Kanizsa Illusory Contours Appearing in the Plasmodium Pattern of Physarum Polycephalum
ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLE published: 28 February 2014 CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2014.00010 Kanizsa illusory contours appearing in the plasmodium pattern of Physarum polycephalum Iori Tani 1*, Masaki Yamachiyo 1, Tomohiro Shirakawa 2 and Yukio-Pegio Gunji 1,3 1 Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan 2 Department of Computer Science, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Defense Academy of Japan, Yokosuka, Japan 3 The Unconventional Computing Centre, University of the West England, Bristol, UK Edited by: The plasmodium of Physarum polycephalum is often used in the implementation of Kevin B. Clark, Veterans Affairs non-linear computation to solve optimization problems, and this organismal feature was Greater Los Angeles Healthcare not used in this analysis to compute perception and/or sensation in humans. In this paper, System, USA we focused on the Kanizsa illusion, which is a well-known visual illusion resulting from the Reviewed by: Jeff Jones, University of the West of differentiation-integration of the visual field, and compared the illusion with the adaptive England, UK network in the plasmodium of P.polycephalum. We demonstrated that the network pattern Werner Baumgarten, Universität mimicking the Kanizsa illusion can be produced by an asynchronous automata-fashioned Rostock, Germany model of the foraging slime mold and by the real plasmodia of P.polycephalum. Because *Correspondence: the protoplasm of the plasmodium is transported depending on both local and global Iori Tani, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School computation, it may contain differentiation-integration processes. In this sense, we can of Science, Kobe University, Science extend the idea of perception and computation.
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