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/Icoeiucic! via n.s.p.s. Certmed Mall (Original + Tbree Copies Included) !&«?/»/ QVM^ ^October * V, ISno 2015 * "iw 10 fH -ibliS"- .• Federal Elections Commission Office of the General Goimsel 999 E. Street N.W. Washington DC 20463 RE: FEC Complaint Pursuant 52 V.S.C. § 30109 and 11 C.F.R. § 111.4. Moran for Kansas CFEC 000488315) Moran, Jerry CFEC SoXS00091> Dear Federal Elections Commission, Undersigned complainant ("Complainant") filed an FEC Complaint pursuant to 52 U.S.C. § 30109 and 11 C.F.R. § 111.4. on October 12 2015. Said complaint has been assigned FEC reference identifier ISEYJR'6978.. On October 26 2015, this Complainant received FEC correspondence requesting submission of any and all additional information regarding the matter. Enclosed herewith are copies of certain documents that were left at this Complainant's doorstep on October 16 2015. The source of documents noted as "Sender's Name"'on the FedEx US Airbm was: Timothy E. Gottschalk, Moran for Kansas; Gottschalk & Company, CPAs, LLC; 1903 N Street, Belleville, KS 66935. This Complainant has no other information or documentation to disclose at this time. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Dated, this 6"^ day of November 2015. Respectfully, submitted, Debbie L. Nuss Manhattan KS 6668502 CERTIFICATIOir COMBS NQW Debbie L. Nuss, and states, under penalty of peijuiy, that the contents of this. FEC correspondence is true and accurate, to the best of her acknowledge and understanding. Debbie L. Niiss STATE OP KANSAS COUNTY OF RILEY On this ^ b day of Nwcjn^hc K , SOI 5, personally appeared Debbie L.
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