Form-1, Pre-Feasibility Report& Environment Management Plan of Proposed Seethalahari Building Stone Quarry Project Area 2-00 Acres At Sy No. 58/A, Seethalahari Village, Gadag Taluk, Gadag District, Karnataka State. of Sri. N. H. V. Ramarao # 5/26, Shirhatti, Shirahatti Taluk, Gadag District of Karnataka State. Prepared By: S.B. NAGANUR RQP/GOA/052/87/A Address: Igeosis The Technical Excellence….. Geology, Survey, Mining, Environmental Consultants Door. No. 293/4, Plot No. 30, 2nd Floor, Nanjundeshwara Complex, Canal Road, Basaveshwara Badavane, Hosapete-583201, Ballari District, Karnataka. Cell: +91 9880641510, 9686046667 & 9986836114 Email:
[email protected] CONTENTS Sl No. Particulars 1 Form-1 2 Pre-Feasibility Report, 3 Environment Management Plan including Monitoring Report List of Drawing Sl No. Particulars DWG No. 1 Location Map showing location of the proposed 1 project and its surroundings, List of Annexure Sl No. Particulars Annexure No. 1 Approval letter with Approved Quarrying Plan, I 2 Copy of RTC II 3 Copy of Forest NOC III 4 Copy of Tashildhar NOC IV 5 Copy of Lease deed V APPLICATION FORM–1 [AS PER EIA NOTIFICATION 2009] (I) Basic Information Sl. No. Item Details 1 NameoftheProject SeethalahariBuilding Stone Quarry 2 S.No in theschedule Project Activity 1(a) - 4: “B Category project ” (As per New EIA Notification dated 14.09.2006) 3 Proposed capacity/ area/ length/tonnage to Proposed Capacity: 15,005tonnes per be handled /commandarea/leasearea/noof annum wells to bedrilled Area:2-00 acres 4 New/Expansion/Modernization Renewal 5 Existing Capacity/ Area etc. Area:2-00 acres 6 CategoryofProject i.e.'A'or'B' B2 (<25Haall the minor mineral miningleaseareasare considered as B2, as per MoEF, GoI, Office Memorandum No.