+ TUESDAY, 2015 MARCH 24, Heavy metal Olympic lifting gains momentum IF IT MATTERS TO YOU, IT MATTERS TO US Connect with us at Postbulletin.com Four sections I 75( City approves DMC development plan BY ANDREW SEnERHOLM Inside and other parts of the world,
[email protected] none of which have the Next steps The Rochester City Coun Plan funding hits a speed background or the history we cil did its part to advance bump.A2 have," he said. DMC development plan process: Destination Medical Center DMC administrative costs bill Smithson asked that the ·Approval by city council (March 23). plan be looked at again, with plans Monday evening with clears Senate committee. AS • DMCC public hearing on development plan (April23). the approval of a long-term, steps more clearly sketched conceptual development plan. out. • DMCC board adoption of the development plan. The council was unani of the plan such as the fate of In all, more than 20 pub- ·City council second hearing on funding source for DMC (May). mous in its approval of the the public librar y to over lic comments were offered. • DMCC annual budget and capital improvement plan budget plan, a lengthy document laid Campion Adkins arching goals and effects of Council members, in discus submitted to city council (Sept. 1) the plan. sion following the comments, out by consultants working ·City council approva l of DMCC budget for 2016 (December). through the DMC Economic pion said. "I looked at the plan ... and reiterated that the plan Development Agen cy. Council The council's decision I was devastated that the would be a framework for • DMCC, DMC EDA and city council discussions regarding members expressed excite came during a meeting held library was going to move," development, not a binding potential public infrastructure projects and private projects (April ment to be taking real action at the Mayo Civic Center Carol Fishbune said.