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Editor Associate Editors Benjamin Lewin Richard Axel Philippa Marrack Rosa Beddington Chris Marshall European Editor Pierre Chambon Diane Mathis Peter W. J. Rigby Joanne Chory Ira Mellman Don Metcalf Senior Editors David Friedman Elliot Meyerowitz Amy Axelrod Phillip Gallimore Tim Mitchison Vivian Siegel John Gerhart Stephen Goff William Paul Joe Goldstein Hugh Pelham Consulting Editor Peter Goodfellow Roger Perlmutter Gregory Gasic Klaus Rajewsky Martin Hemier Danny Reinberg Managing Editor Ira Herskowitz James Roberts Rebecca Kennison Chris Higgins Elliott Ross Robert Horvitz Gerald Rubin Editorial Staff Joshua Sanes Alexander Barnett Tony Hunter Jeff Schell Edward J. Dionne Richard Hynes Matthew Scott Jennifer MacMillan David Ish-Horowitz David Sherratt Martha Sullivan Thomas Jesse11 Jim Smith Peter Kim Frank Solomon Judith Kimble Davor Solter Advertising Roger Kornberg George Sprague Lynn Reznick Parisi - Director John Kuriyan Charles Stevens Jennifer Oneglia - Classifieds Ron Laskey Robert Tjian Christa A. Matukaitis Michael Levine Richard Losick Mike Waterfield Circulation Vivek Malhotra Alan Weiner Marie Arsenault - Manager Owen Witte Heather L. McCormick

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