** consisting of a large 2 story Hall, Grand Trunk Railway into her dipped down voluminous robes, in HAS REMOVED TO 7 Octave Piano, Rosewood, all round corners, carved legs, $350. house, recent)v put in complete re- Depot, M. W. Clark, Proprietor. courtesytug to the audience, as—well, not as Office No. 1 Sturdivant Former price, 450. ftH i. a ISiiaM pair and made cenvenient tor two Hi a Ac Id. For Damaiiscotta Block, tei ■ Waidoboro’, a lily, tor she does not resemble one in the ements; good porch ami barn Androscoggin Hou>e. l. d. Kidder, Proprietor. lOO Exchange Si., 5 Octave Organs, double reed, 130. anoa large shop suitable tor any 1 it d of a mechanic. Icwtilsu. And Intermediate least—but as a into the sea. Litndiugs goddess might 2 dim PORTLAND. ------Cl tern on (be i remises of 75 tine apr lormer price. 170. hogsheads; yard Lewiston House, Ch pci St., J. B. Hill & Co. Tbe side-wheel sea A woman—one whose nature lias in front and tine —, geing primeval very garden. Proprietors. aud S 5 Octave Melod* March A. ANDERSON. freight putaenger e..tu- n.-ver been tamed, much less broken, by any ons. Portable case, 05. Gray, 28, 1868. W. IVaple*. * M O V .A L mar31-dtf Elm ^KQer vicisbitud ol liie, by any anguish ol spirit— rTe I ormer pr ce 85. House, Nathan Church Sc Son*, Proprietors. tba». ftioujghlon,” A. who beballiDg her would not have said this Violin*, Gni'an. Flute*, French and German Aecordeon*, Flntines, Concertina*, Vsrrlitgewock. ____. Wl.NCHENMACH, M18- $1600. Cheap Rents. $14:>0. Dan forth ieavo 1 nF OF BR'»WN*S be ore sue bad uttered a word? There area STB OUT & GAGE, lUoulh IlnruioniciiN, Ac,, Ac. House, D. Dai.forth Proprietor. ter, will JLND WllAi.F, • an* and l new Houses, seven and eight ut 7 ocl.uk a. M. for few rare human who in Bird Cages, Toy Barron*, Canes, Umbrella*, Ac., A c., Ae., f|'W0 containing every SATURDAY, beings, their loftiest 1 iooii b. all m firs;-rate or er. wa NEW Mills and LOWFR than hi> ve been sold since ihe first «-«m iu’iil. IHu»ic Boxes and Tays at Plenty good ENGLAND Elm House, Main St!**¥?.*' W. Pro- Bootni av. HodgJun's aui&riscoita; and consciousness aie and un- ami &c Lots 60x88 ieet. new Whitmaxsh, k unapproachable Attorneys Counsellors at Law, cost* hole Agent for Venturis e’*, Violin and Guitar String*. ter, good closets, Nice prietor. every WtD.Nhdt.. Y, at 7 o’clo A.AJ., lor booth- stable. These houses are loc ted at the and ana Wald boro*. conquerable; and they betray their nature HAVE REMOVED TO Berry, Portland. biv/RoUnd Pond must be sold for the above low Life Insurance will 'rave I‘amaiiscotta Mon- in their Kemble immediately prices, Company! Albion House, 117 Federal Street, J. O. Perry, HEi'UKNIMi every very presence. Fanny J. 1>. CHENEY, 90 which make rents tor Ho CASCO BANK Exchange St., cheap BOSTON. r. day ut 7 o'clock A.M goon’s Mills, Bom- has the aspect of such a soul. There she BLOCK, March 31-eod2w JPO it IXANO, MAINE. to W. H. Proprieu 1 ■ ■ Apply JERRIS, and and veiy ■ *-■■— American House, India St W. M. Lewis Pron'r bay Poitiand, Waidoboro*; lbui§>»uy 01 middle Street. i-—-- mar,ld3w* Real Estate 65 Dec. 1867. B stood, invisible seeming the tit em- Agent. Capital, 901.736.16, C m mer< ial Cor. Fore and Cross at 7 o'clock A. M tor Round FouU, oiboay und s. c. stbout. (apiiidtl) it. W.GAOE. Hou>e, Streets, bodiment ot bhakespeares grandest woman. CKOASDALE’S All Policies Non Forfeiti o. CASH distri- H. o. Cram, Proprietor. Port'and. seaside Residence lor bution of made yearly to tbe h- fil- j- of H t A I’ W OOD & Co., Sou looked upon her and reft certain there country Surplus policy Cumberland House, Green St. J.O. Kidder, Pro- nquire RR1S, % ers. No policy issued by this Co. is forteited until its Ur CHAS. McLAUUttLlN &CO. was no ot saie. prietor. big’b quality womanhood that she REMOVAL! Genuine value is w orked out in law ot 1861.— Super Phosphate. A good dwell- insurance, by City H tel, Corner f Congress and Green street, Mar 31-dtf could not illustrate and enuubie. 0 1Jstory Tbe table will bhnw the time that a life Everything ing House and torty- lollowing John P Davis Sc Co. pf The Standard Lsued this Co. will continue in for e after oe days: about ber produced the rtsuu ol Fertilizer for all tbree acr s land, in Fal- policy t>y Preble House, Congress St. S. B. Pro- chanok harmony, the annual cash of lias ceased, Krogman, from ber magnificent bead to the olassic stm WALTER COREY & CO, TVot ice. Crops. mouth. (lore side), seven ^ payment premiums j prietor. miles from Portlun is as 1 2 3 P'.ihtl «N»' House, 71 Grten St. R. Potter. of her dress, bhe wore black H* Richer in Ammonia Payment Payments Payments Proper. pliclty plain and Phosphoric Acid next to the othodist Mee ii House. Buildings in cash. in cash. iu cash. St Lawrence House, 17 India St. J. Pro- tne buttoned to the with g E3-S Tailor, For California. silk, corsage throat, Furniture Dealers ! 0 thnn any Fertiliser in the Market. all iu complete repair, having been recently painted O O oJ oi cc pri* tor. close sleeves, lace collar and cuffs, white and papered. Cuts about eight tons hay. Plenty * g- been Iheie three or lour and on prices Messrs B. R. Croasda e dt Co.: Heal Estate for Bale. checked dir staying days, Mar 27-dtf ties, Dinners, &c., in this city and vicinity. for inlormation apply at 282 Congress st. Grand gage nigh. The [’host hate has satisfaction in subscriber offers tor sale two new houses, Mutual Insurance Berths and State-Rooms seemed at the of- Saturday night, as they were all retiling to IMA AC II 1 It > I .TI. given perlect Tiunk I icket Office. Tickets, ca c save and in fields where it lias been built in the most t-ul stantial manner and in Company. the Duke ‘“We shall meet every one, THE |ns’ti8daiwlv P »«■ BLAUCUABB. A fice ot the company, their rooms, said, REMOVAL. March 21. dtt used it can be modern These bouses are near the corner of 51 Wall St, cor. NEW sent. __ plainly distinguished by the luperior htyle. William, YORK, to-morrow at breakiast.” “Not so,” said our growth and color ot the crops. Congress and Nortb streets, two s ories high, with W. W. THOMAS, Jr., 18f8. tiBEATLY KEUIldD RATES Milesian Piotestaut, “your hour is a little too Youas, A. F. LUNT. seventeen rooms in each, good cellars, and an unlad- January, NO. 3 OLD STATE Gas Fixtures! Gas Fixtures! ing *ui»p y of hard and soft water. They are in a Insures Marine and Inland HODSE, T.te for me; I am in the dis- LAWYER, against Navi- TO CALIFORNIA! very particular desirable location ana will renf teadily ai*large per- and at the Station of Boston and Providence Rail- of and breakfast Has removed to No 24 Exchange st., Tliom®s Build- I West Bridgewater, Mass. gation Risks. charge my duty, your GAS FIXTURES with our busi- Messrs B R : centage. Terms liberal. Enquire of Messrs. road. febl8 over Merc haul’;* d3m We have connected Croasdale & Co Passage Tickets tor sale at the re- will interfere with church.” The first ing, Exchange. | of I HElkN & Corner of Congress and North sis. my ness used your side by side with Coe’s and CO, duced on at GEO. SHIV U. O. Ph'*pnate GEOttGE HEARN. The whole profits oi the Company revert to the rate, eaily application ERICH, BRIGGS, person, whom the Duke saw in cou’d see even till the first of Augu t » decided ben- the however, March A ssured, and are divided upon the Prenii Agent. General Manager Removal. Steam and Gas Fittings, efit in tavor of yours—tLal tbe st Iks of corn we e Portland, 25,1868.-dtf annually, the morning upon the breakiast is, ums terminated the and lor which Cer- UNION TICKET OFFICE Jan 17,1818. dly entering much I used it on ra the during year; room was our largei. freely grass spring, tificates are issued, interest until punctual Protestant, deep in and late on turi Farm lor Bale at Gorham Village. bearing redeemed. leased for a term of years the buildings some ip>. The grass crop was re- 49 1-9 8tre*t, Portland. rolls and his in an and a IRON WINDOW land. divided with Dividend of 30 per cent, lor 1867. Exchange butler, linger egg, HAVINGat the RAILINGS, SHUTTERS, markably goed, and it remains to be seen what the C5acte8 weU Inland Route. large slice ot tire best Tipperary liam secur- tu nips will do. The seasojr was too wet to properly CONTAININGgo d bearing Orehard, Apples, Pears, Cherries, W. D. LITTLE if CO.. Gratings, Pumps, Ac., Ac., test it. F. E. HOWARD. Goosbenie.- &c. A good two The eompanv has over Thirteen ed on his plate. “Deligbte I to see Dead Hobson*8 Yours, Grates, &c., story Mar Agents. you, my of Wharf, House and ell, painted and blinded. Bain and out- Million Dollar**, viz: 13-dtl_ dear vicar1” said (be but I say as and are now to tarnish them as low as they duke;” may And Removed to the prepared West bid d'ngs all in good repair. The above is a very de- United States and State of New-York To Mt. Desert and 1 can be in Boston. Falmouth, Me., Dec.23,18t>7. Stocks, City, Macliias, much surprised as delighted.” Ob, don’t purchased Mess. B. R. Croasdale & Co : finable property aud will be sold at a ba1 gain. In- Bank and other 485 Our stock is entirely new, and is selected trom the Stocks, 6,864 PORTLAND* ROCHESTER R.R, know what lias ?” said the sa- South Side of Commercial I cliancud to tall some of in quire oi G. M. RANDALL, Loans secured Stocks and SPRING you happened Street. latest and most lashionable stxlee. upon your Phosphate by otherwise, 2,175,460 ARRANGEMENT. Portland last year, ana bei with the ap- mar 25-dim On the premises. Premium Notes and Bills Receivable, cred breaktaster,—“site is not well.” “Who We invite persons who intend to purchase fixtures g pleased On said I am now ahle to offer to trade a ol 1 tried it on Aeal SPRING ARRANGEMENT. wha’T, the before elsewhere. pearance it, my carrots. There was Estate, Bonds and Mortgages, is not well?’ said the duke: “you are not to give us a call purchasing of House Lots. ONE TRIP PER WEEN. good assortment of Long and Short M & H. T. three-f<>nrtli8 an acre of ground, aud 1 use 1 one ami other securities, 3,694,°68 On and after Wed es lay. March 25, O. PLUMMER, near State .* and married—you have no sister living—I'm quite ban el cf Phosphate. I harvested fifteen tons of car- on Congress treet, eight Cash in Bank l* 8 trains will run as followi Nos. 9,11 and 13 Union Street, Portland, Me. lots Lewis and Thomas lor 3'3,3:4 uneasy; tell me who is not well.” the rots trom the piece. 1 have used Cce’s and the Cum- TWO on Emery, streets, train? leave Saco River for Portland ai Steamer CITY OF RICHMOND, “Why September 12. dtf sale W. H. M'EPIIENSON. L ___ berland, but never received so mu h benefit from by O. 10 and 9.00 A. M.. an«l 3 40 P. M. T eave Portland CHAh. Lei him., master, will leave iact is my lord that TIMBER, 2d 113,108.177 duke, my congregation them as from ihis. The carrots wcie size aud Feb 10, 18C8.-tf At National Bank. mr ^avo River T.15 4.M. 2 0 and 615 P.M. Railroad Wharf, iootot States reel, consists of Under cover large the clerk, the sexton, and the sex- tine flavor. I also used it on and bad it not F trains leav^ Saco River 6-00. A Portland every I radii) Evening at 10 Old bariey; Jbor TRUSTEES: light M.; ton’s wile. the sexton’s wife is all John Crockett’s Stand, been blown should a aale—One Mile from Port- J he Now in very K3T" Spruce dimension, kinds, sawed to order. down, have had good crop.— John D. Jones, Wm. 12.15 P. M. clock, commencing 2oih, tn»t, As i> it was much b tier than other in Sturgis, (or » nstine, Leer Ait. delicate health; when she cannot attend, we was, any the land. Charles Dennis, Henry K. Bogert, ar-Stagesoonnaot at Gorham Tor Wast Gorham Rockiuuu, isle, mulwiu, neighborhood. 1 used < dc barrel to the acre. 1 Desert. Jon* and cannot muster the i.umber mentioned in the Door8. Sashes and Blinds l 11 Preble Street. also beautifii) residence occupied by Rev. W. P. W. II. It. Joshua J. Falls. Denmark. Millbridge, sport Macbiasport. use 1 it on Moore, Henry, Btaadiab, Steep Baldwin, Sebagc, will leave k my stiawberr es and in seiting the plants THEMerrill, situated in Westbrook, on tbe Back Henry Coit, Dennis Lovell, Brownfield, Returning, Alachiaspoit ever) uesday rubric; and we have, tberetore, no service on on hand and tor sale put it in t* e bill. The wa I Perkins, Brldgton, Hiram, Fryeburg, at 5 o'clock. constantly by growth splendid, and Cove road, Known by the name of he Machigoune Wm C. Pickersgill, Jos. (iaillard, Bartlett. Jackson. Cornish,Por- Morning, that I he woman had a cold shad be able to tell of a ot Jr., Conway, Liminston, The of Richmond” connects at Rockland day. good and you large crop berries Villa, The grounds are ta-tciutly laid out with Lewis J. Madison, and Eaton, N. H. “Cuy R. next 1 Curtis, Henry Burgy, ter, Freedom, with Steamer Ka!a. din for and intcrmed>at« sore throat this morning, and. as I had break- DEEHING, year hope. Yours, walks flower beds, splendid evergreens and shade Chas. H. Russell, Cornelius At Buxtou Center for West Buxton, Bonny-Eagle Bangor IRA WINN. Grinnell, landings on the Penobscot Bay unu River. fasted but I I as No. 292 Commercial Hobson’B FIBNITUBE trees; about 200 pear, apple, plum and eherr^ trees Lowell Holbrook, C. A. Hand, South Limerick, Newfleld slightly, thought might well Street, Wharf, foot oi Liinington. Liinington, U.OSS Sc bTUKioKVANT, General febl3dtf in bearing: plenty of currents and gooseoe ries; F. Warren B. J. Parsonsftold and Agents, hurry back to the High Weston, Howland, Oseipee. Marl2-dtf 151 Comrnei chii Street. regularfamily dtjtuner.” Street._ Gorham, Maine, Dec. 23, 1867. about n acre oi strawberries- raised 1,600 quarts Phelps, At for South Windham Hill I don’t know Royal Benj. Babcock, Saccarappa Windham, that the clergyman behaved im- I* Mess B R Croasdale & Co: this year. Tbe lot embraces nearly .our acres, with Caleb Barstow, Fletcher Westray, •nd North Windham, I used in the daily. properly; but such a chuich is hardly worth spring of 1867 a small quantity of streets 60 feet wide all round it. The buildings—a A. P.Pillot, Rubt. B Mint urn, Jr, Bv order of the Pres’dent. MOM NEW YORK. House your Super-Puosphate upon my apple orchard of line house with 15 rooms; French root auilc pola, Wm. E. Gordon W. mar 20-dti an insurrection and civil war every ten years. Furnishing Goods, Dodge, Burnham, Portland, March 19, 18€8. voung growth—just before a ram The effect w:i* and a piazza round three sides; warmed with fur- Frar els Fred’k and Par- Skiddy, | Chauncey, Sofa*, Lounge-. Eo.t, Rocking sun rising; it changed the foliage at once, became nace, good well and cistern iu ce lar; gardener’s David Lane, James Low, 8TONINGTON I.1NE KE LM1AULI8U REM OVAL. and tlio To Travelers Par Sale ar ta Let. lor Chair* in Great Variety. dark, growth of wood duriug the season house and summer house, and good stable well James Bryce. Geo. S. Stephenson, lU. gieatly exceeded that of previous years. 1 tound al- finished with cellar, at the low price oi $7 500 Charles P. Burdett, Wm. H. Webb Inside Uoute. They have high rents also in New Orleans; -ALSO,- so the k liaga remained longeron the trees than when Terms easv. For p. rticulars euquire on ti*e pre- Daniel S. Miller, R L. Taylor, I did not apply the I ho-j hate. mises, or ot WHITTKMOKE & START IRD, on PaulSpofford, Sheppard Ganby. Through Tickets and the Bulletin ot that city recently I used it on printed my garden lor corn, Comuierc’al street; or FERNAID & corner Rob*t Cars leave Bos- _ potatoes, beans, SON, C. Fergusson. H+l’frfTjEgn From Portland to CSHBftaBT- Depot mjeI7mvm'm~'** u Common and Kitchen neas, beets, cucumbers, &c., aud the effect was high- oi Preole and .engross stieets. John D. ten and Piov.dvuci* Rail- JfiiSl the tbllow'og announcements, which seem to SPARROW’S Furniture, Jones, President. HWBBUl all POlNTd ly satisfactory excepting the potatoes. 1 had a row Sept 3, dtt Charles Vice-President. road. Pleasant Street, n ar t e Common, dailvun- STRAW AND OIL ot Dennis, ▲T THE hint that housebuilders could find WOOL, HEMP, grape vines, and u ed the Phosphate on them. I W. H. H. 2d cxcepb'd at5.45 P Ci ni.ee*. g witb tlie new profitable VOTICS. I will sell on tavorabie terms as to Moore, Vice-Prest days 51, was 'igrceably surpiised with the re-ult, as I did not J. D. 3d Vice-Prest. and elegant sea-going St-umei N.vUi AuANsi IT, employment in the Crescent City: 1.1 payment, or let for a term of years, the lots od Hewlett, South ami North INSURANCE AGENCY! expect anything from it, as tbe lanu was so run J. H. Chapman, West, West, Capt. Cf. B. riL L, Monduvs, \\ e i: essays and Fi i- J the corner oi Middle and Franklin streets, and on Secretary. Fob Sale—A va- CARPETING down. It did well tor them, ard ihey showed a very and Mean.tr SiONING'iON, N) 51. splendid hogshead, just Franklin including lliecorner ot B rankliu aDd By all the principal Routes, via. Bwstoa au«l bays, Capi. remarkable grov th. I can fully recommend this ar- street, 'J Thu. s and sat uiuavs cated by the toimer occupant, who leaves it u'ore streets. to WM. HILLIARD, Bangor Applications lor Insurance made to Won ester to Albany aid be New Work JONEs, ue-days. sda} OFFICE ticle as a g>>od fertilizer. Apply Through Tickets tarnished, and checked lor no fault. The are a Window or & REED Attorneys. Por land. v12tt Central Kaiisa^ to Buffalo or >ia^a a hacg.ig' premises sweet loca- Shades, ISAAC io Yours, McLELLAN. John W. Klnnier, Fa (hence bv the CSreut Wealern or iTake through Phiiadclph.a La.t.more,Washington and tion lor a with are in Is this Is; the West family young children; Hay Removed to Shore or via *e* % ork City and Cord, and Tassels, I lo be solu Immediately. Railroads, with sit- used Croasdale’s Super-Phosphate tbe last sea- Office 166 Fore St., Portland. the Erie. At.antic aud Grral It r»(eru and Tic%eis. Ber*hsamt Stare Rooms secured at ihie thorough repair, bunghole centrally Houses and lots in Price *900 and son in planting corn, potatoes and gaid- n, and fflWO City. $1, Feb uia< rniral office, also at the Boston and Provi ence Kniaoad uated and in order. to in Endless Va- my > 6—dlm*eodtoJf For sale at the | owe»( Rates at the Only Un- N, g. nt, Richard Figgs, Grocer, 144 C'iuuamon street. riety, c< rn and on JOSEPH REED, feb!4- m 134 potatoes ntwly broke*- up land, wnich ion * icket Office, No. 49 1-9 jfexchaune M., Washington etree was run out and h »d not been Real Estate Agent, Oak aud Congress sts. To Let—One roost on the rail (BOYD’S BLOCK,) At Price* thnt cannot Fail to Mail All. tilled tor many vears. Portland. recently put I it as an Octobes 2. dtt at in the lrgard exceediugly valuable lerti izer, and up bautatnville, building formerly so recommend !» to all m\ friends. I also know ihat OAN BE FOUND AT HIS w. U>. LITTLE & PORTLAND AND MfcW YutiK Hr we are CLOSING OUT OUR STOCK <>F Co., Agents. Fowle. Price $350 Where James used it on Dec 14. dtl occupied by Hemy per Insurance of Kicd, AT COST. n»y neighbor, Mood.*, Esq., h.a Fa-m tor Bale ST £A MS 111I* l UMFA V V, annum Every CROCKERY and PAPER HANGINGS farm and with and taxes. to A. on nursery the same re-ulu as myselt. sale Apply Rubster, -AND- subscribers oifer for heir place, well PRIVATE POHTLAND the E. W. JACKSON. known as tbe Whitehorse Situated iu MEDICAL ROOMS premises. DON’T FORGET THE PLACE. March THE Farm, FOR ANY Gorham, 1,1868. the town of Cumberland, on the cou road lead- 8EMI-W L L R L V LINE. Babe Chance.—The AMOUNT, ty No. 14 Preble subscriber, having *rom Gray to Pirtland. Said farm contains Street, SACO & PORTSMOUTH R. R. Can be in W. LOWFJLL, ing recently introduce 1 obtained AIDBE8S about 110 acres and is one of the best larms in steam-heating apparatus hay Near the Preble Hbih, The line steamers DIR I GO and into bis has no 3-dlm No. II Preble St. the Tan miles trom Portl *nr 11th, 1867. tice, as follows: ash-hole, Buildings house, two st 41 hv 81 the utmost confidence the at beeu cleared out First Class iair; tries; barn, WHERE by afflicted, utterly regardless ol dirt and Companies. in This farm wilt be sold wPn or hours and rom 8 A. M. to 9 Brooms and Brushes. feet, good repair. daily, P. M. Passenger Trains leave Portland daily Leave G -it’s Wh?rt. Poifiand. every and will now be WHOLES LE DEPOT at a Wedi,0sday expense, leased to a few Only, no others being represented at this without the sto k and farming tools rare bar- Dr. H. addresses those who are suffering under the (Sundays excepted) for Saco and Bidde- and Saturday, al 4 o’clock P. 51., and Iteve p.er 38 agency. affii tion single gentlemen, who desire lodgings in a No. 6 1-2 Union Wharf, Portland. gain Title perfot. F r further particulars inquire ot rivate diseases, wh^rhei arisinn fron 8.40 A M, 2 55 and 5.20 P M. Easi River, New York, eve:y ednes^ay and Sat- & 01 W. T. & B« T. HALL, at the larin, or U G HAUL impure connev tion or the terrible vice ot selt-abust. For South Berwick function, at 4 o’clock f. M. quiet and retired situation. Terms made (&3T“ Al* persons desiring insurance of thit charac- REDLOtf SIMMS, Portsmouth,Boston, urday, Esq Gray Corner ieb22d&wti Devoting his entire time to that particular branch o I and intermediate Stations at 8.40 A M, and 2.55 1 he and Franconia are on ter, are respectfully invited to call. Also for sale G.30, Dingo fitted up with due known application. Geo. Bull- MANtTFACTlIBEBS OF by the medical he feels warranted *n Gripe, 34, Feb. I8fi8. teblldtl profession, Guar- P. M. accou:um"-iiiou." lor pa>sei>gei-,niakin-_ lid (he most ion Portland, 7,' a in I avenue. SAWYER ib WOODFORD, Farm tor Sale. anteeing Cure all Casks, whether of lonj l eave Boston tor Portland and intermediate Sta- speedy sale and comb-ruble rou’e i»*r tra elier* oe- AT THEIR standing or re* entlj contra-ted, entirely the tions at 7.30 A. nd 3.00 and 5.00 P M. tweet New York and l Genteel Residence fob A good Farm of 120 acres, situa- removing M.,: Maine as.-age instate Room Sale.—A H, E M OVAL. Brooms ail*! Brushes, Seed Store 119 dregs of disease tYom the and a Trains each No Exchange Street. ted m miles f um tbe system, making per- Freight daily way, (Sunday excepted. $6.0< Cabin passage $5 oO. Meals extr*. splendid Saratoga trunk, the And D. B. Gorham, 1£ fect and permanent cure. formerly proper- And Dealers in RICKER, No. 1*5 Fore St. and nine miles from Port- FRANCIS Gil A St*., »*pu Good? forwarded by this line to • irorn Mon of Miss has beei moved village, He would call the attention of the afflicted to the Nov 1867. ty Fitztlutter, upon Portland, Maine. land. Cuts roui 35 to 50 con* Portland, 8, no9»P trc-al, Quebec, Bangor' Bath, Aug 0 ». East port and BC. M.BBE March 14. hay. fact of his long-staDdmg and well-earnad reputatioc the new land, its root raised, and the WEB, d2m story house with ell. Barn St. John key-hole Broom, Corn, Sandies, i_’A good ly umisbing sufficient assurance of his skill and sui (Successor to J. Smith & Co.) on ihe Shippers are requested to send their 'tcigbt to th* materially these with 38x55', wood-house, carnage-house, premi- cess. enlarged; alterations, Portland & Kennebec steamer? as as 3 i* M. on And Everything required in Ike Manufac- ses. A choice orchard of young fruit trees, in bear- R. R. early the day that they the dilferent compartments in order lea e Portland. complete Manufacturer of ture of Brooms, f: ing condition on the tarm. Sabi farm is well divid- Cmatiom s« tbe Pnblle. render It one of the Leather Winter Nav. 1867. For or finest residences for a Belting, ed tor wood, pasturage and tillage. Possesion giv- Arrangement, 11, freight passage apply to Has EMEK1 of wealth now in the market. removed to 130 Preble Street, en immediately. Apply to R.dlon & Cov 1, at Every intelligent and thinking person must kuo* Sc FOX, Gait s Wharf, Po Hand, The Subscribers are now bat Trains leave Portland at 1 P. M. tor J. F. •rice prepared to fill orders for Gorham; the owner K. A.‘ Fo'g on the premises, or remedies banded out tor general use sboulJ have iigmjn AMES, Pier 9b Kasi River. fentleman$Xe2,000. For apply to Knocke- NO. 92 all stations on this and for Lewis- key middle: street, b IPPARSi PORTLAND. CUMBERLAND GEO. R. DAVIS <2C CU., *heir efficacy established by well tested experience is line, August 15, dtl. morl & Co. Auctioneers. must be 1. S SIMMS, tbe bands of a ton and si ations on the Androscoggin Road. Also lst7._ $100,003 Marrett & Poor’s New Block, where befcnnd a mar30-eod&wtf 13 Dealers in Real Estate. regularly educated physician, whose may Mar 28-tt and stations on Maine Central road. paid down to tbe auctioneers before full assortment ot Leather as anti preparatory studies tit him for all the duties he must Banger entering. Belting, cheap, Raw Bone of Leave Portland at 5 P FOR equal to any iu New England. Belling and Loom Phosphate Lime, LADd for fulfil; yet the country is flooded with poor nostrums daily, except Saturday*, M, BOSTON. Sale. and for Bath. Saturdays leave Portland at 8.15 P Straps made to order Also tor sale. Belt Leather At a reduction in price of cure-alls, purporting to be the best in the world, only Backs and Sides, Leather Tiimmings, Lace Star Corporation. of the lat*» Mary S. Lunt’s Estate, near which are not only useless, but always injurious. M. for Bath and Augusta. Leather, Match_ Five Dollars APART via in to Trains are due at Portland at 8J0 A. and 2.10 Fall An unffement l ATWOOD’S Belt Hooks, Copper liivets and Burs. jylSkltf per Ton. Portland, Tukey’s Bridge; parcels Tbe unfortunate should be particular in selectin M., W. & 0. S. MILLIKEN, suit Purchasers. Enquire iu person or bv lecter ot bis physician, as it is a lamentable yet incontroverti- P. M daily. JAMES The thr 'Prain with car The new A. MERRILL, Portland, Me., Bradley’s, Coe’s and Lloyd’s Phosphate. JOHNSON, ble fact, that many syphilitic patients are made mis- ugh Freight passenger at- ami superior sea-golnf Stroudwater, Westbrook Adm’r of said Estate with erable with ruined constitutions tached, leaves Porilaud for Skowhagan every morn- steamers .H)H> ami Pain Counsellor and Also by maltreatmen' BROOKS, Appeaser! Attorney at Law, GENERAL SELLING AGENTS. will annexed. oct 22-d&wtf from inexperienced physicians in general practice; foi ing at 7 o.c'ock. MONTREAL, having be^n fine I has Lodi and Essex Pondrette it is a point generally conceded by the best Fare as low by this route to Lewiston, Watervtlle, upai gieat expens- with a arg« The Oreatcst of ihe removed to Hlj Exchange Street, opposite pres- svphiiogra- Discovery Age, we that the 6tudv and of these Kendall's Mills and as the Maine Cen'ral numb r oi beautiful tate Rooms, ent Post Office. offering to the public the Star Match, claim At fibers, management com* Bangor by julySdtf manufaci urex’s prices. road, and tickets in Boston tor Maine will run the season as follows: INlor them the following advantages to the consum- -A. SAFE, dlaints should engross the whole time of those wlir purchased * FOR THE RELIEF OF PAIN. would be C entral Stations are good tor a on this line. over other viz: competent and successful in their treat- passage Leaving Atlantic Portland -t7o’clock fcfc er, any Match, KENDALL & WHITNEY. CERTAIN, Passengers will Wharf, m o V A Ij, ! ment and cure. The inexperienced general praci*- jrom Bangor, Newport, Ac., pur- and India Whan, af is used both and Each bunch is full count, one hundred. chase tickets to Kendall s Mills and alter tak- Boston, every day o’clock, P# externally infrrnailc, for all Portland Feb. 1, 1868. feb 3-d3m AND tioner. having neither opportunity nor time to mak- only, M, (Sunuavs excepted.) ibe lor which a Each gross contains 576 more than the common the cars on this road the Conductor will IT purposes l ininunf h used. ami ; W. 11. bimself acquainted with their pathology, commonly ing fur- »r CLIFFORD, card matches Cure nish and make tare same Cabin tare,... t! 50 is super! to any preparation that, the skid otman ! Speedy pursues one system of treatment, In most cases mak- tickets the the through to The tail count is equals to about six bunches more Portland Boston as via the has ye* dBcoverecf. FOS ing an indiscriminate use ot that and dan- or Maine Central load. beck... 1.55 Counsellor at in a gross than other matches. DYERS9 NOTICE. antiquated As an external it has never been excelled. Law, the Stages tor Ro« kland connect at Bath; ana t r Bel- Freight taken as usual* remedy And Solicitor of Patents, in climate. gerous weapon, Mercury. They keep any fast at Augusta, leaving daily or. arrival of train froir L. BILLING?* IT WILL CUKE Has have lest* odor than other Match. Agent. Removed to They any Sulphur WOULD lrform Ibe citizens ot Portland nnd vi- NEURALGIA, Bosion, leaving at ".30 A. M.; and lor Solon, 19, IgCT-dtt Burns, Pains in the are than other Card AND ALL Hare (Jentideice* Anson, September Sprains, Bruises, Head, Chest, Corner of Brown and They longer any Sulphur I cinity. that I have removed the old Portland Dye Norridgewoek, Athens and Moose Head Lake ai Side or Bad:; Pains and Soies i t the bones Congress Streets* Match. House Office from No 32t to lalrt BROWN*8 NEW BLOCK. All who have committed an excess or Skew began, and for China. East and North Vassal- and Muscles; Pains ana tiVjfness in the dtf answer both for Splint, and Card Matches NERVOUS any kina, Mo. 31 They whtther it be the vice of or boro' at Vassalboro’: for at Kendall's Free Street. otic do not black the wall wl en rubbed on it.. 328 CONGRESS solitary youth, the sting- Unity Mill's, Joints; Ntura/gia, Cramps They STREET. for at 1 DISEASES. ing rebuke of misplaced confidence in maturer years, and Canaan Pislion's Ferry. and Pain in •he Bowels; cholera are parked in flue shipping order, incases and have an office at They 1 opened No. 25 Free Street, SEEK FOB Ail ANTIDOTE IN SEASON. U Morbu ; sent Bites and 20 and 30 gross in 1-4 grosspaek- HATCUt 8apei latemi^Bt* Dy ary; containing 10, each, where I am prepared to receive orders and execute Pains and Nov. Upholstering, Furniture, Repairing Scald Tooth Its Effects art The Aches, and Lassitude and Nervour Augusta, 5,1867. nov12dtf Stings; Heart; riltAITlKE ages. I them in the nest manner, at abort notice, and at Prostration that follow PACKING AND SHIPPING FUR' Ache; Sore Turont; -AT- The above named tirm are the solo Selling Agents j d may Impure Coition, IIURE, prices tying competition. As I have had more Magical, are the Barometer to the whole tor die corporation. than system. Diphtheria; Frostbites; iwentv-nve .tear, experience in the bu- It is an unfailing remedy in all case> oi Neu- Do wait Varnishing aud Poliithiug doue al short E. dyeing not for the consummation that is sure to fob GRAND TRUNK Chilblains; Cuts P. GERRJSH, ) siness. 1 Ratter myself hat I am otien RAILWAY I % Directors. thoroughly acquaint- ralgia facialis, effecting a perfect cure in le-s low; do not wait tor Unsightly Ulcers, lor noiic*, by Wounds; Reduced Prices J. S. MARRETT, } ed with the business. P ease call at. OP CANADA. ! either office and thaa twenty-four Torn the use ot no more Disabled tor Ix>»8 ot MANASSEH SMITH, ) li t of hour*, Limbs, Beauty Coughs, Colds, Arc. examine my prices, and take my card. than two or three Pills. and w. r. *11E EM AN. Inflammation, Ac., October 1. Complexion. Mar 21-dtf dtf_ H. BURKE, No other form of or Nervous Disease has Dirctions lor the use ol this Neuralgia HewKaay Thom unit* ian T entity to Tkir WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Valuable Pain De- TIBBETTS Sole Proprietor ot the old Portland Dye House. failed to to this stroyer in all the various will TENNEY, yield fnccsan On and a'ter Nov. 11. diseases, be found AT THE January 16. eod6m by Unhappy Experience! Monday, 1867. aro nl each bottle. BILLIARD TABLES, WONDERFUL REMEDIAL AGENT. HH5^B5traia9 will run as follows:— The Miracle of the It is an indi.-pensablc mo-Hc ne Cor. of men troubled with emissions in Cooking in every family Cougren & Young sleep,—a Train for Lewiston and South Paris at Age who desire to be Washington tttreetH, REDDY, Even In the severest cases of Cronic the result ot a Express 7.4C piovided with a sale and reliable MANrFACTCRED BY Neuralgia complaint v.enerall) had habit ix A. a MH■ MERCHANT and M. remedy lor all tne above ailments. Having large stock of Furniture, every TAILOR, general nervous derangements,—ol many y«ars youth.—treated scientifically and a perfect cure war- ZI MM Ell embracing AND DEALEn MAX’S Manutactured and or sa e at article in the line, are it at a 1 eduction & IN sianding —affecting the entire a its use tor a ranted or no charge made. Mail Triin for Watervl'le, Montreal, Que- wholesale bv ottering peat J. E. CAME CO., GENTS’ stern, Bangor, AT WOOD & HAL from former prtce?. FURNISHING GOODS, ora lew weeks a. the utmost, al wavs affords a passes but we are consulted one oi bec and the West at 1.10 P. M. Bangor, Me 107 fewday8, Bardly day by Steam w PLE & ai PHELAN & CULLENDER’S NEW IM- No. FEDERAL STREET. the most * fails to more men Uookirg w. WHIl CO., A gen is for inland Nearly every tide is custom made, and wamnt- astonishing relief, and ery rarely young with the above disease, some o Local Train for South Paris, and intermediate sta- Apparatus. ed tob**as as COMBIN ATION CUAl We have in store oneoi the lincst a cure. are as 21 Market square. fel>27eod.f good c m be oundin tue market. WITHPROVED NS, pa- assortment of produce complete and permanent whom weak and emaciated as though ihe> hat tions, at 5, P. M. Old Tables recus .ioned FRENCH furnished for Hall and at short tented November 26,1867. ENGLISH, GERMAN, and DOMESTIC It contains no drugs or other mateilnls in the the consumption, and by their mends are it Cheap, Siuii-le, Erononiical! oftee- Vestries supposed No can New Combinat on Cushions ter $76 CLOTHS. CASS1MERES, that can found in even tl e baggage be received or checked after time DINNER COOKED ioi an,] upholstering in all its branenes with the above Ac., be! slightest degree iujurious, to most delicate hive It. All such cases yield to the proper and only twenty e »oii8 over Stable Notice. faT.ifn.ii e,,ai.illK have actu Portland. These goods have been above stated. A ONE hole ot the Call aud examine per set. These New Cushions proved, by selected with great system, and can always be used with orrect course of treatment, and in a short time ar*# Siove. Can be put on anv BFwSi& S?nk12ni|,t,y care and to made exiensive additions to our stable ELS'vHij-R^* al use, to excel all other sty es e.er ma le. especially adapted the thshionable trade. made to rejoice in perfect healtn. Irainswlll arrive as tol’ows:— Stove or Range ready tor instant use. at that cannot PERFECT SAFETY. making as we think the m st convenient and b552I55UBGHA8U,° Tab es oi all st les and finis', const .ntly on hand. anil prices fail to , lease, and all goods Water ch >u red to a deiicou* Soup by HAVING shrunk and From Lewiston. Auburn and Sonth Paris, 8.10 A. M. disi'llarion .-table in the and at the same time the Al-o Phelan * Colleniier’s Combined DINlNCl and thoroughly satisfaction guaranteed Leaves the entire house nee iroin healthy city, It has long been in cons tint use Middle-Aged flflra. From >• onire^L Quebec, Wa- ctfru-ive odors in most of we are now A call is respectiully solicited. to by nnnyofom Bangor, Its results aron sh all rasy access, prepared to take BILLIARD TABLES. Thankful friends at 2.15 p.m. cooking who try ,t. or to There are men of the of terville,&c., • a tew mo e horses to board. Also we bave put ur» a J. E. < AME & past patronage, hoping merit a continuance o MOST EMINENT many age thirty who ar< GT^Send f r a Circular. CO., PHYSICIANS, troubled with too Local Train (rum South Paris and in- few Box Sta Is for who desire to their th- same. trequent evacuations from the blad- ^ keep WARE! 174 Boston. termediate at 8*00 P. M. *or xnlt*, h- nl-o Town f parties Sudbury Street, M who give it their unanimous and appro o»teu a Statons, an«t"" oumv hoises separate. W» are also to our CR0CKERY_ Ian9iltf H. REDDY. Proprietor. unqualified der, accompanied by slight emaiting or burn- l,»ulT adding large Just March lf68. eod3m val (tub., iu the Miate, bv received direct Iron, 31, ben-aiion, and weakening the a stock some first class Carriages and Horses tor livery Liverpool, ing systemm man JgHN and Sent by mail on receipt ot grice, and postage. ner the patient cannot account for. On The are not resi»onsl51e for baggage to COUSENS, use, solicit a continuance of the very liberal Notice. examining Company lan 3-dtf A.N..61 the a amount $50 in value (and t?*at j»ers< n- Kennebunk. Me. patronage bestowed on us heretofore. in Commercial*,., head .f Maine HOUSE urinary deposits ropy sediment will often b* any exceeding Hacking BANK, and Agriculturists on the line of One package, $1.00, Postage 6 cents. nnc' paid for at the rate fcl all its branches any found, ano sometimes small particles of semen or al- al) uuless notice is given, faithfully attended to. Baiting as Railroad in th a or 14 27 -ASD FARMERS Stale, within twelve or Six packages, 5 CO, bumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milk- one passenger tor every OSOOadTiiJoua value. UiUil. LIBBY* I fif een mil1 a ot Portlan Furniture at the Old OW, Abel I, winning io test onr climate 44 48 44 Uh to a dark and turbid B ft Stand April 11. dlw all By Sawyer *fc and soil fur the Twelve packages. 9.00, hue? again changing appeal- C. J. VOCES, Managing Director. congrtssSt. Co., raising sugar beet, and wishieg to ance. There art many men who die of this « Fire Proof Safes ! cdiiv.it 'hern ac the It is s I t al1 wholesale and retail dealers In drug* difficulty B. BAILK Local Superintendent. 368 ongress Stre« t 368, ordingtr rules furnished, will by Unorauc of the cause, which is the Y, be each w ith an# medicine throughout the Uni ed Slates, and by TroiucndouB Itush 30 Crates Stone supplied free, enuueh Tor an acre or les-i SECOND STAGE OK SEMINAL Portland, Nov 9, 18C7.dtt' . any size, fflT* Send a Stamp for Circular. '^'“Freight for Watervllleand all interme Washington, C., March 1 1868—• lag sloop*, Haz •> .. ScixHor*. Bai ben> out >teel Burglar Proof and fitted to suit Advbrtisjmbjt. Foil saLkV Boxes, up Express Wagon, with a top, In per- diate stalions, leave Portland at .bear* nud II one., > a.lie*’ tirti. purchas rs by order. For S.23A.M, Medic*1 SECOND-Hmdfect running luriher partic lari ap- SATIN FINISH Electic Medical Infirmary, Train irom Bangor is due at Portland at 2.13 P. Army Boatd, to consist of Sureenn iilsiainl Trsrrlliui Work of M, ANJ. B. Brevet Bag*, ONE ply to the office the Canadian Express Co.. 90 Ex- In season to onneet with train lor Boston. Brown, Britt. Gcn’l U s A w* *t .lid. of all EIGHT HORSE CHAS. STAPLES & H. R. Wir z, ttr. vt Ki.d., POWEI, SON, change Street. JAS. E. PR1NDLB, Agent. TO THE LADIES. From Lewiston and Auburn only, at ".Id A. M. geon Li.nt.Col US V ’s 1808. goon John Vl'iore, Brevet C .1. a complete assortment of POCKET Under Urn of April 7, dly DR. invites all wbt EDWIN NOYES, -sunt. U.s. A and ^As. KNIVES, Portable Engine. superintendence MR. GEO L. DA- Cotton HUGHES particularly Ladies, H.»ni Sargcon A. A MON, junior member of the Spool need a medical to call at his No. 14 Not. 1,1868 notdtl WocdhnU B.eve' l.ieru r oi firm, torm^rly Superin- adviser, rooms, U* b A will me t .n New \ lot- Cash I IV. H. PHILLIPS. tendeiR of the Uremont Preble which wil find for then ork C;iv on flip Kt nt Chi'np .tafe aud Machine Com- JDK. JOHNSON'S (Warranted 200 Street, they arranged May nexr, lor the examination pany, Boston, Tarda.) especial accommodation. of .•» >si?,a„t W. I*. Commercial foot of Park St. U. sS. Army, tor urjeon* „. KOBIIRION, ? St., Dr. are unrival- promotion, and ot midi a* s or Portland. Auc Work. Foam that H.’s Electic Renovating Medicines A admiii-im1 into the 2f>.-d* 315 Commercial Port- Sea is claimed the above is the Best Ameri- Card. Medical Malt oi the V S. _April7, Ntreet, Dentifrice! led in efficacy and superior virtue in regulating all c «nts Army. 1868^eod4w is can Spool Cotton. It if* smooth and strong, no in the Appl must be 21 •' land, Maine. Preparation recommended by eminent IT Female Irregularities. Tlieir action is specific and longer employment of the Horse between an 30 v, rs of W* ilHIlKT, A sicians and and will be found perfectly reliable for Machine or Railroad l mv TENNEY^ THISDemists, Phy Chemists, am being se- certain ot producing relief in a short time. BEING Company, shall be pleated to see ^g^,Uale-l a ri^uIar mc^ Are now *ir»t no- in for Hand Work. friends at E »lnre finishing up a ,i,sr^;tW0Pui''re*erj°^«a-nthenonal Bank, Portland cond to none use, cleansing, polishing and LADIES will find it invaluable in ail cases of ob- my.SH STOR’ 132 Middle "tre. t, ^C8,UUdl Savings B.ink. lion Ge> W the teeth th.. jyThe colors are superior to any other make. I shall o ontmue the ion In HOltSP_CARS! Woodman's Block, and preserving hardening gum-, and im- structions after all other remedies have been fried in purchase of Mutilated Currency, B appear before (bo Large Lot Norwayy Sav.nasBank as or fl not d lf>r^ a ,r<«“ls MERCHANTS of Chambev of onr "'3 1>ank’ a pleasant odor to the in tact it can- FOR 8ALE BY vain. It is too badly torn will take it m exchange tor ‘Jtvssid t. tte Mir eon AND Sets, specimens Vork. parting breath; purely vegetable, containing nothing in II “tr A ™ Genera', OTHERS, not be excelled. It acts not jib a Boot* ami shoes. M. G. PAl.MER. mus: 8 ate the full name, re 0fCunKress aBd sts. Much 2,186i. dam onl. powder, but as the least injurious to the and may be takei b.a*.i *rmv ,aii^ d.nce, Washington one. Retailers in tbc Stale of health, and date and e Wishing to MMlS™r a soap ana wash, three in Contains no injuri- Generally Maine, with perfect safety at all times. February 4. eodtt plat of birth oi the ea di ate Advertise in the it. For silo ■testimonials as to and ous grit or acid. Try by all druggists. And the Seni to any part oi the with full direction# character qualiticatona D by following Jobbers in Portland: country, must e Horne PARIA)If SUITS, MEW M. JOHNSON, Dentist. by addressing DR. HUGHES, Medical Notice. turnla!ied. if ibeuptdi nt has iea in ti e Cars, STABLEr October 30. d Lane 4k. (i. H. devote licil service of the Army during the lite WUl to me at Lounge., (Spring lted, nud Little, iani.lftdVJ&w. No. 14 Preble Street, Pori laud. CHADWICK, M. D., will special at Jbc ar, please apply my shok Bedding, the tuct shouicl t>e s t wi h his St„k„ tendon to Disea es ol tb* Eye No. 3011 Congress St ated, gciher forinor 13* middle Maniii'.clured to order at short notice. and ami street. Woodman, True * Co., Office hours from 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. rank, naiean plaeeof service, testimoni- No. 31 Pice street. Office Furniture FOR SA al* fromofflceis with whom he has served should April 9. G. PALMER. “ U* hel,a' milliken 4k Co. u:, May tt flod3.v_m Mar |E««1 ‘ho new Made to order Deeriug, als he forwarded. 21-dtf_ Stable'‘J' P«-on ■ loni Niictl 10r a by Mar 13-eod3m exchange lor a house in the a farm of 26 for tho term of ytais city, No allowance is made expenses of persona Hoard will keep aflrst-class acies, in West r on ib* old Gray ns it Boarding and Balt- * OR almouth, road; PAlfLOK SUITS, under# in# examination, is »n ind Bp* sit lo Express Waggon for Sa.leT Woe^ejbo TXBBITS has a I 1-2 and wood-house and ND rjoms TENNHY, good story house, to ap|»o nluient The number o. vacan- A ?°°d can be obtained for FOR SALE. prerequisite _ gentleman Particulars enquire of Also, constantly on hand work Mar 2-dtt Cor Congress and bam, a orchard of Grafted Lo.ogn, (.priis. Brda and in (ho wn.3 or at No AP^OR good horses aud Washington sts. nearly new; good fruit, Bedding, cies uo.v existing Medical Corps cl the t|'eir single gentlemen, 67 CHARLESS. LI •ut-emen s horses and wood lor 7 1-2 miles from the Aimy Wantorth street, 1 IBY. driving ior sale. Ltmily use; city. Manufactured to order at «hort notice. ib thirty-nine. mar2Cdtf ’1 th6 .econd-hand Jeunv Lind. In it.me Ptrtl*nd K«rosine Oil IJVorks, Tenm. to Eel. KIND3 OF JOB PRINTING and order. Enquire oi JOHN HUTCHINSON, J. K. BABNES, April 8 dtf martldtfmSr*** J. neatly ONEEnquire at GILSON'S STABLE. IT AtUntic Ne. 31 Free Street. A, MATHEWS. ALLpromptly executed this Office. ll-diw- it, Surgeon General, V. ft. A. April Pe.tUsd, Mwch I. .odtf Mar 2t-dtt Mar 6—till J on* it.