Faculty F Aculty, Librarians and a W Ard R Ecipients
Faculty 397 ACEVEDO, MIGUEL, Professor of Geography. BSEE, MSEE, University of Texas at Austin; MEng, Faculty PhD, University of California at Berkeley. ACREE, WILLIAM, JR., Professor of Chemistry. All personnel listings in this section are BS, MS, PhD, University of Missouri at Rolla. based on information available when this ADAMS, JENNY, Assistant Professor of English. bulletin went to press. BA, University of California at Los Angeles; MA, PhD, Under the current system for the selection University of Chicago. of graduate faculty (approved October 1992 by ADELMAN, AMIE, Assistant Professor of Visual the Graduate Council), all full-time faculty Arts. BFA, Arizona State University; MFA, University members of the rank of assistant professor, of Kansas. associate professor, and professor are members of the graduate faculty, but individual faculty ADKISON, JUDITH A., Associate Professor of the members may be classified as Category I, II, or Department of Teacher Education and Administration, Associate Dean of the College of III. The qualifications for appointment to a Education. BA, Smith College; MA, PhD, University category depend upon the faculty member’s of New Mexico. record of scholarly, creative and research ac ALBARRAN, ALAN B., Professor and Chair of the tivities. Category III reflects the highest level ecipients of scholarly attainment. Faculty members in Department of Radio, Television and Film. BA, MA, any of the three categories may serve on thesis Marshall University, PhD, Ohio State University. or dissertation committees as a member. Cat ALBERS-MILLER, NANCY D., Associate Professor egory II faculty members may serve as of Marketing and Logistics. BS, University of Texas at d R directors of thesis committees and co-directors Austin; MBA, Southwest Texas State University; PhD, ar of dissertation committees.
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