Selected Bibliography
Selected Bibliography 4 Film Favorites: Lethal Weapon, Lethal Weapon 2, Lethal Weapon 3, Lethal Weapon 4. Los Angeles: Warner Bros., 2014. DVD. 24: The Complete Series. 2001–2010. Produced by Robert Cochran and Joel Surnow. Los Angeles: 20th Century Fox Entertainment, 2010. DVD. 48 Hours. DVD. Directed by Walter Hill. Paramount Pictures, 1999. A Good Day to Die Hard. Directed by John Moore. 20th Century Fox, 2013. Amazon Prime. A Stranger Among Us. Directed by Sidney Lumet. Hollywood Pictures, 1992. A Thief of Time. DVD. Directed by Chris Eyre. PBS Home Video, 2004. Abalos, David T. The Latino Male: A Radical Redefinition. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2002. Abbott, Megan E. The Street Was Mine: White Masculinity in Hardboiled Fiction and Film Noir. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. Adams, Rachel, and David Savran, eds. The Masculinity Studies Reader, Keyworks in Cultural Studies. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2002. Alias—Seasons 1–5, Complete Series. 2001–2006. Produced by J. J. Abrams. Burbank, CA: Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 2006. DVD. Allen, Judith A. “Men Interminably in Crisis? Historians on Masculinity, Sexual Boundaries, and Manhood.” Radical History Review no. 82 (Winter 2002). Allen, Robert C., and Douglas Gomery. Film History: Theory and Practice. New York: Random House, 1985. © The Author(s) 2019 259 M. Yaquinto, Policing the World on Screen, 260 Selected Bibliography Allen, Theodore W. The Invention of the White Race. New York: Verso, 1997. Alpert, Geoffrey P., and Roger G. Dunham. Policing Urban America. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1997. Alsultany, Evelyn.
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