New York Water Science Center Director Ward Freeman Visit the New York Water Science Center Web site at: Or contact (518) 285-5658 New York Water Science Center News Volume 20, April 2015
[email protected] U.S. Geological Survey, New York Water Science Center Newsletter Trends in Fish Status of American Flood Inundation Ice Jam Hydrologic Assemblages Eel Populations Mapping Prattsville Monitoring Conditions Spatiotemporal Trends in Fish A Message From the Director Assemblages of the Mohawk “We are now past the halfway point in Fiscal Year River 2015 and, I know I may be jinxing us but, while The mainstem of the Mohawk River extends funding allocations were slow to arrive this year, it from Lake Delta Dam near Rome, NY has been a fairly quiet year in terms of funding downstream to its confluence with the Hudson challenges. Similarly, it has also been fairly quiet in River near Cohoes, NY. It supports a diverse terms of weather challenges. To make us better fishery that is used extensively by recreational able to face the challenges should our current anglers. Smallmouth bass (Micropterus weather pattern change, we have flood hardened, to dolomieu) and walleye (Sander vitreus) are a much higher level, a number of streamgages among the most popular game species with throughout the State and implemented several anglers but past biological surveys have network operational enhancements. As I mentioned documented at least 56 fish species that inhabit in the last newsletter, in cooperation with New York the river. An extensive fish survey of the Lower State Canals, the USGS has added 18 new Mohawk River was last conducted by the New streamgages and reactivated or enhanced York State Department of Environmental operations at 4 others.