ISSN 0008-3194 (p)/ISSN 1715-6181 (e)/2015/294–299/$2.00/©JCCA 2015

Missed diagnosis: A case report Jocelyn Cox, BPhEd, DC1 Guy Sovak, PhD2

Objective: The purpose of this case report is to highlight Objectif : Cette étude de cas vise à souligner la nécessité and emphasize the need for an appropriate and thorough d’une liste appropriée et détaillée de diagnostics list of differential diagnoses when managing patients, as différentiels lors de la gestion des patients, car il n’est it is insufficient to assume cases are mechanical, until pas suffisant de supposer que les cas sont d’ordre proven non-mechanical. There are over 250,000 cases mécanique, jusqu’à la preuve du contraire. Il y a plus de of appendicitis annually in the United States. Of these 250 000 cas d’appendicite par an aux États-Unis. Parmi cases, <50% present with classic signs and symptoms of ces cas, < 50 % présentent des signes et des symptômes pain in the right lower quadrant, mild fever and . classiques de douleur dans le quadrant inférieur droit, It is standard for patients who present with appendicitis de fièvre légère et de nausées. Il est normal qu’un to be managed operatively with a laparoscopic patient qui se présente avec une appendicite soit géré appendectomy within 24 hours, otherwise the risk of par une intervention chirurgicale (appendicectomie complications such as rupture, infection, and even death par laparoscopie) dans les 24 heures, sinon le risque increases dramatically. de complications, telles que rupture, infection et décès, Clinical Features: This is a retrospective case report augmente considérablement. following a 27-year-old male with missed appendicitis, Caractéristiques cliniques : Ceci est une étude de who presented to a chiropractor two-weeks after self- cas rétrospective qui suit un homme de 27 ans dont le diagnosed food poisoning. On assessment, he was tender diagnostic d’appendicite a été manqué lorsqu’il s’est with resisted lumbar rotation. , McBurney’s présenté à un chiropraticien deux semaines après Point, vascular exam, hip exam, were negative. A un autodiagnostic d’intoxication alimentaire. Son diagnosis of an abdominal strain was provided. Two examen avait révélé une sensibilité au toucher avec une weeks later, he returned to the chiropractor without an résistance à la rotation lombaire. Le signe du psoas, le improvement of symptoms. point de McBurney, l’examen vasculaire et l’examen de la hanche se sont révélés négatifs. Un diagnostic de claquage abdominal a été établi. Deux semaines plus tard, il est retourné au chiropraticien sans aucune amélioration des symptômes.

1 Clinical Sciences Resident, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto, Ontario 2 Department of Anatomy and Histology, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto, Ontario

Corresponding author: Jocelyn Dresser [email protected] T: (416) 482-2340 F: (416) 646-1114 6100 Leslie Street Toronto, Ontario, M2H 3J1

Consent: Written informed consent was obtained from the participant for publication of this case report. A copy of the written consent is available for review from the Editor of this journal. © JCCA 2015

294 J Can Chiropr Assoc 2015; 59(3) J Cox, G Sovak

Intervention & Outcome: The patient was sent to the Intervention et résultats : Le patient a été envoyé hospital, where he was provided a diagnosis of missed à l’hôpital, où une appendicite manquée a été appendicitis. He required a hemicolonectomy due to the diagnostiquée. Il a fallu lui faire une hémicolectomie en associated phlegmonous mass. raison de la masse phlegmoneuse associée. Summary: When a patient presents to a chiropractic Résumé : Quand un patient se présente à une clinique clinic with symptoms of , having a de chiropratique avec des symptômes de douleurs comprehensive list of non-mechanical differential abdominales, il est crucial d’avoir une liste complète diagnoses as well as mechanical differentials is crucial. de diagnostics différentiels non-mécaniques ainsi que Appropriate assessment and management of abdominal de différentiels mécaniques. L’évaluation et la gestion cases decreases the risk to patients, as missed diagnoses appropriées des douleurs abdominales diminuent le often require more invasive interventions. risque pour les patients, car les diagnostics manqués nécessitent souvent des interventions plus invasives.

(JCCA. 2015; 59(3):294-299) (JCCA. 2015; 59(3):294-299) key words: chiropractic, appendicitis, diagnosis mots clés : chiropratique, appendicite, diagnostic

Introduction The (vermiform appendix, see Figure 1) is a vestigial structure of the gastrointestinal tract found in the right lower quadrant of the . Located intrap- eritoneally, it is found on the posteromedial side of the caecum. While it may assume one of several orientations in relation to the caecum, it is most commonly found be- hind the caecum or ascending colon (75%), or descending along the pelvic brim (20%).1 It can vary in size from 2-20cm, typically found longer in children and atrophied in adults. The three taenia coli converge at the opening lumen of the appendix to create a triangular orifice.2 Appendicitis is defined as an acute inflammation of the appendix, typically resulting in abdominal pain, an- orexia, and abdominal tenderness1. In the United States, >250,000 cases of appendicitis occur each year.3 The * caecum Δ terminal ileum lifetime prevalence is approximately 5-7% in the general • vermiform appendix --- iliocecal valve population, with onset usually during the third decade.4 Figure 1. It occurs more commonly in males than females at a rate Vermiform appendix in 61-year-old male cadaveric of 3:2 until the fourth decade, at which point it equaliz- model es.4 Prior to the development of surgical interventions, >50% of patients who developed this condition died. The introduction of the appendectomy reduced mortality to mation follow. If this remains untreated, perforation, and 15%.5 Mortality now occurs in between 1-3% of cases.3 necrosis may occur.1 The pathophysiology is commonly caused by an obstruc- Current guidelines recommend correlating the clinic- tion of the opening of the appendix.5 Once obstructed, al findings to direct further investigations, such as blood distension, bacterial overgrowth, ischemia and inflam- work (white blood cell count (WBC), c-reactive proteins

J Can Chiropr Assoc 2015; 59(3) 295 Missed appendicitis diagnosis: A case report

(CRP), and polymorphonuclear cells (PMN))6, or diag- When the physical exam supports the diagnosis, con- nostic imaging7; however, 55% of patients do not have firmatory imaging is done. While ultrasonography (US) a “classic presentation.” In a classic presentation, the may be easily accessed and have decreased radiation to patient will present with pain around the umbilicus that the patient, computed tomography (CT) is the modality exacerbates when coughing, or straining. In the early of choice for imaging for its greater diagnostic accuracy1. stages, there may referred pain diffusely across the lower An exception applies to paediatric patients, as US is pre- abdomen that progresses to periumbilical pain indicating ferred, to reduce exposure to ionizing radiation. CT for early appendicitis. The pain will gradually localize to the appendicitis in practice has been reported having a sensi- right lower quadrant as the appendix and adjacent peri- tivity of 80-96%12-13, exceeding that of ultrasound. How- toneal tissue becomes inflamed.8 The patient may have ever, there is a greater risk of false negatives with CT that a low fever (~38°C), have voluntary muscular guarding leads to patients with appendicitis being discharged pre- that progresses to involuntary as the pain increases, and maturely, risking the development of missed appendicitis. may experience nausea and/or .1 This process When the patient returns and diagnosis of appendicitis occurs usually within 4-6 hours.8 If during this time the has been confirmed, surgical intervention is the next step. symptoms decrease, perforation of the appendix should There has been investigation as to which surgical be suspected. When a patient does not seek care within intervention is most appropriate for the general popula- 24h after developing appendicitis-like symptoms, a diag- tion. One systematic review suggests that while laparo- nosis of ‘missed appendicitis’ is provided. The frequency scopic interventions take longer to complete, they reduce of missed appendicitis ranges from 20-40%, with children wound infection, postoperative pain, duration in hospital having a higher incidence.1,10 Appendicitis is the number recovery, and time to returning to work. There is also a one cause of emergency abdominal surgery in both chil- significant decrease post-operative complication, such as dren and adults.1,11 abscess or paralytic ileum.14 However, if missed appen- Orthopaedic testing may contribute to the clinical pic- dicitis occurs, the intervention may need to be more in- ture of appendicitis.8 The pain will present in McBurney’s vasive, requiring an open operation.14 Point: the most distal third of an imaginary line from the right anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus. Palpa- Case Report tion of this site with direct pressure causes severely pain- A 27-year-old man presented to the chiropractic clinic ful tenderness. Some other tests include: with a complaint of an abdominal strain of two-week dur- ation. The pain onset a few days after having an 8-hour 1. Psoas Sign: a test of resisted right hip flexion bout of self-diagnosed food poisoning, that he felt had while the patient is supine, and passive exten- passed with no persistent symptoms. He described it as sion while the patient is side-lying. Increased a dull ache in the general right side that did not exceed abdominal pain with either manoeuvre sug- 2/10 on the numerical pain rating scale. He could not de- gests irritation of the psoas created by the in- termine which activities were aggravating, and found it flamed appendix. was always short lived. The purpose of the visit was to 2. : passive internal rotation of determine why there had been no improvement after two the right hip while the patient lies supine. Pain weeks. There were no radicular symptoms or red flags in in the right hypogastric region suggests irrita- the history, such as inability to pass gas, or any changes to tion of the obturator muscle by the inflamed his bowel or bladder function. He did not have constitu- appendix. tional symptoms, or persistent gastrointestinal concerns, 3. Rovsing’ s Sign: a test for rebound tenderness, and noted that his appetite was normal. where the practitioner inserts their fingers On , there were no clinical find- deeply and evenly in the left lower quadrant, ings on observation. His lumbar ranges of motion were then quickly withdraws their fingers. This cre- full and pain-free in all directions except for left rotation, ates a ripple effect that will disturb the inflamed which he reported recreated his pain of chief complaint, appendix, creating an exacerbation of pain. both actively and with resisted ranges of motion. Super-

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Figure 2. Transverse Abdominal CT at L5 identifying markedly dilated appendix Figure 3. Coronal Section of Abdomen. Calcified appendicolith at base of appendix with significant periappendical phlegmonous appearing fat stranding and fluid.

ficial palpation of the abdominals recreated pain, worse was sent to the emergency room to rule out appendicitis when palpated with resisted ranges of motion. Hip range or infection, due to the progression of pain symptoms and of motion was full and pain free bilaterally. His neuro- lack of response to conservative care. logical assessment (motor, sensory, deep tendon reflexes At the hospital, the patient’s CT results found phleg- of the lower limb) was intact. Lumbar spine and hip ortho- monous appendicitis (see Figures 2 and 3). After a failed paedic tests were non-contributory. An abdominal exam trial of conservative care (antibiotics and fluids), he re- was performed and was normal. Vascular screen (abdom- quired an emergency hemicolonectomy due to the mas- inal, femoral, and pedal pulses) was normal. There were sive inflammation that encased and adhered the ruptured no constitutional signs. Rovsing’s sign and McBurney’s appendix and ileum, to the abdominal wall. point were both negative. The patient returned to the chiropractic clinic six weeks The patient was given a working diagnosis of abdom- later, after clearance from his surgeon for post-surgical inal wall strain. He was treated with soft tissue therapy core rehabilitation. He was re-assessed and found to have and advised to avoid aggravating behaviours until the full ranges of motion in the lumbar spine and bilateral symptoms resolved. He was also given advice to go to hips. The patient was started on a course of progressive the hospital if he developed a fever or if his symptoms rehabilitative exercises to re-train his abdominal muscles. progressed rapidly, with the concern of an overlooked vis- ceral source of pain. Discussion Two weeks later, he returned to the clinic to report that The classical presentation of appendicitis is right lower though he had stopped aggravating behaviours, the pain quadrant pain that is exacerbated by coughing, sneezing in his abdomen had not resolved. He noted that specific- and straining. It comes on insidiously and progresses to ally on that day only, whenever his heel struck when step- severe pain within hours. Lack of appetite, low-grade fe- ping off of a step, the pain in his abdomen was worsened ver and abdominal rigidity is typical, with inflammatory to a level of 6-7/10. His oral temperature was 38°C. He markers present in the blood. However, this presentation

J Can Chiropr Assoc 2015; 59(3) 297 Missed appendicitis diagnosis: A case report

is only present in <50% of adults presenting to the emer- Table 1. gency department.9 There are many reasons for this, as Selected Differential Diagnoses of Abdominal Pain17 previously discussed. Blood markers may not be elevated Region Differential on assessment until the appendix is compromised1. Right Upper Biliary: , cholelithiasis, cholangitis As chiropractors, there is a battery of tests that are Quadrant Colonic: colitis, diverticulitis taught to aid in the diagnosis of appendicitis. They in- Hepatic: abscess, hepatitis, mass Pulmonary: pneumonia, embolus clude Psoas sign, Obturator sign, Rovsing’s sign, rebound Renal: nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis tenderness and palpation of McBurney’s Point. According Epigastric Biliary: see above to a 2006 study of the presentation of acute appendicitis Cardiac: myocardial infarction, pericarditis at an emergency surgical ward in Iran, the sensitivity and Gastric: esophagitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer 15 Pancreatic: pancreatitis, mass specificity of the Psoas sign is 23% & 50%, respectively. Vascular: aortic dissection, mesenteric ischemia However, another Spanish study indicated the psoas sign Left Upper Cardiac: angina, myocardial infarction, pericarditis to have a sensitivity of 16% and specificity of 95% in an Quadrant Gastric: esophagitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer 16 Pancreatic: mass, pancreatitis emergency surgical unit. The obturator sign works under Renal: nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis a similar concept as the psoas sign. The same paper from Vascular: aortic dissection, mesenteric ischaemia Iran mentioned previously reported a sensitivity of 15% Periumbilical Colonic: early appendicitis Gastric: esophagitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, small and a specificity of 75% for patients in the operating room bowel mass, obstruction with appendicitis, however, the diagnostic accuracy of the Vascular: aortic dissection, mesenteric ischemia Obturator test is poorly tested.15 Interestingly, the authors Right Lower Colonic: appendicitis, colitis, diverticulitis, IBD, Quadrant IBS were unable to find any evidence supporting the use of the Gynecological: ectopic pregnancy, fibroids, ovarian Rovsing’s test in a clinical or research context. It appears mass, torsion, PID to be unreliably executed and has not been adequately Renal: nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis Suprapubic Colonic: appendicitis, colitis, diverticulitis, IBD, tested to assess validity or accuracy. IBS The blood markers evaluated (WBC, CRP, PMN) are Gynecological: ectopic pregnancy, fibroids, ovarian specific for acute infection.6 WBC has been extensively mass, torsion, PID Renal: cystitis, nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis studied and is routinely elevated in appendicitis. Recent Left Lower Colonic: colitis, diverticulitis, IBD, IBS research suggests that a WBC count of >10,000 increases Quadrant Gynecologic: ectopic pregnancy, fibroids, ovarian diagnostic sensitivity, but not specificity.6 It is insufficient mass, torsion, PID Renal: nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis to use WBC alone as a diagnostic modality due to the poor Any Abdominal wall: herpes zoster, muscle strain, specificity and variety of other conditions that create ele- Other: bowel obstruction, mesenteric ischaemia, vated WBC counts.6 CRP is an acute phase reactant that peritonitis, narcotic withdrawal, sick cell crisis, begins to rise 8-12 hours after the onset of an inflamma- porphyria, IBD, heavy metal poisoning tion process, and peaks in 24-48 hours. CRP is suggested RUQ = right upper quadrant; LUQ = left upper quadrant; LLQ = left lower quadrant; RLQ = right lower quadrant; to be a strong indicator of perforated appendicitis, though IBD = inflammatory bowel disease; IBS = irritable bowel syndrome; a poor marker for simple (not perforated) appendicitis.6 PID = pelvic inflammatory disease 9 From Cartwright & Knudson, 2008. Copyright permissions granted PMN cell counts that are >11x10 /L are reported to have by publisher. a specificity of 92% with the largest likelihood ratio over any other laboratory test.6 The greater the PMN value, the greater the likelihood ratio.6 0.8 per 1000 to 5.1 per 1000. The increased mortality is Pain may not be felt due to the multiple possible orien- more common in very young or elderly patients.1 The tations of the appendix when the inflammation occurs.9 average rate of perforation when a patient presents to the If the appendix is oriented posteriorly, the inflammation emergency department is 16-30%.14 may be walled off before freely perforating into the ab- As primary contact healthcare providers, it is extremely domen. Early intervention is imperative for appendicitis important for chiropractors to be well versed in possible successful management of appendicitis. When the appen- differential diagnoses (See Table 1).17 It is pertinent that dix becomes perforated, the mortality rate increases from we use our clinical tools to investigate an unusual history,

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