Valuing and Conserving Ecosystem Services: a Scoping Case Study in the Danube Basin
Valuing and conserving ecosystem services: a scoping case study in the Danube Basin 2nd December 2010 A report for WWF by Graham Tucker, Marianne Kettunen, Andrew McConville and Eden Cottee‐Jones (Institute for European Environmental Policy) With contributed data from Suzanne Ebert, Orieta Hulea, Irene Lucius, Sergey Moroz, David Strobel and Maya Todorova (WWF) Institute for European Environmental Policy 15 Queen Anne’s Gate Quai au Foin, 55 London, SWIH 9AB 1000 Brussels United Kingdom Belgium Citation and disclaimer This report should be quoted as follows: Tucker, G.M., Kettunen, M., McConville, A.J. and Cottee‐Jones, E. (2010) Valuing and conserving ecosystem services: a scoping case study in the Danube basin. Report prepared for WWF. Institute for European Environmental Policy, London. Corresponding author: Graham Tucker, IEEP Acknowledgements: The authors are extremely grateful to WWF for funding this study and for the invaluable support that was provide throughout. Much of this report is based on information that was supplied by WWF staff from the Danube‐ Carpathian Programme and other European offices, including Suzanne Ebert, Orieta Hulea, Irene Lucius, Sergey Moroz, David Strobel and Maya Todorova. We also thank them for their advice, and are grateful for the guidance provided by the WWF steering committee: Gernant Magnin, Andreas Beckmann, and Andreas Baumueller. We thank Patrick ten Brink (IEEP) for advice on the study methods and comments on the draft report, as well as Tiffany Key (IEEP) for copy‐editing. The Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) is an independent institute with its own research programmes. Based in London and Brussels, the Institute’s major focus is the development, implementation and evaluation of EU policies of environmental significance, including agriculture, fisheries, regional development and transport.
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