Physical Processes in Natural Waters, Palermo, Italy, 1-4 September 2009
University of Palermo Università degli Studi di Palermo Proceedings of the t h 1 3 I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o r k s h o p o n PPhhyyssiiccaall PPrroocceesssseess iinn NNaattuurraall WWaatteerrss P a l e r m o , I t a l y , S e p 1 - 4 2 0 0 9 E d i t o r s : G . C i r a o l o , G . B . F e r r e r i , E . N a p o l i Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Environmental Applications Dipartimento di Ingegneria Idraulica ed Applicazioni Ambientali (DIIAA) ISBN 978-88-903895-0-4 TABLE OF CONTENTS SESSION 1 1. Observation of a monimolimnetic overturn in the iron-meromictic lake Waldsee B. Boehrer, S. Dietz, C. von Rohden, U. Kiwel, K. D. Jöhnk, S. Naujoks, J. Ilmberger, D. Lessmann 2. Double-diffusive convection in mid-latitude meromictic lakes C. von Rohden, J. Ilmberger, B. Boehrer 3. Basic modelling of double diffusive processes in meromictic lakes J. Ilmberger and C. von Rohden 4. Physical controls of methane emission D.F. McGinnis, S. Sommer, L. Rovelli, P. Linke 5. Gas exchange and deep water renewal in Lake Van (Turkey) estimated by inverse modelling of transient tracers H. Kaden, F. Peeters, R. Kipferf, Y. Tomonaga 6. Release and distribution of methane in lakes H. Hofmann and F. Peeters SESSION 2 7. Exchange Flow between Open Water and an Aquatic Canopy X. Zhang and H. M. Nepf 8. Simulation of sediment transport in a gap of aquatic vegetation meadow G.
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