Informational Cities: Analysis and Construction of Cities in the Knowledge Society Wolfgang G. Stock Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Department of Information Science, Universitätsstr. 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany. E-mail:
[email protected] Informational cities are prototypical cities of the knowl- arising: the “informational city” (Yigitcanlar, 2010). This edge society. If they are informational world cities, is not merely a “knowledge city,” with regard to mainly they are new centers of power. According to Manuel scientific knowledge and the institutions thereof (Carillo, Castells (1989), in those cities space of flows (flows of money, power, and information) tend to override space 2006; Kunzmann, 2004; O’Mara, 2005), but also a “creative of places. Information and communication technology city” with regard to “copyright-based industries” or a “cre- infrastructures, cognitive infrastructures (as groundwork ative economy” (Evans, 2009; Florida, 2005; Landry, 2000). of knowledge cities and creative cities), and city-level Since informational cities are not circumscribed by admin- knowledge management are of great importance. Digital istrative borders but span entire regions, they also can be libraries provide access to the global explicit knowledge. The informational city consists of creative clusters and termed “informational metropolitan regions” (Castells, 2002, spaces for personal contacts to stimulate sharing of p. 550). The dominant infrastructures in informational cities implicit information. In such cities, we