Цифрові Технології, № 25, 2019 14 Удк 621.396 Satellite
ЦИФРОВІ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ, № 25, 2019 УДК 621.396 SATELLITE SEGMENT OF NATIONAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE. APPROACHES TO IMPLEMENTATION MELNYK A.M. SE “Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Radio and TV” Bunin st., 31, Odessa, 65026, Ukraine E-mail: infoall@uniirt.com.ua СУПУТНИКОВИЙ СЕГМЕНТ НАЦІОНАЛЬНОЇ ІНФОРМАЦІЙНОЇ ІНФРАСТРУКТУРИ. ПІДХОДИ ДО РЕАЛІЗАЦІЇ МЕЛЬНИК А.М. ДП «Український науково-дослідний інститут радіо і телебачення» вул. Буніна, 31, м. Одеса, 65025, Україна E-mail: infoall@uniirt.com.ua СПУТНИКОВЫЙ СЕГМЕНТ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ ИНФРАСТРУКТУРЫ. ПОДХОДЫ К РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ МЕЛЬНИК А.М. ГП «Украинский научно-исследовательский институт радио и телевидения» ул. Бунина, 31 м. Одесса, 65025, Украина E-mail: infoall@uniirt.com.ua Abstract. It is proved that the satellite segment is a necessary component of the national information infrastructure. From this position, the state and development trends of satellite telecommunication systems and satellite channel organization technologies are analyzed. It is shown that there are two ways to build a satellite segment: based on the use of leased resources of satellite operators operating in the satellite communications market; based on the resources of the national satellite communications system, which still needs to be created. It is shown that satellite telecommunication systems have a steady tendency to increase the number of spacecraft, until the launch of “heavyˮ satellites with a payload of more than 70 transponders and to increase the frequency resource. The diagram of satellites location density of in orbit is given. In the case of orientation to rent the resources of active spacecraft, the criteria for their selection is indicated. The arc of the geostationary orbit, on which the satellite should be selected, is calculated.
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