Borrowed Forms the Music and Ethics of Transnational Fiction
Borrowed Forms The Music and Ethics of Transnational Fiction Lachman, Borrowed Forms.indd 1 06/05/2014 09:30:15 Lachman, Borrowed Forms.indd 2 06/05/2014 09:30:15 Borrowed Forms The Music and Ethics of Transnational Fiction Kathryn Lachman LIVERPOOL UNIVERSITY PRESS Lachman, Borrowed Forms.indd 3 06/05/2014 09:30:15 Borrowed Forms First published 2014 by Liverpool University Press 4 Cambridge Street Liverpool L69 7ZU Copyright © 2014 Kathryn Lachman The right of Kathryn Lachman to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication data A British Library CIP record is available ISBN 978-1-78138-030-7 Typeset by Carnegie Book Production, Lancaster Printed and bound by Lachman, Borrowed Forms.indd 4 06/05/2014 09:30:15 Contents Contents Acknowledgements vii Introduction 1 1 From Mikhail Bakhtin to Maryse Condé: the Problems of Literary Polyphony 29 2 Edward Said and Assia Djebar: Counterpoint and the Practice of Comparative Literature 59 3 Glenn Gould and the Birth of the Author: Variation and Performance in Nancy Huston’s Les variations Goldberg 89 4 Opera and the Limits of Representation in J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace 113 Conclusion 137 Notes 147 Works Cited 175 Index 195 Lachman, Borrowed Forms.indd 5 06/05/2014 09:30:15 Lachman, Borrowed Forms.indd 6 06/05/2014 09:30:15 Acknowledgements Acknowledgements I completed this book at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where I have benefited greatly from the support and generosity of my chairs: Julie Hayes, Bill Moebius, Patrick Mensah, David Lenson, and Jim Hicks.
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