2013 | 2014 annual report

1 contents 3 program highlights 19 ywca of el paso foundation - funds 5 message from the president and ceo 20 corporate, foundation, and individual donors 6 military partnership 30 transitional living center donors 7 supporting military families 33 in-kind donations 8 investing in children 34 program funding 10 strengthening families 35 board of directors & staff / foundation trustees 12 fitness and aquatics division 14 economic empowerment division 16 financials

2 child and youth services • 2,118 children attended YWCA after-school programs at 43 locations countywide ywcaprogram highlights 2013-2014 • 754 preschool children received high quality programming, ensuring their readiness for elementary school • 1,702 teens engaged in leadership development programs • 457 children attended YWCA summer camps

preventing homelessness and domestic violence • 262 children experiencing homelessness were served at the Judy and Kirk Robison Mi Casa Early Learning Program at no charge to their families • 86 women who were experiencing homelessness and their children (160 total) put their lives back together while gaining the skills necessary for independence at the Sara McKnight Transitional Living Center • 11 women and their children (20 total) left abusive relationships and began new lives at Independence House

economic empowerment • 1,751 persons received credit counseling, money management classes, homebuyer education and mortgage default assistance • Returned $2,638,817 to creditors through debt management plans • Community outreach to 1,103 individuals

racial justice • 5,938 people benefitted from 152 community workshops, provided by 75 volunteer racial justice facilitators to help put an end to racism

family support • 682 adults supported a healthy transition for their children by attending YWCA “Children Cope With Divorce” classes • 5,623 children (monthly) received subsidized child care through the Workforce Solutions Borderplex Child Care Services (CCS) contract, enabling families to work • $197,923 awarded in financial assistance for YWCA memberships and programs thanks to support from the YWCA of El Paso Foundation and other donors • 18 low-income senior citizens resided in YWCA affordable housing among a supportive community of their peers

3 Rebecca Krasne President

Sandra E. Braham, Ed.D. Chief Executive Officer

4 a message from our president and ceo

Greetings, stakeholders. The YWCA Board and staff are pleased to present our 2013 - 14 Annual Report, highlighting our mission-based work that is dedicated to the elimination of racism and the economic empowerment of women in the Paso del Norte region. This work would not be possible without the tremendous support and investment of volunteers, donors and corporate partners.

Investments in technology have been a major factor in our ability to better meet our community’s needs and we were pleased to introduce significant savings for our members who utilize our “EZ Pay”, recurring automatic payment plans. We have also made it easier for donors who want to contribute online. Technology now allows us to communicate with our members via text message which has improved our ability to notify our members of closures, emergency communications and other program-specific, time-sensitive information.

Indeed this was a year of transformation. We finalized the sale of our Sarah Lea Building, making way for the new El Paso Leadership Academy Charter School. The Sarah Lea Building served us well as our headquarters for almost 25 years and though we leave treasured memories behind, we are moving boldly toward the future, ensuring steps are taken to never forget Sarah Lea’s impact on the growth and development of the YWCA.

We quietly ended our Be-Y Miracles Happen Capital Campaign, though needs remain. We cannot thank enough the donors of this important fundraising effort. We recognize your tremendous sacrifice during a very challenging financial period. As we turn our attention to the year ahead, we ask for your continued support and investment in El Paso’s women and children. Your investment in the YWCA pays dividends through improved health, wealth, employment, safety and housing for our community’s most vulnerable families.

Thank you for making our work possible!

Rebecca Krasne Sandra E. Braham, Ed.D. President Chief Executive Officer

5 supporting military families

Following the announcement in 2005 that Ft. Bliss would These programs offer care and support for children of active be significantly expanded through Base Realignment and duty soldiers. The YWCA was also certified as a member of Closure (BRAC), the YWCA El Paso del Norte Region Board the National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral of Directors approved a new Strategic Plan that would Agencies (NACCRRA) — a resource to help military families intentionally focus efforts to align the programs of the El Paso identify and secure high quality care for their children. The ASPYN YWCA with the needs of soldiers, their families and veterans. program provides fee assistance to military and Department of Defense (DoD) civilian patrons who are living off-post. ASPYN As the largest provider of non-profit, private child care after-school program providers are trained to meet the Council in the region, the YWCA forged a path to nationally on Accreditation (COA) standards for quality after-school care. accredit its early learning centers and after-school programs. Working with the Department of Defense COA is considered the leading voice of the after-school initiatives, the YWCA provided the following: profession and its quality standards are dedicated to supporting the development, education and care of children and youth • Army Child Care Programs in Your Neighborhood, during their out-of-school hours. ASPYN is a collaborative effort which served 86 military families and 142 children between the United States Army, the YWCA and NACCRRA.

• Army School Age Programs in Your Neighborhood (ASPYN), which funded all 43 after-school programs and served 78 children 6 since 2010, the military has invested:

$1,086,000 in equipment, training, salaries and accreditation fees to help the YWCA obtain national accreditation for after-school programs and early learning centers. The YWCA obtained national accreditation for nine after-school sites through August 2014. Additional sites, as well as two early learning centers, are pending national accreditation in 2015. $313,145 has been received through NACCRRA to support care for 906 children of military families and an additional $58,827 was given to the YWCA to establish a network of nationally accredited child care operators to serve military families. $80,000 allowed the YWCA to serve 187 teen military dependents through the Army Youth Programs in Your Neighborhood Initiative.

These investments have helped the YWCA leverage additional resources while building the capacity to address other needs presented by veteran servicemen and women. The financial assistance to veterans program provides emergency financial assistance to veterans and their families. In 2013-14 this program supported the financial needs of 151 veterans, their family members and surviving spouses by granting $53,230 in emergency financial assistance. Funds are made possible through a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance. consumer credit counseling service for military families Through a memorandum of understanding with the Army Community Service, Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) staff provided credit counseling sessions to 294 active duty soldiers and their family members, and delivered 135 money management education classes to Fort Bliss and White Sands Missile Range personnel. Additionally, as a member of the National Foundation of Credit Counseling (NFCC), the YWCA CCCS team provided supportive services to active duty service members under the NFCC’s Military OneSource partnership.

7 investing in children

88 after-school programs Research shows that quality after-school programs help students apply themselves academically, reduce grade repetition, finish high school and increase their readiness for college. Also, students who participate in quality after-school and summer learning programs see improvement in their academics, are more engaged in learning and are more self confident in what they can achieve (Afterschool Alliance, 2013).

During the 2013-14 school year, 2,118 children throughout the county participated in 43 YWCA after-school programs. YWCA activity leaders and assistants were at each school site before the dismissal bell rang. Children began their homework assignments and enjoyed healthy snacks, pre-school early learning centers games, crafts, outdoor recreation and tutoring. The YWCA is the largest non-governmental child care provider in El Paso, serving more than 700 children daily and Consistent with the YWCA’s goal to ensure access to quality 2,057 children annually. By providing safe, affordable and after-school programs, the YWCA ‘We Care’ Program, stable care for children, the YWCA empowers women and funded by the YWCA of El Paso Foundation, provided their families, supporting their opportunities to obtain new or financial subsidies to low-income working families, helping improved employment or to advance their education. Children 174 children access after-school programs, summer camp enrolled in YWCA Early Learning Centers are welcomed and holiday break “fun days” at YWCA branches. into a caring environment where teachers incorporate the best practices for promoting the cognitive, social, emotional A unique curriculum is utilized to ensure standardized and physical development of each child, ensuring their after-school activities and programming throughout the preparation for Kindergarten. Each licensed center offers region. YWCA employees utilize standards provided by balanced, nutritious meals cooked onsite, convenient hours the Council on Accreditation. These standards facilitate for working families, and dedicated, well-trained staff. the work to nationally accredit all YWCA after-school sites. The program is on an aggressive pace, having YWCA Early Learning Centers’ partners include: The successfully accredited nine sites through 2013-14. Housing Authority of the City of El Paso, El Paso Community College, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso Independent School District, the City of El Paso, The Rio Grande Cancer Foundation, Project Arriba, The Children’s summer camp Learning Institute and The Department of Defense. 457 youth attended the YWCA Mary Ann Dodson, Myrna Deckert and Shirley Leavell summer camps. YWCA Summer Camps feature onsite swimming, arts and crafts, language experiences, games and other special programs designed child care services to enrich children’s out-of-school experiences. A healthy Through a contract with Workforce Solutions Borderplex, the breakfast, lunch and snack were served daily. YWCA summer YWCA manages the Child Care Services (CCS) program camp ensures that children return to school ready to learn. which provides financial support to eligible parents who are working and/or pursuing an educational program. In 2013-14, CCS supported an average of 5,623 children monthly. A total of $16,336,352 was provided directly to more than 350 child care providers to subsidize parents’ cost of care.

9 community development corporation The YWCA Community Development Corporation (CDC) was established in 1998 to address the need for affordable housing and managed affordable housing options for eligible families. In 2013 -14, the Boards of Directors of the YWCA El Paso del Norte Region and the CDC agreed to dissolve the CDC, bringing its operations fully under the YWCA umbrella of programs. Projects include:

• senior apartments The YWCA Senior Housing Complex was home to 18 low- income seniors who benefited from affordable apartments at below-market rates. They lived in a community of peers, with membership and direct access to the resources of the neighboring YWCA Dorothy Woodley Hunt Branch.

• independence house Independence House supports women who are survivors of family violence. The facility is comprised of eight apartments and commercial office space. Residents may live in the apartments for up to 24 months and are charged program fees not exceeding 30% of their monthly income. This year, the program offered 11 women and 20 children a safe place to live and provided individual case management strengthening and advocacy to help them regain stability in their lives. families transitional living center Since 1993, the Sara McKnight Transitional Living Center (TLC) has provided housing and supportive services to women and their children experiencing homelessness. Residents may stay up to 24 months as they progress through an individualized self-development plan to advance their education, obtain job skills and employment, and build the life skills needed to move to permanent housing and maintain their independence. In 2013-14, the TLC grew its Adult Education Academy, providing GED and ESL instruction and job training to residents.

Case managers ensure that each woman has the help needed to overcome barriers to employment. Children also have access to case management with trusted adults. The TLC has certified Parents as Teachers (PAT) to make sure that children have every opportunity to develop. Children have access to literacy classes, tutoring, YWZones for exercise and healthy living, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts.

There are additional programs offered throughout the year to ensure children’s scholastic success as well as their social and emotional development. A program entitled “Winning Youth IGNITE” assures that youth activities build skills and self-confidence. The “Winning Kids” program ensures that children who have experienced domestic violence have healthy activities to reduce stress and an assigned case manager focused on their needs. 10 In 2013-14, the TLC was home to 86 women and 160 • During the 2013 Week Without Violence: 680 Youth children ranging in age from birth to seventeen years old. discussed dating violence in their schools; TLC In addition, staff became certified in Mental Health First participants engaged in Krav Maga training to address Aid, a program dedicated to building awareness and personal safety and all YWCA daycare children reducing stigma around mental health issues. participated in “Hands Are Not for Hitting” activities.

• “Imagine Peace” was held in partnership with the City of El Paso’s Museum and Cultural Affairs Department and offered 843 attendees a variety of cultural performances mi casa including the Tigua dancers and Capoeira Quinto Sol. early learning program The Judy and Kirk Robison Mi Casa Early Learning Program • The Annual Racial Justice Ambassador Awards were supported children from families experiencing homelessness held at the UTEP Centennial Museum. 2014 Honorees who resided in 11 El Paso area emergency shelters or were: Jesus Palacios (staff category), The Center transitional living centers. It is the only licensed child care Against Family Violence (community organization program in the city with a sole focus on addressing the category) and Janet Kincaid (individual category). needs of families experiencing homelessness. Families may access Mi Casa services at YWCA Early Learning Centers located nearest their residential shelter. Mi Casa offers a safe, academically-enriching environment for volunteer services children so parents can focus on employment or attending Volunteers have made a significant impact on YWCA job skills training. Transportation is available to and from programs and services. In 2013 -14, 1,384 volunteers Mi Casa locations. During the 2013-14 year, Mi Casa contributed more than 35,108 hours of service. supported 132 families, providing care for 262 children ranging in age from one month to twelve years old. YWCA volunteers work in early learning centers and after- school programs; tutor children and adults residing at the Sara McKnight Transitional Living Center; and sort donations. They support administrative operations and teen leadership serve on various committees of the Board. Volunteers facilitate racial justice and leadership workshops and The United Way of El Paso County continued to support mentor women who are experiencing homelessness. YWCA youth services with a focus on increasing Volunteers do so much to help meet the many goals teen leadership development and service learning and objectives across all agency divisions. engagement. Because of United Way’s support: Of special note is the role volunteers play in fundraising • 121 youth received leadership development training activities. A group of committed volunteers, under the • 508 youth received service learning training and leadership of Board Member Mitzi Shannon, planned the engaged in community service learning projects YWCA 21st Annual Women’s Luncheon which raised • 462 youth participated in Global Youth Service Day, more than $420,225 in 2014. Through a new partnership the largest youth volunteer event in the world with the Paso del Norte Foundation, the YWCA received a $100,000 matching grant, bringing the total raised through the Women’s Luncheon to $520,225. racial justice The Racial Justice “We…the People” initiative fosters justice, appreciation for diversity and the elimination of racism through workshops and community dialogue. The discussions centered around the YWCA core values of Respect, Understanding, Acceptance and Appreciation. In 2013-14, 5,938 participants benefitted from 152 community facilitations. Racial Justice programs are key to the YWCA’s efforts to reduce and eliminate hate, discrimination and violence by promoting peace, understanding and unity among all people.

11 fitness & aquatics division

YWCA fitness and aquatics programs are offered at five community branches (one in each area of the city) and promote healthier lifestyles in a family-friendly environment. All branches have heated indoor pools. Three seasonal outdoor pools increase families’ access to water activities during El Paso’s hot summer months. Zumba® Fitness continues to be the most popular amongst a myriad of organized exercise classes.

Seniors enjoy the mix of exercise and socializing and the Healthways Silver Sneakers® fitness program is available at every YWCA branch.

12 13 14 consumer credit counseling service Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) continued to receive funding from National Council of La Raza to provide National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling and the Making Home Affordable programs. Continued funding for first-time homebuyer counseling services and educational opportunities was granted to CCCS by the City of El Paso under its Community Development Initiatives.

CCCS received continued funding from the United Way of El Paso County to provide financial counseling to low-to-moderate income families and individuals, and to women living in transitional housing centers.

Overall, within economic empowerment programs: • 1,751 received credit counseling • 1,006 received money management classes • 373 received housing counseling including 54 foreclosure interventions • 1,199 received Homebuyer Education • $2,638,817 was returned to creditors through personal debt management plans • 1,103 benefited from 22 community outreach events in 2013 children cope with divorce Children Cope With Divorce (CCWD) Staff delivered classes to 682 divorcing parents. The quality of this program and its relevance to families in the divorce process was highly rated by attendees: 92% of participants agreed that it helped them deal with their spouse/ex-spouse and 95% agreed it helped them to better understand their children’s needs.

15 financials 2013-2014

74% funded services

1% membership dues

2% other revenues

8% contributions

2013-2014 15% program service fees revenue and support

revenue support program service fees $ 4,215,181 contributions, united way $ 155,864 membership dues $ 201,014 contributions, other $ 1,242,284 special events $ 523,191 contributions, in-kind $ 229,139 sales to public $ 6,857 funded services $ 20,988,432 rental income $ 139,384 interest income $ 1,553 other $ 516,341

total revenue $5,603,521 total support $22,615,719

total revenue & support $28,219,240

16 financials 2013-2014

14% early learning centers

2% economic empowerment

4% after-school programs

9% administration


expenses 4% fitness and aquatics

3% transitional living center

1% housing facilities

1% teen & other program services 1% fundraising

61% child care management

program services support services early learning centers $ 3,782,275 administration $ 2,508,532 after-school programs $ 1,150,649 fundraising $ 273,061 child care management $ 17,153,935 teen services $ 93,590 fitness and aquatics $ 1,219,572 economic empowerment $ 614,601 transitional living center $ 895,869 housing facilities $ 146,052 other program services $ 163,623 total program services expenses $25,220,167 total support services expenses $ 2,781,593

total expenses $28,001,760

17 financials 2013-2014

67% property & equipment

9% cash


assets 1% other assets

23% accounts, contributions, grants & notes receivable

11% net assets: temporarily restricted

6% net assets: unrestricted

4% accrued & other liabilities

4% refundable advances 2013-2014 liabilities & net assets 4% long-term debt and capital lease obligation

8% accounts payable

63% net assets: investment in plant assets

18 financials 2013-2014

YWCA El Paso del Norte Region Fund $ 4,802,825 ywca of el paso foundation Schwartz Foundation Endowment Fund 500,090 James M. Shelton Memorial Fund 301,490 net assets C.W. Wakefield Memorial Fund 272,404 August 31, 2014 Mary Ann & Chuck Dodson Fund 202,397 Joyce Whitfield & Robert L. Jaynes Endowment Fund 157,857 Shirley T. & Charles H. Leavell Endowment Fund 177,049 Cash Surrender Value of Life Insurance 119,427 Eric Sides Endowment Fund 100,000 The Will P. Harvey Memorial Fund 100,000 Myrna & Ray Deckert Fund 80,971 The YWCA of El Paso Foundation Tom & Sarah Lea Endowment Fund 59,779 Frances Z. Mason Memorial Fund 57,420 is a supporting organization of the Robert H. Hoy III Memorial Fund 50,535 YWCA El Paso del Norte Region. Whataburger Endowment Fund 50,000 Kenneth & Billie Spence Memorial Fund 50,600 Funds are established to support Florence & David Buchmueller Endowment Fund 46,130 Sara & Frank McKnight Endowment Fund 37,816 specific initiatives or where Robert L. Bowling Jr. Memorial Fund 30,500 Fred Hervey Endowment Fund 30,000 needed most. Karen Elizabeth Hanson Fund 25,000 The YWCA is grateful to the Betty MacGuire & Carol Carnes Endowment Fund 25,000 Helen M. Mithoff Memorial Fund 23,075 individuals, families and Andrew R. Guevara Memorial Fund 22,070 Leonard A. Goodman, Jr. Memorial Fund 21,801 corporations that have established Presciliana S. Torres Renteria Memorial Fund 17,765 Helen W. Licht Memorial Fund 13,390 funds in the Foundation to secure Martha C. Barrett Endowment Fund 12,610 Cornelia Bell Memorial Fund 12,947 the future of the El Paso YWCA. Jean Craige Branch Fund 10,861 Hugh C. Whitfield Memorial Fund 10,335 Gretchen Rabb Memorial Fund 10,000 The Yellen Family Fund 10,000 Ivonne Rodriguez/Ernest Crawford Endowment Fund 9,988 Arlene Valles Memorial Fund 7,820 Jeanne McCarty Memorial Fund 6,275 Olga Roderick & Frances Axelson Endowment Fund 5,913 Sue Smith Harrison Memorial Fund 5,357 Ann Enriquez Memorial Fund 7,705 Richard Feuille Memorial Fund 5,777 Harriet H. Smith Memorial Fund 5,100 Pete & Helen E. Lee Memorial Fund 5,000 Nancy Barnett Endowment Fund 5,000 Betty Thorn Memorial Fund 4,450 Blanca Guillen and Andy Orona Fund 2,910 Robbie M. Hunsicker Memorial Fund 600 Other Memorials 9,937 total funds $ 7,523,976 earnings, realized and unrealized gains net of expense $ 1,632,854 total $ 9,156,830

19 corporate, foundation & individual donors

$50,000+ $5,000 - 7,499 $1,000 - 2,499 Cardwell Foundation Ann & Jesse Allen Martha I. Aguayo Hunt Family Foundation Bank of America Corina S. Aguilar Shirley T. Leavell Family Sherry & J. Robert Brown Sandra Almanzan Mabel Ruth Spearman Capital Bank Altep, Inc. Revocable Trust Mary Ann Dodson Bank of America Foundation Paso Del Norte Foundation Feinberg Family Foundation Mary Ruth Bedford Western Refining Peggy Feinberg Blush Skin Studio, LLC L. Rick & Ginger Francis BMW of El Paso Guerra Investment Advisors Sandra E. Braham $25,000 + Harvey Group Joint Venture Patricia Burdick El Paso Community Foundation Leanne B. & Gary Hedrick Clara B. Burns Helen of Troy Ann B. Horak Carmen E. Byers Judy & Kirk Robison Gayle Hunt Gina Carameros TVO North America Rebecca & Alan Krasne Arlene E. Carroll Nan Napier Casa de Yoga $10,000 - 24,999 Sanders\Wingo Irene Chavez Anonymous Mitzi Shannon Coefficient Electric & Communication Rafael & Margaret Adame The Shiloff Family Foundation System Inc. Bill & Ronda Appleton United Way of El Paso County Conde, Inc. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas Robert & Gloria White Barbara Crews El Paso Electric Co. Elke Cumming Beth & Harold Hahn Alejandra de la Vega Hervey Foundation $2,500 - 4,999 Del Sol Medical Center JPMorgan Chase Bank Anonymous Bonnie Delgado Elia del Carmen Mares ARM Laundry Company Suzanne Dipp McClintock Self Storage, LTD Florence & David Buchmueller El Paso Community College ONE Gas Foundation Classic American Homes El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group Laurie Paternoster Sue Darnell El Paso Specialty Hospital & Mike Churchman Destiny Family Christian Center El Paso Sunrise Rotary Club Patricia & Karl Perry Michele Follen Nora Ellis Isha Rogers GECU Jody Casey Feinberg Jane & Robert Snow Debbie Gutierrez Ellie Fenton Taliaferro Ventures, LLC Cynthia D. Horton Malena Field The Allstate Foundation HUB International Mary Carolyn Fraser Wells Fargo Bank KempSmith Terri Garcia WestStar Bank Linda K. Kirby & Carl Green Judith Gaskin Ross Sue J. & Doug Woo Law Offices of Ruben Ortiz Robert Gonzalez Carolyn L. Mora Ellen Goodman $7,500 - 9,999 Dede Rogers Debbie L. Hand 7960, LTD Joan W. Schuster Cindy L. Hennig Myrna J. Deckert Setmax, LLC Hobson Stribling and Carson, LLP Susan Drewry Sierra Providence Health Network Hope and Anchor Carroll Maxon Maria Teresa Tapia Laurraine Huffman MIMCO, Inc. Texas Gas Service Stacey S. Hunt Rocky Mountain Mortgage Elizabeth Uribe-Sinclair Sally Hurt-Deitch ScottHulse PC Polly Vaughn Isela Ibarra Tracy Yellen JOBE Materials, L.P. JPMorgan Chase - Corporate

20 corporate, foundation & individual donors

Brian Kennedy United Bank of El Paso Jeanene Payen Lakeshore Learning Materials Blanca Vasquez Price’s Producers, Inc. Lisa Leeser Walmart Anita Rockett Linebarger Goggan Blair Western States Fire Protection Co. Alan & Gail Schwartz & Sampson, LLP Patti Wetzel Shari & Stuart Schwartz Martina Lorey Secret Wherrett Josette Shaughnessy Cindy Lyons JT Wright Tom Shockley Gloria Macias-Viramontes Mary Jo Wright Joe A. Spencer Kristine Marcum Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo Marybeth Stevens Rosa Isela Marin Sunridge Management Group Michelle McCown Rebecca Tarango Sara S. McKnight $500 - 999 Texas Tech University Susan Melendez Anonymous Health Sciences Center Clara Miles Janet Aguilar Carla Gay Thompson Donna Minear Barbara Alspaugh Guadalupe Valencia MithoffBurton Partners Sally Andrade Sharon L. Voelz Morgan Stanley Maritza Armendariz Elizabeth & Mike Weigand Morningside Investment Co. Sharon Butterworth Wells Fargo Insurance Lauren Morton Cabo Joe’s Services USA, Inc. Mounce, Green, Myers, Safi, Paxson Mary Ann Carameros Michael White & Galatzan, PC Nichole Castañon Brenda Yeager Sherry Mowles Joe Chemali Susan Novick Shinping “Champagne” Chyi Leticia Paez CNMK Texas Properties, LLC $250 - 499 Peña, Briones, McDaniel & Co. Kathryn Cox Anonymous Nita Phillips Lorez Curlin Retta Albertson’s Community Phil’s Plumbing Shop Mary Jeanne Dipp Partners Program Ann Rachel EP Baseball Club Series Grp, LLC Margaret S. Ater Scott Reeves Bonnie S. Escobar Alanna F. Bach Regency Printing Inc. Eureka! Media Group Barracuda PR River Oaks Properties Lianée Fernandez-Rios Martha Boone Eduardo A. Rodriguez Gibson Ruddock Patterson, LLC Beatrice M. Briones Root Architects Linda Golucke David Buchmueller Ann & Tibor S. Schaechner Marlene Gonzalez Guadalupe Canales Kevin Shannon Kara A. Granato Carl Daniel Architects Inc. Sara P. Shiloff Jewell M. Greer Josie Carmona Giselle I. Smith-Johnson Sarahi Gross Jack T. Chapman Bernadine Spencer Susan Jaffee Duane P. Coleman Stagecoach Cartage & Distribution, L.P. Curtis Jorgensen Marisela Correa Yolanda Stanton Kaplan Early Learning Company Nanette T. Creamer Mary B. Stevens Mary E. Kipp Marian Davis Kathryn Strawder Elaine K. Krasne Martha M. Dominguez Sunland Square, LTD Sofia Larkin-Appleby Melissa Dominguez Sunridge Senior Living Ann M. Lilly Lucia Dura Birkelbach The Foret Companies Amy L. Marcus Gaspar Enriquez The Herrera Group Elizabeth Margo Celina Flores Thrivent Choice Charitable Org. McKesson Foundation c/o JK Group Jeanne Foskett TRE & Associates, LLC MNK Architects Lori Gaman Tres Mariposas Blanca G. Orona Geske Grill Partners, L.P.

21 corporate, foundation & individual donors

$250 - 499 (cont.) Monica E. Armendariz Bettie A. Carter Jeanne Geske Nora Artalejo-Lovett Patricia Carter Geske Management Naomi Assadian Casey and Associates, Inc. Company, LLC Michael Atkinson Rosie Castorena Jennifer Giese Atlantis Health Services Terri T. Caviglia Adriane K. Guerra Alice J. Ayerdi Benito Ceniseros Kristin Haugland Celeste C. Ayoub Jimena P. Centelles Debra Hester Amy Bach Meeka Chavez Hernandez Leila S. Hobson Monica Baker Francis Chavira UTEP Center for Civic Engagement Bobbie D. Baldridge Joan Cohen Nadine M. Vera Cathleen Banda Justine Coleman Victor F. Nevarez Agency Guillermo Barajas Randall H. Collins Carlos Viramontes Marsha G. Baray Yvonne G. Colton Robert V. Wingo Tulula Barber Susan V. Cooper Carleen R. Barth Josie Cordero Lindsey M. Bean Sylvia A. Cortez-Ford $100 - 249 Yung R. Beaty Kelly Crenshaw Anonymous Judith Behm Markita Cross Elizabeth Abbott Terri J. Bell Lillian W. Crouch Matthew Abraham Benjamin Law Firm Jennifer Crowson Maria Elena Acosta Kathrin Berg Philip Cullen Melvin M. Adams Barbara Berliner Dayna R. Curlin Shannon L. Adams Diane E. Bernard Heather Cuthbertson Melinda Adjemian W. Jane Bills Marcia Dahlberg Sarah Adleman Spier Bert Blackburn Patricia G. Dalbin Dalila A. Aguilar Barbara L. Blough Susan Dubow Laura K. Aguilar Irma O. Bocanegra Svetlana Dylevskaya Renee Aguilar Christine M. Boland Linda J. East Mary V. Ahmann Janet Bonner Marla Eckhart Andrew Ainsa Maria E. Bransford ECM International, Inc. Vanessa V. Alarcon Andrea M. Brazel Kristi Eddings Olivia Alba Katherine Brennand Martha Eisenberg Anna Aleman Randi Brewer El Paso Chapter The Links Inc. Allen Concrete, Inc. Lillian Bristol El Paso Leadership Academy Allstate Giving Campaign Morris Brown El Paso Sanitation Systems, Inc. Tracy C. Almanzan Yvonne Bruce Elegant Consignments by Cindy Lu’s Maria Alvarez Elizabeth Bryan Susan Elias AmazonSmile Foundation Steven Busser Catherine Elliott Gloria Ambler Rhonda L. Butler Charlie Ellis Nicole R. Anderson Anna Cabral Elora Brotherton Education and Saundra Anderson Randi A. Cabrera Community Foundation Monica I. Andrade Marisol Cadriel Jan Engels Dora F. Angelone Terry Campbell Laura Enriquez Ladonna C. Apodaca Canales & Canales, PC Irene Epperson Ana L. Araiza Christina Caraveo Ramiro Escandon Melissa M. Aranda Carla Cardoza Nora Escobar Marina Ardovino Kathleen F. Carlson Christina Escontrias Ardovino’s Desert Crossing Carol C. Johnson Margarita Escudero Guadalupe M. Arellano Alicia Carrasco Yolanda Espinoza

22 corporate, foundation & individual donors

Olga Estrada Lesley J. Gosling Laura E. Intebi Bonnie M. Fairall Carolyn Gough Regina Jackson Fannie Mae Nicole Grado CJ Jacquez Norma Favela Cindy Graff-Cohen Megan Jantos Angela Feathers Michaela A. Grambling Jackie Jarrett Paul Feinberg Eunice Gray Rachel Jauregui Belkis M. Fernandez Fara Green Kate Jellison Frances Fernandez Yvonne C. Greene Joan Sargent Jenson Louann Feuille Carolina Greenfield Jeanie Johns Ricardo Fierro Edward Greer Adele Y. Johnson William Finley Bernice Gregory Annabelle B. Johnson First Light Federal Credit Union Jacqueline D. Guevara Lillie Johnson Veronica Flaherty Raquel Guzman Tiffani D. Johnson Guillermo Flores Adam R. Hagan Christine M. Jones Irma Flores Justin Hahn Jennifer Jones Juana Flores Ann R. Hallmark Nathaniel Jones Ludmila Flores Janine Hammock Jean M. Jordan Patricia Flores Sanchez Maureen Hankins Anne Jorjorian-Raynal Sandra E. Flores Jane Hardie Joseph C. Boggs & Associates, Inc. Virginia Flores Parul Haribhai Jungle Jaks Food City Anna Harris-Howell Bonnie Kaber Virgina Forbes Juliet M. Hart Alan J. Karp Cornelia B. Ford Diana I. Hastings Betsy Keller Karen Foster Susan H. Hatch Kimberly Kelly Cheryl Fox K. Elaine Hayes Susan R. King Robin R. Furman Mary A. Haynes Christopher Kleberg Bertha A. Gallardo Laura C. Hazelton Barbara R. Krieger Patti Gallegly Kyle B. Hendrix Bruce LaConte Hilda Gallegos Aidee Hernandez Susan Larsen Benjamin Gandara Amparo Hernandez Joanne Latimer Lucy Garcia Anne Hernandez Jon Law Margarita Garcia Heydee Hernandez Cheryl L. Ledford Maria de la Paz C. Garcia Martha D. Hernandez Laura Leslie Caroline S. Garland Sylvia Hernandez Margarita Licon Yorksanna Garrett Denise Hernandez-Caballero Lilla Lide Cecilia D. Garza Oscar Herrera Debra J. Little Katrina Garza Tina-Marie L. Hew Len Gabriela Llausas Guadalupe Gaucin HFP Benefit Solutions, LLC Maria R. Lomeli Pauletta G. Geeter Carol B. Hicks Lone Star Premier Insurance Mary A. Geske Frances G. Hills Karen J. Loper Allison Glass Hirby Pest Control Chris Lopez Amy H. Goldfarb Home Pros Real Estate Group Kerstin Lopez Anita Gonzales Sylvia Hopp Kerry B. Lore Elvia F. Gonzales Barbara Horak Noelle Lowenfield Azuri L. Gonzalez Jennifer Horsley Rosalinda Lozano Guadalupe B. Gonzalez Ted Houghton Lelois Lutich Michael Gonzalez Leslie I. Hudson Paula Lutich Frank Gorman Wilma J. Hudson Jill Macias Susan Gorman Michele A. Huguenin Cyndi M. Maestas-Henry

23 corporate, foundation & individual donors

$100 - 249 (cont.) Dana Morales Cecilia Porras Mariwyn Maloney Erich A. Morales Mariann Porter Bijal Maniar Mary Lou Moreno Kim Portner Carolina P. Mansour Elaine O. Morton Evelyn Posey Gayle Marcee Joseph W. Mullings Positive Directions Co. Sylvia Marcum Edward Munoz Brenda Powell-Russell Hector E. Mares Delgado Becky Myers Jacqueline M. Powers Adair Margo Cindy Najera Paul Powers Rosemary M. Marin Cindy H. Nance Ana Prats Chimene Mark Ana Rosa Navarro Phyllis L. Price Julieta Marquez Miriam Navarro Loretta R. Priest Priscilla Marquez Nephrology Associates of El Paso Lynn A. Provenzano Carla Martinchek Sandy Nevarez Maritha Puperhart Martinez Angela Nickey Shannon L. Quartermane Beatriz G. Martinez Sami Nitrad Pablo Quijas Elizabeth Martinez Geraldine Nitzburg Maria E. Ramirez Virginia S. Martinez Brenda Nuñez Vanessa B. Ramirez Craig Marusich Stephanie Nuñez Stephanie Ramos Leah Masters Sierra R. Oaxaca Teresa Rangel Lupe Mata Martha Oaxaca Vera Kimberly Raynor Anna R. Mattersdorff Thelma G. Offutt Cristina Reagan Mark Matthys Yvonne Ojeda Beverly G. Rebe Leticia Mattingly Denisse Olivas Renuka Reddi-Dickason Denise May Melissa W. O’Rourke Deana A. Reese Becky McChesney Ana Ortiz Reidsan Dog Training Center and Eva McDaniel Elizabeth M. Ortiz-Limon Kennel in the Grove Joann M. McElroy Shannon Osborne Teri Reinert Kathie McElroy Charles F. Overstreet Hector Retta Kristy McGee Ian Overton Gustavo Reveles Kimberly L. McGlohon Sylvia Pacheco Adel M. Reyes Cecelia McKenzie JoAnn Palafox Dolores Reyes David B. McLean Patricia L. Palafox Kristin M. Rios Carla Medina-Watford Hilda Parada Sharon A. Robinet Bernadette Medrano Kay L. Paredes Isela E. Robison Laura E. Meeks Carolyn Parker Martha N. Rochford Mark Mendoza Janis Paul Leslie Rockey Cindy M. Metrikin Adam Pegan Patricia Rockoff Christina S. Mijares Rene Peña Angelica Rodriguez Betsy Miller Roland Perea Brenda Rodriguez Michele Miller Lily R. Perez Graciela Rodriguez Nanette Miller Maria Elena Perez Ivonne Rodriguez David D. Mills Pamela Perez Margaret N. Rodriguez Sarah C. Miracle Kim Pettit Ruben O. Rodriguez Elizabeth Monarez Kathleen P. Peyton Leanne Roethemeyer Lidia Montes Heidi Phillips Adeline Rogers Nancy J. Monty Christal L. Pickett Robin Rollins Eileen A. Moore Jennifer A. Pickett-Chavez Mary Rolon Ivonne P. Moore Bertha Pinney Martha Romano Amanda Mora Pizza Properties, Ltd, Peter Piper Pizza Terry Romero

24 corporate, foundation & individual donors

Dolores Romo Arcelia Suliveres Elizabeth H. Wagner Juana I. Rubio Andrea Taber Heather Wagner Bobbi Russell Rebecca M. Taber Ruth Walker Debra E. Ruz Ximena Talavera Shadecie Walker Ellen Saad Deborah L. Telles Josephine Wallace Catherine Sainte Terminix of El Paso Alicia L. Ward Consuelo Salas John Tharp Nancy Watters Marco A. Salcido Rachelle Thiewes Wayne Strachan Farms Graciela Salinas Beth A. Thomas Dan Webb Sam’s Club - West Shawna Thomson Mayra Webber Lucia Sanchez-Llorente Cory Thornton Anita Werner Nancy Santana Tier 1 Physical Therapy & Alicia A. Williams Lisa L. Saucedo Sports Medicine, LLC Charmaine Williams Tibor Schaechner Valerie M.Topp Nanette Williams Margaret Schroeder Becky Torres Bennie M. Woods Stephen A. Schuster Laura Torres Jennifer Wright Tracy Schwartz Lorena Torres Teresa Wyatt Alexis Seabrook Fred Tovar Maria L. Yanar Gavin Seabrook Tovar Printing Mary Denise Zagariello Laurel Searls Stephanie Townsend-Allala Marcia P. Zaragoza Delgado Jacqueline Segovia Linda C. Troncoso Jule Zimet Lauren Serrano Linda Trotter Deborah A. Zuloaga Lee Shapleigh TRUIST Altruism Connected Madge Zuloaga Sherman & Howard, LLC Rebecca Trujillo Maria Siaffios Hung Truong Hayley Sias Jean Turley Jo Anne Silva Wyona Turner Marilyn Silverstein Sierra Ulibarri Maurean C. Simmons Susan M. Urbieta Lillie M. Singleton Rosa Vaden Kristin M. Sizemore Diana Valdez Joy Y. Slusher Hilda J. Valenzuela Avemaria Smart Lorraine M. Valles Arlene R. Smith Marcella Van Hoove Dana H. Smith Russ Vandenburg Carla C. Snider Linda C. Vasquez Naome Sosa Maria Isabel Vasquez Emma C. Spalding Nicole Vaughn Mary C. Spalding Shelly Velez Melvin J. Spicer L’Jon W. Veloz Karen Spivack Valerie Venegas Tycha Stading Sharon J. Verlander Kathleen Staudt Raul Viescas W. E. Steinmann Irma Vilardell Linda Stevens Jeri F. Vines Pamela J. Stevens Heidi Viramontes Delores Stewart Yolanda Viramontes Teri L. Strain Vistacon, Inc. Stancy Stribling Viva Financial, LLC

25 corporate, foundation & individual donors

$50 - 99 Ashley Graboski-Bauer Gayle Ray Guadalupe Acosta Donovant Grant Janae Reneaud Field Irma Aguilar Annette Gutierrez Mario J. Renteria Pat Aguilera Gloria Gutierrez Belen Robles Monica Aldaz Patricia Gutierrez Gabriela A. Rodriguez Rosa M. Alvarado Alexandria Guzman Sylvia Rojas Susana Amezquita-Guzman Felipa Guzman Erika M. Romero Answering Support Eric M. Hastings Jennifer R. Romero Joel A. Arrigucci Megan Hoover Kathleen A. Roth Eufemia Baca Barbara M. Hyatt Judith Rothbardt Bargman Melissa A. Baeza Jennifer Ibarra Jessica Saenz Avila Erik A. Baray Reneé Jimenez Teresa Self Jennifer Barr Denise Juarez Carla A. Sierra Maria Barrientos Leslie Kennedy Olga I. Soto Paul Gabriel Beltran Marian R. Kerr Ida M. Steadman Gloria Borrego Karina Lopez Table Occasions, LLC Kim Breitegan Sonia Maldonado Michael Tomar Kara E. Brooks Inell S. Manigo Lynda Torres Marguerite Byers Bertha Marioni Samantha Valle Kimberlea Caldwell Lucy Martinez Amber L. Vargas Diane Calhoun Melissa M. Martinez Hilda Vargas Martha A. Campbell Brenda Mendoza Rebecca Vargas Aida Caracosa Gilbert Meraz Robert Vargas Mary L. Carl Beatrice Middleton Gustav Verhulsdonck Esperanza Dominguez Norma Molina Virginia M. Dominguez Imelda A. Moreno Jesus Dukes Natalia Navarro other donors Robert J. Ed Rebecca Navar-Stepashkin Desirae Acosta Dori Fenenbock Network for Good Maria Isabel Adame Sylvia H. Fierro Vera Olivas Natalie R. Aguilar Bobbie L. Fritz Kevin O’Neill Sylvia C. Aguilar Yvette Fry-Perez Connie Ortega Vanessa Aguilar Christine Gallegos Laura Ostos Italia Aguilera Sabrina D. Galvan Hecmarie Pagan-Quintero Art Aguirre Corina M. Garcia Rachel Palacios Soila C. Aguirre Jessica Garcia Catherine Payne Veronica Aguirre Norma A. Garcia Erika L. Perches Jasmin Alarcon Teresa A. Garcia Anna L. Perez Elaterio Alfaro Yvonne Garcia Aida F. Perez Quiles Rosaura Alfaro Debra E. Garron Sarah Pergolizzi Victoria Alvarez Norma Geller Alexandria Pina Antioch Community Christian Church Sally Gilbert Megan B. Pratt Christina Aragon Tamara Gladkowski Laura Puente Anchondo Blanca Armendariz Annette Goldberg Valerie J. Pugh Diane Arms-Signore Lucy Gomez Lourdes Quintana Loraine Arriaga Eva Gonzalez Elida Ramirez Maria C. Arteche Cynthia Gore Josue Ramirez Dayanira Arzate Rodriguez Patrick W. Gorman Brenda Ramirez Lu AT&T United Way Employee Giving Cindy Ramos Davidson Campaign

26 corporate, foundation & individual donors

Eman Attar Jennifer Dayoub Alejandra Hernandez Estefania Audiffred Veronica de Santiago Candida Hernandez Tanya Avalos Belen Del Real Linda Hernandez de Santiago Sharron Avila Celina Del Toro Luz E. Hernandez de Santiago Jessica Barbosa Melissa Delgado Gabriella Hernandez Jordan Beard Andrea Diaz Jessica Hernandez Angelica Beaty Elizabeth Dominguez Julio Hernandez Roxanna Bejarano Jamaul Drew Miriam Hernandez Maria del Carmen Bencomo Olympia Edwardson Yolanda Hernandez Yesenia Betancourt Esther Ehrlich Carlos Herrera Julie Bishop Amanda A. Elliott Lisa Herrera Blanca Blanco Clarita Ellis Nora Herrera Ashley Bloxdorf Maria G. Escobedo Jennifer Hill Knapp Joanne Bogart Maria L. Espinosa Nathaniel Hill Daleemar Bonilla Carmonda Courtney Fleming Jennifer Hoagland Lourdes Bonilla Natalia Flores Patricia Holderman Lu Ann Bowman Christina L. Ford Marcos A. Holguin Ashley Bowron Rosa Fraire Hector J. Ibarra Maryanne Brackeen Luiz Galaviz Yolanda H. Jacobo Clarissa D. Brito Amber Gallegos Susan Jacobs Martha Brito Patricia Gamboa Mary Jaime Kwanisia Brown Yvonne Gandara Kayla Jefferson Delia Cain Amanda Garcia Rosa E. Jimenez Ian Camerano Ashley D. Garcia Angelica H. Job Rosa M. Carey Carol Garcia Annie Jones Janet Carrera Heidy Garcia Karin N. Joseph Areli J. Carrillo Maria Garcia Victoria Juarez Charles Casiano Yolanda Garcia JustGive Noraida Casillas Andrew Gasca Janeth R. Kassfy Nathan Castillo Kimberly A. Giddens Lori I. Laje Maria E. Castro Briana Gomez Linda D. Lara Rosa Celis Erika Gomez Audrey Lavi Courtney N. Celum Yvonne Gomez Jessica Lawrence Lydia Ceniceros Liz Gonzalez Cynthia Ledesma Ivette Cerrato Myrna R. Gonzalez Dennise E. Lerma Rosalba Cervantes Oralia Gonzalez Kindell Lewis Mireya Chaverry Robert Gonzalez Hector P. Lopez Blanca V. Chavez Yvonne Gonzalez Lorenza E. Lopez Guillermina Chavez Yamillet Grijalva Veronica Lowenberg Davida Clay Marisela Gudino Jose A. Lozano Sarah Colorado Debbie Guereque Bianca Lucero Alicia Coltrane Santa B. Guerra Steve A. Lujan Angelica Contreras Jessica Guillen Alyssa Machut Viviana Corrales Gustavo Gutierrez Lauren Macias Teresa Csanyi Carmen Guzman Daniela Marek Sarah A. Damian Evangelina Guzman Luz E. Marquez Nancy Daniel Anita Haddad Patricia Marquez Cecilia Davila Marina J. Hammond Allyson Marshall Mary Ellen Davis Carla A. Heidtman Celeste Martinez

27 corporate, foundation & individual donors

other donors (cont.) Maribel Padilla Emily A. Romo Jicela Martinez Pamela Payne Ruth M. Romo Juliana A. Martinez Anna K. Perales Maria Rosales Paloma Martinez Alfred Perez Stephan Rose Sandra Martinez Diego Perez Rebecca Rubio Lorraine Mata Edith Perez Victoria Sainte Kayleigh May Jesenia Perez Sunshine Salas Linda A. McClain Janet A. Perkins Ana Salazar Tarina N. McCoy Cynthia Pina Dianna Saldaña Barbara A. McMillen Taniis Plasencia Julian F. Salinas Alejandra Medina Alani Pon Kenia Samaniego Jennifer Medina Abigale Portillo Gabriela I. Sanchez Leticia Melendez Helen Portillo Lisa Sanchez Martha G. Mendez Kim Prieto Marissa Sandoval Patricia Mendoza Daniela Quesada Natalia Santiago Roxanna Mendoza Maria Quinonez Sonya A. Saunders Myrna Meraz Denisse Quintana Rosalba Scotto Jennifer Mercado Rita Quintana Glenn E. Shioji Emma Meredith Karina Quintanilla Michelle Sierra Belinda Miller Kristal Quintero Jane M. Sinclair Kristina Miller Talina Quintero Earl Smith Yolanda Miranda Blanca E. Radon Norma A. Sosa Rosalinda Molina Guadalupe Yvette Ramirez Evy A. Sotelo Marie Moore Miguel A. Ramirez Sylvia Soto Monica Mora Yamell A. Ramirez Barbara A. Spruill Valeria Mora Suzanne Ramos Rebecca Spruill Ana Morales Juan Rascon Elaine Stachera Monique Morales Beverly Reiter Allison C. Steele Rocio Moraza Ruby Remijio Tea & Garden Nydia Moreno Jana Renner Alicia Tejada Rebecca Moreno Laura Rey Beverly Thrasher Stacy Moshauer Ana E. Reyes Glenda R. Toon Lisa Moya Jacqueline N. Reyes Angel M. Torres Alejandra Munoz Michael Reyes Judy Torres Patricia S. Munoz Amada Reza Cynthia Trejo Raul Navarro Alma Rios Jenny Turner Cynthia Nevarez Elsa Rios Angie Ulloa Fabiola Nevarez Ana Rivera Araceli Valdez New Hope Lutheran Church Maximo Rivera Michelle Vale Maria Norland Gabrielle L. Robinson Ibrahim Valle Ana Nunez Ketasha Robinson Raquel Valles Rosie Oliva Dominic Robles Valerie Vanela Ronald Olivarez Crystal Rocha Alexandra Vasquez Maria I. Olivas Erica Roche Jazmin Vasquez Marlene Orozco Luz Rodriguez Stonia Vasquez Rachael M. Ortiz Rebecca Rodriguez Mary Velasquez Virginia Ortiz Magdalena Rojas Patricia Velazquez Jose Carlos Pacheco Miriam Roman Priscilla Velez Alejandra V. Romo Karla Villegas

28 corporate, foundation & individual donors

Perla Viramontes Shanna Viramontes Cassandra Waite Cynthia K. Williams Rachelle Williams Cindy M. Willis Kevin Wills Sandra L. Wilson Stephanie Wilson-Leedy Patricia Wood Melissa Ybarra Robert B. Yocom Ashley Young Linnea Zager Elizabeth Zapanta Susan M. Zeiler

29 tlc donors

We appreciate the Eva Acosta Nuvia Caballero following donors, Martha Aguayo Rosemary Calderon Ricardo Aguilar Ana Maria Camargo who, through their Davis Aguilar Martha Campa generous in-kind Maria Lorena Aguirre Edna Campos contributions, have Lorena Aguirre Patricia Capehart greatly enhanced Ana Alcazar Sam Cardona the lives of women Karen Alonso Deborah Cardona Lacey Alost Liz Carl and their children Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Suzette Carreon at the Gilbert Alvara Arlene Carroll Sara McKnight Laura Alvarez Casa Vida De Salud Transitional Maria Alvarez Antonio R. Cassagnol Eva Anderson Veronica Castro Living Center Regan S. Anderson Bonnie Castro Andrade Family Gloria Castro Antioch Community Christian Church Joseph Castruita Christina Aragon Terri Caviglia Patricia Araujo Lizette & Maria Vega Cedillo Eclica Arellano Margie Cedillo Anna M. Arenas Pamela A. Chacon Fernando Arrias Patricia Chandler Janeth Arteaga Chaplain Artie Maxwell, Jr. Maria M. Avalos Delia Chavez Frances Axelson Beatriz Chavira Nichole Ayoub Amanda Christmas Carmen Bagby Cielo Vista Church Hector Balboa Lydia Cisneros Patricia Balcazar Veronica Clark Bianca Balderrama Clint ISD Federal Programs Bobbie Baldridge Claudia Cochran-Miller Veronica Barba Noel Cognet Tulula P. Barber Polly Coleman Gerlinde Barria Justine Coleman Elizabeth Berquist Monica Collazo Adrian Betancourt Andrew Collins Bethany Christian Church Alicia Coltrane Kim A. Bland Shirley Cook Books are Gems Coronado Baptist 7 Bible Study Sylvia Borunda Firth Sylvia Coulehan Ceci Borunda Firth Lauren Cushion Sirena Bouvier Marcia Daniels Ana Brag Willie Davis Alma Rosa Brice Dawn Debenney Margarita Brown Billy Defrance Dorothy Burge Martha Degroat Barbara Bustamante Elizabeth Deleon Michael Bustillos Maria Elena Delgado Barbara J. Byrd Delta Dental / Kaplan College

30 tlc donors

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Marie Garland Isabelle Judy Department of Veterans Affairs Jodi Gillett Janeth Kassdy Cheryl Derrick Girl Scouts Daisies Sharon Kidd Melanie Deskin Nina Gomez Knights of Columbus Sebastian Diaz Jr. Yvonne Gomez Helen Knopp Jerry Dixon Rosario Gonzalez Rebecca Krasne Sable Drysdale Grece Gonzalez Ladies of Rhema Amalia Dunbar Viviana & Albert Gonzalez Sandra R. Lara Celia Duron Brad Goodwin Dorothy Ann Leach Edward Earickson Gospel Service at Fort Bliss Catrena Lee Sandra L. Eddy Erma Gracia Christine Leggett Lupe M. Edens Maria Greenup Life Church/Cielo Vista Church El Paso Association of Legal Maria Greeny Shannon Lockett Professionals Leticia Guerra Mayela Lopez El Paso Palabra Viva Beatriz G. Guerrero Melissa Lopez El Paso Retired Teachers Elizabeth P. Gundersen Louis Lopez Association Esmeralda Gutierrez Judith Lopez El Paso Sunrise Rotary Club Deborah Haeuly Martina Lorey Elora Brotherton Foundation Linda Hall Jesse Lucchese Emerging Young Leaders Hands of Hope Lucchese, Inc. Claudia C. Escajeda Candi Harvin Cynthia Luna Bea B. Esparza Susan Hatch Becky Lusk Julianne Esparza Kay Hatfield Linda Lynch Irma Estrada Annie F. Haynes Ana H. Macias Falc Enterprises Margie Henderson Rita Madrid Federal Reserve Bank Sara Hernandez & Family Laura Magdaleno Linda Fenson Susana Hernandez Pastor Rev. Inell S. Manigo Ellie Fenton Elva Hernandez Daniela Marek Carla Fetzer Karina Hernandez Elizabeth Margo Sandy Filleman George Hernandez Jr. Cecilia Marin Dorothy Fineron Alex Herrera Raul Marquez Virginia Finlayson Lilia Herrera-Estrada Raul Marquez, Jr. Dora Flores Michelle Hill Susana Marquez Patricia Flores Cruz Hilleary Josie Marrufo Martha Flores Elizabeth Hinojos Valeria Martell Cristina Flores Joyce Holmes Lynn C. Martin Jose G. Flores Lois Holt Mary D. Martinez El Paso Alumnae Chapter Delta Rose Ann Hoy Marisol Martinez Sigma Theta, Inc. Tres Mariposas Ovidette Martinez Jeanne Foskett Susan Hughes Patricia Martinez Patricia A. Franklin Mary Hunter Maribel Martinez Ruth Frith Ana Hunts Laura Masterson Lupe Gamez Installation Chapel Office B. Mathews Maria Cristina Garcia Joyce Jaffee Hilda Matthews Mary M. Garcia Nathaniel Jones Marshelle Maztlan Maria H. Garcia Amie Jones Mary H. McBryde Theresa Garcia Alicia Jordan Tracey McColley Norma A. Garcia Yolanda E.Jordan L. McDermott Rachel Garibay Victoria Juarez Anastasia McLeary

31 tlc donors

Katy McIntyre Blanca Peña Gianna Ruybe Rachel Megliorino Lysa & Rudy Perez Blanca Neira Salada Monica Mendoza Leslie Perkins Christine Sambrano Sydney Mercerio Jeanette Peterson Sheila Samiento Cindy Metrikin Anubis Pharoah Jesse Sanchez Vanessa Mike Jodie Phillips Cynthia Sanchez Estela Miller Laura & Robert Pon Sara Sanchez Claudia Miller Ernie Portillo Marguerite Sanderson Dorothy J. Miranda Dorothy Powell Tere Sandoval Keri Moe Praise Temple Full Gospel Baptist Church Rene Santana Larry Moreno Project Linus Aurora Sapin Irma Morris Quizno’s El Paso Sarita’s Cake & Bakery Plato’s Closet Ramon Ramirez Sheila Sarmiento Mountain View H.S. Gerardo L. Ramirez Ann S. Schaechner National Honors Society Stephanie Ramos Estela Schwantner Juana A. Moya Ellen Ramsey Shari Schwartz Msg (Ret) Ligean & Lillie Singleton Alicia Rascon Silvia Serra Jenny & Enrique Muñoz William Ray Teresa Shaw Valerie Muñoz Rebuilding Together El Paso, Inc. Corina Sierra Luna A. Muñoz Shirley M. Reimer Sigma Tau Chapter Jair A. Muñoz Sophia & Natividad Reveles Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Sergio Murillo Crystal Reyes Jeanne Silva Jamie Murphen Lucy Reyes Yadira Silva Jamie Myrick Jessica Reyes Rita Silverman Tanya Nadudvari Andres Reza Rocio Simental Nan Napier Ronda Rhoden Tonya Sims Debbie Navar Louise Rice Arianna Smiley Eva Navarro Paul Ritters Rosa & Earl Margarita Smith New Hope Lutheran Church Patricia Rivas Julie & Archie Smith Helen Niemeir Dania Rivera Jane & Bob Snow Northeast El Paso Quilt Guild Abraham Robles Sol y Tierra Growers Bob Novick Region 19 South West Area Gamers Renee O’Donnell Sandra Rodriguez Nancy Spencer Leticia Oñate Oliver A. Rodriguez St. Mark’s Mission Kids O’Reilly Auto Parts Graciela Rodriguez-Oliva St. Rafael Catholic School Oro Ct. #20, Daughters of Isis Isha Rogers Marilyn Stanley Claudine Ortega Bambina Roe Jennifer Steinhauer Kathy Ortega Samantha Rojas Jimmy Stevens Maria M. Ortiz Rebecca Rojas Laura Strelzin Joanna Ortiz-Lopez Robin Rollins Student Recreation Center Cynthia & Eddie Pacheco Romah Foundation, Inc. Juanita Sturman Michael A. Padilla Wanda Romine Sunrise Rotary of El Paso Shannon Pallis Laura Rosa Sustainer’s Book Club Jose L. Palomino Mayra D. Rosales Adriana M. Tarin Jose Raul Rivera Parilla Kaitlyn Rosales Doris M. Taylor Judy Parra Samuel Rosario Tea & Garden Rex Parsons Lori C. Rosario Lawrence Terry Janis Paul Monica & Antonio Ruiz Bethany Thompson Pebble Hills Elementary/Honor Sergio Ruvalcaba Sakinah Thompson

32 tlc donors

Darci & Rick Todd Manny Tolliver ywca Mayanin Torres Nessly Torres in-kind Zack Torres Tres Mariposas donations Tanya Trujillo Sierra Ulibarri Blush Skin Studio United Way Young Closet Factory Leader’s Society Corporate Connection Yolie Urbina El Paso Times Courtney Elam Emma Urias Johnson Jewelers VA Homeless Outreach William Long Patricia Valdez-Rios Pizza Properties, Ltd, Roxanne Varela Peter Piper Pizza Varay Sytems Price’s Creameries Maria Vega Spira Footwear, Inc. Natalia Vega Turner Construction Suki Velasco Tornillo POE Delia Velasquez V.I.P. Executive Transportation Services Veterans At Breakfast Westend Hair Company Mayra Villalobos and Day Spa Lupe Villalva Caroline Whitmore Martina Villela Sue J. Woo Vineyard Crossroads Church Nancy Wall Renee Walsh Janet Walters 1SGT (Ret) Dan Webb Anita Weber Anita Werner WestStar Bank Secret Wherrett Bernice B. Williams Pamela & Terry Williams Gloria Wilson Crystal Wingo Wise Latina & Latinitas Word of Life Church Irene G. Yañez Dania Yin Yucca Council Boy Scouts Lisa Zamarripa

33 program funding

United Way of El Paso County Chase Bank National Foundation for Judy & Kirk Robison Mi Casa Program Teen Leadership Program Credit Counseling Sara McKnight TLC Judy & Kirk Robison Mi Casa Program Economic Empowerment Program Economic Empowerment-Financial Counseling Citi Cards ProLiteracy After-School Program Economic Empowerment-CCCS Sara McKnight TLC Teen Leadership Program City of El Paso Shiloff Family Foundation University of Texas at El Paso Economic Empowerment-Home Economic Empowerment - CCCS University Heights Early Learning Ownership Center Sara McKnight TLC Texas Department of Agriculture US Army, Department El Paso Community College Early Learning Centers of Defense Early Learning Centers School-Age Programs Army School-Age Program in Your Neighborhood El Paso Community Texas Veterans Commission Foundation Economic Empowerment-Home US Department of Housing & Sara McKnight TLC Ownership Urban Developement Judy & Kirk Robison Mi Casa Program El Paso Human Services Paso del Norte Health Sara McKnight TLC Teen Leadership Program Foundation Teen Leadership Programs Walmart State Giving El Paso Independent Sara McKnight TLC Sara McKnight TLC School District Two Should Know Early Learning Centers WestStar Bank Petit Family Foundation Consumer Credit Counseling Service Hightower Foundation Sara McKnight TLC Sara McKnight TLC Weyerhaeuser Family Our Father’s Foundation Foundation Housing Authority, Sara McKnight TLC Sara McKnight TLC City of El Paso Early Learning Centers Border Servant Corps. Workforce Solutions Sara McKnight TLC Borderplex Child Care Aware (NACCRRA) Child Care Services Army Child Care in Your Neighborhood Capital One Foundation Economic Empowerment Program Ysleta Independent School JP Morgan Chase Foundation District Early Learning Centers Early Learning Centers Economic Empowerment Program

Allstate Foundation National Council of La Raza Independence House (NCLR) Economic Empowerment Program Bank of America Staff Training Economic Empowerment Program Sara McKnight TLC Teen Leadership Program Carl C. Anderson & Marie Jo Anderson Foundation Judy & Kirk Robison Mi Casa Program

34 board of directors, staff and foundation trustees

board of directors Marybeth Stevens ywca of el paso Mary Jo Wright, M.D. foundation trustees Rebecca Krasne President ywca Michael White - President Sue Darnell administrative staff Terri Garcia -Secretary Immediate Past-President Sandra S. Almanzan Sandra E. Braham, Ed.D. John Broaddus Jeanene Payen Chief Executive Officer Treasurer Susan Drewry CJ Jacquez Hector Gutierrez Lianée Fernandez-Rios Administrative Assistant Beth Hahn Secretary to the CEO Ernie Herrera Debbie Hand Elke Cumming, MPH Josh Hunt Vice-President Special Assistant to the Linda Kirby CEO/Operations Helen Knopp Cynthia Horton Vice-President Barbara Alspaugh Alan Krasne Contracts and Augie Montes Giselle I. Smith-Johnson Compliance Officer Judy Robison Vice-President Jane Snow Kathy Cox Polly Vaughn Transitional Living Center Jon Sonnen Vice-President Administrator Stancy Stribling

Jehan Dallo voting members Chief Financial Officer

Ann Allen Laura Gomez Arlene Carroll School Age Administrator Carmen Byers Elke Cumming, MPH Lucia Dura-Birkelbach Economic Empowerment Lori Gaman Interim Administrator Azuri Gonzalez Susan Guerra Eddie Muñoz Maintenance Administrator Ann Horak Karen Loper Deana Reese Martina Lorey Human Resources Administrator Elizabeth Margo Kara Granato Rosemary M. Marin Constituent Engagement Lauren Morton Administrator Claudia Raynal Arthur Westbrook Sharon Robinet Information Technology Manager Mitzi Shannon Josette Shaughnessy Mica Short Teresa Tapia

35 N


375 D

20 375 375

85 54

478 601 10 C J P G 62 H B F O K A I N 10 20

375 E 375 locations 10 after-school sites early learning centers • Benito Martinez - 2640 Robert Wynn • Myrna Deckert - 9135 Stahala A YWCA Administrative Offices J Angela Guevara ELC 201 E. Main, Suite 400 79901 550 Rubin Drive 79912 • Bill Sybert - 11530 Edgemere • Nixon - 11141 Loma Roja • Bradley - 5330 Sweet Water • O’shea Keleher - 1800 Leroy Bonse B Economic Empowerment K Arteaga ELC Division 212 Lisbon Street 79905 • Collins - 4860 Tropicana • Paso del Norte - 12300 Tierra Este 1600 Brown Street 79902 • Dr. Green - 5430 Buckley • Pebble Hills - 11145 Edgemere C Betty Moor Macguire ELC C Katharine White Harvey 313 Bartlett Drive 79912 • Edgar Park - 3601 Edgar Park • Polk - 940 Belvidere Branch 313 Bartlett Drive 79912 Carlisle ELC Edgemere - 10300 Edgemere REL Washington - 3505 N. Lee Trevino I • • 2114 Magoffin Avenue 79902 • Elfida Chavez -11720 Pebble Hills • Roberto Ituarte - 12860 Tierra Sonora B Joyce Whitfield Jaynes Branch M EPCC Transmountain ELC • Fannin - 5425 Salem • Rosa Guerrero - 7530 Lakehurst 1600 Brown Street 79902 9570 Gateway North 79924 • Garcia - 6550 Westside Dr. • Sierra Vista - 1501 Bob Hope D Myrna J. Deckert Branch N EPCC Valle Verde ELC • Glen Cove - 10955 Sam Snead • Sue Shook - 13777 Paseo del Este 9135 Stahala Drive 79924 919 Hunter Drive 799151 • Hacienda Heights - 7530 Acapulco • Surratt - 12675 Alameda E Dorothy Woodley Hunt D Kastrin ELC • Helen Ball - 1950 Firehouse • Tierra del Sol - 1832 Tommy Aaron Branch 9135 Stahala Drive 79924 115 Davis Drive 79907 Horizon Heights - 13601 Ryderwood Tippin - 6541 Bear Ridge • • F Mabee ELC James Butler - 14251 Ralph Seitsinger Tom Lea - 4851 Marcus Uribe F Shirley Leavell Branch 10712 Sam Snead 79935 • • 10712 Sam Snead 79935 • John Drugan - 12451 Pellicano • Vista del Sol - 11851 Vista del Sol E Mavis H. Escobar ELC Kohlberg - 1445 Nardo Goodman Vista Hills - 10801 La Subida Sara Mcknight 115 Davis Drive 79907 • • G Transitional Living Center • Lamar -1440 E Cliff Dr • Western Hills - 530 Thunderbird 3700 Altura Avenue 79930 B Patricia M. Rogers ELC 1600 Brown Street 79902 • Loma Terrace - 8200 Ryland Zach White - 4256 Roxbury • H Mary Ann Dodson Camp • Loma Verde - 12150 Ted Houghton 4400 Boy Scout Lane 79932 O Sherman ELC 425 Jaffe Place 79905 Lujan Chavez - 2200 Sun Country • E Lower Valley Senior Housing Lundy - 6201 High Ridge 115 Davis Drive 79907 P School-Age Parent Center • 2851 Grant Avenue 79930 • Mesita - 500 Alethea Park Q UTEP University Heights • Mitzy Bond - 250 Lindbergh 315 W. Schuster 79902