The Ultimate Sandlot Movie Party
NEWS ARTS & CULTURE FOOD SCREENS MUSIC ✪ type of character, one that bursts with the unruly sympa- IT CHAPTER TWO thy of a soul wrestling with life. Which is why it was just D: Andy Muschietti; with Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, Bill Judy Hader, Isaiah Mustafa, Jay Ryan, James Ransone, Andy Bean, Bill kismet that an origin story on the Joker, Batman’s biggest Skarsgård, Jaeden Martell, Wyatt Oleff, Jack Dylan Grazer, Finn foil for 80-plus years, should land in Phoenix’s lap. But Wolfhard, Sophia Lillis, Chosen Jacobs, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Teach director Todd Phillips (The Hangover) has gone dark (but Grant. (R, 169 min.) not too dark) in this saga of Arthur Fleck’s transformation You’ve got to hand it to director Andy Muschietti. into a supervillain. There is a very overdetermined trajec- Adapting any Stephen King novel – or, for that matter, tory that maps out the transformation from Arthur’s trials shorter material – is always a hit-or-miss gig, but It to his blossoming as Joker. It feels completely empty, a Chapter Two manages to pull out all the stops and in nod to some kind of gravitas that this film really strives several areas actually tops the first film. 27 years after the for, but never, ever gets. It’s DC Comics playing rough, but events of the first film, the no-longer-Losers Club make not rough enough. (10/04/2019) good on their childhood promise to return to the well and HHn – Josh Kupecki ALAMO RITZ, ALAMO LAKELINE, ALAMO MUELLER, ALAMO SLAUGHTER truly cursed Maine hamlet of Derry, and destroy cosmic LANE, ALAMO S.
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