Three Revolutionary Architects: Boullee, Ledoux, and Lequeu
TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY HELD AT PHILA DELPHIA FO R PROMO TING USEF UL KNO WLEDGE NEW SERIES-VOLUME 42, PART 3 1952 THREE REVOLUTIONARY ARCHITECTS, BOULLEE, LEDOUX, AND LEQUEU EMIL KAUFMANN THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY INDEPENDENCE SQU ARE PHILADELPHIA 6 OCTOBER, 1952 COPYRIGHT 1952 BY THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY PREFACE 1 am deeply indebted to the American Philosophical Columbia University, Prof. Talbot F. Hamlin, Prof. Society for having made possible the completion of this James Grote Van Derpool; Mr. Adolf Placzek, Avery study by its generous grants. 1 wish also to express my Library, and Miss Ruth Cook, librarian of the Archi sincere gratitude to those who helped me in various ways tectural Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. in the preparation of this book, above all to M. Jean For permission to reproduce drawings and photo Adhemar, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, Dr. Leo C. graphs 1 am indebted to the Cabinet d'Estampes, Bibl. Collins, New York City, Prof. Donald Drew Egbert, Nationale, Paris (drawings of Boullee and Lequeu), Princeton University, Prof. Paul Frankl, Inst. for Ad Archives photographiques, Paris (Hotel Brunoy), Bal vanced Study, Princeton, Prof. Julius S. Held, Colum timore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Md. (portrait of bia University, New York, Architect Philip Johnson, Ledoux), Cooper Union Museum for the Arts of Deco Museum of Modern Art, New York, Prof. Erwin ration, New York (etchings by Le Geay). Panofsky, Inst. for Advanced Study, Princeton, Prof. The quotations are in the original orthography. The Meyer Schapiro, Columbia University, New York, Prof. bibliographical references conform with the abbrevia John Shapley, Catholic University of America, Wash tions of the World List of Historical Periodicals, Ox ington, D.
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