CHAIR’S LETTER | SERVICE PROVIDERS | PERSONAL VIEW | INDUSTRY NEWS INFORMED THE VOICE OF INVESTOR RELATIONS IN THE UK ISSUE 96 AUTUMN 2017 Navigating a new landscape for IR a special feature G Virtual AGMs E S D ebt IR PLUS MiFID II: THE COMPANY VIEW BEST PRACTICE AWARDS UPDATE NEW SOCIETY PR COURSE CORPORATE WEBSITE RESEARCH Join us for the premier event in the IR calendar Best Practice Awards 2017 RRecognisingecognising andand RewardingRewarding Excellence in Investor Relations 6:30pm, Tuesday 21 November THE PAVILION AT THE TOWER OF LONDON, LONDON, EC3N 4AB For more information and to book your tickets: WWW.IRSOCIETY.ORG.UK/EVENTS/DINNER +44 (0) 20 7379 1763
[email protected] INFORMED AUTUMN 2017 CONTENTS 4 CHAIR’S LETTER Meeting the challenges ahead 17– 34 Navigating a new David Lloyd-Seed, chair, IR Society landscape for IR 5 NEWS FROM THE SOCIETY G Virtual AGMs E S Revd. Richard Coles to host 2017 awards (p5) New IR Society members (p7) Latest CIR and ICIR passes (p9) D 6 A PERSONAL VIEW ebt IR London markets at the centre of innovation John Gollifer, general manager, IR Society 17 Implementing IR for all classes of capital 8 INDUSTRY NEWS Susan Davy and Sarah Heald, Pennon Group Seeking consensus in MiFID II 19 A changing investment landscape creates new challenges for IROs MiFID II – what about the companies? (p11) Rachel Carroll, Edison Investment Research David Walker, Hays 21 The rise of alternative funding and the How the corporate website has evolved into an implications for IR important engagement tool (p13) Michael