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Pdf Clickbook Booklet Flora of Cuyamaca Peak Area # Fam Scientific Name (*)Common Name #V #Pls Lycophytes 1 Iso Isoetes nuttallii Nuttall's quillwort 2 Ferns 2 Ble Woodwardia fimbriata giant chain fern 1 3 Den Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens bracken 2 99 4 Dry Polystichum imbricans ssp. curtum cliff sword fern 3 5 5 Dry Polystichum imbricans ssp. imbricans rock sword fern 2 6 Equ Equisetum arvense field horsetail 4 20 7 Equ Equisetum laevigatum smooth scouring rush 1 8 Pte Aspidotis densa Indian's dream 2 9 Pte Cheilanthes covillei beady lipfern 1 10 Pte Cheilanthes intertexta coastal lip fern 2 11 Pte Pentagramma triangularis ssp. triangularis goldback fern 2 12 Woo Cystopteris fragilis brittle bladder fern 1 Gymnosperms 13 Cup Calocedrus decurrens incense-cedar 3 99 14 Cup Hesperocyparis stephensonii Stephenson cypress 5 15 Pin Abies concolor white fir 4 99 16 Pin Pinus coulteri Coulter pine 2 99 17 Pin Pinus jeffreyi Jeffrey pine 42 18 Pin Pinus lambertiana sugar pine 5 99 19 Pin Pinus ponderosa var. pacifica ponderosa pine 1 Eudicots 20 Ado Sambucus nigra ssp. caerulea blue elderberry 1 8 21 Ana Rhus aromatica basketbush 30 22 Ana Toxicodendron diversilobum poison oak 2 15 23 Api Angelica tomentosa woolly angelica 1 24 Api Lomatium dasycarpum ssp. dasycarpum woolly-fruited lomatium 5 25 Api Oenanthe sarmentosa water-parsley 3 26 Api Osmorhiza berteroi mountain sweet-cicely 1 27 Api Perideridia parishii ssp. latifolia wide-leaved Parish's yampah 7 1 28 Api Sanicula tuberosa tuberous sanicle 2 29 Api Tauschia arguta southern tauschia 4 10 30 Api Torilis arvensis *field hedge-parsley 3 31 Api Yabea microcarpa California hedge-parsley 2 32 Apo Apocynum androsaemifolium spreading dogbane 7 99 33 Apo Asclepias eriocarpa Indian milkweed 30 34 Apo Asclepias fascicularis narrow-leaf milkweed 1 99 35 Ast Achillea millefolium yarrow 4 99 36 Ast Agoseris grandiflora var. grandiflora grand mountain dandelion 1 20 37 Ast Agoseris retrorsa spear-leaved mountain dandelion 2 10 38 Ast Ambrosia psilostachya western ragweed 99 39 Ast Artemisia douglasiana mugwort 1 20 40 Ast Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. incompta mountain mugwort 1 41 Ast Chaenactis glabriuscula var. glabriuscula yellow pincushion 1 42 Ast Chaenactis parishii Parish's chaenactis 2 43 Ast Cirsium occidentale var. californicum California thistle 1 44 Ast Cirsium scariosum elk thistle 5 45 Ast Cirsium vulgare *bull thistle 99 46 Ast Corethrogyne filaginifolia California-aster 3 99 San Bernardino rubber 47 Ast Ericameria nauseosa var. bernardina 5 rabbitbrush 48 Ast Ericameria parishii var. parishii Parish's goldenbush 8 99 49 Ast Erigeron canadensis horseweed 1 50 Ast Erigeron foliosus var. foliosus leafy daisy 3 20 51 Ast Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum golden yarrow 1 99 52 Ast Gnaphalium palustre western marsh cudweed 40 53 Ast Grindelia hallii San Diego gumplant 99 54 Ast Helianthus gracilentus slender sunflower 2 10 55 Ast Hieracium albiflorum white hawkweed 5 2 56 Ast Hulsea californica San Diego sunflower 5 5 57 Ast Hulsea heterochroma red-rayed hulsea 2 58 Ast Hulsea vestita ssp. callicarpha beautiful hulsea 1 59 Ast Lactuca serriola *prickly lettuce 1 40 60 Ast Lagophylla ramosissima common hareleaf 1 61 Ast Layia glandulosa white tidy-tips 2 62 Ast Logfia filaginoides California filago 20 63 Ast Madia gracilis slender madia 2 99 64 Ast Matricaria discoidea *pineapple weed 2 99 65 Ast Packera ganderi Gander's ragwort 1 66 Ast Pentachaeta aurea golden daisy 2 67 Ast Pseudognaphalium beneolens fragrant everlasting 2 30 68 Ast Pseudognaphalium californicum California everlasting 2 69 Ast Solidago velutina ssp. californica goldenrod 2 99 70 Ast Stephanomeria exigua ssp. deanei slender wreathplant 1 71 Ast Stephanomeria virgata twiggy wreath plant 30 72 Ast Symphyotrichum defoliatum San Bernardino aster 3 25 73 Ast Tragopogon dubius *yellow salsify 99 74 Ast Uropappus lindleyi silver puffs 10 75 Ast Wyethia ovata southern mule's ears 2 99 76 Bor Amsinckia eastwoodiae Eastwood's fiddleneck 1 77 Bor Cryptantha affinis common cryptantha 2 78 Bor Cryptantha barbigera bearded cryptantha 1 79 Bor Cryptantha intermedia var. intermedia popcorn flower 1 99 80 Bor Cryptantha muricata prickly cryptantha 2 99 381 Poa Melica imperfecta coast-range melic 2 81 Bor Cryptantha simulans pine cryptantha 6 99 382 Poa Muhlenbergia rigens deergrass 99 82 Bor Eriodictyon parryi poodle-dog bush 6 25 383 Poa Panicum capillare witchgrass 1 83 Bor Nemophila menziesii var. integrifolia baby blue eyes 2 384 Poa Phalaris aquatica *Harding grass 1 84 Bor Nemophila menziesii var. menziesii baby blue eyes 1 385 Poa Poa annua *annual blue grass 1 85 Bor Phacelia imbricata var. patula imbricate phacelia 2 99 386 Poa Poa bigelovii Bigelow's blue grass 1 86 Bor Phacelia parryi Parry's phacelia 1 387 Poa Poa bulbosa ssp. vivipara *bulbous blue grass 1 87 Bor Plagiobothrys collinus var. fulvescens California popcorn flower 1 388 Poa Poa palustris *fowl blue grass 2 88 Bor Plagiobothrys nothofulvus rusty-haired popcorn flower 1 389 Poa Poa pratensis ssp. pratensis *Kentucky blue grass 3 30 89 Bor Plagiobothrys tenellus slender popcorn flower 1 390 Poa Polypogon viridis *green bentgrass 1 90 Bra Barbarea orthoceras winter cress 1 5 391 Poa Stipa lemmonii var. lemmonii Lemmon's needlegrass 2 91 Bra Boechera californica California elegant rock-cress 1 392 Poa Stipa occidentalis var. californica California needlegrass 3 92 Bra Boechera xylopoda slender & beautiful rock-cress 2 393 Poa Stipa speciosa desert needlegrass 1 93 Bra Brassica rapa *field mustard 1 394 Rus Maianthemum stellatum little false-solomon's-seal 2 94 Bra Camelina microcarpa *little-podded falseflax 1 395 The Bloomeria crocea var. crocea goldenstar 2 30 95 Bra Cardamine californica milk maids 1 396 The Brodiaea orcuttii Orcutt's brodiaea 2 96 Bra Caulanthus heterophyllus var. heterophyllus San Diego jewelflower 2 397 The Brodiaea terrestris ssp. kernensis earth brodiaea 1 10 97 Bra Descurainia pinnata western tansy-mustard 1 398 The Dichelostemma capitatum ssp. capitatum blue dicks 2 99 98 Bra Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum western wallflower 99 99 Bra Hirschfeldia incana *shortpod mustard 10 http://tchester.org/sd/plants/floras/cuyamaca_peak.html 100 Bra Lepidium densiflorum common pepper-grass 1 Last update: 13 October 2016 101 Bra Lepidium virginicum ssp. menziesii wild pepper-grass 3 20 102 Bra Nasturtium officinale water cress 1 103 Bra Sisymbrium altissimum *tumble-mustard 1 99 104 Bra Streptanthus bernardinus Laguna Mtns. jewel-flower 3 2 105 Bra Thysanocarpus curvipes ssp. curvipes fringe-pod 3 106 Cam Lobelia cardinalis var. pseudosplendens cardinal flower 1 107 Cam Nemacladus longiflorus var. longiflorus thread plant 3 108 Cam Nemacladus pinnatifidus comb-leaved nemacladus 1 109 Cap Lonicera subspicata var. denudata southern honeysuckle 1 110 Cap Symphoricarpos albus var. laevigatus snowberry 8 99 111 Cap Symphoricarpos rotundifolius var. parishii Parish's snowberry 2 112 Car Minuartia douglasii Douglas' sandwort 3 113 Car Minuartia pusilla annual sandwort 1 114 Car Moehringia macrophylla large-leaved sandwort 7 115 Car Silene antirrhina snapdragon campion 2 116 Car Silene armeria * 1 117 Car Silene lemmonii Lemmon's catchfly 3 118 Car Silene verecunda white catch-fly 2 10 119 Cel Euonymus occidentalis var. parishii Parish's burning bush 5 5 120 Che Salsola tragus *Russian thistle 2 121 Cis Helianthemum scoparium rush-rose 2 122 Con Calystegia occidentalis ssp. fulcrata western morning-glory 99 123 Con Cuscuta subinclusa canyon dodder 1 50 124 Cor Cornus nuttallii Pacific dogwood 7 2 338 Jun Juncus effusus ssp. austrocalifornicus Sonoran rush 1 5 125 Cor Cornus sericea ssp. occidentalis western dogwood 6 10 339 Jun Juncus luciensis Santa Lucia rush 1 126 Cra Dudleya abramsii ssp. abramsii Abrams' dudleya 1 25 340 Jun Juncus macrophyllus long-leaved rush 2 127 Cra Dudleya saxosa ssp. aloides desert dudleya 1 1 341 Jun Juncus mexicanus Mexican rush 99 128 Cuc Cucurbita foetidissima stinking gourd 1 342 Jun Juncus oxymeris pointed rush 1 129 Dat Datisca glomerata Durango root 1 343 Jun Juncus rugulosus wrinkled rush 4 ~5 130 Eri Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. adamsii Laguna manzanita 1 20 344 Jun Luzula comosa hairy wood rush 2 131 Eri Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. leucophylla Peninsular Range manzanita 2 345 Lil Calochortus albus white fairy lantern 2 99 132 Eri Arctostaphylos pringlei ssp. drupacea pink-bracted manzanita 7 99 346 Lil Calochortus splendens splendid mariposa lily 1 10 133 Eri Arctostaphylos pungens Mexican manzanita 3 50 347 Lil Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum ocellated Humboldt lily 1 30 134 Eri Pyrola picta s.l. white-veined wintergreen 3 348 Mel Toxicoscordion venenosum var. venenosum death-camas 1 3 135 Eri Rhododendron occidentale western azalea 8 10 349 Orc Piperia transversa mountain piperia 1 136 Eup Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. hirtula hairy thyme-leafed spurge 3 50 350 Orc Piperia unalascensis Alaska rein orchid 4 137 Eup Euphorbia lurida woodland spurge 2 351 Poa Agrostis exarata spike bentgrass 1 138 Eup Euphorbia spathulata warty spurge 2 352 Poa Agrostis pallens seashore bentgrass 1 139 Fab Acmispon americanus var. americanus Spanish clover 1 30 353 Poa Agrostis stolonifera *creeping bentgrass 1 140 Fab Acmispon argophyllus var. argophyllus southern California silver-lotus 2 354 Poa Avena barbata *slender wild oats 99 141 Fab Acmispon brachycarpus short-podded lotus 1 355 Poa Bouteloua barbata var. barbata six-weeks grama 1 142 Fab Acmispon nevadensis var. nevadensis Sierra Nevada lotus 9 99 356 Poa Bromus arenarius *Australian brome 1 143 Fab Acmispon parviflorus small-flowered lotus 1 357 Poa Bromus carinatus var. carinatus California brome 1 99 144 Fab Acmispon strigosus strigose lotus 5 5 358 Poa Bromus diandrus *ripgut brome 1 99 145 Fab Astragalus douglasii var. parishii Parish' Jacumba milk-vetch 2 2 359 Poa Bromus hordeaceus *soft chess 50 146 Fab Hoita macrostachya leather root 3 25 360 Poa Bromus japonicus *Japanese chess 4 147 Fab Hoita orbicularis creeping leather root 7 99 361 Poa Bromus laevipes woodland brome 1 148 Fab Hosackia crassifolia var.
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