Star Trek: Bearer of Burdens
Star Trek: Bearer of Burdens © 2011 This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author. FADE IN: EXT. SPACE The Federation starship Enterprise NCC-1701 orbits a planet. KIRK (V.O.) Captain's Log, stardate 6025.6: Starfleet has assigned the Enterprise to investigate raider activity in the Kaytor system. The inhabitants have declined invitations to join the Federation. INT. ENTERPRISE - CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS JAMES "JIM" KIRK sits at a desk, somber. KIRK Addendum personal log: Starfleet has offered me a promotion. I am loathe to leave but somehow eager to embrace the next challenge. He sighs, rubs his forehead. ELEVATOR - MINUTES LATER SPOCK waits inside as Kirk enters. SPOCK (to computer) Bridge. He scrutinizes Kirk. SPOCK Are you all right, Captain? KIRK Nothing a good night's sleep can't fix. The levels go by. SPOCK Perhaps, the doctor could help. They reach bridge level. KIRK Spock, I -- 2. The elevator door slides open, TWO CREW MEMBERS enter. CREW MEMBERS Captain. Mister Spock. KIRK -- will talk with you later. Spock arches an eyebrow. BRIDGE MONTGOMERY "SCOTTY" SCOTT sits in the captain's chair. The crew consists of HIKARU SULU, NYOTA UHURU, PAVEL CHEKOV and JANICE RAND. Kirk and Spock enter. Kirk strides to the chair as Scotty vacates it. Spock and Scotty stand next to Kirk. KIRK Status, Mister Scott. SCOTTY Aye, Captain. Everything is in top form, sir. We're orbiting Kaytor, waiting for your instructions. KIRK Thank you, Mister Scott. Uhuru, get the Viceroy. Mister Spock, report. SPOCK Kaytor and the surrounding systems are rich in resources including dilithium crystals.
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