23rd July 2018

Helen Wilson SAP Programme Officer c/o Policy & Plans Group City Development, 9th Floor East Merrion House 110 Merrion Centre LEEDS LS2 8BB

Dear Ms Wilson

Re: Further comments on the Highways documents EB9-35 Garforth and East Leeds Report of Modelling June 18 EB9-36 Garforth and East Leeds Report of Modelling excludes Broad Locations June 18

The current Site Allocations Plan (“SAP”), and other house building in east Leeds will have hugely damaging impacts on the road system throughout east Leeds.

In the above reports Highways England (“HE”) studied four potential mitigation/intervention options and tested the performance of each option for the horizon year 2028. HE modelled the outcomes and presented its findings therein.

Unless I am confused by the report’s conclusions I believe that the solution to the expected increase in traffic problems is a combination of the following:

1. Installing signals on the approaches to M1 Junction 47; widening of the approach roads; including circulatory lanes and building a separate parallel merge lane on the westbound slip road;

2. A new Garforth Southern bypass; building a new white single carriageway road providing a southern bypass of Garforth between the A63/A642 roundabout and Ninelands Lane junction with the A63;

3. A new link road from Parlington to Long Lane; a new single carriageway road along the current Parlington Lane. HE has assumed a new roundabout junction on Long Lane approximately halfway between Barwick in Elmet and Garforth;

The HE reports make several statements about the enormous rise in traffic around the settlements of , Barwick and Garforth that will result from the house building targets in the SAP, which I believe Leeds City Council has voted as no longer valid. Importantly the above do not mitigate the problems that they create.

The HE statements include:

a. Without mitigation schemes. “Traffic levels are forecast to rise significantly and while none of the interventions fully addresses the rise in congestion it is clear that there are benefits associated with the potential interventions that reduce the level of delays at key junctions and divert traffic away from more sensitive locations.”

b. Do minimum impacts Para 3.5 “Do minimum model tests for 2028 indicate that high levels of traffic flows will occur at M1 J47 and the M1 between J46 and J47 in both directions. Traffic also grows on the A63 through Garforth and the minor road network around Barwick In Elmet and Scholes. Significant increases in two-way flow of between 600 and 1,000 vehicles per hour are forecast in the morning and evening peak hours on a number of these routes.”

c. Para 3.13 “Without mitigation up to 1/5th of traffic to and from Parlington is expected to use minor roads in and around Aberford to avoid delays on the main road network.”

d. The HOUSE BUILDING has impacts on key junctions in the Garforth and east Leeds area; “Traffic levels at junction 47 are forecast to rise by around 50% in both peak hours, while flows through some of the minor junctions are forecast to rise by as much as 100%.”

I am a resident of Potterton and my main access to shops and other amenities is via Potterton Lane or Kiddal Lane. Potterton Lane is one of only four access roads into and out of the village of Barwick In Elmet.

I have lived at my current address since 1984, and the amount of daily traffic has increased each year. The fast speed of some of the vehicles that traverse Potterton Lane concerns me as, like all of the roads in and out of Barwick, it has no footpath and is used by pedestrians (such as ramblers, hikers and dog walker), cyclists, and horse riders as well as farm machinery. I am concerned also that the volume of traffic, which has grown enormously will also be increased by the building of the East Leeds Orbital Route, aka ELOR. Leeds City Council to date has failed to demonstrate the increased rat run traffic which will be diverted from the A64 through Potterton into Barwick and along the Leeds Road.

I would ask that you please consider the impact of the increased traffic on the wider local community when considering these huge plans.

Yours sincerely

Sue McFarlane