A Key to the Field Identification of Sugar Cane Diseases, 571
Index A Key to the Field Identifi cation of Sugar Cane Clean Air Act (1963), 738 Diseases, 571 Clean Waters Act (1971), 735 Abbotsford Mill, 93 Crown Lands Alienation Act (1868), 44 Abergowrie, 292, 297 Discharged Soldiers’ Settlement Act (1917), 274 Abergowrie Scheme, 299, 300, 659 Diseases in Plants Act (1929), 575, 586 Aborigines: Imported Sugar Refi ners Act (1874), as canecutters, 630, 631, 633, 635, 637; as fi eld 232–233 labourers, 84, 88, 341; attacks on sugar Leasing Act (1866), 44 plantations, 1, 49; employed by Fairymead Local Government Act (1936), 408, 425 Sugar Co. Ltd., 630; gather seed from Plant Protection Act (1989), 602 legume crops on Palm Island, 354 Primary Producers’ Organisation and Marketing Acclimatisation Society, Queensland, 147, 148, Act (1926), 279 474; see also Q. 813 cane variety Queensland Harbours Act (1955), 794 A.C.F. and Shirleys Fertilisers Ltd., 357, 371, Regulation of Sugar Cane Prices Act (1915) 372, 373 (and subsequent amendments to), 272, acid sulphate soils, 440–441, 836 279, 281, 284, 289, 321, 575, 664, 689– Acts of Parliament: 690, 693, 695, 697 Australia: River Improvement Trust Act (1940), 409 Australian Industries Preservation Act (1906), Sugar Acquisition Act (1915), 770, 776 257 Sugar and Shearers’ Workers Accommodation Commercial Activities Act (1919), 773 Act (1905), 60, 614 Custom Tariff (Sugar Duties) Act (1922), 775 Sugar Cultivation Act (1913), 63, 108 Excise Tariff Act (1902), 58 Sugar Experiment Stations Act (1900) (and Excise Tariff Act (1905), 59 subsequent amendments to), 138,
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