The Maine Bugle 1894
r THE MAINE BUGLE. Entered at the Po$t Office, Rockland, Me., at Second-Ctati Matter. Campaign I. January, 1894. Call i Its echoing notes your memories shall renew From sixty-one until the grant! review. UBLISHED QUARTERLY, JANUARY, APRIL, JULY AND OCTOBER, AND WILL BE THE ORGAN OF THE " MEN OF MAINE " WHO SERVED IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. NO OTHER STATE HAS A PROUDER RECORD. IT WILL CONTAIN THE PROCEEDINGS OF THEIR YEARLY REUNIONS, MATTERS OF HISTORIC VALUE TO EACH REGI- MENT, AND ITEMS OF PERSONAL INTEREST TO ALL ITS MEMBERS. IT IS ALSO THE ORGAN OF THE CAVALRY SOCIETY OF THE ARMIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND WILL PUBLISH THE ANNUAL PROCEEDINGS OF THAT SOCIETY AND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE VARIOUS REGIMENTS NORTH AND SOUTH WHICH PARTICIPATED IN THE WAR OF THE REBELUON. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, OR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A CALL Editors, Committees from the Maine Regiments. Published by the Maine Association. Address, J. P. Cuxey, Treasurer, RoCKlAND, Mainb. L rs^^ A . A. 41228 Save Money. — Regular Subscribers and those not regular subscribers to the Bugle may, by ordering through us the periodicals for which they arc subscrib- ers, add Bf r.i.E at a greatly reduced price if not without cost. Thus if you wish, let us say, Cosmopolitan and Harper^s Monthly, send the money through this ofTice and we will add Bugle to the list without extra cost. Regular With Price Bugle Arena, *5-oo Army and Navy Journal, Atlantic Monthly, Blue and CIray, Canadian Sportsman, Cassel's Family Magazine, Century, Cosmopolitan, Current Literature, Decorator and Furnisher, Demorest's Family Magazine Fancier, Godey's Ladies' Book, Harper's Bazar or Weekly, Harper's Magazine, Harper's Young People, Home Journal, Horseman, Illustrated American, Journal of Military Service and Institution, Judge, Life, Lippincott's Magazine, Littell's Living Age, North American Review, New England Magazine, Outing, Popular Science Monthly, Public Opinion, Review of Reviews, Scicntiiic American, Supplement, Both, same address.
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