THE USE of NEW MEDIA in the CATHOLIC CHURCH Imrich Gazda, Albert Kulla: the USE of NEW MEDIA in the CATHOLIC CHURCH Informatol
Imrich Gazda, Albert Kulla: THE USE OF NEW MEDIA IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Imrich Gazda, Albert Kulla: THE USE OF NEW MEDIA IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Informatol. 46, 2013., 3, 232-239 232 Informatol. 46, 2013., 3, 232-239 INFO- 2092 UDK : 316.77:28:007 Table 1: The use of social media by Dalai Lama (on May 21, 2013) Primljeno / Received: 2013-04-17 Prethodno priopćenje/Preliminary Communication Social medium Name of the Ac- Date Number of Follow- cunt ers THE USE OF NEW MEDIA IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Facebook Dalai Lama March 3, 2010 5,111,973 KORIŠTENJE NOVIH MEDIJA U KATOLIČKOJ CRKVI YouTube Dalai Lama March 12, 2010 25,163 Imrich Gazda, Albert Kulla Twitter @DalaiLama April 20, 2010 7,021,274 Department of Journalism, Faculty of Arts and Letters, The Catholic University in Ružomberok, Ružomberok, Slovakia Google + Dalai Lama November 7, 2011 3,518,018 Katoličko sveučilište u Ružomberoku, Ružomberok, Slovačka Abstract Sažetak A driving engine these days is not manual work, Pokretač danas nije ručni rad, snaga pare i elek- Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia Twitter since November 27, 2012. He has had 147 steam power or electricity, but information. Social trične energije, nego informacije. Društveni i gos- (secular name Vladimir M. Gundyaev) has been tweets in English and in Arabian in total. His ac- and economic life is especially based on for- podarski života pogotovo, temelje se na formira- active on facebook since May 15, 2012. Until May count @PopeTawadros has 54,417 followers. mation, searching for and classification of infor- nju, traženju i klasifikaciji podataka.
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