ENERGY SAFETY NETS INDIA CASE STUDY International Economic Relations (Sandeep Paul, Samridhi Jain), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Avantika Garg, Bijay Kumar, Rumana Qidwai), Indian Oil Corporation Limited and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (LPG Distribu- tors from states of Haryana, Jharkhand, Madhya The Energy Safety Nets: India Country Study was Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and researched and written by partners the Council West Bengal), Indian Society of Health Profes- on Energy, Environment and Water (www.ceew. sionals (Puneet Dutt), Indian Statistical Institute, in) in New Delhi. The lead author of the report Delhi (E. Somanathan, Aiswharya Singh), Inte- was Sasmita Patnaik (
[email protected]), grated Research and Action for Development supported by other authors Shaily Jha, Karishma (Chandrashekhar Singh), International Institute of Pradhan and Abhishek Jain. Sustainable Development (Shruti Sharma), Jawa- harlal Nehru University (Rohit Azad, Himanshu), The authors of the report would like to thank SE- Landesa (Govind Kelkar), LPG Distributor, Uttar forALL and Sarah Wykes of CAFOD for their tech- Pradesh, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Rachna nical inputs, and Sam Pickard and Andrew Scott Yadav), Michigan State University (Prabhat Barn- at Overseas Development Institute for their valu- wal), MicroSave Consulting (Anurodh Giri), Minis- able contribution in shaping the report. try of Petroleum and Natural Gas (Nidhi Tewari), MS Swaminathan Research Foundation (Dev Na- The authors are extremely thankful to the exter- than), National University of Singapore (Namra- nal reviewers of the study – Madhumita Hebbar, ta Chindarkar), NRDC (Madhura Joshi), Oxford Oxford Policy Management; Rohit Azad, Jawa- Policy Management (Madhumita Hebbar), Prayas harlal Nehru University; and Nidhi Tewari, Minis- Energy Group (Ashok Sreenivas), RICE Universi- try of Petroleum and Natural Gas, for providing ty (Ashish Gupta, Nazar Khalid), The Energy and valuable insights to the research.