
The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC) was created in June 1933 by the US Congress. The purpose was to refinance mortgages in default to prevent foreclosures. In 1935 Federal Home Loan Bank Board asked HOLC to look at 239 cities and create "residential security maps" to indicate the level of security for real‐estate investments.

On the maps, the newest areas — those considered desirable for lending purposes — were outlined in blue and known as "Type A". These were typically affluent suburbs on the outskirts of cities. "Type B" neighborhoods were considered "Still Desirable", whereas older "Type C" neighborhoods were labeled "Declining" and outlined in yellow. "Type D" neighborhoods were outlined in red and were considered the most risky for mortgage support.

Fourteen of these cities were in Ohio. The maps were usually hand drawn and hand colored and not published. The area descriptions were typed or hand written on forms. The surviving maps and area descriptions are in the National Archives. Home Owners Loan Corporation (HOLC) Residential Security "Redlining" Map Area Descriptions Dayton, Ohio 1937

Area Descriptions for Dayton, Ohio, 1937. Home Owners' Loan Corporation, box 105, City Survey Files, Record Group 195: Records of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, National Archives II, College Park, Maryland.

City Survey Files, compiled 1935 - 1940 ARC Identifier 720357 I MLR Number A 1 39 Textual Records from the Federal Loan Agency. Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Home Owners' Loan Corporation. (07/01/1939- 02/24/1942) National Archives at College Park- Textual Reference (Civilian), College Park, MD Series from Record Group 195: Records of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 1933- 1989

Restrictions and Copyright: This collection is "Unrestricted," according to the Archival Research Catalog for "ARC Identifier 720357" on the NARA website: http://www.archives.gov/research/arc/ 'P


I Explanation

II Street Index III Security Area Descriptions - listed alphabetically and numerically

F:r•epared byg

Division of Research & Statistics lfith cooperation of the Appraisal Department

March l 0 1937 ...... ytono Ohio

, .. ·•

~ . ... '• · ~ · EXPLANATIOt~

The purpose of the Residential Security Map is to grhphically reflect

the trend of desira.bility in neighborhoods from a residential view-point. ::?our

classifications are used as indicated by the legend0 namelyg First~ Second.

Third and Fourth gra.des. The code letters and color:! are A0 B 0 0 and D, and

Green9 Blue~ Yellow and Red respectively. In establishing the ga.de of an an)a.0

such factors as these axe conaideredi intensity of the sale and rentel demand~

percentage of home ownershipi age and type of building; economic stability of

area; social status of the population; sufficiency of public utilities,, acces-

oibility of schools~ churches 0 and business c~ntere 0 transportation methods;

topogra~by of the area; and the restrictions set up to protect the noighborho~d.

The price level of the homes is not the guiding factor.

The First Grade or A areas are "hot spots 11 ; ·Lhey arc not ye.t fully built

up. IIi nearly all instances they are the~ well pla.:oned sections of the city,,

and almost synonymous with the areas where good mortgage lendert! with available

funds are willing to make their maximum loans to be amortized over a 1()...,15 year-

period - - perhaps up to 7& .. 80% of the a.pprai saL They are 1i.i;.rro.r: .. o-ous • in

demand as residential locoJ;iona in "good timesu or •oad 11 ; htmce on the up grade.

The Second gru.de or B area.s 0 as a rule 11 aro completely develope,~, They are like

a 1935 autompbile -- still goodv but not what t:t.e people are buying tode:,- who

can afford a new one. They are the neighbo1·hoods where good mortgage lenders

will have a tendency to loan co~nitruents 10-15~ under the 1iwit. Th~

Third grade or C areas are chara.cterized by age v obsolescencev Uld change of

etylei expiring restrictions or lack of them; infiltra tion of a lower gra.de

population; the presence of influences which increase sales resistence s11ch as

inadequate transportation 6 insufficient utilities 0 p~rhaps heavy tax burdensp

poor maintenance of homesg etc. "JerryA built areas are included~ as well as

neighborhoods lacking homogeneity. Generally0 these areas have reached the

transition period. Good mortgage lenders are more conserva.tive in the Third

Grade or C areas and hold loan co~ni tments under the lendine ratio for the A

and B areas. The Fourth grade or D areas represent those neigh'··~xhoods in I which the things that are now taking place in the C neighborhoods have already

happened. They axe characterized b..y detrimental influences in e Ipronot:mced

dogree 9 undesirable pop1uation or an infiltration of it. Low percentage of

home ownership; very poor maintenance-and often vandalism preva:lll. Unctable I I ReJ)rdd~ced from th~ bnclassified 1Declassified Holdings o( the Nati.Onal Archiv&(l .. ,,.... at io ., .z:~..,.,.,___ " '" Page 2 Dayton, Olli?

incomes of the people tu>.d difficult collections are usually prevalent. The

areas are broader than tho so-called shan districts. Some mortgage lenders may re-

fuse to make loans in these neighborboods 0 and others will lend only on a con-

servative ba.siso

These maps and descriptions have been carefully checked witb competent local

real estate brokers and mortga.ge lende1·sJ and we believe ths.t they represent

a fair a.nd composite opinion of the best qualified loeal p(:'Jopl&c In using them

we ~o not mel:m to imply that good mortgages do not exist or cazmot be made in

the Third and Fourth grade areas~ but we do thir1k they should bl!l :made on.S. ser.. ,

viced on a different basis than in the Firat and Second gr&de areaeo

~he following loca.l persons collaborated with the field agent in the prepai·a.,-

tion of ·this map and the area descriptionsg

I!oward A. Gray Pres14ent 0 Real Estate Board

W. D. Johnson Ex~preeident of Real Estate :Boardo

Jolm Otto,, :Soard of Directors of the Real Estate Board~

Charles :Brinkma.u Board. of Directors of tbe Real Eatate Board. Clarence A.. Fleming Rome Ownere' Loan Corporation

A street index will be found in Section II. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

F De.yton ~ Ohio

..___ STREET___ nmruc _

Abbey Ave. G=l2 Arnold .i~o.voc :r~. J 2 •B A.bc:rdeen Ave. 0=17 Arnold Pl ., ~r.,.9 13dfm.:rte: A'I!'J . Aca.ci a J.. ve . F-6 Arnpl'ior U=8 Bell Q.. ,l(l Aca.c ia. Dr. 0-H Artz Lane L=lO :Bolla.ire Avtr~,. ~ ... lfi Acorn Dr. 0-l6~P-17 Ashland Av~ ., Q,-15 'Bello .Ave. D-lZ Adair J~5 .Ashley M=12 :Bellefont~ine Ave. Qc.7 Adams 1!=12 Ashridge 'H~H• Bt!!D evue Aveo J~9 Addi.son Ave . J=5 Ashwood Ave~. J,.,5 Ileller.ooC. 1=7 Adell te Ave. H-13 A~:p en .A. ve o r.f.=n :aellflowu Adirondack Trail L-16 Ath~xw .'l..ve~ G=9 :Renmont Pk.E,, K-9 .Adrienne Ave . X=l4 fn.ibU!'l"l _t 'If~ o H 6,II-7 Et~~llmont Pk.U . !.-9 - Aerial Ave . P-18 Audrey Plo H... 7 Bilpre AVe Q=ll Aero Ave. R-20 Audubon Park J-10 Bilpre Pl a.ce P-11 Agricala. A.~1e. Q.~5 Avalon Avo,. Laol5 Belvoir r.-18 Air N-13 Avon '\'fay F-18 Bender G-15 .llam~de. l'l. rr~- a A:ll'on.dale Drive P-5 'Benn Ave • !-10 .Alaska Ave . o~s B~nn E-15 Albany K-12 B~nson Dr . :r~e. .Alberta 'M-1~ B~mtley Q,-7 Alcott G-9 "' Benton Ave,. G=6 Alder F-ll 9 F=l2 Baal Lane M-11 Benton .r~1o Aldine Dr. H-9 BE~bbitt L-9 J3,cn·kel"Y L-l7 Alfred. Dr. E-12 Backus K-11 Berkehirt' Rd P-16 ll.lice l? =l?. Bacon N-lO Bll:nn J~l() Alicia Ava . p .~ 6 :Bader Ave " Q.=B Bor·ry tT=6 Alicia Road ~: .. u Da.inbri.d&;e M-10 B !!!rt :raP.t !I,f. Allen 0=11 BfJ.:!.more-1 Dr o N-20 ].o;~t L~S .All wen D1·. I~7 Eal timore !Li? Det.banie. Ave, ~!-~~ Alma. P=l4 Bancroft !=1:~ n~ve-r1y Ave. Rc:~?O Al.";.l"rwin Dr. R=2 BWl(50l' AV(' ., L=2 Beverly PL ~!=1.5 Al~~r.win Terrace K-9 :Bank K=ll Beverton Dr. R-lP. Almond Ave. E~l2 Bzmker. Bickmol<'e A"V6. 0-7 Alpine Lane N-17 Baxmoc.k M-7 'Bidleo;m Oul2 Alpine Way I=6 Ba.rbou:r Lane L-11 Bit.rce Ave< P~lC' A.lton o~s Barcelona Avo, Q,~7 Bil'!rsa.t:;k Rd. ?'f{~7 AJ.verno Ave. Q,-12 Ba:rclayJ..vE.\o R~8 :B i[hill B.d. L=l9 Alwildy Ave . ,J.~ l3 .J-14 Barkley Qr-7 Billman Rd. C=21 Amelia M=S' Barksdale A•1e o R=9 Bircher .Ave. Q.=9 kn~ricn Ave. 0 ·~7 Bax:t::e do 1 eo D.~-· R~lO Birt,hv;oocl Avo .. .t..mh~rst .Pl. r,. .t, Barling Ave~ Birch~ood Ave., P-18 Anderson 0-13 Bs.rne.tt J,,ll l31rney A:t"e. P=l9 .Andrews 0-12 Ba1·noy s.~l5 Btsh .A\•O$ 11·:.12 ;... ,ne G-11 Baes·li,iOd A'~H3 . J".-~6 Bittner L""P Anthtam Ave. 1=13 Basore Rt.'L E=2 :BlA.clt"?rood Ave. R=9 Antioch !-11 Dates U-10 Blaine I=lO Apple M=l2 Bauer S-15 BlOS$ Om Heath Rd. M,l9 Apple Road G=l9 BE~.ya.rd Blanch~ Arbor Ave. Pol3 :Beach Ave o Blue Bell Ro. • E·~l8 ..1\rce.de Lene L=lO Beaumont Ave " :Bl".leberry Avo. .E=-7 .Arcsdia 131 vd. R-13 :Beaver Avec R-18 Bluefield .Ave, K-f> Arden .Ave . ~=lf.i Beckel N=lO Bodey L~!nn N~lCt Ardruor~ Ave. H~l2 Beckman 0-13 Boehmo:r G-12 Argella AYe. Q.-12 Beddies L Bedford A.ve o :E'=lO Bola.nder Avo. J~l3 Argonne Dr. F=l3 Beech Dr. ~4 F.t)lti.n o~u .Are;.vle P=l2 Beechg:rovt! 'Rll. G<.~21 Bond 7.-8 Arle>ne Ave. E=7 Beechwood A"'le. J=f. Bonner Arlington G-J.2 Beechlvood Avet .. L=l7 Bouher Lane L-1':.1 Armenal Dr. Beeghly Rd. Dco}.4 Boul d~r .AVt!. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


Boulder Dr. F-1.3 G ~ot T·~9 C1.nc1nn3t.l Howd~1>.n A.v'!! .. F-6 Caho o.. n C~nrier L~:;.ne Q,r---) i BOW(; I• P-ll CB.li17ell. M-13 C:o..rcl" Dr Sowor Av ..,. T-7 CalholXG. p .• u Clrcl& D;:. ,g.1ii'. Q~ll ;3.nnae.u A. v e • L=!'? C1.1.lifornia. J.:q-::; ?-.J.t3 Cit·de Rri. E·ll C'tara:ma A\lO. 0=18 Bouse:\' RcL F·~f3 Cal"'\l ,J -1 "?. .J--13 Clare~nt Ave. R&U 8oy~r I-l2 Calvary Ave. :r,.,_!.~ Bra.d.fu rd N-ll Calvin Avoo M-3 Clarence. P·1.3 Ave. B1•edley La.n~ l-1~U Camb.ri3. I-~11 Ch.r!.owocd R-6 BrF.o.dy !,i-1. 3 Cambridge Ave . I=9 Clark Pl.:v,::a, :P-15 :Sr9..Udt 0-7 Camden I-5 Clarkson A"le. 1-lO Cla;,r M-11 !'l":UJdt PH:e P~fi c~.l..'llt-ron 0~7 Brazil Ave .1;!.-1~~ Oa..1pbell ~!~:rto:..,;. Ol.ear 'View Rd, G··Zl Bretll.!.\:1 M-H C'l>"n,:ns Dr. H-13 Bl""~.:nu,~r ·Av~., On•9 Ganfleld Avt•. G--9 Clement .Ave. •Briar Pl. 1!-4 Carmon t~9 Cl!liUl~l" I"'ll Cleveland Avc,, Q;-13 ~t< ~t:.rcli. ff Hd, :r-2 Ce.nyou Rd., 14=1 Cl~vel'ly Rd. -~~! t Bri~rcl1ff Terru~n R,fl ( *'Brie.r 1!111 Rd . N=.i.~) l­ B;;idge G-9 ( •:sroom Lan:.., li~B) Cliff Clifton Dr. H~l=3 .B~t ·~d.·;mnt; A..,,-,,, Cant f; r Ollf'J' Dr. .. N"""28 :Brl _;htQn Cappel La.ne M=l2 Cline M~,\~ GlinLoiJ N~lO Br1ght..,ood Ave. Car~bl' K=7 O~i '> .A.vt', G-..12 !h'O>:i.d. :B i. "7 6. P... u C<1::."l 'N=lO Clover N"'l2 Bt·~ndmeft..i Jtv,_... , ~-6 Gr,;.rlisle AVr3. P-U Cl?ver ;.,\vr . .Bro~o.dmnOl' Bl \rd.. Carltofl. Dr, Q.~5 Ooats A•·c, ,:=1 'j B:.· .)i\dr·.l')O't Dl' o €Jr..r:Jline M· ll '·~1? Bt>;md •ri ~··t Bl•d. {;ai: c ~T=l3 Go::..b:• Le:.n ... Co~ e1::ar. .Ave G~l~ Broo.dvi-s . Blvd. 9 ~. P-16 Cn.l.·-.·le.nd.s DJ•, 0·,20 !}olfa.x Jl.V ,(.-l8,Q.·l9 B.ree.dwa~r J.~u CP.,rroll J~;,30 I· l?. 8r·?9t.d~ell PL K~lO Garroll Ave .J .. 5 !'ollefe Brocto;:l J=J.-~ Ca.rrollto•l Avo., t .... l.!; Colle&~ Pu~k Aw~ J-9 !\l"o"'kdft.ltl 1»:"" M~;:n Carson Av•,u i::t-~ !~?llett Place AVE.. P-H Bre~okla.nds Rd. L..l5 Casn R.t:~gi!:H.er Ave., L-14 Collej '.... -1~ 13r·'>okl ina Q~21 Casper lA-8 ~o"tline>"JO >o. Ave. B1·ooklin.e A~re, Q.=l3 Cas a M=li r.,.s BNnklyn Av~. Ct=U Castl~ Dr N=20 brooks Q.=).3 Caetlewood Ave, !-A { Cecu 0t c.:,lonirl Avo .. ~~'!~ t3Nokside Dr. 1=7 Ga. talpa D:t•" if"<~' 1-8 Colol·n.do A.

~, . -~ •-. g,.; •l

Cottage Rdo lt-20 Demphle .A.Teo 0-12 ldgar AVeo 0=13 Oounoil t ...n D•nling•r Rdo 0=4 l!ldgecliff :r-9 County Line Rd. U=lB Dennison J.voo Cc.13 Edg-.ont .lveo K=l4 Court St. L-11 Dennison A.ve. Ho>13 Edgewood A.veo J=lO Courtland .lvoo ll'-9 Derbyshire Dr. F-13 Edison Holl Courtland Ave. R=l6 Derwent Dr, R-8 Edison Dr. E-ll Coventry Road Q.=l3 Detrick 11=9 Edith G-10 Covington Pike R=3 Dehan .lve. J..,l3~~J-14 Edmund N-8 O~wa.rt j.ve. G-12 Devereux Dro H~l6 Edna TJ-6 OQ:&Y Camp Rd. G-21 Devon Ave. ~-19 Edward Dr. ~-15 Crane N'·lO Devon Rd. P-15 Eichel LMe N=lO Cra:wford A.vfJ. X=l2 Devonshire Rd. P-16 Eichelberger Aveo E-7 Creighton Ave. P=l2 ».W.ese Parkway 1C=5 Eighth Ave. L--6 Oresoent :Blvd. lr=-17 Dewitt Drive 1=8 Elberon A.veo Q=ll Crescent L-10 Dexter Aveo Q.-17 Eldorado .A.voo ~-11 Croeline .A.ve. R-16 Diamond Ave. Q.~9 :Bleanor ATe o G=l3 Crestmore Ave. F-10 Dield.nson Lo"8 lleanor H=l3 Crestwood Ro10 Ditzel .A.ve. H-13 Elgin A.veo :t=ll Crosby A.ve. R-4 Division J.veo L=2 Elizabeth 1:=8 Crose N-12 Dixie High L=l7 Elk:ha.rt Aveo L=6 Crown .A.ve. D-12 Dixie Dr. 0 N. L-5 El'tina Ave o Q-12 Oroyden Dr. Q,-15 Dixie Highway K-19 Ellery Ave. J-20 Culbertson Lane H... ll »ix1e Highway K=2 Elliot J.:veo Q.=l3 Culver Ave. S-16 Dixon .A.veo N=l5 Elm G=l C'umberland. Ave. 1=8 Dodgson. Court 0=7 Elm !=3 g~ti?l_Dr~--. 8-9 Dona Aveo J=3 Elm Q,-VI Cushing Ave. 0-18 Donald Ave. Q,-15 llmer Dro F~4~ Dora Ave. T=l2 Elmer !rc=ll -...L Dorothy Lane li=L~lB Elmhurst Rd, I-ll Dorset Drhe E:=-4 Elmridge Rd .. N-20 l>altota. I~ll Douglas .A.ve. 0-9 Elmwood A:ve .E J=7 Daller N-7 Dover 0~12 Elmwood ATec R-20 ~n DriTe P=l7 Dow 1.. 1o Elamere Ave. H· SvB'-7 Dall,dri (lte .A.ve. G-!-10 Drake J.ve. 1=8 Elter Dro B=>20 D~hl K-8 Dressler ct o N=l2 Elverne AVeo R=5 D!1llner Ave. I-13 Drumore Dr. Gc.a Elwood .P:v11 o !=12 DUst .A.ve. R;.,lO Ave. L-6 Embury :Pu·k Rdo ~o,s n'rt~o"llth Dr. I-9 DntrY Q.-9 Jlmco Ct. P=ll D$.vid .A.ve. S-ll Dudley lol2 Emerson 1=7 David Road 14=20 Danba.r Ave. J<=>l2 Emily K-ll Davis .A.ve. P-ll »urner 1=13 El'lliil& O~ll i>awe" Ave. Q-4 Duetin t ...9 Emmet 1.=9 Dawes Road 14=3 lhltoit N-10 Emmons Ave. R=lS Daweon ~~8 l>right Ave. R=l5 England Ave. 1""7 Dayton AYe. J""10 English Ave. (t's? Da1"fiew Avo • E-ll _J_ En!tltj" A'If~ b Jl.s4 Dearborn Ave. G-13~14 l!l'Aaley .ln. L& :Decatur Ave~ Iuol3 Eagle l=ll Ensley Rd. t.-3 :Deokor !-12 Enker L=ll Ensley !-ie:1~1 Lid. M-4 Deecb An. J ... a lar1 J.ve. W=8 Epworth Ave, P=l~ Deep Hollow B.d. M-16 Earlham Dro R.,.,a Erball.gh A.ve. R=l3 Deering .A.ve. ll'-6 East Drive Ocol8 :Erbe Ave. J'=l4 Dehlb X=lO Eastern Ct. PoolO Xrdiel Dr. }!.:.3 Delaine Ave. o... l6u00 Eastland Nco5 Erie .Ave. 0-12 Delaware Avo. :1-4 'Easton J=lO Ernst Ave. J-7 Dela:trare Ave. E-13 East River Rd. lt=.l? Jemeralda Ave. J'-6 Dela.Are Ave. J ... a East Riverdale LeA Esther To6 Dell N=9 Eastview .A.ve. X-7 Ethel A'Veo R=l2 5 lte>l~ Della. G-13 East and West l31Yd., I""lB l!lton Plo x.. e D$ll Park A.ve. N.. la Eastwey J.'VCo 6=12 Euclid A.ve, I"'9ol"'l.l Dell1'10od A.ve. o... 1s Eastwood Aveo Q.:-8 E11gene A.ve. Q.-ll :Dell110od Dr. Q..-.17 Eaton Pike 0-12 Eureka Dr. Q.<-17 Delmar A.ve. Q.-9 Eby- Ave. G-15 Eva p .. ut Delalonte Ave. P-l? Eby Road G-10 Eva.nston Ave" !ool4 Delno Dr. D... ? J'b7 Rd. 1·19 E'felyn Dr. X,..l6 l)elor I=l2 Jby··Rd. J,.,l9 Jlveret t Dr. S..9 Delphos Ave. ,.,.10 Echo 1Te. ~-7 Everett IPl7 Delta ATe. Q.-1'1 lllddil :&.ol2 tvergret!ln .A.ve. lt-1() Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives . - ...., .-It, O~:.')c

Erralt Ave. ?.c lE For~h:Al<) Q.=l2 (•Fehrin& Cto Ewelt Circh R-15 ]'orest Ave. 'K 8 (~!!FerDon Rd, Ewing !.1=~ Forest Dr . E-4 ~ert:rude Ave._. €x:eter Rd. s... .?.l, Forest Glenn I-6 GP.ttysburg Ave. Forest Grove G-7 G~yer K-8 Forest; Hill A.ve, Gibson Ct. N-~1 Foroz t Home Ave. Q.-6 Gilbert Av(', p .. n Fa.irbanks Ave " G.-.l.O J!'orre~,. JUvd. 0-16 Gilsey Ave. :f-14 Fairfax Ave. R-8 Fo:r:r6r Rd, N-16 Gir:trd Ct, K-B F1ii;-fa.x -~ve. T-10 Fore~·t':e Ave. E-7 G-1t'!S,,~1' Rd. J-l€ Fai:rfield J,.v0. H~5 ]'oater P.ve. L-2 Coled Ave L-..17 Fairground Ave. !.!-13 Foundry M-·10 Gleru..t'!ll A''"" . R-14 Fairland Q.·-6 PountaJ.n G-14 Gl e-nbock Av~;>., L-·16 Fairla~ Ave. F-7 Fou.ntain Ave .. J~S Gl~ne:oe A... eo Ff\irmont Ave .. N-18 rom·th L-ll Glendale Ave. r... e Fair ParK Ave" S-8 Fourth A. n . L=S GlMdors .Ave, !f...,J.J$, Fairport Ave. F~7 ]'o·der A·.re " Hco2 Glen;. Uat>tin Dri'\'e .R=~ Fain·iew Ave. I-7 Fox Ave. G-1';;. Glewn~rtin Rd. 0~6 Fairway Ir~l8 Foxgl I)'V.; R~20 Qlerwva X=S Falr.~o·llth Ave, F-6 Fo;;;:r·i dgc~ Dr. N-20 Jlenri-:1(.7~ ae. N~20 Far Hills Avo. !.1=14 Frances Ave, F-12 Glen Rd .. ~-l2~l".t Farloy 1=11 Frfll".k M~l3 Glen Rock Rdc ~-l2 Farn.lw.tn AV'e . . R~l3 .Fnnk;Lin L=l1 Glenwl:ly H=l~' :Pa:ulkner Ave " I-10 Frederick 1-12 Glemood 1{.,.7 Fauver Ave. 0-14 Fl'f:ci.eri<:k Rd. J=<­ Gold Fnuver Ave. R-14 Frt.~e Pike C-5 Gcldtmglow J'l.v~, R--.20 Fay ·Ave. G-14 y: .... ,_~· ~1!J~n· Ave ... M=l.O Gold em od. A\'e . 1=14 Federal J,.9 j-";:(~1\f!b Ln:~;.f. '[1.,,11 (}Qlfview Ave, ;r,.,6 *Feight Lane J=ll :Frhell J.ve,. !""13 :?ondert A"te. ~=11 Feldronn Ave. T-13 Fl"OliUil J,.,JO Gordon Av~J:, J=l:2 Fellcers Lane H.,U Pront N...,lo Grots Ave, K=2A •Ferguson Avf!.. J-10 Frt:oudanbe:rger JJ.v ~- 9 Gr~.ce Avo, B-=15 Fern Ave. M-ll Frytown Rd( Z> l~· Gl"E"•ll Gainsboro Blvd. !,... 18 Grnno:c~iEw A.vl!!. G-l2 Fifth Ave. JC-5 Gaino.boro RcL P··l6 Gt•andVi11-oVf :Rd. Fillmore 0-12 Gnle J'··l:2 Ger1r•o:1t <::. 0....11 Fillmore Avo. E-4 Ga;l,h:rway K-12 Grt'~'lt i:.r~ t) Findlt\y P-10 Gar d. .A,•e, ff•ol3 Gn.:at Avo. F· '~ Finke Pl. ll=ll Go: den .A.T"e, N=lO f}l·p.,vat: l\ 9 Fh·st 0-1~~ Gardenva.le A'tl " E·~ Gr~y ? -10 First L-l0 0 I~ll Gnrfield P-~lC G-re-at liia:::1i El-rc'.. L-9 Fhst Ave. K~5 Gar1B::~d Avec Q.=lO ~~,·earL .!--:1 Fi rwood Dr. 0~14 Garret ~{,=>)2 (l-{"~e:;.ca.Btle J ... lZ Fie.ildr Maiden Ave. L-~3 Garrison .A...-e. P-19 G:re.~;.::.dale Dr o ~-·lS Fitch J=l2 Ga.rgt K..ol2 Greenho•:tr;n D:t. M~l9 Fivo 0Eo.ks Ave. K-9 Gaacha Dr. S-12 Greenlo-rm AVCJ, :a. .J 1 Fhetfoot (l....l3 Gaylord Ave o 't-19 Greele~ A.veo p..,-1~ Flesher S-15 Gebhart 0<>12 Greenmou~t ~lvd, 0~·16 Flint Dr. F~l4 Gebhw't Rd. F-19 Greenwf'...ld Qc-~ll Floral Ave. L-9 Gene3ete Ave . D-7 O·reenr.a.ld ..\v~ 11~~ Floral Ave. R=21 Genesee .Ave. G-7 Gr~ent;a;• e--ll Floral Rome Q.=n ~e Ave . K-6 G:reenwicJ:~ Vil. Ave. Jl~6 Florence Q,-11 Geneva Ro;..d E~ll Grt,euwood Ave, H~l2 :B'lcri ~.~':\ Dr. R-5 George N-ll Gregory G=-1:.: F11)ry JcA, Geo:rgeA.na Ct.• J~9 Grime£. X' ~· ll 2~ ·.o.hm.·t Ave. K=l2 13-eorgie. Dr, R4 Grocvenor I .:all Folkertb 0=10 Gere.rd .Ave. Lc>)5 G-rove Ave, 1~... a !'olk')~th L&.ne T-13 Gerw.rd 0=7 GrovelPnd Ave, (1..,1~ Fol~e.kr;l' M=l2 Ge:rltll.-ugh Ave. PolO G-1.1enther Rd D-_,:w li'o:rd J.v~. L...l5 Ge rm...m to nn J=)2 Guer~MY Dell A'•ttt. Q.-{; Ford North0 Sout1:1 h!-10 Germtmtown Pk. :D-16 G-ummer Av.:~. R·"'ll ~>'Ohio

,• p §.TbET pwm ¥

. ..,,~ '}' . ""' .,. '• ~~ l''(e .. -:: .. G (Oent.) '

Gun.ck)..e .A.ve. 0~12 Helena IPS Ida. Aveo 1=5 Henry lf... ll ldienlde l3lvd. Lo5 R Hepburn .A.ve. G-6 Illinois Ave. E=l4 Herald Av.,. H-6 Illinois A.ve. J..,5 Haberer G=>l3 Hermia ton .A.Y~. R=6 Illinois Ave. 0~>13 Ba4l,ey Ave. 0-17 Herbert M""9 Imo Dr. 1=6 .i&dlty Rd. ll-17 Herman A. vo. L-.9 Indiana E-13 !Ii1f;en Rd. )4=3 Hershey L·9 Indiana A.veo 0-13 ld.g ATe. Q.-18 Hess M-ll Indianola A.ve. J=7 HaU.eman .Ave. R-4 Hiawatha Dr. L-5 Indian Riffle Rd. S-lB Bale Ave. Q.~l7 Hickory M-12 Infirmary Rd. 0=14 Hale· D-11 Hi ckoryd.ale Dr. D-7 Ingleside Ave. P-6 Hall .A:ve. il-9 High Ncoll !ll{f;leside Dr. N=l9 Haller .l.ve. 11... 13 Highland Ave. P-ll lngela&r H-12 Ra).l 'boct .A.ve. lt-ll Higlu'idge Ave. R=l4 bgl'!Gl G=l.3 Hame:r P-7 liighview Ave. G-14 Inland Ave. G-12 Huilten .A.ve. 0-10 Highview Ave. Ral5 Iola R~l3 Hamlin :Dl'. 1(... 3 Hilary .A.Te • G=l2 Iowa Ave. E-13 Jiampehire Rd. :p..,J.G H11J,. ).( ...12 I1:iquo1. s Ave. K-7 HaDlp stead Rd. Ht:e6 Hillcrest A.ve. J=6 Irving Ave. N=l4 Ramp'•n Rd. Q...l7 li1lhdale A.ve. L-4 Irvington .A.ve. L=l5 · lianco elt A.ve. :r... s Hilledale Dr. N""l9 Irwin Q.=9 Balle;r Rd. J'-4 Rilhide J..ve. N=l8 Ivanhoe .A.ve. 0=15 Hanna Ave. 0=12 Hilltop Ave. N=l? Ivy Ave. H=l2 Jiat).Gver A.ve. :0...13 Hill View Ave. ll-17 Ivyweod P=l4 H~bine .A.ve. Q.-9 HiJ,.ton Dr. L-16 Harding Dr. 1=6 Hirsch P-7 .J__ H.ar.~~od R... 19 Rivling 0<->10 &.rlcer1• i-7 lUvling Ave. 8=10 Jackson Moll Ka:tm'

Ha.rmori Terrace 1=15 Hodapp Ave Q Q.-12 Jalappe. Rd. C-lO Harper Ave. o... 12 Roguq Ave. K=2 James :N"'ll lta.rriee M-·10 Hollencwnp .A.ve. D-12 Janco J.ve. J=20 Karriet X-13 Hollier .l:ve. Q.-11 Jasper M•ml3 Harrison A:ve. :r-5 Roll. any F=lZ Jay N'=l2 Rarris0n A:Te. Q.=l8 Ho'!ty Ave. p •. ,l3 Jeffsrso:J. L..,liJ Hur-an Ave. D-11 Holmes Ave. G-9 Jefteno;i j:ve. G.,5 Harshllla.n 0-10 Holt J-10 Jensvold Dr, 1=4 Harshman St; !=7 Home A.veo 1=12 Jet:.;)llle Ave" G=l3 Rarsbmanville Road S-6 Home Lane J-10 Jersey P~lO Harsnmanville Rdo T-8 Homecreat Ave. 11~4 Jea!'li."" Q.,l3 Hart . w-s Homestead A.ve. J=l3 Jett .!.VIto J~1.4 Hartford 1~12 Homeview Ave. D-.12 John 0=10 l!ervard A.ve. D-13 Romeview Ave. R-2 Johnson Jt..,l(! Rarvarct Blvd. J-9 Homewood. Ave. J..,a Johnson Lane ]!' ... 12 Ela.rvard :Blvd. I-8 Hoover Ave. F-lO Joe. M-12 Harveat .lVeo R-19 Hope N-ll Jamar I=2l ~er .\ve. Q,-18 Hopeland K-12 Jone15 t.i""ll Ha.senetab u... a Horace Ave. K-ll Jonquil A.ve. R=20 Rs,skins Ave. ~-14 Horl9cher S-15 Jordan A.ve. "=ll Raeder Q.-13 Horton P=lO Julia A.ve" H-4 Hatfield J'-12 Rosket H-13 Jline N=lO Ra. thtl.way :Rd. 0-14 Howard M=ll Haver Rd. M-15 Howell Ave. I-ll .--X Haverhill Dr. JI... s Huber Ave. 1{..,14 Hawker lf.,l2 Ruberville Ave. U-6 K N=l3 Hawthorne llud.sen .A.veo J-7 Kammer Ave., Hc~lO ' . J-ll Baynes P-).1 Buffer Rd. 0-20 Kansas p,,,,? ":,· ..-: Hayes Ave. F-6 Huffman A.ve. 0~10 Kathleen Aye" u ~:::3'(; llqs L-8 HuffiMX~. Ave. E. 0=10 tatherine N=l5 Hazel Ave. B,...15 Hulbert 0-11 Kearney Jt.VfJo !~12 Hazel Court HelO Humphrey Ave. 8-12 ltearno ~VI!h X,.., I) B:azelden Aveo R-20 Hunter Ave. M=? .... s Ieifer N... a Hazelwood .l.ve. P-17 Huron .A.va. G-ll ldly ..'J.ve. 0=6 Ree.rthetone Dr. 'S=l3 llunone; Lane x... 1o temp Road s,.,lo Heaton. Ave. 0·12 ltycle A.ve .. · J' ... s lCempe:r Av~., Q.Q15 Reck Ave. x... 13 ltzr.pathin Ave. R=-5 l:enesa.w .A:ve. F-13 Redgee f4... 9 Ryre T=l2 Kenilworth' Ave. J

"\ D~n, ,....-·· p Oli,,'i) ~l· 0~ ...... :~>;;. : . .. -~ STREE.! Ur.mJl ~ '\-...:. ~

~ (Cont.) K-10 Kenneth Ave. !'~9 La Rue DriTe R-18 L•ve:rs Laue Kenneth Ave. IF4 La. Salle F-14 Lowe Lane l-10 Kensington Ave. Q.-8 Lasure P=7 LO'!iE'lS J ... l4 o-lZ Kensington Dr. G-8 Latham J..,.13 0 K~l3 Lucerne Xenton M=lO Lathrop Ave. N=l2 Ludlow LcolO ~en tucky Ave. E-13 Laura .A.ve. J ... 6 Ludwig Ave. Po:o7 ltenview A"f'e. Q.cl5 Laurel Dr. J...ll Luke S-9 Kenrick 1}r. o-ao Lav,rn Ave. Q..-18 Luther Ave. tf .. ? Kenwood L-17 Laverne A.ve. M-5 Lutz "-14 Kenwood Ave. J ... a Lawn li=9 Lynhuret Ave. J,,l4 Kenyon Pl~ce I=S Lawnrtew .A.ve. li=l4 Lynn Ave. !=6 Ieowee-,. N-9 Lawrence X-10 Lytle Lane Lc=>l5 Kester 4ve. R-11 Lebanon Pike 0-18 Xet tering 131 Td. J-19 Lee Ave. R-4 _JL teturah .A.ve .. G-.15 Lee DriTe E-12 ll-7 Xfyetone Ave. :a... u LeJuene Dr. I~5 Kaok .A.ve. Jl:eys1;one Ave. R-19 Leland .A.ve. G=ll Mackoil R=ll :tiefaber N=l4 Lenita A.·ve o Fo14 liacy H=2 ltilmer R=12 Lenox Dr. N-19 Madhon ATe. f=5 Kimbolton R""7 Lenz Ave. I..,5 Madison M-10 )Toll Ki1D111el ~-ll Leo M=7 Mad River Xing Ave .. Q=l3 Leonhard M-7 Mad River Rd" 0-20 Kin~ey Dr. G<"lO Lorey I ... l2 :Magnolia K-12 Kings Highway F.,..? Lewit Pl. 0-18 Kagnolia Lane )4 ... 12 ltingsley J,.ve. G-9 LexingtGn JI;ve ,. }!..9 Mahrt Ave. li-14 Kingston Ave. R=l5 LeXingt!:Ul Rd,, 0-8 Maine Ave. E-13 Iingsvill e Rd. 0-ll Lexow AYe" 0-15 Maine A.ve. F-5 Kinnard Ave. H... l2 Libtr\y L-10 if~.in, North L-10 Kipling Rd. G-B Liberty Rd. D=l4 },{ain9 South L-ll Kirkham X-13 Light N-8 :Malvern Ave. R-6 Kiser K-8 Lilac Ave. D-11 Mal vern Ave. H-7 Klee Ave. Q-11 Lilac .tve. g..., a Manassas F-la IClepinger P-7 Lilian J,.veo 0-7 Manette PL N-12 Klepinger Road (}.:.6 Limestone A.veo J'-14 Manhattan Ave. J=8 Kling D1·. o:..1s Linceln },{.. 12 Manning 1~12 becllt Dr. J-5 Lincoln Dr. x... 5 Manor Park Ave. F-9 loehler Ave. L-3 L1nceln Park Blvdo 0-19 Manor :PL I-8 Koening Court p..;l2 Linda Vista. A.ve. · J~a Maple G<=-2 Kolping Ave. Q-ll LindAle .A.ve. L-5 M.aple K-ll Krame:t' Lane M=lO Linden A.ve. 0=10 Ma.ple A.ve. L-17 Kramer Rd. 14=15 J.1nc1enwood J-11 Maple Dr. L=l5 Jtratochwill 0-13 L1nnbrecak Dr. D-8 Maplegrove Ave. F ..l4 Xrebs Ave~ P-l-5 Linsan at. Q.-ll Maplegrove Avs. I=4 H..,lQ Kreitzer Rd. J-17 Linwood Z,..,9 Mapleh1,U'st Ioo6 Xrick Rd. R-9 Li nxview A. ve o R=6 Maplela.wn Dr. lllapleview Ave. Q.-13 Xru& J~l2 Lisbon R-19 X::llllller Ave. I-9 Lisle Ave. L-4 Maplewood Ave. J=6 X'll:ntz A.ve. 1-7 Lisle Place J-10 Maple~ood Rd. L-19 Iuntz Rd. l!T-6 Litchfield .A.ve. G-7 Marathon Ave" J-7 Kurtz .A.ve. l-6 Littell AVeo 0=15 Marcella J-6 Little N=l2 Marchester Dro li-21 l.. . Little Meadow Dr. R-4 Marconi Ave. J-20 Livirig$ton Aveo Q.-ll Marcy Rd. I ... 2l L Mc:ol3 Lecust L=8 Margaret 0-1.2 La:Be11e ll=ll Lodl!lll Ave. L-4 Marie .A.ve. I-7 Lllqet'''• ··· K-10 Ledge Ave. L-5 Ma.rigdd Ave. R=20 Laird Ave. S-15 Lombard o... 9 Marimont .A.veo Q.-12 Lake Q.-12 Lengwortb L=ll Marimont Dro B,cl2 Lake Dr. J-13 Lonoke Q.=8 Jla.rion B""ll Lakeview Ave• H-13 Lons4Etle Ave. 0-16 Marjorie A. ve o R-5 ,.1! \"'":.t"I,••V' Lamar 0 1-7 Lookout Ave. 1=13 Marker Ave. :Lc-2 Lamme Rd.·-· J=2l Lc,oltout Drive N-15 'Market L-10 Lander .A.ve. F-7 :Lorain A.ve. 0-12 Markey Rd. H... 3 4 Lansing Dr. P-15 Lor~J.la .A.ve. Q.=5 V.arlay Rd. a.. Lantana .A.ve. R=2l Lore!Z Aveo H.,.,ll Marlboro :Pl. Q... l3 La Perre Dr. S-].0 Loretta Ave. F=J."J, Msrsball M""ll Larchmont ~ll Lout• K·l2 ~a.rshall Ave. Q;-:.19 -o.. 'i'• on0 Ohio

p ~.:-··:;,; ...... !-'•. .. ~ ;ti]U -~ 11-il 4 !,\\_...... M(Collt!)

M~eball Rd. Bw>l9 llerrydale ll""lO Narcissus Ave. Tqoll Ma.~eon Dr. J ... ? Merabon ATe. R-13 Naehue. G-13~ 14 lllartel Dr. 'l.-lt\ Mort.le41d Ave. R-10 Nasa au 0=12 Martha. J.ve. R-13 Mertland Dr. ll-10 I.O.R. Ave. L-16 M~h .Ave. P-10 Memer J.ve. Ii=lZ leal .Ave. 1:... 9 Ma.rvine Road E-10 Meyer Ave. 8-l.O leecbaore Rd. L-2 MarT Ave. x...e Jleyere Court L-11 Jeff Ave 1-4 Marye!len Dr. 0-14 Miami Blvd. L-13 Negley Place 1 .... 10 -.. Varyland Ave. J..-13 141ami Chapel Rd.J""l3 0 l-l3 Nellie Ave. 0=12· Martlimd. Ave. 1-5 Miami Shores Dr. R-20 Belson Ave~ fkl.Z Maryland .A.ve. 1-8 Michael Ave. R-10 Nelson Dr. 'R ..lO Mason lt-11 Michigan An. J:-13 ieosha Aveo G-15 Massachusetts Ave. ~14 Michigan Ave. l'-4 lietherdale Rd. 0-5 !ta.sse;, 1... 3 Michigan Ave. N-8 Nevada Ave. D-4 Massiet P=lO ._iddle J-10 Ne• N-10 Kattefq:Ave. p,,u Midland G-14 ,Newcom Place M=l3 Mathewe Lane J-ll Midway A.ve. ~12 Newco111 Rd. S~l7 J(athison H-ll Miclweod Ave. J-9 New Elunpshire J-13 Maughan Dr. ll=lO' Milburn. A.n u: .... a New Jersey A.veo E-13 Ma:umee .A.ve. M=5 Miller J.ve. c... 12 Newport A~. J=6 Mayapple Ave. U-12 ¥iller Rd. G-4 Newton Ave. G-9 Mayfair Rd~ :£ ... 6 vut,n o... u New York Ave. 11!~13 Mayfield Ave. D-11 llipneeeta An. 1=13 Niagara A. ve. J ... a Mayfield Ave. R-20 )11~mesl)ta Dr. R-5 Nicholas Rd. J'=l4 lla.yf'lower R""l~ JUr~mar L-18 :Nicholas Rd. G-14 Mayflower Dr. M=3 llisso'lU"i Ave. 0-12 !lill Ave. Q.=-14 Mayflower Rd. M=19 Mohican Ave~ R-18 Ninth j.ve. L=6 Mqlan Dr. I=5 Monmouth P-10 No'bel J.ve. J~l4 Mayo Ave. L-16 M<&nree A.Te. J'-5 Noel Ave~o R=4 Mays:fi el d. Rd. ll-15 Montana Ave. N-11 :Nordale Ave. Q.=J5 Maywood Ave. J-i2 Mentera.y Aye. 0-17 Norman Ave. 1=7 MoJ.rthur .i.ve. G=l5 Monteray Rd. N-17 lforth Ave. J~9 McCabe Ave. G=l3 Jlenterey R-20 Northampton Q...l2 McOa.ll x:...12 Mo'UJl.tevideo Dr. L-4 !forth :Bend Ave. x, ... a ltcLain M-11 lontgomery lf... lQ North :Bl:'"d. Q2il7 McCleary Ave. H-6 Monticello Ave. Q-5 North Garden s... ? llcC1ure KonUlllent .A.ve. L...lO North Lansing Pl. 1"·20 N-11 a,.,g McQready Ave. 0=6 Moraine Ave. North view Rd. M~l5 l&cDa.n1el :t-9 Moraine Park Blvd. t-19 Northwood .Ave. ! .... 5 McDonough lf-10 More .&.ve. , ..9 Norton S=l5 J ... ll llcGee P~9 lloreland 11-13 Norwood Ave o KcGrever Uoo6 Moreland Circle 0"1'20 llotre Da:me A.vea ll=B )lclCinley 0-10 llo~e1and Cir.J.E. 0-20 Jiott1ngham Rd. 1=4 McNaq Ave. Jt..lO Korg&n A.veo 0-12 Nugent 0-8 }(cOwen· ·· &=.8 Morgan A.ve :t..-2 McPherson .t.-9 Morehart G=l4 J .. ~- MC~1Uolde 0-;t.O. Morris A.ve. J-13 Xead 'x.-n ¥orse ave. 12 Mercer .t.ve. I-ll Oberer ~Dro 0""7 were41th J ..9 ...L Oberlin J.ve. Q.,.l3 Mer14an P•lO Odlin .Ave. I coS MerUS.ne .A.ve o 1·18 ~u.or ~:re~ G-15 0~•11 Lane ll=l2 Merrimac .A.Yeo : ... a l&pq1,t>n Dr. 1·20 ohio· i N=9 _,_

~· ~ OlU.o

,, p @BEl! INmf! ~;~ ':, . ~·:· ~. ""' ~J~nt.} .JL ~ -..:'(,~"' • O~•r Q.... l2 Pease F;=ll Q;ueens Ave. E=7 Oklahoilla Ave. Lm>8 Pall llro s... 12 Q,uentin .A.ve" B.-9 Old ~eAve. L-16 Pellham Dr. g:N&S N=l9 Quitman Jt,..,ll Old Orchard .A.vi'l. J: ... a Penbrake T=8 OliTe J=ll Pe:nn Ave. !~12 J..._, ftblst•d :Dr. B-8 Pennsylvauia Ave" E-13 Olt Ave. J'o12 Pennsylva~ia Ave. K'"·'6 Race M""lO o.a. A"t'i'~~~~~ M-6 Perrine 1-12 Radcliffe Rdc I~8 OJl&Qto Ave. lr=-4 Perry Z,..,ll Radio Road a... a Oneida. Dr. )4... 5 Pershing :BlTd. qG.13 Raleigh :aa...... 1.6 .-Qntarto Ave. M-6 Pershing Dr. Q.... ls Rall • .. l& Opp ei'man .A.ve • s-a Pheas$.!1t !J! ... 6 Ralliston .A.ve. G-14 OJ.'ange Ave. J ... ao Philadelphia Dr. 11""9 Ra.llston .A.ve. Q,... 7 Orchard A.ve. 11-ll Philadelphia. ;p..,lQ Band Ave. J=ao OrcbUcf J..ve. 0-17 Phillips An P=l3 Randolph. K=l2 Orcbar4 Dr. f-.17 f'hoenix Lane N'=ll Rangeley Ave" B-;.8 Oreeoil ll'-11 Phyllis U6 Rannells ATe. '1=7 O:r•Jt. ~ll Piccadilly Ave. Jc.o6 Rappe Ave. ~>8 Orl811do R-20 Pickering (}.:.14 Rausch .A.ve" T=J.3 Qrlando ''Dr. J ... al Pieper Rd. N..A- Ravenwood .A.veo Hc•6=7 O:rlan"-o.~errace 'N-14 Pierce 1).:.,12 Ravenwood .A.ve. O~l.S Orman Rd .. x... m. .Pierce .A.ve. :&A Ravine .A.veQ G=l5 Orrdale Ave. D=S Pine l&""'ll Ray N-B OJ:th ATe. - Jo;.l(} :Pinehurst &ve@ J-6 Reading Rd. R"'l3 Oaae;• AYe. Q.-18 Pinnacle Rd.~· 0=19 Rebecca J,.,lO 08110nd ATe. 1-ll Pioneer t .... a Recreation Dr. llo2l ~·· ,·, Ottawa 1-9 Planters ATeo s-s Rector .A.veo t,...2 crttello A.ve. Ir=-3 Platt Circle JI.. g Redder A:re o I=5 Otterbein l).;.7 Playground Ave. Q...,? ReOfern. .A.Ye. J=8 otterbein J.,-ve 0 0=13 Plaza Avr~. G<"'l2 Red Raw Rd. x... s Otterbein .LTeo }1...7 Pleasant AYe, 't-"10 Redlands !""12 Outdoor Rd. H.. 2Q Pleasant Valley J.'9'1 • R-6 Redwood Ave. .r... s Outing Park Ave. ll=2 Pleasant View Ave. R-13 Reeder A.ve. 1-12 0Terloolt Ave. D=4 Plum }i.. ll Regent :J#-,17 Oli'otd. Ave. 0-13 PlUlllWOOd Rd·. M=l4 Reisinger Ave. H~ll O~ord Ave. I-9 Plymouth ATe. X-10 Reist Ave. 1=13 .Pocahontas- 'N-1~ Rench Avea }..,8 _L Pocatello .A.ve. R·~6 ~ Renfrew u""s Poe Ave. G=S Resaca Ave. G=l2 .Paiale1 J..,lO Poe Ave. L-4 Revenna J.ve. f=7 Pal,atox .&.ve. X~l4 PotutT,.ew Ave. J..,s Revere R-20 Palm•r 'iA-9 Pomeroy Ave. C-12 Revere .A.ve. ~=13 Palmereton •v•9 G-15 Pond lll~l.O Rhod.eH .A.~" Rcol3 ~~81 .A.vt. R-20 Pontiac Ave. :g:,,,13 Richard 1'-ll ~ana)" !-6 Poplar G-l Rieh.lanC. Aft'tf: 1=5 Park'~ve. 1=3 Poplar G-12 Richland Ave" T=ll Park j,;ve. ltol5 Porter .A.ve. I-9 R.ichiey ATe. R->14 Perkd.ale N-18 Portland .A.ve Z:-12 Richmond Ave Q J-8 Parker A:ve. 1-12 l>otome.c J ...ll Rider A.veo G=l4 Parkland J=7 Power• J-12 Ridge .Ave. K"A Park Place Q.;..7 frescott .Ave. 1=7 Ri.dge Ave. X=? Park BorMi. lt-16 Prescott .lYe. Qc,7 Ridgedale Rd. I=8 :Perk Dr; N=12 P:feston 1<·11 Ridgeland R..,S ·Pau;-k:view Ave. lt-ll Prince Albert Blvd. Q_.. ,s RidgeTie~ Ave. L=l8 P~klrood Dr. I-7 ~riuceton .Ave. D=-13 Ridgewq M=20 Par~~()d A.v•. J-"1 P;rinceton Dr. I aS Ridgeway Rd. 'Nol6 lta.rnell AT•. q... u Pritz .A.ve" p ....u lU.dgewa.y Lane l'=l3 'earot p ... u· Proctor X-ll Ridgewood Ave. 'Nol4 Jatterson !1Tdc ll-10 Prospect A.veo H.!l Riegel Lo12 Patter$On Rd. lf.. l5 ProtZJnan Ave. u~a Riffle Rdo ~=17 Patton A••· D-12 Pruden ,A.veQ P=9 Ringgold 0=10 Patto11 Ave. I-4 Prugh iQ14 R1p Rap Rdo 0-1 Pa'\ll ' · P-ll fru,eh Ave. ])..7 Rita Ave. Oa8 !'e.uline ATe. s-15 !'ulaski M-ll Ritchie O7 Peach Orchard ATe. 0... 1'1 R1Terview Ave. Do?-.8 l'fach Tree .A.Te. S...7 lUve~Yi.ew .A.ve. t-9


.. . ,~ p

,.;:_.... ~ Qh~g ~ ~rton.." 'i>; ...... '?l. . ·h., '• STREEr INDEX lgj !:?,.,. ~ -.'

R {Cont.) Riviera Ave. 1~7 Schantz An. 0-15 South :Sl vd. ~-18 Roanoke~ Ave. N-18 Schantz Ave. 0 W. M=14 Southern :Blvd. L-·l5p2l Robert :Blvd. K-10 Schantz Lane X:~lO South Lansing Pl ~ I-21 R. Dickey Parkway L-15 Scheckler Ave. R-11 South Park Ave. :S:..;14 Robin Ave. T-7 Schell P=l4 Southview Rd. M-15 Q.-9 Roclr.c1iff Dr. I-6 Schenck Ave . N~l4 Sperling Ave . Rockf'ord .A.ve. X-8 Schuyler Dr. 0~20 Spiece Ave . R-10 Rockhill Ave. 0-18 Schwartz Lane N=lO Spinning Rd .. U-9 Rockwood Avtt . K-9 Scott L-11 Spb·ea Dr . N-16 Roehr Avt. L... l6 Scranton 0=7 Sprague K~ll RO<.'ISCh F-13 Sears · lt=lO Spring 0~9 Rogge N-12 Second 0=12 Springboro Pike I-21 Rohrer :B1 vd. R-5 Second I-10 Springbrook Ave . T=lO Rolaud Ave. F=7 Second Ana lt=5 Springbrook Blvd. J-4 Rolfe Ave. U-5 Seiber Ave. 1!=4 Springdale Dr . M-19 Bondowa Ave. Sellers Rd. Q..u20 Springfield o... lQ Q.-~ R-7 Roosevelt Ave. I~13 Setnine.ry Ave . ~~11 Springfield Pike .' Ro ee :Bower .A.ve. Q.-21 Seminary Lane I=ll Springgrove Ave • N=l4 Springhouse Rd .• U=l4 Rosedale Dr . H=9 9 10 SeJD.inole Lane Jt,lO Ros,land Ave. 1'-9 Semler P=6 Springmont Aveo S-15 Rosemary Ave. I-4 Seneca Dr. l!-9 Spruce -K-10 Rosemont Blvd. Q.~14QR-l2 Seventh .be. L=6 Squires Ave. R-3 Rosewood Avta . Shadow lawn J.:va . P=l5 Squirrel Rd., x-a P-lB p..,7 Roslyn Ave. Q.-19 Shadyside Ave . .t=6 St.AdelP er~ Ave . Roelyn Ave. R-20 Shady View Rd. H=20 St. Agnes Ave. 1=10 Ross .Ave . M-4 Sbafor Blvd Q..,l5 St.Charles Ave. P-12 St,, Cl:.-..~. .r u~:!.') Roxbury Rd. E-ll Sha.ftesbury Rd. G-.>8 . ). Roy Ave. Shaker Rd. tJ.<,l4 Sit ?-D.~~C is .Ave - ., ;, ..:.~ P-15 ....:-· ,....~, Royal H=l2 Shnkertown Pike S-15 St. J[l.IOOB .1Tl: o Royce Shakeapee.re Ave. H:>9 St e Jobnl .A.ve E=6 P-11 p ... l2 Rubber H-10 Shank 1=15 St, Josephs Ave. Ico5 Rubicon )1 ...13 Shank Rd o C=l8 StoLouis Ave . Rubicon Rd. Y=l4 Shaw Ave . K=9 st. J&arys x: ... lO Rugby E-12 Shawnee M=10 St. Nichola s Ave. P"'ll St. Paul .A.Ye . 0~1.2 Rugby Rd. 1=6 0 7 Shedborne .ln o S-11 Runnymede Rdo !4=16 Shelby Ave. P=l4 Stainton Ave . 0=9 Rush J-12 Sheller Ave. T=lZ Staley Ave , J ... l3 lhlskin Rd. C-8 Shell Rdo C-16 Stanford Place G=S Russell Ave. "· 5=15 Sherbrooke Dr . N=20 Stanhope A.vt. (}=6 Russet Ave. S-13 Sherer Ave u ~4 Stapleton Ct . 0=8 Rustic Rd. lo7 She:ride.n Ave. 1'=6 State L{colQ Stebbins Rd. E=19 Ruth .A.ve. G=l3 0 14 Sheridan Ave. q,.,lo Rutland. Rd. Ro9 Shennan 0=11 Steele Ave . Ocl2 Rutledge P=7 Sherman AveQ F-6 St~grna.n AvPJ , 0=7 I-13 llyan Lane L""ll Shi;loh Ave a F=l3 Steiner Ave . Ryburn Ave o J ... 5 Shiloh Ave . G=Z Steinmetz Ave. J=l9 Shiloh Terrace H=?. Stewart M-13 ...L... Sboop Ave Q..,lOoll Stil 1wa.ter Ave. L=9 Shorll D-oll San Rae Dr. P=l? Sixth Avao Lo5 Strawberry Row 0-20 Santa Clara .Ave. J-7 Smith K=l3 Stroop "Rdo Stuna.n Ave c R~ll SantEl. Cl"lUi Ave. Q.oll 5»1 thville Rd . R=l0 11 16 I-ll S&ra.h:. P~7 Snyder L=l3 Slmlnit Saratog,., Lane J,;.ll Soldiers Home !_W. Sumner Ave }'ool9 Lo>4 Sa-..mill Rd. 11-14 Carroll ton Rd. Ea-17 Sumptet' Driv" Sayre Ave. Ec>ll Somers-et R=7 Su.'1b er ry !.vc . T-10 Schaefer lfeo? Sorrento .Ave. N""l4 Sunburst Ave. R-21 Schantz Ave. Sundl".l e ;.. ve. F" 7 N--14 South :Send Ave . Q,-7 I

- ..,9.., /~ p Dayton. Ohio ~~... --~

~"' '.. ·~ "' SDEET INDEX G~ r" ~ ---- ...~~"'~ ,L.(Con~J_

Sunlight Ave. D=ll Turner Road. l£,3 Walnut H-1 Sunny Lane M"~l9 Turpin Lane !4=10 Walnut M-11 Sunnyside :SlTdQ R.o2l Tuttle Ave" R~ll Wslnu.t Hills Pl. 0-12 SunnyThw Ave. H=6 Tyoga Pco5 Walnut Lane N-15 Sunrise Ave. X-11 Tyron Ave. ~... s Walters N 7 Sunrise Place x.... u Tyson Ave ]).,11 Waltham Court lf-19 -unset Place K·Dll Walton Ave. G-11 Sunset .A..,-4. JC..lO _y__ Wample Ave. ,T-4 Suparior Ave. X-9 Wampler Rd. H·.,2 Susannah .J.ve. }tlc,l) tTl rich F-6 Wampum Ave. 14=8 Sutton Ave. R... la Union Ave. J ... l3 Waneta R-5 Swallow D:ri ve H-3 Union Sch1 lhouse Rd., Tcc.4 Warder X-8 Swan Lane U:-10 University Place I ... a 'lard Hill Ave. R-13 Sweetm..qn J..,ll Upland Ave. Fll Vennon.t Ave,. F-5 Weaver H-13 Telford A.ve. 0-16 Vermont .A.ve. M-8 Webb 0=10 Temple Cour.t L-11 Vernon IF4 I Troy N... 9 fald Ave. :S,.,3 'lhit~qore R~-12 Troy Pike (New) 11:""3 Waldo ~>12 Whitmore AYe. ~,12 Troy Pike (Old) 0-6 1Jaldrun AYCo :a"'3 Whit tier Ave. LeA Tr:ur.oan G-6 Wales Drive H~4 Whi tt,ier Aveo R~l5 Tudor Rd. P=l6 lfalke:r T=B Wickl:ow Place. R··7 !cJ,(l Wilbe L-9 T'tllea Lane 0-10 Wallace i • Thurman Lane ll-11 ,,10<~ .. - STBnT INDEX

I (Conto)

Wilbur Ave. J-4 Woodway 1-6 'lf'tldroee Ave. R,,zl Wortman Ave" 14~9 11ldm od~ Ave. J-13 'frenfor.d L~l8 Wilfred A.ve. Q.=l2 Wright .A.ve Q.-,10 Wilkineon L=lO Wroe .A.veo J'",g l'illament Rd. R=l9 Wyand(Jt M-10 Willard 1-12 Wyngate D:ri''' e N=l9 Williams J=l2 l'ynora. Ave, Q.=5 Willow K-8 Wyoming M=l2 Willowburn .A.vee D-7 Willow Grove L=l5 _L_ lillowgrove Ave. lt=l6 Willow View Dr. G=21 Xeni& Ave" N""ll fillowwood Drive J~6 Xenia Pike R~l2 Wilmington Ave. 0-13 Wilmington Pik-e P<.ol4 .L- Wilson F-lo Wilson Drive H=9 Yale .A.veo J=9 lilton Ave. 1=4 Yellow Springs Bil.o S=7 Wiltshire Blvd.. 0=17 York A.Teo 0-9 linburn Ave. Q,~l5 Yorkshire Place P-16 linden Ave. P=l4 Young Ave. H=l2 lindhaJn M=7 Yukawa. Ave o L,,a Winding Way lt-18 lindmere Drive R-19 __L 1f1ndsor Ave. J:I... 9 Wi udsor B.d. G=8 Zehler Ave. li-13 Winlock Ave~ R-f? Zeigler L~l2 Winona Ave. 1~>4 1finaton Ave o Q,-8 Winters JI-U Winthrop U-8 linton· Drive Q,-19 linwood .&ve ,1 ... J-20 Wire Drive M-4 11soons1n Avo. E=l2 lfhconsin :Blvdo J=l3 Wisteria. Drive. NQl5 Wittenberg Ave. c... 13 Wolf Creek Pike :& .. s Wolf Road E=A· Wonderly Ave. (),Jl7 Wonderview Ave. K=5 Wood I-3 Woodbin~ Ave,. Q,-14 Wo::~dbridge L=l4 Woodburn· Ave. L-16 lfoodburn Ave. 0=15 loodclif:fe Ave. R""l~ Woodcrest Ave. J~7 Woodland Ave. M-13 Woodland Drive T-13 Woodland Hills Blvd. M-4 Woodley Road Q.-9 Woodrow H~l-3 Woodrow Terrace 0-13 \Yood:ru:ff Drive I=5 Woodsdale Road 0-6 Tfo

<=>ll= ·'+,.... NS FORM-8 ~ AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26--37

1. NAME OF CITY _ ....O....,algro=.wo..._od....______SECURITY GRADE ___.A,___ AREA NO.__.... ___


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Restricted - very high class residential - exceptionally good schools - parks - playgrounds - homogeneous as to development and character of pro­ per17 - transportation good - good fire and police protection.


5· INHABITANTS: Middle class, junior execu- a. Type , Bld.lled mecban1ce ; b. Estimated aunua~ fcunily income$ 2.500 c. Foreign-born None ;_ %; d. Negro ______.N..,o.______%; (latio~a~ityj (Ies o~ lo) ----

e. Infiltration of __ ~N~o~n~e~------f. Relief fcu~ilies ___aN~on~e~------

g. Population is increasing Ftst decreasing------static. 6. .BUILDINGS: a. Type or types Single family b . Type of construct i on. ___a.l£_rli!jam~~~- ...~:a.n~d~br=-

7. HISTORY: SALE VALUES RENTAl VALUES PREDOM- PREOOM- ll..M. ~ I HATING _%__ ~ INATING ___L_ 1929 level 7,000-9,000 7,.QOO 100% 60-75 60 100%

low 4,500-6,000 5,000 66 2/3'J, 35.45 35 JJa.J./3~h curren-1: 5,500-7,500 6,0QO BQ~ 55..65 55 .!ill...2/3'%

Peak s~le values occurred ill 1929 and were $ of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 19.;gand were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: . a. Land _§Q_%; b. Dwelling units _lQQ%; c . Home owners 90

9· SALES DEMAND: a. Good b. $7~000 ·Singles c. Activity is g;oot'l~

10- RENTAL DFMAND: a. Good b. $56-65 c. Activity is good - non ava.l.lable 11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Briok-detached-8 1 00~ b. Amount last year 12 to 15 houses

12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Good ; b. Home building _ _.G<.~oo~o:.;od.___

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 1b-15 YEARS __..::U.c.Pw:.:..:a::::r...::d~------

1~- CLARIFYING REMARKS: All business centered in one section. Low green.

15. Information for this foi111 was obtained from . F.Q. Devlin, Jr li'ielA Je;fHlt. _ ------i ' A. La.lfson • .tr. -Field Agent- G.A.,'Wlemh;g- Loan Service "Qep~

Date F~bnla.ry 25.1937 193 .'""'-"(• ·h.' NS FORM-~ ~>AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26--37


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Highly restricted-rery high class residential - b~Ceptionally good schools - parks - playgrounds - hoi'JlOgeneous as to development and character of property - transportation good - good fire and police protection.


.,.. ' S· INHABITANTS: a. Type Professional & Executi vea ., b. Estimated annual, family income $...;5;..~R~...:O;..;:;O..;;.O ____

- c. Foreign-born~-~--=-N':"'"o_n_e:-;_ %; d. Negro ___...;N;.;,.o....._ ___-:----- %; (lationalityJ (1es o~ No) ----

e. Infi~ t rat ion of _...;;N_o_n_.e;.._ ____ f, Relief frunilies __=No~n~e~------g. Population is increasingmoderatelr decreasing ______static.

6. !lUlL DINGS: a. Type or types l!lingle-fwnily b. Type of construction :Brick detached ------10 years F.xcellent c. Average age------d. Repair------

7· HISTORY: SALE VALUES RENTAL VALUES PREDOM- PREDOM- YEAR ~ I HATING _%_ 1 HAT I HG __j_ 1929 level 11,000-20,000 15,000 100% No- rental scale 1933 low B,OOQ-15,.000 10,000 66 2/3%

1937 current-~ 10,000-17,ooo 12,000 8~ Peak ~:(l,le values occurred in 1929 and were ----%of the 1929 level. Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were ---% of the 1929 level. 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land~%; b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners __lO_o_._% b. 10,000-l2,COO Good 9· SALES DEMAND: a. __:ra_i_r __ c. Activity is ----- 10. RENTAL DFMAND: a. Few rental . b. c. Activity is U41t8 ------15-18 houses NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Brick detached$le,ooo b. Amount last year ------12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase good--- b. Home building ----good 13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS ------Upward 1 ~. a~WYI~R~~KS:~_A_l_l_b_u_s_in_e_s_s_c_e_n_t_e~r_e_d_i_n_o_n_e_s_e_ct_i_·o_n_.____ ~------Medium Green.

i i 15. Information for this foi.n was obtained from F. 0. Devlin, Jr. J!'ielFI- Agent$ A. Lawson Jr. • Field Agent, 0. A. Fleming, Lorm Service E.epresel1.tl!ltive. I Date Fel-ruary 25,1937 19 ----~~------! 3

.. ¥ ·-··· ""' NS FORM-S'h- . AREA DESCRIPTION ~ B-26-37

1· NAME OF CITY __.....o ac:u"-ULI,IoJ.La~....._------SECURITY GRADE _ ___.L---- AREA NO. _...:.~3.__ __


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Highly restricted - very high class residential - Exceptionally good schools - parks - playgrounds - homogeneous as to development and character ~£ ~:operty " transportation good -- good fire and police protection.


None 5· INHABfTANTS: a. . Type p.,..t)fMs1 onel & 1Cx•c11thet b. Estimated aunualifamily income$,__.sl.t,..l.Jotuou.o ___ -c. Foreign-born Bono ;_ %; d. Negro _____olli.U------%; (lationa~ity} (1es or No) ----

e. Infiltration of ----.o:~N..,.o... n.w.e ___ f. Relief frunilies ___~H~o~nueL------

g. Population is increasing ____ decreasing------static. Yes 6. BUILDINGS: -a. Type or types Sin¢1 e family b. Type of construction Frame & Brick detached c. Average age 16-20 years d. Repair-----~~~------


1929 level 15.000-18.000 ~1:6.009 100% No :rental sea] e

l9331ow 101000-121 000 11.000 68 i%

l937current,._...,," 12 1000-151 000 13,500 84 3/8% Peak sale values occurred in 1929 and were ---% of the 1929 level. Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were ---% of the 1929 level. 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ...l.OQ._$; b. Dwelling units lOO-%; c. Home owners ____1..,.0""'0_%

9· SALES DEMAND: a. --=G=o=od=--- b. $12,000-10,500 c. Activity is -----"'g~o~o=-d-

10. RENTAL DFMAND: a. Few rental b. c. Activity is units ---- . 11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. TypesSingle family detached b. Amount last year 8-10 ho'\lses $12,000 12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Good b. Home building ___,.(l~Q,.,od,.._

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS ~U~p.uw~a""-rd------

1~. CLARIFYING REMARKS: Wooded section -- all business centered outside area. Medium Green.

i ! 15· Information for this f oi •n was obtained from ---~:F_..• .l.!c.... D.I.L!teYlLl~..;iun.~.t,....,..J·T-"'r;...... F.I!.iJ..;ee.lud~A4itr;t:ewn..kt.+, _.,A~.,... --..~I.u. 1 e.~\'lU;RL.i.iP~D.... , ,~~.rr...... - 'I Field lgent, ·:C A F1 em1 ng - I.M.p Se ni f!e Rep.

Date Feb:~~ry 25,1937 193 I 1 NS FORM_:~ • AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-3'7.

NAME OF CITY Oakwood & part of Southern SECURlTY GRADE ___A___ AREA NO. _.....:...L~-- Ittll section DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. Rolling 'txl hilly

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Wooded section.. of acre t:ra.ots " oakwood schools '" rostricted veey-1ligh cl.aes residential. ... parks ... playgrounds "' h.omogen~ous as to develoJ.IIlent and oharaoter of property - transportation good ... good fire and polic6 protection-,


5· INHABITANTS: a. Type Professional & executives b. Estimated annual family income$ over 10?000 l c. Foreign-born None ;_ %; d. Negro ___N_o_ne ______%; (IGtional,tyj (1es or No)- ---- e. Inf i1 t rat ion of ___N_o_n_e __ ___;· , _ f'. Relief families ------None g. Population is increasing JAodere.tel,Y. decreasing ______static.

6. BUILDINGS: a. Type or types one family deta.ohed; b. Type of construction__ s_t_c_n_e_a_n_d_h_r_i....,o_k __ _

c. Average age 15-18 years ., d. Repair Ex.cellont


1929 level 4o" ooo .. ~loo 1 ooo .... 100$ No ronta.l 100%

1973 low No s&.lea to , Units current,._. ohange· ran~ -- Peak sale va"'.ues occurred in 1929 ai:ut were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land~-%; b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners _J._OO___ _ a. ____Good _ Good 9· SALES DEMAND; c. Activity is b. ------10· RENTAL DF11AND: a. Not a.pplioa.b;l~t b. c. Activity is ------NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. TypesBriok·dnglee & stan~ b. Amount last year 15- W hnttses 11. . t;o,ooo up .. 12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Good b. Home building Good

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10..:.15 YEARS-"-_u_p,_·re._:r_d______

1 Lt. CLARIFYING REMARKS: Financing don.t' yrimar·ily thl''ough insurano<:>, oompa.ni".l~, ,. .. Hio<• green"

I I 15· Information for this form. was obtained. ·from ' ------r------Fe o"' Dc~vlin,, Jr., l'~eld .Agent~.A .. Lc~ilSOXl Jr.; Fiold Agont ·• c.. A~ Fleming - loan servic., representative

Date ~ebruary 25, 1937 193 I NS FORM-S,_ .. AREA DESCRIPTION ,, B-26-37 ' •

1. NAME OF CITY Oakwood & small part of.· Van SECURlTY GRADE _ __,.A,_ __ AREA NO. _A-··__.5:.___ Buren Township 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. l!illy

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Highly restricted - good schools .. good tumsportat:i.on -

wooded section.)


s. INHABITANTS: a~ · Type Junior' exeoiltiv~s & b. Estimated annual family income$ 4sOOO profess!oMl ) , c. Foreign-born __lf_one~--­ ; __ %; d. Negro ·None %; (IGtionaBtyJ (Tes Of' Jlo)

e. Infiltration of Non• f'. Relief families Non. ------' ' . g. Population is increasingMod•r.atelr decreasing------static. 6. BUILDINGS: - a. Type or types Single family de<> b. Type of construction.__ b.::.r::.:i~o:.::k=------taohed 6 & 7 rooms"' . 12 ye1.1; ~; c. Average age------d. Repair--~Go~o~d~------

7· HISTORY: SALE VALUES RENTAL VALUES PREDOM- PREDOM- INATiNG .-f/, !HATING __.!._ 1929 level $12 '000""14•000 tl2l'OOO 100% No rental sgale

1933 low 7 2 ooo...a, ooo 7.a200 2Z·~T"' ·• .·: ... ~. ~. 1937 curren.t 9, 000··10, OO_Q_ 9.'i()o ~ ..... 7~,08% Peak sale va"..ues occurred in 1929 and were ----% of the 1929 level. Peak rental •ralues occurred in 1929 and were ---% of the 1929 level. 8. OCCUPANCY~ a. Land .i2__%; b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners _ _,i::.::OO<.!:---

9· SALES DEMAND. a. _a_ood___ _ c. Activity is _.;_:::.:..;;"-----Good 10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. -----llone c. Activity is ------n. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Singl& t'&tnily ; b. Amount last year-.:l:::..?t-...::1::.8 ____ detached~ briok & sto~ 12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Good b. Home building ~Go.o.u.!o~d __

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 1 o-1 s YEARS ,__...;Upw!.!::.;::=-:,d:::..------' 1~· CLARIFYING REMARKS:_l!ortgage fina.noing by insurance companies and locally~

lfedi1111 Green':J

i I. I 15· In~ormation for this form was obtained from-l:!__C, n.,vlin •· Jr.,~ Fleld Agent., I Ao Lawson, Jro..,$ield Agont, C. A· .Fl~ng .,. Loelll Sel"V'ioo Ropresenh,ti.ve I Date l?obruary 25;· 1937 193 I I I ~.::>.$ ··~


1. NAME OF CITY Van :Buren Township, south of SECURlTY GRADE_--'....____ AREA NO . ...l6'----- 0akwood. 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. Hilly

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Large estates - beet section around Dayton


5· INHABITANTS: a. Type PrGfessionals Executive• b. Estimated 3.ll.nual family inco111e $ l0 QQQ , ;p & 9 1 c. Foreign-born 'N

c. Average age 20 years. d . Repalr------~~~------· Good


1929 level $25,000-80,000 $30.000 100%

1933 low No Activity


Peak ~ale values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level. --~ Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were ___% of the 1'929 level. 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land 50--, %' b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners 100

9· SALES DEMAND: a. GtDod b. Single family de- c. Activity is Good ta.ched $ 30,000 10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. None b. c. Activity is

NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Single family deta.chf~d b. Amount last year 20.::..-....;;?:..:,5;______11· . $3o,ooo 12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase good b. Home building --~g~o=o=d-

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS U,....,p._w_a._r_d ______

1 ~. CLARIFYING REMARKS :._B_e_st--=gr:;__e_cn______---:------

15. Information for this f0111l was obtained from F,C.Devlin. J.r. fi§ld Aiicnt,,..... Au k'·'i~son I ·''h., ' NS FORM-S ·~AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37

1o NAME OF CITY __Da.....:y;...t_e_n ______SECURITY GRADE_...:A:::---___ AREA NO._.:_? __


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Highly restricted- partly wooded- high class residential­ good schools -playgrounds - library- good transportation- city fire and police protection.


5· INHABITANTS: a. Type Ex.ecu.ti Tss & prQfUshnal b. Estimated annual family income$_40Q=><.lii'-"O:...-___

« No11e c. Fore1gn- · born ~--~--:-~-:-;None · _ .o; d. Negro ------:----- %; (lationa,,tyJ (les o~ No) ---- e. Infiltration of __N_~_n_e ____ _ f. Relief frunilies ------None g. Population is increasing Wodera.te~y decreasing------static. 6. cBUILDINGS: a. Type or types single family de­ b. Type of construction Brick taChed 1 to 9 roo1ns ------15 years Good c. Average age----~------d. Repair-----~------


1929 level 10,000-12,000 11,000 100% l!'ew Rentals

1933 low ·6,000-1 ,500 6,800 61.8~

1937 curren·t- 8,000-10,000 9w000 82 % Peak sale values occurred in 1929 and were ---% of the 1929 level. Peak rental values occurred in ~and were --""'"" % of the 1929 level. 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land __50 %·, b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners 95 SALES DEMAND: a. ll'a.ir b. single family de- c. Activity is Fair 9· .tached 9,000 10. RENTAL DF11AND: a. Few rentals ; b. c. Activity is $9,000 singles 11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types b. Amount last year 25-30

12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase ample b. Home building __amp_..:.._l_a_

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS __Uo_.. ,_a_r_d ______

CLARIFYING REMARKS: The most exclusive residential section in Da;rton (not inclu•ling 1~· Oakwood) High Green.

15. Information for this foun was obtained from F • C. Devlin, Jr., :n~ld A.gent 1 ! .A.. Lawson, ifr., Field Agent, C. J•... ..Fl!~mtng - Lo~n Sen:tce Renr~s..,ntativi."J. I Date Feprlwry 25,19:37 193 I r ...... ~· NS FORM-S .AREA DESCRIPTION. '8-26-3'7 .

1· NAME OF CITY Van ~uren, Township-South SECURITY GRADE_....:B::;__ ___ AREA NO. _ _.110.---_ ot O&kWooa DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. High - levo~

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Desirable residential section - rtll'~tricted- good aoht)olSo


..,. 5· INHABITANTS: a. Type Skilled mechanice b. Estimated annual,fcunily income$._.2~1.,:;;4~0w0"-----

.. c. Foreign-born lJone ;_ %; d. Negro ____,N...,o,..n,....~.__----:---- %; (lational,tyJ (Ies or Ko) ----

e. Infi~ tration of None f. Relief fa.tnilies ______.N~ou.no:~i~e!------

g. Population is increasingJ,~oderatel1 decreasing------static.

6. BJJILDI NGS: a. Type or typesl :family detached b. Type of constructionfra.me and brick

c. Average age~1~0~ye~ar~•~------d. Repair--~G~oo~d~------


1929 level s,ooo-81 500 $7.000 100% N'a l:!lD:Iia]s 100%

1933 low 3.eoo-s.aoo 4.500 s-.;..3~

1937 current~,000-7 9 000 s.§oQ n!.57~

I Peak sale values occurred in 1929 and were %of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land .E.Q__%; b. Dwelling units 100$; c. Home owners ..o~.l.l..tOJ.LO ____ % 9· SALES DEMAND: a. ------l~ir b. $6,000 singles c. Activity is --~f~a.i~r~ 10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. no rentals b. c. Activity is --=--=-=--

11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Typesllrick & frame $6,800; b. Amount last year 15 ~ 18 ho;lsfts 7,000 12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase yes b. Home building __ yos

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS _ _..;;;..im...~~;e...._r_;;.o...;.v;;;..;in""'g..__---"g""'o:;...;;o=d'------

14· CLARIFYING REMARKS: Outside ci'ty limits - township fire protection - no police protection no vanda.limn - Medium blue.

I 15. Information for this foiul was obtained from F. C. Devli.!!J Jr. F!~ld .A.~~mt, 1 i A. Lawson, Jr •.·- Field Agent, C. A. Fl~..Dli.ng - Loan Service Re'l11re •

.. ~r

,..... ~ ..... ·~ . NS FORM-8 • AREA DESCRIPTIOK 8-26--37

1. NAME OF CITY Van Buren Township-East of SECURITY GRADE_--=:B___ AREA NO. _.;.;2;__. __ oakweod 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. High-level

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Restricted - good residential section - good schools and transportation.


5· INHABITANTS: a. Type Middle class b. Estimated annual family income $__,2~."-'4:;;<0""'0~---

..: c. Foreign-born 'None ; __ %; d. Negro li!:.lnf.2 %; (lationaBtyj (1es o.,- No)

e. Infiltration of None f. Relief families None

g. Population is increasing :Fast decreasing static.

6. BUILDINGS: a. Type or types Single :f'ami;i: detachEtd b. Type of construc:llion Brick & Fra."Xle

c. Average age 15 yra d. Repair f!:O')d


1929 level $'l,QQQ-9,00Q $6,QOQ 100% 40-2Q f2Q 100% 1933low 4,000-5,500 4,750 59. 375~ 30-40 35 70

1937 curren..t. 5,000.. 7,000 6,000 75t/o 40-55 45 90

Peak sale.values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 1929and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land~%; b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners __9_0 ___ % 9· SALES DEMAND: a. Good b. Singles - $6,500 c. Activity is -----Fair 1 o. RENTAL DEMAND: a. _G_o_o_d__ b. $45 c. Activity is G(>od ll· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types :Brie. l: Frame $7, 0Dp b. Amount last year 20-22 h01lses

12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Ample b. Home buncting .Ample

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS Good to best ------~------CLARIFYING REMARKS: Southern porUon outside city - no police protection township fire protection.

15. Information for this foi111 was obtained from F.C.Devlin,J'r. Field. k\gent, A. Lawson,__ I Jr. Field A~ent - C•. A.. F.hming, .Lo~m Sl'lrvice Re_present~tive I ' Date --~F~~b~r~l~la~r~y-'_2_5~,1~9_3_?____ 1.93

.. ~j:;. -~


1. NAME OF CITY Van l3uren Townehip - SouthernsECURlTY GRADE __B;;;;.._ ___ AREA NO. 3 Hills, West of Oakwood -~--- 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN.

High - rolline;

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Fairly good residential section - well restricted


5· INHABI'fANTS: a. Type Middle Class b. Estimated 3.llnual f

c~ Foreign-born None ;_ $; d. Negro ____....~H;~.~ooLLn.~.~:e.______$; (IGtiona£,tyJ (1es or No) ----

e. Infiltration of ---==::::...... ----None f. Relief frunilies __~N~o~n~e ______g. Population is increasing Slowly decreasing ______static.

6. BUILDINGS: a.~ Type or types 1 family detached b. Type of construction Fram.., & :Brick

c. Average age~2~0~y~r~s~·------d. Repair------~U------


1929 level 6.QOQ.;.8.000 7,000 100% 40.6() 50 100%

1933 low 4.000-5,600 4.,800 68.57~~ 25-35 30 ~

1937current 5,750 82.14~ !If\ 1;2,000-6,500,....--, ... ~.AS --e®.I

Peak ~;ale values occurred in 192.9 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 122~ and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land _§Q_%; b. Dwelling units .l.QQ_ %; c. Home owners J(lO

9· SALES DEMAND: a:. Fair b. 61 000 sin~les c. Activity is fatr lQ. RENTAL DF}1AND: a. good b. 40 c. Activity is li::Q('Hj ll·· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types brick & fra.mf't 6500 b. Amount last year 6-lQ l;JQlJl:i!iti

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase sint::h~ , b. Home building nmJle

13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 1 o-1 s YEARS ,;::;.S.o;.;ta:;;,;t-=i,:;.c ______

CLARIFYING REMARKS: Portion of section has only tolffishiT) fire urotection - no uolice pretection.

Medium blue.

' 15. Information for this foi•fl was obtained from l!'. c .. D•yl1n, .xr, Fi•Ja Q,g~nt.. 4 I·ewaon, i .rr., Field .A.gent.,T C. A. Flem~ng - Loan Servic<'l R~·onHient'':tive. Date ·h. .. NS FORM-8 ~AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37

1. NAME OF CITY_,..~k_rl~on~s\~Ox.!akw=.x:OO~t.~d..______SECURlTY GRADE ___.B...__ __ AREA NO. ~4 ___


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Highly restricted desirable residential section - clese to N.C.R. Plant - good transportation


_.,. 5· INHABITANTS: a. Type Jr. executives & upper b. Estimated 3.llnual 1 family income$ ~,500 middle class , c. Foreign-born 'Noo• ;_ %; d. Negro l...'op.t %; ( lation.aB ty J (1es Of' No)

e. Infi~tration of_..::N:.::o=n::::.e ____ f. Relief families None

g. Population is increasing moderat~ly decreasing static. 6. B.UILDINGS: , _ a. Type or types S1nr..le family b. Type of construction Brick and frame detached c. Average age _ _..:;:;2..:::.0_.yLe:;;.;ar::;;;..:s:..._ ___ d. Repair------~~~------Good


1929 level 9,000-12,000 $10,500 1 oo% 60-75 70 100%

1933 low 5,000- 6,500 6,000 57.14% 30-45 35 __2Q_

1937 current.• 7,000- 9,000 8,000 76~19% 5C~60 55 __:]k57f;

Peak !::i'l.le values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Pe·ak rental values occurred ~n 1929and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land~$; b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners 95

9· SALES DEMAND: a. __G_oo_d __ b. Singles - 8,000 c. Activity is Good

1 o. RENTAL DFMAND: a. _.....;Ge.....;_o_d __ b. $50-60 c. Activity is GQod

11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Brick $9,000 b. Amount last year 8-10 houses

12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase AmPl• ; b. Home building . .A.nlEh . 13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS Geod - i1nprov;~------

1~· CLARIFYING REMARKS: Natural scenic residential area. lledimu Blu.

15· Information for this !01111 was obtained from J'. C. Devlin,. i[r. lielg Agent1 Aa LawsoR.. __ . I ~rr., Field .lgent 0. A. Fleming - Loan Service Representatiye! i Date Fe~ruary 25. 1937 193 i i

:':•.:._~-.~- .. P· ~.t" ·-~


1. NAME OF CITY Dayton, :Beverll Rilla_, SECURITY GRADE __:s____ AREA N0.---=5~-- :Bronner Plat. 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. Rolling - hi&h

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Desirable residential section - well restricted

'+· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES •. None _,.._ 5· INHABITANTS:· a. Type Skilled mechanics, Jr• b. Estimated aunua;J. family income$..,.a,.,,.4Qi.-'lOioL.- ___ Executives ana Railroad men c. Foreign-born None ; _ %; d. Negro ____..N~nu.n ... e __--:----- %; ( latiot~.cdHy j (Tes O'f" JJo) -----

e. Inf_il t rat ion of __,..N...,on.e,.__ ___ f. Relief frunilies ____~N~o~na~------

g, Population is j::ux:r=aultg ____ static.

6. ~BUILDINGS: a. Type or types Sincles-few doubles; b. Type of construction__ r._r..,A:;um~~o~e~------

c. Average age _ __.25...... ,.l ...e~a..,.r_..s.._ ___ d. Repair ______.F~a1.r~------·


1929 level $6.50Q-8.5QO $7~000 100$ $4&-55 $&0 100%

1933 low 3,500..5,500 3,500 50 25..3-? 25 _5Q_

1937 curren;t. i,500-6,000 5,200 74..29% 35-45 ~ __so_

Peak s~le values occurred in 1929 and were i% of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land _jg_%; b. Dwelling units 1.00.__%; c. Home owners 80

9· SALES DEMAND: a. J'air b. ~51000 siw..les c. Activity is lair

10. RENTAL DFl1AND: a. GO! ' b. ~40 c. Activity is gQQd •

11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types J'rame ~s.ooo b. Amount last year lQ-12 ht!l.\~HH~

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home·purchase wm1la b. Home building An~l!Q I 13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS ....::S::..:t""'a~ti:.;c:------:------1LJ.· · CLARIFYING REMARKS:Aa older rosidential section retaining good Character and desirable inhabitants, Medium blue.

I 15. Information for this f011n was obtained from F. c. Devlin-Jr,. F:!,§lg ,Agapt. A. La.wSOJl I Jr., Jield jgent- 0. A. Fleming- l@an Service Representativtl f Date !February 25, 1937 193 I ...... ~·..., -~· .NS FORM-S • AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37

1. NAME OF CITY_D_ayt__ 00______SECURlTY GRADE ___::s___ AREA NO._s__ _


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Fairly desirable

4· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Some Jel"l'Y-built hc'.loos

-.Ci- S· INHABITANTS: a. · Type llechanics - .cler~ b. Estimated annual frunily income $.~2~c..:..')O;;;..O;;;__ ___ c. Foreign-born_N_o_n_e____ ;_ %; d. Negro __N_o_n_e ______%; (lat\onality} (1es or No) ---- I e. Inf_iltration of __N_o_n_e ___ _ f. Relief families ____N_o_n_e ______

g. Population is i~g ____ ~----- static. 6. .BUILDINGS: l family detached . a. Type or types I b. Type of construction :frame - some jeny lfull\ 18 years c. Average age d. Repair Fair


1929 level $5,000..;6,500 $5,500 100% $35-4J $40 100% 1933 1 2,700-3,500 2,750 --ow 50% 20-30 20 50 1937currenJ 4,!500-5,500 4,500 81.8~ 30-35 35 87.5~

Peak sale values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

8 . OCCUPANCY : a. Land~$; b. Dwelling units lOO $; c. Home owners 50 $4,000 singles Fair 9· SALES DEMAND: a~air----- b. c. Activity is 1.o. RENTAL DEMAND: a. __Go_o_d __ b. $35 c. Activity is Good

11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Frame $5,000 b. Amount last year 3 hou.ses

12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase ample b. Home building &~ple 13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS ------Static to d<>wnward 14· CLARIFYING REMARKS:. ____A__ v_e_r_Y_P_al_e_b_l_-w!_i_n_d_e_si_r_a_b_il_i_t_y_. ______

15· Information for this fo1.n was obtained fro1n F. Co Devlin, Jr., F~eld Agent, A.. Lawson, Jr., Field .Agent, C. A. Fleming» Loan Service Reprtsenta.ti ve. ) Date :febr-,18-ry 27 • 1937 193

I -·~·)· ,;~.· NS FORM-S " AREA OESCR I PT I ON 8-26-37

1. NAME OF CITY __D_ay-=--t_on ______SECURITY GRADE __:s___ AREA N0. __7 __


• 3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Fair residential

4· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Mixture of types of houses

S· INHABITANTS: a. Type Clerks - Mecha.nice b. Estimated annual, family income$ 2,200

c. Foreign-born Ital1an-Jerisp_!2_ %; d. Negro ___N_o ____ ~--- %; (lationa,ityJ (1es o~ Jo) ----

e. Infiltration ofltaliano Jewish f. Relief f~nilies None . ------g. Population is increasing _____ decreasing------static. :But changing 6. :BUILDINGS: a. Type or types Singles & Doubles b. Type of construction------Frame c. Average age ___3_ 0__..;..Y_~ar__ s___ _ d. Repair------Fair


1929 level $6,000-8,000. $7,500 100% $45-60 $50 100%

1933 low 3,500-5,000 4,000 53 1{3'/.t 25-35 30 60

1937 curren.t· 5,000-7,000 6,000 80 ~ 40-50 40 80

Peak sale values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land __95 %· , b. Dwelling units 10~; c. Home owners 40 %

9· SALES DEMAND: a. Poor b. c. Activity is Poor

10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. Good b. $40 c. Activity is Good

11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types None b. Amount last year AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Limite& b. Home building 12· ' 13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS Downward

14· CLARIFYING REMARKS: Property is fe.irly good at present. but it is reasonable to assume that the section has reached its peak and could almost be classed as yellow.

There is still considerable value and some desirability for pr9perty located here.

i Jr. • Field Agent, C. A. Fleming, Loan Service ReEresentativt~~ l ! Date --~!~Ak~r~c~b~l~·~l~9~3~7______193 I ! NS FORM-8'~ ... AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37.

1. NAME OF CITY __=Da"""y'-'t..;.on--. ______SECURlTY GRADE __B....._ __ AREA NO. _ _..a.____


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Well laid out se~tion of desirable la~ger houses.


5· INHABI-TANTS: a. Type Executives & Protenione.l b. Estimated annual family income$ 3,500 men 1 c. Foreign-born None '--.--. $•, d. Negro !oDe %; ( ltJti.oncdUy j (1es 0.,. No)

e. Infiltration of __N_o_n_e ___ _ L Relief families None

g. Population is increasing slowly ~ ;~t~l>: 6. BUILDINGS: - a. Type or types one family detac~edb. Type of construction Brick & Frame

c. Average age 15-20 years d. Repair Good to excellent


1929 level $8,000-10,000 $9,000 100% $65-75 $70 100%

1933 low 4,500-6,000 4,500 5<>i"b 3o-40 35 ~

1937 current ~ 000 ..g ,00.9._ a,ooo as.a~ 55-65 60 ~7% ,~ ....- Peak sale >'<:1."'.ues occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental -.ralues occurred in 1929 and were $ of the 1929 level. 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ---,70 %· b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners 85 Fair 9· SALES DEMAND. a. b. $e,oOO-single c. Activity is Good

10· RENTAL DEMAND: a. Good b. $60 c. Activity is Good

11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Frame & Brick b. Amount last year 15=40 houaes $9,000 12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Ample b. Home building Ample 13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARSUp~d------CLARIFYING REMARKS:_Hi_g_h_B_l_u_e ______

i i i I 15· Information for this form was obtained from :r..;;..•..::..C..::..~D=-e=-v....:l....:i:.::n:.I.,J.:..::..r.::..;. a~~.,...::F.:ic.:;.e.:::;.l=.d....:A~;.._'t.:.:::n:.::.t.~~. • ...:.A:::.:•:.:l:.:;'a:::W~S~O:.:;na.:;.J::.ar:;..~· ...... _ I Field .A~~mt, C~ A. FlE~ming - Loan Se1·vice Bepresentative i

193 NS FORM-8"¥. . AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37. ..

1. NAME OF CITY ---=Da=-Yi;~o:::.:n;...______SECURITY GRADE_=-:B---"--- AREA NO. _ __,.9'---- • 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. Rolling

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Continues as a well restr• .:ted residential section


s. INHABI-TANTS: a. -Type Executive-Professional Men b. Estimated annual family income$ $4 ooo...& Qxar i • c. Foreign-born Ngne ;_ %; d. Negro ______-'N'~...--..ae:..__ __ %; (l~tionQl,tyj (les or No) ----

e. Infiltration of__,N::.:o:.::n::::e _____ f. Relief families _...... uM.u.on.u.eg______

g. Population is increasing S1oJ1Y ~· • 6. BUILDINGS: ~a. Type or types 1 family detached; b. Type of construction'--..,.'BI.Lr.....1w.ckL------

c. Average age 25 years d. Repair------~G~aa~d~------


1929 level $10,000-12,000 $11,000 100%

1933 low 5,500-6.500 6,000 54.5% No Renta.le;____

current 8,000..10,000 91000 81.8~ Peak sale n'_ues occurred in 1929--- and were ----% of the 1929 level. Peak rental ·ralues occurred in 1929 and were ---% of the 1929 level. 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ~-%; b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners _.;::;;.10;;;:..0::.,_ ___ % 9· SALES DEMAND. a. __G_oo_d_.;__ b. ___$_9~D~ __._._si_n~g~l_e_s_ c. Activity is -----Fair No rentals 10. RENTAL DEMAND: a.------b. c. Activity is ----- 11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types ~rick b. Amount last year 18-20 Rouses- 12,000 12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Ample b. Home building Ample

13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS __Up_;· ;_war_d ______CLARIFYING REMARKS:_Hi_c_h_:Bl_ue______

' Information for this form was obtained from F .C.Devl1n,Jr., Field kent, A. La.weon,Jru

f Field Agent, C. A. Fleming - Loan Service R~resentative i I Date ~MAe~ro~~~34,_.1~93~7~----~193 I I .. ~t· ··~ NS FORM-!j~ , AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37'

1. NAME OF CITY _D_~..;___on_.------SECURlTY GRADE __:s____ AREA NO. _1_0__


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Bomo"neous residential area of modest homes.


5· INHAB1TANTS: a. Type _..;.J.;;;.r..;..-:E::.:xe;;:,:,.;;c_;u:.;.t.;:.i v.:..e::.:s::...-..:;:)li::;..::d::::dl::.•.:.__ b. Estimated annual family income$ 2,500 I --~------Clast~ c. Foreign-born __;1-:o;...;n~•------; _ %; d. Negro _____,_N=.o.:::______--,-.--- %; (latio~alityj (Ies or lo)

e. Infiltration of None f'. Relief families ______:;N;.:;o.:;;n.:..e ______---.;...... ---~ g. Population is increasingF_a_s_t__ __

6. BUILDINGS: a.. Type or typesl family & few ; b. Type of construction Frame - some brick doubles C:.-. Average age 10-15 years d. Repair Good - some only fair


1929 level $6,500-8,000 7,500 100% $40-60 50 _!QQ!_

1933 low 3,000-4,000 3,500 46.6 25-35 25 50

1937 current 5, 500-6, 50~ 6,000 80 40-50 45 ~ , ... ,c,,. Peak sale Y

Peak rental ;ralues occurred in ~and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ---'70 %· b. Dwelling units9~%; c. Home owners 70 % 9. SALES DEMAND. a. _G_o_o_d__ _ b. _____$_6,:...500 __ _ c. Activity is -----Good 10. RENTAL DFMAND: a. _G_o_o_d__._ __ b. _____$_45 __ c. Activity is -----Good NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types :Brick b. Amount last year 45-50 houses ll· $7,000 12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase .Ample b. Home building Ampl_e __

13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-1 s YEARS _:Up:...w_ar_d ______

CLARIFYING REMARKS:~_ the extreme N.W.corner there is a spotty section of houses needed only minor repair. Kedium :Blue.

Information for this form was obtained from F .. C. Devlin,Jr ••Field f.A.gent, C, A., Fleming

Loan Service,_Representative, A.. Lawson, Jr. • Field Agent. I ! Date ~M~a~r~~c~h~3L,~l~9~3~7______1.93

.. ·~·;. NS FORM-8""', AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37

1. NAME OF CITY Harrison Township,North of SECURITY GRADE __:s____ AREA NO. 11 Dayton· ---- 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. High - rolling

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Wooded tract fronting on river


5· INHABrTANTS:, Executives ~Middle Clas& a. ··Type Jr. I b. Estimated annual ,family income$ 2,500-3,000

c. Foreign-born None ;_%; d. Negro None . $; ( latioflali. ty j (Ies 0.,. Ko)

e. Infiltration of None f'. Relief families None Slowly g. Population is increasing ~ ~.x 6. BUILDINGS: . a. Type or types 1 faJilily detached .. b. Type of construction Brick, Stone, FraDle 8-~0 years Good c. Average age------d. Repair------

7· HISTORY: SALE VALUES RENTAL VALUES PREOOM- PREDOM- YEAR ~ INATING _%_ 1NAT I NG ___j__ $8,000-15,000 $9,000 1929 level 100% 1933 4,soo ... s,ooo 5,000 -- low 55.~ No rentals---- 1937 current 6,000-8,000 7,000 77.~ \"""""' 1929 Peak sale ·'>'a'_ues ·occurred in and were ---% of the 1929 level. Peak rental ·ralues occurred in 1929 and were ____ % of the 1929 level. 100 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land~-%; b. Dwelling units %; c. Home owners ___lo_o __ % Fair 7 000 Fair 9· SALES DEMAND. a. b. $ • Singl~ c. Activity is ------. aJio rentals. 10· RENTAL DEMAND: b. c. Activity is ----- .u. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Brick-Stone b. Amount last year 12-15 houses $8 1 000

AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Ample b. Home building .AmPle

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS __Up_w_ar_d ______lledium :Blue 1q.. CLARifYING REMARKS:_------

I Information for this form was obtained fro1l• 0. Devl1n,Jr. Field ~~nt, A.Lawson.Jr. --~------~~------~----! Jield Agent, o.!A.Fleming, Loan Se:rTice Representative ! MarJh 3, 1937 Date ----~'------·193 I ~..,.... NS FORM-8'~ , AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37, ·~ .

High- level

3· FAV'iJi~11fR J.tNFJ;llRNCES. Good transportation; good schools; playgrounds; restric-ted to ~ eT&er singles and double houses; all street improvements; churcheso


5· INHABI'TANTS· a. ·Type .Better Class laborer-Clerks; b. Estimated annual family income$ l.soo ', c. Foreign-born None ; _ %; d. Negro __N_o _ __, ___-:---- %; (lationa,\tyj (1es or lo) ----

e. Infiltration of _N_o______f·. Relief families ____l_O..:..% ______

g. Population is increasing ____ ~~g ______6. BY~LDI~~~: or tvues 1-story & 2 story b. Type of construction Frame ' :1 ee eo rooms• IftOilti;? on& :f&UllJ' ------15 yrs. Fair c. Average age------d. Repair------

7· HISTORY: SALE VALUES RENTAL VALUES PREDOM­ PREDOM- ~ INATING _%_ ~ INATING _2_ $3,000-7 .ooo 1929 level 100% $35-45 40 100% 1933 2,500-3.,500 53.,3 low 20-~o 25 62.6 19$? 3,500-5,000 4,200 70 current 30-35 35 87.5% ·:· d . 1929 d Pe ak sal e ii'R._ues occurre 1n an were % of the 1929 level. .1929 Peak rental •ralues occurred 1n and were % of the 1929 level. ?5 90 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ___%; b. Dwelling units::___%; c; Home owners Fair $3,800 Fair 9· SALES DEHAND. a. b. c. Activity is Good $34 Good 10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. b. c. Activity is T l family frame $4000 Fair 18-?0 11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. ypes ; b. Amount last year

12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchasejmple b. Home building ~-m_p_l_• ____

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS __up------· Good transportation Vary :tew 11 Jerry b11:llt houses " High lit· a~IniNG REM~KS~~~~------~------­ Yellow.

Information for this form was obta.ine~ frolll F.CoDevl1n,Jr. ,Field ~nt, A.Lawson,Jr., Field Agept, C. A. Fleming. Loan Service Representative !

Date Marc.i l, 1937 193

) I I .-· p ·' ~ ·~~ .. ~ NS FORM-8''""- . AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37, ~ ... !!t;.-.'



3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good transportation~ good scho•)b; churche:;q playe,:rou."lds~ 1;ood _ fire protection.


S· INHABITANTS: a. Type Better class laborers-Clerk,. b. Estimated annual ,family income$...:::l:..;;;:ZC=O ____

c. Foreign-born None ; _ $; d. Negro ______~N~o ______~------%; ( la.Hon.aB ty j l1es O'f' No) -----

e. Infiltration of _...;..__""------None L Relief f amilies_--'1::..;%"""-.------g. Population is increasing ____ ~-~------6. BUILDINGS: • a. Type or types 5 & 6 room, l story; b. Type of construction..:F..:::l·..:.;:ru:.::e~·~•------­ predominates single family detached. c. Average age-----~------d. Repair------


100% 25~3.S "%(\ 100% $4,000 ~--

1933 low 1 2 800-2,750 12=20 :..s ___82_

. 22;..30 26 80 2 6

Peak sale ·ra'_ues occurred in 1929 and were %. of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in ~and were % of the 1929 level.

8. . . OCCUPANCY: a . Land .!Q__%; b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners flO

1 9· SALES DEMAND. a. Fair b. S1ng .e J'am1ly detacheJd c. Activity is Falr $2,800 10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. Good b. Single family detach~d c. Activity is Good :Ji26o ll· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Single famill detacl~ed b . Amount last year l~! $30 200 1 ., Amol~ b. Home building An~::>l

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS -~Up.::..w:.:.::a:r=.:::d ______

11 1q. CLARIFYING REMARKS:_. _Some Jarry built houses11 • Hedi'Wil Yellow"

i I ! I Information for this form was obtained from r,C.Devlin~Jr. Field "l-<~nt;,

: Date M""T'· i , ·'·~ I i f

NS FORM-8",.,.:_- AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37 , ' .

1. NAME OF CITY ___D_a._yt_ o_n____ ~ ___ SECURITY'GRADE_c____ AREA N0. _3___ _


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good transportation; play6rounds; schools; churches; near to industrial planta.


INHABl'fANTS: a. ·Type :Better cla.ss l aborer-Clerks ; b. Estimated annual family income$ 1200 1 ~~------c. Foreign-born __N~o_ne ____ ;_ %; ·d. Negro ____N_ o______%; (lmtio~alityj (Ies or lo) -----

e. Infiltration of _N_o_n_c____ _ f'. Relief families 2\J% ---~------g. Population is ffiffiHng ____ ~~~~~------static. 6. BUlLDINGS: -a. Type or types l & Z f amil y deta.c}ledb. Type of construction Frllllle-brick

c. Average age ______40 yrs _ fair d·. Repair-----~------


1929 level '$3.500-4.500 $4,000 100% $25•3!; $30 100%

1933 low ~~00-2w500 2,000 50 12-20 15 50

1937 current .2,500-3,500 3,000 75 20-27 22 73.3

.-~ Peak s ale ;r<:'.'.. ues ciccurred in 1929 and were %jof the 1929 level.

Peak rental ,r alues occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ...:..:___%; b. . Dwelling units :..::__%; c. Home owners 70 None 9· SALES DEHAND. a. b. c. Activity is Good 10· RENT JU, DF11AND: a. b. at' 22. :rental c. Activity is Good None . 11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a . Types b. Amount last year

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Lim.'\ ted, b. Home building

13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS St tic ------~------CLARIFYING REMARKS: Has good transporta-tion and convenient to Uaoter F.J. ct::ric co. Trupar Mfe. Company and smaller plants. Low Yellow.

Date . -----+------har( ~-~ '! '' , £~? ------193 --. NS FORM-S'+i. AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37'

1. NAME OF CITY _ ___;D:::;.:azt~-:;9n:::.---..,.-~--~SECURITY GRADE _ _,____ AREA NO._..._• __

2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. Southern part - high ~ Northern part ~ Low

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Transportation and schools good; chu~~h~~: al2 stro0 t im:provemen •


S· INHABITANTS: a. ··Type :Better class laborer-ollllrkt b. Estimated annual, family income$.__..1..._8 f~?O.uOL...----

c. Foreign-bornHo undesira.blJI;s_ %; d. Negro ______.N .... o..... n'""n~--- %; Ciationa~~tyJ (Tes or No) ----

..a.l.I.L~,._ e. Infiltration of __NeO==.· ----- f'. Relief families ______

g. Population is i'l!JlCrl"lB·sbag ____ static.

6. BUILDINGS: - a. Type or typesl & 2 famil:y d,etachllid b. Type of construction "Brickafrem"

c. Average age 40 years d. Repair Fair

7. HISTORY: SALE VALUES RENTAL VALUES, PREDOM- PREDOM- liM. ~ IN AT I NG _%_ ~ !NAT lNG _L 1929 level 4,500-5,500 $5!000 100% 38 100% *"'~')"""' >~ 1933 low 2,()()()...3,000 29500 50 20-30 25 65.7'% m? current3.000-4,000 3,500 70 25-35 30 n% \:~""""' Peak sale va"'..ues occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land~-%; b. Dwelling unitsl.OO %; c. Home owners-_....;60;,.;:;_ ___

9· SALES DEMAND. a. None b. c. Activity is Uon~ 10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. Good b.l fame detached $30 c. Activity is Good

11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types None b. Amount last year

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase none b. Home building none

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS_D_?W_nw:_Bl_·d______

CLARIFYING REMARKS:_ 1~· ._._V_ef'l_1._u:n_y_e_l_l_ow_.______

Information for this form was obtained fromF .C.Devl:l.n,.Jx·. ,.f?hld Ali!.'~nt, A.L,a.wsonsJr, I :Field Agent. ,,c., A. Fleming, Loan Service Hepresentative. Date --~v~~~r.c~h~5~0 ~J~q~·~~7______193 j I I NS FORM-·~. AREA DESCR l.PTI ON 8-26-37, ...


Transportation and schools good; churches; all street FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. im.._,rovements.

DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. If· None .. S· INHABITANTS: B tt l b a.·· Type e er 0 ass 1 a orer-Clerk~ b. Estimated annual family income$ 1 .,500 I c. -lHtEtiH-P£rn Small percentB;g• %; d. Negro .. None %; 8 0 ass ( ltJ. tiona B ty J ~ & Rungaria.n..,"'ll..----l1-e'""' s-o-.,-K-o -J ------

e. Infiltration of Betfter ;ype of f'. Relief f amilies __l_5_%_. ------. 019464 . ' g. Population is fn~~---- a~eR~flf ______static. 6. BUILDINGS: 1 & 2 family a. Type or types b. Type of construction Frame d:et.!l.eh6d 4e years Feir c. Average age d. Repair

7· HISTORY: SALE VALUES RENTAL VALUES PREDOM- PflEDOM- ~ ~ IN AT I NG _ %_ ~ INATING _L _ 4,000-5,000 40500 30-4,0 1929 level 100% 35 100% 1933 2,000-2p750 2?200 -- low <~8o8% 15n.25 20 --57ol% 1937 3,00()...4,000 3e200 ~r:; 7~ current 71.1% • 25-35 30 ~I ,.~., .. Peak sale ra:ues occurred in 1929 and were ,% of the 1929 level.

Peak rental \ralues occurred inl929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Land 100 _%; 95 50 8. OCCUPANCY: a. b. Dwelling units --'%· c. Home owners Poo• Pcc:r 9· SALES DEHAND. a. b. c. Activity is Good Single family houoe 10. RENTAL DFMAND: a. b. c. Activity is - Good $66 None 11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types------b. Amount last year ------. b. Home building 1 ~· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Limited

13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS Dmmward ~------~------CLARIFYING type houseso Low yellow. 11f· REMARKS:~1d

· F. C., Devlin, Jr 0" Fie1 -' r. "'en1;, •' r ~,,.,,--on 1$. Information for this form was obtained from • • -c. " ~~. """'"'' ··•· Jr • e Field Agent~ C. Ao Fleming, Loan Sarv:tt;t- :Hepr·IJlsente.t~. V

NS FORM-e·''+. • AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37 .

1· NAME OF CITY __D_ayt,._,_,.o....;.n__,.______~ SECURITY GRADE_.-~--- AREA NO. _....:::6__


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good transportation; gooCI. ochoolsp all str"'ct im.p1.w~ n nts"

1.1-· . DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. All old property. No restrictions.

s. -INHABITANTS: a. Type Laborers mostly b. Estimated annual family income$ L,~nn ) c. Foreign-born Italian ; -1Q_ %; d. Negro _____l,.,. ro..______%; (Nationality} (1es or Ko) ---.---

e. Infiltration of ___I t_a_l_i_a.n ___ c. , _ f'. Relief f amilies ___..==5~o%~------


6. BUILDINGS: -a. Type or types l & 2 family deta.c~edb. Type of construction___ __..:.; F...s.r..£:r::.:lm~"'-----

40 yea.re · :Fai r c. Average age--~~~------d . Repalr----~~------


1929 level $3 0 000-40 000 $3 0 500 100% ~20-30 ~ 2§ 100% 1933 low 1,500--2 500 1 800 0 0 51 . 1 ~~ 12-;1.8 l~ ~

1937 current 2 0 000-30 000 2 0 200 62 . 8 ;~ 20- 25 ?~ ...8.3_

I Peak sale va:ues- occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 19~ and were % of the 1929 level. 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ---,100 %· b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners ho

9· SALES DEMAND. a. None b. c. Activity is

10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. G~ o d b. 1 f amily s:a:a c. Activity is Gon

11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types }tone b. Amount last year

12- AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home_ purchase Lim1 t ed b. Home building !1""'t ... ~

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 Y~ARS __::D:.:..o..:.;.;'m::.:w.:..::;a.r::::.....=.d ______-:------

11.1-· CLARIFYING REMARKS: Low yellow

Information for this form was obtained f-rom! • Co Dovl i n~ J1·. F1o1d ~gent~ ! .• r.!1. son,Jr. Field Agent9 . Ca A. Flemingp Loan Service Repreientative

Date Marc' 3,, 1907 193 #'.!' ...... ;:,; NS FORM-S,.. . AREA. DESCR l.PT't ON 8-26-37, ...

Van :Buren Township ....West 7 NAM E OF CITY ___Tr'f'-~'ll"wr...m--_,_-...... ,._SECURITY GRADE ______c AREA NO. __c.... ___ at Oakwwd DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. High-level

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Wooded suburban section with fail' transportation; gond schooh; churches; uniform type of hor.:.e.


S· INHABlTANTS: a. ·· Type laechanics-9lerks-J3etter b. Estimated annual frunily income$ lv50C class .LaOotet 1 --~------c. Foreign-born __N_o __ n_e ___ ;~ %; d. Negro ___.:...- __}l_o_n_e ____ _ %; (lat'o~alityJ ~ lies o.,- No) ----

None 'le§n_e_, ------. , g. Population is increasing ____ ,.

6. BUlLDINGS: Single 5 & 6 rooms 1 & 2 a. Type or types story detached b. Type of construction F:rfl.

~/,·: 15 yrs. c. ·Average age d. Repair Good

7· HISTORY: SALE VAL~ES RENTAL VALUES PR EDq)..t~ PREDOM- llA8.. ~ IHAJiNG J_ ~ !HATING __L 5 000-6,000 1929 level 0 $5,500 100% $35-45 $40 100%

2 (;00-3 500 3,.(..00 25~31) ,0,.)·~~:: --ow193~ 9 11 54.5·~ 6£?-c 5?; '1937 4, ooo.-.. s. ooo ru.s;., current 4~~o_: 30-40 35 --It"•/87 5'~ ~··· .·.·, Peak sale va'.ues occurred in 1929; anct were % of the 1929 level. '. ' Peak rental •ralues occurred in ---.---1929 and were % of the 1929 level. 50 100 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ---'%· b. Dwelling units 10°%; c. Home owners SALES DEMAND. a. Gooi b. sin:g1e :f::'uily deta.ch~d c. Activity is 9· $>:f,aoo Good 10· RENTAL DEMAND: a. b. Single f@lllily ~etach!fd c. Activity is -~\o.,c.Jf'o NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Single famil~ detF.~.cb~d b. Amount last year f!. H 1l":teulli!i ,p4 9 50v 12· AVAILABILlTY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home,.purchase 14uple b. Home building .r..mple

TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS ...;_U_p_wa._r_d______.

1/.j.· CLARIFYING REMARKS:~e_d_ium__ Y_el_l_o_w ______

; 1$. Information for this form was obtaili,ed f·rom F.C .. D·E~Vlin9Jt'. Fitll(l!Afrent, L Lf:''!')';:;)l').,,Jr . .:,\~~·~~, . ,-~r Fie:!.d Agent~~.~c$ .A.. Fleming, LoaJg s~~~CJ!:' At~present:~•tive ! Date __u_a~~~_.U_1_f~iv __-1.~)._T:_ 1 ______~193 NS FORM-·~ AREA DESCR l.PT I ON B-26-37 ~ ------~~~

1· NAME OF CITY Van :Buren Township, East of SECURITY GRADE 0 AREA NO. C-8 oru&rooa ------2· DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. High level

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good schools; restricted (not highly); sewer~ & water

q.. DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Transportation poorD no gas.

5· INHAB.ITANTS: a.· Type :Better class laborer-clerks; b. Estimated annua~ frunily income$ 1~500

...; c. Foreign-born None · · $ · d. Negro ______N_o_n_e __ _ $; ---~----:--:---~' ...... - ··' (lati.o11.a.B ty j (1es O'f" No) ---- e. Infiltration of _____'None ...... ,.----'. , f·. Relief frunilies ------None g. Population is increasing ____

6. j)UILDINGS: a. Type or types Single family de­ b. Type of construction._f_r_am__e ______taehid b.& 6 rooms ·. 15 years Good c. Average age---~------d. Repair------~----


1929 level $4,500-5,500 5,000 100%. $35~45 40 100% 1933 low 2,500-3.000 2,800 62 .• 5% 20=30 25 56

1937 curren,.t 3,500-4,50~ 3.aob 87o5?& 30..... 40 35 76

Peak sale va.1_ues occurred in 1929 an~! were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental \ralues occurred in 1929 and were :% of the 1929 level. 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ---,30 %· b. Dwelling units 100.%; c. Home owners 9ti Fair Single family $4000 Fat:r 9· SALES DEMAND. a. b. c. Activity is

10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. Good b. Single family $35 c. Activity is '}ood u. NEW CONSTRUCTION: ·a. TypesSingle :fami~y d.ota.che~ b. Amount last year _1_.5_~_20____ _ 5 & 6 room ~4~000 1~. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a .. Home purchase Ample b. Home building ~ople

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS ___Up_w_a.r_d ______

14· CLARIFYING REMARKS: Ued_i_um_Y_e_l_lo_w_. ______

l Information for this.. form was obtain.ed from F. c •. Devlin~Jr., Fieljd .A.gent. 2 .A.. Lawsor, I i Jr., Field Agent, C• .A.. Fleming, Loan Servic~ R~p~e~enta.tive. ) I Date March 8 2 1937 193 I I ~;t~-;,; NS FORM-it"' - AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37,

1. NAME OF CITY __D_a._:.y_t_on ______SECURJTY GRADE ___.;;..c __ AREA N0.__;9:;..._ __


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good playgrounds; tre.nsporta.tionp schoolso


S· INHABlTANTS: a. - Type La.borers-llechanics b. Estimated annual family income$ 1 500 ' -~~~------0 c. · Foreign-bonfolish-HungariAA 80 %; d. Negro No %; (I at ion a. B t y j - - -- __.;;;;..;;._(-:-1'""'e_s_o .,.-,-o-:)------

e. I nf il t ration of _...... ;r..... o.,...r_.e.;;;.i:.:.gn..;...._.....;- _, _ f'. Relief families _____..l.::~:a;....------,

g. Population is increasing ____ "~------6. BUILDINGS: ~ a. Type or typesSingle detached b. Type of construction._--==Fu=tUila.llll.l~------5 & 6 room c. Average age 20 rears d. Repair------~~~------Good


1929 level $4,500-5,500 $5,000 100% $35-45 $40 100% 1933 low 2,000-3,000 2,500 50 20-30 25 62o5%

. 1937 current 3,500-4,000 3,800 76~ 30=40 35 87.5% ~:~

Peak sale va:ues occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level. 80 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land _ __%; b. Dwelling unitslOO %; c. Home owners __e_o ___ _ a. ____None _ 9· SALES DEMAND. b. ------c. Activity is ----- 10· RENTAL DEMAND: a.Good familysingle b. $35 single c. Activity is .;;___;;...;;;:._Good ___

11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Single family de- b. Amount last yearl2-15 ta.Ched 5 room $4.ooo =--=-=----- ., 1 ~· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchaseLimited ; b. Home building Limited.

13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-1S YEARS . Upward, better class foreign

CLARIFYING REMARKS:~ow_y_el_l_o_w_. ______


Information for this form was obtained from F.C.Devltn,Jr. Field Algent9 A.. L!l.wSOn 1.Jr. Field Agent, C. A.. Fleming, Loan Service Representative I Datel.tarc~ 8g 1937 193 • ! ! NS FORM-8~. AREA DESCRIPTION B-26-37, ...

1. NAME OF CITY ___Da.-=y~t_o,_n.______SECURlTY GRADE ___c___ AREA NO._l:;;:..O~--


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. ~ear business section and Ct'lnter of city9 good schoob 0 good transportation.


s. INHAB1TANTS: a. Type Laborers - Mechanics b. Estimated annual family income$ 1 500 1 ~~~------0 , c. Foreign-born_-.:;.;.N..;..on;.;.e;;;._,. ___ ;_ $; d. Negro _____-=No...,n-.e"------:---- $; (lationGtityJ (1es or lo) -~--

e. Infiltration of None . , . f'. Relief frunilies 1.5% ------~ ------~-~------g. Population is ~~M:Ig ____ static. 6. BUILDINGS: a. Type or types 1 & 2 family detach'd b. Type of construction_.:.;.1?.:;...'"";;.;;am:;;;;;e::..··------

c. Average age 35 years d. Repair Fa:tr


1929 level 4,500 -5,000 $5.000 100% 35-45 $40 100%

1933 low 2.600-30000 2,600 50 20-30 25 6~~. Sj~

1937 current 3,500-4,500 4,000 80 30-40 ,..., 35 8?--5%

Peak sale values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental \Talues occurred inl929 and were % of the 1929 level.

8 . OCCUPANCY : a. Land 100 _%; b. Dwelling units 100%; c. Home owners ____s_o __

9· SALES DEMAND. a. _F_a_i_r __ b. S1ngl!l f~ly. detD.ch~d c. Activity is .p4,000 ------RENTAL DEMAND: a. _Go_o_d __ b Single :family detached c. Activity is good 10· . $55 ' ------11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: . a. Types _N_o_ne______b. Amount last year ------12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchaseLimited b. Home building LimHe:d:

13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS __n_own_w_ar_d ______

CLARIFYING REMARKS:_ M_e_d_i_um_·_y_e_ll_o_w_. ______1~·

1 15· Information for this form was obtained from F 8 0.Duvl1nv Jr. i ll 1elc1 !A,gentr• A.Lm·;ccn~Jr. Field. Agent, g• .A..l!'bming. Loan Service Repi"ef!entative. I Date ___l~lftr~·~·c~h_,_5~0_lc_~•3_~_? ______193 ~; ...... ~ '?·~ . ... NS FORM.::_lft AREA DESCRIPTION G.::'J ~ 8-26-37 , !~-.,


Good tra.Daporta.t1on; good schools and playgroWlds~ all ctreet 3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. improvements.


5· INHABITANTS,_• . a. Type "E'usJ.ness men:-LTr.Executi vos b. Estimated annua+ family income$·__;_2o400 Raas ... aa Jet,.,;, sh ____ _ c. Foreign-born German-Polish; 80 $; d. Negro ______N_ o______$; (lat\onal,tyj ~ (Ies or Ko) ---.....----

Infiltration of Foreign-Jewish Relief families e. . I . t ·. ------g. Population is fffi~ aiPcfmMg static.

6. ,BUILDINGS: 1 fam.Uy predominating 1 8 2 9 a. Type or types & 4 family detached b. Type of construction Frame & E .ck

25 years Fair c. Average age------d. Repair------

" 7· HISTORY: SALE VALUES RENTAL VALUES PREDOM- PREDOM- ~ ~ INATING _%_ ~ INATING __L $6,500-7,500 7 000 1929 level 9 100% $50-65 $60 100% 1933 low 3, 000-:4,000 3p500 5<>% 2Sc35 30 50 1937 curren_1;_ 4,800-69000 5,200 74.3% 45-55 50 83.~%

Peak sale values occurred in 1929 and were $ of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in~and were % of the 1929 level. 90 8. OCCUPANCY : a. Land ---,%· b. Dwelling units~%; c . Home owners 60 Fair Single Family $5,500. Fai.r 9· SALES DEMAND . a. b. c . Activity is Good Single house & apa.rtF Good RENTAL DF11AND: a. b. J c. Activity is 10· u:n:Z.nt.., at ·$50. No no ll· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types b. Amount last year Ampb 12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase b. Home building Ample 13· TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS ------Donnwarn ------CLARIFYING REMARKS:Foreign born Jewish ce.ntering in this s.rea. Low yellil •

15. Information for this form was obtained from F • C.Devl1n •.Tl- ,. i?; •: l ,~ !., r r •. J.,.

l Date ~··~·( ~! --~ -·_· ~)· ______.193 NS FORM-S~. ., AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37,

NAME OF CITY Dayton & Madison Township SECURITY GRADE-,..-_c______AREA NO. _1;::_··2;.__ __ West or Daytofi DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. High, level

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good tranapo1 ;.,l'ltion; good schools; good pl1;cy-grounds; n~wer section of medium priced h.ousea "With similAr tYPe houses;· reasonable residential restrictions.

4· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Nect.JSa.ry to travel tb+"ough colored section. to get to i t.•,.

5· INHAB.ITANTS· a. Type Meohanics~laborere,clerks b. Estimated annual family income$1 '30\ ·' I ·~~~------· b None « d N N ,, c. Fore1gn- orn __~ ___;_ .o; • egro __o_n_e---:-..._..----:------,--- $; (lationa~ityJ (1es or Xo) None e. Infiltration of <', '• f'. Relief families 20%

g. Population is increasing aeefemffg JS31t~~>; 6. _BUILDINGS: l & 2 family detached a. Type or types 5 & 6 rooms b. Type of construction Fre.rr1'f! 15 years c. Average age------Good

7. HISTORY: SALE VALUES RENTAL VALUES PREDOM- PREDOM- 1.U!i ~ INATING _%_ RANGE INATING ___L 1929 level $4t,000-5, 500 4g500 100% 35-45 40 100%

1933 low 2,000-3,000 2,500 55.5% .18-28 20 ___QQ_ 193? current 3,800-4,800_ 40000 88.8 25-35 ;;:~~"• ... 30 __7.Q_

Peak sale v~lues occurred in 1929 and were '%of the 1929 level. Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

,.,,~. 8. a. Land 60 %· b. Dwelling unit.s 100 %; c. Home owners ',, OCCUPANCY: --- J Good 9· SALES DEMAND. a. b. Single family detac.~h~d c Activity is Good $.)~8vv ' · Good 10· RENTAL DF11AND: a. b ,Single family detacho~ c. Activity is Go~d $30 11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. TypeJ. family d~tached 1009 b. Amount last year 25-·30

12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Anq1l~ b. Home building Ample

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS ______Tn..;;...~:l_.1'ffl._, r_d ______


I I Information for this form was obtained from ___n_.c_._D_e_,v_l_i_n_o_•T_r_. _0_P+·~_,e_.l_d,_A..:..g_en_t_· ------.A.oLe:wt~on& Jr~~ Field Agent~ C., ..A ..• Fleming~ Lc1an Sr:x:fi(~€1 Ret>:rt.H~~nt.. .,lti·l~- . i


1 •. NAME OF CITY __...;;D~a.y:L.t;;..;o;;.;;;n:...------SECURlTY GRADE __~c ___ AREA NO. --=1.;;;..3 ___


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Close by industrial :plants; good transpox·ta.ti9n and scr,.ooh; newer type houses similar in type; highly restrictt;d ags.1.n.st colored.

~· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Surrounded by colored section • • S· INHABITANTS: a. Type Mechanics, better class of b. Estimated annual family income$ L500 ·laborer \ ... $' c. Foreign-born "-•::me ,_, d. Negro ______~N=o=n=e ______%; (lationaUtyj (1es or lo) -----

e. Infiltration of --=N::.::o:.;;n::.::e:------· , f'. Relief families ---'?~,q;k'i.JL ______

g. Population is +K~:t:~a:jS:ifrg ____ ~~------static. 6. BUILDINGS: a. Type or types l & 2 family singb; b. Type of ·construction.____ F~rawm~e~------detached c. Average age _____2~0~zr~s~·------d. Repair-----~~------~---


1929 level 4,000-5~500 4.500 100%

1933 low 2,000-2.800 2,200 48.8

1937 current 2t 800...311800,_ 3,000 66,6 '""'· Peak sale va~ues occurred inl929 and were

Peak rental v·alues occurred in 1229 and were

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land~-%; b. Dwelling units 95 $; c. Home owners 7""-

9· SALES DEMAND. a: ~l'one b. c. Activity is

10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. Good b. $28. Singl., family; c. Activity is Good ll· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types None b. Amount last year

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase L,YnJted b. Home building Li,m1, t:<;1

TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 1 o-1 s YEARS D-::::o::..:wn:::.:::wa.::::r:..::d=------

CLARIFYING REMARKS: Section known a.a. Whittier Terrace adjacent to Delcn :BI•akl'l: Cor-p r a sUDiidiary o£' General Motors Corpora.tion. Lo·w y-sllow.

i Information for this form was obtain~d from~•.. 4~·~;·,c~. !J·D~e::.,:v!.:!l:.::li~n:J~.a!t.J...,;r:..a...3-oi?FIL..i~e"-'~tfl'd~,...... aA4l>f:.:s::.fl1lut.~::.·,._, _..I.a... ..,..I.... ,eli.l.ll!';;o:§~Q~~.~.n,. ...._f'._t· ..... _ Field Agent, C. Ao Fleming - Loap. Service }iftpresrmtative. I l Date ,:.;;M::.::rcl·:::..l'.:;.;Ch:.::....::l:..:O~,o.::.l.;;.9.;;.3.....:...f ____193 I I I /"

. ,;'¥>;.; 1 NS FORM-S , AREA DE~CRIPTION B-26-37,

1. NAME OF CITY Harrison T9wnship Ad.1o1nin& SECURITY GRADE___...__ ___ AREA NO. ---,;1~.4..__- . Northwest Dayton 2~ DESCRIPl'ION OF TERRAIN. Righ.-rolling

3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good schools, wooded section. newer houseso

~· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Not very highly restricted; no tmproved streets; not very · good transportation; some "Jerry built houses"

.,... S· INHABITANTS: . a. Type Laborers and mechanics b. Estimated annua~ frunily income $._.J+,50oilfl...uO"'----

-· c. Foreign-born None ' ~· d. Negro ____llwo"'4ll.ue..______%; (lat\on,aBtyj ·- , (1es or No) ----

e. Infj.l tration of -""'N.;;.;on;;;;;.;e=------·, L Relief frunilies_w301.lj~!I!------­

g. Population is increasing ____ IiRII.U11;ritrg ------~· 6. ..BUILDINGS: a. Type or types l family detached l; b. Type of construction.___ ...,.F..~..raarn'I>Jea-. ____ and 2 story c. Average age ---=l:.:5;..A~,.yr:..:..•:__8 ___ , d.. Repair ______;ta.ir.ua..u.;,. ______


1929 level $3,600-4.500 $41 QOO 100% $30-~8 $32 100%

~low 1,800-2,500 2.000 50 32-18 ]5 .....AS..,J3.

1937 currel).t 3,000-3,800 3,2QO 80 20-26 22 _Q.2..,..2 Peak sale values occurred in l92a and were ---% of the 1929 level. Peak rental values occurred in li!.29 and were ---% of the ·1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land _1Q__%; b. Dwelling units~%; c. Home owners sn

9· SALES DEMAND. a. Fair b.l familz !31 200 c. Activity is Fah:

10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. Fair b. l family $22 c. Activity is Fair

11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Sin~le familz detach4td b. Amount last year 18 - 20 houses $3,500 12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchaseLim,ted I b. Home building I.1mi t.ed

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS Upward - surrounded by high ga.de arMls.


15. Info rma t ion for this form was obtai n_ed f rom -l.Jl..... Dtti4!.JYulur.i.!ln"'l' 9 JI.L~"-·"'1e,_l!P'!;J,iJ!Ie~1o.d ...l~~ge!;Wlni.Iit..,.;a..A...JT~.o.~.su•!!uewoi:l.n-r ••,t.;TJ:J::,.-- Fhld Agent, ·t • .A..J"leming .. Loan Stryi.ce Representative, I I Date --r-1______193 #{'


1. NAME OF CITY Tan :Burtn ToWnship,Southu.st SECURITY GRADE_...______AREA NO. _ __,..Q.. ,..lr..;,5,.___ of Oak:wood 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. High - Level.


~· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Outside ~ity ltmits; poor transportation; no street improvements. ! 5· INHAB1TANTS:

a. Type I,ahorer b. Estimated annual family income$·--.~J_,_,..,..z...,o""'o ___ c. Foreign-born None . %• d. Negro ___bwTn.J.JnWie------.--- %; ( lationcdi. ty j ·- ' (1es Of" lo) e. Infiltration of _ __,N... o""n"'""-----....;· , f. Relief families "5_. ------~~~~~------

g. Population is increasing ____ ~~g ______

6. BUILDINGS: a. Type or types Sin.gl e family detached>· Type of construction__ Ji'-.4T~Qm~•------l & 2 story .. ·.. c. Average age 15 years d. Repair-----~-...~:.~:!.J-1:;______


1929 level $3(,000-4,000 100% a;..;3Q :n 100%

1933 low l r 500-2,200 51-4% J2mJ 6 l.4. ~

'62 a% 2Pm26 2.2 -fP.:-,.4,%

Peak sale va7_ues occurred in )929 and were .% of the 1929 level.

Peak rental ralues occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land _JQ__%; b. Dwelling units as__%; c. Home owners -.:;;.£'0,__ ___

SALES DEMAND. a. Fair b. Single Family$2200 c. Activity is --"'li'..,.a..._i.._r ___

1 o. RENTAL DEMAND: a. Fa.i r b. Single :f'ami ly $20 c. Activity is Fair

11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types l family l story b. Amount last year 12-1 fi h@~ ... o detached $2500 12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchasq:,imited b. Home building Lt1.2Hed

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS _-ol<.Uni:'Jw~a,...l·.... d ______

I ' 15· Information for 'this form was obtained f rom_J!...... c.....,.~ D..... e.,v'""l ... i...,n..,.,_...J.._r ..... ,,-....;F...,i~e.... l..wcr-j ~1\gl!i•=-t~"""t,_,,•r-"''...... ,1 oj;lo''oii'li"'~(;:Q,...;g,...... ---

Jr,. Field A&entQ C. A. Fleming, I.oan Service F~r~u;eu":;~thc, I Date 1 NS FORM-B ~· '• AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37, .. ~ .. ~\ , 1· NAME OF CITY Van Buran Township~ sou.thea.st SECURITY GRADE D AREA NO. ,;... of' oa:kiooa . ------2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN. High - Level


q.. DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES.Poor transportation 9 out.sid~ dty Hmits 11 u.nrestr1c:hd0 unimproved.

5· INHABITANTS: a. ~ype Labore_rs b. Estimated annual family income$------900 c. Foreign-born None ;_%; d. Negro None %; ( lo.tionaB ty j (1es or lo) ----

e. Infiltration of Lower class . . L Relief families g. Population is increasing :ttWrt~H~ ------; Xlfiff±t. 6. BUILDINGS: a. Type or typesl :family,l story b . Type o f construction· ______Frame _ s1.ngles-sP:adks ,,, . 12 years ,},.,, Poor c. Average age------d. Repair------

7· HISTORY: SALE VALUES RENTAL VALUES PREDOM.:.. PREDOM- YEAR ~ INATING _%_ ~ INATING _j__ $3000 $20 1929 level $2500-3500 100% $18-22 100%

1933 1000-1800 1200 8c~l2 10 50 -- low 4~ 1937 current 1600-22001 1800 60% 13-18 15 75

Peak sale vatues occu.rred in 1929 and. were % of the 1929 level. 9 Peak rental 'ralues occurred in 1 29and were % of the 1929. level. 30 100 80 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ---.%· b. Dwelling units %; c. Home owners Poor b 1 family l story Activity is Poor 9· SALES DEMAND~-a. . $9000 c. a. Fair b. 1 family 1 story $15. c. Activity is F8.ir 10· RENTAL DF11AND: '

...II. f'mli.ily l story ,5...8 h01.tS! f:'t~ NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types b. Amount last year 11· tzame ·$2500 Limited, AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a .. Home purchase ___ b. Home building Liruit$d

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10.:.15 YEARS __c_h_ea_p_e_r_cl_a_e_s_h_om_e_-_up_w_a_.r_a_. ------

CLARIFYING RE~-ARK~· At _.,.Present time area is sp~:te.d wi tb shac~~;. hou~es ar~ b:11~ t on llJ.· .. :o:e! rear-· o... lots. As :t al ..... ond ..... :L... Hl im.v .. v • ., .~.., .<.~; tA1 .~e~.te ..... t •. ~~ .. there will be an increase in the cheaper type of home. Low Red.

15 . Information for this form was obtai ned-f rom_';'F;...· ~·c_, ._D_e_v_l_i_n_D ._:r_r -· _F_· i_e_l_d_A-:-~o_n_t t_. ,_A_._L_fl._w_s_":_,; ~-·T_,r_._

Field Agent, C.A..Fleming, Loan Service Rep:resel').ta ti v~e

Date March ~" 1937 193 ·-··· . -~ NS FORM-S ,, . AREA DESCRIPTION. ~ ..,... .. 8-26-37, --'.·~

1. NAME OF CITY_-=D;.;:&.:..t;;.::o::=:n:...-,______SECURITY GRADE _ __.D~. ___ AREA N0._,..::;;2"-. __



ll-· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Entire area consists of shacks on rear of lots; no st1·eet improvements; no plat restrictions s in:b:tbj. t,,,:f by low claE:e of white people: poor tra.mJ,porta.tion. 5· INHABITANTS: a. Type L~bore:t·a b. Estimated annual., famil~ income $. _ ___.7'-~.0.L:..n~...--__

,· c. Foreign-born --=N~o:;.::;no:.::.e_ __,.. __ .,_ $·, d. Negro ______-"-lwfQ~n~e.______%; ( Ja.HonaB tyj (1es o'l' Ko) -----

e. Infiltration of Lower cl~ss of .. ; f'. Relief families ___...... ~::ll,!.;.·1Q..,~ ------white g. Population is~~ ::d:er.r.~ng ______

6. J:iUILDINGS: a. Type or types 1 & 2 story singles b. Type of construction.__ ~Fu~~n~m~e ______detached and shacks c. Average age -----=l:..::5:.....t.Y.:::e:::::ar=-s~---- d. Repair------uw~------


1929 level 1800-2000 ~2000 100$ :t;l;~ -18 !~) fi 100% 1933-- low 001)...1()00 90C 45 6-lf' 8 --5Z....3 1937 curren~ .• 1200-1800 1400 70 a.• J?. 10 ~5

Peak sale values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in illLand were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land~-%; b. Dwelling units~%; c. Home owners 7!1

9· SALES DEMAND. a. Poor b. l family ·~1500 c. Activity is >_,oor

10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. Poor b. 1 familr $10 c. Activity is poor

11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types none b. Amount last year

1.2. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase nox1"~ b. Home building ____

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS __,;:;:::Do:::.:•::,.:;m~wa=.;rd~------

1ll-· a~IFYING R~~KS:~ ..~L~ow~R~e~d~------~--

15. Information for this form was obtained from F.C.DevUn ••rr ... ;FieJ,d Aeent, ,f\ r,., ..,R-.'' I Jr., Field Agent., C• .A. .. ll'leming, Loan Serfice ReDresentn.tivl'), I Date Match g. 1 o~z 193 --~+r~~---~~----- NS FORM-8~ .. AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37,

1. NAME OF CITY __D_;e:y;_,t_o_n ______SECURITY GRADE __D___ AREA NO._v_"' ___



q.. DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Close to railroad tracks and i.ndustrial plants, h.d odors, noisy.

S· INHABITANTS: a. Type_L_a_b_o_r_e_r______b. Estimated annual family income$ 900 1 ------c. Foreign-born~_N_o~n_e~~~;- $; d. Negro ____.....,... ____N_on_e ___ _ $; (latio~aZityj (1es or lo) ----

e. Infiltration of None f'. Relief families 50% ------____;· , __ __;~------g. Population is ffifmHg ____ ~~~~~------static. 6. BUILDINGS: - a. Type or types 1 and 2 family b. Type of construction Frame <.leta.ched ------~------30 yeareo poor c. Average age------d. Repair----~------


1929 level $3000 100% $35 100% 1933 low 1700 ; 56.6 20 57.,1. 1937 current·- 2400 80 25 80 Peak sale values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental ralues occurred in ~and were %. of the 1929 level. 30 8. OCCUPANCY: a. Lan d ---80 %·, b. Dwelling units J.OO %; c. Home owners

pOOl' 9· SALES DEMAND. a. Poor b. 1 family detached c. Activity is $2500 10. RENTAL DFMAND: a. good b. 1 family d.etached ; c. Activity is good $25. . ll· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types None b . Amount last year

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase Limited b. Home building Limited

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS _D_o_wn_:w_a._r_d ______

1 q.. CLARIFYING REMARKS: Indications are that entire section :will become industri.al o.rea, Low red.

I 15. Information for this form was obtained from F •. C. Devlin, Jr •• )!':teU Agent. A. Lauson, - I Jr., Fhld Ag~t, C. A. Fleming, L~~an Service Rf!Presentatin. I I I Date -..llliM./.:J.H..!..l'C~.h"'-. ~9"-,..._.1.:.:.93:.::,7:.,_ ___193 ! /' .P '?->: . ... NS FORM-S ··~. AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37 ,

1 . . NAME OF CITY __D_ a_y_to_n______·SECURITY GRADE __D____ AREA NO. __.t:l__ _


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good transrorkt,io::. - Good schools

1 q.. DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Stockyards - 1H:.c1dnc ho:~:;es n.r.d to nrea.

INHABITANTS: a. -Type Laborer b. Estimated annual family income$ 700 Hunga.r:t~,n ) ------,· c. Foreign-born Polieh/ · 26 $ · oo $; ------~-' --.--. , d. Negro ____~Yu __ ~ ------( la.ti01H1B ty j lies or lo) ------

e. Infiltration of Neg~o f·. Relief families ______;; s-=o:....-'';,...______------~-- g. Population is i'iTcreasing ____ :raecreas1J:i.g ------static. 6. BUILDINGS: a. Type . or types 1 fl:'.mi ly detached b. Type of construction~r~r~n~~~~~·------a;nct uha,cka • :"' 30 yearn · Poor c. Average age-----~------d. Repa1r --~-=-::...------:------


1929 level $1500 100% t .... 5. 100% 193"' 1 600 ---- ow 40 f. "J 937 T current ROO 53.~% a 5~.3

Peak sale values- occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level. 60 %• b. Dwelling units ,OO ',£ · c. Home owners lO 8. OCCUPANCY : a. Land ---, --I None 9· SALES DEMAND. a. b. c. Activity is Fair l family detached 10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. b. c. Activity is f~ti 1' None 11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. · Types b. Amount last year 12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase b. Home building ------13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 1 o-15 YEARS __D_ o_\'fr_1T>_"fl_.r_d ______

Trend tovnu-ds indm•i;ria.l - Lo'W r~rl, 1 q.. CLARIFYING REMARKS: ______

15· Information: for this form was obtained from F .C.Devlin- J~·., Fi-eld Agt'nt ~.taY.'scn,Jr.r.}'ield Agent. C·.A.Fl~{l.; 9 Low1 Ser.Yice Represent.-tL,., Date ..:.... ,. NS FORM-8:~ ... '• AREA DESCRIPTION B-26-37,

NAME OF CITY ).taJ. !H.·.:!!r" Tornahip,Ea.st of SECURlTY GRADE ____D_AREA N0._5__ _ · · · D#ton . 2. DESCRIPTION OF TERRAIN . ' Low


q.. DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Poor transportation; low class white; poorly construchd buildings. 5· INHABI'fANTS: a. ·· ·T ype ______..;..._ __ Laborers b. Estimated annual family income$___.:;,::::-.:,. 900 __ _ c. Foreign-born Hungarian-Pol~ah %; d. Negro None %; (I a.H Ofla H ty j ·~ ·· ____(_I_e_s_o ,.-1-o_)__ _ -~--

e. Infiltration of Foreign born .. ' f'. Relief families_..._;;,4()1$=------

g. Population is increasing ____,.._ , .

6. BUILDINGS: ~ a. Type or types l family detached b. Type of construction 1reme and abicks ------18 )'rio c. Average age-----'----- d . Repa1r · ---~P-=O;,;:;.O.=.r ______..,..- ___


1929 level $3000 100% t25 100% 1933 low 1200 40 15 _m_

1937 current 1800 60 20 _an_ " ,-~;'""' Peak sale va~ues occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental ra.lues occurred inl929 and were % of the 1929 l.evel.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land ---'50 %· b. Dwelling unitslOO %; c. Home owners 50 None 9· SALES DEMAND. a. b. c. Activity is

10. RENTAL DEMAND: a.Good b. Singl• family c. Activity is Good detached $20 11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types none b. Amount last year

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase none b. Home building

13. TRENp OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS_D_o_wn_war_d______

1Q.· CLARIFYING REMARKS~ong highw~ approaching Wri~t Fi•ld, U.S.Armv Poat.Low Red.

l Information for this form was obtain-.e-d .from ii' .r..Devlin,Jr. ,Field Ag~nty A..1.awson~ .rr .• !ield A&ent. C• .A..Fleming, Loan Service Representative. / ! Date t~rch 9,193? 193 ·l',.,.,•


1. NAME OF CITY l!e.d Riverof Dqton. To17llfJhip, l~o T th ~a t SECURITY GRADE __~---AREA NO. __....._ ~; __


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good a c~?ol s .

l It· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Poor tr.anspor t ..-,ti<):n; pi~ t un-restricted; no improv~ente.

5· INHABITANTS: a. Type Lo lrt~~et tyne laborer b. Estimated annual family income$ .,l"n ) ·~~~------

c . Foreign-bornpo li ah-Hunf!A r ir.i.z.L.2Q. $; d. Negro ------..."--·A~,.,-..,--:;;~----- __ _,;.;;::..;__ $; (KationaHtyJ (1es 'oi' No)

e. I nf i1 t ration of -~N:.::e~~~~r..:.o~------...;·. , f'. Relief families o('l~. ------~~------g. Population is mc::r.e:a:slmtg ____ static.

6. BUILDINGS: . a. Type or types Si.ngl o frunily d'!l­ b. Type of construct ion Frn.r . --~~~------te.c}u,d & !!! h.~cks .. c. Average age __-= l~8~y~r~s~·~------d. Repair------~~------~


1929 level :tJ500 . 100%

1933 low 500 33 1/3% 1937 current- 900 60 ~ Peak sale values occurred in 1929 and were

Peak rental ralues occurred in 1929 a.Iid were

8. OCCUPANCY : a. Land ----'50 %· b. Dwelling units 95 %; c. Home owners 60 - 9· SALES DEMAND; a. None b. c . Activity is

10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. None b. c. Activity is

11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types Non., b. Amount last year

12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: .a. Home purchase l~on e b. Home building ------

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS __D<_ t')r._; . _l _.

14. CLARIFYING REMARKS: Entire nren b<.ilt up with l'00!'1:• construche l:u!ldin{!''! ann :?.ha.::~· ,

15· Information for this form was obtained from -~.:..'P_,_• .:<. C .!.,, ""l.:..::,..:..;..v.::.-·1"-. 1:....:'.:....' ·'--"'·Tc..:..,..... -...,.....f' I' :... t .;;.;.' ..._, '-'-ti _:.:.;1 :;.;'"";;;.;"~t:;;_..;.f;__;,t:;.;.. ;.;.;;.;..' ...:"':...- ..,...... T.

Date NS FORM-~~ ' ~ AREA DESCRIPTION _ 8-26-37 ,

1. NAME OF CITY ___D_ ay_t.....on ______SECURITY GRADE ___D___ AREA N0. __7__


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good schools . good trt... '1sp ort a tion

Ba.d odors from i ndur t ri.'lJ. plants; ol d section. ~· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES.

.,. 5· INHABITANTS: a. ype ______t aborers _ T b. Esti mated annual) f ami ly income$------l200 - c. Foreign-born'Pol hh- H't.mgari'}'-~ $~ '· d. Negro ______Y_ •_:~ ______10 $; · (lational£tyj (1e s o r No ) ---....----

f'. s_o.:..%____ _ e. Infi.l tration of Foreign born '· I Relief f amilies ______

g. Popul ati on is fllcre'!S:flfg ____ static.

6. BUILDINGS: a. Type or 'typesl & 2 f llnily duhcbl!l;1. b. Type of constructi on------40 yre. f all" c. Average age----~------d. Repair ------~--...:.... ______


1929 level 2500 100% ~5 100%

1933 low 1000 40 12 ~a

193? current ... lSOQ . 72 18 ?2

' Peak sale va"l.. ues occurred in 1929 ang were $ of t he 1929 level.

Peak rental ·v- alues occurred in 1929 and were % of t he 1929 level.

80 80 8. OCCUPANCY : a. Land· ---'%· b. Dwelling u n i ts ~ $ ; · c . Home own ers $ None 9· SALES DEMAND ~ a. b. c. Ac tivity is Single f runily 10. RENTAL DF11AND: a. Fair b. c . Activity is "• t. ..r ·l€1LachM None . 11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types b . Amount last ye ar

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home pur chase Li::ni ted b. Home building Limited

13: TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-1 5 YEARS ____D_::~w _n_w_Q_-:_d ______

1~· ~~IITIOO~MAAKS:_____ L_ o _w _R_e_d-----~-----~------

· · FD C. Devlin, Jr. 0 Field Agent, }.. L 17!0nv 15· Information for this form was obtained f rom__,_, ______~ i------;;r. ~ Field Ag~ntQ C. A. Plemtng " I;oan Scr71.r.e Representative

1S37 Date ----~~arr~~4·1 ____1"~ ______~193 I ~ ....:..._ , . ~ . .. *' NS FORM-8 ·'h. . AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37 , · ~

1. NAME OF CITY __D_a,;....:.v_t_on ______SECURITY GRADE __D____ AREA NO. _ a__ _


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. AdjP.cent to center :>f city: sood tr'lns?orhtion; good schools.

q.. DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Very lc.m; one o·r o!. d ~st o"('ti:>ns of ci ~J··

5· INHABI1'ANTS: a. ·type Clerk -mechanics b. Estimated annual faJ!lily income$ l;,;x)Q ' ·~~~------

..: c. Foreign-born None ;~$; d. Negro _____~~ ~.,l~n~. ______$; (lat\onalityj (Tes or lo) ----.----

e. Infiltration of __N_o_n_ t'l_ ._ _,_....,.~· ., !'. Relief families 16% -~~------g. Population is lf'Kt·fffiX:ifg: ___--'- static.

6. BUILDINGS: ~ a. Type or types 1 & 2 family detach;"d b. Type of construction Fr~e

-h ,, c. Average age 50 years d. Repair fn:lr


1929 level $4000 100% ~36 100%

2nc.- .-;;"\ 1933 low Wv 17' 48 5 1937 current 27f.O 68 . 7 27 ~

Peak rental ·values occurred in 1929 and were %1 of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY : a. Land ----,95· %• b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners ;.;o Uone 9· SALES DEMAND. a. b. c. Activity is

10. RENTAL DF11AND: a. Good b. ApArt.:ul!l.lts & ~ ff'."Uil:r; c. Activity 'is :''l<'c ~GI.bU . 11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a . Types llone b. Amount last year

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase rbnl'l b. Home building

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY. NEXT 10-15 YEARS ____D_ o_m_.w·_ a._r_d ______

14· CLARIFYING REMARKS: Some of the larger older ~Jpr h.;.u •-:s t:i>~ r.ci:J.J; lu.·~i! in,. , ! Ol ~ i 1;i_;J;'1~ i. t. e I

15· Information for this form was obtained fromP.r n'l"::.i:1 ••Jr •• ll'1$1d .d .. -·,·.. ' ... ,«,

Date i ' r• 1- 1 1 (L - 193 --~~~~------

'' . /'


1. NAME OF CITY __D~_v_t_o_n ______SECURITY GRADE __D~ __ AREA N0. __9 __


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good transport ~ t~on - good schools

·~.~ DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Older section of city, negroea movl!lB in.

5· INHABtTANTS: a. - Type Clerks- Laborers b. Estimated annual family income$ 1500 ) --~------Sl.ctvs ' 15 $• c. Foreign-born I_.._ . I d. Negro Yee 15 $; ( Iation.aB tyj lies Of" Jlo)

e. Infiltration of Negro f'. Relief families ' '

g. Population is rrr~rng 1iecreg¥~ static.

6. BUILDINGS: - a. Type or types l f&mily Dnd ::' ; b. Type of construction frame & brick fMiily detached and !.p~l·tment~ ____.;,..;.__;;...... :.,;,.,..;;.. .:;..;:..:;...::.. ___ c. Avera,ge age 40 years . d. Repair------~~------fair


1929 level ~00 100% $~') 100%

1933 low 1800 45 zo ~5 1937 current- 2800 70 25 ~3 Peak sale va1_ues occurred in 19?.9 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental Yalues occurred inl929 and were % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land~-%; b. Dwelling units lOO %; c. Home owners __5...:;. 0 ___

9. SALES DEMAND. a. None c. Activity is b. ------10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. Good b, Anything ave.ila.ble c. Activity is Good ~~5. 11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types ___l_ io_n_e______b. Amount last year ------12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchaseLimited b. Home building ____

13. TREND ·oF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS __Do_ wn_ na_r_d______.;______

CLARIFYING REMARKS:~~se to city> tren.-l towards rooming ho•J.ees l:C(\ a.pnrtrneft .. Lotr 3cd.


15· Information for this form was obtained from _.r_. _c~.D-· c_v_l_1_n_~_~1_:.:_, _~ _F_l_·• _l_j+-' _M..:.~_(·_n_lo _~ A_L_~_~_s_o_n_, ._r_r __

Date M!.r "'. 1 ~ !...,.,.., 193 ~ ..l. , . ~--.....) ...... NS FORM-8 · · ~ • AREA DESCRIPTION B-26-37 ,

1. NAME OF CITY ____Dn.y~t-o_;_n ______SECURITY GRADE __=D ___ AREA N0._-=1=0 __


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good traneportPtion and scho~ l s .

~· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Mi~ture of low clae~ fora1gnor s - Polish, Euesiau~ ~~earian

and negro. Old houaes in bad repair •.

S· INHABITANTS: a. -Type Lo1lorers b. Estimated annual family income$ 9" .... ) H1mga.rian.Sl~:~.ve, . ,· c. Foreign-born Polieh,Ruaaia~ $; d. Negro 1'18 ,_Q $; . ( lationa.li ty j - (1es Of" Ko)

e. Infiltration ofLower claM foreig;~.- f'. Relief families 60' erJJ -----=~------g. Population is 2!-IRFF-eas;tng _____ r.c:re.

6. BUILDINGS: a. Type or types l &: 2 family detach~d b. Type of construction_.:..F.:.r~em~·"":..:.·------.:··.~ ,. 88 c. Average age ____.t...;~ ::.....::!Y'...;...;.:.::.r..:.s ____ d. Repair------~~------Poor ------


1929 level $2500 100% $?.2 100%

1933 low 1000 40 10 ~ 193? current- 1600 72 1 fi .illL.L Peak sale va~ues occurred in 1929 and were % of the 1929 level.

Peak rental values occurred in 1929 and were · ___ % of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY: a. Land 95 _%; b. Dwelling units 95 %; c. Home owners ---=!Y.l==-. ___

9. SALES DEMAND. a. _ _No_n_e__ c. Activity is b. ------10. RENTAL DFMAND: a. _ F_a_i_r__ . , b. Any aviilable $15 c. Activity is -==------~air 11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types ___N_ o_n_e____ _ b. Amount last year ------12. AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home- purchase No nn b. Home building ____ 13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS ------Downward ------

~.Lawson , .J r . , .~Field .A.gent ~ C. A. i l ,ain1.,, - x.,...,n.r.

. Date NS FORM-S:"" - AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37 ,

1. NAME OF CITY __D_a...:..yt_on ______SECURITY GRADE_D;.;....._ ___ AREA NO. _..:l.e:..l _ _


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good schools and transportat ion

~· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Mixturo negro Qnd poor white.

5· INHABl\rANTS: a. Type __t""ft""b~ o~r:..:.~~r:...:;l'l:.....,______.I b. Estimated annual family income$•_ ....:....:;.;::,_700 _ __

c. Foreign-b~rn No ne ' $• d. Negro '--....- ·' Yes 80 %; ( lationali ty j (Ies Of"' Ko)

e. Infiltration of lleero '. I f', Relief families

g. Population is mueasim:g de:crA..~IDg st atic. 6. BUILDINGS: ~ a. Type or types l & 2 family deta.ch~ d b. Type of construction.-=F-"'r-2:9;:.:;m~'"' ------

. c. Average age ---=4~0_v.:..,. ~:!.l· ar~s~--- d. Repair----~~------


1929 level $2000 100%

l S\33 low 4:00 20

i 937 current 90£ ,(, f>

Peak sale values·- occurred in 1929 and were

Peak rental

8. OCCUPANCY : a. Land~-$; b. Dwelling units "'fi %; c. Home owners ___:S..::.. ·i"'',;___

9· SALES DEMAND. a. Nont'l b. c. Activity is

10· RENTAL DF11AND: a. Fai r b. An?thi~~ av~ilnbJ c. Activity is Jrai r $l2o 11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types None b . Amount last year

12. AVAILABILITY OF · MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purc~ase R?C· b. Home buildi ng ____

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 1 o-15 YEARS __...!!, D~own~w~A.::::..:"d~------:------


15. Information for this form was obtained .from--::----.:..'l..... , _Du."'!!!.:"LrlL:..:.'lL,-.:.!.·T,;c.,.~....;1;':..;~~,.. .. .,!;,l~I ' .;:;=-"'...... :o_...::...... :.T -=:.:;..._,_...::·~:;..

.E'hld Al.~,.nt. 0 . A .. li') ... m1 n.a . .. .:., ,, _, ·~ . ... Ns FORM-e·'~ · AREA DESCRIPTION 8-26-37 , ...

1. NAME OF CITY __Dayt.__ o_n ______SECURlTY GRADE __D____ AREA NO. __l _2 __


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good transportation; adjoins center of city.

4· DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Zoned for business; old housoa.

INHABI'TANTS: a. · type Clerks - laborers b. Estimated annual family i~come $1200 ) -~~------c. Foreign-born G:roeks ' 20 $' None ,· ,_' d. Negro --....---- $; ( lationaH ty j (Ies or Ko) 'Business e. Infiltration of ... . J •' f', Relief families

g. Population 1. s 'i:~·· ere ... " ~§ · 'l"'"'"~ • · *'a:ee-MasTrrg static. 6. BUILDINGS: a. Type or types l & 2 family detach~d b. Type of construction Brick and t~an e & apartments ------~0 years Fair c. Average age----~------d. Repair------~~------


1929 level 9500 100% so 100$

1933 low 4000 42.1 25 50 1937 7000 73e6 current..... 40 eo Peak sale va1_ues occurred in 1929 and were · $ of the 1929 level.

Peak rental ~ralues occurred in~and were % of the 1929 level.

Land 100 $· ~0 8. OCCUPANCY: a. ---' b. Dwelling units 100 %; c. Home owners 9· SALES DEMAND~ a. 'None b. c. Activity is

10. RENTAL DEMAND: a. Good b.Anything aTailablo c. Activity is Good $W 11. NEW CONSTRUCTION: a. Types 'None b. Amount last year

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchaseLimihd , b. Home building 13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS ------Downlfard to business ------CLARIFYING REMARKS: Large older typo houses boing converted into ; ncl'1< 1. properties

by conver ting into small apartments and rooming houses. MeJ.jum r~:~d, I

Information for this form was obtained from 'F'.0.D!!>~line Jr.~ Fie1 A~.e~t. A. LaY~FJOll .rr. I M!cb l0,1g37 Date ____:1~------193 NS FORM-8 ·'~ . AREA DESCRIPTION B-26-37 ,

1. NAME OF CITY ___D_ a-'y-·t_o_,_n ______SECURITY GRADE_-=D~ ___ AREA NO. __..::. l .::;...-3 _


3· FAVORABLE INFLUENCES. Good transportaUon and schools.

· q.. DETRIMENTAL INFLUENCES. Old houeea b!'li:-.g conBrted i nto e;!le -.p r comtng house aect.ion.

5· INHABITANTS: a. -Type Ol erks... \Rbor.,re b. Estimated annual family income$ 900 \

c. Foreign-born itnllanRung~i~n 20$; d. Negro Yes 0 %; · (lational,tyJ -.-- (Ies o-r lo)

e. Infiltration of Foreignern f', Relief families ? 5';',

a~re:as:i-mtg' static.

6. BUILDINGS: a. Type or types l & 2 frunily d-'tf.lch ,d b. Type of construction ":!..,. ~11'- V'C. Ft·r.m Rp!U'tr:l-ents SO yearo Fnir c. Average age------~------d. Repair------~~------


1929 level $3000 100$ 27 100$ l'333 low 12 --~ ~ 193? current 1800. 60 1'7 t-2,9 """ Peak sale values occurred in 1329 and were $ of the 1929 level.

Peak rental ralues occurred in )929 and were $ of the 1929 level.

8. OCCUPANCY : a. Land 100 _%; b. Dwelling units ~ % ; c. Home owners _ ___:40;.;;_ __

9· SALES DEMAND. a. None b. c. Activity is

10- . RENTAL DF11AND: a. Falr b. Anything available c. Activity is F <~il· $HL . 11· NEW CONSTRUCTION: a . Types None b. Amount last year

12· AVAILABILITY OF MORTGAGE FUNDS: a. Home purchase 'Non~ b. Home building

13. TREND OF DESIRABILITY NEXT 10-15 YEARS __D_ o_'lfll_n_a_r_d______Low Redc 1q.. CLARIFYING REMARKS:

15- Information for this form was obtained from F -C• Davl h, Jr., Fl • Ae.en t ,J..L .F'n , •. , --~------~~--~----~~--J ~~~----~~ Field .At; eont ~ c ~.. ~ .• 'Plto.m.ing ~ LeAn Sl":rV ic• Rtep :::"e. A:lt r4tive , I Date