The Muslim Brotherhood in North America (Canada/USA) Sabotaging the Miserable House through the Process of Settlement and Civilization Jihad1 2 “Here, we follow the teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood.” Date: 27 May 2014; Version 1.0
[email protected] The report was written by Tom Quiggin, a member of the Terrorism and Security Experts of Canada Network (TSEC). Concurrent research at the TSEC network includes a methodology project for intelligence analysts involved in the analysis of extremism. A Horizon Scanning project on the convergence of extremist ideologies is being readied for distribution in late 2014. This project was funded internally by the TSEC network. There is no government, corporate, media or foreign money involved. 1 See the Muslim Brotherhood’s (North America) policy statements in An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America (5/22/1991). (Available at Annex A) 2 Dr. El-Tantawy Attia. Executive Director of the Masjid Toronto and a long-time member of the Muslim Association of Canada. Cancelled debate highlights tension among Canadian Muslims, National Post Staff, February 7, 2011, muslims/ 1 KEY JUDGEMENTS *Canada has a significant presence of Muslim Brotherhood adherent individuals and organizations. Their values and actions are frequently the antithesis of the Canadian Constitution, values and law. Despite statements to the contrary, the Muslim Brotherhood considers itself above local laws and national constitutions. *The Muslim Brotherhood’s use of settlement and the “process of civilization jihad” has proven effective. The long term aim is to globally impose a virulent form of political Islam to the exclusion of other faiths or systems.