ETF r n I s s u e N o . 5 7, s eptember 2015 n E w s 57 Effective forest and farm producer organizations EuropEan Tropical ForEsT ResEarch Network EuropEan Tropical ForEsT ResEarch Network ETFrN News Effective forest and farm producer organizations issuE no. 57, SeptembEr 2015 This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the Forest and Farm Facility and the Government of the netherlands. The views expressed herein are the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of ETFrn, Tropenbos international, the Forest and Farm Facility or the other participating organizations. published by: Tropenbos international, wageningen, the netherlands copyright: © 2015 ETFrn and Tropenbos international, wageningen, the netherlands Texts may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, citing the source. citation: pasiecznik, nick and herman savenije (eds.). (2015). Effective Forest and Farm Producer Organizations. Tropenbos international, wageningen, the netherlands. vi + 218 pp. Editors: nick pasiecznik and herman savenije Final editing and layout: Patricia halladay Graphic Design isbn: 978-90-5113-127-7 issn: 1876-5866 cover photo: members of the artisanal millers association in obogu, Ghana. James parker mckeown printed by: Digigrafi, Veenendaal, the netherlands and atlas printers, Durban, south africa available from: ETFrn c/o Tropenbos international p.o. box 232, 6700 aE wageningen, the netherlands tel. +31 317 702020 e-mail
[email protected] web This publication is printed on Fsc®-certified paper. contents preface v what makes producer organizations effective? – key issues 1 Nick Pasiecznik, Herman Savenije, Jeffrey Y. Campbell and Duncan Macqueen section 1.